Who is THE 5TH CHAOS GOD? | Warhammer 40K Lore

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[Music] I was braced for [Music] grief I was steal to witness the worst lupal Victorious the Triumph of Ruin chaos ascendant the end of this world the loss of the last loyal Sons the fool of my old friend and king of Ages these outcomes have always been very real possibilities I thought I was ready to greet them should they come about I had never imagined that there could be worse I was not ready for this my king undone not by his first founds rage nor the calumny of traitors nor even the spite of demons he is undone by his own hand long before Humanity even existed there was a prophecy the prophecy of the dark King this foretold future God is Humanity's fate for we will all die in its birth fire just as the elari did for slanesh however where the ruinous Powers were created from the emotions dreams and Ambitions of sentient life forms the dark King's origin will be very different different then crowned in his stead the dark King one that is once born Immortal is born again as a king of all Darkness the black shell cracks thus he ascends in the Timeless time and is elevated to the gods to reign as a dark crowned King this is key information that we get towards the end of the siege of Terror in the end in the Death volume one and going into the second book there are various characters who are scrambling with this knowledge and the thought that Horus lupal is going to go through some sort of apotheosis and end up as this dark deity one man who keeps seeing the name the dark King repeated is koll Cinderman a man who will go on to become one of the first inquisitors he is searching through the emperor's personal library in the halls of Lang looking for any kind of knowledge that could be helpful and into the po comes someone he did not expect to see azak araman araman is also hoping to extract as much knowledge as possible from the emperor's library before it is inevitably destroyed by hordes of rampaging traitors now interestingly araman doesn't kill the iterator immediately he's actually a bit of a fan and a conversation follows which ends up being centered on the dark King araman has clearly heard of this being before however he was unaware that people think Horus is going to ascend this naturally fascinates araman and so he searches through the library for more information he knew that Horus would have Godlike power for the pantheon has invested within the war Master more power and influence than anyone has ever possessed but if he ascends to become the dark King Horus will truly be divine however what aramon reveals next turns everything on its head using his immense power Horus traed Terror in a single day on repeat without time the outcome of a prophecy could be entirely different than expected fate itself is confounded araman reveals the truth that the real dark King is the Emperor of mankind the plan of the chaos Gods is almost complete before we get to that though one chaos God who is defin definely going to approve of the sponsor for today's video is the chaos guard corn mini wargaming is a Warhammer institution and mini War gamer Dave asked me to talk about his new ravage start rage in 2022 mini wargaming and lazy Squire games collaborated to begin ravage star a 32mm heroic scale war game the dreaded Veil touched hit the tabletop and they were such a success that an expansion is now upon us bringing the dwar nari and the alien gorog I'm in love with this hord master he brings a real otherworldly horror to the battlefield the campaign is live right now on gamefound and runs for 8 Days 8 hours 8 minutes and 8 seconds seriously Dave really likes corn a painting competition that anyone can enter is also underway and it allows you to get your hands on these models for free and at least 12 months before they are available download your free imari gorog or Veil touched or if you don't have a 3D printer you can purchase the models on only games for details to the competition are on their web page and so links to both that and the campaign are in my description whilst he is not going to ascend to become the dark King as a vessel for the chaos Gods Horus lupaca still possesses unbelievable power and so he decides to exert some of it to create a city the inevitable City and this is at a time when space and time essentially mean nothing but the inevitable City it seems is sort of bridging Terror with the vengeful spirit with The Warp elenius pus John grammaticus and L were fighting against arabus on terror and then after an explosion they run into garu loan who was previously on the vengeful Spirit having been sent there by malador I appreciate that a lot of you are going to be be unfamiliar with who those characters are so running through them quickly Gario loan is a former captain of the lunar wolves in fact he says he's still a captain of the Luna Wolves just there's no Luna Wolves left L is literally le2 a prototype Space Marine a Space Marine with no Primark John grammaticus used to be an artificial Perpetual though has now lost that ability however he is still a logo kind a powerful Psy with the ability to understand any language no matter it's form or origin however the truly important person in this storyline is all person he is not only a Perpetual he is the oldest Perpetual the oldest human in existence he is not nearly as powerful as the emperor however he did serve as the emperor's first warm in the distant past but he betrayed the Emperor as many perpetuals did and fled from his old friend for many many years so how and why is the Emperor of mankind the dark King well one thing that's really important to know about the siege of Terror and this is a pretty big law change Horus lupaca is far more powerful than the emperor is at this point in time this is an opinion shared by many characters in the book including the emperor himself but Horus was able to trick his father into coming to face him through most of the siege Horus had created a kind of mask of insanity and when the emperor teleports onto his Flagship he drops the mask and the full power of Horus lupaca is Unleashed it is supposedly so terrifying that even the word bearers flee from Horus the emperor very quickly realizes his mistake because Horus is able to twist The Souls of The Emperor's own Guardians the custodes and many of them turn and charge at the master of mankind who is forced to slay dozens of custodes before he is able to reassert his psychic control as the emperor and his remaining Guardians move through the vengeful Spirit more custodians are lost to traps and demons until eventually there are only six remaining it is at this point that the emperor realizes as things stand his assault on the vengeful spirit is hopeless however he has one option left make no mistake the emperor is the anathema to the chaos Pantheon he stole some of their fire once before now he shall do it again he drinks deep from the warp and as his psychic might swells he burns out his remaining custodians for to be in his presence is to die only one survives protected by a Sig of malador the emperor is on the verge of apotheosis to becoming the dark King this is power unlike anything even he has felt before he is becoming a true God as the emperor cut his way towards Horus he laid waste to everything in his path a vast section of the inevitable city has been reduced to to a city of dust he looks as a black sphere now and once that shell cracks his apotheosis will be complete even malador sees what the emperor is becoming and is horrified at the state of his old friend as you saw earlier malador realizes that all of their plans for thousands of years are for not most of humanity is going to die in the emperor's birth fire as he ascends to become the dark King there is is no power in creation that can stand in opposition or prevent the emperor's ascendance but then the most curious thing happens the Emperor of mankind sees an old friend one glimpse of The Emperor's True Form would scatter elenius person to atoms therefore through his last Guardian the pro conso K calus dusk the emperor communicates with elenius it becomes clear that many have conspired to get these two talking the actions of the perpetual erder malador and the zenos eldrad uan have all played a part in allowing o to plead to his old friend at this critical moment all is insistent that this is not the way to stop Horus lupal but the emperor is determined without this power without becoming a god of the warp the emperor does not stand a chance against his Wayward Son the sad reality sets in the chaos gods have one it doesn't matter if the emperor ascends or not the warp will become a churning frenzy for millions of years the material realm will be overcome and Mankind wiped out even if the emperor can stop Horus he will undo all he has built in one last attempt to convince a man who is almost a God all requests that the emperor use his new Godly perception to examine his plan and the emperor obliges he examines its flaws and its errors and perceives things that no man could at this point O's companions approach garol Loca kneels before the mirrored Blackness that encases the emperor his Lord tells the more all if I renounce the power All Is Lost if we fight as men we will lose but his analysis is done the emperor knows that the dark king is not the way then we lose better to fight demons as men than become them and so it was that the Emperor of mankind relinquished his divinity but before he returns to being a man the emperor uses the incredible power one final time to heal the wounds of all his companions the emperor's sacrifice here is greater than any no save malador for in order to divest himself of godhood the master of mankind had to cast aside a fragment of himself he broke off a part of his own soul he amputated the portion of himself that contains all his his hope loyalty and compassion for such things will become a hindrance those qualities might make him stay his hand or hesitate when he needs to finally end this heresy the emperor knows what awaits him and if he were to kill his son the self-hatred the regret would condemn him for all time and he would end up as embittered as Horus so he excised those precious human aspects to further steal himself against against the pain of what will come after but Horus lupal is not yet defeated the custodian Kus and the estares L and garu Loan kneel before the Emperor of mankind a golden Colossus once more they make one final oath of moment before they rise and head to the ultimate battle that is where we leave the emperor's story line he is on his way to face his son but at this moment there seems to be no way for him to be Taurus there are also a few other details that I wanted to mention because I know you'll be interested according to malador the emperor was aware of the prophecy of the dark King but apparently they thought it was just some old myth and dismissed it then the book says the dark King is likely to return in another age I believe we will see The Return of this story line in for 40K I hope you Dan Abnet fans did not miss that reference I put in around the city of dust and how it was created I cannot stress enough I nearly dropped the book when I read this and connected to this I think is something that araman reveals he starts using the Tarot deck and after he reveals the cards for the emperor and the dark King the next card revealed is the despoiler and abdon in the book is about to face down constant VOR in regards to AR and JN it seems that in the next book They're going to try and travel back through time because they need to ensure that they leave enough Clues throughout their journey to make sure they end up having this conversation with the emperor again because it is pivotal so they're trying to create some sort of causal Loop and then finally John grammaticus does stab arabus in the ear with some Eldar Shear that's not really relevant to this story I just really liked it but there are a lot more details in this book it is a long novel and I definitely recommend everyone read it we will be going over more details in the future so if you enjoyed this video please do subscribe and if you really enjoyed the video you can click the join button on the page below and get access to the Discord and more content but thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 215,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emperor of mankind, emperor of mankind tribute, adeptus custodes, constantin valdor, king in yellow constantin valdor, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, siege of terra, the end and the death, golden throne, malcador the sigillite, malcador the hero, the emperor vs horus, emperor 40k lore, emperor vs horus, custodes corruption, dark king warhammer 40k, the dark king warhammer 40k, 5th chaos god, warhammer 40k lore, chaos gods lore, malal 40k, malice 40k, horus heresy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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