NEW OMG VRQT Big Sister Babysitting Disaster FAIL

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all right kids we're off don't stay up too late it's your first time babysitting alone pixel are you sure you'll be okay of course mom I've got this make sure they don't game too much your father's right you've been gaining every day how about using the place that your father set up you haven't even used it yet yes Mom I've been telling them go touch grass hey that's not nice I touch grass all the time mommy no you don't you get more than I do Mommy I want to use the poiset okay fine I'll use the playset too see piece of cake mom and dad I always handle the arcade by myself I'm sure I can take care of a couple little kids of course honey all right kiddos you be good that's my big girl all right I'll see you soon if you're dude you're the man of the house now watch out for your sisters well aren't you two going to follow her little cutie I'm coming yeah I'm going um did Mom and Dad say what we could have for dinner oh right they did say we can doordash whatever we wanted so what do you guys want to have anything we want I can't wait okay hamburgers doesn't sound too bad what about uvr dude hamburgers yeah I want a cheeseburger with flies hey I'll go ahead and order that and it'll be here by the time you guys come in from playing on your playset okay I'll go play on my playset this poison is the coolest what could dad build it I even have a sandbox it's even got real sand in it I can also build lots of sand castles with all of these cool sand toys oh look look fish yeah it is pretty cool here I can help you to build stuff with the sand toys here I'll shoveling some sand which one you want oh um do the starfish one okay let's build all this sand and then you can take this starfish okay any squish it in okay okay okay I think I did it all right now what's with me up and see if you got a starfish okay wow you where we got the starfish wow look we've got three swings enough for everyone I'm gonna go on this big one okay here we go kitty how you wipe your swing um I like it better if it was well swinging oh wait we need some of the Swing both of us pixels oh Pizza new headphones 59. okay and a new VR headset I forgot about the little kids what could she possibly want I don't want mom thinking I'm irresponsible I have to take care of the little kids and she won't let me buy a new VR headset I'm coming what is it well we can't swing ourselves you're not being a fairly quick babysitter you don't want me to tell Mom do you yeah you can get big trouble well that's where you rock little sister I am a good babysitter look I'm out here and I'm going to swing you as much as you want because I really want that new headset and you're not going to tell Mom I was inside while you guys were playing out on the playset are you that depends how about pixel look look I'm the captain of this oh no not no treasure I'll be the best babysitter there is Captain VR dude great now that's my white Kit all right you two hang tight because you're going to swing into outer space here we go [Music] oh Ellie dear cutie are you okay mommy no no it was an accident here no boo-boos it's okay all good let's dust you off a little bit I don't want to go to outer space like that no no you'll be okay that was just a a small little accident oh Ellie come on for your cutie let's have a look at you oh you got Hood can I see oh yeah you okay come on come on let me help you up let's see do you have any boo-boos I don't know but my knees are hurting well do you got some you got some hoods ooh kitties got some boo-boos calm down VR dude she'll be okay come on let's get you inside okay if you're a cutie on a scale of one to ten how badly does it hurt um I would say it's uh it's probably a five okay that's not bad here let's get you cleaned up okay so I'm gonna get some of this hydrogen peroxide onto this cotton this should get rid of any bacteria wait is it gonna sting mommy sometimes puts stuff on my cut that it kind of stings no no hydrogen peroxide doesn't sting at all but all blue on it for you just in case okay you ready um you'll do just fine here I'll blow on it don't worry it won't hurt at all okay better yeah wait a bit all right here goes the other one see there you go the ouch is all gone now for the best part you get a Band-Aid oh I Buzz Band-Aid yeah mom's got some really cool superhero ones for me okay I've got one for this ouchy and one for this algae all right how do you feel you're not gonna tell Mom are you okay but I think my Band-Aids will give it away yeah you're in so big trouble no I'm not I didn't mean for it to happen and Mom will know it's an accident oh great there's the food nothing a cheeseburger and french fries won't fix yeah what's cheeseburger and french fries yummy and I'm super hungry come on let's go mmm smells so good yep definitely with the highlight of my day I got French fries yeah this sauce is really good well I'm glad you guys like it because it is the best burger joint on door Dash all right eat up everyone because it's almost time for bed oh man can we at least watch a movie before we go to bed yeah please I want to watch a movie okay we can watch a movie but hurry up before it gets a little too late and then I'll be in trouble for putting you to bed late yay movie yay movie yummy yummy in my tummy all right everyone come on brush your teeth [Music] now gonna get some take place on my toothbrush now I'm gonna brush my teeth I can't get the kids in the front the tastes in the sides I wonder where my cavities all at my mom said I have four so I have to make sure that they don't grow I don't like going to the dentist but I'm gonna have to get my cavities filled but I can prevent new ones with blushing make the first bread I'm gonna spit and now I'm fresh all right you can be okay well I don't want any cavities like for your dude with my special toothpaste it has four eyes [Music] my dentist said floor white helps prevent cavities [Music] by itself is the best for my kids but if your dude wants to use the one that he moves around to blush with this one has it with a machine inside and it brushes by itself bubble gummy flesh hear a little VR Kitty let me help with yours since you're new to brushing your teeth let me do like Mom does okay [Music] how many teeth do you have I don't know let me see I see one two three and four oh you have four teeth little VR cutie I do yep you do you're turning into a big girl all right now spit okay okay wow you guys look all tuckered out are you sure you have enough energy to watch a movie um can we hear the Bedtime Story instead yeah I think I like a bedtime story I was really retired too yes please um well okay once upon a time there was a little boy who played too many games he played so many games that okay I didn't like this one already he played lots of games like us yes so we played so many games that his life became gaming he didn't do his homework he didn't do any of his chores and his mom and dad were getting really really upset that he wasn't doing anything else besides gaming so one day he played games so much that he became pixelated and he got sucked into the game and was never able to get out boo don't like this story wow that was a good moral of the story it said not to play what's in the game and do your chores and uh two other stuff besides gaining white exactly I mean I love game just like anyone else but there's other stuff you can do too and you guys have fun playing outside on the playset didn't you yeah I like playing with the sand and VR dude was nice and he helped me too yeah I liked it too I didn't tell you accidentally pushed me off the swings all right which is something we won't be discussing with Mom right okay sorry kiddo it was an accident but I think I did pretty good the rest of the night right yeah I guess we could have worse babysitters okay VR dude good night good night here cutie and good night little VR cutie um big sister what would you be doing when will I sleep I'm just gonna catch up on some homework and get ready for bed too Alright good night guys mom and dad will be here in the morning and I'll be getting my new headset good night dude what I'm kind of scared in the dark I had an idea what is it can you sweep in this room with us tonight sure just when I thought I had some me time [Music]
Channel: Cupcake Squad
Views: 117,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babysitting, babysitting disaster, lol surprise omg, for kids, cupcake squad, family routine, lol omg surprise dolls, omg diy, lol omg, cupcake kids club, diy lol family, diy omg doll, babysitting disaster fail
Id: rOxsnKqaFF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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