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morning everyone kind of getting a late start to the day here it's a little after 7 right now had to drop my sun off at daycare so anyways uh we're going to go finish that job that we started yesterday morning which is where I had ripped out the sidec car parking there and then front sidewalk uh today the plan is to get all the top soil put in where the sidecar parking was and get the front sidewalk all formed up and ready for Saturday morning when I pour it uh today is uh Wednesday so I'll get the sidewalk set up and won't be able to pour it until Saturday it is what it is but uh anyways I got to go run to the yard go grab the dump trailer pick up some top soil and then we'll see you guys at the job there um one thing I am kind of considering with my dump trailer is because that truck does or that the dump trailer already has a hydraulic pump in there I love to put in a hydraulic jack uh because right now you know I'm taking the trailer on and off daily be nice to have something just hit a switch and the trailer can come on and off so all right let's get to it okay so I got the I'm here at the job now I got everything kind of set up got the trailer tilted up and everything you guys have seen that a million times but the plan here is to obviously put top soil in here uh the reason why he wanted to get rid of the sidecar parking it was actually pitching towards his garage and every time it rained he would get water in the garage so what I'm going to do is on this side right here I'm going to build this up higher kind of right below that that white trim board there and go thinner that way and have it um go out that direction so yeah kind of the gist of what I'm got what I got going on here so let's get to it [Applause] [Music] oh get all the top soil's down um when I got top soil I Got 5 yards which would have been about a yard more than what I kind of calculated I got about a yard and a half left which is totally fine because I'm going to be Excavating that front sidewalk so I'll dig all that stuff out and then I'll just dump all that top soil at the dump site I'd rather uh have too much top soil right now and get rid of it then have to make another trip to go get some more so um I'm going to go get the grass seed and straw mat get this finished and then start Excavating the front over there okay so I got this grass seed from complete uh Lawn and Landscape they uh generally where I go for all my grass seed straw at kind of landscape supplies I guess I should say that's a 20 lb bag of shady mix um that entire area right there doesn't really see any sun so something that I learned a while ago is that there is different mixes of grass seed I would have never thought in a million years that there would be different grass seeds but there is and trust me when I say if you use the wrong stuff it don't work you might get lucky but no guaranteeing I hate using the straw M it's I know it's just always a nightmare for me to try doing it so got the straw mat grass seed oh I need my staks to put the mat down and then my door handle broke so I got to reach inside and grab the door like that but that's future Michael's problem to deal with so all right have everything I need here let's get this uh stuff laid down and then excavate that front there get all my Heights set up and get some forms down um probably not going to put any forms in right away I got to excavate go dump uh what I got left here and including what I excavate from there uh run this stuff off to the dump and then I got to stop at Home Depot Minards or something to get some uh 2x4s and a kind of a bendable he wants a rounded Corner in there so and I don't have anything at home or at the shop or anything right now so I got to pick something up get this grass seat opened up and start throwing it out it's like throwing chicken feed chicken feed chicken feed chicken feed that sucks it would have been nice if it was exactly the same width but it's not we got to deal with what we got [Music] [Music] so not much really has to get dug out of here for the fact of that I'm going to be raising this stuff up cuz it actually settled so I'm going to bring it up a little bit so should all work out good pretty much just got to skim it get some gravel down there put my pins in and the way we go [Music] [Music] all right I'll take the rest by hand and way we go all right going to go empty that out and then comeing here with a bucket kind of scrape a little bit more in that area clean this up and should be good to go all right everything's excavated so not that it's a big area but yeah it's going to be kind of flare out over here and I have a radius Corner match that stoop and then also match this corner right here so I'm going to run and go dump that stuff get a load of gravel and some forms and get this set up and we'll be back here on Saturday to pour [Music] [Music] this guy here to the Cory here to get rid of this dirt um get this dumped out head over to Schmitz get some some base material for the uh slab there and I'm also going to pick up some rebar for uh for this stuff so but let's get this dumped off head over to Schmid's get that and get this stuff all formed up and everything oh I almost forgot I need to pick up some forms so before I go to schmidtz I'm going to run to Menards just get some 2x4s and a little bendable for that uh radius Corner not going to bring you guys along it's literally just going to Menards for 2x4s so all right catch up in a little bit here okay back here at the job um I'm going to start getting Heights set and everything I picked up fors also grab some gravel from shs so I'm going to get my height established on the stoop and go from there okay so that's going to be our height they'll have a 5 and 1/2 in Step going up into the front of the house here grab some pins 2x4 start getting some stuff in here [Music] okie dokie everything's set up the way I want it uh I'm going to start putting some gravel in here and get this all ready to go okay I got everything graded I think I mentioned it already uh I did go in compact it didn't record that it took 2 seconds to compact it anyways I got a little too much gravel so what I'm going to do is I'm going to run back to Schmid's dump off what I got there uh come back load up the machine and then uh everything's ready besides putting a couple pins into that stoop to prevent it from settling but uh we're almost there so not not sure how much more I'm going to record here today but uh for sure I'll be obviously recording once uh we're boring I also wanted to mention sometimes it uh sucks having a dump trailer just for the reason the dump trailer is what hauls my equipment so I can never you know have a load or anything in it so like today's a perfect example I had too much Stone got to run all the way back to schmidtz when I say all the way back I mean it's only 20 minutes but by the time I get there and get back that's going to be an hour wasted for my day but it is what it is eventually I'll get a tandem axle or something but right now is just not the time I uh my focus this year is to start building a house so I'm going to save as much money as I got save as much money as possible and make it work so kind of miss having my own place all right well I haven't recorded much um since the last clip that you guys saw obviously I got the loader all loaded up gravel taking back to schmidtz um I have an estimate to go to so I'm going to drop the trailer off here but uh I'll pick this video back up on Saturday morning when we start pouring that patio or no not patio sidewalk um today is Wednesday so we'll see you guys then all right good morning guys I got jiren with me today we're going to be pouring this uh sidewalk like I mentioned in the last clip here um I did bring my cordless grinder I'm going to cut some of this rebar and drill some dolls into that stoop have Jaren pound those in but uh right now we're just going to get start getting stuff unloaded here I'll show you how to do that gra the other end so what I'll do just plug the ends together like that Loop it over pull see how I have that little bit of a tail MH I just wrap that around and loop it through all right I think I got everything I need out of the truck pull this thing out on the road and get it out of the way and then we wait for the truck to show up which the truck is scheduled for 8:00 today it's only 7:30 right now so we're pretty we're uh we're ahead of time concrete's here have them spin around how we doing today you guys getting busy yeah I'm today yeah you want to try it see how you can do you got it just get get in square and just come on in dump it over here good good [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] get one more buggy and then scrape his shoots out we got plenty all right so have them wash out all right [Applause] okay all the concrete's down got a bull FL it now [Applause] [Music] those wheel barrels aren't too bad no what you how'd you dump that other one he had it over too far so left side of the barrel I had it there I to take it up oh there's too much weight on that left side I knew it was going to happen [Music] yeah so right now we're just kind of edging getting this ready I bull floated already obviously okay all the edges are done kind of got a little goober over here I got to take care of but now it's just to hurry up and wait I didn't put any chloride or anything any accelerator in this um cuz I wanted to give jiren some time to kind of play around with it and get the feel for it so I'm going to wash this wheel barrel out and go from there all right concrete's kind of starting to do something here so I'm going to cut some joints in got all right give another 10 15 minutes 10 15 to 30 minutes and we'll get going on this yes sir [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he here buddy turn and catch that okay wash that off and away we go start stripping the forms and that's uh another complete project of the Year there we go all right everyone pretty much just got to put stuff in the truck here just got to put stuff in the truck here um and collect my money but uh next job that I'll be doing is a pretty big patio it's uh 23t by 28 ft and then also doing a side car parking extension for them uh the extension is only 50 ft by uh 3T wide so nothing huge but uh the patio is going to be a big patio it has a thicken edge around the edge there and uh I believe it's going to be a little over 11 yards of of concrete that's needed just for the patio which is one of the biggest patios I've done so far so we'll uh we'll get it figured out but Jaren you got anything to say before we end the day here but yeah no this job went good I uh jiren got to learn a little bit I'm not sure if I actually recorded it but he got to do a little bit of edging and then use the M you know it's just one of those things the more you do it the more you learn and he'll figure it out but what do you think jiren I thought it was pretty cool really cool experience so he's going to be uh the next full-time finisher for AMW uh probably about 15 years from now he's kind of a slow learner I'm kidding no he's a he's a great kid I'm happy to work with him so all right anyways uh that's it for today we'll catch you guys on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: AMW Services
Views: 42,920
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Id: eHwusfpyptQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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