New Invention! Make 220V AC Generator 1 Phase from Brushless DC Motor ( BLDC 3 Phase )

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hi guys and this is a three-phase brushless motor  from a photocopy machine you can see the back of   it as rusted although the label is pretty good  made in China from Japanese and foreign components   so it is 120 watts brushless motor so guys this is  the controller that have used many times so guys   the connections to the motor have been done now  it's time to run it yeah as you can see that it is   working fine and add just 12 volts and this is the  24 volts motor and guys are the same BLDC motors   can also be used as an electric generator simply  by connecting the two wires of the three to the   multimeter I will show you and the output is going  to be AC three-phase AC so the meter is pointing   towards single-phase 200 volts AC and since it's  a single-phase so I'm going to connect only two   of the three wires one will be left out yeah the  wires have been connected now see the meter screen I'm running it and it is generating electricity  yeah and one virus still open so this is a big   problem with the brushless motors when used as  a generator that the output is three phase AC   so either you can use the three-phase output  and connect a three-phase rectifier to convert   that three-phase AC to DC or you can simply  use these two terminals as the single-phase   AC supply and leaving out one of the wires  that will reduce around 66% power of your   BLDC motor that is being used as a generator  which is a bad idea there is another third   idea which is you first connect a three phase  bridge rectifier to the output terminals of   this BLDC motor generator and then the DC  out of that rectifier can be inverted too   easy with the help of a single-phase DC to AC  inverter that has a lot of losses and also it   is a little bit complicated so what I'm going to  do in this video is simply convert a three-phase   brushless motor into a single-phase  AC generator okay so let's get started so guys this is the stator winding of the  brushless motor you can see one two three   these three are the three phase output  wires for the brushless motor and and   this is the tapping point for the star  connected winding star or Wye connected   okay so guys the first step is to open up the  tapping point the star connected tapping point so guys the Tabak point has been opened now let's  proceed further now guys the second step is to   mark which of these terminals have been connected  to this set so I'm going to do that so the meter   is pointing towards a resistance checking mode  so these three are not connected to each other   because this tapping point has been opened so  one of the other terminal of this wire will   be among these three yeah the first group has  been found there's one and this one now comes   the second one second one is not this one and  which one is it okay so second one is this and   obviously then the third one is going to be this  one so now it's time to connect them properly so   that I can get single-phase AC out of this  BLDC motor when used as a generator so guys   after successful pull testing and winding test  the wiring connection came out to be somewhat   like this this wire will be connected to this  one and this wire will be connected directly   to this one and the final output of this entire  brushless motor generator will appear on this   terminal add this terminal okay so let's  do that and then fit the entire system as   it was before and then check if it's working  or not first connecting these two together and then these two okay so guys finally the wiring has completed you  can see that there are only two wires coming   out from the armature of this fresh less  motor now it is no longer a motor it can   only be a generator okay so let's connect  the rotor magnet and see if it works or not so guys now it's time to test this newly  made single-phase AC generator brushless pointing the meter towards 200  volts easy mood and connecting   its wires to the generator  like the multimeter screamed so yeah it is generating three to four  volts AC with hand rotation now it's   time to test with some actual  load now let's do the Rope test so let's measure the generator voltage  keep looking on the display screen 24   volts ac again 28 volts now guys let's  connect an actual 12 volts load to it   and remember guys the output is AC single-phase AC it is guys the wire has been bombed let's test it nice once again so guys since this generator is working fine so  now it's time to step up the generated volts with   the help of a transformer and see if it can  operate 220 volts appliances directly okay so   let's do that so guys this is a 12 volts to  220 volts computer UPS transformer that I'm   going to use to generate 220 volts so these  are thick wires obviously high current low   voltage AC will be connected over these two  terminals and the output appliances will be   connected on these two terminals okay so let's  do that so the other wires have been connected   to the generator now it's time to connect a  multimeter to the output terminals of this   transformer on these two terminals and measure the  generated voltage going towards 200 volts ac mode so let's first check the hand rotation voltage  generator is working it as stepping up the   generated voltage let's see what the maximum I  can get 42 ODEs 44 let's see from here so hand   rotation voltage is increased obviously  so let's do some rope testing okay keep   watching the meter string Oh the voltage  was more than 200 volts so let's move the   pointer towards 750 and do the test again okay  keep watching the screen 258 words once again nice so guys are the generated AC is pure  sine-wave and it is much better than using an   inverter from a battery now I think I can also  connect motors and generators back to back for   testing the output voltage and appliances so  let's connect some actual 220 volts load first so guys first I'm going to try this  setup with just seven volts oh sorry   it's a nine washable okay with a 9 watts  well LED well since this generator is of   course very small so let's test this one  first okay okay keep watching the ball nice once again cool so guys this is a 200 watt  LED halogen panel that I am going   to connect to this transformer and see if  this single-phase modified generator can   handle that much load so let's connect  that so this has been connected okay yeah the halogen LED panel is working  pretty good let's try once more nice   now let's connect some other load so guys this  is a power supply 220 volts to 9 to 24 volts   DC so I'm going to connect this supply this  transformer and see if this transformer can   power up this 70 watts power supply 9 to 24  output at 3 amperes okay so let's check that say ah this has been connected and now if it  works then this display will start indicating the   voltage and it's set at 24 volts DC so here you  should say 24 volts okay yeah you saw that this   is working too so almost any 220 volt appliance  will work with this setup with a single-phase   modified generator as long as the power rating  of that appliance is not more than 200 watts
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 233,752
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Keywords: new invention, 3 phase brushless ac generator, dc motor, 3 Phase Brushless Generator, mr electron, mr. electron, brushless generator, 220v motor, generator invention, bldc motor, brushless dc, 220v, brushless motor, 220v dc motor, 1 phase generator, 3 phase generator, 1 phase ac generator, brushless motor generator, 1 phase motor, 220v generator, 220v generator motor, 3 phase motor, ac generator, brushless dc motor, generator, generator from motor
Id: Q3nfY_K2P28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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