NEW Midjourney Update is F*&#!%G Insane - Version 5.2 Deep Dive

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hey everyone mid-journey version 5.2 is finally here I'm so excited there's a lot to go over let's take a look let's start with what I think you'll find the most important and that's the new zoom out feature here's how it works you'll take your generation a close-up of a retro sports car on Splash I put close up in the prompt to emphasize the point I think zoom out will be really useful when your subject just isn't quite in the frame correctly and I was pretty sure that was gonna happen when I use the word close-up you're going to pick a generation you like I like number one so you hit upscale and now you're gonna get a few more options you'll see very strong and very subtle but don't worry about those for now take a look at zoom out 2X and zoom out 1.5 there's also custom zoom and make Square we'll go through all of them starting with Zuma 1.5 it does pretty much exactly what you think it would zooms it out just a little bit but look how powerful that is and take a look at this zoom out times two like holy cow man oh more Goosebumps this is insane every pick picture is now able to be saved I know you can't really tell mid-journey to like place the car in the middle of the street more but the point is is that you're never stuck anymore any framing that Min Journey does can now be zoomed out and that is so cool oh my God that's insane these are so good and you know what's really addicting hitting zoom out again okay obviously I gotta show you while that's generating we can look at what happens when you hit make Square it basically just cuts the image down into a square and it's kind of hard to wrap your head around because I swear that looks the same as it did before it's just in a different ratio that picture turns into these how does it do that I don't know my brain can't really figure it out but that's pretty cool right especially if you're looking for like specifically Instagram photos this is almost a perfect feature for that and I don't think that was on purpose it just happens to work out like that I'm pretty sure oh whoa look at these so this is like four times farther back than our original pretty crazy that it can even do this but I will say this isn't exactly like out painting where in a program like dolly or even Photoshop you continually paint around the edges of your photo and eventually you would be able to sit back and see the whole thing but then you would also be able to zoom in and get really good detail like one of those never ending pictures unfortunately that is not how this works like just because this is four times zoomed out it doesn't mean that these pictures are now four times as big of a file with all that previous information still inside do you know what I'm trying to say it really is just a zoomed out picture you can't zoom back in after you know you know what I mean maybe you will be able to do that in the future but for now that's not how it works it's kind of like a monkey's paw situation you can't get everything you want but the other thing you can try is this custom zoom button it'll bring up a prompt box and this is where you can change a couple of things first of all you can completely rewrite the prompt second of all you can customize the zoom but it's not really that custom you can only make it a number between one and two yeah whatever try and keep that in mind but the other important thing is here you can actually change the aspect ratio and from the mid Journey team they recommend changing the zoom to one when you're changing the aspect ratio we're going to go Zoom one and then let's try two by three I don't quite know how it's gonna work it's probably not gonna work that well okay wait how did it do that how did it make it in a two by three but it kept the same picture like what am I missing why can't I process what it's doing like we go from this to these I get they expanded on the top and the bottom but like it's still the same picture like that is so powerful so powerful and I want to really emphasize that previously like yesterday doing something like this was literally impossible if you got a generation it was stuck on that prompt in that ratio there was no way to recreate that scene in another frame like this is fantastic but let's also change the prompt and I mean really changes let's just go super random a dog in space what do you think it'll do and then oh a dog in space um I don't really know what to think these are these are hilarious I love number three and I love number four I just don't know what to think why would you ever change change the prompt if this is what happens this is kind of like the remix feature though I guess where if you change the prompt you're still keeping the same picture you're just kind of adding on to it so maybe I'll have to experiment more but please if there are any use cases for this that will work out better than the dog in space please let me know the next big feature that I think you're going to want to know about is how they change the stylized value according to the notes the stylize command has been fixed to have a strong effect on the amount of stylization applied to your image now what that basically is saying is how closely is mid-journey going to follow your prompt at a low stylized value it's going to follow it directly and if you didn't write a very complicated prompt you might not get something that good looking however on the other side of things you can write a really short prompt bump up the stylized volume and get something absolutely beautiful it might not follow your prompt to a t but a higher stylized value gives mid Journey some creative freedom and it can come up with some absolutely amazing stuff in this update has has only expanded its ability to do that and the way we test this is by using the same prompt with the same seed here's psychedelic superhero intricate armor we're using seed 8288247 completely random and our stylized value is set to zero for this one and here's what it comes up with I gotta admit they're pretty cool looking but they're not that great they're not beautiful same problem same seed at the base stylized value the default 100. I can get behind these everything's the same except this is stylized 400 and already these are getting way more beautiful like way more beautiful behind here's 600 and like oh I like number four I like number two I like number three a lot this is starting to get really good same seeds same prompt you gotta remember that and on the extreme side of things the highest you can go s1000 you get these as more Goosebumps it's a lot to take in they're so beautiful and I really think the point of this is just to emphasize play with the stylized values if you have a favorite prompt or if you have a prompt that's not working quite right increase the stylized value it's really powerful now and you can get some sick stuff and I've been keeping these prompts pretty simple to showcase the new version but if you're interested in more of how I think you can check out my prompt pack available on my website it has 51 unique prompts where I show you exactly how to make certain types of images you can copy and paste directly from the PDF into Discord I will note everything was generated on version 5.1 but I'm pretty confident all those prompts will work well moving forward it's really just a recipe book to spark your creativity check it out let me know what you think back to the update the next big thing I think you're going to want to know about is the new variation system they call this High variation mode it is turned on by default you can change this though in your settings now when you click the V button under one of your prompts it's going to give you a much wider Variety in those images so take this prompt for an example pixel art Chrono Warrior previously if you were to hit variation under one of these images it would honestly barely change the image they refer to it as subtle variations and that's what it was it's not going to change the colors it might change like the way the hair flows maybe it changes some of the armor and what's so important is that in this prompt you're getting four pretty distinct images let's say you really like the look at number one you like that it's got this background or maybe you like the look of number three if you hit V3 look what it comes up with like that's crazy just yesterday it was again impossible to do this and this is what I've been waiting for since like October back in version three now we get four more very distinct variations of that character on the blue background but let's say you like number one now look at these that's insane it just allows you to go so much deeper into your Generations instead of nitpicking little subtle variations now you get to really explore what else mid-journey can do with a basic template that you've selected and just for the record let's say you upscaled one of these let's go with number two no let's go with number one I think this will be easy to see so we're going to upscale number one and watch I'll hit very subtle and this will be how it's worked for like the past eight months so take a look at our guy and try and remember what he looks like and now do you see like it's still just a guy holding a sword to the right side of him and he's got flowing red hair very subtle variations they are different they're not the same but how different are they you know to a lot of people I think myself included not different enough knowing what we know is possible with this technology so if you hit very strong which again is the default now you get these like oh my God that's so cool like oh this is amazing a bunch of different characters and like again it just means that you're not locked into anything anymore now every generation you're just kind of happy with can be explored to the fullest and that is so exciting please note that the high variation mode is limited to 5.2 and I also think this prompt is a good example of showing you another one of the big changes in 5.2 there's now going to be more variety and diversity within your Generations previously all four pictures would kind of look the same now you're gonna get four pretty different looking pictures and I think that's so perfect for mid-journey they have warned us that you might need to re-roll a little more than usual and they are sorry about that but honestly I think this is better for the future of the platform and the next big feature I think you're going to want to check out is this new shortened command you can hit forward slash shorten to get your prompt analyzed and it's going to tell you which words in your prompt were actually useful so let's try to write a long complicated prompt and see how mid-journey fixes it let's go with midnight on the sun uh epic scenery high voltage cinematic still Canon EOS 40 millimeter f one over eight 4K Ultra HD stunning visuals just word salad you hit enter check this out midnight on the sun epic scenery is good high voltage cinematic still it's crossed out Canon EOS 40 millimeter does not care about that f 1 over 8 still kind of matters it cut out 4K kept Ultra HD and stunning visuals and then it's giving you some shortened prompts here up to five of them Midnight on the sun epic scenery high voltage cinematic UHD visuals okay but you want to see the really crazy thing down here you can hit show details and it actually shows you like how important each word was so for some reason voltage is worth a 1.0 and I'm just assuming that's the highest meanwhile cinematic was just .01 still did nothing can it did nothing EOS did nothing 40 millimeter did nothing now anytime you see that in a prompt now you're gonna know it's not really doing anything and I've been trying to advocate for that for a long time but I'm not really a vocal person I don't want to ruffle any feathers it's just the truth though and he doesn't really know understand or use these words the way you think it does which is understandable it was kind of a hard system to learn but I'm pretty sure this is proof and I think that's really exciting and really helpful and now every prompt engineer has a way to actually see if what they're doing matters I do kind of want to see what this looks like though you know what let's generate all of them and see how the words affected it one thing to note while we wait for those to generate shorten does not work with multi-prompts keep that in mind okay let's start at the most simple version of The Prompt and then we'll work up adding some words as we go Sun voltage these are actually some pretty sick pictures these I I like these a lot those are really cool a few extra words midnight on the Sun High Voltage again I'm not I'm not mad midnight on the sun epic high voltage I think that's fairly accurate these are a little more epic midnight on the sun epic scenery high voltage cinematic a big difference here a very different vibe is it the Epic scenery it could be the Epic scenery or maybe cinematic has that big of an effect even though above it said it was only at .01 really not sure on that could just be a random seed thing too midnight on the sun epic scenery high voltage cinematic Ultra HD visuals we didn't these are way different I don't I don't know how it got to these I mean they're still really cool I think number one's really pretty actually I like number two a lot as well okay before we go I'll do a direct test between version 5.1 and the new version 5.2 what should the prompt be what do you want to see we're gonna go ice cream snow angel Ray amazing her voice to the clouds above and instead of writing two prompts you can compare them directly just using this little trick first we're going to type in a seed number blah blah blah doesn't matter and then we're gonna hit this squiggly bracket to start a permutation we're going to type V 5.1 so that one of these prompts uses version 5.1 but then here's the trick you're gonna hit comma comma Now what those commas did was allow us to have one prompt be version 5.1 and then the next prompt would not have that in it and because version 5.2 is the default not including 5.1 gives us what we want which is a direct comparison between the two algorithms here's the ice cream snow angel in version 5.1 using this seed number and these are kind of strains that's a pretty bad prompt I'm not worried about it this is just to show you the differences between 5.1 and 5.2 low I uh I was not expecting this I might need to blur out number two at all that's not there's no nudity but that's a little suggestive maybe for YouTube standards I'm not sure still a weird prompt pretty weird Generations but there is a pretty big difference between 5.1 and 5.2 there you have it I tried breaking everything down for you it's getting late here I gotta edit this video let me know what you think if you're as excited as I am don't forget to check out my prompt pack in the description below I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 42,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, midjourney, ai art, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney tutorial prompts, midjourney prompt help, midjourney tricks, midjourney tips, midjourney update, midjourney v5.2, midjourney 5.2, midjourney 5.2 what's new, midjourney 5.2 prompt analyzer, midjourney 5.2 updzte, midjourney news, midjourney ai tutorial, how to use midjourney ai
Id: a7SUSsoPv5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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