17000 RPM - Make High Speed DC Motor from 220V AC Mixer Motor DIY

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hi guys you are watching channel mister  electron this is a 220 volts universal   motor from a mini mixer you can see this  is coil one and this is coiled 2 and the   rotating part in between is the armature or  rotor winding at the back you can see the   commutator ok this is brush 1 and this is brush  - and it runs on 220 to 250 volts AC or DC   so guys this is a court it is live and the output  from the terminals these two is 220 volts AC   pointing towards 750 volts ac and guys as you  can see that the output voltage is 258 volts ac   so guys I've turned off the supply so that I can  connect the wires safely and once they have been   connected I will turn it on again yeah so as you  can see that the wires have been connected keeping   it close to the plastic cover so that if there  is any strand coming out from the cables it is   on this plastic now let's turn on the supply so guys now I'm going to connect this trail   chapter the shaft of this universal motor you  see this a reflecting strip this will help in the   measurement of the RPM of this motor at 250 volts  AC okay it's connected now it is perfectly aligned   tightening it up okay okay so guys let's test the  alignment first I'm going to turn on the supply   your alignment seems fine it is not  vibrating much I think it can work out   okay so guys the meter has been said and now   it's time to turn on the power  supply and start this engine   okay so guys this time I'm holding the vise to  prevent it from vibrating and running around   so the RPM is somewhere around 7,000 nets so let's open this up   so guys since I'm going to convert  this into our DC motor so I don't   need this field winding so let's remove it so this is the field winding part let's keep   it aside for future use now what I am finally  left with are brushes commutator and rotor or   armature okay now I will need something  extra for the field winding that I have   removed and I'm going to use these two large  concave magnets for doing the field excitation   job and after adding this to this setup it  will become a permanent magnet DC motor   so guys now it's time to connect the magnets  and we have to connect the magnet only on this   side and this side okay like here and one from  here not on this side and this side because the   brushes are touching the commutator in such  a way that only this pool and this pole gets   excited this and this don't get excited and  even if you it does rotate by adding magnets   over this side and this side you won't get  any good talk okay okay so it's projected   on one side and not projected on the other side  it is going to create a minor difference on the   talk but I'm still going to use the sideways  because it is getting better aligned in this   way otherwise it might slip at high power or speed  rotation okay let's connect the other one too   okay so the magnets have been connected and now  it's trying to glue them hard and strong okay   so guys as you can see that the DC mooster  conversion part is now completed and the shaft   is running smoothly and now it's time to test it  by applying some DC volts to it and see how fast   it can run and how much torque it generates so guys this is a 35 volt DC supply that I am   taking out from a printer first I am going to  measure its voltage for you pointing a multimeter   towards 200 volts DC mode as you can see it is  only 31 volts DC okay so this side is positive and   this is negative 31 volts DC and initially this  motor in my previous video was not running with   31 volt supply but now it is going to run because  it does not needs field excitation anymore   so guys you can see that it is running very  smoothly and also the torque should be higher   than usual than a normal universal motor the  torque is higher and this motor is somewhere   around 100 volts I understand it this way that  half the voltage from 250 volts AC was fed to   the field winding and the remaining half was  fed to the Ruta winding so dividing 250 by 2   it is somewhere around 125 volts for armature  or rotor winding plus 125 volts for the field   winding so the exact value of the rotor  winding voltage is now 125 volts and at   present I am running it at just 30 volts DC and  for that reason the RPM is a little low but the   talk is good enough you can see it is yeah it  is stopping but it is running really good and   release mood the wires will be connected on the  brushes of course okay one is already connected   red the black one will be connected over here you can see that the starting is smooth cool   nice so guys somehow have managed to get  200 volts DC supply here so let's confirm   that it is 200 with a help of a multimeter  first pointing it towards 1000 just in case   if the supply is more than 200 so checking  it yeah you can see it is more than 200 it   is 230 volts okay so guys I have connected  these wires and I have disconnected this   supply for safety purposes although it is  a very risky project I am giving it more   than rated power supply DC to this and it  is going to run very fast so anything can   happen I have to be ready for it okay so guys  let's turn on the supply and see how fast it is   running go wow cool it's not that dangerous  as I thought running at a very high speed   and it's smooth nothing I can speed I increase  the speed even more let's increase the speed   nice once again   increasing the speed more MORE nice let's see it from the rear view how much   spark it is making that will indicate if I should  run it at such a high speed or not starting it   very nice the operation is very smooth and it  must be running at somewhere around 4000 rpm   at present you
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 1,402,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 17000 rpm, Make High Speed DC Motor from 220V AC Mixer Motor, 220V AC Mixer Motor, ac mixer motor, High Speed DC Motor, mr electron, high speed ac motor, mixer motor, make ac motor, 220v motor, high speed motor, dc motor, make dc motor, 220v ac, high speed diy, 220v dc, ac 220v, rpm, make, high speed, motor, 220v, ac, diy, motor diy, make diy, dc from ac
Id: v1cHrtoNzZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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