OMG Doll DAWN Big Sister BABYSITTER Fail Or Success?

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[Music] you sure your kids will be okay you got this right sunshine yeah piece of cake how hard can taking care of a bunch of little kids be hi excuse me i can take care of the little kids too yeah of course you can help me out all right kiddos we'll be out for a little bit and i'll call in to check up on you be good everything will be fine bye mom and dad yeah last time you forgot to feed us so i don't think everything will be fine i'm just enjoying my cat vs pickled bean bag this is cookie quiddle he's got a whole bunch of chocolate m m's on there my favorite kind of cookie oh yeah this house is a mess while you're at it you all can pitch in and clean the house up i didn't make the mess yeah i i didn't make the mess you just did i had me too you guys it doesn't matter who made the mess we're all gonna pitch in and clean up okay you guys can go now bye mom and dad bye bye be good freedom at last now i'm in charge how come all of a sudden your tone of your voice sounds a little scary yeah this isn't going to be a babysitting disaster is it no it's not i promise besides it's going to be a pretty fun night class prez and roller chick are going to stop by later oh cool is um is going to come yeah and teachers pet and wallace gato i'm sure they're on babysitting duty too so more than likely they're going to be with them yeah that means we're teaching pets going to be here too i get to show her my plushie collection here's my bed i have a new power cat right by my bed it's my idol cat versus pickles plushie and if you look right over here you can see my other plushies i've got two more cats and even a pickle you guys know cats versus pickles the cats are super scared of the pickles and the pickles just want to be their friends here's jelly bean he's got a whole bunch of jelly beans all over him so soft and here is our funny looking pickle he's so goofy this one is hank and in my breath plushie is water meowing get it watermelon can't wait to see your teacher's pet i'm a big big cat versus pickles fan so these ones were sent to me for free by cats versus pickles i feel so lucky okay i'm already boy can we play inside sure i don't see why not you guys have to be in by sundown though until then i get some meat time well here's where you can pitch in chloe how about you watch them while they're outside playing the playground but i don't want to you're the babysitter because yourselves uh-huh i'm a whole one-year-old no still you have to watch them can't be out there by themselves a to this wide sunny i'm cool we've got this twice we've got like one two and then this quantity thingy and you're not on the swatch you want to kwame thingy yeah i said i'll beat you to it go hang on phil what do you mean not there you came the wrong way oh so what about when now that i won the waist the waist was canceled why did i think of going on this ride the other way oh i can bring my toys to the park i have my my coin popple it will be black look [Music] little dawn why did you bring your toys out here that's gonna be one extra thing that i have to clean up after i'll clean up i promise i'll take them back inside sure that's what you always say i should have these i'm gonna bring this one too there's more oh man you better remember to bring them in i will i promise hey chloe look at me that's why we got to go on this ride i beat sunny to it oh oh why a while pants on fire you did not hey guys we got to come over smarty pants when did you guys get here like right now quest please bloggers yay now i get to show you my new toys hey bridget dawn you bought your toys out let's play hey jesus pig come on i'm hanging out in the ball pit yay don't mind if i do great more kids at this point why don't i just run the daycare call me lily hey guys hey what's good hey what was ghetto the four appeal me too okay bro safe yeah i'm safe hey class prez hey roller chick hey sunshine how's your babysitting going it's so easy all i do is stay on my phone and they kind of watch themselves lucky when i babysit i literally have to do everything we brought you some taco bell in case you guys get hungry and i brought the drinks you two are life savers and since i know a little dawn loves cats versus pickles so much i got her some cookies that i think you all would love yum those look so good thanks guys yeah roller skater loves cats versus pickles too and she picked them out this one is rainbow stripes and even a pickle [Music] hey wait up whoa whoa be careful while we're skate or don't wanna fall you guys i heard there's food on the inside and cookies yeah we got you guys some cat voices pickles cookies and taco bell yum i love taco bell yeah enough playing let's go in have some food some taco bell yummy taco smell uh kiki's pet it's taco yeah we don't want to eat smelly food they look so delicious oh cats voices pickles cookies i was responsible for this me and voila chick picked it out for you i hope they're as delicious as they look i'm sure they are what do you say little dawn thank you you're welcome and thanks for the taco bell you guys you're welcome anyways we can't stay out for long my mom said we have to be back home soon yeah we were at the mall all day before we came here so i don't want to get in trouble hey man these beanbags are so soft yeah they're i like to use them sometimes too all right you guys wrap things up clean up clean up wash anything that you use and then you guys can have some tech time this babysitting is a breeze i should get a full-time job as a babysitter well there is a bulletin in school that says they're looking for a babysitter who i want in i wonder who it's for yeah hopefully the kids aren't gremlins and are easy to take care of that's what i call easy money i don't know i'd have to check i can pull a number off for you and give it to you on monday okay sounds like a plan i've got a retro game console we got it off ebay we can play i've got all sorts of sega games and even even sonic the hedgehog you seen the movie it's fine whoa neat i love what your games yeah i've got a whole bunch of games it takes the game cassettes and even cds hey we want to play too no girls allowed yeah boys only it does not fail i'm telling mom and dad but mom and dad aren't you crash press okay okay okay it's my gaming console it's okay guys we don't need them let's place the wand we can we can brush sunshine's hair it's really wrong oh yeah can we yeah sunshine what is it can we blush your hair um let me think no what come on yeah it's so wrong please oh okay fine try not to mess up my buns it's so pretty i wish my hair would grow that long anyways now that the chords are off our backs and can you plug in the controllers [Music] and for the game i've got a whole bunch of sonic games and even sonic three golden axe and space royals and for the disc games i have these ones whoa cool um can we play both yeah we can play on one at a time for the cassette games they go right over here all you have to do is place them in and for the disc games it goes on the other side [Music] they're so cool i wish my parents will let me have a game this is going to mess up my grades if i game well i'm not allowed to play all the time evil i wish we could play game all the time so pretty oh ow ow you guys done yet emma okay guys we gotta go uh already yeah my mom's outside she's waiting to pick us up oh but i'm gonna be so bored without you guys wait a second i'm almost done okay we have to finish this level oh can't you guys stick this away the wongo okay bye guys see you next time bye come on teacher's pet smarty pants little teacher's pet roller skater ah bye guys see you next time bye okay guys so you ate had fun tech time now it's time for bed yay for me a successful babysitting night yeah with a whole bunch of my help too yes with a whole bunch of your help thanks for watching the little ones [Music] okay everyone in bed you brushed your teeth right i did yeah me too i did what about you little dawn did you brush your teeth after you had your cookies yeah i did okay good night mom and dad should be home in just a little bit good night good night good night and what about you sonny did you brush your teeth duh sunny okay sorry yes ma'am okay good night good night [Music] bruh what are you doing here i thought you asked are you still sucking on your pacifier mom and dad said it's going to ruin your teeth you can't have that anymore it's not a pacifier it's a it's a ring pop even if it's a ring pop that's candy you can't be having that at bed hand it over oh man please don't tell dawn i still have my passy i won't your secret's safe with me but you can't be taking your passy anymore you're a big boy now all right good night oh man good night well that's it my first night babysitting wasn't hard at all now to hide this pacifier somewhere
Channel: Cupcake Squad
Views: 1,978,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omg diy, omg dolls, lol omg doll, omg dawn, dusk dawn lol dolls, lol omg dolls, lol omg fashion dolls, lol omg dolls swag walmart, lol omg doll clothes, lol omg surprise dolls, lol omg girlz dolls, lol swag omg, most popular lol dolls, boy lol, lol surprise jewellery series, lol surprise omg, omg diva, new lol dolls omg, lol doll outfits, lol omg big sister dolls, lol surprise boy dolls, omg dolls series 3, class prez omg doll, roller chick omg doll
Id: VXtl45U8Tvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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