NEW LIZARD Technique For BIG Spawning BASS!!!

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hey guys Aaron here off the scales fishing and man do I got a juicy video for you guys today we're talking how to fish the lizard in the spawn and what you may or may or may not be doing as far as fishing it let's get into it so guys um you know fishing the lizard in the spawn we're going to uh we're going to talk about you know the specific lizard that I like to throw and that's the zoom 8 in Magnum lizard here so uh you know we'll get into colors and hooks here in just a minute but you know I was fishing yesterday and this has happened to me you know numerous times before and I'm sure this has happened to you guys as well you know you'll you'll be fishing you know here in the spawn looking for beds or you know target areas that you're throwing that lizard and you're reeling it back to the boat right and you know nine times out of 10 you're reeling it really fast back to the boat and uh you know you know a fish will come out of nowhere and lash out and try to eat it um you know but but you're usually you're usually reeling it too fast right back to the boat so you know how about swimming a lizard man you know like this you know it really got me thinking about swimming a lizard um you know I was just out fish fishing yesterday and I had like a six or seven pounder come up and lash out at it and he missed it and you know I was just reeling it too fast so I think you know from now on I'm going to start you know swimming a lizard around these these spawning areas you know into the flats and you know places that are little drops uh you know where the females are roaming around or hanging as they're thinking about moving up to spawn um you know here in the south in Alabama and Georgia that's exactly what stage we're in right now either they're spawning or you got the next wave that's coming up right now that are that are getting ready to spawn and you know the big females ain't stupid man they're always going to be kind of out of sight uh you know hanging in that four five 6 foot range um you know right outside the spawning Bays or in the flats in their spawning Bays um you know so Target some of that water with this um you know this time of year you know you're either going to have you know pre-s spawners that are looking to feed up or you're going to have some of those fish that have already fed up you know have already ate you know and they're big and fat you know getting ready for the spawn so this is a great way to Target some of those bigger females and bigger fish um you know you may have fish that have are only thinking about the spawn so why would you not want to throw a big bait you know to entice them to eat so uh you know so I'm going to Target some of those areas for sure and you know but here here's you know here's some of the the key things that you guys want to do as far as fishing this lizard um you know all the way down to your hook and you know uh your tungsten all that stuff so I don't Peg my lizard at all you guys I don't Peg my lizard at all because you know when when you throw out there and he's falling in the water column that weight is always going to fall you know will be up here and then your lizard's going to fall behind it right so it's just going to give it that much more of a realistic approach and I think that's super important you know this time of year so I don't like pegging him plus it kind of looks like that lizard's chasing something you know um I am going to use the lightest tungsten weights that I possibly can you know this time of year in the spawn because the fish are coming shallow anyway you don't need to go deep um so I'm going to go all the way down to an eighth or a 1/8 or a 116th I got a 1/16 on this right now and or or even go weightless you know I'm thinking about throwing them out there going weightless too because you know out of all your soft Plastics you know when you're swimming him or whatever he's falling man I mean these legs are kicking this Tails kicking this is one of the most realistic soft Plastics on the market to me or maybe the most realistic as far as action so you guys know a lizard is absolutely killer in the spawn so why not swim this thing right like man I'm I'm instead of uh I'm going to be targeting some of these areas a lot more um instead of you know always just you know looking for certain targets that you're throwing at so you know don't always just beat the bank you know looking for for beds or what have you you know fish out just a little bit deeper you know in in that 4 to 6ot range because man that's where I'm catching a lot of fish right now you know if I go down a stretch that I know where they should be and I'm not getting bit I'm immediately going to you know push back and start fishing some deeper water so this is a great way to Target them guys um as far as my favorite colors go I uh man man the June bug with a red flake right now to me is just really really tough to beat man I uh you know of course I'm going to throw your standard pumpkin charts you know with with the uh you know the Sher tail and stuff like that but man this June bug like a black a black uh lizard with like a a really light blue tail you know something with some red flake in it and man this June bug man I went through almost two packs yesterday I mean there were just something went off of my head I was like man switch it up and I'm telling you man they just freaking they came unglued on this thing for me yesterday I mean I caught multiple fish and uh so you know try that June bug with the red flake man that thing is just killer right now for me and I'm sure it'll be good for you guys as well um I wanted to talk about this hook you know for a minute as as well because I ran across this spear Point uh vgrip offset worm hook and man I'm telling you guys this this hook right here it has phenomenal hookup ratio it's a light wire hook and then it's got that little V grip in it right there uh hopefully you guys can see that I'll try to give you a little closer uh it's got that VG grip so when you pin them it stays pinned I I mean they stay pinned uh it the hook point is unbelievably sharp and like I said it's a lightweight and it's an off shank so it goes a little further back in that lizard and man they just stay on on this hook really really well I uh I came across this hook on Instagram so you guys look them up uh spear Point your spear Point Hooks and they make them in you know the off sank well they make quite a few hooks I believe but they make them in the off shank uh you know your standard um uh you know Texas Rig hooks uh all that type of stuff so I hope this video helps you guys out man swim that lizard guys cuz it's going to get you some extra bites and some big bites so check that check that technique out give it a shot and I hope this video helped you guys out and we will see you guys on the next one
Channel: Off The Scales Fishin
Views: 10,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, bass fishing, big bass, big bass fish catches, monster bass, spring fishing techniques, fishing tips, bass fishing tips, lizard fishing
Id: eIYgKz0jIys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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