New Life City Live Stream

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is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we we've come [Applause] so all right welcome new last city family we ready to gather yeah how you guys doing good hey uh i want to share something with you guys before we get going here you know as i was praying for this week i said the lord asked me he said sean what do you think happens when we gather i'm like well you know we get together and we worship you lord and you know and he's like what do you think from my perspective happens i was like wow that's a really good question i don't know the word he goes let me show you something your grandfather you know christmas morning you know my word says that i inhabit the praise of my people right so he comes with expectation he says i promise you this i always have something for every person in that room because i am the father that's who i am and you are my beloved so tonight as we worship let's have that expectation let's open let's open our hearts and say okay father here's a heart jump and just laid at his feet so let me pray father we just give you this night we just want to worship you we just want to celebrate you we just want to be in your presence tonight and we lay our stuff at your feet all our good stuff oh our bad stuff all of it we lay it at your feet so we can experience you amen come set your rule and reign in our hearts again increasing us we pray while we're made come set our hearts of blames with hope like wildfire bury souls the holy spirit come invaded [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] show [Music] [Music] down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop [Music] us [Music] we are your church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] build your [Music] [Applause] [Music] down here [Music] build [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing worth more that will ever come close nothing can compare you're our living [Music] your presence [Music] i've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves where my heart becomes free and my shame is under [Music] your presence lord holy spirit you are welcome here come flood this place and fill the atmosphere your glory god is what our hearts long for to be [Music] overcome by your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can come [Music] [Applause] [Music] becomes free and my shame is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is glory god is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] become more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of your goodness let us more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of your goodness let us [Music] let us the glory of your goodness [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you for your presence god holy spirit you're welcome in this place god's so good his presence is here god we just thank you for your presence that you never leave us you don't forsake us and we can experience you right here right now god god we love you we lift you on hot [Music] we enter into the place lord god thank you that we get to enter in boldly because of your sacrifice we're going to continue our worship in communion and if you're a believer this evening i want to welcome you to join us as we take communion together we have communion cups at the corner of the stage and on the back on the tables back there feel free to grab them but jesus christ the son of god he came he lived a sinless life tempted in every way as we were tempted but did not succumb to that temptation and died on a cross for our sins so that we can be restored back to the lord so that there would be no chasm between us and god and that we could participate in him that we could come boldly into the presence of god and be washed clean as he is clean the lamb sacrificed for us this bread jesus said represents his body broken for us he said as long as we come together that we would take and eat his body broken for us and so god we just thank you for your sacrifice for your broken body that hung on that cross god lord we're so grateful we're so thankful jesus and we'll never forget [Music] just in your own way just thank the lord if you want to do it quietly loudly it doesn't matter to me it's between you and him but just thank the lord thanksgiving thanksgiving brings increase god we just thank you lord for your body broken for us let us take the body of the lord this bread that represents that thank you jesus his body broken for us [Music] thank you lord [Music] i know when to start when the sound of the crinkle of the top stops throughout the room [Music] this doesn't have to be a somber occasion this is a joyful occasion that we get to do this together as a family hey this cup jesus says the cup of his new covenant his blood shed for our sins for the atonement of our sins jesus we thank you for your blood shed for us we thank you god we thank you lord for your atoning sacrifice for our sins jesus let's take together the juice the wine thank you lord thank you god and may the joy of the lord fill your hearts because because of this sacrifice that christ has done for us and even more than that he rose again on the third day ascended into heaven and poured out his spirit this holy spirit unto us come on let's celebrate guys [Applause] [Music] two three four [Applause] [Music] when darkness tries to roll over my bones when sorrow comes to steal the joy i own when brokenness and pain is [Music] [Applause] [Music] when [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i stand in your love [Music] shame no longer has a place to hide i am not adapted to the lies [Music] i'm not afraid to leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] every [Music] [Applause] there's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i'm standing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord [Music] so the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord bless you [Music] make his face shine upon be gracious [Music] peace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [Music] [Music] amen the lord bless you then [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] now listen to this [Music] oh thank you lord you're worthy of our praise [Music] and your family and your children and their children [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [Music] not just voices [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] is [Music] louder let this place [Music] can you hear me [Music] break out [Music] [Music] living calm down [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] christ [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] break our walls [Music] down [Music] break our walls spirit breakdown [Music] come down at this place [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] in the glory of your presence i find rest for my soul in the dance of your love i find peace makes me [Music] i love yours i [Music] love you [Music] i love your blessings [Music] [Music] of your oh i find peace [Music] [Music] i love your presence [Music] love your presence [Music] i love your dresses [Music] i [Music] i love your presence [Music] i love my love i love your presence i love i [Music] love i love you jesus [Music] oh [Music] just open up your heart open up your mind [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on let's continue to press into this moment jesus [Music] we lift up come on church lift up your adoration to the lord pour it out like perfume at his feet [Music] i is you jesus [Music] huh [Music] foreign [Music] i love you i love your presents i love [Music] i [Music] i love you jesus [Music] i love your presents [Music] hallelujah let's just lift up a shout out praise thank you jesus you are good lord we love you lord we adore you jesus we want nothing else [Music] the lord is just putting it on my heart that reality that that we get to always be in his presence we don't ever have to step out of that place we forget where we are often we can always return to that place with the lord we can always turn our hearts to him and turn our eyes too i was reading psalm 16 earlier it says therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices my flesh also dwells secure for you will not abandon my soul to sheol or let my body see that pit you make known to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy to your right hand there are pleasures forevermore so lord we love you and we rejoice in you we find our strength in you we bless your name jesus thank you god for this time of worship you all think thank bill and tashina and rob and greg and everybody and james for leading us in worship [Music] uh it's just wonderful uh everybody turn and greet one another [Music] how's it going everybody i know i was just up here and now i'm up here again to bring you some announcements all right we have a lot coming up and everybody really really really really listen into this because i don't want to hear that anybody showed up here next week there will be no church services here in this building on uh for the for this coming saturday or the following saturday that's the the second and the ninth there will be no saturday services because the balloon fiesta makes it impossible to get here however there will be sunday services but not here they will be at the abq collective um i don't know if y'all have been there before it's owned by a couple from our church the riolos uh sean's wife renee runs the coffee shop there uh it's they're deeply tied with new life city so we will be having our sunday services on the third and the tenth at the abq collective at 10 a.m there should be plenty of parking across the street and behind it there's a big courtyard in the back it's over on eubank and constitution for those who are gonna go there will be a cookout afterwards we'll have hot dogs and burgers um we would ask that uh everybody brings a side to share and we'll have a sign up sheet for that also there will not be kids church there will be a family style service uh so be prepared to keep your kiddos with you and bring a camp chair or a blanket or whatever it'll be kind of picnic style uh am i missing anything on that front yeah same time 10 am on sunday the third and the tenth uh moving forward october 16th we have ministry team training which is always a great time last time paul had so much to teach on he didn't even get to like half of his his lesson so this time we're starting earlier and uh we'll make we'll make sure to get a lot you know cram as much in as possible it'll be great um it's a really powerful time to probably be activation and that sort of stuff too um another thing just a small thing the uh the neighbors have uh said to us that maybe some people may have been charging their electric cars on the charging ports down at the end of the building uh we just asked that we not do that since that's not our uh our power to give um and then we have a men's breakfast on saturday october the 2nd if y'all uh we have a slide for that there's a delicious looking burrito on there uh there will be breakfast burritos at errol fox's house if you would like to go to that please rsvp to kenneth armstrong because he will make sure that there is food for you so yeah you definitely want to do that and then upcoming beginning wednesday october 13th from 7 to 8 p.m we are doing our six week fall class it'll be a a six-week course on the sermon on the mount and uh there will be kids church available correct yes there will be kids church available at this so a lot of the times you know parents don't get to go to midweek classes and we really wanted to you know do all we can to make that available to you and uh yeah that being said we're going to move forward to offering we put up that slide we give because we have received um so the text to give number 84321 um you can text any amount to that number uh last time i was up here i suggested if you have a million dollars you might want to text that in or check with your spouse first before you do that uh but yeah just text that number otherwise there is a cash box in the back right there there's a wood box you can slip in donations there or you can go to donate and give that way so that's all and without further ado i would like to welcome up our pastor paul martini thanks buddy you did a great job stephen so good no it was awesome i loved it um yeah i'm really excited about the albuquerque collective event it's basically going to be a family event it's uh for our family our our new life city family and um i was i've not been here for the balloon fiesta for those of you who have not realized the balloon fiesta park is like down the street from us or whatever and so the portions of our street do get shut down and some police know to let us in some police don't know and so it's like sometimes half the worship team shows up it's a bit of a chaotic scenario and we've tried different things different days different times but apparently it's actually stuff going on throughout those two weeks so um i was like well let's just be family and just do something elsewhere and have like a picnic so the idea is basically um a small uh uh worship set a a short word and then we're gonna get to it and do the spiritual stuff which is eat together and fellowship together as a family and so make sure you bring uh you know a picnic uh blanket maybe some uh camping chairs or whatever you whatever you like to be uh to sit in we will have some limited chairs on uh for people who don't have their own camping chairs but um you are guaranteed a chair if you bring your own i will say that so there you go really good hey uh i'm excited about this uh theme we are uh talking about hello holy spirit remember we did uh coming to jesus our last uh theme in the past uh over the summer now in the fall we're kicking it off with uh the holy spirit and we know that the holy spirit is a person he's divine he's a part of the trinity and uh and you can't say hello to an electric socket although it has a lot of power there's no personality there uh but you can say hello to the holy spirit why because the holy spirit's a person and uh the holy spirit is with us jesus said it is to your advantage that i go away because if i go away i can send the holy spirit to you we talked about acts 2 how the lord uh the disciples were praying in the upper room and they prayed for 10 days and the holy spirit was poured out upon the disciples and so the the lord did not leave us as orphans we are united uh by the holy spirit we have a father uh we uh love the son and we also love the holy spirit amen so we're going to continue in this context and um i i kind of gave you a little heads up that i would like to show a healing video uh before every uh sermon because i first of all love to see people get healed i love the testimony of healing and if you were here last week you heard me talk about how not only do you uh can judge by how a person was healed but you can also judge by the caretaker or the person who came with them because oftentimes a person who's healed are still in a bait a bit of a state of shock i've seen it time and time again i'm like they're like i'm like all right test out your elbow and they're like i can't move my eyeballs like yeah but try and then they're like oh wow how was this you know and i'm like so you couldn't do that for another like no i couldn't do this before and i'm like but you can do it now they're like yes i can do this now but they're still waiting for it not to be able to work you know what i mean they still it's it's funny they see it and they're not convinced yet and and sometimes they're just in a state of shock they don't have a frame of reference for this but oftentimes if i see the person with them they're they're they're seeing it in a different perspective and you can see how much joy they have or how much uh they're weeping and you're saying wow this must be a great miracle and i'm gonna this video i'm gonna show you uh you'll see uh i'm only gonna it's a compilation video uh it was at one of the events we did when i was part of global awakening and um it wasn't randy that prayed for her but it was people like you and i everyday people in this in the seats that prayed for her and she got radically healed and what i love about this video is her friend you know these people are not church people they didn't grow up in church they don't know how to act in church um but god healed them and uh healed her and so uh it just brings joy for me to watch it so i'd like to share that with you and uh john i think we cut it at like i forget what time but i gave it to you so anyway enjoy and there was darkness and and light yeah so good i have faith that this will work do you need more time you want me to like okay i heard something stretch here we go there we go some of these cool things some of these shots you can see me in the background but i was one of ladies i grew the caretaker right there she's she's the one my name is eli eli yeah what was your problem what was it what was what a metal plate sticking out of my arm for years and in front of everyone like this off her arms i've always been there i just went down i don't go flat yeah in an instant i watched it go flat as we were praying over her it disappeared the plate's gone she's always had that it's gone it's gone it's gone you could see it sticking out all this the screws that had come out were in my muscle they were in bedding and so can i just i have to suck out like a mound on her like oh it was gnarly yeah since like 2006. so for eight years or nine years yeah i had this huge plate coming out of her arms she's had this huge plate coming out of her arm like a mound on her arm that was so visible and i watched it as we were praying instantly it went thunk and it was gone [Applause] say one other thing um in 2012 i got saved at the healing rooms in santa maria and i got healed of hiv and my heart valves got healed and i've got the [Applause] i have the proof the medical proof to prove it and so i didn't think god would do more for me and then they stood up and prayed for my arm and he healed me again so come on how powerful is that can you tell that that young lady her friend was pretty uh blown away she couldn't and and and the reason why she's so ecstatic is that um you didn't see the before pictures you didn't know at that time you didn't see what she was like before until we you know we got the before pictures later but the the audience didn't have any idea and so she's trying to tell you how big of a deal this really is because most people are like oh yeah there's nothing there i guess you know but she's like no you don't understand there was this thing and it was instantly it just and it's like all of a sudden the intangible god becomes tangible in an instant and it makes you realize wow god you you're so here i don't have to theorize about you i don't have to have like some sort of just metaphor or allegory or try to explain who you might be because i can't attain you i can't touch you but no jesus is here so real that he could actually heal you and i i i was getting a word of knowledge about someone who has has pain in their tailbone during worship and i didn't want to interrupt the worship time but if that's you i believe the lord wants to heal you tonight if you've been having pain in your tailbone is there anyone here i'm not going to do it right now because i don't want to embarrass you but if if that's you maybe you're watching online but i just want to honor what the holy spirit's saying just kind of wave at me if you've had pain in your tailbone no okay well maybe i missed it maybe it's someone later or maybe you're too embarrassed to say so that's okay i'll take i'll take i could use humility anyway um i am just so excited about what god's doing and and so when we talk about the holy spirit i i i want to talk about how the holy spirit we yes last week i talked about how the holy spirit is personal that that he's inside us that uh apostle paul talked about that our bodies are the temple of the holy spirit that no longer do we need to go to a temple to experience god that god is actually inside of us when we receive christ we receive the spirit of christ the holy spirit is with us okay so we we we are now the temple of the holy spirit and he's personal and now i want to talk about talking to the holy spirit and actually having communion with god having a communication with god and being able to hear from the lord i struggle with this in my own life i i know that you know you think about it you theorize about you i mean you read the bible and you're like i'm reading your word and when i do it audio bible i hear your word but i'm i'm hearing the logos word but that rhema word that word that's right now moment from god to me was so hard to hear and and i i talk about like when i when i got my first uh car when i was uh uh 17 years old it was this little sports car and and uh it was brand new at the time and and uh it had a cd player um and and i remember like uh i got it i just got a car wash i had the music blasting i might have owned it for like a week and i'm flying down a road that i'm going way too fast for it um so much so i went airborne at one point when i went over this little hump and uh and then my wheels like were aluminum and they got squished my rims and i took it to the uh the mechanic and they're like man you hit some weird pothole i was like yeah i don't know but really my car went airborne and when it came down it kind of messed up my rims anyway long story short i'm driving and i'm listening to the radio really loud and i see this button on my my radio and it and it said stereo and when i pushed it it went like i was listening to monophone kind of like not stereo music but when i hit it like it filled my car so much more than i thought it could fill and and and when we when we read god's word when we read the logos word of god when we read that word it feeds us it nourishes us it's never changing it's not it's not void it's got so much fullness it it is his word it will never not be his word but when you also can hear the rhema word of the holy spirit it's like listening in stereo you have his word that he will never go against his logos word if you hear a word from the lord and it's against this word it's not the lord because he wouldn't contradict his word that's our standard that's our plumb line that's how we know where we where we stand with with the lord that's it's like it's like if you ca if you're having trouble hearing just read this word because that'll keep you safe but when you can hear his word the rhema word of god and know the word of god it's like living your life in stereo sometimes we just pray to god and we're and we put these petitionary prayers in but we're not listening i do this all the time like with people i do this you know in 2016 john i'm going to show those slides in just a moment in 2016 australia came out with this new marketing campaign called thubbing they term this new term called fubbing what is fubbing thubbing is phone snubbing australians like to shorten everything they don't say avocado they say avo they don't say afternoon they say arvo they don't say cup of coffee they say kappa and so what they call this is phone snubbing fubbing what is fubbing this is when i actually i'm on my phone and i talk to my wife i'm like so honey how was your day today oh really she's talking to me and i'm not listening i'm actually on my phone and so i'm communicating to her but not receiving what she said and then 20 minutes later i'll ask her about uh maybe my son's soccer game she's like didn't you hear me i told you already i was like you did maybe you weren't talking loud enough she's not here it's okay just kidding i don't know did you get those slides there we go there's i mean we do this constantly right in the natural boom sometimes we we we're with our kids but we're not with our kids we're with our spouse we're not with our spouse it's women are to blame as much as men i don't you know there's a lot of men pictures there i don't know i mean come on let's get some women yeah look this hat this happened last week last week i'm trying to talk to stephen he asked me a question i'm letting him know and then he's just zoned in you can take that down though but this is the reality right so so i if i could just say that sometimes and actually many most of the time and that the natural will point to the supernatural and so often we're like putting these prayers into god we're talking to the lord and then we're just so occupied by our own present reality that we never have a chance to actually listen to what he's saying and this will be the biggest stump in your journey with jesus in your journey with the lord is allowing the holy spirit who knows the things of god knows the mind of of the father and can and the secrets of the father that could tell them to us i mean the this is the holy spirit that is with us and we can talk to but we we don't take advantage of our advantage so all right i i there was this word it's been burning in me i shared it with a small group uh when we went to glorietta and i want to share a bunch of that now so i'm going to talk really quick because i know we um we went through a lot of announcements but i want to talk about waiting on the lord and the process now if i just talk about process that how god has a a process with us and not talk about waiting on the lord you waiting and process go hand in hand you're in a process whether you realize it or not you're in a sanctification process a journey with god a destiny process he's trying to get the best potential in you to a destin point but but you need to recognize it first but i can't really talk about process unless i talk about waiting it's like diet and exercise i could exercise all i want but if i'm not dieting i'm not going to see many changes in my body so i i need to i need to diet and exercise it they go hand in hand so so just as that is so does waiting all right so proverbs 8 34-36 it says this blessed are those who listen to me watching daily at my doors waiting at my doorway for those who find me find life and receive favor from the lord but those who fail to find me harm themselves all who hate me love death what's this talking about let's talk about waiting on on the lord waiting to hear from him watching daily at his doorways when i was um traveling uh administering from church to church and and god was just doing a ton of stuff it was it was right before uh thanksgiving which is one of my favorite holidays and uh and and i'm i'm like finishing up i'm in the back of the room and the lord says paul i want you to to do a fast it's in 2016. i'm like what okay god i i don't like fasting i don't think fasting's fun i don't think it should be called fasting i know it's a it's a common joke but it should be called slowing i think that's true there's nothing bad fast about it as soon as you start fasting you're like yeah i'll fast today and you're like oh i should be eating lunch it's like the slowest day ever you go to bed early just so you can get through it right i know i know this because i've done it i'm like i'm going to bed at 8 30 tonight because i just can't stay up any longer temptation's too great that's what fasting is but i also learned to say yes to the lord right away even though i didn't want to do it i my friends i have friends who fast like every other day i have friends who fast 40 days every year like they want to get the word of the lord for the year and you know tell everyone on facebook whatever so they do that every every year they fast 40 days i don't do that i'm not against fasting i just i can i can become really religious like i know myself and i know that if i actually you know like have a routine fast it'll just be routine for me it won't actually have significance for me and so i told the lord lord whenever you want to call me to a fast off fast but i'm not just going to do it to do it and then for years he didn't call me i was like sweet enjoy my life working on my dad bod and then he called me to fast that that year and i'm going okay god i'll do it and uh and so i i i said lord when do you want me to fast oh he said 30 days i said when he said from uh uh december 1st to january 1st and or uh yeah and i said god that's that's like the worst time to fast like that's when everyone makes the best meal like i have my grandma wouldn't make these cookies until christmas you know it's like their favorite dessert their favorite meal it all came out around those times you you go early to other people's family you know other houses and it's not like christmas is one day it's really like you eat with all these different parties work parties and other extended family parties it's a big deal right so i'm like god that is the absolute worst time to fast but i said okay this was before thanksgiving so i you know i definitely you know had my fill during thanksgiving but but i was like then getting excited because i'm like okay god you're gonna do something you must have a word for me i can't wait i started going all right every day i'm just gonna like get take time and wait on you and just hear what you have to say and and and just you know like i'm gonna make this time special because this is a thing that you've called me to and so you know what's funny about waiting no one actually shows you what waiting looks like you know why because it's boring you never hear a message on waiting because no one wants to talk about waiting but i'll show you what it looked like it's like okay let me go get into my little room there got the music playing you know i'm like shut up okay all right god i'm here speak speak lord your servant's listening where are you god i'm here god where are you right come on god i'm sorry i fell asleep i'm so sorry nothing didn't hear anything day after day going into that time alone not hearing anything driving me mad like god what are you what is it me is there something wrong is this is there sin in my life with like is there something i need to clear out is there is is there a you know is there a ouija board somewhere that i need to clear out of the room like from the is it under the carpet i don't know i'm just like god what is what is what is blocking this here nothing isaiah 40 31. very famous verse most of you should know it if you've grown up in church it's probably on every pastor's desk but those who wait on the lord like a little plaque shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint there's something about waiting on the lord every day even though i wasn't hearing from him i still consistently went in that little time and i realized that god was actually strengthening me that there was something that he was building in me that was so intimate it's like he was there i knew he loved me it wasn't like i didn't know he was there and i didn't know what he thought about me i i know he's my father i know he's a good father and i know he loves me and he's proud of me and he wants good things for me and and he wants uh the best for me to be whole and all that stuff i know all that so it's not like that i'm talking about this rhema word like god are you wanting to say something to me what do you want to say and and i and i wouldn't i wouldn't hear it but i it was almost like like an old couple who's been married 50 years who love each other just sitting next to each other they don't need to say anything but they're there for each other do you know what i'm talking about and so it's like i was building something in me now i'm going to play a little you know play on words in in english it's okay because uh it works but but if i know i don't look like i can bench press 250 pounds because i can't but if i went to the gym every day and slowly but surely worked out and took a lot of supplements eventually i would be able to lift or bench press 250 pounds maybe i don't even know if that's too much six weeks okay but listen when we weight train on the lord when you wait on the lord it's like he's building you up and strengthening you so that when he releases the word that he wants to speak to you you're strong enough to carry it and you trust him it's not that he's withholding something from you it's like in football it's like god's a quarterback he drops back you're the wide receiver you're running your route and you know if that quarterback releases the ball too soon it'll get intercepted if he releases it too late you'll get hit but he's waiting for you to get right into the moment so that when he releases the word you're at the right spot to carry it into a for touchdown and sometimes it's not actually us in a wrong place it's us not in the right time yet because he's waiting for you to be strong enough to carry what he wants to release a lot of times we want the weighty things from god but we're not willing to wait train for him man this i i look i'm so blessed to have a nice smartphone that god allows me to have and uh you know we all are i mean two-thirds i think of all americans have a smartphone uh it's it's a common thing and it can be such a productive tool and a kingdom advancing tool if you know how to use it for that purpose but if i were to be honest with you the addition of the smartphone has often been a subtraction in my life not morally necessarily but because it's occupied my time for no good for like i can't remember i was on it maybe three hours yesterday i can't remember what i did on it right am i the only one come on i'm not trying to harp on something that's easy to harp on i'm just being real so sometimes a subtraction is an addition when it's waiting on god and i think that's really important when we're trying to listen to the holy spirit and what he wants to say to us it's so important that we wait on him so we can bear the weight from him otherwise it will crush you or worse yet you hear it but it rolls off your back because you're not able to bear it it's not something you train through sweat equity but it looks like being still before the lord how long can you be still before god when's the last time you were psalm 123 2 says as the eyes of the servants look to the hand of their master as the eyes have been made to the hand of her mistress so are eyes to the lord our god until he has mercy on us we shouldn't despise the waiting we should actually look forward to it because it's so imperative for our growth with the lord and our journeying with him when i didn't hear him one day i get excited because then i prepare myself weightier for another day now when it comes to waiting i want to talk to our process is this okay guys our process is so important our process is really what we're all in and once you realize that you're in a process then maybe you'll work even harder for it i remind reminds me of the the the story in uh genesis 29 i'll surmise it for you but i encourage you to read chapter 29 of genesis it's when jacob is sent away to go find a wife because really he was just a a deceiver and his mom encouraged him said hey run away to the land where i'm from uh uh go see my brother there and uh it's the land of tehran and so he he he goes there and uh and he he goes to the center area where there's a well and there's a bunch of shepherd boys there and he's talking to them and and all of a sudden this fine young woman walks up to that well i mean i'm paraphrasing and he goes to the shepherd boys is like who is that and they go oh her that's rachel and he's like rachel and he goes up to her and and he's in love i mean he he starts talking to her and he you know he finds out that you know laban her his uncle is actually her father which makes some cousins but we're just going to ignore that okay it was okay back then all right okay so he he he's like he's like in love and i mean he's so in love with this girl it says that every day he was working for the father for free for 30 days now no man will show up at another man's house and work for free for 30 days unless he's in love and he was in love with rachel and laban his uncle started to feel bad he's like look my sister's gonna kill me i'm not paying you a dime tell me what do you want your wages to be what do you want and and uh jacob says i want rachel give me rachel and laban says work for me for seven years and i'll give you rachel and said that seven years felt like weeks to jacob because he was so in love and when the seventh year came that wedding night i don't want to judge the wedding party but that wedding party had been wild because laban who ends up being a little bit of a shyster doesn't send in rachel but he sends in the older daughter leah and for some reason jacob had no idea but we're going to glaze over that moment okay guys because the bible is clean and pure and doesn't have messy stories like that but i love in all of your translations it says in the morning behold leah jacob felt so wronged ran out to labor and said what do you what did you do to me and laban being a father i mean for sure he was a shyster but think about it from his perspective he's a father with two daughters he knows that if his youngest daughter gets married before his oldest daughter in that culture that his oldest daughter probably would not be married so a father loving both daughters he says this look love leah give her the wedding week she deserves which is like the honeymoon okay love leah give her the wedding week she deserves and i'll give you rachel for another seven years of marriage i know shyster stuff right shouldn't be that way but in my own personal life when it comes to the lord i mean i've been i've been to conferences i got prophetic words you know i've i've had friendship prophetic words it's like to the nations god's like god's like saying stuff and you're like praising and worshiping you're saying songs you that are really prayers and if you realize they were prayers you wouldn't say them like god crush me pound me turn me into sin i'll do whatever you know and you're like yes jesus and and he's like yeah to the nations you're like to the nations you know and all these amazing words are coming and you're going to be a prophet yes i'm going to be a prophet you know whatever and and then and you know you you go to church you're like hey pastor paul i'm a prophet so and so uh i'm called to the nations i'm like awesome he's like i want to serve you i'm like awesome like here's your tulip brush he's like what god you said behold leah come on guys this is leah god you said to the nations the the what gets me is genesis 29 31 where it says this it says god saw that leah was unloved that word unloved is actually a downplay it really means hate it the true the bible translators softened it for us because it seems so mean some translations will say hate it but they most say unloved it says when god saw that leah was unloved he opened her womb but rachel was barren listen folks if you don't love your process your promise will always remain barren god expects you to love your process he doesn't even expect you to tolerate your process see when we're tolerating our process it's a character flaw to show that we need more process look i i was a global awakening student i did the best i could i mean i i laid my life down i i did all the books my friends they half of them didn't even know why they were there half of them were like this is a party and you know so there wasn't as much commitment and so i just did what i i was like god i'm doing this for you and and so i i did the seven years you know like you know the seven years jacob did i i felt like i did it all and then and then uh uh i i was asked to be randy clark's intern which was in a in a global school setting that was like a you know the best thing you could do is be randy clark's intern you couldn't ask to be randy clark's intern you couldn't even apply to be his intern they would have to ask you and you just and it was up to you it was like they would pick three people that they thought would be really good people to run with him and they asked me and so i at first didn't say yes but but the lord told me to take it because i thought i was doing something else in my life so i did take it and it was such a high honor in the school setting but i found out real quick that being an intern for randy clark even though it's so great uh they gave me a tour at randy clark's global awakening headquarters and i went there and and they're showing me all around they're like hey paul you're the new intern yeah here's the uh here's the secretary oh hi how you doing i'm randy clark's intern how you doing paul martini oh here's our international trips department oh hey how you doing paul martini i'm randy clark's new intern how's it going here's our uh i mean these are beautiful offices by the way with all this cool stuff and i'm like wow this is amazing and show me all these offices wow this is amazing how you doing paul martini randy clark's new intern how's it going and then they show me this massive warehouse bigger than this room with pallets of books as they won the biggest traveling bookstores it's like books up to you know 30 000 plus books and i'm like wow this is amazing wow look at this warehouse and and then they they hand me the tape gun they're like welcome to global awakening i'm like behold leah i found that the intern is the lowest man on the totem pole giving up a career with verizon communications working doing well um having having a successful career with them giving up management positions so i can go lay my life down serve the lord and now i'm in a warehouse working more than 40 hours a week for hardly any money taping boxes by myself and i hated it i'm like god i didn't do all i didn't give up my savings i didn't give up years of my life i didn't put all that hard work so i could be stuck in this warehouse while people are going home and saying goodbye to me and i'm making phone calls and i'm emailing people and i'm packing books and nothing is going right i hated it i was waiting for it to be over i was tolerating it and then the lord started to work on me he's like paul i expect you to love it and i realized in that moment i said all right god if this is what you're calling me to for a season if this is the process that i need to go through for some reason i'll do it see if you would have asked me in that moment if i was ready to jump on a stage and grab a mic and preach the gospel i'd be like yeah give me the mic i'm ready give it to me that's it i'm i'm ready if you were to ask me to do a crusade or evangelism event be like yep did all the study did all the stuff i practiced in my closet like i know how to do it give me the mic right that's where i was thinking but for some reason god said no paul there's more in you that needs to be worked out of you and it won't happen until you love this process now what's so interesting about this is leah leah had four sons the first four sons with jacob were with leah reuben simeon levi and judah what's so interesting about ruben simeon levi and judah the first four sons of jacob that were with leah with their names and what they mean you know what they mean reuben means to hear means to see simeon means to hear levi means to be at one with and judah means to praise and when you love your process you start to produce offspring that see him that hear him that are one with him and that praise him no matter the circumstance because there's character stuff in you that god wants out of you and it doesn't happen until you love the process that you're in what's crazy and i just know this is i'm just going to say this is that once you think you're through your process it's just another level to another process so i decided all right god i'm going to listen to praise and worship music this time in this warehouse i'm going to actually just dedicate it to you and i'm going to talk to you and i'm going to do everything i do with excellence i'm not just going to put a piece of tape over the box i'm going to put 20 pieces of tape over that box i'm going to cover all the corners i'm going to make sure that no box ever breaks i'm gonna not make it like our maximum was 70 pounds and a lot of the guys before me would do like 63 or 65 and they'd waste some space i was like 69.8 always i'm going to do this so good and i'm going to make sure that i serve global awakening because this is the place you put me and i'm going to do it and man i had such amazing experiences with god in the warehouse where he showed me things where i could hear him where i could praise him where i could see him no matter my circumstance and global man they were benefiting so much and like there was other things that they would say well you do this so well can you also do this i'm just like i don't know how but sure and what would i do and i would labor over that because i knew god was producing something in me 2017 happens 2016 i go through like 30 days of fasting i don't hear anything from the lord i just trust him a lot i didn't hear a specific word for the new year all my friends i saw him on facebook that year in 2017 they got all these cool words i'm like yeah i didn't get anything that's okay um find myself in washington state and i'm doing just like a healing equipping meeting at a healing rooms uh in pullman washington the church there was a church hosting it but the leaders of the healing rooms were the ones that were leading it i was a guest speaker and me and my friends were with uh with me and so during the break we decided to visit washington state university one of the largest universities 30 000 students university of idaho is right eight miles away it's twelve thousand students forty two thousand students and the eight mile radius and i thought that was significant and so my friends and i were like there's nothing to do in pullman it's just like this farm country town except the washington state university campus is like this luxury division one school so we like go on that school and campus and and my friend who's always happy and joyful he's like man i feel like a spirit of suicide on this place he never says that he's always like happy as can be he always like sees the negative turns into a positive even if he saw suicide he'd be like joy joy joy i'm like all right calm down buddy but i felt it too i said yeah man it feels like hopelessness that's what i felt we didn't know what what to think we're like hey let's check out the bookstore like we're looking for common areas we could go to that non-students can go to so we went to like the bookstore cafe area and while we're there there's a guy crying uh outside the bathroom my friend ministers to him and he's like what's going on he's like man i just the prominent student on campus had just committed suicide he worked for the rite aid on campus uh he was a manager at that rite aid which is a pharmacy i don't know do we have right heads out here no okay anyway there's a pharmacy on campus that he had he had commit suicide and that person that boy was um you know his his aunt had her cousin that committed suicide so it just triggered all this stuff and so we ministered to them and we just thought all right that's it that's why we were there and so we leave and while we're leaving we're driving out of the campus and i see this coliseum and i see myself point to it and go i wonder how much it would cost to rent that campus now what's really funny about that is i have no money so it actually doesn't matter how much it costs to rent that campus but i was so shocked because when i say i see myself it was like i didn't mean to point to it was like the lord was like see that just came out of my mouth i'm like what was that and so i was just so sh shook in by it i was like i don't do evangelism events like in stadiums or coliseums i didn't do anything like that so i was scared about that and so i just thought maybe the lord's testing me just wants me to to knock on a door see if it'll open so i looked at the schedule it's january end of january there's the school year starts again the next year in august and there's one day on a friday where there's no activity there's no football game there's no basketball game and i was like i wonder if that day is available now i'd run events for global awakening by this time and i know that stadiums cost like 150 000 for a day so i know they're way out of my league so i'm just like knocking going like yeah god like this will never happen but you want me to do it so i'm just gonna test it out and i don't even know what i want to do at it i actually don't expect to get any breakthrough at all i i get i make the coldest cold call you make you can ever make i actually like pick up the phone i look at for a number for the stadium and i call and i leave a voicemail and i say uh this is paul from global awakening i'm just wondering what it would cost to rent the coliseum there and um and uh uh on this day and uh yep and here's my number i was like glad i passed that test did it god they didn't answer not my problem next day i get a phone call back from the director of events for the coliseum with him and his associate director and they have me on speakerphone they said hey paul we got your voicemail yesterday what is this you want to do an event there or are you a political affiliation is there going to be protesters what is this i was like i hope not uh um i was like we're not a political organization i said we're actually a christian organization and he said what do you want to do and i knew there was hopelessness there so i said because i didn't know what i wanted to do and actually if i would have said these things without any faith i think they would be lies because they just kind of came out i was you know just popping in my mind i was just kind of like saying what i thought and i was like uh we want to do a a event to bring hope to the students um and we we we want to bring actors and musicians and celebrities uh to share their testimony and at the end we're gonna we're a christian organization we'll give the gospel message i said but i was just wondering if it was available and even you know how much it would cost and he goes you know it's really funny he says the the coliseum is booked every day before and every day after except that one night i said wow well how much would it cost he said you know this is really amazing what you're doing and i found that later wasn't even a christian he goes are you gonna sell tickets to this thing i said no it's it's for the gospel it'd have to be absolutely free he said uh he said can we sell food i said you could sell all the food you want he said i think i can get you the stadium the stage for about and i heard him lean back on his office chair like you know those spring office chairs he's like i think i can get it for like 7 500. i almost fell off my chair i was like can you hold it for two weeks because i don't know any actors celebrities musicians he's like uh because i have to confirm you know with my my other people and he says yeah we'll hold it for two weeks now it's true and and i was like god why would you even say these things and i realized that you know all the events that we used to do as christians these massive christian crusades they would bring like famous christians like i know famous christians i could bring bill johnson i can bring benny in i can bring bethel music i can bring jesus culture i can get them to that event but who's going to show up when i bring all those people there christians so it's like god i i think you want to get people who are saved who are well known so that the lost come so i didn't know who to call i met one person two weeks before he was the nba chaplain for the nba all-star team and i called him up i said hey man i know we just met but this is the thing that happened he's like you got a stadium less than eight months away for 7500 he's like paul i don't know you but that's god he said let me see what i can do and then he texts me says listen i've seattle seahawks running back uh sean alexander he's a christian he says he'll do it i said i don't have any money he says paul's for the gospel it's free he'll do it for free then he told me he's got he said and i also talked to antoine randall l who's the super bowl champion wide receiver for the pittsburgh steelers who's a christian he says he wants to do it and then god got me these uh this famous volleyball uh player and uh actors on like um the truman show and uh fast and furious that are christian he's also comedian and and and this amazing thing happened where all these people started to come i was actually on the phone with chance the rapper's agent and justin bieber's agent because god introduced me to someone who was dating his mom like crazy stuff was happening i didn't even know how to carry i was under so much pressure i felt so alone it was one of the darkest seasons of my life because everyone celebrated me and was like yeah that's amazing you keep doing that paul and no one wanted to help me and i had to trust god god i don't even know what i'm doing i found out later that the event would cost 90 000 just for flights food uh musicians sean regal helped me put it together which is awesome with with all the production so i said okay what we're going to do is we're going to send out emails and invites to every pastor and we're going to pay for a really fancy meal so global awakening paid for that really fancy meal at a country club if one thing about pastors they will come for free food as long as it's during the day during the week they'll come and so uh if you want to take me out to lunch just let me know anyway so we i did that 30 pastors from 30 different churches showed up and i said you are the fathers and mothers of this city this is an event that possibly could happen here this is what god did you have a suicide issue in your in this campus and we'll do it and i don't want any money from you zero money i said all i want is your blessing and i want your intercession and if you have volunteers that you want to also help with that's great but i don't want any money from you i said this is what we're going to do we're going to unite over what we celebrate and we're not going to divide over what we don't and god gave me this strategy he said this no one's name is going to be on it there's not going to be the name of global awakening there's not going to be any church name on it and there's not going to be any organizational name on it it will just be a standalone name called hopefest and no one will get credit for it i was like god can you put my name on it like it would be awesome to have it on a newsletter and like tell all my friends i'm doing this crusade event called hopefest nope but because of the spirit that god had shown me to come in because i was hearing him speak about this 28 pastors 28 churches signed up for it was the largest interdenominational gathering they've ever had at this event i then invited all the businesses i did the same thing i did to the pastors for lunch with business leaders christian and secular and i said you have a suicide problem in this and you are the gatekeepers of the city if you want to make a change we need your finances and they raised ninety thousand dollars to support it and then the lord said paul are you the best evangelist you know i said no god he said do you do you know someone who's better i said yeah then maybe you shouldn't be the one giving the altar call i said but god all the things i'm putting into it all the way all the effort all the sweat equity like can i get my name on it can i be like i could then put in my newsletter thousands of people came to jesus because but no i think that season of waiting that season of process god had worked out of me he was looking for someone who was willing to put something on without touching it without having to touch the glory the only one who got glory for that event was jesus why because there was a season of waiting and listening to the holy spirit and not succumbing to the temptation to trying to be famous just for my name's sake hundreds of people thousands of people came hundreds of people got saved god gave us this idea to when they get saved put these wristbands on them shuttle them out the funnel like hall that that goes out to a field we got these generators it's 10 to 10 o'clock at night to midnight we were we had all the campus ministries come anyone who had a wrist brace that they interacted with i said look don't wait for them to come to your table you find your tribe who you're supposed to disciple and so we catered it for 500 people um we sold out of every meal and then we did these baptisms and there was this business that came out called ephesians 6 e6 it's a clothing line and this businessman came to me beforehand he said listen he said there's these gray workout sweatshirts that when they get wet the face of christ appears he said at your baptisms why don't you put them on so we put them on the kids who got baptized because you never know what kids are wearing and then boom they come up in the face of crisis on the shows is also one of the best nights of my life i want to show you a video of that knife i can and uh and just what god can do if you're willing to love your process and learn how to listen to him i never give john enough time to get to that computer it's just a little video we put together that's pullman universe that's the pullman area the farmer of uh the largest farmer in washington supported the event as well [Music] this is before we set up [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] god created us in this image and first john 4 says that god is love [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's just everyone who got saved [Music] come on that was late late in the night but i'm definitely reading into this but one of the things that i think shows even that jacob loved leah in genesis 49 when he died when he they asked him where to be buried he wanted to be buried next to leo where where where the rest of his lineage was rachel had died on her journey and what i will also submit to you is that the promise of all promises didn't come through rachel the promise of jesus actually came through the lineage of judah which was actually through leah and i'll submit to you this that what you think your promise is what you're trying to attain within your process god will actually show you a greater promise that you don't even know you're trying to attain if you will love your process why don't you stand sorry for going a little longer than i usually do tonight i just want to pray for us i just want i just want to get out every obstacle every stump in the way that keeps us from actually working in the process loving the process that god has called us to and put down all the distractions so that we can actually hear what he's saying because god wants to do significant things in your life and we always put these like qualifiers on it or these barriers to it but if you would just submit yourself to him and just say okay i'm no longer going to tolerate one process cycle to the next but i'm actually going to love where i am right now because within this beautiful mess god is going to create something even more beautiful and he's going to work out the things in me that have been tripping me up my whole life so why don't you close your eyes bow your heads because this is a work of the holy spirit and you need to listen to him and let him speak to you lord would you just show us where we've tolerated a process that we needed to love holy spirit would you help us in getting back into the journey of walking with you again [Music] so we can love you hear you be at one with you and praise you no matter the circumstance [Music] come holy spirit show us the way because i know there's a great work a great promise that you have for us if this word's been speaking to you i want you to come forward there's a great work that needs to be done and i know there's a remnant at this church that's ready for the mission of god on their life the call of god on their life some of us have these wells that we've covered with dirt or we've allowed the dirt of life to cover it yet they're so deep and jesus wants to unearth them again holy spirit would you dig out the dirt [Music] lord we thank you for what you're doing right now holy spirit continue to move we repent of hating our process jesus we repent we repent for tolerating our process jesus we we want to love our process again well would you break off every tormenting spirit every demonic spirit that's trying to keep us distracted lord that torments us from our past that torments us with our present would you help us identify that that's not you it's not ourselves it's actually otherworldly lord would you break that off of us so we could see clear lord i pray that you would empower us to accomplish the task ahead of us the innumerable immeasurable sometimes overwhelming task and would you create an intimacy with us that's so strong that we will be able to carry the word that you release over our life that we'll be able to carry the mission that you release over our life that our loyalty to you would not waver our heart would not be faint for you lord but it would be totally yours god we just give it to you hallelujah hallelujah god i bless the mission on these lives right now i bless the mantle the mission the calling the weighty glory it's coming upon us right now we just speak freedom and liberty right now you carry the cost to carry the call phil phil thank you lord [Music] more more holy spirit god we repent for petitioning you but not listening for petitioning you but being so occupied come come fill phil petitioning you to be rescued god when really you want us to bring you want to bring us through it and overcome it gotta thank you for the empowerment to overcome i thank you for the empowerment to endure i thank you for the empowerment to last jesus break off every distraction and make the way clear [Music] come holy spirit come holy spirit phil phil it's a new day it's a new season thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord we'll continue to minister to those at the front if you need healing in your body and you want to come forward we want to pray for you if you're looking for a breakthrough and you need it we also want to pray for you we'll have our ministry team come up here but if you need to go you are dismissed we bless you we bless that the lord would be with you that his peace would be upon you that his face would shine on you god i thank you for this week lord bless us next week and as we lift up your name at the albuquerque collective god may the presence of god fill that place fill that city fill that area in jesus name amen bless you guys i'll see you next sunday okay change plans to come all right all right love you
Channel: New Life City
Views: 166
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 44sec (6944 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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