NEW: MIND | Benny Perez

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hey family welcome to church lv online we're so thankful that you are inviting us into your home and i'm just so excited that we're still able to meet as a church community virtually really this is a season that we're choosing faith over fear and wisdom over worry i want to encourage you to open up your hearts today if you're joining us leave a comment let somebody know you're with us or if you're new with us go to the vip link fill out the form and a member of our dream team will reach out to you and send you a gift so that you can get connected even during these times well hey i know god's going to bless us today i want to encourage you to lean in here at church lv we're about leading people to encounter new life in jesus and i actually believe that can happen right where you're at so come on get ready open up your heart and let's see all that god's gonna do today god bless first corinthians chapter 2 verses 11 through 16. give me a little bit more monitor please and you can i don't know about the house but just a little bit more monitor to be great i appreciate that thank you so much it says no one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit and no one can know god's thoughts come on accept god's own spirit and we have received god's spirit somebody say i have say it's wrong i have received god's spirit not the world spirit so we can know the wonderful things god has freely giving to us when we tell you these things we do not use words that come from human wisdom instead we speak words given to us by the spirit using the spirit's words to explain spiritual truths but people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from god's spirit it all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it for only those who are spiritual can understand what the spirit means those who are spiritual can evaluate all things but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others let me stop in verse 15. it's talking about people that are unspiritual can't evaluate things they cannot understand it's not that that you can't evaluate me i'm just gonna live my life the way that's not that's not what he's saying verse 16 he goes on to say for who can know the lord's thoughts who knows enough to teach him but we understand these things here it is for we have we have what the mind of come on say i have the mind of christ father thank you for your word and i pray that you would illuminate us one more time in jesus name amen amen thank you so much i i want to dive right into the message today and if you're taking us we should take notes we're in a series called brand new and new actually new and uh here's here's the title of the message it is new mind new mind your mind is an incredible thing we do know that we are discovering new things about the human mind that science is finding out new things every day about the capacity of the human brain the human mind the faculty in our head we do know that every event in your life as soon as you came out of the womb every event every minute event every feeling every emotion every trauma every joy everything your eye has seen your ear has heard everything you've experienced your mind has actually recorded every one of it now the issue is that you don't remember it all but it is locked up come on in your mind your mind is an incredible thing because your mind now takes information and based upon what has happened to you prior it begins to filter it and your perceptions now of what is coming at you is filtered many times by the things that you have walked through it is called your history it is called your past it is called well this is what i went through and if we're not careful we actually repeat our history because we don't let our mind be renewed to the new things that god wants to do so many of us say things like i feel stuck i feel like this is happening again i feel like i'm going around the mountain again what you don't understand is is that your feelings are reaction to what's going on in your mind so your brain is processing things even beyond your conscious that there are subconscious things that are going on i don't want to go too deep into this unless you think i'm trying to be a psychologist but i do know one thing that when you get born again watch me now you don't just have a new spirit regenerated but you actually are giving come on a new mind by god now this is something that we need to learn to embrace because the unspiritual or those that are not born again they may not understand what i'm about to say but those of you that have been given the spirit of god you understand spiritual things because the holy spirit within you is going to bear witness to what i have to say so this is so important because a lot of us if we were to to if i was to ask you the question how many you want your life changed and if i said raise your hand people would raise both hands and raise both feet if they could because all of us want some area of our life changed but what we do is we say well when our circumstances change or or when my job changes or when and what we do is we go outside because the world operates outside in but the kingdom operates inside out it's good preaching the human mind the experience away from god is based on everything watch this is so good that that based on everything that has happened outside of us so we we we take what's happened outside of us the trauma the things the the situations things we grew up things we didn't ask for all that stuff it happens on the outside and the outside begins to filter in the inside and now the brain and our soul and our mind we begin now to process those things but when we become born again we are now watching we are now reborn we are spiritually alive now and now we're reconnected to god by the holy spirit and now you're a given not just a new life but you're a giving a new mind now i could prove to this because we read the text because the text makes something very clear as paul is writing to the corinthian church now why is he writing to the corinthian church one first corinthians the reason why he begins to write to the corinthian church is because crazy things are happening in the church like sexual morality is going crazy like somebody's sleeping with their stepmom like crazy stuff listen to me you want drama read the bible when i read what was going on in some of the churches in the bible man i'm glad i pastored this church because there's drama but nothing like the drama in first corinthians right and the reason why paul now is addressing the issue it's so funny because when you read the book of first corinthians he says to the saints living in corinth they're not acting saintly but he addresses them by their identity when they became born again and so what paul is doing before he has to dress watch me their behavior he wants to reinforce their identity he wants to wants them to remember who they are and so he begins to address them and he's oh by the way remember when you were not spiritual when you were not connected to christ when you didn't have the holy spirit everything i said didn't make sense oh but by the way you are now a follower of jesus you have the holy spirit and now you can understand spiritual things and he builds his whole case and then he ends in first corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 and he ends this way and he says by the way i want you to know something you have been freely given come on you have been given the mind of christ you didn't qualify for it come on church you didn't earn it you didn't you didn't somehow got good enough so now you've been given the mind of christ when did you receive paul asked when did you receive this mind when we met when i received this mind of christ paul when i receive it you receive the mind of christ when you put your faith and trust in jesus when you became a new creation now we have been given number one take down big point number one is that we have been given come on the mind of christ this is what you have been given you have been given the mind well wait what pastor my brain did i get a brain did i get my my did i get a brain transplant no no i'm talking about physically i'm talking about your mind your perception what does it mean watch me to have the mind of christ the mind of jesus is looking at life from the viewpoint of jesus having his values and desires what does it mean that i have the mind for christ do you you have the mind of christ which means this that i should not entertain any thought in my mind that god doesn't have in his mind towards me you need to write that down the mind of christ says that i do not entertain any thought condemnation shame fear anything that anybody puts in my head watch me if it is not in the father's head towards me it should not be on my head towards myself and so the mind of christ i begin to think about this i'm gonna i'm gonna i might just just just preach this part because it's something that i just felt like god was breathing on this week and even when i came back today for finishing up my study i said oh i got another one as i was in the kitchen and i'm glad the holy spirit doesn't just speak in my church office god could speak when i've been in snack come out in the kitchen so the mind of christ is something we need to listen to and comprehend so i begin to think about this again what does it mean to have the mind of christ well i have to look at the scripture and see how jesus thought not just what he did i have to see how jesus thought come on not just what he did because we say well we can't walk on water but you could think the thoughts that jesus had i don't know if i could heal everybody that like jesus healed but that's a whole nother message but we get caught up on what jesus did but can we begin with what what what jesus was thinking so how did jesus think i had five it grown to seven are you ready number one he thought and he understood that he was unconditionally loved and valued by his father so good he thought and believed and knew that he was loved and valued by his heavenly father which means this if you have his mind so are you that you are unconditionally loved and valued come on somebody by your heavenly father this is what it means to have the mind of christ so point number one if i believe this then i reject every lie that comes that is based on conditions so so jesus walked jesus walked nope i haven't gotten the second one yet i'm still number one jesus walked watch me in this thought that now i am unconsciously loved and valued by my father what else what else did you how else did jesus think number two underneath the mind of christ is his identity was fixed on what his father said not what other people said this is so good i'm telling you this is the mind this is the mind that you have been given this is the mind this is the filter so now my identity is fixed on what god the father says about me not what you say about me it's what god says about me not what success says about me it's what god says about me now what jesus was so grounded in his identity with his father when did that take place well there's a portion of scripture in the book of matthew when he's getting baptized jesus has done no miracles jesus not performed anything miraculous jesus hasn't done anything spectacular he we don't know much about his earlier life and he gets baptized and he comes out of the water and the bible says the heavens were opened the holy spirit came and the father spoke the first time the father spoke in the new testament he said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased that was before jesus did anything so jesus could not earn what the father was given you've got to view your life and say i have the mind of christ my identity is wrapped up and what god the father says about me and you know what he accepts me i'm his son come on i'm his daughter this is the mind of christ you see that's why every day you need to remind yourself i have been given the mind of christ i'm unconditionally loved and valued by my father oh no my identity is wrapped up in what my father says about me not what other people says about me i begin to think about jesus how did you think jesus what was your mind like and it came to me so strong he said this to me number three he believed the best in his followers jesus mindset his mind he believed the best in his followers he believed the best in peter even though he knew peter was gonna deny him he he believed the best even in thomas when he knew thomas was gonna doubt him he believed the best in the two brothers that were vying for power sit on the right and sit on the left and i'm here to tell you and this came from me from the holy spirit the mind of jesus believes the best in people now this goes against my nature because by nature i'm suspicious i have the gift of suspicion does anybody have that gift i thought what's their angle oh what's not i don't know i'm not sure and some of it is discernment but the mind of christ he was believing the best in his followers what would it look like that even if we disagree with one another but we're followers of jesus i still believe the best in you i went listen i'm tired not of various opinions i'm tired of the hostility that comes with them i am so over it i should yeah you stand up for your opinion if it's right or it's left or centered or if it's i don't where it's at outfield infield i don't know listen to me you can stand for your opinion but i'm tired of the hostility that is coming with that that is not the spirit of jesus it is not the spirit of jesus that we have to be men and women i have the mind of christ so i want to believe the best about michael altec i want to be the i want to believe the best about jia i want to believe the best about my wife wendy i want to believe the best about people that are followers of jesus and even those that aren't i wonder jesus a woman caught in adultery he could have called her a lot of names jesus thought the best about you that's why he laid his life down he said you're worth it are you learning something the mind of christ then then then i begin to think okay jesus man your mind your mind and it came to me so strong he said my mind was set on fulfilling god's will not mine came so strong i described for the holy i love messages like this because i cried i'm writing right because he said i didn't come to do my will but the will of him who sent me he said i don't do anything unless the father tells me to do it what would happen if we embrace the mind of christ that we have been given and say you know what nah that's my will no that was my old mindset that was my old way i'm a new creation i'm a new person and i have a new mind and i have the mind of christ i want to fulfill come on somebody the will of god in my generation implicitly you know what the will of god is you ask questions because you're trying to get out of god's will no it's true well how far is too far where's the line do you want to get that close before you fall over what happens if you got up every morning and said i have the mind of christ i've been given the mind of christ which means i'm gonna fulfill the will of god in my life hey listen i mean i get 100 but i'm gonna get 80 90. i believe for the will of god what would happen if you actually stood up and said i will fulfill the will of god in my life this just came to me this is a freebie are you ready for the freebie just came right now i'm telling you i'm on something right now all right that ritalin is good i'm just joking listen to me it just came to me right now now i lost it i just lost it sorry holy ghost i should have made that joke watch this right right so so the mind of christ here it is he didn't give up his eternal perspective over temporary pain he did not give up his eternal perspective over temporary pain my god my god why have you forsaken me i got nails in my wrists and nails in my ankles i'm betrayed i'm whipped i'd be crucified but nevertheless god not my will but your will be done he did not lose his eternal perspective or temporary pain and i want to declare i have the same mindset what i'm going through is temporary but what i don't see is eternal somebody's got to clap he's got a word for somebody right now that the mindset of jesus is oh no devil i will not trade my birthright for some kind of stew i believe that my god in the middle of what i'm going through still has an eternal perspective for my life that was a freebie somebody needed that one next one this is so good i know this sounds kind of self-serving but when you're in it you're in it his obedience came out of security not fear of retribution his obedience came out of security of a love of a father that valued him a love of a father that said it's unconditional the love of a father and his obedience came out of that not of the fear of retribution you better watch out better watch out god's gonna get you get you get you get you one way and unknowingly we've put the fear of the lord and we preached it the wrong way anything that motivates somebody by fear is not of the spirit of god because the bible says god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power so if he hasn't given us the spirit of fear why are we motivating people by it so so so so it wasn't out of the fear retribution it was it was actually i'm obeying god i'm obeying because god i have the security that you're good god you're holy which means you will never act outside of your character that anything you do towards me is out of your great love even if it's correction even if it's discipline even if i don't like it god i'm based in security it's not watch me punishment it's discipline it's discipline it's how they become everything you want me to become god so go ahead i'm not living out of fear retribution i'm obeying god because i'm secure in you can i give you another one is anybody learning something i want you to learn something right so what time are we given the mind of christ what how did god how did jesus think how did jesus think here it is you ready and this is this is jesus the way jesus thought is that this is the way not you should think no this is the way you think is that you should no you can you will you are jesus never thought lack always abundance never jesus always thought the mind of christ abundance not lack five thousand people there's just men some commentary said there could have been fifteen thousand twenty thousand people jesus said you need to feed them one of the disciples he was an accountant not even years wages could feed all these people jesus uh you've been in the son too long what happens is that somebody goes finds a little boy he's got a happy meal super-sized five loaves and two fish he bring the jesus the disciples watch right they say five loaves and two fish how can that feed so many people lack same five loaves two fishes jesus mindset was abundance we think we should we we have a mindset of abundance when we see abundance but abundances come by what you see it comes out of your heart oh god g said it this way he says out of the abundance of the heart what comes out of your heart is what defiles you but what comes out of your heart is what actually multiplies you see i i don't prosper when it's happening the bible says this he says beloved above all things i wish that you would prosper and be in health watch me first john 2 even as your soul prospers what is your soul your soul is your mind will and emotions as i embrace the mind i've been given the mind of christ something begins to happen to me you see five loaves and two fish you say lack i see five loaves and two fish and i see abundance [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] that's why tithing don't make sense unless you realize you got the mind of christ because the carnal mind the unregenerated mind looks like i'm losing something but the mind of christ says when i give to the kingdom i never lose it's just gonna multiply in people and provision in every way jesus always saw abundance not lack this is this is the way this is the way i don't know why i'm talking high like this this is the way thought you know when i read when i when i meet very very successful people whether it be in the entertainment industry or the business world you know if i meet somebody that has made hundreds of millions of dollars i don't get caught up into wow the big house i don't get caught up in oh how much money they have i don't get caught up in all that the number one thing that i'm interested in is how do they think because there are mindset matters how do they view something where did they come from what motivates them what gets them up in the morning most people when you read when you meet the uber rich uber wealthy uber successful uber influencers you get enthralled with what they have done but that's awesome and i give them props for all that but i want to know how they think what were you thinking jeff bezos when he started amazon in your garage what were you thinking what were you thinking steve jobs when you when you what are you thinking bill gates when you dropped out what are you thinking zuckerberg when you dropped out what were you thinking and watch me some people say ah college dropout but they were seeing something that you couldn't see they were thinking jesus mindset was always abundance over lack now listen what i'm about to say because you're going to miss it it didn't mean he didn't acknowledge the lack he saw it but he knew he was connected to another source so who he was connected to was greater than what he saw in the natural because when he took the five loaves and two fish what did he say you know what he did he went to a source he says give me that stuff and he's looked at the father and he blessed it and he broke it and he thanked god for it and god multiplied see whatever you put towards heaven whatever you give towards heaven whenever you begin to have the mind of christ i feel something right now something supernatural will begin to happen in your life whoo i got another one it's bonus night are you ready say i'm ready somebody should be taking notes are you ready the mind of jesus was always in the all things or possible arena with men this is impossible but with god all things are possible how do i know if i'm embracing the mind that i've been given when i look at something and my default mode is oh no all things are possible and the next question is how is it going to happen that's not mine to figure out because here's what we do we pray prayers that we can figure out you need to start praying prayers that only god could figure out [Applause] because if you're praying prayers that you could figure out there's no faith in those prayers i want to pray prayers that are so doggone big that i know they're coming from my spirit and i said god i know i know see the latest statistics are is that that that hawaii has has the highest unemployment rate in america this is of september 29th uh highest unemployment rate at 20.1 percent california second at 16.7 percent and nevada our state is now third in all of america and unemployment and nearly 13 and a half percent unemployment and so now i look at that and i look at what we have to do and i look at the needs of people and i look at all that kind of stuff and i said man that looks pretty bad man how are we going to do this how are we going to doing that but that's my mind i go back into the mind of christ and i said you know what god with you come on somebody all things are possible i know i got laid off but god's got a job for me i know it don't look good my my god is my provider i understand that with god come on help me out all things are not some not things i could figure out now what things i could actually figure out and that's how it's gonna happen all things are possible with god all things are possible to them that believe is that your belief in your ability it's in your belief in his ability i don't know how he's going to do it but if it brought right out of the rock if you brought manna down from heaven if he can multiply five loaves and two fish if he could stop the mouth of lions if he could now go into a fiery furnace and they come out with no smoke and no burning if that's the kind of god i serve with him all things are pop oh i'm gonna yell this one i said i'm gonna yell this one all right if you're gonna yell yell for the right thing baby [Applause] this this this this is this is intriguing it's compelling it causes me to stop and to think what i'm thinking about the problem with us is we never think what we're thinking about we just open up the door anything comes in here we go you do you're just like you would never do that open up your front door whoever wants to come in come in just go into my refrigerator don't know who you are go ahead you never do that you never let anybody go into the bedroom of your kids that you didn't know you would stop him at the front door if you do that with people why don't you do that with your thoughts oh no no you're an intruder because i have the mind of christ and that's not the way jesus thinks are you learning something i i i i the mind the mind of christ see the mind of christ sees endings as beginnings that's a freebie it just came to me right now heavy whoo if i was in old church i'd say i'm under a heavy review heavy anointing i'm of the holy ghost the holy ghost movie but we become so modern that we lose terminology jesus saw endings as beginnings people see endings as endings he died well there is thought he was the son of god if you're really the son of god come off that cross then we'll believe you haha didn't do it he dead take him off lay him in the tomb they seal it not because they thought he was going to rise again they thought his disciples were going to come and steal the body and say that he rose again so don't get all mixed up thinking that maybe pilate thought he was going to raise or the roman thought he was going to write no he thought the body was going to get stolen because they thought an ending is an ending but when you think like jesus watch me somebody an ending is actually a new beginning [Applause] may i may have submitted something to you as i as i am your life must have necessary endings your life must have multiple necessary endings because unless there is a necessary ending there is no necessary beginning but we when we have the right wrong mindset we look at an ending as an ending but any ending in my life when i embrace the mind of christ is means oh no no no no you call it ending god says it's a new beginning behold i am doing a new thing don't you not perceive it let me come back to the keyboards i'm ending which is a new beginning if you're not quick i'll start preaching again you better move quick was anybody learning something today okay may i submit something to you i would love for you to go home today and just stop and ponder and let the holy spirit give you more things about the mind of christ that you evaluate the scripture and say what was jesus thinking this is so good and then you ask the holy spirit who knows the mind of god because he is the spirit of god and he reveals the mind of god to you because the same holy spirit that watched me came on jesus the same holy spirit's part of the triune godhead father son and holy spirit is the same holy spirit that lives within you and the holy spirit lives within you reveals to you come on the heart and the mind of god okay can i give you another freebie just came to me what how did jesus think what was the mind of christ he didn't argue about the truth he knew it would always prevail he didn't try to prove that he was the son of god he never tried to prove it he says you say that i am that's what you say i'm convinced that i could proclaim truth i would talk truth but if it's really truth truth if you try and bury it it'll resurrect again they bury truth and they thought see he was wrong no argument heaven didn't argue angels didn't come down and argue because heaven is secure heaven is okay with the momentary stuff heaven is okay with it not working out exactly the way we think it should work out heaven is okay with mystery because god loves mystery because it said this if the devil and the angels and the demons knew that he would resurrect again watch me now they would have never crucified the lord of glory sometimes god disguises things because he doesn't want to let his plans be known prematurely [Applause] oh i just got three more how many give me how many want three more no you don't you don't want it you don't want it the mind we have been given the mind of christ okay here's one more this is a freebie again are you ready for this one what does it mean to have the mind of christ the mind of christ jesus is what he is like you could reject me but i'm not a rejected person i think rejection is wreaking havoc in our society from the broken homes rejection of opinions we can't even have debates anymore because i feel rejected no your opinion was rejected refused to be a rejected individual a person left me my marriage didn't work out bad on them well i can't believe my best friend just walked out of my i had this relationship for 20 years i love what td jake says if somebody could walk out they were not meant to stay in your life you don't see jesus chasing anybody here's the greatest point of rejection you ready you know the story you know it jesus says something very radical see radical preaching started with jesus this play it's safe stuff because i don't want to offend people that's not biblical and by the way i'm not saying preach against thin no i'm not talking about that kind of stuff people take it to god i'm talking about when jesus gets up and says unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh you have no part of me it's like jesus are you the talking dead you're the walking dead this is zombie stuff like what do you mean eat okay listen the unregenerate mind is like he's he's talking are we cannibals but jesus is making a statement he's saying listen to me what i'm about to tell you is that i'm all or nothing you can't date me because when you say yes and i say yes i died for you i laid down my life for you i sacrificed everything for you you know the bible said it was too hard of a saying too hard and they it says everybody left and then he looks and jesus and i i love you because that's why the bible says he he could relate to us he's high priest they could feel our infirmities because he was feeling rejection he said this are you going to leave me too listen to me we got to get away from the sanitized jesus like he didn't feel anything or like he didn't have trials or situations didn't have pain he had it he had all of that he was facing this rejection but the mind of jesus says man it hurts like hell it doesn't feel good people are rejecting me but i know i'm not a rejected person [Applause] and he turned out of his humanity he said listen are you guys gonna leave me too and he's feeling it and peter goes where else are we going to go i don't really understand what you just said eating your flesh drinking your blood but where else are we gonna go because i choose to stick with the one that's gonna stick by me because jesus will never leave us he'll never forsake us even when you're unfaithful come on somebody he is faithful i'm done somebody give god a big hand clap right now so the closing moments of this experience i'm going to ask you a question are you born again i want to ask you have you said yes to jesus if the answer is yes pastor i have then the next question is are you embracing what you have been given you've been given the mind of christ you have the right to say i have a new mind friends i just barely covered one page i didn't even get to reject replace really i didn't even get to everything else so that's going to be next week i i i really feel this that i do all of us a disservice because i feel compelled to cover all the material when i just think that i study myself full and then when the holy spirit says that's all you need for today then i just stop some of us listen we got to quit amassing information and we need to start taking some stuff as revelation i pray that every one of us myself included as i'm driving home i have the mind of christ so you know what nope that's not what jesus thought that's not what i'm going to think i'm feeling to be honest with you right now some pretty severe rejection right now [Music] in my own personal life and what i have to do every day is i have to tell myself you're being rejected but you're not a rejected person because i have given the mind of christ the bible says that he will never leave you nor forsake you he is a father to the fatherless when your mother and your father abandoned you this is the scriptures teach come on he will bring you up he will take you up the mind of christ what a great day in church today i want to give you a couple of ways to stay connected with us during these times the first way is if you need prayer of any kind go to the prayer link fill it out and a member of our team will reach out to you personally via text or phone call we want to make sure you know that somebody is standing with you during these times the second way is by joining a small group you can actually join a virtual small group and see some people face to face if you want to be a part of that go to churchlv dot com slash groups and the last way is by following us on instagram at churchlv for daily content encouragement prayers worship playlists it's a great way to stay connected with us and get further updates today was a great day in church let me declare some god truths over your life and over our lives god you are in control you are our provider you are our increaser you are our healer you are fighting our battles we cast our anxieties on you for you care for us i pray that the peace of god that surpasses all understanding would guard our hearts and our minds in christ jesus may the lord bless you may the lord keep you may he make his face shine upon you god bless you
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 1,000
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: L59BW2Nr6WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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