Dark Angels vs Death Guard NEW CODEX - A 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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welcome back to tabletop Titans for another epic game of Warhammer 40,000 uh we are so happy to be here today showing off the Dark Angels with a brand new Inner Circle Detachment now I know technically technically if you're not part of the Inner Circle you shouldn't be Pro to this information but today we'll make an exception for all you fine folks out there uh and also by the way thanks for for bearing with us we had a couple ghosts in the Shell this morning there's lot going on so many when you you get one rid of one ghost another one pops up it's actually a a cacophony of Errors McDonald's had a rough morning too that's true so everybody's having a tough time must be a full moon right we are very excited we're of course playing the uh death Wing versus the death guard that's so thematic I like what you did there a couple of uh slow slow boys with um some khaki armor no that's bad and green look we both like to wear green you're a traitor I'm not a Trader definitely a Trader on both sides yeah thanks for joining us of course if you haven't already hit that subscribe button we love to have you around we're going to be doing of course lots of coverage of this book and any day now any moment now hopefully the balance day is late it's coming it's coming it's a coming rumbling from the earth yeah yeah yeah deep down uh so again thank you for joining us we're super excited to be here today um let's just take a look at these armies yeah that sounds great let's to today I'm taking control of my beloved Dark Angels featuring the Inner Circle task force from the Brand New Codex this Detachment is of course all about Deathwing in Inner Circle models so it's about being tough Elite and knowing more secrets than your friends let's take a look at this list starting off with my warlord who is of course Mr azreal who's going to be primarily existing to give me extra command points he'll be joining a unit of five Stern guard who to be honest will probably be staying safe on the back field next up we have two big bricks of Terminators we have a unit of 10 Deathwing Terminators joined by a captain and Terminator armor this unit has the Deathwing assault enhancement that allows them to use the Deep strike ability starting turn one which is going to be huge my next big break of Terminators is a unit of 10 assault Terminators with thunder Hammers and storm Shields and they are joined by two characters the one the only the newly improved bile and an ancient and Terminator armor to give an extra OC to these tough boys they're going to be coming up the Middle Field while the Deathwing Terminators hit up the flanks that's it for characters joining squads but we do have a lieutenant with comi weapon is going to be infiltrating in the Midfield and providing me some nice scoring capabilities we have unit of five infiltrators cuz I never go anywhere without them as space brains and a unit of three inceptors plasma of course because we're Dark Angels that'll provide both Firepower and secondary scoring rounding in the list out of course this is the Inner Circle task force so I've gone pretty hard on the Terminators and I have two more units of five assault Terminators with thunder Hammers and storm Shields I'm so excited to playing the new Dark Angels let us know what you think and let's see what else is going on today's episode is proudly sponsored by Baron of dice makes Incredible highquality dice for virtually every fact death guard Bridger is playing some more metapic than we normally have which I'm excited to see we have his warlord who is none other than the primar mortarion and we have two big bricks of infantry in transports in the form of a biologist putrifier joining a malignant plague Caster joining a unit of 10 plague Marines we've got two squads of these Each of which are riding around in a deathu guard Rhino please enjoy our chaos termite next up of course we have the tallyman joining of five plague Marines they'll be holding down to that back field and getting Bridger some much needed command points and we have tyus himself with his gaggle of 20ox Walkers clogging up the board scoring and putting out a decent amount of output from tyus himself beyond that we have two individual FedEd bloat drones with flesh mowers and a number of allies including two units of three nurglings to deep strike and infiltrate and score secondaries and two individual Warg briggins very excited to play this list and it's a little snapshot of styles of things that people are running let us know who you're rooting for and hey better be the Dark Angels and there we have it two armies today two beautiful boys going head tohe head let's see what we can do we of course have a very cool new mat today picked up at the Las Vegas open courtesy of John car this is a James Workshop Matt oh look you can tell by the branding how many of you out there knew that James Workshop made mats I know it's kind of shocking they they have them for all their tournament events they're nice mats you can't actually buy them nor can't buy them so take that James uh anyways we're fighting over this Airbase today let's take a look at the mission and see what we have in store we of course Drew from three different decks totally randomly uh to tell this story of the dawn of War there was a mystery Square mysterious so lot of G dawn of War scorched Earth minefields yeah Minefield you chose minei I I knew chat would want there's minefields on this Air Base that's why it's abandoned right just can't can't have it okay uh so yeah look it's going to be a ton of fun we have five objectives here uh and we can take a look at the top down Point them out see what's going on see how we're treating this terrain everything you see other than the uh crates is going to be a ruin uh so that does include uh the down ship uh the fueling station we of course have made like pseudo L's that's one of the cool things you can do with this piece of terrain uh to make it actually functionable and uh yeah that's that's going to be it so pretty easy peasy lemon squeezy I'm so I play the Dark Angels yeah I looked at what you have deployed and it's like nothing and then I look to the side of the board it's like half and I have concern I'm so excited I have a big block of Deathwing in deep strike that can come in turn one two small units of five just casual but they can come in just beyond 3 in and then I have a unit of inceptors who natively can come on just beyond three 3 in and then just so you're familiar uh the Detachment ability is like it's a kind of pseudo oath oldfashioned oath basically in the command phase I pick an objective marker and any of your units that are on it I get plus one to wound against oh in addition to actually legitimately choosing o are Space Marines exactly so it's cool they're like defending a certain key Point there's a strat that gives you roll ones against a unit or roll wounds if that unit's next to that objective marker so they really focus you get poon wound and roll wounds yeah I know a lot that was pretty shocking when I saw that's a lot I know I'm excited and you're already rolling hits better watch out better not space man with that it's time for the ye old fashioned rolloff let's see what we got here we have some ah classic turn it around no we're just going to roll first we're going to roll it this is a rough day this is of course a baron of dice episode so Adrian with the Perfect Dark Angel style dice I have a chaos die with blood I have a mysterious angel with swords the one has the most blood on it I love that I love it is the lower the result the blood too like it's really gross like I get sick look whoever rolls highest has to go first no choices let's do it no I got every time [Music] it's going to be the Dark Angels going first good luck have fun have a good one dude beautiful beautiful uh awesome so with that I don't have any redeploys or Scout moves do you sir no perfect death guard not known for being sneaky huh nope checks out no uh so we'll go into the first round we each get one command Point um I need to pick my oath and my my uh objective marker that I want to go after it's really hard it's not going to matter this turn I don't know where you're going to want to go yeah exactly you'll choose a new one before I um oath wise yeah it's really oh but I could drop down do I want to drop down can you choose this objective think about that I could choose that one well then you should cuz it's the only objective I'm on yeah yeah checks out okay so we got that one you chose an objective it's my home no I actually don't want to do that cuz if you come towards me then I can fight you off right in my turn yeah like let's say I land here uh-huh and you come Char fight me I just won't I just won't charge you well there you go I like that's a win-win won't the winwin right there you can have it it's yours I will pick this one oh he's picking that one I am going to pick it so there and um let's let's get some secondary cards before I do oath Target yes that's fair oh this is going to be weird this is a relatively Elite Force so there's a couple things I'm not wanting to pull this turn see if we can get it signals signals is one yeah engage capture enemy Outpost bring it down oh okay um actually there's a lot of actually a long list it's almost all bar so just none of those Mel so what I heard is you wanted signals ah man my beloved signals betrays me it it's not the end of the world I am I am positioned to take care of it but it is potentially going to set me back later on so this is a perform action in table Corners uh two points for each corner and no prisoners of course killing enemy units two points each up to five I'm not going to B it because I could easily do worse Y and um yeah with that oath Target I really don't think it's going to Happ now you need to know you now you know you need to kill something for no prisoners yeah exactly there are definitely things that you could deep strike and pick off turn one mhm mhm um it's true it's just tough because you land once and that's it right you're not you don't have any any other recourse so I'm I'm considering a couple options land here just get on objective be solid and then realistically the best thing I can shoot the easiest thing to shoot is is this I guess I could deep strike up here and go for the Drone um between drone and a rhino they're both pretty much equally difficult for this unit to kill it's not particularly good at those targets M um but yeah let's do it let's oath the Rhino because I might be going for that and um we'll just take it from there great cool cool cool let's do it with that we're off to the movement phase um I did position both the uh Lieutenant with comi weapon and the infiltrators within 15 of the edge which they can move a nice 6 in back you're just going to part of the plan all part of the plan baby so we're signals here I love signals have I have I told you how much I love signals hate signals yeah I think it's good for the game and it's bad for my mental health yeah that's fair so we'll put them into the corners investigate there and I'll get moving how is chat doing today Mel chat Chad is doing great um hanging out uh some of us are mini M I'm jealous is drinking wine and eating cheese sounds amazing very very jealous but we do have some super chats that can jump right into let's do it thank you so much haoran for the 10 lb super chat now that the monolith has won a major tournament is it finally time to bring out the storm Lord fill its firing Deck with 12 orgren give it some orders and behold truly Titanic amounts of DACA yes you know guard players are always trying to make the stormlord work it's like fetch they just yeah they keep trying to make it work and I got to be honest guard players you got to wake up up you have so many cooler super mega tanks MH I get it it's got a lot of Transport capacity it's pretty cool it's like a a land Raider at home I get it it's a land Raider at home but you have volcano cannons bring Shadow sword so cool they've always been cool they'll never stop being cool and they're actually allowed to be good sometimes what so shocking and we think think it over maybe bring a shadow sword I think it's never a bad time to take a super heavy it's just cool you know even just the Classic ban blade right oh yeah absolutely Classics absolutely yeah Long Live uh Long Live super Heavies as always now I remembered could I actually get one more command point because I do have my dear azreel on the field what for an extra CP what hang out only if you say pretty please pretty pretty please is it these little gremlins that are giving you an extra CP no no no they're there to block your psychic Shenanigans oh even though I know you're a self-hating psyker um you still are a psyker sorry they would definitely death guard and your grand ones would hang out for sure after the battle yeah they'd be like commiserating about how much they hate magic Magic's the worst and still use it both still yeah um thank you oh I was going to say when they said stormlord at first I was like stormlord he is in like emotech the storm Lord yeah that's also where my mind went but no they're talking about the storm Lord as in the super heavy which we were at the Las Vegas open last weekend of course that's why we didn't have shows and yeah nekron won not the biggest surprise spoilers very surprising monolith was in the list and and it wanted in a very spectacular fashion I think we couldn't have seen it coming but in retrospect it totally makes sense cuz the mon just works in that list it just does things we played it Tuesday right for the members so if you want to check that out come a member today speaking of memberships thank you so much Scott gelderman for gifting one tabletop membership very epic beard in their photo oh that's awesome thank you Blackbird missing you gifting five tabletop memberships blackd thank you so much appreciate it sorry we couldn't see you this year uh all right we're coming on in we're coming in we have a jam-packed travel schedule though for the next cou oh my gosh there's so much there's so much going on I'm afraid you kill my Rhino there's no way I kill this rhino you going kill my Rhino this feels very that Rhino is a smoker he um yeah this doesn't feel worth it he goes outside at recess during lunch yeah both well that's no good smokes both times in the locker room oh he's oh man he's terrible that's horrible you know that's so sad um May I change my oath Target yes of course I'm going to make it this dronez I'm not even going to I'm not even going to try we're just going to hang behind this this train and say Come and Get It Melody is traveling every weekend in February oh my gosh that's you're Wilding my worst nightmare absolutely wild and terrifying much loved Graham Tavis for gifting five tabletop members than man appreciate it cheers cheers cheers how do you even every week how do that's ex I'm so tired for you I feel like a dog who's caught the case I'm really excited for the new ITC season I'm going to get be getting out there playing tournaments um more fall was crazy busy time for us it but you know what you got to make time to get time you got to yeah make time for the things in your life that you care about exactly there you go yeah uh so I finished my reinforcement step I have used my turn one deep strike cuz that's what we're here to do obviously um drop down this unit of death wi Terminators we just popping a couple out over to the to the blow drone I'm not really expecting to kill anything but uh we are in position I I rolled a terrible Advance here so rather than use the whole move I'm just going to hang back a bit invite Bridger to put his patties in the water scared I am I'm not ashamed to say I'm scared I'm scared yeah and we're going to go to shooting phase yeah let's see what we got so we've got uh two Deathwing Terminators with salt cannons going into your Loach drone okay you ready for this yeah my beautiful nothing to say to you sir dice here oh those show up really nicely on camera I know that's why them out courtesy of Baron of dice we do have a link down below if you want to get these dice or any other stylish amazing Dice from them uh it's very cool they have so many sitting next to their Booth like their Booth was like three times the size of ours and just covered in different many dice I was really tempted to buy Marvel Dice while I was there oh you should have but then every time Marvel people are a little weird about custom dice in 4k you don't even ask you just roll your dice but in Marvel they're like are you do you mind they feel dirty about it they're like do you care if I use these cuz I have the regular dice I know you're going to say no I have regular dice but I have these cool custom dice can I use them and I said yes every game but they sounded so ashamed they were like is it okay so sad is it okay if I use my cool like if you're going to cheat at Toy Soldiers just cheat cheat at Toy Soldiers I don't care like whatever they need to be toilet dice yeah exactly those are the best dice they're not going to be fancy baren dice right um so I know we're talking about smoking this is a good time to mention um the Deathwing Terminators actually kept I was surprised they kept the kind of old school Terminator rule which is they get plus one to hit against oath Target and they ignore modifiers so they get that what they did lose of course was uh storm Shields thunderhammer that's the thing that people are sad about okay but it's fine for this unit so we're going into the drone hdden on twos here are you now rrolling all hits mhm that are failed mhm beep still one I know so sad and then we need uh fives or toughness 10 yeah not 12 yeah so fives but sixes are devastating let's go oh yeah look at those Knights so it's just four devastating wounds wow that was actually pretty good I like these dice they that hurt I mean to it much love to just Jupiter for gifting one membership always there for us we appreciate it great hanging out with you this last weekend so much fun fun tid bit about just Jupiter just Jupiter has the most wonderful laugh I have ever heard true it's the best laugh I've heard I loved it and we heard it as we were fighting on the floor playing sticky hands sticky hands we had an amazing Emperor meet up and an amazing General Meetup too was awesome yeah it was a great lvm I was you said it was the best out day H yeah the best I agree yeah yeah um until next year oh better be there we've got two sites we investigating so investigate signals here investigate signals there and honestly that's going to be my entire turn easy peasy we're just kind of staging so we can score it up we've got four points on investigate signals nothing on no prisoners I think are we going to kill lots of things next turn we might not it didn't it I you did already gain a CP right that's the only other problem did you spend you didn't spend on anything did you nope no no I didn't I didn't adjust it I I'm going to hang on to it actually I'm going to hang on to it yeah I think I have to come out yeah you have to come out and play so we're going to hang on to it we already got a CP last pass it over to the death guardo okay all right let's go let's go we we each G A CP and then before anything we tallyman because if I forget I won't get yep I'll never get to that's just how it works this is how the tallyman functions you have to respect him what do you I don't know I rolled seven dice I I look that was amazing two dice he needs a seven drop there you go it nice I I was like seven dice that'll be it we didn't share I need some number for us so you would get the extra command Point yes would you like some cards sir I would love to see what I'm supposed to do this turn let's take a I don't know what to do what are you open for Guide Me Guide Me okay I think you should do this what oh my God that's quite rude that's so you said guide me you didn't say in which direction I picked chaos so capturing out postour is take my objective homers the perform an action either in the middle for three points or in my deployment zone for five um that one is feasible it's just not pretty I can deploy for three yep y I'm really tempted to get rid of capture yeah be better turn one I'm going to get rid of it either way yeah I have three command points correct there's a lot of command points and there are other things that I kind of want to be doing this turn that I hope I get okay we can risk it for the biscuit like AR Deni would be lovely would be great to to pair like a nice wine pairing a lovely pairing you know what we're getting we never do this chat I need you to manifest manifest think hard think hard we never do this and go this great that's fine that's that's great I got away with it too yeah so this is hold one ideally hold two in the middle for Five Points this is great no Prime problem that was awesome I love it now I have to choose a mortarion thing uh it's cover or roll ones to a wound cover r on to I you know your shooting is unimpressive yeah the inceptor is the only unit that's going to have enough AP for you to care about I'm on to sounds great you also uh what's your overall contagion for today it's going to be minus one to your safe makes sense cuz that's just the one to do especially against Terminators yeah it's going to be important we do have armor contemp of course cuz we're spice Marans yeah all right those don't interact by the way it's not plus one AP your save is one worse yeah yeah so when I shoot you with my bolters nice you're going to get three UPS it's good sir no absolutely but you could get cover back to how does is that you can't cover back to two ups cuz now you're a three up save Oh weird I think you minus one to the characteristic right so your armor save is three yeah so we can't get it too that's cool actually like it all right yeah take that yeah I'm going to get moving cool I have a lot of advanc and iing to do hi chat hope everyone's having a good one chat is having a wonderful time much love to our main man John mardle oh for gifting 50 T John mle thank you as always appreciate it great seeing you this last weekend um thank you thank you so much makes it all possible never go back to his room he's he's still there to stuck in the elevator still in the elevator until they're done renovating the Rio he'll be the Rio took something from all of us oh yeah every every year every year did you have hot water uh yes but no water pressure well that yeah I kind of have come to expect that a little like yeah like yep mhm little drip DRP there's a there's a gif of a rat in the Rain the rat has something wrong with it it's clear just in the was looking up yeah that's taking a shower on it hind legs that's yeah all right and there's probably rats doing that in the showers oh no actual footage from the Rio the the event though was amazing it was over 900 people playing in the 40K Champs which is just mindboggling every year it gets bigger so many people uh there was the narrative which was being played which was really cool got to check that out especially the big bash on the last day um uh the the the free play for friend play was a ton of fun AOS was awesome we got to check out a lot of amazing AOS armies M and I did um it was very very cool I it's very so many wonderful Community moments and like with even just like random people who didn't know me I didn't know them it was so beautiful yeah you had some very kind people help you out uh your pain class yeah so I was like rushing cuz we were running the booth and all these things and I decided to try to cram in a paint class and I show up at the paint class I've got nothing I'm 10 minutes late I have nothing um because I just didn't even think to bring anything and I sit down and I'm just like oh man I remember texting Adrian like I quit like I can't do this and everyone at my table just like pulled out paintbrushes and paint for me and like it was so a it nearly drove me to tears it was so wondering it's a great Community we're very lucky to have it and then they were like yeah so why are you here I'm like well I I kind of I'm on a YouTube show they're like really and I was like let's say not let's say not let's pretend I'm not that's great that's my response every time anybody asks me yeah like why I'm gone why I'm traveling let's not talk about it you don't do you have half an hour you you don't we don't I was in Vegas don't worry about it that's fair what o they've got some nice bounce on those W that was those were attack agressive what happened there I'm dancing Morty he has to get around this little this little wall yeah yeah cool cool well we can go over it I don't really want to go that far oh okay okay you're kind of scary to be honest so moving up the Rhino deploying home with the Rhino yeah also secures it so this rhino Advanced Morty Advanced this drone Advanced the two Knights of the Round Table did not Advance they will be shoting yeah I'm afraid of that um T man and friends you're just going to kill them there's nothing I can do about it it's fair you're going to come down and assassinate them you're going to be three in away right flash of light it's going to be just like the books which are ending what's that about they can't just end the books know well it's the end and the death yeah well that's the end I wonder how many prologs we'll get no it's the prologue I don't know like those were not their most they cuz they've done some Anthology books where stories take place like outside of the heresy yeah they don't do well I they're not the most compelling that well that that argument you can make but I think um the Beast of Rises did quite well yeah and that takes place a thousand years after horse hery oh it's cool stuff what's who's the Beast why is he Rising oh it's about Orcs he's Orcs it's the biggest W that's just an orc book I mean no no it's not that's my biggest complaint about it it's a great series not an orc book there's not a single orc that appears until like book four oh yeah and there's no there's not even an orc line until like book five but how many books are there a lot okay so Orcs get some screen time it's good it's just not I was like oh this will be about Orcs clearly about the Imperium being besieged by the Orcs And it's sort of like really as the Imperium falls into the Imperium that we know ore orud dude the orium of man uh okay well you about some movement uh I'm done moving I'm just going to shoot a little bit bit of brigand yeah Briand action thank you for floor di for gifting a membership thank thank you that wasn't a tack die though two Flor that was a tactical attack die it was guided yep I took out his best die with my worst die this is a an advanced technique oh my God in the dice filtering course beautiful um this brigand right here is going to shoot everything at those oh can you see these guys this angle here you yeah is that this is obscuring sorry I see I see this is this is a ruin over everything but this there you go now you can do it all right cool Co cool I'm going to get you just so no I wasn't crazy other was I would would have shot I yeah I was you're like good I was confused gotcha gotcha on multiple wavelengths check out check out here come the Sun the noise did you count the right amount of dice this time it's just seven this is no this is 12 shots Better or Worse chaos kns I can do chaos nights uh this is the Avenger chain Cannon cool into the death Terminator you are my closest Target is there anything you want to do Flor di would like us to remind you that Adrian War of the Beast had lots of Imperial fists it did uh until it didn't oh and those of you who read the books now um that was ominous uh you don't have what do you have you have AP on this two eight two what cuz it's one up to two you're my closest Target and I'm not in Contagion range no so I'm going to have a two up to a four up to a three up to a three up so if you armor contempt your back to two up and how many shots is this 12 12 at what strength six this is pretty good this is pretty good yeah the Brin are they're pretty good there's also a big thermal spear coming in yeah but arm doing anything but against that go for it that's true do your worst sir I will so this is the chain Cannon of avenging pretty good pretty good I feel Avenged are pretty cool all right oh throwing a moss in the dice tray no M thre's here yeah six okay okay I want to Filthy dice six dice oh well we're doing we're playing itle dice let's go three this game again oh they're horrible well on the bright side though but they're pretty armor of contempt would not have done it that's true I actually honestly thank you consolation PR I feel much much better you roll a bunch of ones oh Jesus it's good that you didn't yep prec yeah all right uh demon breath have you met my friend demon breath like demon breath that's that's like real bad breath when you demon breath oh I missed take that chaos dice um D6 multi launch oh yeah Havoc it's like a hav pseudo Havoc blast yep so plus one uh plus two yeah look at that three shots nice threes okay A little tired strength five fours okay okay okay well that was weird well you know no nobody could have expected that well you know uh we got the same thing over here sounds fantas you don't have your character to hide behind I do not have a a character to hide behind you don't have Mr Magic Man armor contemp smoke you want to I will armor of content well smoking is the same thing but it also gives you minus one to hit yeah we'll go to the smoking section uh get the CV back on a five plus you have CV generation I thought that was ban int it's is very very very rare oh it's the it's the guy on his risk calculator thing forget about he's like oh don't forget keep in mind it's John ma Reb yeah exactly so want the hit and cover fours I'm just going to take these sixes wow I mean it was average it just looks like looks very not average right and then fantastic six yeah AP two down di one so you four fours wow you rolled my filthy di after saying you wouldn't they betrayed me oh no they didn't so one guy dies one dies cool cool and then demon breath demon much love to curse Cowboy for upgrading to Primark and also calling me out on my Space Wolves again they're done got you there they're on their way it's happening I mean the amount of points I need are done yeah yeah that's that's technically true there are demands for a Valentine's Day battle between us oh my God that' be amazing we did one last year we did boarding actions yes we have to do new one probably not boarding actions one ap4 down to three ap5 ap5 cuz you're my closest Target okay you don't get a save what if that okay what if that okay all right damage D6 three all right filipin did and then are you ready for the Havoc multi- Launcher not particularly five shots okay okay two hits nice dude you're you're getting multi- launched two wins cool no a uh threes six nope could you put a wound next to me such an active chat today thank you GL glabus 3 for upgrading to Emperor I see you want to play sticky hands with us yeah absolutely that'll be fantastic um I will also be going to uh adepticon Chicago so we'll have an emperor meet up there in Chicago if you can make it now i' would love to meet you cool yeah yeah that's my whole turn I'm done okay cool shall we score you up Y what do we have uh secure no man's land five boom holding two in the middle deploy Homer three doing it in the middle for three look we um this is good we will we will rock you this is going to hurt though uh yeah we're definitely going to try to clap back as hard as we can although you do have your rhinos intact which is huge here very important I don't have a ton of rhino uh cracking ability you know not in the shoot phase no in the fight phase I think you'll punch through but then I will counter punch through it's going to hurt y uh cool with that I will get two more command points up to to five cuz of a good old azreal who let this guy have so many command points so beautiful I love him so much um let's do cards before we do anything else yes that's wise see what we got wise beyond your years we kept no prisoners just one card one card please oopsie I wouldn't mind something about killing people I mean you already have no prisoners I know so there's only a couple of other kill you want you want bring it down well if I have to kill rhinos or just hands boom extend oh easy peasy already got it love it uh so this is hold my back objective and hold one in the middle so I'll keep both of these so let's take a look we need to pick our oath Target and our let me get the verbage right your objective of hatred yeah like what I think that's what it's called what is it actually called objective of hatred it's called My vowed Target it's like an oath the moment I like that no but I shall vow to vowed Target is a cool that's a cool it is pretty cool it's like dark and brooding it's like Batman I vow to keep the streets of God and clean that's exactly what this is very appropriate for death card yeah um so we'll vow on this objective here in the middle yeah we'll oath I don't want to kill rhinos man that's so lame well then don't Oath a rhino I don't think you need oath to kill a rhino in combat to be to be completely Frank and don't call me Shirley don't call me Shirley I mean you oath this night right and you come punch it to death I think so um I think we we send these folks in we drop down a unit of Terminators here that's tough inceptors can come down we could make a play for this as you had mentioned which is pretty spicy dicey right um so I think yeah we oath here okay y I think you're correct in that yep The Vow actually could go either way because if we do it here we when you on twos which normally we're not if we go here yes it's cute for the Rhino but it also helps us for when Morty comes in m mhm so that feels important yeah we'll keep on on this one so vow here in the middle o here on the night and I think that's all the things we have to do cool cool cool cool it's going to be great that we go on to the movement phase I'm scared awesome gu scared I'm scared so much love to Patty of the cakes for gifting five tabletop members so much Pat I think I think Patty um spent more time than Patty wanted with us oh yeah Patty didn't have a choice well I mean they got trapped in area 15 with us so yeah that was amazing which is a I I actually liked Area 15 a lot more than I expected to yeah be a fun area to be in like if you were like like just like that those gaggles of Goths yeah like I want to dress like those gaggles of Goths and then and then EDM dance my my little way cuz it's a whole so there's obviously a mega Mart which is in it but then there's just a whole area 15 it's like a mall it's like a cool mall that's definitely their branding they want you to think it's a cool mall I thought it was was cool it's a a mall it's a mall where they turn the lights down and they play good music like that's that sounds pretty cool to me pretty cool so yeah I I I've just I've always loved the concept of doing what they do like that would be fun to be with them uhuh but it it in reality it seems exhausting to to get all ready and put on all you're talking about being a goth or going to the mall both really sounds like you're talking about being a goth both really I me I it's just seems tiresome that's fair we're just going to hide our infiltrators cuz we didn't like what just happened to us what was your other say oh extend you got extend extend yeah we'll just want to make sure we as chck I mean as anyone at lvo got to see I am one step closer to reaching my goth girl dreams and I have hot pink hair now yeah goth I don't think it's the right term emo for pink emo uh scene I oh a term no one used in at least a decade I I don't know if I identify with being with being seen seen girl being a seen girl not particularly I I I consider myself an unseen oh that's I stay at home that's dark on the computer go to the climbing gym so sad we'll go to reserves as promised we'll drop down some Terminators here bing bong bing bong bing bong spooky there's a lot of you yeah there's a lot of Terminators this list it's kind of all Terminators what is this guy um this is the dead guy I tried to put him back on the field well that's a pro pro tip cuz we shouldn't have lost one already it's absurd you rolled really bad absurd you roll really badly oh my God so your in sealers are going to just Blas andiz just going to gatle it feels like the move my my poor tally man and it's going to hurt for other secondary no cuz I've already got signals actually that's like the most restrictive so now if you get behind or teleport homers we'll be in the right spot Oh They'll be dead sir oh maran's turning right around he's going to turn around uh yes what this is an issue you see yeah kind of is he's taking it personally you killed my children hello so we'll drop down here threeway this is the inceptor special ability natively and then we have a unit of Terminator still um how aggressive do we want to be we could drop them on this flank and go for this drone um they the downside is if you fail to charge yeah I feel like I might have a safe one from behind this this here wall funny enough no it would have to be a a 10 from behind the wall um and then of course they don't have enough OC to take it from the Drone if we do uh drones oc3 I what yep yep yep yep oc3 most 10 wi things are oc3 oh my oh my goodness okay and then sorry do you have you have reserves deep strikes uh I have yes I have typhus and the boys uh I have 2x3 nurglings after that it's just Renos I just want to spread out just a little bit then Rhino power it's not enough to really stop you but it'll keep you a bit farther away from the objective and then takes us to here Terminators Terminators Terminators or do we just leave it as is and say good enough job's done I mean I think having flexibility into future turns has value what this is what I know that you telling me this yeah all right Brier's telling me I should do that okay I just don't see anywhere good for you to put them and I've been in your position a million times where it's like I feel like you would take a n charge I have three deep strike units not this n in charge cuz it's just not valuable no no it's not worth it it just doesn't matter it's notth like if you get there I don't neither of us care you can kill the Drone as like oh I'll take you off primary per turn yeah five points but I agree I agree I agree so let's go to shooting so extend is looking fine now we need to kill than for no no prisoners not none prisoners none at all uh let's take no prisoners no prisoners the Deathwing Terminators into uh the brig Briant your brigande yeah I can't do anything nothing no response he's not one of us actually yeah he's just a friend he never learned how to hardly know him so hang on twos rrolling from oath beautiful I like it and then toughness 11 10 uh it's the same thing y five sixes are devastating a one Dev and one save okay no AP I refuse to roll your dice yeah that's fair take one deio and then we have a whole bunch of storm bolters so it's going to be the rest of them so it's uh down to eight down to seven uh 7 Time 4 Jesus 28 you don't even have 28 dice I have 25 dice you need a way to get AP on your on your bolters so with I hate saying it but with Gladius you can do it 510 just want make sure you think you hate saying it I hate hearing it yeah I think once you got a book that's it you play that book Mister you can't go taking your brother's toys You're such he's we got you a toy for Christmas going to struggle with 10th edition you play with your toys that we got you for Christmas making arbitrary rules you're like but I don't like it when people use both their hands that's what you're doing we're playing soccer and I don't like it when you children are heading the ball that's low well not in my league yeah yeah it's bad for your health right and then sixes totally worth everyone's time sixes one wow three four five five full saves every little bit counts when you're fighting for the emperor for the emperor take damage okay okay okay okay let me to it uh oh and then we have El Capitan I forgot I should just done together twos with a roll sixes nothing all right cool we done that um balile a special weapon Master crafted stormbolter it's two damage what where you putting it I don't know ELO okay okay how are we feeling about the how do we feel about him yeah like the new model he's a little generic yeah but he's cool I mean he's a Spaceman I just like I saw the model and I didn't even realize it was B Mel was like I really like the new generic Terminator Captain I was like well yeah that's okay but that's a dark angel issue no it's not because they all look so unique that none of them look unique anymore they all have like robes and hoods and they all look like characters it's going to make hard to make characters look different no I don't like that I don't like that I'm actually going to go to the war dog cuz I think I'm going to kill that right now anyways yeah that's uh okay one save on war doog no AP dang it no AP on his mastercrafted yeah but it is too damage but okay yep it's weird all right well okay so the rules of L also not amazing oh arguably you just take an unnamed character and then give him an enhancement but he's cool he's the new model we're going to use him today he is cool uh that is not all of our shooting cuz we have the best shooting ever yes I would like to cloud of flies cloud of flies what does that do that's itus one we're stealthy so that's the stratum yeah one CP minus one to hit here yeah all right one two three um is it just me or is it cloudy in here stinky yeah we overcharge cuz M never ra rais no cowards threes to hit okay okay okay winning on threes are you plus one no so it'll be Force to hit correct I don't know if he rolled I wasn't yeah I just I immediately ignored your roll I I it wounded me a little bit yeah two a chose win they no I'm not plus one to win your tough is five cuz you didn't choose this objective yeah exactly uh so a pair of sixes for the emperor that was a foolish that was a foolish Venture uh P bad news is though I will now die probably just to the to the um plague Marines or myself hazardous rolls oh we're good cool that's it for shooting let's get charging who you charging uh let's start with the assault Terminators into elino here yep that's it mhm it's 10 yeah that's a lot lots and lots and lots MH in you go yeah we got everything we could possibly need you're going to kill my Rhino I will try we're like hey stop punching yourself cut it out cut it out oh right I need to base first so these guys will base first you don't want bow in the front no oh you really don't like him I love I love balow I love him let the man fight oh actually actually actually actually actually I will put him in front cuz he's got a big base big base and then all the little piggies can feed everything's a metaphor with us exactly house to stay an inch away but what I'm going to do is basically you have two ranks of fighting and I'll be able to Pile in and also fight the um doer d this is a bunch of two damage right yep oh no interesting I don't like that question interesting I don't like that question if this rhino lives what what does that get me keep him over here nothing yeah nothing it's arguably almost worse but actually you're going to have trouble getting out it would be a cool move so you would like to live I think what happens when you have to get out six they die on ones and twos okay or no it's dies on we should really look this up we should figure it out we really really do need you have Char you keep charging yeah yeah yeah uh Deathwing Terminators MH into brigand and no just just Brin here's the charge it's a five it's not great but it's fine boop boop it's been a long time since I've cracked this book no welcome transports okay you die on ones normally emergency disembark no you don't die on ones normally oh you take a mortal on emergency disembark you take mortal on one through three oh that's it mhm it's not that bad well that's charging oh uh do I need to do any I could do impact hits not amazing I could intervene instead could intervene that would be sauc um yeah I'm not going to pop anything would you like to intervene sad it's actually honestly quite compelling yeah get some free fights and then I'll fight you Mal M yeah I'll spend two to intervene with Morty Let's Do It come on in big boy cuz yeah I think minus one damage on the Rhino like if it lives who cares but if Morty gets in right now now that I don't need him back here because it was was cloudy on that horrible on that day it was Cloud CL day um yeah he makes it perfect so it's coming on in I'm out of command points now Mel I spent every single one good single way gosh the impact is just so bad well that's um that's the state of the game they cap it at three mortal wounds yep three yep with anyways uh cool so you're in here uh Let's Get Physical start of the fight phase I don't think there's anything weird to do um I want to start with the question is I have no interrupts because I spent all my CP okay well that's even easier I love it awesome Yep mhm make it easy peasy trying to make your life as easy as possible I appreciate that I appreciate that uh we'll start here then boop boop boop boop here they come Boop and then the rest onino this guy's he look BL looks different than that guy he looks different but he he got a hood I think the shape of the hood is a bit different and his back thing is less like excessive than before cuz the old B is like very iconic I I think it's a fine model I just think it's a bit neutral I'll be curious to hear what chat thinks do they do they like bile do they what do they think about him oh there's going to be conspiracy theories about how dark angels are going to be merged into regular Space Marines or something they're toning down dark models cuz all Space Marines have hoods and capes now you seen blade guard vets oh my gosh Dark Angels rip gone forever no is into the rhin what is it into the brigand this is the six regular Terminators first so here we go plus one to hit cuz Target yep so we are two re rolling is it I think it's twos I think these guys aren't taking the minuses yeah twos rrolling let's go co grab him ones roll them they all hit beautiful does your captain give you any cool rules here uh he gives rrolling charges and that's it okay yeah yeah oh free Strat free Strat free Strat which is uh we'll see let's check the battle TCH for this Detachment I'm actually not sure strength eight so five yes this is the tough part not bad yeah it was okay and then we still have the captain so might do it seven seven ap2 for two fives come on stay Alives uh that he's already that'll do it 10 damage L boom yes L anti boom Oh it should implode if you roll one like everything gets sucked closer oh we a gravity grenade used to have those I love it I love it and we've got three more Terminators on to elino that's a rhino folks if you don't speak Spanish twos oh look at these ones and then fives yeah three okay 3 ap2 for two fives respectable four damage okay take those it's not bad it's not bad take those we'll do a little consolidation Nation [Music] beautiful uh no GNA keep going herec see there we'll move over to the big block with blow now the only I think probably the biggest advantage of you doing what you did is you're not going to be on the objective which means I won't get plus one to against you right smart mhm smart I mean I like you were in the way that's not my fault I rolled really high on that charge that was unfortunate I can't help it you're just you're so chunky chunky boy so let's do let's Pile in here what is this six is you find my Rhino yeah I'm going to try I'm going to do my Dar there's my Rhino you're looking at my Rhino over there uh we'll go here we'll pile we're really stuck in already huh I know honestly quick so we'll do one two three four do I even try to get kill Morty I can put four into him hitting on three you do have um kill units you have no prisoners oh yeah that's true so we definitely don't do that I think we focus on killing these these rhinos if you kill both rhinos I think that's actually pretty big yeah that is a big deal so I'm just checking wording on strats if my object if my units within range of the objective we get roll wounds so I will spend one command Point M on Marshall Mastery really good full rolls to wound on this squad really good that's amazing at four and Bridger at zero right correct four yeah cuz I got AEL playing m games with you son unreasonable yeah so yeah we'll do five into uh this rhino and then the rest into this rhino cool nothing on Morty great he can live all right one two Adrian for Thursday's stream did we turn on members only chat no we suddenly don't think so we should have definitely not cuz we've never done members only chat right right yeah is it on now that's what chat is saying if someone is not a member and currently watching could you is it because there's no gray names in chat are they just guessing uh well wait oh for this stream you mean today right now it shouldn't be members only oh uh no it shouldn't but we we can look I don't know how we would even turn that um I can help you out when we get that second sorry folks because it's only there's no green nam in chat well Yousef is saying that it looks like it's members only and that there's a conversation in Discord about it oh okay we'll take well that was definitely not intentional if that got flipped that was YouTube doing that I don't know why that would I can think of one thing that might have triggered it okay we will fix that so sorry we love you all and would love chat to have everyone absolutely hitting on threes yes this is into oh fours this is thunder hammers into whomst into uh the termite Rhino the one that's on six that you don't have plus one to wound but you are rrolling wins I am let's go wow that's a mixed bag that's wow I wish that was the wound with Dev okay here we go fives but R rolling mhm I'll take this six for you you're not going to roll that I'm pretty sure sorry it's fours but rrolling cuz plus one you keeping these fives yeah okay oh yeah two more sixes so that's six Dev wounds yep and you only have six wounds left so I die yay um do we want to keep doing the fighting or do we want to me have get uh do your guys getting out real quick and I'll take a look at this mystery yeah Myer yes you solve cuz you need to place the guys you're on the I'm on the case thank you so much G Garnett Wilkinson for the chat we have only just realized that for some reason it's been set to members only chat and we're fixing that absolutely much love for for thanks folks words and while Adrian's doing that thank you so much prad dash for the $10 Super Chat thank you all afternoon Titans looking forward to a great game had a lot of fun at the Meetup last Saturday and of course pyal was amazing did we post the photos from the Meetup yet I believe those are all on Adrian's phone they're on my phone that's for sure that's a no we didn't post them no we did not post them we should definitely will thank you so much pres I had so much fun at the meetups they're my favorite appreciate it who can send messages anyone save all right folks so sorry about that everyone should be able to comment now let us know what you think about the new book we're so sorry I feel so bad I know oh my gosh we all s we were all sitting in chaing like look at us No Gray names we got everyone with gray names we're so awesome and then it's just like no we just kicked all the gray names out four died oh look at everyone welcome welcome H gr show your presents I want everyone to show your presentence let us know uh are you rooting for Dark Angels or nurgle send us uh the guest hot Emoji or it's based off of Bridger so spam that on chat let us know who you're rooting for we want to see we want to know we have loyalist or Traders today four died giving out mhm well that's spooky I don't like that okay um and then we have that was five we have another five going into the Rhino plus b BL BL BL so one two three and plus one yeah five pretty cool never regret our chat just got so active I love it there we go there we go this is still fours which hurts oh did hurt a lot actually okay and then fours sixes are devastating rrolling got any boom take that and a boom and and probably I'm not going to hope for a six here nice and cool cool so I have three saves to make and two Dev fantastic fantastic yeah these are AP to ap2 so I will take eight damage cool cool down to two no 10 damage cuz a three three Dev two Dev no two Dev okay so eight down to two perfect and then we have the ancient with his thunderhammer Oh I thought you were going to give it to blal blow this guy does this guy does not like BL should we try new BL with the sword of shot let him it's the sword of Silence let him cook let him cook he just learned that twos and then strength six so fives down to four is rerolling good thing let's go for the lion three two for two fives sword of silence blal is going to kill yeah kill the Rhino killed that Rhino hey did you guys see me kill that Rhino yeah look at me killing a rhino so good all right I have a million de guys to get out yeah sounds great hi chat sor there's I lost control of chat for like the last two minutes because it's been so much thank you all so much just just know we would that is it's never been our mindset to turn off no of course not we've never intentionally done like literally never intentionally so if that ever happens again do let us know immediately because we never want to restrict chat I know what happened it the stream was uh you you use templates of previous streams you have to rewrite all the stuff so it was accidentally a copy of a member stream and I was like no public but then inside of it the same I just thought it would switch that so that's what happen inter no half measures here big thank you to 95 Ginger AG for gifting five memberships and back in that timeline allowing five people to chat so kind thanks 95 and also good seeing you at Vegas yeah oh gosh I am so excited for 40K I'm like enthused I didn't get to play it the whole weekend which made me sad but I'm pumped for it I'm pumped for the balance dat of slate hard being around all that gaming and not doing anything I never want to come up and be like oh it's so exciting I want to play so much fomo but so we have uh emergency disembarkation no we're good oh okay so these are just regular embarkations yeah yeah the regular disembarkation we're not getting in the Rhino the Rhino's dead yeah yeah I don't think it's quite yeah let's go it's not an emergency so ones you take Immortal I like a mortal perfect one mortal I think Morty filling the Gap helped a lot cuz you could have piled in and then I would not have been able to do this I will take my mortal yeah that's a good point actually take that mortal wound on that once we pull the Rhino we can do our consolidations consolidation Nation Oh it's really crowded in here it's very packed there you go oh I'm so torn what to do here cuz I can tag up these plague Marines but that's you don't want them to fight right now why oh no you can't fight when you disembark that's like a 10th edition thing really when you emergency dis you don't get to do anything well no that doesn't sound right cuz there was a thing about blowing up your own vehicle and then shooting cuz you could shoot through the firing ports and then your hazard just kills the vehicle I thought it was just if you get kill if your transport get kills you can't charge afterwards so they're battles shocked they count as having made a move they can't charge but they can still fight yep yeah okay okay cuz my concern is this can make a be line for my home base oo that's my concern ET phone home yeah I don't want you to do that oh I thought you were talking about touching these well I was thinking about both but this is the more pressing this is like okay you're here whatever but these guys I don't want you to I don't want whatever so I'm going to do it I'm coming in I'm coming we're going to we're going to hit this Edge which is probably not going to reduce much but oh well and so remember you can only do it if it gets you within engagement of an enemy or closer to the center objective after the fact so we'll do here this take it into an inch yep go here same thing mhm and then the what we're trying to do is we're trying to just fill up the space so you can't Pile in and take this from me I wouldn't dream of it you would never dream of it cool so we're just getting them again closer to the center within range of the objective marker um and I guess kind of the same principle here no no because if he moves he would have to go into mortarion he's able to so we just stay there you just hang out perfect okay which means unfortunately we get to get attacked by the Marines of plague I'm going to start with Morty though oh cuz you could pull me out of Morty that is true and you won't pull me out of them yeah otherwise you wouldn't have touched me correct you're not going to un nobody's like I'm not touching you I'm not touching you that just seems disadvantageous to you right um interesting I think I have to do the big attacks regardless your rules make it sad it's not optimal cuz uh you're going to make me Mo on fives instead of sorry W on threes instead of twos like a minus one wound yeah yeah and then ap4 is pretty good but doesn't really matter just go to your inal I can armor of contempt as well like depending on which one you pick well one damage sweeps are just bad like they're just not going to do the job okay so big big Chompers big swings yeah that is ap4 uh it's ap3 and your minus one save so that's going to be inals yeah um and then over here you're going to minus one save me so it'll be threes and then do you have any other you have extra AP on top of that right mhm is it like one or does it jump to two right away uh because that it'll be two up to three so at that point that's also all four UPS even with armor cont cont yeah okay yep yep yep so yes I will spend one CP on to show the new Strat as well doc Mel this is what we call the pseudo transhuman right unmatched fortitude just kidding can't do it don't do it now it's in my it's in my phase sorry it's it's in my opponent oh cuz it's your turn you can't do it yeah that's but also Morty ignores modifiers oh nice so you wouldn't do it for Morty sorry yeah it's only in your shooting phase H they missed the Mark here that's like when book sucks you can't can't even joke about that the Dark Angel players will be in a Friendzy look they are already in a frzy don't whip them up interet is let let them cool off for a bit okay just kidding we love BL that's it I I yeah this will be twos and twos cuz I forgot that Morty ignores all monit good talk and I'm going to roll ones to wound Jesus Adrian would you like primary n it's okay okay one 10 uh yeah I think it's five and five yep so 10 points primary this is the burning which we can start to do next turn oh you start burn the house down maybe all right five ws Get Your Filthy oh you don't want my my bloody dice my beautiful nightly dice fours fours okay okay to dead yeah still hurts could but it could have been a lot worse still hurts yeah yeah I was worried for you there oh gosh oh gosh Mor he's kind of a French name isn't that funny what you say say like that why why does he have a French name all those two beautiful now I fight with plague people yep Bring It On bub bring it walk all the way around over here got see how I'm even allowed to Pile in scared okay this guy is definitely going to go he's going to go there for sure sounds great this guy three Ines is not going to get him basing mhm oh this guy's going to base though Adrian should you have gotten a CP back for I have you at three no I should be a three great that's correct to me by my account okay oh sorry yes put me up four uh I wasn't able to do the thing because you couldn't do the minus one yeah yeah yeah yeah correct Chad thank you thank you kenoi J yeah the defense of the minus one to wound doesn't work here and then the armor contempt actually is be because the way that the plagues work it's not actually going to do anything as well here so unfortunately I don't have any of the defensive abil we've weasel around all of yours all of your dark angel stuff fine we can do this I'm going to do the characters first cuz everything about this unit is weird okay yeah um so this is the corrupted staff from the malignant plague Caster this is AP 1 to2 so you could put it back to three UPS no but everything else is ap0 or ap2 up to three one to two oh this one guy is one to two no that's fine everything else is0 to one yeah no I'll take on those on the chin not the noise yeah corrupted staff he hits on threes beautiful that misses that is lethal and this is a psychic attack I don't know if you care about that I don't have any Watchers these don't wound so you have one win what one one win okay ap2 ap2 four up good cool Mr putrifier Mr putrid uh four tanks he's got knives sh you his cool KN sh you his cool knives knives um three hits mhm strength forward toughness four I know one win oh no a one you get three up good great okay nightly dice will protect me okay okay okay okay check out link below problem now I got to do this now I got okay uh heavy plague weapons oh jeez scared myself these are your plague Cleavers your choppas your whips your chains the fls you remember cany land I remember candyy I don't think we're ever going to go there again well they'll never write rules like that again yeah they shouldn't um forc to hit sixes are lethal wow okay all right that's okay strength 8 T4 so chos to win yep all right these are the business fours no problem damage two okay at least it wasn't Morty cuz if that was when Morty swung that would have been Five Guys is Morty's damage Again by the way four yeah okay perfect I have four I have four wounds which is also perfect for you here so each they have four wounds that's cool because of the Shield Dark Angel Players don't talk about that it's not a dark angel thing but it's cool they actually lost that in their no but it's cool it's actually better in other anyways so I'm torn between not being negative but wanting to argue with Bridger it's a it's a tough call that's tough it's a tough call I I'm I'm putting you in a in a tough situation here right in a new number of ways all right we'll pluck these two and then we'll take two on this guy I guess all right one two three yeah these are butic weapons M uh that is a pair of lethals sounds good and then bunch of Misses yep and then uh strength five so thre is cuz your T4 mhm mhm mhm four so four wins yeah uh fours yep these are one damage yay yeah that will conclude they activation and I am staying out with Morty cuz I want to wait no yeah he's going to stay out there more options it's more options and I gained pretty much nothing by putting him back in yeah I probably should have kept myself in with that let's go ahead and score it on up see what we have it was a weird turn it's going to look good though for me yeah you're going to get a lot of points yeah extend battle lines we're going to get five because we managed to do that no prisoners now they five killed three units all vehicles and with that we're passing it over to the death guard see what you got Bridger death guardium leio saw I was trying I was like don't make the joke don't do it don't do it don't do it tally man y doing it right not forgetting seven up nice I have two CP y beautiful so many sips would you like some cards I would love some cards yes let's go do bring it down killing vehicles and monsters I have neither and no prisoners well I already rerolled so I can't reroll we're keeping it that's unfortunate all right how cookie crumble that's Way co that's true that's true um battles shot everybody's above half we're good love it primary 10 oh look at you scarn it look at you look I slept 20 minutes more than I should have so well rested obviously well rested still well less than I normally should be sleeping but you honestly I was up a little late animal video games are great um Morty for his primarch ability his houra we will choose real ones to wound cuz it's the good one yep yep here we've arrived that's the thing to do I'm going to move okay so I I don't have any cool secondaries huh trying to bring it down and so just kill as many things as you can yeah which is honestly not the worst thing right now yeah I'm really nervous about this middle situation this turn two yeah that was quick yeah well it's been an hour we're an hour 20 no uh yes okay sure TimeWise but like flip no I'm not fiddle fatling oh we have all the time to mess around is coming no problem they got oh they got rid of the rule that says I can wait did they the rule where you can come in on your own board Edge oh I don't know you're you're you're I'm pushing boundaries here you are pushing boundaries I'll be nine there's the nine yep that looks roughly like nine yeah sounds fantastic much love to kristos for the € 10 super chat thank you en join the game while working on three Death Shroud turmes what kind of detachments would you like to see in the death codex and given we will get new units for all codexes what would you like for death guard good question the the the new model is interesting because uh I would venture that most factions are going to get something like new characters right new support characters in particular but if there's one thing the death card does not need it's more characters yeah espe need less characters you need yeah so what do you would okay so you know how you got those cool cultists for CSM uhhuh I want cool pox Walkers oh like what if some poxwalkers learned how to do magic just like your cultists learned how to do magic that's pretty sweet would that' be cool that would be awesome like if we had ring rth pox Walkers that would be pretty cool ring rth pox Walkers I would also like to see like big like hulking pox Walkers Walkers be so cool sick like from um Kil there was a Kil Team box that had like hulked out Nur dudes oh yeah actually they should just do that they should do like aox infected yeah yeah yeah yeah do that like exist we we we clicked on it we totally we know what we want new detachments I think a demon engine Detachment would be sick right yeah it's it's going to happen for sure # bring the iron clot furnace back yeah oh yes dude we're right now we're connecting right right we're bonding uh that's the easy one though like what what should the other one be um actually there's probably going to be more than three cuz it's a core book Right Dark Angels is only two cuz it's a a cuz you already have the space Mar book um so so there's going to be a Terminator Detachment almost assuredly there's going to be a demon engine Detachment there's going to be a plague Marine Detachment okay we're saying these definitively but we don't know just to clear up that this is just from experience uh axw Walker Detachment is very likely mhm and then I think they'll do like a weird magic e Detachment cuz they did do that before oh that one was cool it was they could do really cool stuff with that yeah yeah they did do really cool stuff with that and it was not good but it was very cool it'll be good though with the new poxwalker Wizards oh we're thinking ah head we like Wizards um do I have anything I guess these guys can shamble forth yeah absolutely thanks for the Super Chat thanks for the question yeah let us know what are you all working on at home what does your hobby table look like is your hobby table in your living room like our I mean yeah what are you working on Mel yeah space WS that's good well the people they need to hear it you know how many people came up to me at lvo and was like not even hi M how are you how are your Space Wolves coming you have homework to do okay I will forever have homework to do I was like Chad has no faith in me I will get them done will I keep telling Adrian to give me a deadline deadine um yeah that's the only way to get is that what you want oh I'm an academic I must run on Deadline if it's not on fire it's not happening she won't thank me later but she'll thank me later later yeah after that exactly but no it's it's happening I've been working on some dark mechanicus thanks to Specs monster things went things on a little Ry the last time you were working on them oh so okay so I was working on some breachers um and I actually have a couple interations of the breachers I had one that was using the um ashfields Ash Ash wastel Nomads oh those are cool and they're like riding on top of like the tracks and then their arms are like the guns and I was like there's like a mismatch of like the GU kind of just writing on it so I didn't I wasn't loving it like forget that and I had some uh bl light Kings okay that I was going to use for light Kings Army and I was like okay use the big torso big old nurgle belly and stuff like that and I'm working on them but then I finally attached the arms I've never actually built the breachers before I've only Built the gun arms and the gar arms kind of have like a nice like look to them where they kind of work with the Torso but when you put the the arms they kind of look like a Spyro like V like generic villain where they're like it creates this really short squat wide armed kind of gobl and I'm like this is so dumb like a fantasy dwarf yeah so I'm like well this looks stupid and I spent the whole evening working on it actually multiple evenings and I was like well this sucks so it's an iterative process it you you ruled out some you know options looking for ideas I'm thinking about doing maybe like a Resident Evil thing where there're like just big mutations kind of just bursting out that' be cool yeah so we'll see TR trials and tribulations well not much move for you but effective right yeah I don't yeah we're we've arrived any the Deep strikes um I just brought in tyus so you just leaving that one right uh well nurglings can't hold things so I guess I'll go back I'll go back to where I was I know you want to kill fine want to kill can I burn now no still turn two um well no this is when you start burning turn two yeah so here we go I start burning on turn two from the second battle round in each player's shooting face you can select one uh one unit that's not battles shock and eligible to shoot that's fine right uh you don't shoot or charge and then at the start of your next command phase if you hold it it's burned cool so if I take it back for you then it stops okay but you will but I mean it cost me nothing to try to burn it no I think anyway so I'll start to burn that um I was checking the grenade Strat to see if I can do it in engagement range I can't uh but it is eight Ines weird range okay so they can do the grenade Strat for free um I have a bunch of like once in the shooting phase things to do yeah because I have all these weird characters totally um I feel like typhus is gonna have a 10inch maybe even 11 in charge on both sides cuz cuz you're going to kill stuff cuz I have to kill stuff I don't really have a choice I have to kill stuff so tyus it's going to do Mortal wounds okay to inceptors cool this is the bees yes so on a two up you take Mortals on a one I take Mortals I roll High you take a lot of Mortals okay you take D3 fantastic three imortals not that guy shocking that was my guy that was the guy my guy he's filled with bees now he is all bees cool um grenade Strat for free yep I'm not engaged you're not engaged yep I looked at everything except what it does you you said six dice four ups and that sounds right yeah that's correct that sounds right to me two morals okay that does kill not the captain Oh not the captain as it appears oh danger this guy here really thought I was going to kill the captain know um can I do the psychic stuff in combat you're shooting phase you select one enemy with an 18 invisible then I oh this is the minus one to wound in melee oh that's great who I have a couple of those um so this unit will give B's unit on a two up minus one to wound in combat pretty good that is very good it's a psychic um can I can I can I wrap it Ino sure totally yeah totally forgot just one uh one down to four I'm just going to drop them over there cool I just don't want have to make a nine no you're good carry on carry on um cuz Adrian knows he cannot make a nine I can't so there's a two up here yep yes so minus one mhm there's a two up here okay no oh okay okay and this one does not Peril what no I don't want I take3 okay no yeah I'll take two beautiful beautiful so he is down to two fantastic okay he's buried there he is now pestilent Fallout MH uh is just okay it is just a shooting attack so this squad that is at full yeah it's going to shoot that Squad that's not in combat okay you are reducing my armor but what's the AP here um we got to ask these questions sorry so the bolters are zero uhhuh plague wind is two up to three uh well yeah just tell me the base two two bolters are zero is it okay so then doesn't matter for me I can't stop you I can't stop him can't shake them and the biologist hyper black grenade is one okay so that's the only one I could I could be defended against uh it's blast D6 D6 plus blast which will be plus one I just don't know and then it'll be the same thing here well they can't shoot they can't oh okay they're combat yeah no go ahead okay I don't know when I'm going to do this this stuff I don't know uh so we'll do plague wind we're going to do focused sounds good 5 plus three is eight not blast so eight shots uh hitting on it auto hits torrent cool strength 6 T4 threes four rrolling ones oh wow six six okay four UPS uh cover so threes uh it's effectively ap3 so you get four UPS no matter what yeah okay cool one damage D3 oh okay so two three yep two and two okay so one couldn't have killed the guy so the order didn't yeah I know we're good and then it's a hazardous oh he'll take three he's down to one look my Wizards are blowing themselves up out of shame because their death card yeah um hyperlight grenades D6 blast so six four five six hitting on threes cool you're nothing for nobody oh uh five and six we're both lethal cool and then strength five threes okay four wounds AP two you get cover okay one goes through two damage oh those are cool grenades it's great grenade cool grenades okay okay okay uh I don't want to do bolters I'm you can't make me no mhm scary folks we'll shoot into that Squad as well so mortarion into Deathwing Terminators here rot wind D6 plus three last seven eight go pretty spooky any lethal one yes lethal oh got one Auto and then strength seven so threes and um Dev so that's a Dev and then you have that many effectively ap3 saves six okay perfect four UPS damage one yes so one dead wounded boop boop and then a Dev yep kills guy I'm getting just devoured here zanter yes prepare yourself it misses classic lanter he was focused on blowing his rot wind at you is Chatter in character yeah that's why he's down to one they have four wins yeah we got it great cheers though yep yep yep oh I guess I said they're blowing themselves up but he didn't literally die he he blew up but he survived right is that cool uh we're oh I have this shooting I have a KN I want to no uh this KN will shoot these inceptors uh he means the a Knight Knight but it's like the cool way to pronounce knif with an F Like a Knife yeah so you're changing the word to knife and then it's a it's an interesting European interpretation like you wouldn't get it I wouldn't that's why I'm pointing it out do you want to do anything here sir if you two yeah mhm I'm down to T5 n Go ahead sir uh threes to hit yep cool cool cool and then thre CU strength six thre CU strength six and your T5 I'm going to use your plague dice against you he's using my plague dice against you AP two effectively three no effectively two oh no yeah three one up to two for himself three up to oh my God six you're getting plagued on bro this is not so they're dead wow I have regrets you got plagued I killed two plague Marines with them I have made a mistake that yeah that was uh Well normally they do more than that when they come out we both thought that that was going to be I thought it was going to lose the whole Squad I yeah yeah yeah now I'm done shooting cool I've concluded the phase of shooting fantastic got some charges charge Bring It On bub charge these plague Marines yep are going to charge those yeah Angels of Darkness let do it into the darkness you go what did we have the brins hitting on threes TW W okay right I forgot that they're bs2 cuz they have two guns so good okay so good look they don't need help they don't need help hey chat I don't need any help thank you I always appreciate the feedback yeah of course my feedback in return I'm doing all right we're good over here I'm going to get you I'm going to get you oh I'm going to get me get you just do your charges I'm in I made it I'm in we're good on look Adrian we're good on time don't worry we're good on time we're good we're good so scared I'm so scared uh I have a charge here yep of an unknown oh no you did Kill cuz this guy moved well this wasn't even a deep strike this guy just moved yeah yeah so that's an eight not too bad this is this is just a plague fella that's your favorite number that's a fail I don't think I care yeah Mor's going to go in cool yeah oh oh he makes it cool Bring It On and On um I guess I could try with tyus this is like a 10 or 11 yeah very far but I would love for him to move yeah 11 please don't sit there forever that was never going to make it we're done cool cool we did it uh I don't have any interventions let's take it away cool I have a fight on death on a four plus just to let you know I'm going to fight with these plag marines do you want to do [Music] it yes called your bluff immediately one CP fight on death M down to three cool let's do it I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared everybody wiggle wiggle your way in like worms hey okay hi I'm doing great yeah three Co reading chat hanging out reading reading rules would you like a super chat yeah let's no I mean I'm ready to fight St caught me off guard there all of their weapons crit on fives all right oh okay here we go so this is pox sorry plague Marines into B Squad uh and again I can't do the minus one wound armor contempt does almost nothing you correct he has an aura of ignoring modifiers and armor of contempt does basically nothing yeah yeah carry on yep okay making sure um these are hitting up fours these are LGE weapons fives are lethal yep cuz they have the guy that makes fives lethal well well wow I have one hit that's not lethal right um that will wound okay four wounds four four how much four wounds oh four WS I think you said the four wounds uh okay so three through D two each okay so that'll kill two guys cuz we have a wounded guy kill him and kill him we'll do the final death in a moment um here's butic whoa wow look at those lethals yeah get your dice today in the link below okay just those fours these are one damage okay so another guy down to one uh and now I'm just going to do characters and ignore the everybody else perfect um the corrupted staff mhm the staff infection that's a wound that's a Miss that's good uh strength six threes yep three wounds effectively two so you'll get fours uh three of them yeah fours damage these are D3 okay so first guy dies and then the next one next W cool cool and then I'm this going be this guy perfect friendly reminder bile gives Precision to the squad yep absolutely cool cheers um cool have a wizard on one you want to kill him uh maybe maybe I have three that died on four pluses they get to fight um I have one that has to go into these plague marins I believe the way this Strat is written is I don't get to just attack the other Target which most of the Von deaths work that way but I'm not sure so plague Marin over here yes and then the other ones wow everyone gets to fight they're mad so we've got one into these plague Marines here um let's do it wizard on too not been selected to fight this phase uh I'm going to spend a CP to do the rerolling to wounds you just you just select it in the fight phase doesn't have any requirements so it'll be a CP there MH uh so here we go this is on fours they all Miss great and then we've got into this squad here on fours and then on threes rrolling sorry twos CU plus one to wound I will just leave it at that so and where do you want these okay have wizard on one I actually care about the wizard um like oh he's making you minus one to win okay so we'll put but these all still oh the three Wen well I'm I'm all on they're all wound anyways cuz I'm plus one to wound oh plus one minus one three so first one on him ap2 okay so you five up to live um yep he's dead and then you have the biologis as well I do um he giving me lethal giving lethal well he's giving crits on fives for lethal crits on fives yes four wounds three up save no inv uh no we're put these into plague Marines so five up on a plague marine and then one dead just one save okay so two dead cuz I just need to reduce the OC at this point might even get assassinate next turn uh because the nice thing is this will pull this unit out of combat won't fight so I need to hedge that bet you you want to interrupt I do two CP to interrupt here down to zero oh sorry yeah I can't do it for free cuz not battle tactic just bomb your models just break some things on your way yeah no problem all right let's go let's go yeah boys beat you up more tyon huh huh huh let's go let's go here it comes all right so we've got uh one two three four five terminators one two three four five these are with fists so on threes yeah there's a question on when bile has Precision only on crits that's right oh totally messed that up um I think there was one six in there so we just put one into the character and the rest won't and which is what we did yeah and it grants it to the unit I believe that is what they said yes yep uh so yeah it's only on critical wounds folks critical wounds not hits oh I guess yeah that makes sense which you did roll six2 so we're good I know it is critical hit that's weird and annoying that is weird and annoying yeah so you have to track that one more stage ADV uh so winning on fives okay ap2 for two uh fours he'll take six and then fives he'll take two okay and then the captain twos here one miss and fives nice three more saves fours four damage feel no pain fives oh golly oh when he does this Jeepers all right creers Jesus that that's real good nobody saw that coming uh you get the next non-charging combat oh you get the next charging combat which morar y yep B swings Bring It On on uh yeah yeah carry on he I have a free Strat but you doesn't matter okay you're good is H your final death battle T um I didn't do it on that Squad the matter real on five wins five four UPS so three dead I like so M beautiful and now it's all you excellent excellent excellent uh um not pil in because I have to go here so just these three in B fighting so we got two regular Terminators now that's six I'll tell you what that's a Precision I don't want his Precision I'm not going to use it as Precision okay uh yep one five up good okay kill ger uh plague marine and then uh Banner dude on threes mhm nothing that's Precision yeah okay five up oh right out of the box oh you know what yeah you're good I you one more tack from him hits wounds five up cool and then B this is just not going my way uh B on twos Miss and then only strength six so threes plus one to wound no minus one to wound so twos uh the the spell is still it's just until my next shooting face oh okay well we rolling to wound there you go ap2 for two five of them pretty good pretty good come on oh my God what is going on this is insane I can't help it oh I'm an animal should not be happening absolute madness Okay two four five and I have two four I also have five dang it so we're going to tie on the point oh so close that's so close Okay that's my turn excellent uh let's score it up see what you got so we have bring it down zero get rid of that yeah and no prisoners I didn't score any but I'll keep it okay oh I scored two I can't keep it cuz I killed inors two points yeah bummer it's okay it's okay look that was a devastating turn I had I lost a lot of stuff so not too bad Dark Angels I'm going to get two command points cuz azreal you're just going to get one yes's let's get some cards see what's next get some good cards here what are you feeling like what are you feeling like um I'll take anything you got engage got assassinate bring it down area denial okay that's that's very doable well bring it down is less doable but AA denial yeah last you can get this bring it down no this is fine this is fine yeah so we'll keep them both bring it down in area so area we need to keep Bridger fully outside of six which should be just the unit that's left yeah which is nice they will currently fight first so that's that's a problem we'll have to deal with um that's fine there's not many of us left yeah we will select our oath and select our vow so this is a tricky it is it is a bit tricky um and we have nothing else in reserve so o I just need to survive this combat that's really scary while you're debating big thank you T enel for gifting 10 table thank you so much very very kind that's great way to support the Channel people get to try out our membership where we get to vote on or members get to vote on what we try out and molecule Cody for gifting one membership than you Cody you it was nice to seeing you in Vegas always a pleasure talking about adult things yeah yeah yeah taxes we were like are they having fun I think so hopefully I think well and we are at 90 new members super close6 oh my gosh we're about to actually hit I haven't even talked about the goal so many yeah the goal is always 100 so we can throw it it's reverse psychology if you just don't talk about it yeah that's how it works that's really kind everyone thank you so much for the support thank you I'm really torn honestly it's it's basically between these two right like I this is is there an argument for one of each like one like an oath and a vow oath and a vow I think so I think we oath here because they are hitting on fours and the rolls are nice Y and then vow here just cuz for plus one to wound and then is the minus one to wound on me or is it on you it's on you until my next shooting phas so yeah so I definitely want that here okay perfect so we vow here oath there y fantastic uh I do have to do battle shock here which could aut just Auto passing yeah yeah I have to wait what strats do you want to use cuz if you're not using strats I probably want to roll wounds no no maybe not I don't know I don't I'm just thinking like if you're not going to use a strat and you already don't hold the objective then Auto pass wouldn't help you and you're a dark angel and they want to be battles shocked no that's not this Detachment but they but like spiritually spiritually they want they want it they want to be batt shocked uh oh that's tough going to roll it just rolling it you're good we're good okay I'll give you the seat feed back thank you and then over here just rolling it they're good cool beautiful good good good let's get moving and see oh primary it's G to be a 10 for me almost a 15 by literally like one model so that's that huge thank you to 95 Ginger rage for getting us over that 100 thank you so much thank you thank you thank you appreciate it we got there and because we got there I think it's time for M and the week week let's see what's up everybody what is that where did this shot come from this like from an old like behind the scenes like randomly someone must have watched it and then posted it and there's like a million memes about it it's amazing it's Lindsay like doing model shots right doing model shots with lights and are we radioactive like are we nuclear waste people what are we what's going on here are those sunglasses or goggles sunglasses oh the same joke doesn't matter well I love it there's so many good Renditions of this one on Discord take a look we've got when The Bard uses perform while try to use stealth this made me giggle who's that there's no I I think this is just an internet meme to be honest but I'd like to say it's Bridger clearly am I a trash can you are in the trash can beautiful and then there's Adrien just in front of me just forground Adrian okay okay okay okay I like it I like it then we have where this is just because this was this combo today where is the day to slate Games Workshop it is literally what is making all of the memes of the week look they told the Sigmar players when they're getting out theirs so that means we're either getting ours never right or very shortly yeah that's that's exactly how I interpreted that then this one is the I imagine this was Lindsay so I had a sandwich before the game and now all I smell is sandwich just posted in chat no so sad is this what you guys talk about in chat yeah this is this is what people are here for seriously right what we randomly Post in chat oh my gosh I love it then this one oh no this is getting out of now there are two of them Brian and Brian double Brian I I think there might be a Brian Showdown on the horizon a amazing can only everyone gets welcomed to the Titans Studio by getting walloped by some Island dice yep oh absolutely 100% uh I feel like how many CP do you have S and this is from today the names that's amazing it's so good I have three command points I love you so much thank you all for the memes definitely check out our Discord and if you're one of the new 101 members there are new channels for you my friend show your discount and your YouTubes are synced yes there's a there is a whole Channel dedicated to you syncing your Discord and your YouTube and if you up upgrade to primarch you're going to get access to the Primark program huge discounts um across a number of different amazing companies including Baron of dice uh so we have that that's all in the Discord you'll sign up there um a lot of amazing names uh that that you recognize your game out of you 10% off creature Caster uh big discount on turbo shipping uh God Forge who does of course things like the piper uh Piper makes um lot of cool STL look if you're trying to get into the Old World perhaps yeah seriously and you can't get your hands on that limited print run OG models that you might not want anyway check out some of those stls there oh man it's tough we're even struggling with that so appreciate it everybody thank you thank you so much and thanks again to Baron look at these maxy dice amazing so again big shout out to today's sponsor Baron dice these are hand swirled by the way um and they feel amazing one thing I really like about the baron dice is they have a lot of matte dice um which just they look cool they feel nice they're nice for streaming obviously because there's no glare and square edges and square edges yeah well they've got both they got everything big small square they they had the boldness a lot of dice manufacturers these days are cutting too many corners not fair in a dice good not of dice we get square dice as they should be oh my go so check it out we have a link below if you buy them from there will also get a uh get get credit for it basically so it helps support our Channel if you're looking for dice I guarantee they have something that can match your faction get the feel for it also for different games and Lord of the Rings dice they have Lord of the Rings dice they have blood bll they have you know Marvel Dice not technically blood bull but you're going to work for your blood bull dice right not technically Marvel crisis protocol dice but you can use them they're functionally the same they look fantastic so check them out thanks Baron we have moved uh we've moved our our Lieutenant onto this objective just barely we're going to come in bring reinforcements we're even bringing out the stern guard I didn't want to but there's just too much pressure here a lot going very very oh and the St guard is the perfect answer to this problem they definitely definitely are right good with that let's get shooting yes um let's start with the stern guard mhm into these plague Marines here uhhuh so oath vow you went oath vow yep you got it cool would you like to pop any flies or anything yeah yeah yeah yeah it's cloudy it's awfully cloudy in here cloudy day out here cloud of flies over there so one CP minus one to hit on these folks here yes let's see what we can do yeah we're good so we have uh four comi weapons so that's going to be eight shots cuz we're in Rapid Fire 2 four 68 Hing on fours cuz cloud of flies sustained from Good Old azreal let's here it goes let's go yep there he go let's go fours sixes mhm poop okay anti infantry and devastating on fours this is the big one it was really bad two devastating that's a that is one whole plen yes this guy excellent he died uh then we got the uh Stern guard heavy Bolter fives here and then uh strength five so winning on fours devastating on six oh okay that'll do it one I'm not going to roll your dark angel dice no d Roll My Plague Dice and then azreal good old azreal uh hitting on threes so one miss there and I'm Che I'm going to have to check on I'll just make this save anyway doesn't matter it up it up that was very disappointing saving you some time I'm uh you have more Terminators we do you have nobody injured right now correct two is on your character the wizard is on two cuz he hurted horrible okay uh can't shoot in combat cuz we are not monsters so that's all my shooting great they're saying oh sorry Lieutenant with comi weapon we'll just take one pot shot boom one shot one nothing Co good talk that is that we got some charging to do let's do easy stuff first death Wing sorry assault Terminators into uh the Drone five uh no I'll get it you got it you have you owe me a battle shock cuz you charged me yeah yeah no problem we're demon this off point now 10 does a 10 do it a 10 should do cool I do I do believe so I do declare beautiful so we're good there um next up we're going to have these uh assault Terminators into these plague Marines yes let's go wow they are I owe you another battle hungry for it and you're going to owe me another battle sh not another battle shot uh we're good yay St it oh yeah we got you know what the rule on Plague marins is what when they're on a corrupted objective they get plus one to battle sh what that's their Only Rule it's so weird actually tuck in a bit here yeah I think they were one of the first books that they wrote I think you can just put them anywhere you want they're not thanks they're not important story just take them just don't yeah you don't have to put up with that I've been in that situation so many times put them anywhere else belly models um cool I don't have many troops left no that is going to do it yes yes M yes please hold please hold please hold not the Skype call Skype call I can't there's a I won't say it to protect yeah to protect that organization we talk about Adrian is reading yeah thank you Graham Tevis for the $10 Super Chat thanks gr Lord solar is a must have for guard players but the model is not for everyone have a buddy whose Army is tanith based and doing a Saint Sava diarama as a proxy what would your proxy be that's amazing oh my gosh I mean I'm a fan of Mecha horse mea horse I recognize that not everybody is but luckily I love the model the base is so big that you could do all kinds of proxies and it's such a vague concept of like super leader man exactly I think what I would for sure what I would do and might end up doing at some point um is take the cities of Sigmar guy on horse it's a much more much more Grim dark kind of character I feel like he looks like a world one like leader in the trenches on his horse um it's got like the S the grungy saddle bags and everything so I would do that yeah but you could do lots of cool things like you know we're talking to Brandon Grant who's a big guard guard guy and he's been humming and Hauling for basically since the model came out he still doesn't have a leontis ban I haven't checked recently he but he was looking for like yeah like a mechanical option or like a little lifter there's so many things you could do um I'm actually a really big fan of there's an orator who like converted a dread knot into a platform that they orate from unfortunately that's an actual model in the game might confuse some people but I do love that as like a leontis bontis proxy that sounds fantastic I also like the tan thing that's really cool uh cool that's it for charges uh any interventions I don't think so no that's why I ultimately had to stay here right it was a lose lose either you have CP to interrupt or you have CP to charge in so that's that's where we're at or I have CP one just have CP don't want that everything good is two CP that's what they say okay we are going to start these termin tours I agree yep yep yep um I do nothing cool perfect uh I'm going to spend a CP to reroll wounds since we're next to this objective cool uh so it'll be one there let's see what we can do one two three four five terminators with thunder hammers let's go here we go oh wow four is to hit oh that was very effective all the bad kids hung out together though okay okay they're talking to each other I only saw the bad kids yeah yeah that's I'm like a hall monitor I'm only looking out exactly this is twos rrolling plus one to wound as well mhm not let no sixes though no sixes but they're all ap2 for two I refuse come on I need this this would be huge please lion answer my calls you are so ridiculous you rolled half these chaos dice are too good for me yeah so we do get four guys though four four fewer Marines of the plague that's important that's important one two there's only one FL green left I like that I like that feel like this is appropriate timing remember when you did floor Dice and you had all the excuses floor dice Super Chat at $10 thank you so much tell Bri excuses are like you know what not wrong okay not wrong I'll out what you going to say all out it appreciate it appreciate the support and the love would you like to interrupt no yeah figured uh so going over here of course with these here Deathwing bubbers no so same thing except this time we're reing hits one two three four five so these are fours with a r roll to hit that's going to be good right but I need it that's going good it's going to help you out here Jesus oh my God no and fives sixes are dead take two you you want these cuz I know you're heretic no I love these dice they're great it's not the dice's fault it's you want the openly heretical dice the cast ice have been killing it what games in a r though I will say I might have to get some more of gas dice pretty good uh that's the Chargers right you get the first first nonch charger I choose these yep absolutely PL mares and I will choose to fight on death o yes interesting okay one two three four this is a counting Channel it mean pretty much I agree for go that took me a second to figure out what I was doing it's pretty tough fives and sixes are lethal cool as is my right yeah naturally three regular hits mhm uh strength eight T4 twos reallying ones for guy man there you go fours chaos dice betray me damage to each okay so that kills one Terminator kills another Terminator wins another Terminator yes uh this one my minus one damage I have to go here then boom and then a wound I think I can minus one damage here just when you target me in the fight phas okay okay I I do that sounds good well yeah yeah cuz you're going to fight on death here we do all your attacks first no that's it it's the other guys oh that was it so um guy that's into this squad he does fight the guy into the other Squad no but I'll still attack you after this anyways so you want to do it uh cool so we've got Thunder hammers into the lone plague Marine Squad they all hit thankfully twos cuz you're on the objective because I oh your guys not on the objective so I'm pretty sure and you're still minus one just want to confirm it's you have to be honest on minus one oh it's on me yeah yeah yeah yeah we puked on you it was a big sneeze yeah I know so literally it all F cool uh uh then then you again next nonch Charger which we want to do these folks first so we have two fists onto mortarion Mor beautiful and fives okay saves yeah pair of fours for you sir absolutely two damage fives both will go through down to 11 cap time let's go good job bub and then fives one four four yeah two damage five thanes both down to nine he's down to one die slowly but not surely uh over back to you which is nothing matters now yeah nothing matters Morty yep five large swings beautiful for a large Terminators don't think you're going to kill him four hits uh two lethals twos four wins excellent fours all day kills two regular Terminators kills the captain good talk okay what oh no was not prepared for that no uh we'll go to these folks here now so this is everything into the plague Marines in the middle the one regular Terminator on a wow woo there you go do that again those are Precision those are Precision so you don't want to do don't you want to get my OC out I just thought it was funny of they were all sixes yep plus one minus one oh yeah plus one so two saves two five UPS the math is yeah it's no I'm with you uh one will die or one takes the damage cuz I'm I SP on minus one oh right and then the uh banner and threes so two saves one Dev fives that was your saves m i fa and then one Dev which is two damage you reduce it so one damage y you got perfect and then B twos BL BL and this is six on five so threes plus one minus one still threes yeah so three ap2 ap2 put it on a wead cool cool so now we've got uh the Drone and the other PL yes drone three uh lethals so three lethals four misses and then strength seven winning on threes no matter what strength seven you hit eight so three saves so six withal oh my God fours yes damage two okay so that kills a guyo pull this guy here fastic and then one plague Marine over here um Bring it on Bring it on a lethal yep yep yep yep it's a lethal that's how that works just one one okay good you're good yeah and then whis Waz cool jeez not meant to fight oh unless yeah Dam D3 don't do it two one cool down to three on a bu cool cool I'm done love it let's go ahead and score it on up see what we got all right it was very bad I got literally zero points because we did not get brid out of the middle and we didn't kill any monsters um death guard oh okay oh did you that's okay I I'm going to get rid of AR denial okay and I'm going to get rid of both they're both both for one CP one no get a CP already gain got it got it pass over to the death card see what you got tman won't forget never forget yeah seven up here always remember the T man got it he rewards you I love it I just didn't want Adrian you to have to look at the zeros that long I appreciate the thought let's get some cards yes you know let's two of your finest cards two of the finest cards here they are Force assassinate these are great love wow Jes so basically kill this unit in the middle and you get 10 points he did ask for the finest ad yeah nothing but the best they're very fine cool cool cool okay uh I do have battles shocks uh that Squad is like super mega battle shock so we'll see they don't care they don't care right unless do you have like spooky n you're good these guys in the middle yeah uh I feel like Auto passing them would be prudent two three cuz I have 6 OC I have 6 OC then no I don't okay yeah aha no wait wait hold on the plague Marine thing doesn't matter oh right objective no I have to control it Ah that's dumb um so they're battle shocked that's it we're done sounds great primary yep five yeah y yeah go that's something that's something mhm hanging into that lead you stopped me from burning my objective dude no I was like no don't burn it I was having so much fun burn cherish it forever no we're going to burn it no the cleansing fire burn an eight forever well while Bridger gets to burning and to moving yes thank you so much Drew lindle for the $20 Super Chat thank you welcome home I play to and I can't seem to beat Orcs please help oh interesting that is a tough matchup to be honest um Orcs especially right now are running a lot of pressure it's melee pressure um and with to it's a lot of like movement you it's it's funny enough it's not it's not just like blast them on the objective right it's it's a lot of like smaller units with smaller activations I think one of the best things you can do as a tow player correct me if I'm wrong other tow players is uh you can move lock you know the Orcs are still very much dependent on getting to the right place at the right time uh if they're running the Squig builds in particular you can really move block them um because they can't go through through buildings uh if they're going like knob heavy and boys heavy that's tougher I think one of the worst things for against worst thing for to to to play face against is a bunch of like boys and trucks uh because then it's multiple layers you have to get through they have infantry and they have the durability at the right time that's the toughest and in those cases it's tough I I I still think blocking them is the best thing that you can do um and try to figure out where they're going to they're going to Stage like generally turn one or two for the wall for the next turn if you can you can see the bit of the board for a turn that's okay they're going to have to try to like overextend and then that's where when they're going to really start making mistakes that and the last thing I'll say is use your speed to your advantage right look for the flanks that you can pop around run around corners and get blasting them because they're going to try to like tuck into things like these L's and be prepared so if you can like blast around the side and clear what's what's close to you without getting charged that's ideal if you go in the middle they're going to have lots of things that can go for you so try to play that flank game um it's it is a tough matchup I will say that so best of luck hanging in there oh boy I think I have to fall back here so on ones they die on ones they die on ones they die cool he's good he's fine four models yep no problem for a second there I thought I didn't roll enough dice that's all there's left it's a bloody bloody game yeah everything's dying right but that's you know how it goes that's good cool I'm done moving let's do it I have a bit of shooting I did fall back Yonder okay and hither yeah stand in over there Mor going to come save the D oh naturally King mortarion uh we have a bit of shooting to do I have this night I'm going to shoot these Deathwing sounds fantastic would you care for a I I care not a biscuit nope a Triscuit a tiis a tasket y pink and yellow basket oh green and yellow basket I don't think I've ever heard that far yeah I couldn't remember the colors all right we go see who's right two KZ chat K chat thanks chat wow you're try though I appreciate appreciate it uh cool so T5 down to four Str six three mm yeah it's a green and yellow basket green and yellow eight just okay I had to I had to swallow there I don't know Chad heard that this okay four cover three oh it's gross oh my gosh now they're only one damage oh so I lose a guy and a which is two yep okay and we literally lost the objective no no way well I have demon breath it's pretty nasty I'm going speed on you just kill them just kill them uh two just okay one um for yep that'll do it like eight damage or something that's how I feel I'm with you I Fallen I'm right there and I can't get up someone call Life Alert those a little Dark Angels Came ear there okay uh we have a bunch of shoot face stuff I checked he can advance and do it cuz it's not a shooting attack he just chooses something that he can see um so he's going to do Mortals to these folks M sounds great um there BL Squad D3 morals yep one but cool um plague Caster is going to give minus one to wound on a two up to the folks that he's in combat with no OHP ohom oh no does he die nope he's Al on one on one wow um morio wild is going to shoot these folks blow Squad yep yep um BL so play rot wi plague gross face plague fart seven um Hing on twos yep wow these are lethal we have our dearest friend war game portal in chat hey what's up War portal war game is now going to be stocking Monument paints just talking to them we did we talked to them a lot this weekend tried their paints for the first time yester well I tried Brian Laos but we got a bunch of them trying them yesterday used the Mumble aisle love it um six and Dev Jesus okay but yeah war game portal one of our primarchs uh primarch uh SP program sponsors so if you are Primark or higher um you can go ahead and uh on on Discord you message war game portal your your status and they're going to update big big discounts on their website I highly recommend check it out yeah what what the heck are these guys uh ap3s for one damage yep and then there's a Dev for later one of these is a Dev two four six there's six saves and a death yeah yeah fours okay so it's a total of two damage okay so kills the last um assault Terminator and we're going to put a wound on to our ancient we're going to charge up our laser pistol yep I'm charging my Fireballs he missed every time cool all right that's him uh you can't grenade if you fall back right I think yeah you have it's you have to be eligible to shoot cool I'm done shooting beautiful beautiful back Morty into both Morty into everyone he's an upset angry Primark yeah yep that does do it but it's not pretty it's not exciting no not at all what on uh plague drone mhm into these Terminators sounds great yep cool I just squint at it oh yeah uh we're done fantastic you do not have enough to interrupt is that correct I know I can f on death that's it I have you at two oh two did I miss something did I miss something I think I only have one okay okay unless unless CH yells at me if there's no then I'll suddenly interrupt you if there's no interruptions yeah I'll start with a plague drone who has no options cool and I will final death my last CP nine 10 uh this will be threes and threes mhm no lethal okay okay three only ones for Morty there you go six six six WIS six six wins four UPS no I'm so sorry I'm not giving these dice a good run two each y so that's two terminat two and a half Terminators mhm uh so one two and a half so we'll pull this unit out of mortarion M which is nice he's based over there y uh and then see if they fight they can go either way fours not either carry on carry on look it's Dark Angels we're used to this we always get the short short stick yeah you have to weather the storm that's like your thing you have to really yeah that's good turn the other cheek that's what they say no we're the rock turn no cheek we turn the same cheek like again one more on this side the whole is just cheeks all the way around um Morty's going to do big swings in a b yep you got it well you might be living you got intimidated you might be living on understand B's a scary dude he is pretty spooky ones two wins fours okay well we got his buddy you got his buddy no we got his friend o pal ancient we got him mcgr not mcons that's me okay we're going to hit you back uh we have uh Terminators here yep I'm going to go here MH next turn I will get assassinate it'll be too late so one two it's compelling three right uh any anywhere on that CP Mount did chat no one said anything in chat so we got it right see if I get some rerolls you know you never know I was hoping for some rerolls there that's okay fours and then threes well at least assassinate is on the table ass it's definitely on the menu um that'll kill the last play perfect I love it uh so then you can fight with that Squad Oh My Wizard you wiw going to give you staff infection got to keep going back to the same I like that joke back to the well pair of wins fours one for D3 need a three to kill got him got him this wizard is a hero he honestly is and then your biologist do you care no has a knife it's not very good I have knife uh we'll go with bile into Mor oh it's epic oh it's on down nice you could kill me fives down to Fours you are no longer minus one yep yep two saves on your in fource ah sorry I'm sorry oh two damage uh fives I've been seeing a lot of chaos got tournament you got I'm Gonna Roll these in Marvel like d6es yeah look it's worse there's less faces okay just let me roll them and there's no swirls at all uh yeah I think that's it we're done gosh this is I don't remember what I was doing this turn let's take a look assassination you got with the ancient just barely I did I was so close actually that has a character yeah interesting how much for assassinate five and then five overwhelming as well cuz the Terminator and the that one feels a little bit like cheating but such cheating that is that is the way the rules are written fantastic uh death death guard just pulling ahead by a smidgen top of four I will get two command points again azrael's alive bless you MH and let's get some cards I got to figure out what's what's the priority here the the priority will be determined by Bridger oh no so brid is going to pick an objective in the middle that I have to try to take and behind is of course being in brid's deployment Zone which is not going to happen so what do I need to do I mean good news for you I'm looking at all three objectives you have that one yep you can just Advance onto this one and you can just fall back onto that one yeah not bad I'll choose the middle because it's the fall back option fantastic uh and then for Behind Enemy Lines I would like to benit B spend one command point to draw a new one instead let's see what you get come on here comes here it is secure you ready we're cleansed this is going to be it you know what just for you cleanse okay so doing actions in in not my homeland uh three points for one five points for two yeah I mean you have one for sure one for sure the other one we do the same thing we advance up uh and then this guy cleanses he cleanses there go that's the move let's see what we can do uh we'll go ahead and Advance those in full trors H H it's I don't know if it's I well okay but it wasn't I was very much expecting a one Adrian yeah yeah oh no we're good we're good we're good you Shell Shocked I know right thanks Flor di thanks floor di appreciate it well again not to make more excuses that last one wasn't so much Flor di as a projectile weapon oh my gosh right terrifying rolling Baron dice they're not floor dice they're weapons those sharp edges that should be our new ad for them yeah they're I'm sure they would love that um that would that would make Customs a lot harder yeah I'm sure I'm sorry sure is this a weapon these are marked as Weapons you stop them at TSA you're like uh aren't you going to take my weapons from me whoa what when I was when I was sending out the mod boxes I put toys on the like you you have to when I sent them anywhere overseas I had to fill out so much paperwor you European mods and Australian mods but um hey it's not their fault it is it's not their fault that European not their fault but um long story short if you put toys they freak out like cuz they're like is there batteries what type of toys what type of toys so I had to put plastic toys no batteries that's funny just put dollies I was like dollies battery power dollies right yeah I mean tickle Elmo that's that's got battery exactly and it's probably a spying do so they care a lot about that concerned about this but did they forget that brigin hit on twos and have 12 wounds no we're good we got it we're good yep the wounds no we're good uh I do need a battle shock here on these Deathwing they're good they're good the wild CL himself so he don't care what's the OC on this Middle Point for you uh it's just Morty which is six six okay oh yeah and battle sh over here that's very this is very important because if I fail this then I Y okay that sucks I couldn't Auto pass I already did it didn't they change that you can do twice now nope it was the opposite I mean so it's only once per game so that sucks um so your primary is 10 10 uh so I will able to take it from you cuz your OC what three yeah so I'll be able to take it from you but it won't be able to cleanse CU we don't have salt there okay uh that sucks yeah brutal okay uh so we'll build to cleanse here and OC six you say he's large there's no way I take that from you are stard rc1 yeah and I would give up the back point so we're just going to fall back here with blow blow blow and Yep this is the Last Stand The Last Samurai this is the Last Stand yep and then we fall back here as well mhm all right Let's Get Physical this one's battle shocked so either I just run away or I just fight we choose to die an honorable death that's fitting yeah I I thought so shooting uh we'll do Stern guard into these two characters here yeah oh oath targets right they are now separate units really yeah cuz their bodyguards they all split off oh yeah that's true that is how that works interesting so obviously middle objective will be our vow Target Yes actually no this one okay we'll do this is the middle this is The Vow over here and then oath on this guy here cuz this guy only has one wound correct so biologist is going to be the oath yep another one is nothing cool uh and what we'll do is we'll put the combies into here cool and everything sorry and the heavy Bolter thing over there no reverso combies here everything else here oh which will be this will be azreal and the heavy Bolter okay and this is just the combies cool so one one two three we'll put three combies into him so three combies on threes no sustained we're looking for one four up here oh we got three mortal wounds yes um actually they're not mortal wounds anymore sorry one one ignore everything and then same thing into the uh biolog putrifier and no mortal wounds there the heavy Bolter uh is heavy didn't move and and mov on a four AP1 azreel AAL AEL sa BOS H I need to check his profile again it's a weird comi something rather did it more than AP1 who knows we got to check now I was trying to save us from checking if I had rolled high or low we could have just no cuz it could just be Morales oh there's actually no version which we can skip it unfortunately I realized I realized uhuh uh uhuhuh he's not in here at all oh we lost him is it two damage is it one damage you can keep your wounds can I just take the damage nah just keep your wounds okay uh good there fell back fell back that's it cleansing charges charges lone Terminator we're in for the emper yes that is all cool let's go hitting on fours one hit one that's a wound I will not take it perfect hit me back we're revving up the flesh mower it's like a weed whacker but like like like a corn thresher yeah for sure corn thresher that's what it is okay a pair of lethals nice nice and then threes to win so five wins five four UPS he is dead just barely goes down thank you sir he's a child of the Corn now we've converted him like uh corn cares not vegetables care not uh with that we can score up my turn easy peasy no points on tempting Target three points on cleanse you keeping I will B attempting Target for no command points okay I'll pass it over to the bottom of four death guard death guard D D heavy [Music] metal and before we jump into that we have a super chat that needs to be read so someone can go night night oh hey thank you so much Lim for the € 20 Super Chat greetings from Germany hence why they need to go sleep sleep elv was great meeting you thanks again for the gift and looking forward to working on the project know that guy a project it was a pleasure meeting you I don't want to you know he's really fun to be around really really fun really kind person I'm very good at pretending to be A's not yeah very convincing yeah look uh we're excited we I think we'll see some future projects maybe in Germany yes maybe maybe maybe this summer we'll be traveling somewhere we're we're very very excited it was honestly a pleasure so it's just cool like you never know when you're going to meet someone that you really like connect with you know there's so many I think the pausing the game pause the thing that made lvo the best lvo was I spent less time playing games and more time just talking to cool people yeah yeah frankly it is there's so much going on there's so many cool people in this in this space yeah it's just really nice yeah yeah so that's what that's what El is about if you're ever considering going to one of these conventions you should go yes the playing is great but it's also just a time to like everyone travels to it's like the family gets together right it's like the big it's the big excuse It's like oh saw you last like even people you saw a year ago like you have that connection from the year you went before so you get to catch up see how people are doing yeah see what see what they're up to these days so much changes and there's so many cool people I think I I under under estimated how many cool people there are I used to be super I was like shut in as soon as we're done playing I'm going to go back to my hotel room not even going to dinner with people I'm just going to like yeah watch YouTube and like go back to my safe space yeah but there's so many cool people to spend time with they so fun to talk to got to be brave yeah so D yeah with that okay unpause night we're going to do he's going to bed early what time is like not even 11 there yeah I guess when you live in a dark Forest wow shots fired um um yeah what are you going to do to me sorry do I have secondary no I'm going to get secondary let's see it okay secondary cards oh I was talking to people I was talking about how excited I am to go to Germany what would you like for your secondary dudes all of them just anything there you go behind lines cool behind not so good but well I do have nurglings oh the nerdlings I had to bring them down turn three where's your other ones over here yeah okay they're ready for signals they're waiting they're like we're ready boss we got it on the phone already okay cool cool great and I have this doofus yep B Beetle shocks um this squad yep well yeah you're good than go no problem uh primary 10 fantastic big old 10 right I forgot the tally and he came through anyway what a good guy wait do you have a CP that can't be right what do you think you have I think I have five eight that feels better eight no you don't have eight I don't have eight I have myself at five which is still too many got got to communicate with that producer I'm being negligent in a number M are correct yay okay uh you're gonna get moving I'm gonna fill up my coffee yeah and we're going to talk to chat let's talk to chat because we have things to talk to chat about thank you actually named Magnus for the sum type of dollar dues in a Scandinavian type of currency what is Seck I should probably learned uh Swedish croners Swedish croners thank you for the hund 100 Swedish croners bought a bunch of zch demons and and looking to make an army that I can use for both 40K and AOS but I'm having problems finding some nice bat rep channels for AOS any recommendations yeah good question there's not too many out there that are well there's not too many out there period it's just a smaller audience y um obviously well not obvious tabletop tactics does do AOS now which is cool very good quality um and uh mini War gaming does occasionally but now the old world out I don't know how much they're really going to do the people who I really recommend uh cuz they also talk a lot about like tactics and positioning and they really great folks season of War oh yes um so they they're up in in Canada also at lvo by the way um so they are a majority AOS Channel they're like reverso us they do mostly AOS with a bit of 40K and we're you know like that're the opposite um so I highly recommend them and they basic they have a really interesting and and unique system where they kind of walk through each of the phases and they kind of narrate it uh so highly recommend season of War um that's good for battle reports and uh tactics does them as well and then for learning this this is not part of the question but I also recommend AOS coach if you're just trying to learn the armies that's my source for most of um if I need to just learn a faction real quick so yeah good luck have fun and uh one day we'll get AOS on the channel as well SP CP I did not go high enough on my advance it in ah but now I did and you hear play mCP that's what I heard what I thought you said instead SP CP I heard play Sor so I thought you were just yelling at the person to not play OS no no no no I'm yelling at myself I love it for not advancing far enough until I did well thank you so much actually named Magnus thanks Magnus yes we appreciate it do you want to OverWatch I don't think so is it Magnus MBO yeah definitely definitely face she was not having it um how much would you freak out if it was' be pretty cool the best collab ever um I don't know what I would have to offer his channel but just you climbing on it well not I guess if he needs a standin bad climber I could I could pretend to not know who he is when he dresses up right now you good you can have your two points yes I'll give you two points woo yeah yeah oh well actually I'm winning by only two points yeah I'm like two points might be important two points might be important n screw you I'm going to shoot you I'm shooting them that's what I thought let's go that CP and 's your Earth Target don't forget oh they flight yeah smart I'm on it all right heavy Bolter sixes which are sustained and four R rolls so two hits fours okay pair of wounds 51 oh no he's dead they already died died immediately they were posted up this was a Company of Heroes like a Machine Gun Nest cool he's just running into your Machine Gun Nest so I I was going to have them be intercessors and I had a few extra points in many ways these are worse than intercessors for holding a back point but they're cooler and they're always good they can actually shoot things you're saying CU intercessors have obsy and you can walk away yeah but I find that in most games you never can walk away until like turn four yeah cuz they're just going to deep strike and take it yeah that is true that is true and these have been doing pretty well yeah I I like them uh cool that's my movement yeah uh in the shooting phase M we're going to bees bees get some bees what's it going to be this is tyus with the bees yeah into uh into the two Terminators Perfect Two up yes oh I have to check four I think it's in the middle oh interesting it's a he has a whole whole scaling whole range uh no it's just oh it's D it's been D6 the whole time on a two up it's D6 oh no on a six is three plus d so one okay well glad I checked that one mortal oh okay cool down to three uh and then I'll spend the free grenade Strat is only once per game I'm spending to do grenades yeah from his Squad just cuz I learned about the grenad Strat I'm excited cool I like it it's like Ting shot uh four UPS five more what the heck ohy they're making up for oh my God he's beginning to believe in plague Marines folks D now I have to actually shoot you huh yeah probably yeah okay uh Morty will shoot mhm rot wind yep four shots twos AP no i s win oh this is embarrassing uh two oh my gosh two wins fours well one yep one damage yep y good [Music] talk hey we hit nice oh he did and we wound yes cuz you're T4 Splat cool um just to save mortaring the embarrassment we'll throw the the hyper the mega grenades at blow yep so this is the biologis hyper blight grenades blow bled Isn't that cool that he can shoot a grenade and throw a grenade in the same it's very cool wow look at him look at him go nice uh strength 5 t five down to four nice three AT AP two fours two go through two damage each so cool down to two chares bring it hither Morty yep wow he's incredibly upset dude he could go all the way check this out oh my gee he flies in behind you that's so cool and it's that anime move he's right behind me it's nothing personal kid and then his sight that is the size of you just emerges from your chest yeah yeah um drone into infiltrators yeah beautiful BL off very nice that's it uh fantastic I love it I have nothing to say to that you cannot interrupt I cannot Morty yep strike you down no where you stand for the lion oh no D oh five ws save all of them or stand four plus a four plus h I blew it I blew it I'm sorry folks I failed there's no way he just Scythe erupts through his chest oh like a pinata uh nope no interrupt all right can you kill these infiltrators here comes the corn thresher I don't like it there were fields on this world I can tell yeah you can definitely tell okay we've corrupted yeah the field equipment one lethal one miss yep two four six seven more eight kind of lethal three six eight AP two three effectively uh ap2 effectively wow that's a lot they're going to be very dead a lot of a lot of sixes I want okay cool cool um that's my turn beautiful let's score it up I get three for behind cuz you gunned down yes and I get five for AR don't know fantastic pulling into that lead oh it's going to be close but I think you're going to get me yep top of five I'm going to get two command points cuz a still alive still alive yes and could I have my final secondary cards final secondary assassinate here it comes oh no it's totally going to be assassination yeah yeah I mean there's only so many CS left right yep um I had I had literally the whole game would have been fine for that any other turn yeah okay uh well we have to keep it so Homer is an assassination it's very bad it's very bad they have assault uh yeah I think they can even move in six to be honest they're close enough so do you have to kill Morty is that what it is uh it's Morty or this unit okay cuz this actually this is the sorcerer yeah Sorcerer's Dead Oh okay that's just a guy this is supposed to be the sorcerer but I already had a sorcerer oh you put the other that was a very cool model and I was like why is there a 30k guy no yeah this is the old named guy um I forget his name I used to love him he's cool he was awesome uh okay cool so yeah we'll keep those uh we're going to oath and vow this target see if we can get a bit lucky and oh no because I need to homers as well that's the problem does bile do Mortals back on attacks after oh that's true it actually it finally happen he does stuff he has this terrible useless ability it's called strikes retribution boam who has been helping us a lot with this I I appreciate it um each time an attack is allocated to this model after it's finished making its attacks so it's how many attacks did you have five five so roll five dice and every four plus is a mortal wound oh that's cool it's cool it's cute the problem is it's only if they're like trying to do you out or or he's The Last One Alive so here we go fours I mean that's four I won't say nothing about that I will not feel this pain I'll take two that would have been clutch if all of a sudden we can kill Morty them cool thank you though I do appreciate it I think that's a cool like it's not written with like awareness of how the game plays yeah but it is a very cool rule yeah I like his Precision ability Master of the Deathwing like that's legitimately interesting okay so we need to solve this puzzle mhm I'm GNA get moving okay y I'm I'm just going Hang Outs good we've got some questions thank you Blake alond miss you lots of love $10 Super Chat thanks so much hey hey Bridger what video games were keeping you up too late last night Paul world oh no not po world I'm not no I refuse um po world I don't know if you guys know it's just art but slightly reskinned I'm not into it I I understand that a lot of people are into it and I get it I just don't get why suddenly they're into it now and for the past six years when Arc has existed they weren't into it you know it's not about Arc I don't there's a million survival games though your argument says you should only ever play one survival no no no this is like a copy paste every mechanic it's all just Arc yeah they took Arc uhhuh and they replaced taming with Pokeballs and that's it it's just Arc M it's straight up Arc but can dinosaurs use guns uh Yes actually they can yeah yes it is Arc um you playing though look it was dominions 6 if you're looking for a grand strategy game I know a lot of you lot of you folks like Grand strategy games I think it is like the king of grand strategy it's the ultimate Grand strategy game now now the graphics might make you throw up it's all like 2D Sprites but it is the most involved and detailed Grand strategy period it's beautiful it is a beautiful game I was up very late I won my first game of dominions I've been playing dominions on and off for I want to say a decade now my God and you just won your first game well I've never played a game to completion yeah it's oh my God I I know nothing about this game it's exhausting for while it's um it's a lot it it yeah it's check it out think about it a man you get to design a God and you choose a nation and all the nations are based off of like the mythologies of of real mythologies plus just made up ones what you're saying I love I love so cool do you know how long my list of things are I would like to do if I actually had time to do them are fa so long I don't have time and I'm doing this anyway I know problem and sleep will always prob rank high on my list oh not for me yeah that's where I that's where I get in trouble I was up really late last night I know yep all right uh we're gonna go to shooting so basically we're not going to be able to deploy homers okay this guy was in the perfectly worst spot basically if I was within 16 of either board Edge I'd be able to do it but I get on of assault so no homers we're just going to try to kill some assassination points and uh CL Clos it on up okay so let's do this uh Azrael and the stern guard into the plague Marines here I've got uh the eight shots from the comi weapons 2 4 68 here we go threes do you want to flies or anything um no the I should but like I can't stop I want to see if you can do it I can do it oh no oh no I want to see oh no oh no two Mortals sorry two devastating cool wo heavy Bolter this is a test of your metal seriously rrolling uh wow so two more devastating of two damage each okay it's just the guy I like get azreal oh this is so cool he's azreal take the shot actually oh no take the shot azreal no no it's been a long day for him now the charge is longer all right now charge phase y we're going in it's an eight we can do an eight no problem H yeah that's an eight that's how we do it not of course mortarion could just intervene he will but you'll fight first yay he will punish you he does not abide do your worst he's testing both of you he's like can you do it can you do it right um yeah I think six old shimm on over my kids alone I hate it I hate it okay now because of that asra is actually not going to be able to reach this guy so it's going to be everyone else I just didn't quite have the move let's go I'll spend a CP for full rerolls here it comes uh we're going to just punch you with a bunch of stern guard one two three we're testing everybody right five Stern guardium Leviosa hitting on threes rrolling R rolling mhm this is into the biologist folks we're trying to get that assassination yes and then you're plus one to wound yeah takes you back to fours and R rolling W yeah we going to need it I'll take I'll take the fours take all these These Are Mine let go let's go let's go solid whoa no AP just all the saves sir so many three UPS so many three can't make that many three oh wait hold hold I can't I can't I can't 5 11 13 what I can't use your 1 they were going to betray you to your death they were yeah that was my play 13 he's alive on no way the chaos di are to kidding me this guys are too good all right all right azrael's finally Last Stand fight hey Morty's on seven you could you could kill him the that would be the worst if you at least four2 damage attacks if I took him like super low and could have just shot him that'll make me even more sad so here we go sword of Secrets I have a secret I won't tell not my target secrets and then fives go to Fours go to Fours rrolling okay three wins uh no two and then a Dev two and a Dev two and a Dev fours okay so four damage total damage I maybe I should have maybe I should he'll take three he's down to four do your worst sir I will uh there's so many of you I can't even get to I'm going to challenge you you're going to challenge me he's learning it's time to D all right die at my hands so one TP there dueling as real four hits he's like on God on mhm uh three oh he falters first one a misstep makes it second one makes it third one CP roll dies oh he only has four wounds no he's got six wounds let see if we can do he's alive oh it's just flat four okay okay okay asreal what a showdown right Legends beautiful well that's it for my turn that's it uh no points and that game yeah I think we're done hey it was it was kind of a cool ending it was Battle the middle it was very very on the center of the tarmac look you got to you got to end it right you know the final charge here The Final Duel against the two Champions yeah that was good that was fun game cool game I think honestly this is another scenario yeah of two slow combat armies one of them has to go first mhm and that's going to be rough like literally first in the turn yeah somebody has to go step out well cuz I was able to dodge it in the middle right you actually had to go in first and charge it that was great for me but I had the know but then you had the response yeah yeah yeah that's right I basically was going into just nothing I removed yourability which was nice I kept the Back Field which was one of my concerns um so that was good but the problem is I had to end up fighting you right where you want want it's exactly what more wants and this list is actually it has a lot of tools of like just incidental mortal wounds in the shooting phase uh tyus and the plague casters and Morty everything combined it has a lot of ways to get around all your defenses I wouldn't all darkers out there I wouldn't this against Dark Angels CU this was I think a particular bad scenario in retrospect that like you you can't really get through rhinos efficiently so rather than killing the 10 man in one F swoop you're killing a rhino and then the 10 man gets to do something and I have so many psychic Tools in this list tools oh it's brutal and this was rough too the inceptors came this was rough I just wanted to run more Terminators you know it's like you can go wild with it and run a bunch of Terminators like this not necessarily the best play um and of course you can get more Cyclones and things like that but I just wanted to just go all Deathwing on this and and and give that a go so I think it's cool and the death C of course as we mentioned in the intro this is more of a meta style list right we're like let's let's see really see what people are playing what people are trying and and try to go for that cuz we haven't really done the Rhinos um and this is very strong it's good it's good I think it's like just generically strong I think it's it would be good into most things the list just plays Warhammer well right which is cool which is and it's weird for death card like it actually plays the game I know SE it has enough units to kind of sit on objectives and stay there for a while yeah and it can shoot like no they're in a good spot these things are silly they're so dumb these things oh my gosh they need oh my God they're so shouldn't be bs2 yeah I think that was a step too far bs2 was definitely a step too far CU they' be fine otherwise but that's what a lot of death card players are doing they're they're taking this they're even taking uh predators just give you a bit of fire support and then you have your your troops your your tyus orarion playing the Midfield I really like the petrii actually like crits on fives it's a big deal everything in the Army is lethal I think we finally it took us what 6 months to actually figure out us you you're us the death guard you are a the death guard Community I don't like them like we death guard folk it took us a long time to figure out because ubiquitous roll one to wound was dope that's what plue weapons did for a long time yeah ex and then it switched to lethal we were like but I don't well it's weird too right cuz your minus you're minusing the toughness so they kind of they do still pull you in different directions and it says one having one kind of says you don't need the other but turns out it's it's still nice when you're getting lethal on fives it's just generically good no longer do I care if the rules interact because lethal on fives is just good yeah exactly as CSM players can attest to yeah right exactly exactly so cool super cool super fun I'm excited to try more of the dark angel stuff of course this is you know the book's not even out yet comes out next week these two we pre-orders are messing me up man it's it's very very strange honestly um so this is a good time if you have any questions let us know we'll take a couple see how everyone's doing before we close it out for the day yes we do have a couple and again just want to say thank you to Baron of dice thanks for sponsoring this episode making this possible of course all the dice that we used today you can go ahead and order we have link down below uh if you use that one we'll also get credit so the baron knows that we're sending you fine folk over there uh they're great there's a ton of ton of options and they're honestly really well priced and really good quality we promised they don't roll as bad as Adrien made them look that's just me these chaos dice they're going to sell out Baron you got to restock these chaos dice cuz they are killing it they're slaying up here well I especially like how legible they are um they're really nice and easy to they're flavorful but they're not un unlegible which can happen like even with the blood stuff like you you can read it and often often when companies um do this flavorful stuff like when GW did the Squig dies right it's like cool but you can't you can't read them these are flavorful and they're very legible like if you can read them on camera nobody will ever mistake them at a yeah it's exactly well thanks so much thank you Willow who just came back doing 21 at an RT and five memberships will appreciate it what did you run world leaders sisters sisters nice I love it interesting very cool very cool thank you so much specs for the $10 Super Chat Adrien it took me 10 hours of extremely focused brushing just to wash and dry brush GSC bases oh God send help my sanity is under threat no I'm so sorry so specs is finally putting their money their money where their mouth is oh for years I had to put up with hash Adrian build your bikes Adrian play your GSC bikes but finally spec is getting itally they're living the nightmare that is maintaining that Army it is an absolute nightmare so many models it's and they're tiny and there's like lots of different materials think about it yeah but it is very cool so that's what you get because I'm also busy working on admech right now because of you so fair as fair I got some basing for the dwarves oh yeah I'm what are you going to do face them like a dark muddy Cavern yeah that sounds amazing yeah I think it'll look good on the miners yeah with the the light right in their face it's going to I'm excited we'll see that soon thank you molecule Cody for the $10 Super Chat I formally request a physical media category for meme of the year look molecule Cody so I tried to submit a meme anonymously for meme of the year but everyone gets tagged you got found out I got it's automated I think this might be the phys so this I literally submitted this for meme of the year you did I did this is my call I don't know if it's going to win based off the voting which by the way ends very soon so if you haven't already we're voting on Meme of the year who will take the this is this is definitely eligible I'm not biased there's some really good ones the pineapple shipment was a pretty good meme too that one was amazing that was a good me um we still have pineapples there's also the like D and D chart yeah of like but instead of D and D like allegiances it's like knows what's happening uh wants to be somewhere else like knows knows more than they're letting on you know it's like this amazing like chart it's so so good so check it out and that's all we have for today my friends perfect well again thank you all so much uh we really appreciate the love and the support we have a ton of stuff coming up of course hopefully we'll have the balance day late very soon keep an eye out for uh battle reports with that videos talking about it presumably yeah yeah well that's true that is very much an assumption but soon or never going to do you w it's got to be very very soon so um keep your eyes and ears peeled on that and of course next Tuesday we voted for darari to be played so I'm excited I'm going be busting out my duari and uh it's going to be ton of fun with that thanks so much for hanging out we'll catch you next time on the tabletop [Music] bye
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 31,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans
Id: pfYO8OC6nAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 39sec (9879 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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