Hello Neighbor THE END 4 REAL! Shadow Man got Timmy! GIANT NEIGHBOR IN BASEMENT! I'm Superman! Act 3

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dude that's the shadow men no it's okay it's okay don't cry no cry I'm actually here and I can protect you where are you going buddy oh no dude this is creepy even though it's FG TV dirty fdtv chase we're back up in his FG TV place playing a new game on mctv we're an act three ladies in wait hold on why is this look so different okay yeah we're we're in yes I did chase didn't play part to him because he was sleeping but it looks like it's beta and we've played this already but there has to be something new and different I have not gone inside the neighbor's house yet let's see what is diff oh wait look up what is that dear Austin Street duties here already he old oh my god fatal error oh I'm going back in we're sorry about that did you see though there was like a shed in the back you didn't see it with with your little tiny guys hi big eyes hey no one ever never no one ever does this to me can you open up my jaw ready do this everyone today we are back alright what if I go in his house cuz he's clearly not in here Oh No Broll know he's behind me oh my goodness oh I put this here already yeah what about tomatoes Platts tomato splat is there something new in here is it key so wait this is legit just like alpha I'm not gonna lie this game is awesome greatest game I've ever played in my whole entire life but I thought maybe there might be some newer things in here but hey I'm not complaining I was in the hell of a brigade guys I'm just trying to get caught I don't like nighttime babe ah catch me catch me thank you thank you Michael Michael just may chase some chicken nuggets whose hot chick chicken I guess is hot that's a family's for okay okay look right back here Oh see I thought that was a shed I'm so doofy that it it's not a shed all right since we've played this so many times we're just gonna skip ahead to see if we can find something new you want to see us play this level check out these videos hey Martin listen is it okay if we just skip straight to the basement are you cool with that a lot of no let me talk to my neighbor all right let me know let me know all right guys they're talking I'm just gonna see what what they say wait a minute what are though you're gonna tie your shoes dude you could trip and get hurt dude what are they talking about oh excuse me excuse me yeah I gotta go to the bathroom come on guys you know we're waiting over here all right come on you can go into the basement oh you're good I'll sweetie so we're good oh here just drink this ghost oh oh thank you Mark here you take something got it all right and now what walks through the door oh all right no try chase does it work does it work oh cool oh sweet the big question is has anything changed lands abasement yes the ants where oh wait no actually we don't know that yet oh oh oh yes it really has changed this is the basement from act 1 oh man dude this is all new oh these are how do we break it get this kid over here I mean there's nothing to throw what's that do a flashlight by any chance just jump through it let me see Oh can't I'm trying to figure out how do we get out of here I can't see Oh power there we go that power was already out could've fooled me we serious okay locked need a flashlight flashlight oh it's a TV I bet I can carry it as a flashlight wait what has happened keep going Oh scary dude this is getting so creepy right now dears there's water oh that looks like it somebody shadow I know is it no it's a shadow man baby wait dude what was that brown or frozen it'll download the shadow ouch ouch hey funny trying I just wanted to have to do this for it's very comfortable okay alright so Shadow Man Shadow Man where art thou so how do we get by him [Music] oh I can't carry it like a flashlight oh I can and I click does it turn it off no well I can see fine oh there's a door it's locked okay is he gonna like come down here like am i safe back here hello shadow boy I don't sure bok choy max run fast I'm just your breakfast oh I think we gotta like crouch and hide from the Shadowman I'm just gonna Crouch crouch look we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it dude dude he didn't catch us there's a trampoline I kind of oh no oh no oh no okay yeah I'm just gonna crouch and then back up oh gosh there he is there he is look at him look at him okay I'm just running wait I can't see I can't say oh wow that just a little bit scary okay so all I think is we just have to run for it and go down here okay that's it okay this door nothing okay oh wait there's a TV okay I'm just gonna crouch down I just gotta come out wait here for my little man to go bye-bye just hoping that what what I think because we keep getting caught down there and the doors are locked we just have to wait okay there is now I'm just gonna hide behind it straight you're so bad I know now we are going down the hallway all right let's just stay here and wait for him to go by look at him he's like the projectionist we just gotta wait okay yeah okay look there is he's going he's leaving we tricked him oh whoa he legit did disappear sweet okay cool oh this was over here well the mannequin was here oh my goodness this is great what is that a ladder no matter whose that a fire yeah that's fine who is this another wall want to break through it yeah be my guest bump my head you okay things like that little cartoon I can't see myself oh I need something alright alright was not expecting that oh how I don't know who that creepy little boy was that was in the room but I am so much more happier to see this dude hey is this my brother it says my brother from another mother hey brother from another mother you want payback upon me oh sorry catch Oh God okay here he comes big moth big ma hey big boy I see you boogie you know big my white me are you sure go ahead what's the matter you scared Oh would I know ki mess with me die so I'm gonna hit you know whoa dude sick sick sick get on top of the box get on top of the box get on top of the box where am I he hit me into oblivion actually I'm in the neighboring sistering town to oblivion okay I don't even have a passport to be here I'm knocked out of the world Wow okay I'm rather miss do it how you feeling big boy Mart oh you feeling like you trying to bite Habra each how that hurts oh my stomach hurts awesome smells gross in here do you smell that oh man it's making my head ball my stomach rural dirt now all right this is going to take a very very long time so I will fast forward because if you want to see me actually play this and watch these videos l [Music] they're still falling what they're still holy cats yeah I gotta be fun alright sir train you go bye-bye okay there's that train hurry up train Mart has a bellyache okay and I just love that okay Kendall firework time yeah oh wait no I'm gonna die wait don't I was so cool that's for you sir wait what that is not for you sir that was for me sir okay there we go in there goes it's going please look this time yes I gotcha oh poor the baby I'm afraid of fireworks oh do that to me man [Music] yeah chasin only one at a time thank you because if you've seen our other video you know that we kind of messed something up with that but yeah there we go one at time let's be patient that's why oh poor little baby got a little boo-boo is that it Alan do one right okay now I just need a run in wait up no wait am I gonna make it oh I'm gonna make it I'm so good at this wait a minute no oh yeah thought I didn't have the candle okay one two three and go look and that wasn't good enough okay fine take four take more okay there we go still not good I don't want to miss it my master let's be a little bit calmer YouTube doesn't like loud noises now you know seriously but I gotta show you a list of things that we can I can't do on YouTube like stuff is real like it's nuts right now actually I don't know if I can show you I might get in trouble alright well now that you are so nice look at him see he's petting the ground look at that good boy crowd I'm so proud of how flat surface see you are so sentimental so good gun we gotta get up there to the shoot chase I'm ready to jump to the house do you want should I do it I'm just gonna do it okay here I go one two three go yeah boy oh I thought I was gonna fall it's crazy and open what what why they did not show me the door opening I just want to see it open Oh No I'm somewhere crazy there's a lot of papers see that spells missing but weirdly it's like some guy named dutty wrote it there's a boy and a girl wait dude is he's just missing two cardboards cuz like look at them that's definitely like a cardboard cutout this is this is Wow it is ooh that's not at all creepy can I go outside if I'm a mouse but I go outside do I become a rat we're not going outside cuz there's a creepy shadow man whoa whoa wait we are outside kind of wha that's okay that's just I'll back home fumes in there alright let's go back this way that is a door which leads to the basement another basement I guess well what's this can it open oh it can't I'm scared okay what's over this way nice trees shuttle man Oh shuttle ms with neighbor crying on a missing poster see mom is missing somebody has something to do with that car crash who Shadow Man come here Shadow Man come here please I wanna ask you a question all right he's not coming is this gonna ya see I knew I knew it was gonna be a low adding screen I dropped a fork on the floor actually my son dropped a fork on the floor I just took the blame for you you owe me well look at me there's me little Timmy oh wait am I do it wait oh oh I can't move I thought it was a cutscene hi little buddy hey hey I'm the cool car you got there yeah a little but oh no don't be afraid no no I'm not stranger no got back here right you know what nope what I'm just gonna jump oh dude that's the shadow man no it's okay it's okay don't cry no cry I'm actually here and I can protect you I work out at the gym if you don't believe me go see my roblox gym video where you going buddy oh no dude this is creepy no why are you just standing it Rob Rob I gotta see okay gonna eat Timmy Timmy is still alive gosh okay Timmy we're going back down here I'm right behind you Tim all right so what's the plan you want to hide in there cuz it looks like we can't hide in there no you're just gonna keep go away crouch Wow this is for really tiny people I can't go I can't do no Timmy okay I'm gonna try to be one step ahead of Tim and going to here first yes there you go okay I'm ready for you what oh maybe I have to stay with him oh I miss I'm Timmy's guardian angle seriously all right anyway for me Timmy oh jeez I don't even know which angle I am thirty degree 45 degree 90 oh my gosh wait what'd happen if Timmy all right Timmy idea Hector Blanca Timmy I am going to I'm gonna I'm gonna block you Timmy can't mitigate Superman Johnny baby okay not a baby buddy I'm not I'm just yeah Timmy okay go I have to be faster than Timmy campy all right Timmy I am gonna be three steps ahead of you and then I'm gonna just quickly and boom go under here see them stuck again no no do it Hey ah I lost him me again 17 times a job black my boy Tim Tim all right Tim dope I gotcha Tim I'm going back all right I died cuz I jumped from a high place I forgot that it's kind of realistic hi Jamie you're slow I beat you a little slow man all right I got you why this guy's so doof doof all right come on please yes yes baby ten eight Tim come on boy Tim Tim let's go Slim Jim I got you I'm going to protect you stay with me stay with me yeah what's up Shadow Man okay I got it doing is this just getting smaller and smaller Timmy where is he Timmy oh he's about to it's about to be a scream now run down here okay I'm coming to him Ok Go Go Go Go Go Go Go gonna go gonna go go go now what now what Timmy Timmy where are you Timmy where's Timmy gonna go where do I go next all right Timmy you got this okay you're going right right there okay I'm gonna block you where I am right oh no Timmy's going down there oh oh hold on you're here Timmy where is he okay yeah yes okay cool where is out Timmy Timmy yes sweet I just say Timmy I think no way Timmy where you going buddy Tim no where you going oh no wait Timmy hey where do I go oh it's gotta be that way it's gotta be this way it's gotta be this way it's gotta be this way please please no I lost him okay I got you - bar - lets go - we don't jump oh look I found this other way to go I don't know why and let me go under now let me go under that door before but I think I'm supposed to go this way okay how come I get taller every time he breaks something I'm just waiting just leave us alone shadow boy Timmy no Timmy you don't have to be scared man I'm gonna protect you hi Superman Crouch crouch chronology oh my goodness it goes so slow jump jump jump yes okay go come on where are you Timmy there you are okay come on wait Timmy yes go faster all right this time I think we are good Timmy yep Timmy Timmy where are you today oh my goodness no he must do it somewhere else Teddy doh you scared me Timmy did did I save him sounds like I did it I'm sorry Timmy I have really did try my chai I'm such a failure whoa whoa hello hello what's over this house this is a crooked house how is everybody not sliding around actually wouldn't mind having a sideways house be constantly sliding down hi babes knaves hi knaves you okay wait what dude it's meet tuddy I thought you would have been more happy I like play your game all the time and stuff seriously now is not the time to pee oh my goodness oh that's creepy this looks like it's gonna be okay I know I'm gonna just press it oh geez look at that go hey Jesus come in my child all right I'm coming to the light do it I don't like lo adding screens because you never know what's on the other side of them oh wow that's weird yeah let's put that back okay cool yeah great see see see oh yes waking up my eyeballs roll hey that's me a my flannel in my red shirt got my couple watch a couple of cuffed up rolled up jeans oh is that pizza truck or a turkey leg truck it's one of them kind of trucks I don't even care what I'm Chuck I'm just glad as a Chuck cuz I like trucks Chuck usually have like more four wheels I'll take that cars all right so seriously now I'm like hey how you doing it's just me new neighbor duddy just moved in here - pleasure to meet you I have a gaming channel if you ever want a game against me I'll be over here Haitian even yeah well that's my car wow that dude the legit telephone and if you think about it I don't think how I'll give near that fast without teleportation capabilities oh the suitcase is open okay get that neat you know kick that box up here that oh yeah oh we got that swag in us there you see that swaggin s there that's wagon s there's nothing oh wow all right cool Oh am I supposed to do something no I'm not supposed to do something just a cutscene how could I do some all I mean glitching you saw that glitch though right wait that's it Alex nikky poor chick you're awesome Luke Burgess you're awesome Yulia factura Sheva you're awesome awesome Thomas O'Connor you're awesome Ryan Mayer you're awesome but how gonna copy awesome okay Nikita : to kick off your awesome you gotta watch you're awesome Elena Firenze you know you're awesome each yeah jealous lovers laughs you're awesome Yuri hard Antonov you're awesome emka Jane groaning you're awesome okay tatyana orlova thank them now Wow I cannot even do all these but bamboo and I was gonna Anthony the Metreon etana lean uranium Vladimir Michael Sergey and Yaroslav and Steven McWilliams y'all are all awesome because hello neighbor has been with us for a year as a gigantic part of this channel in our hearts on the right side our hearts on the way I think I was on the right side our hearts our feet our if I do like hello neighbor I couldn't do this see what I mean now it's still pretty gross what am i doing shabby moving I can't move okay cool I'm just watching oh my goodness mommy is trying to do the flaws now I speak long even though it's not great I still kind of gotta see the good but great now I see you boss but group I still kind of kind of did it good but great shy click shy spacebar okay nothing's really happening I'm just gonna chill cuz I waited a whole year to play this awesome game and I'm gonna see what happens I just wish there would be like one final jump scared to send me send me on my way but I'm guessing there's not so guys I'm gonna say thank you so much for watching thank you for all the hello neighbors support we will of course use marked in our hearts and in our bids in the future because he's just so awesome and it's just like who know you guys love it but that is it thank you so much for watching peace out [Music] actually it was okay because if you think about if you rewind I asked for [Music] got me real yeah baby just enough power and then here I go survive survive that's right [Music]
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 43,772,952
Rating: 4.6159391 out of 5
Keywords: fgteev, fgteev minecraft, Family Gaming, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, hello neighbor basement, the end, hello neighbor fgteev, jump scare videos, jump scare fgteev
Id: TbUcoU-YSRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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