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foreign what's going on everyone are you a big brother Fred as you can see I had my first child I uh cannot be any more proud of anything that I've done in life that that's an amazing experience I don't want to give too much about you know about him I want to keep him as kind of private I just want to let you guys know that I am now a father uh one of my one of the proudest moments of my life one of the most accomplishing uh things that I've had happen uh but yeah so anyways today we're going to be working on this thing um this bin right here is actually empty I'll show you guys as we get going here but uh my plan I wanted to put an oxygen acetylene tanks in that bin sadly that bin is a little too short uh depth wise to fit uh the oxygen tank that I have so my original plan was I was gonna cut the cut the bottom out of the floor and you know like box it in the floor drop it down uh but after measuring everything I'd have to cut cut the floor out and drop it down 10 inches and uh that just wouldn't look right so what we're gonna end up doing is actually uh Ox the oxygen tank you can lay down on their side so what I'm going to do is put the oxygen tank in this bin right here and I'm gonna there's a there's a wall right there I'm going to cut that wall out and have that oxygen tank poking out and then I'll have the settling tank in there and then uh I can put all my oxygen acetylene tank or uh put all my ox or my uh my hoses for the tanks in there and you know a couple other things and actually use have that been usable another thing I'm going to do is I'm going to make a shelf for that side Bend and put all my power tools and just kind of organize the truck a little bit more uh for any of you guys that do have a utility truck service truck whatever you want to call them when you first set them up you think that uh the setup that you have is the best that you could ever have but as you use a truck and kind of learn um what could you kind of learn what's going to work best so all right let's get you let's get uh going on this and get something set up um I did want to have some videos uh posted before uh my son came but uh he changed the plans for that so uh sorry for the delay and the the Hiatus uh the the couple days without a video here but uh for me my family is going to take a priority of priority priority over everything else so we're gonna get back to it let's keep this train rolling oh also uh the day that my son was born we hit 30 000 subscribers I really appreciate that and thank you all right so we're gonna get this thing all unlocked um I have read a couple comments wondering why I lock all my bins you know like religiously even if I'm leaving the truck for five minutes um reason for that is I got a lot of money invested in tools sitting in this truck um second reason is obviously my truck and my equipment is more into the public eye so there's a lot of people that know what's in this truck I may I may not have shown like everything that's in there but uh it's just a personal preference of mine to keep this thing locked up uh there's thousands of dollars worth of tools in here and like I said with it being in the public I I just don't know you know what what stranger's intentions are with this thing so the the goal for me is to keep it locked um I actually plan on eventually here making the the locks a little bit better on this truck as well it's just a kind of a nervous feeling for me knowing that a lot of people know what kind of tools I'm carrying with me and and so on so that is the reason for locking this thing up constantly like that but yeah so we're gonna get this thing all unloaded or get this bin emptied out here and uh I'd like to get that oxygen tank in here and uh you know just utilize as much possible room that I have in this truck the you know in my opinion be the ultimate uh utility truck uh the only thing that I would change about this truck and this setup is I would love love love to have a uh a crane a side mounted crane on this thing but at the same time you know I have have my skid loader I have my loader you know stuff for lifting like that so and this is also a business slash personal use truck so I it'd be it's nice to have it kind of set up kind of discreetly if you guys are if you guys understand what I'm trying to say here but uh yeah so actually well I got this bin emptied out and everything too I'm gonna sweep and clean this out uh this is this is that wall that I was telling you that I'm gonna punch out so that way the tank can fit in here and uh another thing that I'd like to do is uh like I said vacuum this all out and uh put some carpet down there the reason for putting the carpet down is I don't want to ruin the oxygen tank you know what the thing is running down the road and scratching the paint off I've made the mistake before where I've had a tank and it got scratched and the gas company said nope not today we will not take that tank and I had to buy another tank and uh so carpets I actually have some old carpet laying around so I'm gonna put this fill this bin up with some carpet and try to save myself a headache of spending more money [Music] all right let's get our carpet cut um I actually have yes some small rolls back here and this stuff's a little bit more durable than uh the other rug that I got going there this carpet doesn't have to be perfect so we're not going to do a straight edge or anything like that we're just gonna kind of eyeball this that should work out great so I'm going to take this carpet out here before I start making some Sparks I'm gonna go grab my oxygen tank and uh just kind of get an idea of where I want this and how I want it [Music] for any of you guys that can uh walk walk these tanks you guys make that look so easy especially when you got like two of them going I don't know how you guys do it I've tried and try and try and sometimes I just get irritated and pick the thing up and just carry it because it's quicker for me so yeah the idea for me is it get it just to make a big enough hole for the top of that tank to slide through and then just fit in here and then make something to hold the tank in place and then make a shelf in here for everything so let's get to it originally I was thinking about just cutting out this entire section but I I really I guess I don't want to do that anymore because I I what I was going to plan on doing was putting two tanks side by side but I don't know I I don't use the Torches enough so what I if this was if I was a full-time welding rig yes I'd have more tanks in here but I'm just setting this truck up to be like when I'm on a job I have just about everything I need to fix something if something does were to happen um if I need more I have more you know I have extra tanks and everything everything sitting here at home um the idea of this truck is if something breaks I can get it uh you know patched back together enough to limp it back home or whatever the case may be pretty much the gist of that and then I'm just gonna go like this run the top of the tank this is going to be a taller obviously when I caught it it's going to be a little bit uh higher than the tank itself because it is sitting on a Ledge about an inch so and the the goal is just to get just to get the uh valve head through the through the uh other side there [Music] pretty much just to the bottom of these holes there I'm just gonna make a quick mark and then I think if I were to go about this size let's make sure this is level Square so yeah pretty much I'm just gonna be punching that corner out right there bada bing bada boom okie dokie got that pocket cut out let's get our carpet in there see all that uh that tank makes it in there no oh boy problems with uh doing uh two cameras one always gets in the way so let's see here probably yeah I'm gonna try to cut this down here at this neck I'm gonna cut that down a little bit lower um let's see here actually [Music] no I think thing I might keep that there because then that gives me um I guess the only thing that I would change here is I'm going to put something around that I'm gonna obviously get the grinder and smooth that out but then I'll get some like old gas line or like rubber hose and glue it around that edge there sorry there's not a sharp edge around that tank but yeah that's uh pretty much what I was shooting for I can still get some tools in right here and then uh I'm gonna build a shelf like just above this thing to get uh tools there so right on I like that I got some old Garden holes that I had laying around that'll work out pretty good for doing that someone have a measurement here like that and I don't think we need obviously they don't there's no need for one on top but uh definitely on the bottom and on the sides so this garden hose should work out pretty slick for that nothing like having a sharp razor knife eh yeah that's nice then we you don't have to worry about it uh getting all scratched up the heck uh sharp edge there I like it the only thing I gotta figure out is how I want to Oh I wanna like actually Mount the tank so it's solid in there kind of thinking of you know possibly something ideally what I'd like to do is get a ratchet strap like and just weld one of these hooks there and then this just down but sadly this ratchet strap that I have it's two too long and what I mean by too long is this end right here you can't choke it up far enough because it's got this uh it's sold right there so that is not going to work sadly so for the time being we'll just make do with what we got here and kind of just keep plugging along here I think uh what would help me figure this out on how I want to tie it down is get the Shelf in here and uh see where the Shelf lies so that way I can uh know for sure where I can you know Mount this tank down so we're gonna get some measurements here and get a piece cut for that uh I only have quarter inch steel here at the house which is pretty thick for you know just making a shelf and a bin here but it's what I have and it's one of these things that I want to get done while I didn't well I wasn't really working working because of uh my son he's just spending spending some time at the house here with my wife just uh helping out as needed so that looks like 40 44 and 15 16. 44 and 15 16. but we're just gonna go a little short on this Shelf let me write 44 and 15 16 Stone before I forget that 44 and 15 16 because my mind does not retain numbers and then we're just gonna make this a um we're going to say a 11 and a half inch shelf eleven and one half so yeah we'll get our steel out here get a piece cut grab a square and a straight edge let's make our lines and grab our uh Steel grab our steel cutting saw when I say the seals uh the steel cutting saw makes a lot of noise man do they ever yeah I'm actually gonna go grab a pencil because uh marker is not ink sawing everything I've had a couple of these inks all markers and I don't know I don't think they're all cracked up to what they're uh their claim of Fame is is going to the classic pencil here and make our marks that way that's a way better looking lion in my opinion on barrier side bin here this is kind of my drunk drawer on this on the truck pretty much stuff that I don't use daily comes in hangs out in this bin [Music] [Music] well that's just how that goes I uh didn't realize that the blade was junk on that so how are we gonna do this now I think what I'm going to do is actually fire up the Torches and cut this out with the Torches don't I didn't want to do that because it makes kind of a goobering cut a kind of a crappy cut but that's what I got for now so we're gonna make do with that let there be fire [Music] all right foreign how poorly that thing fits in there now because I had to cut it with a torch kind of stinks but that's just part of it sometimes you just gotta make do with what you got and deal with it you know uh first we're probably gonna let that cool off um well probably gonna put my tailgate down here and grind off all right any of the goobers that are on there before I even try making it fit uh but first I need to get some pliers to lift that thing up probably a screwdriver too to get underneath it first [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] thank you okay so that's done let's uh get some mittens on because I'm sure that thing's still kind of toasty and kind of give this thing a test fit and then if it fits it ships kidding uh if it fits so we'll uh get that tacked in there and go from there I gotta say uh one of the best things I did to this truck was obviously the utility box but uh putting that Vise on there I don't know how people can go through this life going through life without advice they are an amazing tool to have so let's see how this thing fits see if I measured right snog is a bug on a rug which is exactly what I wanted so Let's uh see here how do I want to get this thing in there or not how do I want to get this thing in there because obviously it's in there but uh what spacers uh what can I use as a spacer to hold it in place well I get this in there the one thing I can think of is if I got a two by four over there so yeah let's get a measurement on how high we want that shelf and then we'll just shove a 2x4 under each end and hold it up that way kind of want let's see here would eight inches be we'll do eight and a half inches I think that will be pretty good for what we're trying to do here so let's get our saw that's got two bars on it and run over here to our uh two by four collection which is one of the boards holding up the uh tongue of this trailer perfect [Laughter] and cut it to eight and a half inches and that will be our spacer to hold that shelf up let's grab my pencil Square and go from there I'm gonna pull it and I didn't even know it the oh my ridiculous so what did I say eight and a half right yeah so eight and a half make a mark perfect perfect perfect [Music] Let's uh wow oh that hurt my finger I need a pry bar I'm weak come on Struggle Bus you know what I'll just do that [Music] let's get the welder out here get this thing tacked in see if we can still pull that tank in and out which I don't see why we shouldn't why we wouldn't be able to but uh it's all coming together just kind of like how I Vision besides the minor setbacks of tool difficulties but that's just uh part of this and I'm also very excited about welding this in because I bought myself a new welder it is a Millermatic 211. which I am very excited to try out because the only welder that I have is a engine Drive uh obviously for a small project like this it just doesn't pay to you know fire the thing up and put a couple tack welds in so I had always wanted one of these and I finally bit the bullet and got it and if I'm being uh completely honest the reason why I got it is like I said I wanted one but I also wanted to do this project and I was like well if I'm going to do this I have to buy a welder right so we went out and bought one and I've used I've used it a couple of times I I shouldn't say it's like brand new and I haven't used it obviously when I bought it I had to try the thing out so but I didn't use it on like any actual projects it was just a piece of scrap steel I had laying around and uh just kind of playing around with it that way the only thing that I'm kind of concerned about is they say that you can run these off a 110. and 220 um I was really hoping with one time that I would be able to run it off the garage and have enough power you know to run with us but to be completely honest it doesn't seem like the breakers in my garage can handle it and then when I plug it into the house like to an outlet inside the house I don't get a lot of run time off of it like maybe 10 minutes before it trips a breaker which kind of defeats the purpose of running this thing off a 110. in my opinion you know a normal a normal house Outlet I'm hoping that's just because the house outlet that I have is just you know the the service coming to the house just isn't enough uh for this machine but I could totally be wrong and it could just be that this machine needs you know it can it can run off a 110 but not for long and if that's the case I kind of uh got screwed in a sense because I was really hoping like I said I could run it off 110 continuously obviously I'm not gonna I'm not trying to run you know like do some heavy heavy duty welding but I don't know this kind of stinks all right [Music] okie dokie well I apologize my camera died I didn't realize that but and I'm not going to take everything back out there but that worked out pretty slick you know I got my uh impact grease gun saw I'm glad that I cut this shelf uh inch and a half short because it actually works out really good for my skill saw I can set it right there and when I close the door it pushes up right against it so it you know it's not going to fall down stuff that's behind it isn't going to go all over the place so I'm pretty uh pretty thrilled about that um now I can actually I have room I can take my all my grinding desk and wheels and everything that I got here and make a home for it inside this bin because I just uh the truck was a little a little unorganized before pick up that screw before I forget where that went and make some problems but uh before it was just so unorganized and I didn't have a good home for the stuff so now I can put my grinding disc up there oh forgot one but we're gonna leave that right there you know stuff that I'm gonna use kind of more on a regular basis works out pretty slick right there um but yeah no I'm pretty happy with the way that this is turning out um something I'm glad I did now the only thing that I want to do before I've finished this project up is I actually want to make a hook in here to hang my my uh hoses for my tanks and then I can hang my extension cord and extension cards and whatever else I may want and they're in the future so this is just going to be kind of like you know straps and and uh just loose random stuff honestly anyway Let's uh make a hook that's pretty aggressive get this thing cut and then uh get this thing welded in there all right [Music] probably grab my welding hood so you guys are gonna have to take a break here for a second because uh that ain't working out can't see what I'm doing uh maybe I can just tool the welding hood and uh go over there [Music] [Music] yeah that's not gonna work out you guys are gonna have to hang on okie dokie there's the hook should work out for what I need it to do beautiful thing about uh this is I actually have some tool pouches and I don't use these it's like really that often so first thing that's going to go on there is I'll I'll use the uh I'll probably end up using the um torches and everything before I even come close to using my pouches so first things first those are gonna go there then I am going to grab all of my torch stuff and hang my torches there because uh I'll use extension cords more than that um everybody has their way of how they organize a truck I'm just going off of experience annoying how I want this uh taken care of and uh just to be the most efficient when I'm doing a project and uh yeah for me this is very exciting because uh I've had some other service trucks utility trucks whatever you whatever you guys call them and uh they've never been anywhere close to being this organized um they were pretty much just a you know a tool bin and I there was the the Box itself wasn't that big so the organization really didn't work out that great for me so what ended up happening every time was you know I just had to throw stuff in there and just make do with it every time I needed to grab something I would have to uh you know like dig half the truck apart which it's fine and all but when you're trying to do things efficiently and you know look a little bit more professional when you pull up to a job with a truck that's organized you know the homeowner homeowner you know there's they're spending quite a bit of money with you they kind of want to see some organization because otherwise they're thinking that they're paying you extra for time that you're spending trying to dig and grab tools you know and this way just everything's there and I'm I'm ready to go I've been wanting these torch tanks in the struck for a long time no one finally add some uh some time to make this happen which I am very excited about torch hoses are in there uh what else do I want to squeeze oh I want to put my come along in there because again it's another one of those tools it's nice to have with you all you just don't use like every day kind of deal so slap that in right there that hook should be plenty I would think for this yeah I don't see why it wouldn't [Music] I don't know about you guys but I always find it fascinating and uh how other people organize their trucks I've actually to be completely honest I've gotten a couple of my ideas from YouTube videos from other people setting up their trucks that I've watched so YouTube is a great thing okie dokie well you guys seen it got that been organized that Ben's organized that bin filled up pretty dang quick but uh that's good so we're gonna get this closed up and pack everything up uh my son needs a bath so we're gonna head there go do that and then start editing this video for you guys hope you guys enjoyed this one I always uh found it fascinating when you start a project even if it's just like a small small little project that in your head should only take you 10 minutes it always turns out to be a bigger project than uh than what you were thought you thought it was going to be that's so it always goes but anyways I uh that little Miller welder I just found out now but if you would turn it the amperage down to Alias this is for my house but if you turn it down to the 16 gauge um it allows uh you can actually weld with it without a trip and Breakers constantly so that's kind of a plus you're not welding anything heavy that way but for a project like this it worked out pretty slick do you guys have a certain way that you guys wrap up chords I always plug the two ends together kind of hold it short wrap it all up you know folding an extension cord in half obviously it's less times you got to fold it so I do that then I leave a little tail like this what I do is I wrap it around and then stick that little tail through and then that little uh little eyelet right there that's all you need to uh hang it then so you don't have a big glob of uh extension cord to try wrapping up works out pretty good that's all my uh my grandpa taught me and that's just the way I've done it ever since obviously the one thing I like about this little Millermatic is that it's so Compact and light that you can literally just I mean you could pretty much go anywhere with the thing some of you guys have been asking what what glasses I wear um I honestly did not know I knew that they were Oakleys but just uh made me think about it they are Oakley frog skins for me they are a very comfortable sunglass to wear they're kind of stylish uh but I do like for any of you guys that know that you working outside these have the clear frames uh you know uh frames the side of your face there the reason why I like that is I used to get some pretty wicked sunglass Tan Lines um so when I found those I'm like oh that's pretty neat I don't know how well it's going to work with the sunglass tan lines but uh I have still the faint one but nothing crazy like what I used to have so uh that's my first pair of those they're getting pretty worn out and beat up eventually I'm going to be replacing those so for you guys have been asking they are Oakley frog skins all right anyways guys that's uh that's a wrap on this truck I'm sure there's gonna be more to come with things I want to change actually I do it I do know that there's more things I want to change and update to this I'd like to add more lighting to it especially like work lights and backup lights um I do want to put a fuel transfer tank in here for filling up the equipment and just have that wired up to a switch so I don't you know I can just turn the switch on and start pumping I don't have to have an auxiliary battery or anything like that but uh anyways hope you guys are enjoying the videos I'm enjoying doing these videos for you guys that's it's a neat experience I've said that multiple times now but uh like I said in the beginning of the video that's amazing that we hit 30 000 subscribers that's I didn't think I'd get to that point uh but yeah let's get keep this train rolling uh like the video subscribe and uh let's keep going so anyways we'll catch you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: AMW Services
Views: 63,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cyFTSIgJ09E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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