NEW Horus Heresy Lore Explained (SPOILERS)

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welcome back to the archives today's chapter will be a little different we will be retelling the final stages of the Horus heresy from the perspective of a few different characters keep listening to find out how the battle between the emperor and his traitorous son Horus ends the clash between two brothers the traitor Horus lupal and the great Archangel sanguinius was reaching its conclusion sanguinius Noble and resplendant faced his brother turn foe with Steely resolve Horus Twisted by corruption radiated malevolence like a dark star his eyes gleaming with a Savage hunger for power sanguinius fought with the grace of a dancer and the ferocity of a wounded lion his every movement a symphony of power and Desperation yet for all his Valor he is but a mortal among demigods and the weight of his Destiny Bears down upon him like a mountain Horus a master manipulator stried with cunning Precision exploiting every weakness with ruthless efficiency his blows rained down like a storm of fire and steel each strike driving deeper into the heart of his brother's resolve and then in a single moment sanguinius Falls his wings once a symbol of Hope and salvation now crumple beneath the weight of his broken body the Galaxy held its breath as The Echoes of his demise rippled across the Stars a requin for a hero lost to the darkness as the life ebed from his Noble form a psychic shock wave bursts forth tearing through the minds of all who can perceive it the death scream echoed a cacophony of Anguish and despair that reverberated through the very fabric of existence it was an eternal whale haunting The Souls of sanguinous children for all eternity a mournful durge for their fallen Primark the blood angels once proud and Noble are consumed by The Infernal wrath Unleashed by their beloved father's demise the black rage a curse as ancient as time itself seized them in its merciless grip twisting their minds and souls into instruments of Madness Hell Breaks Loose amidst the ranks of the blood angels as they succumb to the Savage Fury of the black rage like a tide of chaos Unleashed upon the cosmos they break Rank and descend into a frenzy Rampage transforming into the avatars of Destruction like wildfire fueled by grief news of sanguinius' tragic demise spread on Terra amidst the hallowed Halls of the Imperial Palace the Primark rogal dor stood like a sentinel of defiance against the encroaching Darkness beside him stood acte a Perpetual being shrouded in mystery and unknown loyalties her Immortal gaze meets his bearing the weight of a truth too bitter to swallow she delivered Grim Tidings sanguinius the Paragon of virtue had fallen his Noble Spirit snuffed out by the treachery of his brother Horus but Dorne Resolute in his Defiance refused to yield to despair ignoring acta's dire warning he vowed to confront the traitor warmaster headon his resolve unshakable in the face of overwhelming Darkness he bequeathed upon act his seal of authority a symbol of his unwavering commitment to the cause of the Imperium he charged her with the solemn duty to spread the word to Rally the scattered remnants of loyalists and ignite the Flames of rebellion against the encroaching tide of treachery it was a message of defiance a Clarion call to all who would stand in the face of tyranny and oppression the emperor must live for the emperor is mankind and Mankind is the Emperor aboard the vengeful Spirit the Emperor of mankind stood amidst a sea of chaos his psychic might cutting through the ranks of word bearers like a scythe through wheat he stroe purposefully towards the court a chamber steeped in treachery there amidst the Shadows he beheld a sight that chilled him to the core of his Immortal Soul sanguinius his beloved Son hung suspended upon the wall like a trophy his lifeless form a stark reminder of the horrors that have transpired the emperor's expression remained stoic betraying none of the turmoil that raged within him with a commanding gesture he directed his allies to take down the Fallen Angel as he stood vigil over sanguinius' body Horus arrived upon the scene the emperor's gaze met his a silent question hanging between them like a veil of Shadow why the emperor asked calmly a deceptively tranquil surface masking The Tempest that raged beneath Horus began to respond his words tinged with the bitter taste of betrayal he spoke of the offer made to sanguinius and his rejection but the emperor's attention was not directed towards his Wayward Son standing before him instead his gaze pierced the veil of reality itself reaching out to the Unseen forces that lurked in the shadows Beyond he were speaking to the chaos Gods ancient and inscrutable watched the unfolding conflict with a perverse Delight their Whispers echoing through the void like the siren song of Madness and at that moment Horus committed the first strike with a single blow he shattered The Fragile facade of order casting the universe into chaos and uncertainty reality broke entirely a shattered mirror reflecting the fractured remnants of a world torn aunder by the em bitions of Gods and Men alike The Duel between Horus and the emperor transcended the confines of physical space spiraling into a battle of psychic Warfare where memories became weapons and time itself was a battlefield for their conflict memories of battles long past intertwined with the present weaving a tale of Bloodshed and Triumph that spanned the breadth of existence from the desolate streets of cthonia to the Bastion of Cadia they fought with a fervor born of centuries of enmity Horus emerged Victorious from many of these battles yet for every Triumph the emperor countered with a display of unfathomable power his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity as the conflict reached its Zenith the boundaries between the physical and psychic realm blurred reality itself unraveling in this surreal realm of abstract thought and raw emotion the final confrontation commenced a game of Tarot cards became the Dueling Grounds upon which their Fates would be decided Horus with a deck forged in the fires of chaos laid waste to the emperor's defenses his every move calculated with the Precision of a master strategist in a decisive moment Horus seized the opportunity to strike catching the emperor off guard with a triumphant Roar he crushed his foe beneath the weight of his overwhelming power as the emperor fell his tarot card scattered like leaves in the wind each won a fragment of his shattered Legacy the Guardsman the throne the Space Marine the Knight the Lantern and the Revelation each card a reminder of the Empire that once was amidst the wreckage of their battle Horus drags the emperor's body to an empty Throne seat his mind teeming with dark intentions of usurpation and whispered Promises to the malevolent entities that lurk in the shadows yet despite the emperor's weakened State his Spirit remained Unbroken a flickering flame of defiance with every push from Horus he rises again a testament of his will that burns within like a Beacon of Hope in a moment of desperate salvation Ole and John grammaticus tear open a portal back to the emperor's side their arrival a harbinger of Hope to their surprise the emperor lied battered and unconscious upon the ground terrified by the unexpected turn of events Jon speaks a word of power a primal force that blasts Horus back with a surge of Otherworldly energy as oi sends grammaticus away to complete their mission he places the aame dagger in the emperor's hand a plea for him to awaken from his Slumber and reclaim his rightful place as the savior of mankind but Horus undeterred by their efforts begins to advance once more in a desperate bid to protect his Fallen Master Ali brandishes his laser rifle its crimson and beams slicing through the air with a final defiant Roar Ali unleashes a torrent of energy until he's obliterated by a single strike from Horus within the depths of horus's Soul where traces of humanity still lingered the emperor coaxed Horus into believing his victory was assured with honeyed words he urged Horus to relinquish the shackles of chaos to demonstrate his autonomy from its seductive grasp and in a fleeting moment of vulner ability Horus obliged surrendering his Newfound power to prove that he's not Enslaved the emperor seized the opportunity bolstered by the fervent prayers echoing across the expanse of the Imperium Whispers soft yet insistent echoed within horus's mind a cacophony of voices pleading for the emperor's survival desperation clawed at horus's Consciousness as he scrambled to reclaim the dark energies he had so recklessly cast aside in the midst of chaos A Shard of clarity pierced through the haze shrouding horus's thoughts he recognized himself as not but a pawn of chaos a vessel hollowed by its corrupting influence silently he begged his father for Mercy I forgive you the emperor's voice a lamentation heavy with sorrow and finality as he plunged the aami dagger into his son's heart and thus amidst the throws of battle the emperor extinguished the flickering Ember of horus's existence a requium for a fallen son exhausted and drained of all his energy the emperor collapses the end and the death is many ends and many deaths but above all it is the end of The Emperor's vision and the death of hum kind it is the death of peace and the end of reason it is the death of Hope and the end of rational thought it is the end of Victory and the death of Innocence the neverborn now are are and they will never leave the minds of men it is the dawn of a new millennium that brings only War into the Grim darkness of the far future on the vengeful Spirit rogul daor deliberated over the fate of the emperor he stumbled upon the deck of tarot cards with furrowed brows he traced the remaining cards seeking guidance in their cryptic symbols and interpreted their elusive dance as a plea to seat the emperor upon the throne a last ditch effort to salvage what remained of his shattered Spirit meanwhile amidst the echoing corridors Loken one of the last surviving sons of Horus refused to return to Tera with the other participants of the battle instead he stood Sentinal over the Fallen Horus his vigil a silent Testament to loyalty in time abadan and his Brethren descended upon the scene and encountered Lan he declared his intent not to spill Lan's blood a gesture of Mercy perhaps but he gave lokan the choice to follow them or leave peacefully with resolve etched upon his brow Len vowed to seek amnesty and forgiveness from rogal dawn on their behalf yet many in that room doubted that Dawn or robute gilaman would ever allow it however before the first step of his journey could be taken arabus a harbinger of Darkness emerged from the shadows and plunged his blade of treachery into LAN abadon could not kill arabus for his treason as he understood his actions were the only way they could survive arabus then murmurs his venomous Whispers painting the sorrow of the loss of Horus as passing grief a mere Ripple in the vast Ocean of Time this concludes today's chapter from the archives please like And subscribe if you want more leave a comment on which chapter we should reveal from the archives next
Channel: Imperium Archives
Views: 9,360
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Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40k lore explained, warhammer 40k reaction, 40k lore, emperor of man, emperor of mankind, space marines, primarchs 40k, weshammer, majorkill, adeptus mechanicus, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k cinematic, astartes, black templars, black templars 40k, blood angels, roboute guilliman, ultramarines, scholar's lore, horus heresy, seige of terra, end and the death, emperor of man kind, horus lupercal, horus 40k
Id: EnWSgiXqZ40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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