15 Secrets YOU MISSED In Fortnite Season 7

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there are new secret weapons coming to fortnite season seven that you gotta know about we also have new secrets tips references and a bunch of other stuff people probably won't learn about for a few weeks so let's make you the king of your friend group by showing you the rick and morty secret so yeah rick and morty are now in fortnite season seven i don't think anyone expected this not just for the fact that they are literally rick and morty but they show up out of nowhere no tease no build up just one day we wake up and now rick is tier 100 but not only is rick now a skin in the battle pass but he's also an npc on the map and we've recently learned that he will be selling his own exotic very soon it's called and i'm not even joking the cowonator and this might be the gun from the trailer we could pick up cars and throw them and sure rick appearing out of nowhere was random but thanks to a brand new secret poi over at corny complex we can learn exactly how rig got here if you go underneath the barnett corny you will find dr sloan's secret underground facility and inside of this facility you could find a whiteboard that explains that rick was brought here by the imagined order and convinced to help them fight against the aliens why exactly did he agree we still need to know that but hey those guys will do anything to promote their show but it turns out rick wasn't the only one brought here to save the aliens so was superman and his new secret the other insane crossover of this season is superman himself while he is the secret skin of the season come on he's not that secret in the slightest he's blasted all over the game on billboard so i don't even know why they call it the secret skin anymore but there is actually one secret out there for superman that isn't as obvious if you watch the season 7 trailer you can spot clark kent looking at the news from his desk and if you pause at the right moment you can see something incredible on his computer screen yeah over at the pc he's actually playing fortnite which is pretty funny but it gets even better when you look at the skin he's using yeah superman playing as batman now this is either a really on the nose joke or some kind of foreshadowing i think superman was just annoyed that he couldn't play as himself so he chose batman instead and it doesn't stop there with all of the movie easter eggs would it be fortnite if epic didn't reference a ton of famous movie scenes if you have a good eye you might have spotted a hilarious moment during the season 7 trailer rick points to dare to play the keyboard and she plays a tune before the aliens open up their mother ship this moment is a triple reference it's probably the most amount of references in a single trailer scene firstly it's not to when rick and morty play get schwifty to stop the chromulon to blowing up earth i'm sure a lot of people got that one but then it goes deeper it's also referenced to monsters vs aliens when the president plays axl f on the keyboard to get the alien's attention and that in itself is a reference to close encounters when they play tones to a ufo it's all one big reference and so is that giant mothership in the sky right now in independence day a massive ufo flies above america and terrifies everyone sound a little familiar but it's not just a trailer that holds secrets even the npcs on the map have their own tricks up their sleeve with the secret marigold dialogue over on the map you can visit marigold and chat to her and she'll tell you that they're one step closer to the answers gotta admit it's pretty vague but this is where the secrets come in because if you return his jewels she will say stick to the plan ah interesting and if you go back to her as might as she says it's happening soon what exactly are these guys plotting one of the new challenges also asks you to talk to marigold and the description is i don't understand how midas could have just vanished i mean what is going on here we're probably going to learn a lot more soon but she's not the only npc with secrets as we go to the bunker jonesy secret if we're on the topic of npc's foreshadowing the rest of the season then we can look no further than bunker jonesy he's back and hiding out in a house at the very bottom of the island inside of this new house of his you could find a whiteboard right now it's pretty bare-bones not much on it but playstation grenade has found a bug in replay mode that actually lets you view the entire research before anyone else it's a secret that not even epic wants us to know about yet so take a good look while you can i wonder if this is just a gimmick to add more backstory to bunker jonesy or if this research will eventually unlock all of the hidden secrets of season 7. the battle for the island is getting juicy and i want to know everything and that's what we have to talk about the redacted bunker secret for the second time in two years the redacted bunker has received an extremely rare update this thing remains pretty much untouched all the time but last season we got tiantina's ball added next to the bunker for a challenge well now this valve has been removed but something else has appeared instead spray painted all over the walls of the redacted bunker you could find the ios logo vandalized with pro alien propaganda it looks like the island is full of people who love the aliens and people who ate them so i'm not sure exactly who's gonna win here but for the island inhabitants that do love the aliens we have the secret welcome party if you've been to sweaty sands this season you might have realized that is now called believer's beach the whole area has been filled with graffiti and posters to try and get the aliens to visit it looks like everyone here wants to embrace the aliens hence the name change but there are a few posters on buildings in believer's beach that are especially interesting these secret posters have been pretty much overlooked by a lot of people and they're talking about a welcome party scheduled at believers beach and it says in the corner coming soon try to take a guess it looks like we might get a mini live event soon maybe this will actually be a concert where they welcome the aliens onto the map by the way i am super excited for it and it doesn't stop there with these secret vending machine messages so vending machines are finally back in fortnite but for some reason just like the llamas the vending machines are now alive if you go up to one for an item these things will literally talk to you some of them are chill but others have really weird messages one of the mending machines says well this i don't even want to read this out but hey they redeem themselves because another vetting machine gives us the trade offer meme from tick tock you know it's pretty clever and if you want to interact with the island even more there's now tipping the bus driver and a secret with it if you're feeling generous then you might want to head over to the lighthouse this season for years we've been thanking the bus driver before we head on down to the battle royale island now it turns out you can show your appreciation even more over at the lighthouse you can talk to the npc there after fighting him and he'll give you an option to actually tip the bus driver a few other npcs apparently have this secret option and you get to pick from two things either a small tip of 500 gold which is really not small at all i mean who do you take before epic or a big tip of 4 000 gold is there even anything this expensive out there i wonder what you get for doing this maybe it's for a spent bars challenge or maybe something better in the future for now though you best get saving the bus driver may need your spare gold after all but sometimes the island gives back with the loot llama secret loot llamas will do anything to get away from us especially considering they're literally alive right now and run away when we get too close and while no one expected epic to change the llamas like this it's not even the only addition there's a secret new change to loot llamas and no one's noticed yet if you get lucky enough you could kill a loot llama and it will drop a chug cannon no more dropping at the same npc you could just get one through this method not just that but they also increase the amount of llamas per match instead of just three there are now five llamas in the game so you have a way higher chance of finding one also the absolute biggest tip for llamas if you headshot these guys they'll get stunned and become way easier to catch and while the llamas can't survive us we have the chair that survived one of the funniest gags we've been following for a while in fortnite is the shrinking chair this thing has been shrinking every update for who knows how long and while it actually has survived the alien invasion and while the edge of the chair is now absolutely tiny the dedication to this joke is amazing i honestly think epic are going to keep doing this until it's literally impossible to shrink it anymore but hey while we're busy staring at the shrinking chair epic we're planting more secrets around the map with the midas and dr sloane secret okay remember that secret facility i was talking about at corny complex well there's more than just a rick and morty drawing there there are some serious storyline secrets in here and you can find them in dr sone's personal office behind her desk are two pictures that are extremely interesting one of them is a young sloane getting into the imagined order and she's been given her badge by someone who has a scary resemblance to jon jones is this his dad hmm it very well could be but i'm more interested in the other secret picture in this office you could see a very young dr sullin writing equations on a chalkboard and i won't lie the first time i saw this i completely overlooked it but there is an insane secret in this image just looking into the audience you could actually spot midas and marigold sat in the crowd watching her i mean what this is huge for the storyline the fact that no one's talking about this just shows how sneaky epic are it has huge implications i cannot wait to learn more but these are the biggest secrets in fortnite season seven and i guess they're not really secrets anymore thanks so much for watching this has been tommy and keep it here on top five gaming
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Keywords: fortnite season 7, 15 Fortnite SEASON 7 Secrets & Easter Eggs!, fortnite season 7 secrets, fortnite season 7 easter eggs, fortnite new season, new fortnite season, fortnite season 7 battlepass, fortnite season 7 skins, fortnite season, season 7 fortnite, fortnite season 7 new, new fortnite season 7, fortnite new update, new fortnite update, fortnite secrets, fort, nite, battle royale, season 7, secrets, new, update, video
Id: lDuvswnzoog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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