new Kali Linux GUI on Windows 10 (WSL 2) // 2020.3 Release

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kali linux 2020.3 a new release a new version that has some pretty cool stuff in it two things i want to tell you about right now the first is my favorite it's an update to wsl2 and the gui they ramped it up check it out so from windows i'll launch my kali linux just type in cali in the search bar and here it is now how am i doing that running kali linux on windows 10. watch this video i'll show you how let's continue so when i launch cali it launches into the command line right it's fine but not ideal but check this out i'll type in one word kex watch boom and i'm in cali and it's it's so clean check this out this desktop experience is perfect i mean i don't want to say perfect but it's pretty amazing so what is this kex thing well it's actually called wincex which stands for the kali desktop experience for windows and it's so crazy easy to set up once you already have kali linux installed which again watch my last video to see how to do that just skip the gui part in that video and come straight here here's all you'll do let me get out of my desktop experience here i'll hit f8 and then hit exit viewer it's just one command to install it sudo apt gotta do our upgrade and then and and sudo apt install cali dash when dash kex and then we'll tag on a dash y there and that's all we have to do it'll install and then you just launch your gui environment by typing in kex that's awesome i'm going to do it again just for fun kecks so cool how cool is that it's like you're running an app on windows that's it moving on to feature number two i want to talk about and that's how we're moving bash our born-again shell to zsh actually i'm getting ahead of myself zsh is ready and installed in version 2020.3 but the official move the migration won't be there until 2020.4 but if you have 2020.3 here's all you have to do open up your shell which will default to bash right now and to switch from bash to zsh just type in zsh and you're doing it now it looks different doesn't it why are we doing this why are we switching to zsh now zsh does have a few advantages over bash now i don't have enough coffee to show you all of them but i will show you a few let's do it first is automatic cd so if i cd into a directory let's say the etsy directory that's how we do it in bash but with zsh we don't have to just type in the directory like let's go to home and we're there so it's a bit faster you don't have to type in cd to change directory now what's also cool is the command autocomplete so if i start typing in cd look at that notice boom it already knows what i want to do so if i type in the right arrow it completes the command for me that's pretty cool and just one more random cool thing it does let's say i try to add a new user like user add ron swanson ah not found because i didn't do sudo but if i do sudo two exclamation points it auto completes and adds that command and i'm done that's cool right so zsh pretty powerful now again you already have zsh if you installed a fresh version of 2020.3 now if you upgraded to 2020.3 you'll want to do this real quick type in cp or copy et scale dot z shrc and then a tilde and a forward slash this will give you the default config that cali cooked up for you that they want you to have so do that and if you did not upgrade and you simply just want to install zsh you can do this sudo apt install zsh and then zsh syntax highlighting and zsh auto suggestions i wish it would help me with this i'll have all these commands below as well now again there's a ton more to zsh like they have a bunch of plugins you can add that make this tool just insane so if you're a linux power user or are moving that direction having zsh is your shell it's gonna be a huge asset to you as you're as you're hacking kali linux release 2020.3 got some cool stuff i mentioned a few things here if you want to check out the rest of it i got a link below they did add some cool stuff with bluetooth and some other little tweaks and enhancements well guys that's all i got i'll catch y'all later [Music] [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 302,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows subsystem for linux, windows 10, set up wsl 2, kali linux wsl, kali linux, linux subsystem, kali linux wsl gui, kali linux 2020.3, kali linux install windows 10, wsl 2, setup wsl 2, kali linux install, hacking, ethical hacking, oscp, ceh, kali linux 2020.3 release, zsh, bash, win kex, win-kex, kali desktop experience for windows, kali desktop
Id: dgdOILL1184
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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