New Orleans Saints versus the Atlanta falcons 1991 playoffs

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for years dominated by two teams the San Francisco 49ers and secondarily the Los Angeles Rams this of course has been one of the I don't want to say great rivalries then it's been a good rivalry through the years they've met a lot but clearly the first time under these circumstances but the whole NFC West now goes upside down with New Orleans in Atlanta in LA San Francisco out well the one thing you can say about it out and I think it's when you look at this rivalry was so important to the two teams I mean maybe it wasn't as important to the rest of the league but it was so important to these two ball clubs because they were just about all they had they both came in the league about the same time 66 and 67 and if they could count on the possibility of winning a game it was against each other the one thing I have to say about today's game we saw a 10-6 game there in Kansas City between the Chiefs a narrator I don't look for that here today I I'll be very surprised if today's game isn't extremely exciting a lot of big plays we have a lot of contrasts today one of them in terms of the two head coaches you have Jerry Glanville on one side who is the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons a long time assistant coach Jim Mora who is 56 years old in his fifth season as the head coach of the Saints on the left and the two yesterday shared some thoughts with us I've been a head coach six years and now I'm six in seniority tied with more I've been the head coach so I mean we and that's why I take time I have some fun that's why you don't take yourself too seriously because nobody else is I think the worst thing that masti is you think boy this is it I made it and Here I am and don't have fun along the way you know I hope that I'm able to coach for a long time I I still am enthusiastic about about coaching I don't feel old and as long as you know I can I can be in a situation and I'm comfortable with which I am here in New Orleans I I want to coach for a long time anytime I've had a chance to meet with him I think he's you know a gentleman he does it okay he looked at the film you look at the film the film is your resume and they play like and I told the team this the first time we came in here sure the 49ers got town the Rams got all those but the team that plays like us is the Saints they get after you they hustle a hit they do it as a team they're not star oriented and they play like we want to play I like him I mean I don't know Jerry Jerry very well from a social standpoint but I his team's I respect the way his teams play and I think he's he does a great job getting his guys ready to play every week and they're always well prepared and he's won a lot of games as a coach we played a real good football last year but did not get it done at the end did not get the last shot to go in the hoop and that's us were the NBA of the National Football League our last shots got to go in if it goes in you're mad but we go home the winter and if the ball gets kicked out or it doesn't go in then you know we don't really look so good but we play for the last shot that's us you know I don't I don't know if a phrase or a catchphrase to characterize them but they're a team it's just I felt like it played consistently close to his potential over the 16 games he's we've basically been in every game that that we've lost and they've just hung tough my background would be you know 50% I'm usually like mean 50% can't stand that sort of follows with the fans in the cities and the you know my rule is if you're hanging 50/50 you you're better most folks I probably tend to keep a little bit of a distance from my players I just have always has always been my philosophy and I I hope these guys respect me and I I don't think they all like me but I hope most of them do you know I would I would like them to but if they don't they don't you know I but I'm not a guy that's going to spend a lot of time socially with the players or get too close to the players and I think that's just where I am two very different coaches and joining us today on the sidelines Tim Brant our colleague is standing by let's go down to him now Tim Frank I had an opportunity to visit with both coaches and as you heard Jerry Glanville he is unique there is no question about it he was telling me he has caused so much distraction for his team during the regular season that when you get to the distractions of the playoffs his club is ready and very loose and loose they are as a matter of fact Tim akairo came out to loosen up and he was wearing his Super Bowl championship rings from the 49ers on the other hand of course you've got the Jim Warren and Jim Moore is very serious his main concerns right now I think is the health of his ballclub everybody knows the story of Bobby Hebert played about six games with that separated shoulder and then he sat out Walsh took over he's back now he's playing well look very crisp here in warm-ups but they are still very concerned about that shoulder on the other hand Eric Martin was kicked in practice on Thursday he has a well-filled tender still soreness but he too had a good workout I think they're most concerned with Reginald Jones the cornerback he is coming back had sat out a couple of games because of his injured shoulder they need him badly especially the way that Atlanta spreads that attack they go with the four wide and they're going to test all those defensive backs here this afternoon so there's the report from both coaches and a little bit of a surprise from the Atlanta as the distractions and everything else that Jerry Glanville causes he's bringing in MC Hammer they're waiting his arrival now to surprise the team he's going to lead them in the pregame prayer and also with a little bit of rap guys all right Jim you better leave a damn C off however a lot of characters performing here one of them of course primetime the primetime one a Deion Sanders a great football player controversial and we'll be taking a very close look at the young cornerback come back just a moment [Music] thank you Frank I'm with Todd Marinovich and Todd this is a kind of game a lot of dreams a lot of hopes in and in terms of what you wanted to do tell me what was happening in your mind at first half there was a lot going on and we were just sticking to our basic game plan they came out around a little different stuff with cherry coming down robbing our receivers and he did an excellent job and I just you know wish I could have performed a little bit better for our guys and that's the way things go and this is a big time game and I'll never forget it but the game plan was it modified for you Todd pull back a bit so you wouldn't have too much to think about out there not really we did more this week than last week and and they didn't really do change much easier on defense it was just a hard-fought game and you know at the end there I didn't want to I didn't want to take this uniform off I'm playing with some legends and I didn't want the seasoned Dan and a lot of people start thinking about Kenny's table number twelve two sleeves torn out there what was a difference in the second half what did you change I just started to seeing things more but I mean I just had to wake up and see cherry it was coming in there making play so I just spotted him and just started you know just playing catch going into the open receiver yeah there were a lot of people wondering whether Todd Marinovich could play NFL football for a short college career you feel like you've answered them in the short period of time I hope so but if not yet there I get I got a lot to see yet they don't know what's coming I think people certainly believe you are the future sorry about the loss but we know we're going to see some great games for you later on thanks Alan okay Frank all right Thank You Lynn pretty gracious quarterback you throw four interceptions it's kind of hard to get him on camera today Todd Marinovich and of course he does have a future the future is now for a youngster we saw three years ago guys Deion Sanders remember here in the Sugar Bowl Florida State going against Auburn and we had some questions about him at the time then and you remember we voiced them 200 sure you know the one thing about Deion Sanders he must be a good luck charm among other things because the Braves went from last to first the Falcons who time from last to first wherever he goes his team wins and of course he loves that nickname and he loves the limelight he's one of these guys that I think likes to put a lot of pressure on himself well and that's because when you're that type of a football player or baseball player you can respond to that kind of pressure and you know it's really kind of uncool to call somebody a great athlete well Deion Sanders isn't just a great athlete he's a remarkable athlete but he is so much more as we're going to find out here in this little piece prime time Sanders is too legit to quit when Deion Sanders entered the NFL three years ago many thought he was all style and no substance a two-sport athlete like bo Jackson except a football was fianc first love and what he actually seemed to be best at was getting attention along the way however many obtains their minds about Deion Sanders especially his peers this year he was elected through the Pro Bowl you know it just enhanced there this guy is not out there just you know just a hot dog having a good time he's a player he is too legit to quit he's too legit his hammer would say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Sanders who could do perfectly Jerry Glanville style has helped Atlanta forge a new identity up slicing and you know kids hang on you every word so you really have to be careful when I know I'm touching a lot of people and I like to sound like I'm happy I'm happy with my job you know some people get up in the morning go to work and say damn I get him sell right let's go let's go do it neon is enough meat about everything it's very difficult for him to talk about his father whom he hasn't lived with since he was a little boy he's you know been dealing with drugs for a while and you know it hurts me inside because I think you know he's gone old enough where he's too old for it you know it should have been stopped by now I want to do things for him but I'm scared too because I've tried and I've tried many times it is Zeon's mother whom he calls his friend who has been his support we grew up together we learned a lot of things together you know I owe my whole life and career to her because I remember staying home one day and she said baby wanna play some football see ya I give it a shot and the rest is a Cinderella story falcons are colorful team they have some colorful followers this is hammer Tim brass with him all right Frank they've to hope that Cinderella story continues today Grammy Award winning hammer is with me they have just adopted too legit to quit how did that come about hat who wasn't with the Falcons that initiated that and got that off of your help well you know our Deion Sanders and Andre Rison and Jerry Glanville all in the video and after the video they just kind of docked the song you were in the locker room what is the mood in there right now oh it's the same as usual they all fired up ready to go too legit to quit hey good thing you have all right get your ticket at the door back up you friend okay what a colorful group the Atlanta Falcons by now it's time for our regular feature on what's new in the world of sports science and technology [Applause] Canon NFL wildcard playoff report continues as we await the kickoff Atlanta and New Orleans to find quarterbacks performing here today Chris Miller of course with the Atlanta Falcons strong arm Pro Bowl quarterback many expected great future for this youngster and he is still young even though he's been starting for three years but the real poignant stories surround Bobby a bear the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints he was out during their four-game losing streak he missed all of last year is a fascinating story and it most certainly is a different time right now for Bobby than it was a year ago a year ago things were so very different for Saints quarterback Bobby Hebert the kid they call the Cajun cannon there was no NFC West Division title there was no applause for a bear there was only promised me professionally he said I'll be entire 1990 season due to a contract dispute move that did not sit well with a lot of people in the world missing football miss in the conversation that was you know probably the hardest but I believe as an individual you know you have to stand up for what you believe and you know how to enough hobbies and enough outside interests to keep me busy it was you know pretty much hard I guess around Sunday but other than that I just you know spent a lot of quality time my wife and kids children were nestled all snug in their things but Bobby's professional problems paled next to his personal situation around this time a week before Christmas my mom's mom had died and we found the next day my dad had colon cancer and then four days later on you know my sister died and so it was really sad because it was so sudden you know suicide is really uh you know a frustrating thing for a lot of families it was just a nightmare it was just something that we think you might wake up with are you seeing a movie and uh he said while this is really happening you know to me and stuff well the nightmare is over now in the past 12 months a bear and the saints have come to contract terms in the city of New Orleans has reclaimed as an 80 son albeit somewhat slowly in the preseason there were boos and even a sign demanding a public apology from a bear but oh what a difference winning makes he's going from heels to hero in this town yeah he did play with her for years oh yeah he's a saint again you know he's he's forgiven I thought his down here to st. Paul we forgive him you've been with him since it's just a matter of you know winning and losing is easily on top of the mountain you can be down in the valley and what about his personal life time is heal some of those wounds to the sting if his sister's suicide has subsided and his father seems to have won his battle with cancer I think from the adversity and ascendance that I've had in my life has helped me build more character and mature more as an individual when I was a senior in college I had a wife and kid and I was on food stamps for four months so I knew how to appreciate the good times and you've been through the bad times Bobby a bear story one of the more moving ones and we have seen in a long time and the athletic side of it continues in just a few minutes and Al and Dan and I'll be back in just a moment / finish in the NFC weapon one step closer to the Super Bowl the Saints and falcons have already been twice this season in atlanta the face brushing defense held the pocket only 33 yards rushing [Applause] quarterback Bobby Hebert threw two touchdown passes to Boyd Turner in the face stayed undefeated after five games with a dominating 2706 win three mats in New Orleans Atlanta's Chris fellows hit the game into overtime with this touchdown pass to Michael Haines then norm doesn't kick the game when he feels gold from 50 yards out to turn the Falcons season around the falcons are now soaring according to one of the league premier personality we're a team on the rise we're a team that very underrated not appreciated but totally dedicated it's a wildcard playoff game in the wild wild NFC West [Music] the NFC wild card playoff game the Atlanta Falcons vs. the New Orleans Saints rockin bod Hewitt and your local Buick dealers remember Buick the new symbol for quality in America by Old Spice fragrance and aftershave cool crisp and unmistakably masculine Old Spice by mylanta antastic my doctor said mylanta and by Delta airline we loved it live and it shows that's superdumb it will be rocking today nearly 70,000 partisan fans on in a city waiting to watch for New Orleans st. the division champions at the NFC West for the first time in the franchise's history and they go today against the Atlanta Falcons the Saints coming in at 11:05 the Falcons at a 10 and 6 hello again everyone I'm Frank Gifford along with Al Michaels and Dan Dierdorf glad you stuck around hope you've enjoyed the Kansas City Raider game just studying the facts for you once again the New Orleans Saints did win the division at 11 5 the Falcons we're the wild-card at 10:06 and the Northern Saints were a very curious team they went seven and OH and then all of a sudden they went nine and one these two teams played twice of course we've already documented that the Joyner States blue the Atlanta Falcons away in Atlanta and they came back here five weeks ago and it was the Falcons who won in overtime 23 to 20 so both teams are on a bit of a role as Bobby Hebert came back to spark the New Orleans Saints to a big win on Monday night two weeks ago over the Raiders and a 27 three victory over Phoenix that locked up the division when Dallas knocked off Atlanta last week but Al Michaels no matter how you look at it you got to say the Falcons are a hot team right now the Saints are there also but this is a team this one a five out of their last six they're happy the way they have played down the stretch and one thing about Atlanta they're like they're eccentric coach Jerry Glanville they live on the edge Jerry says we make people nervous you don't know what you're going to get with the Atlanta Falcons but as far as the Falcons are concerned when you take a look at their component parts defensively they're a little suspect they gave up 56 points to Washington and they've given up 30 or more in three other games as far as their running game is concerned they have a number six pick rookie as their feature back for them to have their best chance to win this game they have to utilize their red gun offense which is the first cousin to the run-and-shoot and Chris Miller the quarterback has to have a very hot day and there he is he's been coming along but he is streaky he has to get hot today to give Atlanta its best chance but then that is much easier said than done because he goes up against the number two defense in the league and the team that gave up the fewest that makes them number one in my book cause points are what really count out but really that defensive ranking was achieved with different personnel at the cornerback position the New Orleans Saints are in trouble in their secondary and they're not helped at all by the fact that the Atlanta Falcons today will play mostly in that for wide receiver set virtually every healthy DB for the Saints is going to have to play today and if I chance they have any injuries during the course of the game it's going to be tough for New Orleans to adjust where does the pressure come from them it better come from Pats willing and Ricky Jackson to to outside pad stretchers if they don't meet at Chris Miller today if they don't get there often I pray there's too much pressure might be put on the New Orleans secondary Bobby Hebert loosening up for the New Orleans Saints those last two games against the Raiders and against Phoenix those numbers the three hundred yards plus night he had against the Raiders was only the second 300 yard game of his six-year NFL career Jim Mora he is the only coach who has ever guided the Saints through a winning season he is the only coach who has ever guided the Saints into the playoffs this is the third playoff game in the history of the New Orleans safe they have yet to win they lost to Minnesota here in 87 they lost to the Bears in Chicago last year gnorm Gunson the longtime Seattle Seahawk who lost his job to John Casey in pre-season and then was picked up by Atlanta and he's had a great year picked off for the Falcons mcafee the rookie the man in the middle and the kick is taken by see from the nine back to the 22 yard line Saints begin at the 22 yard line with Bonnie a bear born in the area went to school in the area raised and makes his home here and has become once again a popular man mannered he starts that we will see a lot of the rookie McAfee and also Hilliard Jordan the blocking back Martin and early outside Brenner is the tight end and the guys up front including San Roque in his 12th season so he has been through the thick and the thin mainly the sin but here he is in the playoffs first and ten at the 22 yard line a bear throws and the pant is incomplete intended for a holy Brenner over the middle he was blanketed by the outside linebacker Robert Lyle now the Atlanta defense and they gamble a lot Brian mole Gardner the Illinois rookie has done a nice job at nose tackle and Tim Green is undersized at right end Lyle's rady Tuggle is a man to watch and Darien Connor on the outside the great corners much higher and Sanders Jordan is the strong safety and the veteran Scotty the free safety they love to blitz they love to send the secondary second down and 10 from the 22 mcafee a sixth round draft choice out of mississippi college and that's not all miss mississippi college a small school tackled by tim green it'll be third and nine new orleans opening the two tight end trying to run the ball control the game obviously they'd like to do that going against the defense of the atlanta falcons that was ranked 24th overall in the National Football League and 23rd against the rush they'd like to run the football but Atlanta very firm in this opening series very solid four wideouts there's 99 22 yard line [Applause] with the play clock down to five and they give it to the up back it's a fumble by Hillier who picked it back up and it is swarmed under unusual-looking play Hilliard lined up right next to a bear in effect taking the handoff fumbling it recovering it but the Saints are stopped and they're forced to kick hunt again that's a good play if you get the Blitz and they were anticipating the Blitz from Atlanta they didn't get it that's a big place you get the Blitz we didn't work yeah Hilliard walked up close to the line of scrimmage to put himself in a position to block for that flit and I wonder if a bear knew he had moved up that far that might have been the problem Bobby a bear might not have known the Dalton Hilliard came in it was only about a yard away from it Lauren Martha do the punting Sanders to receive it that the 14 is a play barbar God fairy just add to the 47 but we're going to probably have a roughing ball Tracy Johnson number 43 ran into Barnhart and that's the signal from Howard roll the referees Johnson comes right up the middle they blocked out and kicks this year and they really go for it special teams means a lot to Jerry Glanville Tracy Johnson areas right in the middle year three number 43 finger kicker 15-yard penalty it's a pre missed and he buries Barnhart and that is a very good call by the official the punter is so vulnerable in that position actually Barnhart quite lucky he had his left leg up in the air or he would have really gotten his knee caved in but so typical of the way the Falcons play football it is all out every play oftentimes good sometimes bad look at that three-punch two field goals two extra points it was almost eight but this is what happened oh st. first out first in Santa Orleans at the 37 just the chart of things in the Superdome nice emotion the Baker man a bear after buying time goes an incomplete because the tire was right there on Quinn early had him totally blanketed we talked about these two corners Tim mikail tire of course came from Miami and the trade this past season number 22 you've heard a lot about him they locked him up man on man all the time and here he comes he's locked up tight on early Quinn and he is looking right back at the quarterback he has good acceleration once that ball is in the air and released forget it he is going to be on the man and this is what water's going to have to be concerned with because he's two guys are deadly on the corners both of them have six interceptions in there great return men when they took it off second and ten at the 37 yard line early in motion [Music] he dumps it off for Jordan who makes a guzzling 10 he makes the catch before stepping out of bounds at the 42 yard line at the gain of about five Scott case on the coverage at time Bobby a bear got some good protection up front there was a blitz and it was picked up the Jordan made it exciting to see the blitz pick up in the middle and it's not often you'll see up a running back who watches the first catch that badly and then is still able to maintain his concentration and pick it up it will be third down and five and since the umpire comes in and blows the whistle you know what that means that means they're going to review it upstairs question will be whether or not Jordan had control of the ball before he went out of bounds the process of juggling the ball he way did aid up a lot of yardage let's get a look at it Kenny wolf our producer Craig channel 4 director let me rig on the field is the completion play as under review all right let's take a look at it if we could sort of give us the best angle from behind the play now where does he have possession obviously not there he does have it there let's see the right there's the left down Oh and he drags the right an excellent job there by Buford Jordan that's a legitimate catch he has a choice to get the ball in the second bobble he had enough concentration of boys to get that the other foot down you see it drag in boundary which plays sands is called on the field much to Mister Glanville chagrin it is ruled as it was on the field to catch them justifiably so third and five Saints as their own 42 that drive kept alive on a roughing the kicker penalty 1240 to left in the first quarter six defensive backs for Atlanta and out on the third and should pass down 35 you know this is no surprise that New Orleans is throwing the ball least of all to Jerry Glanville he told us yesterday that he was sure that the things were going to come after them by throwing the ball and another with they talked about Jessica's Huggle the linebacker they would play a major role today and Jerry Glanville says he's about the best I've ever seen that's a big statement that he stands by it there he is he never leaves the field he stays in the prevent defense he's in there in the nickel and the dime and he's in there right now is 6 DBS whistle I believe is to reset the play clock Gamecocks should read 12:45 and the game clock as well so 45 Hawks have read 17 seconds and third and five when we were in play as the saints come up with four wide receivers three to the left he wants that clock to read 17 and apparently they can't set it from 35 to 17 without counting it down I know you got to do it right yeah but the Saints are on the ball they'll snap once the whistle blows and the referee tells them but start they'll snap the ball within 5 seconds and ba ba vert obviously in basis and if Hawkins has had a long look at its formation and the Orleans that has had a long look at that defense third and five as Martin in motion from the gun for outsider that is Martin is the control man a bear has looked at this defense they played each other twice before he has seen it he knew where he could put the ball to his control man the underneath man Eric Martin the leading receiver and Martin just does weak the first down takes it away from Bobby Butler Martin caught 66 passes during the regular season Floyd Turner Court 64 sanction motion and then specialist lock to the right first down from the 47 yard line when early and motion to the left and a little toss to the roof man and push back from the line of scrimmage Brian Jordan makes the initial hit and Jerry Glanville loves to talk about getting a lot of hacks on the ball it means a lot of tacklers and you'll see that a lot from the Atlanta Falcons and I'm not sure that Brian Jordan needed a lot of help that was just a fine open field tackle by this dual-sport guy Brian Jordan a baseball player and the st. Louis Cardinals baseball organization was all the way up to the triple-a level doesn't have played in Louisville last year watch this tackle though Jordans going to come in from the right and look at him get the shoulder down and boy that's just that's a good tackle on McAfee and it there's a the Falcons a lot of two-way people Dalton Hilliard is the sole running back in this net on second and 11 taxes made by queen early a first down at the Atlanta 40 he is tackled by Bobby Butler again that lift was on the Falcon gambling and watched at the top of your screen and Makai er is working on early and early beaten attire just as we watch Michael Irving of the Dallas Cowboys do it a week ago Myers the man you want to go against if you get a man's romance situation and it pays off early for the thing where it's down at the 40-yard line 10:35 remaining in a scoreless first quarter they they're escaping pressure throws it back in vain at the 28 Eric Hauck another you heard my colleagues talking about Eric Martin a number of catches he led two team he's led to steam for five consecutive years and it catches like that that make you do it over time not a blazingly fast guy he's not going to run by anybody if they're trying to keep him from running by but just nice hands and good precise routes by Eric Martin didn't work by a bear too that's really is not his strong suit rolling out and throwing the football but he got it right in there about the only place that could be caught first and ten at the 28 yard line and immediately by Jessie Tuggle after a minimal game we mentioned at the top the falcons like to live on the edge and because they live on the edge they haven't had the boy yet remember they stopped the orleans three-and-out but then the roughing the kicker penalty and that's what happens when you live on the edge a lot of penalties and New Orleans tries to capitalize on it here's the guy that's disappointed about not being picked to the Pro Bowl this year Jesse Tuggle by far and away the leading tackler of the Atlanta Falcons and that was just a nice reef split right into the hole stay with it [Applause] 26 yard line six minutes into the game no score [Music] either stepping up again Dion let Twitter go and he was wide open and Bobby Hebert he has great presence we saw him a couple of weeks ago after being out for six or eight weeks come on and this looked like you'd been there forever and I watched this off of your screen there Dion starts to take him in he looks like he thinks he's going to get help lets him go and he just pulls up at the goal line boy trying to easy touchdown then they gamble a lot and they make a lot of mistakes Sanders is playing zone I mean Sanders was playing his outside third of the field he pointed over to the middle to yell to whoever was closer to be there here he comes I mean it it was obvious that Jihan Sanders was playing his own coverage all the way and I don't want to overstate my own athletic prowess but I think I could have thrown a touchdown pass there you might have even caught it Turner was wide open proceedings start for the st. the drive kept alive by the roughing the kicker penalty and a good matchup here Morten Andersen who pulls more than half his kick loss into the end zone for touch backs against Deion Sanders who has run a kickoff back for a touchdown this season if it comes to an open field tackle though I'll take the guy on the left that's the thing about the Saints do though if they don't get the truck back from Anderson they are the worst in the league and kickoff coverage and this guy will test you [Applause] yeah I'm gonna put that through the upright so the Atlanta Falcons get the football for the first time in the game at their 20 he could be one to go in the quarter seven to nothing safe on the left is bent on the right and Troy cook under more normal circumstances for the same thing would be the starting quarterback but both are gone for the year gone for the playoff and let the Saints with a rebuilt secondary on defense for the first time Atlanta the 20 and Miller back to throw on first down and tended I believe for George Thomas a couple of receivers in the area including Mike Pritchard number 35 now you talked about buck and cook being out of the line that's a good that's the bad news the good news is that Reggie Jones started today in left corner back now he has been out for a couple of weeks with a bad shoulder but he's in there Eric Pegram is a sixth round draft choice from North Texas State George Thomas Pritchard risin and Haines Haynes is a big play guy to throw a white out a very good offensive line the 14-year veteran can Cougars Dukes the veteran Fralick and Kristen the one-time Colt at the 20 second down and very noisy in the goal this is the rookie Negro it'll be third down he's hit by Sam Mills number 51 will be going to the Pro Bowl and let's take a look at this Saint defense number two against the run number two against the pass number two overall Martin Warren the two defensive lineman with Jackson mills and swilling in a three linebackers set and then when they go to the 6 DBS against this red gun Joan gleam Mac Atkins who had three interceptions last week Maxie and Glen are the six TVs and once they get them in there they only have one left over again pointing it up third down in motion number 80 play clock down to three Miller going deep on 3rd and 10 and incomplete as Boyd Dixon at in the secondary but Miller couldn't get it to him boy and we saw Atlanta blow his own a while ago they lost six points on it that time New Orleans did the same thing only this time Chris Miller a little anxious tried to lay it up so the diction could take it inscribe but he was wide open for a big gain or at least the midfield Falcons don't gain a yard on their first possession Don rule hey the punt vicinity back to for New Orleans thirty-four affair at the 39-yard line so the Saints get the ball right back they have it with 746 left from the opening quarter on a wild guard game in the Superdome 7up excite Chris Miller after his first series back on the Atlanta's sideline is the same habitat their own 39 yard line first and 10 new orleans is up 7-nothing [Music] and a bear to the air again a bear miss Martin Martin were the first down before he's taken down by Jordan a bear after missing on his first two attempts as completed the land six Brian Jordan the strong saftey six one 205 pounder is not the cover man you want on Eric Martin Eric Martin with the quick feet and the good moves George grabs is alright on a tight end a Hobie Brenner but not on Eric Martin he just leaves him with a little quick break to the outside and gets first down yardage Jordan appeared to be intrigued Frank with what was going on back at the backfield yeah captivated to the point that he was trailing Martin by several yards [Applause] Saints in the Falcon 42 Falcons as they always do so blitz Maccabi takes it to the 41 yard line for a short gain it'll be second and nine well for the Falcons in the NFC West there it is in eight of the last or seven of the last eight years they have finished last and then they were next to last in the fourteenth division in 1986 and today they come in as the wild-card and it's the first time they've been in the playoffs in the strike-shortened needing two seasons you always hear coaches stress consistency but that month might that's not the type they look for no second and nine [Music] hillier takes the pass over the middle and pays the scientist he is nuts down at the 36 yard line by Tuggle and ratings good job of the umpire that time getting out of the way he almost hit almost gets hit with the football let's look at toggle number 58 he reads it quickly just drops into his hook zone a quick close on Dalton Hilliard and Jesse Tuggle a guy who plays most of his games on Sunday afternoon to regional audiences has been yearning for this national exposure looks like he said to make them oh so four wide receivers for the st. the Falcons better be concerned 84 Martin third and four at the 36 yard line 5:30 to go on the quarter 7 [Music] [Applause] Little Miss Julie Turner back Obama tire a bear just locked up with Turner the speed sir Turner had a great year 64 receptions at two touchdowns in the first meeting in the blow away at Atlanta by New Orleans here he comes this bounces off Makai er gets the jump on Makai arm attire is not even close enough to make a play on the ball if you're going to jam a receiver as a cornerback you better interrupts his release a little more than Makai ER did right there that was a clean release for Turner that allowed him to get across the field the regular season two Turner and he's burning them again in the first quarter today first and ten at the four [Applause] six yard line a little short of the first down he sandwich citation Sanders very jerry glanville yesterday was talking to us about the characteristics of this Falcon team and he said I guarantee is tomorrow there will be a couple times that were out of it but we always come crawling back into a game well they better get with it here are their on the bird to being down 14 nothing you know just a little over halfway through the first quarter and IANA these great coverage but he was laying off six seven eight yards and the ball inside the 15-yard line that come up on a tooth back gently break it with holding the [Applause] Blainey pinball's his way down the 4 yard line stop by Doug Liman that could be a first down I think the first tack we're heading was John Ratey the inside linebacker dog the New Orleans Saints are in scoring position as they move inside the 5-yard line and they like being in this area as you can see they almost always get in tops in the NFL once they're inside the five and if you're going to go against the team why not Atlanta they are one of the lightest teams up front you're going to find in the league they're very small upfront [Music] from the three [Music] [Applause] rocks in the Johnny fetish hands-on and he was covered by the safety Jeff Donaldson second and goal covered well he was by Donaldson I think Bobby a bear thought that he had a touchdown when he let it go but a beautiful job of playing the football by Donaldson watch him make his move move in front and at the last minute to pull the arm down you see that that's a trick a safety has to learn early if you aren't in a position to be in front of the receiver be in a position to pull down his arm so he can't control the ball a bear hand hit nine straight second and goal at the three three minutes to go in the quarter Saints up seven two Jordan at the yard or so Oliver Barnett 72 in on the tackle third and gold and let's go back and take another look at the pants play Donaldson really living on the edge Dan hit it just right the ball is in there it's caught by tight now here comes the arm stripping the ball away that's a great play but again Donaldson living right on the wire with that means that he was beaten well I was all he had left to play exactly and maybe a beer maybe a little too careful with it as Carl Smith the offensive coordinator [Applause] [Music] let's all start local knowledge and the play he has cool has four wideouts the Dalton Hilliard the sole running back third and goal from the three [Applause] throws it sticks off in the end who is tackled in the end that is a touchback so dion sanders makes a big big play to stave off the New Orleans touchdown to keep it at seven to nothing and to give it land of the ball back at the 20-yard line oh how many he's made this year - he depends on that quickness the speed I don't know anyone as quick as he is and he does make the big play out [Applause] an offensive explosion by the Falcons so far very zero zero zero but they're down only seven nothing Sanders is different in a big play [Applause] crowd in an uproar and the catch is made by Prichard that's a 15-yard game we were talking to Chris Hinton the tackle for Atlanta last night he said the last time they played here he said I didn't hear one snap count well Hinton and Ken the two tackles are playing the entire game not planning on hearing the quarterback at all they are looking with their peripheral vision into the football and moving on the football now one advantage I think for the Falcons here is how they match up against the Saint the Saints to best pass rushers are Jackson and swilling against the Saints the Falcons - best lineman Mike Kim and Kris in that is that's a man well for Atlanta first and ten rising block the catcher's may find aim that's a first down he takes it to the 43 he has been their big play man a guy who averages over 22 yards of cash during the regular season and he begins the playoffs with a 22 yard reception unbelievable speed and up very close is Reggie Jones playing him very tight but still respecting that speed and what it looked like James was going to kick it into overdrive and broke to the sidelines all of a sudden he was open here's Mike in number 78 working against Pat's willing willing had 17 sacks this year led the league in two meetings shutout by Mike Kent Mike Ken has passed willings number Mike told me yesterday he's only given up one sack to pass swirling in his entire career Richard in motion here is Eric Seagram the rookie basic to the 40 that's a gain of 3 scrolling makes the tackle and that will be the final play of the quarter swilling that time forced to the outside by can shows you the athletic ability he has locked hoppiest green 56 familiar number a lot of great players are wearing it way to the outside he still gets back and makes the stop on big run and that is the end of the first quarter New Orleans 7 nothing will return to he's exceeds NFL wildcard playoff game after this message and a word from our ABC station then the throw a wild fire playoff game which is being brought to you by mercedes-benz engineered like no other car in [Music] [Applause] start the second quarter New Orleans thousands of the saints they're close miller and a loose football no signal yet from the officials and now it is a fumble [Applause] was the saint that gets in there and gets the head cradle throat from pitch in his 11th year comes in from the outside and let the New Orleans think that gets it right hitting stays inside and Fralick is late coming back to the outside and it was Jackson that comes in his Miller that's a blocking team prank that's very tough to be effective with pulling a guard all the way out to get AB listening linebacker and I went to had but you said earlier Dan without a tight end it brings both Ricky Jackson and paps moving in a step and a half closer they are very quick Jackson who sacked Miller three times in the first game nails him again the only one of the Saints starting four linebackers not going to the Pro Bowl this year first and ten at the 48 yard line [Applause] early in motion magazine thank forward for a gain of that recovery by Jackson is nothing new Ricky last year had seven fumble recoveries this year Jackson had four to share the league lead there if he picks one up in the playoffs to give New Orleans the ball back and even as many Pro Bowls it doesn't matter whatever home for a while and he is seen his share of Pro Bowls now in his 11th year and it's going to keep happening to the Falcons if they don't change their blocking scheme you cannot pull a guard out from inside like they were asking Bill Fraley to do and come out and expect the seal Ricky Jackson from making that corner you've got to slide the line Fralick will pick up the guy in front of Hinton let hit and pick up Ricky Jackson second and a long one [Applause] if he found the hole picks up the first down or whistle down by sexy that's the 33 yard line what a story this youngster his sixth round draft pick they cut him on the on the last cut and he has been the running game and the Arvin offensive spark plug for these Saints over the past half of season you see the massive time of possession advantage for the New Orleans Saints 11:45 to 315 for a while there the Falcons didn't have any yards at all they finally got on with 40 and the one Saint turnover didn't hurt 7-nothing scene 13 and a half minutes left breathe tight end set for New Orleans for the short drop by a bear the quick flip the Turner and he gets carried as he reaches the 28 yard line it's a gain of about five Turner locked up once again with man for man coverage by Dion and you got a respect Turner look how far Dion plays now he doesn't take a rapid drop and he relies on his feed to get back to the receiver but when you have a timing pattern like that with a bear and Turner a bear was releasing that ball when Turner pulled up in no way Dion is going to get back to it the ball came loose there you can see it but Turner's knee was already down on the ground and really somehow the ball came back to him second and five is that Hilliard split tosses the screen to the left and they send early and motion to the bottom and this is Buford Georgia pull back normally the blocking black but seeing some action is a ball carrier today and he is stopped by Rick Bryan and he's a guy who is not only filling the blocking bankroll but some of the ball carrying duties today that would normally be accomplished by one Ironhead hayward who has been suspended we were here a couple of weeks ago for that Monday nighter with the Raiders and Hayward had been suspended in the week prior to that game by Jim Mora and he said this is for the rest of the year that Ironhead won't be back he didn't rule out that it'll be back next year but he is definitely finished 491 undisclosed reason but we just said for a violation of team policy third and six with Leslie Carroll in motion with Turner again [Applause] it's a fine way defense we play there by Messire got in front of Turner bust him in the five-yard zone where he's allowed that bomb took away is quickness in his speed and then was able to go stride for stride with Turner and Abraham I could put it but it's good passed by a virgin to get rid of it see there's a bump that's allowed and he forces him to take it out of bounds good coverage by McLaren I think his right foot let's check where it lands the right foot looked like it landed in if he could have dragged that left foot he would have had a catch but pretty tough to do with a ball that was thrown that far outside of it 45 you are in field goal attempt for Morten Andersen ever and that looks like a sink off the foot of one of the best ever 45-yard or al that baby was well up into the men he is going on this one and right down the middle they settle for three after the bubble recovery it tends to nothing you will great to the University of Miami and the University of Washington in the polls very very little check that again 11:32 remaining in the first half ABC's NFL wildfire playoff game is being brought to you by mercedes-benz engineered like no other car in the world now Michaels Frank Gifford Dan Dierdorf if you missed it earlier today in Kansas City Chiefs advance they knocked off the Raiders ten six they don't know whether they will go to Buffalo or to Denver that depends on what happens in the Houston New York jet game tomorrow Mike Rozier is in the game is the running back behind Chris level the quarterback thank nearly jump get back on side and Miller first sound this is Pritchard with a convoy in front of him and a rookie from Colorado picks up 15 his second 15 yard reception of the day they design played and there's a little screen to the flanker with the running back Rozier out in front of it well one of the things Frank you really would like to have happen is to have a blitz come from the side that you've called the screen and that's exactly what happened that time Ricky Jackson came from the outside which took him completely out of the play and that's just one of those things you call it and it happens to work out just right see there's Jackson at the top of your screen watch him come they're swelling he sounds cut down again out of the play that's why it's successful it's the test game first down Atlanta at the 35-yard line here's my clothes here nice cool fire Rosita to break tackles in the backfield and turn what would have been a loss into a seven yard gain Reggie Jones knocks him down we're a great star Heisman award winner Nebraska and of course the USFL I mean that's Houston in probably would have seen much more of him had it not been that I think Jerry Glanville flat wants the youngster in the Pegram to pick up any potential blitz and that's if there's one area the Rozier might be a little light on in that is that and you don't want to lose your quarterback so Revere is going to get spot work great running back Michael zero second and three [Music] [Applause] Zeron second and three as the first sound a lot more takes it across the 50 stopped at the st. 48 yard line by Milton Mac well the question now for the Atlanta Falcons they seem to have gotten into a groove where they're moving the ball and moving it effectively can they see can they keep from self-destructing that's what they've been doing so far all right look right in the middle look at the good seal block on the left side there's an effective lock by Dukes the center Fralick the right guard turned out in a gaping aperture in the middle of the Saints defense the 48-yard line throws horizon and incomplete and it's about the best thing that could have happened to the Falcons because gene Atkins was right there he would have made the tackle for about a four yard loss Dan said it was a chess game remember two plays ago when they did the screen to the flank on the right side they caught him in the flips over on that side that time they caught him in his own over on the left side forget it to snow but no play it off his own rotates right up into it and you're right you hear coaches say all the time what a chess game it is and we try to make the call and we hope that they kind of moved their men their pieces in the other direction and that's when you see a big play not guesswork but that's funny for many many hours over the of the week look for frequently when they hope they get it but sometimes it's just luck that and over the middle the catch is made by Mike Payne who normally goes further downfield he has stopped at the 40-yard line he short of the first down by about three Mac is there on the tackle a big job by Cannon and Hinton and that offensive line because Chris Miller wanted to go deep right here he wanted to deliver it no one's open good coverage he had to check off to about the third receiver and again Hinton working on Ricky Jackson and doing a fine job yep Jackson declares upfield hint and just takes them and rides him that's not holding in the NFL then does the the other side to swirling with that kind of time Chris Miller will move the football third and a short three at the st. 40 yard line and it's brazier bursting through the middle picking up five keeping the drive going first down at the 35 yard line eight minutes to go in the half Rozier was their second leading ground gainer this year their leading ground gainer Steve Broussard broken fibula out for the rest of the playoffs knee the team by the way had a guy game more than 500 yards on the ground this year it's the first postseason game in the NFL since 1953 without a runner who had gained 500 yards in the regular season there was over 600 a year ago but he came in late he didn't come in this year in a contract dispute until late September or rather December the second and I'm not too happy with him consent at the 35-yard line here is Rozier again get down at the 28 yard line by teen and active is that kind of running that'll make them happy very quickly though question brassiere can get it done he has size he has the low center of gravity that all of a sudden is very popular throughout the league have to bring down one on one now with gene Atkins gave him a pretty good pop right there Fralick down front he gets into Vaughn Johnson's knees doesn't knock him down but keeps him out of the play but that that's a pretty well time pop by gene at kids watch this thing here that's taken on a guy that way planning [Music] Rozier again this is his fifth carry and he takes you to the 22 and that's another first down he's averaging about seven yards a pickup junction in on the tackle with 6:30 to go in the hand with a nice move on swilling to get back inside and get the first down yardage in Mike Rozier is sucking it up he is in the principal architect of this Drive he really has not played that much him into this afternoon's game with a little over 360 yard we've been the main man on this first and ten at LAN 2210 st. six minutes to go in the half Lilla was time Noah throws into traffic and is lucky it wasn't intercepted by Brett Maxie he was so lucky he threw it right into the zone side of the Saints defense there were three Saints in the area again tremendous protection by his guys up front and this was just a very very poor choice by Chris Miller he walked on to rise and have stayed within the entire time I again look how he had the line of sight and I don't know he almost almost looked like he tried to throw it away and made a board for throw of doing that [Applause] to [Applause] [Music] losing sucks [Applause] Warren dislodged it and Brett Maxine who nearly had the interception recovers the fumble and Frank Warren dislodged it on purpose that was no mistake Frank Warren ripped at the right arm of Mike Rozier with his arm and intentionally pulled that ball out of there kind of reminiscent of what we saw early in the year in Chicago where Steve McMichael did it now take a look at Rose here he's going to be stopped by warrant but watch Warren's right arm watching dig that ball out of there there is going I think one official may have said the ball was down before the fumble as a conference on the field these might have been done let's take a look the right knee down oh it's [Music] was going to be the New Orleans Saints football he is hurricane [Applause] another official a man on the Left right here it's down look at the umpire right here on the left side of your screen you see his arm pointing down right here that's a good look at him saying he was down and the guy here on the right is saying it's a football player thing right here and now it's going to go to the booth well two things they're probably going to look at one they will have a problem with and that hat the whistle blown and also was the knee down and I'm quite certain the knee was not down when the ball was ripped out of there by Warren well there's no way to determine when the whistle blew exactly let's look let's just study the left knee we have a better shot than that the balls out before the left knee is down that is a perfect look at it guys that is a fumble that is a fumble now the other side of it is could be forward progress you know if they ruled that the play was over because there was a lack of progress after further review play sands has called on the field [Applause] it's the progress call and that is decided on the field well why do you review it if the play is going to stand as coal what's the review for if you're saying the play is dead figures the whistle blew what in the world are they reviewing it for I don't know a very fortuitous turn of events for the Falcons Oh third and 12 at the 24 yard line Miller throws and they take advantage with a touchdown two Rises what a break for the Falcons on what clearly should have been a fumble the whistle is blown they keep the ball and they cash in and I nominate Mike Rozier for the happiest man in America we won't have to face this man and Glanville is second and let's take a look at Rison on his way to the Pro Bowl a great couple of years after coming from Indianapolis spins around like a top the defensive back covering him Milton Mack who wasn't even starting a few weeks ago turns him around wide open right at the goal line one of the premier receivers in football today Andre Rison Johnson for the point after and the Atlanta Falcons right back in it so clearly a fumble but a break for the Falcons because the whistle is blown and the play was dead 526 left in the handed in seven same well-maintained facility beautiful structure that opened in the mid-70s down the street from the French Quarter in Bourbon Street that will be certainly rocking tonight either way success win or lose we're just a bowl crowd already arriving I know a lot of people don't like domes and football is better outside but if you got to be an adult this is the best of the best Lauren Johnson routes it to the nine he runs it back 39 but they say he stepped out of bounds at the 33 there's Bobby April the special king Stokes he was out about at the 33 yard line that's where the same time it was 514 full of things number one Mike Rozier has gone back into the locker room with a bruised knee but now he is coming back this is a live shot he had gone back he has a slight limp as you can see what a nice back he is on the lower part of it looks like below the knee it is a first down at the 30 38 yard line for the Saints 514 to go in the half and a bear to throw made on the far side I went early it's a minimal game Makai er makes the Sun to clear up the rosier fumble clearly it was a fumble it was a bad call on the field the whistle should not have blown they did not review it Howard Roe had announced the play was being reviewed the replay booth is saying we were just waiting to hear what they were saying they cannot review that play in the replay booth if the whistle blows and the play is dead that's the end of that and that's the end of that yep except I'd like that you'll get a chance but there is well well well [Applause] second and eight at the 40-yard line [Music] here's McAfee funny playoff game he's got back to sea on one hand he groom on the other starting is the running back each Orakei each a sixth round draft choice as I said earlier MacCabe actually cut and brought back to the practice squad after the season has started activated in the sixth game and came into this afternoon's game as the leading rusher for the New Orleans Saints a spectacular second half of the season for the youngster Fred McAfee neither one of them was the tailback at USC either no McAfee from Mississippi College in Eric P grim from North Texas State third and five up at the 44 yard line [Applause] [Music] we'll work on Michigan [Music] the traffic and nearly picks off it was mo Gardner the nose tackle of all people who was downfield well the Falcons like to cross you up and that's crossing you up when your nose tackle is ten yards down the field that's the new it for me six two to it and sixty pounder dropping into your pass covers I've seen him take a man in the flat of hospital screen man but never into the hook zone well you know he'll do that every now and then the Bears will do that with Richard dent they'll stand him up that time though mo Gardner was in a down stance like a tackle son of a gun almost got it we make people nervous Sammy Barnhart to punt the let it bounce and the Saints can't stop it from crossing the line oh and that was a good bake by Deion Sanders he really did make it look like he was going to field the ball then got out of there at the last minute smart lady on three 25 left in the half 3:25 remaining in the first half the scene had taken a Penda nothing leave Dawkins got a break on a bad fall when a fumble was not ruled a fumble and they can stand to make it ten they have it at their own 20-yard line Miller airs and and he said there is every dollar again very well ill-advised and into the double coverage inside outside on the receiver and mr. Glenn just looked at into the hand trying to hit the speed Sir Michael Haynes but you can't outrun his own if it's played properly what 29 bottom of your screen he's reading all the way back ball into thrown as a matter of fact of that bit Vincey Flynn in absolute perfect position Frank the ball was wobbling something terrible I almost looks like he lost it when he threw it but the ball has no spiral to look at it right there look at the motion on the football that's why it dies and it's almost coming straight down almost like a punt by the time it's actually intercepted it gave the impression of a ball that kind of slipped out of Miller's hands when he threw it no question he can still throw it he had a cell as a plate screws in his right shoulder from a fractured shoulder a year ago he said we talked during last night first down to Orleans at the 35 yard line a lot of time and that one is incomplete intended for early and back covering on the play was Brian Jordan 311 to go in the first half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as Chris Miller probably thinking about the wounded duck that he put up there now touched on it early he can get on tremendously hot streaks for you and then he could be just about as erratic as you hate to see you through a bad pass a moment ago second and 10 Hilliard and Jordan or the flip back [Applause] [Music] with a bear trying to get it to Hillier but he was covered by rady it's him completed third down in 10 and that time Brian Jordan forced the issue on the safety blitz Saints on top 10 to 7 if the Saints win this game they go to Detroit next week if Atlanta wins the game they go to Washington [Music] third and ten from the 35 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a dog throws and that's incomplete turned her head in his hands and Jordan said you're not going to have position very long well that was a good look at Atlanta doing what they do so well they got up and showed the blitz they waited till a beer grab the free coverage at the line of scrimmage and then they drop back into their zone and they had the man just sitting there waiting to make the pop when you play zone defense you take an area if somebody comes into it you hit them if he had him what Brian Jordan did right there Barnard's the punt with 301 left first an [Applause] from the 15 the other dangerous Sanders for the good return steps out of the 36 yard line that is a 21 yard run back and that's where Atlanta will take over after Brian Ford forces him out of bounds well for those of you who wonder what dear door of each beside ultra slim-fast and without a shot this video last night if you have not had a beignet and some chicory coffee at the cafe beignet you have not lived to take growing up a can you at every disgusting beignet in New Orleans it is wonderful if he's going to be discussing beignets never been yet there are some players on the field that are discussing various points and muscle relaxers it has been an extremely hard-hitting first half and a good game like so many of the Atlanta New Orleans games of the past in a rivalry that has gone on since these two teams came into professional football in the mid 60's but never had an Atlanta or meaningful this one Miller throws the catch is made by hain and a big clay man turns in a big play taking it to the 44 yard line Milton Mack makes the tackle talked about this rivalry in the history of these two teams one's been in the league for 25 years 1 for 26 they won a total of one postseason game but Atlanta has never had Jerry Glanville around he came in a year ago it he's a fun guy what he told us last night he said you know the losing coach of this game tomorrow I said guys you got to come on the errand I should be your opening statement he ought to be fired and we kind of looked at him quizzically said look how many jobs are open out there that's right that's a year to get fired I'll go 3 and 13 next next year there will be any jobs open so this is definitely the year to be a coaching free agent Rozier is back in the game as Miller gets fo nearly gets a Kia Sheree was going to get sacked by a phantom and then get knocked down by Frank Warren where is the sucker the most surprised guy in America that he didn't get hit was Chris Miller I guess he must have been a boy shot because he definitely was it he was definitely following to be prepared theory [Music] more times tonight he would have been right ketchup again right here between Pat's willing and my kin and then this is again where we can watch Chris Miller for watch Kenny takes the up field away from Zwilling swellings going to go back to the inside Ken stays with him and rides him all the way back down and then Chris Miller he bathes the phantom tackler but not Frank Warren from behind he stepped over that snake that during Glanville has been worried about for so long Mike Ken in his 14th year one of the great offensive tackles ever to play in the National Football League oh he is a horse too isn't he this guy one time when 26 games without without a penalty of any time given up one fact this season after this long remarkable st. 46 two minutes ago oh there goes again and it falls right into the hands of houston Hoover so Rosie who had got gotten away with what should have been a fumble before gets lucky again I think it bounced right off the back of the center Jaime dukes and then right to Hoover who was thrown on the turf and that was a very fortunate Ballou for the Falcons area Grandville didn't even hesitate he turned to Pegram gave him the thumb get in there and out comes Rozier okay what it is you're going to see the ball come out and again it's not that big a hit that knocks it out it's more than strips there it hit Dukes right to Hoover and I don't know that the Falcons can count on being that lucky in trying to cover up continuous fumbles by Mike Rozier there was no hesitation on the part of Jerry Glanville he just gave the thumb to Pegram get in there they are moving the ball to the spot where it was fumbled instead of where of the advancement read 144 Gamecocks had read 1 for 4 at Jerry Glanville making a quick decision jerry glanville a guy who doesn't quite know what to drive to work in the morning do I drive my van my car my sports car my motorcycle my NASCAR this guy has everything except an airplane and a bicycle I go according to Jerry he told Leslie drag racing motorcycles gets up to about 109 miles in a quarter of a mile and remarkable third and 11 at the 45 yard line [Applause] unbelievable traffic suspected by Sam Mills terrible fan [Applause] bullying might have grabbed the intended receiver as he read the screen coming out flag comes in late lanville said would play like an NBA Steen that was a jump ball swelling comes from the backside and the Falcons leave him unblocked but you guys hit it right on the heads at the beginning what a terrible choice by Chris Miller trying to force that ball in [Applause] prior to the interception we got personal foul defense number 56 rustling the quarterback with the well what a huge penalty is that works against New Orleans Pat's willing as I said was unblocked he was turned loose by the Falcons intentionally let's watch Pat coming from the back side and they're going to call him for roughing the quarterback I didn't do it Wow well it didn't look like much of a vicious hit and from that angle let's look at it again a little bit higher but it's still from behind from the left they're swelling I think that he's so vulnerable that that put draws the flag he's off balance looking at the receiver but again hardly even touched it down Miller and wrong to flag I know we're trying to protect quarterbacks in Italy but that is a borderline fall bill all of the key calls in this hand have gone against the saint and it came before the interception [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gain is to stop I'm Martin 1/16 left and a timeout is taken here another look at the roughing the passer I mean really you're only allowed one step before you hit the quarterback in Frank I'd only look to be one step and he groomers he intended receiver on this the screen pass which was read over on the other side it was actually Ricky Jackson who clothesline him coming out of there at the Saints all over this play well the Saints have had an interception negated by a penalty and a fumble recovery negated by an early whistle the five-foot-nine in Sam Mills a starter in the Pro Bowl and or you just talked the people over and over and over and talk about what a wonderful Packer Sam Mills is what an excellent technician he is when you stop to think in it in a game dominated by really huge people to be five nine to twenty five to be playing inside linebacker in the National Football League I think is is something in and of itself to be a Pro Bowl player at that that's as good as it gets for somebody that size second and eight in 228 116 to play on the hand but land and his two timeouts left seven quicker than most keep it on the ground whoo Sacco was the 2008 buy swilling no game right now they are in position if they don't gain another yard where they could bring Johnson in for a game-tying 45 or 46 yard field goal and Atlanta takes a timeout here they have one remaining now that was a good play by Pat swellings who moved inside to an inside linebacker position attacked Houston Hoover the left guard and beat him to the inside to make that play that was that was excellent by swelling those of you who might have walked to play the game last week in which Dallas feat Atlanta you recall that they used Deion Sanders as a wide receiver and even though he dropped a couple of balls he was effective he dropped one that could have been a touchdown he sticking out of bounds on another we asked him why he was going to be in there today because he had a rather good preseason working as a wide receiver and he said I don't know that I just haven't had to work they haven't worked me this past week so I guess I won't be in there so I've been in their face trying to tell them they need me out there but they haven't worked me well then we have Jerry Glanville about it and Glanville says the guy missed mini camp because he's playing baseball he missed preseason training camp because he's playing baseball and then he got hurt early in the year some muscle stuff and then wasn't able to really get much work at it pointed out how it is when you have to read the defense as a receiver to make sure your quarterback knows where you're going you have to work with the quarterback and he said he's just not have the time to work [Applause] Miller has the first down he makes the catch he takes it to the 12 yard line they have one timeout left and they utilize it right here with 55 ticks left on the clock Haynes will get your attention he runs a four to eight 40 went to the Olympic Trials around against Carl Lewis in Indianapolis in 1988 so consequently you get great respect from this youngster who was averaged coming into the game 22 and a half yards per reception he's a kid who grew up here in New Orleans he went to high school here he didn't play high school football he played in the band he was a trumpeter let me ask you a question here guys what do you think about they're calling a timeout right there I mean they had plenty of time to run up to the ball and run a play and conserve that timeout without a timeout when it comes down to trying to get it stop to run a field goal you take away the middle of the field by not having a timeout at your disposal I find that to be an interesting call by the Falcons using their final timeout there instead of running to the line of scrimmage with a lot of time remaining 55 seconds on the clock you know if it's 25 seconds on the clock then I can see you don't have time to do it but with almost a minute left I to run up there and run a play mm-hmm and for Chris Miller again keep your eye on number 80 I'm your eyes the one that works so well in slow [Applause] at the 13 yard line Richard in motion set to the left [Applause] back at the 28 by Wayne Martin that is a 14-yard sack and the clock stops momentarily as a setup and then milord downs it that stopped the clock was 46 seconds and that's going to make it third down and 24 and as this is growth Wainwright and it speaks to one of the best in the business then well he goes right between Fralick and hint and watch here on the right watch Martin split 79 and 75 Braley turns him loose hitting his too far to his outside can't blocking without holding him and lets him go you know that's a situation where you don't want to get a holding penalty but you might as well grab the guy if you're beat that bad and then Dan was 46 seconds though you don't have to down it on a second down and 24 and they found it there that stops the clock they still have 46 seconds you're exactly right out third and 24 it's a total waste to the play completely a lone throw the catch is not made to think complete and then to compound it on third and 24 they run a 4-yard pattern and now they put themselves in position where the the field goal attempt by Johnson is going to be from about 44 yards that's another good year the former Seattle start is best for the year 50 yards that's several times in this career 44 yard ascent from 45 or Lexuses and he's perfect 17 and 17 forty-four he tries to tie the game and he does so we couldn't find a home in Seattle for ninety one but he has really found a home in Atlanta and the Falcons are used to being pinned down in this building as they were in November and they came from behind and won that game and they were down pinned nothing in this one and have tied at 1010 with 37 seconds remaining in the half you know it's interesting too for New Orleans fans they've been ecstatic over the past couple of weeks because of their big victory over the radio 27 to nothing 27 3 over Phoenix and and of course Atlanta losing to Dallas they win the division but in the back of their minds they've got to think back to the five games they lost they were leading in those games going into the fourth quarter all five of them they lost four games in a row and coming into the tail end of the season that they were leading going into the fourth quarter it was kind of an uneasy crowd that sits here today you know we've harped on clock management all year but I mean week after week we see it not only did they take their last timeout with 55 seconds burn a play by downing it but they've left New Orleans with 37 seconds and all three timeouts on the other side no you're right if it's something that you would think would be handled better than it is by a lot of teams but you know once again though we're kind of removed from the pressure side of it up here so maybe we're afforded the opportunity of being a little more analytical but still they're paid to make those kind of decisions and a lot of times you see poor decisions made Packard great run back to the 35 and a flag comes in as well that might be a facemask I came in late there are two flags actually but they couldn't get max P down he isn't he's not that Bank he weighs about 192 pounds that he is powerful you saw that this made Bobby April who you hid it not only gives up a long run back but more yardage on the penalty and the question now will be is this going to be a five yard or a 15-yard facemask call is inevitable five-yard facemask penalty back on at the end of the run first down not intentional but Holman is inevitable when you keep your feet you keep dragging tacklers Deion Sanders as he does customarily going in hi trying to drag him down got his hand caught in the mask unintentional five yards but it does with the 28 seconds now remaining as I pointed out it gives northern field position to try to look for some more point well Deion is many things Frank but he's not a good tackler if he's always up around the shoulder pads he is not a vicious tackler and that's the type of thing as you said that's what happened he gets a hand high you're going to find a facemask every now and then [Applause] [Music] and over the middle here [Music] in field goal range to try not paint a beautiful call a two-man falcon pass-rush the middle of the field is left wide open a beautiful call by carl smith the offensive coordinator of the New Orleans Saints and a safe fun totally safe but the key Atlanta only comes with two people you see only two guys and look at that Jesse Tuggle is left to defend the entire middle of the field against three st. offensive linemen seven defensive backs one linebacker no way Tuggle is going to take Hilliard one on one or he's good not that good not if he's got a feed off three st. lineman to get to him Carlton is good call and everybody felt now you mentioned about the mistake of leaving them 37 seconds at the end of the first half here they are now down to the 33 yard line and from Wharton Anderson well this is not quite chip shot range but he's the guy who's already picked one from 60 this year and see Bobby a bear does well to guys an idea is protect the ball protect the opportunity he will not do it he's very cool very collected he won't gamble it would be a rare occasion when he would turn this all over down here we go he might try to get seven maybe 50 yards from yargh nearly jumps that they got back no flag a bear dumped mr. Hilliard he'll you ditch to the 30 now you're looking at the 47-yard field goal timeout with 11 ticks mo Gardner with the tackle the scoreboard still shows that the Saints had three timeouts before that play I believe they only had two didn't Eiko's a bear took one exactly so I think they're down to one they have one one left right in 11 seconds on the clock the scoreboard just removed two of those timeout that's plenty of time I think probably to try to work the ball closer or more than Anderson he's well within range but do something safe high percentage and then call your last timeout and put it through the uprights and Frank it's exactly the point we were talking about what those Falcons did to themselves by removing them that last timeout the Saints now can use the entire football field they don't have to be afraid about going over the middle because they've got that one timeout left they're not restricted to the outside third of the field where they have to get out of bounds or into the end where we saw for clock management on the one hand we have now seen extremely effective use of the clock and placed election by the by the thing interesting was that screamed it a few moments ago it'll also keep the Atlanta down linemen and now there are three of them on the field it'll keep them aware he after a free go down their path Russ give a barren opportunity to look over receivers second and seven at the 30 for wide receivers Hilliard a joined a bear in the shotgun we may run over the middle the catch is made by Carol timeout he gets to the 18 and now you're looking at about a 35-yard field goal that's beautiful that's great work and it all goes back to a youngster Fred McAfee that was not on the roster the beginning of the season he got the Saints into field position where they could gamble a little bit they didn't come with a big one they went with the screenplay got big yardage out of that but that was a great series for New Orleans the calls were perfect and it was a superb effort by the extra Fred McAfee returning that kickoff again the falcon special teams this year blocking seven texts including two field goal attempts anderson as you look at Rozier on the Atlanta side line Anderson will pick this one from about the 25-yard line the 35-yard - trying to give New Orleans a hand timely Joel Hillenburg will snap it Tommy Barnhart will hold it 35-yard hastily it was pretty - what it doesn't take long because great management the perfect call perfect execution well it all started with a good kickoff return the rookie McAfee breaking tackles the extra yardage because of Lee Seon Sanders penalty and then a bear guiding them downfield and an easy field goal for Morten Andersen we stay easy well for him 35 is really why what a pretty look that was right there Barnard and Andersen good you love it with kickers I was at a Ellicott but that was it ain t head but that was a petite difference the people thought hello no no jeopardy of either one of those guys cracking their helmets of with that one [Applause] oh yes and mentioned a moment ago the youngster went to Mississippi College but he he gained almost forty five hundred yards rushing there and he did pick up the offense during training camp showed signs of brilliance and they kept him around and I did when you gain forty three hundred twenty yards or whatever was at any level you are covering a lot of yardage fine football player he's going to be around a while and he's going to be a star Deion Sanders is back to receive this kick from Morten Andersen [Applause] the majors try to hit a little ground bull we got a clock starts when and Lana they flagged down I think the case were offside coming across the 35 yard line so even though time has run out if the penalty is on the same for offside don't have to check again they trying to work that ball back to Sanders in a ruck be like lateral movement well the mistake was by not covering the ball right away because they would have been able to run an offensive play from right there you know and let's face it penalize five yards we've got two seconds on the clock see let's be realistic if the Saints would have covered the ball I mean the Falcons would have covered the ball right away the clock would have stopped in time for them to run an offensive play and if any team in the league has made effective use of the Hail Mary pass it's the Falcon the Falcon look at those two more Niners you talked about contrast that's like having actual rows on the right and Perry Como on the left I mean that's how different these guys are get more the last different is Nathan that when we talked with him three weeks two weeks ago before the roller game when they were down had lost four in a row I like out Axl Rose off obviously a man who's been to many guns and roses concerts right alley I I can see you in the front row sitting next to Tony Mandarin a couple of dozen you're going to go with their there there was no valet parking Axl Rose you wouldn't know I write you would know Axl Rose of you triple right van Halen twist existence I get our taxes melting MC Hammer please drop the MC where's victim oh no we need them where's halftime when we do yeah it's coming 30 Penn State folks at home are going wear some new announcers when we did oh they're a lot of amount of work right down there all coaches right NBC is what I got a job the halfway house well we see the cow play he actually was throwing your fact if they don't want you to cease to get a fish down here well we said at the very top the falcons live army eggs in the lines at the edge of disaster it was planned on the play before is sort of an old rugby play laddle it out louder let out and just the ball the Sanders and 1310 New Orleans of the halfback we come after this message from the NFL a word from our ABC stations were with the Saints on top and here are the numbers through the first 30 minutes of play you can see the Falcons have improved a little bit their time of possession deficit have gobbled up some yards at one point in time they're well into the first quarter they had nothing in three tore turnovers so far in this ballgame and there could have been more couple were negated Warren Anderson begins the second half [Music] beyond Sanders can only bring it out through the 16 yard line where he cycle by Frank Wainwright number 87 [Music] and Jordan blocking on the play slow to get up and that could be a big loss for the Atlanta Falcons he is their starting strong safety man who blitz there's a lot Apryl part of the defense he actually gets hit I think on his right knee by Sanders hyperextend it out he right knee and that's what they're going to look at he's trying to make a block in is Deion Sanders is trying to make something happen he actually hits the right leg of Brian Jordan see if we can find it here to take a look at it you see this right here this is Jordan and Sanders is going to come knifing in here in this direction and watch how he's going to hit him right on the right knee he'll plant his right foot and there it is and you can see how it kind of caught the ankle at an awkward angle it caught the knee and pushed it back a little bit oh there's perfect look at the way that knee Plex was outed Brian Jordan is walking over to the Falcons sideline and he wasn't very far from being carried over to the sideline that was almost the catastrophe for mr. Jordan [Music] that thing is going to stiffen up and get sore I can guarantee Atlanta at its own sixteen they begin with Eric Pegram the rookie from West Texas State in the backfield Miller sent wine he grew up to the 20-yard line the rookie fix up for Frank Warren 73 makes the tackle for the st. it looked like Jamie Dukes the center is hurt he landed awkwardly [Music] he's a backup his guy Singham I think the pile fell on him and he was out in front trying to make a block and it's one of those deals where the the pile catches up with you the the collection of humanity is kind of eats you up and that's what happened to Dukes that time Bingham remains on the sideline Mike ruther another guy who can snap the ball where the moment has come on Luther is been used even if too tight in position but again in just two plays Atlanta hurt by the loss of Brian Jordan I think he would probably not see him again Luther is a USFL guy that is that it's been around was in Denver was in Phoenix for a while take a look there's Dukes on the left side and he's blocking on Sam Mills and here come the tacklers here comes the ball carrier and you can see his right leg gets caught in there he does get it out in time but obviously some damage was inflicted before he did [Music] [Applause] here's assistant to the sidelines there what you have to worry now if you're with the Atlanta Falcons is the snap count the exchange between the center and the quarterback is so critical and you don't get the reps during the week as Jamie dukes would probably take all the reps during the course of the week as they practice offensively and now all of a sudden you get a change at that critical spot is that everyone is into every one of the right page and one of the problems Miller his hand that his career has been handling snaps second down and six to the 20 yard stepping up throwing finds the open man arising and he goes out of bounds at the 38 yard line and that's the first down well if the Falcons win this game Frank Chris Miller ought to take his offensive linemen out for a hearty dinner they are giving him some time to find receivers take a look at rising again Pro Bowl bow me you're so right now Miller has a lot of time this is makes a lot of time to get this pass off crossing far over from the left side breaking across when he clears the linebackers and Miller had to wait that the weight had to get the protection and he got it in there needed area to work on this yeah there's Jerry ray the trainer of the Falcons working on Jamie do put all hunting's pieces back together again [Applause] Miller going to take off with it and he is out of bounds a little sort of the first down as he gets up to the 47 yard line again tremendous work upfront by this Falcon offensive line and it seems the longer we get into this game the more they're beginning to assert themselves against a tremendous defense and there's Mike in who is just having Pat's willing for lunch swellings going to try and spin back to the inside Ken stays right with him goes right with him collapses him and when he tries to spin again I mean in that what is that's what allows Miller to get to that side when swilling spins to the inside there's no containment on that side and again I'm really surprised they haven't started doing Sun with the inside outside man in orders because they've been doing a number on both willing and [Applause] the whole getting into New Orleans territory taking it to the 43 and that is a first down let's update a situation in Kansas City if you watch that game the great linebacker Derrick Thomas was taken to the hospital at Hampton with an accelerated heartbeat it's our understanding that the heartbeat had decelerated by the time he left the stadium he is in the hospital but the word is very good according to Bob Moore of the T front office everything is okay he needs what a nikitin inducer is a precautionary measure but they do expect him to play next week and here's Duke back in the games of and Ricky Jackson is in citing the crowd here in the from the 43 and Miller again and nimbly picks up the first down well that there was a failure of the Saints inside guys to make a play because Ricky Jackson collapsed the pocket forced Miller up and there was nobody inside to make the play Jackson did everything he could do watch him here against Chris Hinton he's going to get around the corner Miller sees him and has to get away from it but there's nobody inside Fralick will just dispatch his way Martin there and Chris went and the Chris Miller is doing really what he's capable of doing running with to the right book for first down move down online mr. New Orleans from the 32 yard line goes nowhere there's a second and 10 with 11:45 to go on the third the Saints on top 13 to 10 Jackson and medic seeing on the tackles that have been a change at the line of scrimmage Jackson again on the stop but there are two down linemen in and three linebackers in the rest of the defensive back here speak I'm trying to get to the outside and Jackson was right there and he gets a lot of help some guys wave at the crowd and then have a running back run by them some guys way but the crowd asked him to get then take the situation into their own hands that's what Ricky Jackson does a lot more than talk with this guy lots of actors at the 32 richard has it over Richard takes exam of the 20 Atkins was coming from the outside opening over the middle and it's exploited by Miller to Pritchard for a first down of the 20 oh and a good read by Chris Miller to Mike Richard the Blitz was coming to down linemen they picked them up they picked up the linebackers and they were right in sync Pritchard and Miller last four meetings here you can see all of them close including the overtime game won by the Falcons in November we appear to be headed in that same direction right now Falcons [Music] opening drive of the second half [Applause] [Music] and throws and it is horrified well I didn't think he had it from this angle over here before he went out of bound guaranteed second look at this one I'm sure we'll have another look at this with the replay did he have the both feet inbounds now we're from Phillips knees five foot seven receiver Plan B player out of Detroit and Miller tasted out of the pocket and way inside was Wayne Martin he has the luxury of time fires it now he's bottling it right here when does he put it away is he get the right foot down I don't think that's the rule I don't think they'll overturn at Jack petty is the replay official no one had a better look at it than Dre Glanville you're standing right on the sidelines I don't think that's a catch ruling on the play of the completed pass last play is under review yes as well it should be and I'll be very surprised if it isn't overturned and quickly again one more look at Jason Phillips he does not have control of the ball there he has control of the ball the left is down the right is out of Oz I either got very decisive and very conclusive well one of the things about being a after further review we've got a reversal yeah let's watch another part of the play let's watch two old pros go at it and two Pro Bowlers Phil Fralick and Ricky Jackson one Fraley 79 he's working against Ricky Jackson here comes Jackson to the inside brillig is locked up with another guy and he kicks out his left leg and prick Ricky Jackson that is a penalty you are not allowed to drip another player I better don't go real smart didn't you ever do that all the time I thought darn right because it's almost impossible for an official to see it second in Canada walked it into the end zone for Haynes and it is a touchdown Michael Haynes Michael Haynes with the great speed he doesn't look like he is moving as rapidly as he is he's a four to nine sprinter great hundred meters sprinter Olympic Trials in 88 and he just blew by Reginald Jones and a beautifully thrown timing pass by Chris Miller as Jones right up in his face he's going to have help to the inside but he tried to play him a little bump and run here and that ball thrown him there perfect Aires to help getting over there in the form of 2950 Glen Glen was late and Reginald Jones was just did not stay with the speedy Michael Haynes but what a great job by needs of holding on to the ball and taking that hit by Glen because if that ball would have come out that would not have been a catch he's got to come down and demonstrate possession that was just superlative on the part of Michael he who helps play the Saints during the regular season with a couple the big plays and right now he has given Atlanta Michael Haynes is even with Reggie Jones the cornerback and now he blows by Miller with a great shot now what go blow by Vincey glen and for the receiver he knows he's going to get hit that was a great effort on the part of hangs to hold on to it but he knew he was going to get hit once that ball was in there he just touched it to the chest took the shot and he's a little woozy on the sideline doram Johnson kicks off a bouncer sound in the end zone by McAfee and we have 952 remaining in the third and quarter over the Falcons on top five four nations in the NFL coming to mind of course rice and Taylor in San Francisco Duke or inflate in Miami and now that Atlanta is finally getting a chance to appear in games national telecasts playoff games pains and horizon keep them in mind these two are babies I mean they are just kids they're going to be on this team for a long time well do they complement each other first down magazine takes adopted the first time the Saints have had the ball in the second half mo Gardner makes the tackle we have 940 remaining in the third quarter in Atlanta wins they will go to Washington next week because Atlanta would be the sixth and final seed in the playoffs of the NFC if the Saints win as the third seed they would go through Detroit next week for as where I can see that's words we have from Jerry Glanville Oh cm RFK Stadium I leave tickets for you he said we will take second and six to the 24 my dog Glanville can get tickets at rfk only for Elvis he picks up three get to dodge to the 27 yard line that's going to set up a third and 310 Green is at the rear of the pot well they're not going to win a spelling bee I know that all you kids out there don't pay attention to the middle of that for anyone who might men know that's the reference to the back this very Glanville over the years is left tickets for a lot of screens the dude of course he makes sure everyone knows about it for a long time he left tickets for Elvis [Music] third and three at the 27-yard line they bear [Music] having a big day one and a scene first down there's a st. regular guys Mardi Gras all year round that's a good pass by Bobby a very good conservative across the middle keep a drive alive type of fan and it's time for the saints who haven't played offense for a long time to run a little clock go ahead chew up some yardage get some points on this drive if they can but their defense was on the field for a long time they excel at using the clock they're always up near the top of the league in time with possessions [Music] first sound buy time throws in the pants is incomplete went early had it couldn't hold on it let a bit tipped it second down now pointed Dion Sanders have a chance to pull the trigger on Quinn early on okay let him go he'll play to be around here another day yeah Dion I think takes the takes the attitude that I'm not a Clydesdale you're not going to see me pulling a wagon a great football player Deion Sanders I don't think I've ever seen one that quick you'll see the shot that he could have taken on Quinn early no no guys all right I'll pass that one up exploit Turner now lining up in the backfield number 88 there on second and beautiful pants a hot bike Turner's just before he goes out about first down and a bear released just before he went down he threw that ball Turner hadn't even looked back when he released it he had to throw the ball had to get rid of it and I don't I'm sure he didn't see it caught that's another blitzing opportunity there comes Scott case Jessie toggle comes on the Blitz as well and the Saints make the adjustment it is just tremendous pressure on the cornerbacks and all the guys in the secondary when you're going to blitz and blitz as much as the falcons do if the receivers and the quarterback our instinct you're going to see a lot of big plays again first insanity here dog enjoyers gain of three to the 44 as the clock ticks down to seven minutes remaining in the third quarter the Falcons on top 1713 what a jerry glanville say in that first game when we got B 27 to 6 we played normal football we didn't play our kind of football in the second game when we went in overtime twenty three to twenty we played Falcons football if they blocked the five we brought six if they blocked six we brought seven and we have not really seen that today they have not been outrageous in coming with the press they usually use the best very judiciously and probably because warning for - any shot and they could really get filled when they do play second and seventh in the 44 [Applause] [Music] to the 41-yard line that coming up to make the tackle four yards short of the first down and retire yet to arrive that was our friend mr. toggle that came all the way over there and put a pretty good shot on the ball carrier risin was low Tuggle was high I mean Makai er was low puzzlement talk alive knuckle it came across to put the hit on he might have gotten Makai er 22 is Makai er and he stays on the carpet there he got a fire [Applause] [Music] Semak ire helped off the field Oh stranger of course to postseason play with the 49ers and then with the dolphins and now it's the Falcons Bobby Butler spells in a third down and four first down early makes the cactus makes it to the 33 early the plan B pickup from San Diego tackled by Butler Nick Longo right at Bobby Butler Butler had some great years as a starter first-round draft pick one of Bert team that started out on the roster oniy 11 now first-round picks that are active on this roster but Butler summers best years are behind him all the way plays a fine nickel and dimed for the Atlanta Falcons and a big contributor but if you get him isolated out there you can beat him and that's exactly what the Orleans will probably try to do double squat to the left sighs entice emotions for the first time today a bear gets that big number 99 well we say big he's really an undersized defensive van but he looked pretty big to a bear right there Tim green boy he just knifes right across the middle on a stunt crosses the face of joel hildenburg the center that is fries stuff the third foot on the back of my car that's liquid cold and he's trying to dead in the area look at Tim Green 99 slice to the left boy and a bear just has absolutely no place to go an unavoidable sack in the first major blow in the middle by the New Orleans offensive line Tim Green just swarmed Bobby a bear and a big play to that pushes him well back beyond the 40 second and eight from the 41 and they just get to play a bear over the middle in the traffic and it's down by Tuggle and Tiffin and it will be third down and well coming up he hit her out of the head out Martin has paid the price for five straight years he works inside maybe he's not as gifted as some of the great receivers MyLink but he will catch the football knowing full well he's going to take a hammering at a pounding and he knew exactly what was going to happen there good effort by the ball at the 34 third and 12 for the Saints a bear from the gun to get to the 23 to confer [Applause] acquisition Quinn earliest turned out to be Plan B from San Diego and Bobby a beer wedding defenders firing it in right in front of Bobby Butler and Bobby is going to be a busy he sent you back for the rest of this game they're going to look for him no question about that well he got popped right in the face by Brian Mitchell the Falcon defensive back in early obviously hurt as he heads for the bench but again another good example we saw Michael Haynes do it in the end zone with a touchdown there we thought that time a receiver taking a great shot and holding on to the ball [Applause] nothing doing through the middle for Hilliard who picks up just one taking it to the 21 with three minutes remaining in the third quarter and they continue to work on similar tires and now it looks like Mike Eyre is cramping up well they're going to try to stretch out that that hip lower back area that's that looks to be in some sort of spasms right now when anyone's ever had a lower back problem knows exactly what they're doing that's the one that you loosen up with every morning if you live with one I mean mother Brenda check area coast with Quinn early second and nine of the 21 Falcons ahead 1713 late third quarter a bear just dumps it off and it's incomplete and a bear goes down and a flag goes well after the play well after the clay is exactly right hey they're very slow getting up that still in vain Howard row refereeing his first postseason game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] essential grounding [Applause] Jim Laura wants to talk to the referee he went our dro to come over a neighbor's incensed as well again the rule point a state quite simply if the quarterback throws the football with the intent of avoiding a sack and [Music] [Applause] sure that he's going to get an audience with Howard row anything was pointing at Brenda but Brenner is clearly in fan protection here and you know what it's hard to argue with the call Bobby a bear was going to be sacked and he dumped the football and that is the rule and if the referee chooses to interpret it literally the flag has to be thrown there was no receiver in the area it was a good call third and 18 is a 31 yard Rock a bear [Applause] mytho just got that arm literally watch his left arm as he comes in there's no question about this one either we cannot make contact fighting through the receiver to the ball and watch the left arm and got her draped around me before the ball ever gets in well and it's not only his arm but it appeared it his chest and torso what it made contact well before the ball got there and as a great effort on the part of a bear lost in the call and the flag and the penalty is the fact that a bear defense they pass interference first down yeah that has questions all over him and still managed to get rid of the ball that was a much better look at there you can see the body contact made by bit Mitchell on Martin so back-to-back penalties one on the Saints then the follow-up on the Falcon pretty much of even things out it turns a third and 18 into a first and ten to nineteen to twenty one remaining in the third quarter Atlanta on top 1713 and Jim Mora appears to be aging before our very eyes playoff football we'll do that [Applause] walked out by a bear - they changed it Hilliard and [Music] sipping through a loss back at the 22-yard line a loss of three you know a lot of people understand how viable a Deion Sanders is that was a change off to a fade route to Eric Martin Deion Sanders was all over Martin a bear couldn't go into the end zone with it had to dump it off and so there's a loss of two yards and it could really be credited to Deion Sanders he had perfect coverage on Eric Martin and that's where a bear wanted to go I've come for cycle on him three years ago you just really wondered when we walked in the Florida State and there game against Auburn but he has turned into a great cornerback second and 1218 mandible right through Donaldson the 13-yard line we're going to be third and five with a minute and a half to play in the period where the big boys came to play today didn't they I mean these are two teams that aren't shy about contact and they appear to be reveling it here this afternoon watch the power of McAfee Donelson makes the mistake tries to take him high and McAfee just goes right through Jeff Donaldson and these guys we used to say our poking and stroking they are they are hammer knees up the tire is back in when early is back in it floors at the moment okay there's no tomorrow if you can drag it out there you drag it out third and five eBay laughing ah and incomplete Turner almost came up with it but fire with the coverage they went right to the fire I really wonder if they knew that Bobby Butler had gone out of the lineup it came over with the bay pass and it was perfectly covered by McLaren yeah but Mike Eyre has been on the sidelines nursing that bad back so what better way to find out if he's all the way back into it he played it well sure did and even then it was almost caught by turning 31 yard field goal attempt for Morgan Anderson Barnhart to hold they spotted at the 21 yard line Atlanta jump flags economy watch out because it's double Jessie jumbo was across the line this will be in New Orleans first down very close to it or Rilke they appear to be about exactly 5 yards from a first down they usually use that yard marker fairly accurate and it looked like a Libya first down of his five against Atlanta prior to the snap we've got contact Oh well it's a five-year town for a first down by the way they are not taking any points off the board there was mostly this play was over before Anderson ever kicked it to see the key was when he heard Howard Rose say contact before the snap that means just as al said it never existed but the spotting of this football now is going to be crucial and it is a New Orleans first down what a huge mistake what a Jerry Glanville he started out as a special teams coach wherever he was the facial team provided a lot of the emphasis for winning and they've been good this year but they made a couple of major errors today and there is a big time there is Bobby Abram for April rather the special teams coach obviously concerned first and gold gusting signs of nine 41 seconds left in the third Falcons up by four [Applause] behind court makes it to the four yard by puddles no greater and you made a mistake no use keeping your head down come back and make a play and that's what Jesse Tuggle does right here look at the pursuit has to go around his own man give some ground but then still musters up enough to get in there on McAfee and that's still good running by McAfee he gets almost four yards out of it you have other way to give some Brown to get around tippin's but still makes the play and as a for this one has been a beauty 13 will return with our wildfire playoff team after this word from our ABC station this has been almost a 10 minute drive to this point for the Saints Atlanta took the ball to start the third quarter scored the same type of oil for the rest of the series as we start the fourth quarter it is second and goal for the Saints at the Atlanta 3 yard line Falcons on top 70 the first day now Michaels Frank Gifford Dan Dierdorf this Weston regulation Hobie Brenner hasn't been a part of this [Applause] second and goal McAfee takes it down to the one pop water stock case makes the tackle again he's not that big hundred 90 pounder 510 he runs like a much bigger man the second game led to the old overtime win by Atlanta he made a key fumble came right back with the rookie and he's been their main man in the running game third and [Applause] with Jordan offset promotion [Applause] if you've never been to a pro football game this is why people are in the seats because it's fun to be in a place like this when your team's winning and that's what that touchdown by Dalton Hillier did for the Saints in New Orleans gave him a two-point lead here takes it in he had a 65 yard touchdown in the first [Music] [Applause] make it a three point lead there in there is aiming at the Superdome the Saints have never won a postseason game they lead by three patience one sees the 17 sink that drive laughing over to the fourth quarter 10:49 they began at their 20 jerry glanville he said we're like an NBA team we just want the last shot at the end of the game you know they make a lot of big plays and teams that make big plays like the Raiders they make a lot of mistakes also toggle off Drive he's trying to block the field goal and they ultimately wind up with the touchdown but teams that make the big play will also make the mistake will hurt them tells us they keep coming back and they'll be there at the end I wouldn't kick this to Sanders I wouldn't give him a chance he doesn't get it but he does from Jordan only get back to the 20-yard line and Bobby April looks dismayed as it will begin from the 21 and we take a look at the numbers after three quarters when we return through the Superdome in New Orleans where the Saints lead by three in penalty assessed against New Orleans a 15-yarder and that means Atlanta gets it at the 36 instead of the 21 never named a did he name the individual but it's a 15-yard penalty against Worley and it wasn't involved we themselves wasn't a late hit or anything that's our way of saying we're in the dark first and ten the Lanza from the 36 and listen to this crown Miller find the open man at Pritchard neroon explore the rookie from colorado he takes it across the 50 to the st. 49 yard line and we'll take a look at the numbers through the first three quarters of play time a possession mop sighted of course in favor of the Saints but slowly and surely Atlanta is creeping back into the picture in terms of yardage but they are a big team play this doesn't really reflect what they can do they look for the big play they have the one wide receiver alone it has 10 plays and Michael Haynes of over 40 yards don't judge the things at the same 49 fifteen to play in regulation things up by three Seagram to the 45-yard line he is stopped by schooling we mentioned that the Saints are looking for their first ever postseason win in Atlanta 26-year history they have won one postseason game they beat Philadelphia in 1978 in a game in which they trailed 13 nothing in feed Bartowski threw two touchdown passes in the last five minutes an assistant coach on a team and Ricky Jackson has beseeched the crowd for noise and you could actually see our sideline cameras take [Applause] these are not portable fan [Applause] second and six Miller throws low throw is it caught yes it is somehow some way at least ruled on the field a catch by Floyd Dixon it'll be 2 yards short of the first down at the 41 yard line Roy Dixon getting the single coverage and getting the coverage from the safeties getting less attention Andre Senna target restless night [Applause] to do it as the advantage of the home [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ground the rookie Pegram enough for a first down he takes it to the 37 yard line stop by gene Atkins I don't know that I've been in a football stadium for a lot of years where I've heard noise like I've heard the last two plays incredible right now they're catching their breath and they'll be back in a moment yes well that I could see where that attire you out there we go though Fralick is out he's replaced by Mike Luthor first [Music] Miller going he throws it out of bounds was blanketed by Milton Mac never got free second down Mac also getting help from the inside Brett Maxie back there with a good coverage [Music] again Chris Miller locked in on the CD Michael Haynes as well he should he has in the big play man all year for the man a little work there with the hand by Milton Macklin over Mac knew he had help on the inside so he was in pretty good shape there's Fralick who has shaken up as we said ruther now in it right early so see me do there's Tigre nowhere to run or bullying in a war [Music] you think the last couple of planes were noisy wait till they so they scrap on this third down and long situation and a key play here for the Falcons they need more yardage to get into field goal range I think they're outside right now they need another eight or ten yards resent yeah or a viable option to the field goals [Applause] [Music] to get to the 27th to convert the and he picks up the first down as the catch is made at the 20 yard line by George Thomas a receiver who was hurt last week rehab came back third year man out of the University of Nevada Las Vegas makes a very big tag for a conversion these are ankle they didn't know he was going to be able to go these are slow developing patterns Frank again it was all based on tremendous pass protection for Chris Miller who went from the first to the second of the third guy I mean the Middle Earth at Miller reading the right ground even now he's in a little bit of a panic here as he moves in steps into the pocket pulls it down and delivers that ball right on target to Thomas Thomas his first catch of the day he was indigent teams without play and the throw here is incomplete intended for Thomas Oh Haynes is on the Atlanta side line their big play guy and Thomas has come in in his stead you really can't blame Thomas we're not catching that ball that's a ball he could have easily caught if he would have stepped out of bounds he knew exactly where he was tried to keep his speed in bounds and the ball was just thrown too far outside his hands they're looking at him and remember the touchdown pass he caught earlier he took the tremendous shot from density Glenn well he is I think still recovering from that he was amused yes to that right the lineup and now they're looking at him again Chris Miller just tarts wandering towards the Falcon sideline it is it's a timeout on the sync the state take the timeout here on second and tentative 2859 left in regulation and to take a timeout Ben C Glenn will move out of the way and there is Mark lead trying to get his shoe back on he's trying to get the double not out of it and with the quarterback situation on the team they were in no position to bring in somebody else so they had to take the timeout and of course they're all aware of the fact that Michael Haynes is reentered the Atlanta lineup their big play guy second and 10 Falcons at the 2015 eye to play in regulation New Orleans lead by three and Frank Lauren gets him by the shirt and sets him at 2:25 what a great play by Frank Warren he just explodes off the ball right now you're looking at if there is an incomplete pass or no gain on this way you're looking at about a 47-yard field goal take a look at Warren Chris Fenton the right tackle is preoccupied with jet with Ricky Jackson when Ricky Jackson loops back to the inside Warren was already on his shoulder and he couldn't do anything about excellent by one put your emotions Miller grows to the 18 and that's going to make it easier for norm Johnson as the catch is made by Prichard at about the 19 yard line so that's going to set up about a 36-yard field goal attempt for norm Johnson who as we mentioned has been perfect this year from inside 45 that will be one of those completions that when you look at it in comparison to all the others will be insignificant and just disappear but as norm Johnson how important it is 36 yards he made a fool this to tie the game and the round with the crowd reaction tells you whether that was good or bad mm-hmm and mr. April on the sidelines congratulate everybody an extremely effective drive by the Atlanta Falcons they were trailing by three they took it in bits and pieces but it was all said and done it had up to three points in a tie game [Applause] the Superdome in New Orleans where the store couldn't be closer it's 2020 and in terms of total yards well it's about as close as it gets because there's a difference of only two yards as the falcons after their last scoring drive results in a field goal time the game the Saints have gained two more yards than the Falcons Johnson kick down after some hesitation by McAfee in the end zone they'll take it at the 20-yard line we have college football tomorrow it is the dogs and the Hodge Georgia Arkansas : we need er Independence Hall tomorrow 2:30 Eastern then triple header Wednesday Cal Clemson in the Florida citrus fold at 1:30 Eastern 10:30 a.m. Pacific the big game of the day the Rose Bowl it's a beauty Washington against Michigan there's Ben Howard of course the Heisman Trophy winner for Michigan and then we'll wrap it up with a sugar bowl from a gear at the Superdome as the Notre Dame Fighting Irish come in against the 3rd ranked Florida Gators a lot of jambalaya between now and then meaning first time Saint at the 27 36 left in regulation Aixa McAfee a bear has except and incomplete it was nearly caught after it was v by Turner case got a hand on it second down getting into an area of time remaining in this game where you could call a feed Morten Andersen factor he is a great kicker he kicked one earlier in the year of 60 yards 18 career field goals of over 50 yards and as you can see in that hand up there Scott cases boy and more often than not when a defensive back hits the ball like that and it goes up into the air more often than not it's either caught by a receiver or caught by a defensive back for an interception that was very fortunate for the Saints that that dropped barnacle second and fast line - showed a seven-man front a very close and open rule and he has a first down gets to the 33-yard line the old trapdoor got in Franklin sighs good receiver and as you pointed out earlier they have not used their tide in much today they're holding printer and John sighs he's the leading receiver at that tide in position and you're right he bought the toe and the turf and down he went he could have got another six or seven yards out of that that's where the players say that somebody opened a trap door and grabbed him as he was running by because it wasn't anybody on the other team hold for about five not a not a player's favorite moment first down at the 33 Wainwright in most out of a three site in Atlanta hazard and Robert wild recovers and as sane as a forum magazine with a fumble in the regular-season game that led to New Orleans losing that one here in the Superdome to the same Rachel a boo on you from New Orleans but we talked about it earlier he had a critical fumble in the overtime lost five weeks ago to Atlanta and he coughed it up again right here what a major play by the Illinois rookie more mo Gartner boy he just goes right around the center and gets in there and creates that fumble boy this is just a big-time play by a rookie here blaring that so loosely we can see that again there's no way you should be carrying that football if Busan's he was carrying it as he was turning back into the line of scrimmage he just got it had it by the hand he didn't have it tucked away at all and came out easily even mo Gardner got that hand in there first and ten at the 30-yard line 6:35 left and regulate Miller fires over the middle it's incomplete through a bullet intended for Pritchard at the 20-yard line stand down I think in all honesty because Miller just drilled that into the carpet he wants to protect it down here jerry glanville showing a lot of confidence in Miller and his ability to keep from turning over the football he knows the coverage is there he just drills the edge of the carpet it is second down in ten at the 30-yard line New Orleans Miller fires to the outside that the minimal gain is rising makes attack at the 30-yard line gene Atkins who picked off three passes last week against Phoenix then had a fourth nullified on an interception provided the coverage there's a completion for absolutely nothing there's camera a devoted Saint Falcon fan rather who was funky logistics which has been adopted by the Falcons and certainly they are portraying that type of mental attitude here the senator nude well they aren't quitting what a big play on both sides of the football Chris Miller realizes how big it is all timeout what to think about it we have 618 left in regulation Atlanta 20 New Orleans 20 stay teen left in regulation the game time 2020 the Falcons have the ball at the st. 29 yard line third and nine as we look ahead each team has two timeouts remaining norm Don soon as we've pointed out the field goal kicker is not missed from 45 yards in the question did Jerry Glanville who says we live in the EDS as we try to pick up the first down put more points on the board because if you put three up there sincerely is a lot of time for New Orleans - the red gun before receiver set Miller it's a scramble yeah Myra got it back no signal yet well Ricky Jackson started all this no matter how it ends up Ricky Jackson again takes matters into his own hands and you see the signal force down there indicating that it's Atlanta's ball at the 37 and probably at a field goal range there Ricky Jackson may not go to the crow but he could run for governor down here how al he really could and you know what some players in big games disappear some players in big games just take it into their own hands and Ricky Jackson is one of those players watching come from the corner he's going to get around hitting hitting was bull coming off the ball and it was fortunate that Atlanta covered the ball but this is going to be a major kick here for the Falcons what is it 54 yard SC 4 yard go through with it it would match his career lon [Applause] this is the place was deflected somebody better cover it well lose why cover at the 19-yard one the Saints could have without any chance at all pick that ball up and take it off with it [Music] that that's about the best thing that can happen to you is if it gets deflected I mean that's a lot better than a true myth because the true miss comes back to the original line of scrimmage it was deflected by Les Miller number 69 Miller goes six seven and he is the key man for this special team when they try to block the kick rowing company I'm going to go over exactly where this ball should be spotted well the key for the falcons was it across the line of scrimmage once it went beyond the line of scrimmage it's very much like a pun we have a missed field goal back to the line of scrimmage for well it doesn't matter them that it was deflected a missed field goal is the same as a completely missing version instead of a hip attempt here absolutely right in that sense it does come back to the line of scrimmage if it remains behind the line of scrimmage one of the Falcons could have picked it up and run with it but the key is in a tie ballgame and as you look at 69 less Miller block it again he's 611 he'll Hoyer it's no point for the Falcons and not a lot of time left and it's a ball control offense now of the Saints that takes over a lot of time remaining 5:44 and you just don't want to get too conservative in the past I'll send one of the criticisms of New Orleans and Jim Moore that they get a lead they set on it and they get hurt that way this is a confusing what the officials are talking about exactly what the rule is here on a deflected field goal attempt maybe somebody upstairs coming through the pages play called on a field it's correct first down who first touched it easy is the key repeat all this old was the sack by Ricky Jack and so McAfee fumble does not hurt genetic situation the maid left Miller 6-7 bird sounds in the 37-yard [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] they got the early early just a little early that time ordinarily he is perfect with his peasant arrival this time he does I moved in on Quinn early a little early you'll see it right here the thing so it's really only about a seven yard penalty it was first down anyway so hardly a disaster for the Falcon that'd have been a third down play or something like that that it would be something you could say really turned the tide but in the big scheme of things not all that relative first down at the 44 they appeared in the game with George 540 to go in regulation billiard emotes first time Hilliard and he in turn is hit by Gordon after a short game he's up to the 45 it'll be second down and eight your New Orleans sink we're thinking ball control hold on to the football think of the clock and remember that you have one of the game's great kickers sitting on the bench Morten Andersen here's Hilliard he's in there for McAfee we did not see McAfee again that could be fumbling the football though could have been very decisive in this game this one a beauty if Atlanta wins they go to Washington if New Orleans wins they go to Detroit loser goes home 2024 55 mehran second and eight [Applause] nobody is there Martin I believe the intended receiver but he had broken the pattern off considerably short of where a bear threw the ball he's gone ba behavior saying he was supposed to take it out he was supposed to take it out they call that a slight adjustment Eric Martin read one coverage Bobby a bear needless to say read the other coverage a bear expecting Martin to continue downfield and I'm suspecting that Bobby a bear is right Quinn early and Eric Martin we're not supposed to be side by side out on the field now to look at Amazon he had a 60 yarder earlier against the bear [Applause] from the 45-yard line over the middle Martin has it dislodge it is incomplete hit as the ball got there by Tracy Eaton timed it perfect I mean absolutely perfect he doesn't make that hit the one on Saints are in field goal range Tracy eating a plan B player from the Cardinals just putting the major league pop on Eric Martin I don't know I haven't followed Eaton's career and seen every game but I doubt he's made any bigger Lauren Hartzell the dangerous beyond Sanders whoa good deep text a little too deep not by much they get to the 20 let me duck in something the Chicago Tribune is reporting that Bill Parcells has agreed to take over as the coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and he's going to bring jury Venetia with him to become the general manager that is what the Chicago Tribune is reporting unconfirmed well there's certainly been no doubt that you Culver house and his family have been lusting after Bill Parcells for quite some time Richard Williamson just got fired yesterday and so the timing was certainly there and I guess it was a question of money and a question of control and a question of whether or not Bill Parcells wanted to remain at NBC but again it's not official yet that's being reported by the Birgit is official you can bet there are big zeros involved first down on the 20 yard for the Atlanta Falcons Pegram gets five up to the 25 and as the clock winds down again each team has two timeouts left [Music] and I guess if you analyze you have to save the bill parcells the one thing he is wanted was control the one thing he lacked even though he responded the organization in New York was the control with George Jung a fine football man many people think as good as there is in the game he nevertheless has the personnel control and go for ourselves if he moves on it is going to be the major man second down and five at the [Music] 25 yard line [Applause] forty-five Miller and it's incomplete up at the 29-yard line that's Michael Haynes who they're telling us from the Falcon bench was hurt originally on the very first series of the game and he's been in and out of court he had a big day and earlier when he caught the touchdown pass he took a tremendous shot from Vincey Glyn and they worked on him on the bench so whatever he hurt early in the game he certainly aggravated on that third and five at the 25-yard line [Applause] [Music] out of the red John Seavers Miller throws first down Andre Rison run out by gene Atkins up at the 37 with 335 to go a pattern run an awful lot by the Falcons today we're three receivers to one side two of them head downfield and then the possession pattern run by the inside slot receiver that's rising right there the area cleared out by his two men going downfield Atkins has to cover a lot of distance to get over there a very safe throw and it's a pass at nine out of ten times it's going to be open tomorrow with a nurse well we talked about Morton Anderson Johnson he is no pump tremendous year and equip them down to a Johnson kick Jamie Dukes waving to all his friends out there Pegram struggled close to the 39 yard line being what's called it one it'll be second down and nine you know Dan talked earlier about the Atlanta Falcons playing mostly to regional telecast during the course of the season but this is a pretty good football team they have a lot of talent we talked about the 11 number-one draft picks that are active here tonight out of 13 that they had going into the season but they also really helped themselves when they made the trade a year ago they gave up the first pick in the draft and they got they got Kristen number one graphic major strides with that crane second down and nine at the certain idea Lakes attack change in the same territory was born and raised in New Orleans has just Florida quick sound that may have taken the Saints out of the playoffs we talked about his four to nine feet and you thought he is a blazer Michael Haynes who killed him in the regular-season game here he was the key man in setting up their wind hammer exalts on the sideline but still 241 to go in the suddenly silent Superdome and you can see the effects of that injury tajin as he goes off the field where miss Milton Mack he just left him there he sure did Milton Mack right now looking for a place to hide and of course Milton Max was one of those backup quarterbacks replacing the two injured cornerback toy cook and Ben Stein Johnson for the point answer pain today has caught six for a hundred forty-five yards he beats back tear this one good for 61 yards Mac looks a little indecisive after Haynes catches the ball he doesn't know quite whether to attack him and when he chose not to attack it gave Michael Haynes the room to make a move back to the inside he easily went around Mac and then nobody on the Saints defense has enough speed to catch him when you're a cornerback Frank and the guy catches the ball in front of you you can't sit on your haunches and wait for him to come to you you have to be the aggressive you know again they've just on regional television more often than not and that is the seventh game out of eight games that he's caught touchdown passes it's his 12th play I believe a 40 or more yards he's dead touchdown catches of 75 and 80 he's just a remarkable receiver and again it'll tell you how important speed is in this game it was second and nine on that play from the 39 yard line what a Glanville tell us yesterday we talked about a while ago there will be a couple times during this game well we will appear to be out of it and they were and hey hugs keep coming back coming back and here they have a seven point lead with 241 left courageous effort on the part of Michael Haynes very sore shoulder we didn't know whether he would be back earlier they worked on him and worked on him he made the big play and he made maybe the biggest play of their season because he's the guy who lost a hail-mary against San Francisco that was certainly the biggest play of the 49ers season as it turned out Johnson kicks it to the floor McAfee brings us back to the 17 in the situation now with 232 left is two timeouts remaining for New Orleans plus one at the two-minute warning as McAfee is slow in getting up and pushing shoving talking all starting to take place down on the field but what's needed by the 11 guys in the black jerseys now is concentration and execution lots of time crunch time of the two-minute warning to work with they have the two timeouts and they have a quarterback that can get it done in ba behavior the question here is defensively are the Falcons going to gamble and come with the Blitzer sit back and play a softer zone remain front this time to the left side Atlanta Rutger three and a bear throws to Quinn early he makes the cakzis up to the 24 yard line it will be second down and three [Music] no huddle [Music] to 13 to 12 and calming down a second and three oh yeah over the middle this will come back Turner he gets to the 14 that won't count guys that was motion against the same against Eric Martin yeah you saw him bend his knees and act like he was going to take off early this is going to go against the Saints it'll make it 2nd and 8th back at the 19 Roger [Music] here is Eric Martin right here watches away motion offense five-yard penalty there was and the flag comes right out that is a good call and the receivers just have to look at the ball they can't lose their concentration like that and that that is just a colossal penalty against the Saints they were moving their way upfield and now they really have got a long way to go they're clear back inside the point second and eight at the 19 again 203 left the clock will stop at the end of this play for the two-minute warning and the Saints in has two timeouts remaining 81 yards to negotiate [Music] a bear going deep and incomplete intended for Wesley Carroll he was covered by Deion Sanders and it will be third down and eight as we have come to the two-minute warning officially at 157 and then how can that far away from advancing to the next round of the play again good coverage by Sanders don't play for air there to put it hey sports fans get a ticket to football for and you can win a million dollars cash a million fun but you can't get a ticket just anywhere but whole ticket think of Georgia will you by Budweiser Bud Light and PUD dry draft beer and you just might be a winner is it the license you know it's not that important bubble for this time it's for a million bucks [Music] it has a breathtaking it has new overhead-cam power and standard anti-lock brakes introducing the all-new Pontiac Grand Am [Music] excitement with purpose 1:57 left third down and eight the Superdome in New Orleans which has been mostly noisy is now very quiet Atlanta on top 27 to 20 the Saints have two timeouts remaining they have the ball at their own 19 yard line [Music] and that down in distance becoming 42 they have to convert it's third down and eight they clearly would go for it on fourth down it would move them to pick up the first here yes it would behoove them and they don't have to do it with a 35 yard pass even and key Atlanta is out there with their prevents the six defensive backs so frequently the states have looked to number 84 Eric Martin their leading receiver he works well underneath in a crossing pattern runs well with the ball when he touches it they just can't lose sight of the fact that eight yards is what they need [Applause] [Music] third innate [Music] hey bear pump throws what makes the kakoton forward progress nets in the first down up at the 28 yard line a first down for the same that's the problem when you come with a three-man rush Bobby a bear had time to come off his primary guy step up and throw it and he did it well hey bear over the middle the catch is made by Martin he gets popped again up at the 38 yard line this o the Saints conserving their timeouts and the clock is stopped here eaten shaken up that's like two heavyweights well that was neat and remember that was eaten that came in and put the hint before let's take a look at those eyes they're dilated and New Orleans has used a timeout here that's that's the old what goes around comes around we just had eaten on the last possession coming up and delivering a big shot that dislodged the football this time Martin holds on and is the hit he that ends up Martin wins this one yes he does in Moore made more ways than one he held on to the football and got the completion in the first down you know it's a funny thing they're the Saints we're a little hasty in using that time I had they waited another couple of seconds this would have been an injury timeout they would have stopped the clock because Eaton was hurt and needed assistance and they wasted a timeout there you're right out and of course but it could have been why they drug Tracy eating off the carpet ooh got him on his feet maybe they might have squeezed two more seconds out of the clock before they would have had to call it and you really can't blame Bobby a bear because he's 20 yards back downfield and there's no way that he can see that eaton is in that kind of shape so really it was just a a set of circumstances for the same one timeout left or at the 39 they have to go 61 yards 128 left American give up an awful lot we won't give up anything big green man run a bear will run out near the first down marker he's a little short of it he down at about the fourteen eight second and one but there's still time here for New Orleans the key for them now is just to think that we've got to get it all at once they have time to do with ten yards at a time although it sure would be nice I'm sure and Bobby Hebert is mine right now thinking I'd sure love to have more than just one timeout you know what happens when you get into the scent of a defense you start to take away the sidelines and at least a huge opening over the middle and you can get big major yardage over the middle another plus for New Orleans is that they get to do a drill like this at home a bear is able to audible this would be impossible if they're playing a road cam this is a two-man rush nine guys drop back and the pass is incomplete intended for Floyd Turner third and one and I think a bear was premature and throwing that ball not only was a two-man rush neither neither one of them left the line of scrimmage I think they almost are going to have to take it down the middle and get them into some kind of range where they can think endzone they can get that with this kind of a prevent defense you notice how they take away the sidelines they do that to keep the not only the receive from catching the ball but it's from going out of bounds to stopping the clock third and one falcons up by seven 1:16 remaining [Music] again Atlanta Russia's just two and a bear throws a cactus [Laughter] [Applause] what a perfectly thrown ball by Bobby a bear and complemented by just a perfect 100 cats by Eric mark I mean look at the quality of the throw look at the quality of the catch and then the quality of the green work that gets Martin over to the sidelines with an assist from Scott cage throwing him out of bounds okay that's a hard task to throw he's coming directly across the field and it was perfect that's why both these teams are in the playoffs first and ten at the 35 yard line one whose hand remaining was to move this game to the airport a birthright Empire and mkhaya is going to gamble by flipping it to Sanders they can good fall down that's not very smart though [Applause] they keep living on the edge and they got to go to the playoffs are they for real this is Joe Sixpack for a touchdown on two of us on two of the stupidest plays I have seen on a long time I don't mean to be critical are you going to do is fall on the ball and the game is over they take two chances like that and end up scoring a touchdown Jerry Glanville loves that there will be no criticism of what they did by Glendale but that's not smart guys that's not smart but the Falcon the Falcons win the ballgame maybe that's why they're here too you know what maybe it is that last ladder will look to me as if it might have been a forward lateral take a look at it again it was certainly close to it the tire picks it off remember he did this two weeks ago in Seattle he laterally Deion Sanders sandals took it in for a touchdown now that definitely is the latter of those Sanders again great speed but all you guys do is fall down the game is over oh I know but they don't think that way and it comes right down from the top Jerry Glanville now let's take a look and see this if this could have been a forward lateral real close watch his feet where are his feet going to be that's not bad running the with it he's on that outside of nowhere he has to be a forward that's the forward lateral they could bring it back it is a reviewable play it really doesn't matter the only thing that would know would be the final score no they can run the clock out even if they bring it back I think men while the play to determine this football game I don't think there's any doubt that this was a forward lateral Deon was at the forty or behind it when he had the ball leave his hand well that ends with a footnote the key thing here is that the Atlanta Falcons are going to win the game they are going to Washington the Saints still have not won a postseason game this guy is thought by many to be crazy not her but Jerry Glanville the man we just dissolved away from and now back to but here's a guy and coaches come in all shapes and sizes and forms there were the Noles and the shoulders and the land reason of the Parcells and the walkers the right here we've got an illegal forward pass which is a five-yard penalty [Applause] but the fact of the matter is Glanville has now taken his teams to the playoffs in four of the last five seasons he's a winner how they played Washington earlier in the year and they got beat 56 to 17 well and one thing here the guy we got to give credit to because we kind of got caught up and everything that happened when the big play had to be made there was Tim Makai Dimmick hires he's been doing all year has come up with big play after big play he talks a big game and most of the time he plays a big game and that time Bobby Hebert really threw the ball right to Makai er but he didn't drop it again to quote Glanville and we said it at the very beginning and our theme has been they play on the edge Jerry said yesterday we make people nervous including themselves well I think the front office and their fans on a place like the last one it's almost a certainty I think that we will be in Atlanta next year it's hard for me to imagine them not being a part of the old Monday night's effort next year things can stop the clock once more and they have just done it and now just one more play and barring a historic Herman Edwards scenario one is over and the Falcons go to Washington where Stan Howell is already checking out the hotel registry there in Atlanta I got it book you've got its books are you know this is our final pro game of the season and as jerry glanville congratulate all his Falcon players I just want to say a no offense to our friends at NBC CBS and ESPN we finish up another professional season working with the best technical crew and professional football the best camera tape tech people downstairs guys thank you very much you're the best guys and girls what if any year has been it's been a great year we've had some super games some incredible finishes we've had some blowouts that all go with this game but what a wild one to wind up our 1990 season any one season [Applause] [Music] and Neal's down this one is over so the Saints season is over New Orleans wins the West but they go home or they stay home as it is after another postseason defeat yeah they're real and go continues on with the wild-card Atlanta Falcons what a disappointment for New Orleans it started back in July and now it's all over Falcons won at 27 20 let's go to Tim Brant all right I'm with Coach Glanville right now Jerry you said you live on the edge of play on the edge before you guys did that well it was great Michael Haynes had the fastest touchdown ever seen he just did a great job he deserves all the credit go interview Mike Haynes he was fantastic all right congratulations good luck in wars right Saints team I gotta love their fans they got the best fans I've ever seen in a close stadium next year we hope they're that same advantage all right Jerry back upstairs you guys I'm going to try to grab my cane all right there he is Michael Haynes and what a day for him not only one of the big heroes for the Falcons but to do it in his hometown there's my candidate advances to the playoffs and what I want to do it what a great game by Mike n who really just made Pat swilling disappear Ferg Lambeau was referring this back to falcons we playing in a domed stadium next year Atlanta is getting it all they had the Braves in the World Series are getting a new dome Stadium they've got the Summer Olympics coming up in 96 the city in the middle of Georgia is on quite a roll and they've got themselves a pretty doggone good football team well we talked about my cane he plays in the band when he was in high school here and he played the beat it was doing a serious with Tim well there he was with Tim he's on his way to the locker room as the Atlanta Falcons who came in as a six-point underdog come into New Orleans and not be Saints out of the playoffs 27 to 28 one yard pass from Miller to Haynes this was the final play of them a bear tried to take it to the sidelines I guess to prevent defense and already makar is looking for Sanders and he finally picks him out and then it's the old rugby game and the forward lateral there good television you got to say that yep too legit to quit [Music] look into the very happy Atlanta Falcons locker room when they're very happy because of this play with a little bit more than two minutes remaining 61 yard touchdown pass to Michael Haynes sends the Falcons to Washington next week
Channel: Rob Franzen
Views: 5,664
Rating: 4.8378377 out of 5
Id: 29Yv8Kb1My0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 53sec (10733 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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