New, Massey 4710 Operating and first impressions.

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all right so I got a custom Square Bing job to do tomorrow that is if the weather holds out um what'll be bailing somewhere between 1,500 2,000 square bells and straw for a guy and uh this be the first time I've bail straw with a square bail so kind of interested to see how all that works out um taking the T5 with me and my square bailor and accumulator and there're supposed to be uh one of my friends has arranged to have a 4710 Mash ftis there on the site that I'm going to get to use some and uh do a review on it see how it works out see see how I like it uh I don't know much about Mass persons really the only one I've ever run is uh is uh Terry Slusher which uh is the same guy that's lined this uh 47 pin up and it's actually not his tractor it's his neighbor's tractor but it's only got 19 hours on it as of right now and uh so it hadn't been used much but yeah I'm kind of excited to get to try it out cuz it's a new tractor there's not many videos on it and uh I would I you know I'd like to see how it performs compared to the T5 which I know it's a smaller tractor than the T5 but I still I'd like to see out performs compared to Terry's uh 4610 um so if you missed that video uh go back in my archives and look I um my thoughts on the mass person 4610 and uh 4610 review there's a couple videos on that tractor so I spreading line with it uh I'll be loading I'll either be bailing with it or I'll be loading straw with it I'm not sure which yet we'll get it all sorted out tomorrow while when we get there and get started but right now I got old change on this Bailer I've done greased it checked everything over filled it up with tne um so all I got left to do is to O change all right so while I'm working on my Bor here I'd like to take a minute to tell you that what you're going to see in this video is me operating this 4710 and and giving it kind of a an overview as I'm operating it and my thoughts about it now the next video after this one will be the actual review where I go over the features of the tractor um by that point I would have operated it for one full day and I know uh pretty well what the tractor is all about uh I'm not going to say I know everything about it but uh you know I got a pretty good idea so um once you watch this video and get my thoughts from uh from this one you may want to check out the next video when it comes out I'm not sure when it will be out but it'll be in the next week or so um after this one and um that one will be more of a review U and my final thoughts and um yeah so I hope you enjoy this video and uh here we go all right guys here I am at a 4710 ma first and start off with I would like to say thank you to Dr Hixon for allowing me to demonstrate his tractor and make a review of it on YouTube and secondly I would like to thank Terry Slusher for arranging everything and Hauling the tractor over here but uh like I was saying a little bit ago this is a custom straw bailing job uh for Kevin Keith and uh he's actually over there bailing right now and he's pulling my bailer and accumulator getting along pretty good and uh I'm going to be reviewing this 4710 or I'm I'm going to attempt to right now I'm just trying to learn how to operate um I'll tell you right first impressions here it's comfortable it's it's it's uh everything's laid out right the uh steering wheel is telescopic in this tractor it does um tilt um the controls are are laid out nicely and um the gear stick uh it's a little bit low but it it's not bad um the loader control is still a little bit of a reach for my T-rex arms um but it's not it's not terrible I could get used to it the T4 I had was the same way it was it was a bit reach bit bit of a reach on it too that's why I ended up going with the electronic joystick on my uh T5 I guess I just have really short arms um anyway they've got the fittings on the uh third function valve in reverse order for my tractor so I'm having to move the lever the opposite direction to grab the bails that I normally do so that's Ming with my mind a little bit but as far as the tractor goes so far which I got a long day ahead of me but um I kind of like it pretty good it doesn't steer very sharp compared to what I'm used to and I see why it could be fixed by turning the uh screws in on the um work steers down there there's bolts that you can adjust that with and I always adjust them on my on my New Holland tractors this one needs a little bit of adjustment but since it's not my tractor I'm not going to mess with it but uh this is a fairly smooth field but it rides pretty nice I'm not sure this tractor's got a switch on it for ride loader ride control but I'm not sure if it has it on it or not I can't tell which way is on which way is okay that way is off that ways on so if it does have it that should turn it on but I'm not sure that it has the transmission seems to be really smooth and it's shifting towards reverse I'm impressed that steering really messed me up just not used to being able or not used to not being able to steer very short can't seem to get it cool enough in here for me right now and it's got plenty of vents in it uh and it feels cold like cold air but maybe I've just gotten so hot I'm sweating pretty bad but still seems a little warm in here I Got It Wide Open has three ways you can clutch this transmission you can pull up on this uh for and reverse lever and that will clutch it now that's that's a nice feature for running the load when you let it back down it it'll continue on now the other way of course is to mash the clutch pedal which that's what I'm accustomed to doing so that's what I typically do um but uh the other way is there is actually a button on the gear stick so you can change gears without having to push the clutch pill in now that's a nice feature cuz this tractor obviously doesn't have an auto transmission or a power shift transmission like my T5 so this one it actually works my T4 had the same type of deal you just push the button shift the gear let the button back out and it uh continues on its way without any much effort you don't have to clutch all that stuff um one thing I do see that that I don't don't particularly care for is this ceiling right here is rather low there's no sunroof and when you raise the loader you raise it all the way up in the air it goes out of sight you don't see it no more you have to bend over and uh have have to bend over pretty hard and be a contortionist a little bit to see it up there so but that's not the end of the world it's that's a lot of TRC for like that but um once you get used to one that you can see up there when you raise a loader up and you're sitting straight up in the seat you can still see uh it's hard to go back to this which is you know it's it's not bad it's just just an opinion matter of opinion um yeah so far I'm I'm liking this thing pretty good loader operates nice and smooth and uh gear changes are smooth I'll give you more of a better a panic view when I'm not uh not operating this thing we'll go around and look at it little better overall it's a really nice machine this is a 3 cylinder diesel engine in this tractor and it's 100 engine horsepower biging around get in here kind of tight to the bank Creek bank right here behind me cuz I want to back over in the creek I'll probably move the truck here in a minute that's what I'm going to do trying to leave him plenty of room to bail all right so I'm unloading some of this straw with T5 120 that I loaded with the 4710 Massy Ferguson and I have to say the more I run that Massie Ferguson I like it pretty good I'm you know if you know I would be uh you know I'd probably purchase one if if that was you know if I was a Massy person man I I think it's very comfortable it's definitely more comfortable tractor than the T4 New Holland that I had the seats just bigger and fits me better um and you know the it just feels better the armrests are longer and that's nice and uh one thing I don't like about it compared to the T4 I had and I don't know that that Massie Ferguson um offers this or not and that's a dual command where you have a high and low power shift in each gear that tractor that 4710 is just a 12-speed transmission now one nice thing about it is it's only one two ranges it's a high and low range so there's only one shift and then you have six gears in each range so you don't have as many you don't have to shift ranges as often but um being only 12 years hurts it for square bailing um I know that because of my tn95 where it's only a 12-speed and I'm sure a lot of you other guys at Square Bell know that it's nice to have plenty of Gears to choose from when you're squar bailing but uh anyway that would be the biggest fault I have against it the loader Works smooth the loader control is of reach for me but I know some people it it doesn't bother I have to lean forward and I did in my my T4 too I have to lean forwards to reach it so apparently there's just something wrong with my arms not necessarily the tractor um but the I like the tractor other than just a few little things like that and you know all tractors I you know they all have little none of them's perfect let's put that way I mean this t5's even got things that I wish were different on it but once you get used to things and you don't pay them much attention anymore but uh not having the 12 years is hard to not pay attention to when you need more years but uh anyway I loaded 300 bails with it and it done really well and I'm getting ready to go back and load some more with it and uh that's what you going to see see next for so not only am I loading straw with this tractor I'm also using it to pull the goose snake up to the barn once this trailer's full I got two other trailers hook the pickups also pretty steep heill right here I got in high range but I'm in first gear and it's running about 2,000 RPM it's going right up I got 170 bills on this trailer 17 LS of straw they're probably 40 lb a piece but so far so good the more I run this tractor the more I like it uh I'll try to do once we get done today and I have time I'll walk around it with you and talk about some of the features I like and some things I don't like all right well I got to open the gate okay like I said at the beginning of the video this was my day of operating this tractor getting a feel for it and um just seeing how I liked it and uh the next video is going to be the walk around and review of the tractor we're going to look at some of the features it has and what I like about it and what I don't like about it so uh make sure you check that video out when it gets posted up and we'll see you then
Channel: DLH Farms
Views: 70,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Massey Ferguson, 4710, New Holland, T5.120, custom baling, straw baling, BC5060, TS115A, Massey Ferguson 4710, Hay, Farming
Id: bKbHM5c8TMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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