New Games Revealed For Nintendo Switch & Emulation Just Got A Huge Win | News Wave

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what's up guys welcome back to news wve well yesterday Nintendo did have their Indie showcase and there were certainly a bunch of unique titles there and one that was technically missing that a lot of people were hoping to see but we'll go over everything that was shown off there today also we are going to be talking about Sony making more of a push even into like this the PC space now with a new feature for their upcoming release with Ghost tsushima and we'll be talking about a major victory for emulation as it look looks like apple is fully on board so if you guys enjoy these videos make sure you hit that like button helps out a ton and if new here to the spawn wave Channel make sure you subscribe down below and of course members for the channel do get newwave early and AD free if you would like to learn more about that you can click the join button down below this video and we're going to start today with the big live service initiative that's been ongoing now for years even though we see so many of them fail sometimes even before they release well now we have maybe a bit of a Viewpoint from some of the Developers Behind these games and we can see this is posted up this is over on gamed saying 70% of devs unsure of live service games sustainability now this survey from the game developer Collective was of 600 developers they were interviewed between February and March 2024 39% of participants had mild worries over current life service business models 31% were very concerned and the Very combined 29% either had no fears or were unsure and you know I've wondered this at times we of course know that the the ones making the decisions around these games the direction they'll take the monetization models or the obviously the suits people at the top who are sort of guiding the projects but then you have the developers actually down there in the trenches making these games that I'm sure look around and go this probably isn't going to work or be sustainable and seemingly mo more times than not they end up being correct in that case but just think about it that way it's like you're down there you're working on these different games at like the the coding level and looking around like this it's not going to work but I mean they signed the paycheck so I'll just keep pushing along it's that's that's rough but that's kind of how it is right now with live service games it's a coin flip if it will work out in the end also we have sea of Thieves releasing pretty soon here on the PlayStation 5 but ahead of that release it looks like they wanted to announce a major Milestone that is very impressive for this game we can see this is over on their website they say sea of Thieves welcomes 40 million players celebrating a phenomenal Fleet of Xbox and PC Pirates who've set sale since since launch years ago but yet 40 million players that's across Xbox Windows 10 and steam now obviously launching on the PS5 here what in just a couple of weeks this is through like 11 seasons and again years and years of supports and updates and some pretty fun collaborations but I mean that's just very impressive at we just talked about live service games and how Developers are unsure about them sea of Thieves despite launching and you being kind of kind of bare bones it felt like At the beginning has continued to evolve over the years and now is actually pretty good game overall especially if you're in the sort of obviously the pirate the kind of setting saale making an adventure with a bunch of crew members finding Barry treasure Ian yeah it is a fun game and certainly a very unique experience but it took time to get there and soon they'll be released on the PlayStation 5 which just means that 40 million number is just going to continue to grow oh and here's an interesting bit of news this coming from variety looks like we're going to be getting a new golden ax show we can see this posted up with their exclusive saying a golden ax Animated Series has been green lit at Comedy Central that's okay that that's interesting now Comedy Central has ordered 10 episodes here and there is some more information Around The Animation Studios behind some of the creators and stuff but for me I was looking at this going golden ax that's I'm trying to think of what exactly the lore would be and how they would I I guess just make it a compelling journey through 10 episodes but I I mean seeing Fallout I was I I had an idea as like the lore and like the world how they could build that out but having different characters in a game where you essentially make your character at the beginning and set out on your own Journey that you create as you go that is a bit harder to navigate Golden X though let's just say they actually come out with a really good show that could of course set the stage for what Sega is trying to do right now which is revive a lot of these older intellectual properties and we've seen with these different releases where it it's praised in terms of its storytelling and the show itself that it does springboard interest for some of their games even if they're a bit older so something to follow here certainly with Comedy Central back in Golden X we'll see how it turns out and guys with some of the quick news out of the way let's get into the bigger stuff let's start right away with Nintendo and their Indie World Showcase that took place yesterday it did run for rough L 20 minutes and they had a number of titles to show off there many of them we'll say certainly unique games but we'll go over line by line exactly what was shown here starting from the top with little kitty big city this is coming out May 9th and you know I as I'm watching this I did think back to when stray came out and I was I don't know if I'm going to like a game like this where you're playing as a cat necessarily but I enjoyed stray and little kitty big city it just seems like it's going to be sort of an adventure game where yes you play as a cat in a big city causing all kinds of Mayhem completing different quests and challenges I I'll check it out it could could be interesting there then we have yars Rising Way Forward and Atari teaming up for this one it coming out in 20124 and yars is a very storied franchise for Atari so all right we'll see how this one this one goes we have refined self personality test game that's summer 2024 sticky business you run a sticker business and okay and sure again unique games here in these Indie World showcases the thing that was kind of weird and I didn't necessarily look into the store Page I am curious as there's a game and DLC so they release the game the base game and then they have downloadable content that you can also buy or there's a bundle with both that seemed a bit off with kind of the Indie World stuff where you don't typically see an indie game show up and then also have DLC but hey you get to run a sticker business I guess Tech there's no other game like that one then we have Anton blast which looks absolutely offthe wall ridiculous but November 12th 2024 there is a demo out now for for this one to check out then we have Valley Peaks that's 2024 lur Li and the laser eyes May 16th Europa okay so this one popped up and I will say visually speaking like the art style I think looks awesome looks really good especially on the switch it just looks looks very clean now it's out in 2024 there is a demo out currently so you can fire it up and and see what you think there on your on your TV or on the switch uh screen the OLED probably looks awesome with it then we have TMNT splintered fate I actually went over this game back when I did a video kind of exploring Apple arcade because it it was exclusive the Apple arcade until obviously this announcement here but this I I thought was a pretty fun game and also again it was sort of in the realm of Apple arcade so the compar based on the other games there competition wasn't through the roof for anything but it's a you can kind of compare it to like a Hades Style game I mean yeah it's Rog likee but there was a lot of stuff to unlock in it it was a lot of fun to go through and they had a bunch of different enemies for bosses you wouldn't necessarily expect like they really dove into the lore for the Ninja Turtles and it had full online co-op up to four people total can make these runs and I had a lot of fun with it so this is one I'm going to be keeping an eye on here for the switch it's coming out July 2024 they did mention it was a console exclusive so I guess it will or it will eventually go to other platforms but this is one I would absolutely keep my eye on especially if you kind of like those Rog likee style games it's that with TMNT then we have Cat Quest 3 that's August 8th and the demo is out now I played the original Cat Quest and I actually liked it but I fell off after that I I guess they work for them and they sell so they're on to the third one here then there's Stitch this is a game about embroidery it is out now then we kick things off with a Sizzle reel we have what's B bzzzt summer 2024 shim that's July 18th animal well May 9th duck detective May 23rd and another crabs treasure that's out pretty soon April 25th and that's one that I am going to try out as I mentioned before it is going to game pass on Xbox so I'll probably play it there but it being a Souls like crab game I again unique titles all the way around here but then the big closeout title was not Hall night silk song again a lot of people were hoping for that one it was steam World Heist 2 and if you played steam World Heist kind of that turn-based strategy Style game it looks like that just way more in depth seemingly for some of the stuff they showed especially with the character customization this one coming out August 8th and overall we had a total of 17 different games that were shown here and for the most part looking around they're all coming out this year in fact more than half of them are out in what the next two months or so I think all things considered when I go into these Indie showcases I'm not expecting massive first party reveals even third party reveals nothing like that I go in expecting to see some very unique and at times out there ideas that might not necessarily be for me but if I can get a couple of games here that I'm at least interested in or maybe excited to check out and you have Shadow drops some demos I'd say it's it's a pretty good show and in fact all of that was here so in the world of any showcases I was okay with this one and I thought it might may have been considered one of the better ones Nintendo's done in the last two years or so but of course that had to be the poll question which I put out there and we'll go over what my grade was for it after we see what everyone else thought next up let's talk about a massive win for emulation as we've been covering the situation that's been unfolding with apple the App Store and emulators just starting to make the jump but not necessarily legitimate ones typically these would be emulators that were essentially ripping off already established emulation and then just dropping it on the App Store with ads user tracking that sort of thing and Apple has to their credit actually pulled these down not because they're emulators and you can play games on them but because they are just ripoffs of other people's work but now we have a legitimate emulator being approved and available now on the app store which we can see here that is Delta game emulator all-in-one GBA for IOS successor now we had talked about uh GBA for IOS how it got ripped off there was an emulator dropped on the App Store and that was the one that Apple pulled down however Delta as we can see with the description builds upon the strengths of its predecessor gba4 iOS while expanding to include support for more game systems such as Nintendo Super Nintendo Nintendo 65 for and DS there is actually a a wide number of different uh supported features here including controller support which you can use your switch Pro Controller your joycons PS4 PS5 Xbox One Xbox series they have keyboard support here I mean this is it's cool because people of course would say I don't want to use a touchcreen I mean you just sync up any of these different controllers here and it will of course cover Game Boy Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance so people naturally were posting up all kinds of images of them just playing these different Pokemon games across all these Generations on their iPhone now you can also do AirPlay so if you have a TV that supports it you can send the signal there and people were tagging me saying that they the the latency for playing off of maybe even a controller to the iPhone or the iPad then to the TV was actually not bad they also mentioned cheat support for Game Genie proaction replay game shark and more and it does have gyroscope support they say specifically here Warrior Weare Twisted only and then also microphone support for the DS and the way this is work this will work is you just load up files from your own like device before it was we were unclear as to how that was going to function if you had to download a game through the emulator not the case as we've seen with already uh already approved emulation on the App Store it can just get access to your files and load your games up and that seems to be the case here as well now to me at this point the floodgates have opened for we'll say legitimate emulators and I'm sure they've kind of open as well for non-legitimate emulators they'll try to rip off more and more of them so keep that in mind uh just make sure it's from the the actual Source the author of long running emulators before you go and download or pay for any of them uh but there of course had been mentioned that PP sspp the PSP emulator might make the jump at we're still not 100% sure on that one but I mean the the person who created it did say they would keep an eye on this and if it seems like it's good to go like to get through the approval process they would move it over so that's something I would expect actually to make the jump and when we eventually see GameCube come over and the Wii that that it's it's just good news all the way around for emulation and of course iPhone iPad users who don't want have to worry about jailbreaking their device or side loading content because that's really how you were doing it before for all of this through official means and obviously the authors creators Behind these different emulators that are being approved now have a access to a ton of new people who sure maybe they were using emulators on a PC or on a MacBook or an Android device before going to iPhone but the fact that what 235 million iPhones sold last year alone and every week hundreds of millions of users log on to the App Store yeah there's a wide ranging audience that they now have access to and can really show off their emulator in that way so just great news here for emulation all the way around seems to be apple maybe opening things up a bit more with a lot of the regulatory scrutiny coming down on them but hey whatever it takes to get it done because this is just good news obviously for people with iPhones and iPads and would like more official ways to well be able to play all these retro games on your devices and in our last bit of news let's talk about a new feature that Sony is adding to the PC version of ghost tsushima and this is something I think they'll be going back and retroactively adding to all their other releases as it does seem to tie in their PC releases with their PlayStation ecosystem we can see this posted up over on Playstation blog where they say ghost uh ghost of tsushima's director's cut on PC contains the full game the eeky island expansion and the Cooperative online multiplayer Legends mode thanks to crossplay support Legends players on Windows PCS can team up with players on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles and use in-game voice chat to communicate so full crossplay there which is awesome and to go a bit further ghost of tsushima director's Cut is the first PlayStation title on PC that uses a new PlayStation overlay which includes your friends list trophies settings and your profile this feature is available on Windows PCS and will be accessible from the in-game menu or for keyboard players by pressing shift plus F1 shortcut on your keyboard now the trophy support was detailed a bit further and it's essentially the trophies you already have earned on the the PlayStation version of the game so you're not going in and just earning new trophies to go along with that or anything as in oh your Steam account stuff is split off from your PlayStation account it's just all brought together you do have to sign into your PlayStation account which obviously that's what Sony really wants at the end of the day is just find more active users more customers that they can sell these games to but then also sort of bring you into that ecosystem that I think will eventually expand as they continue moving more and more games over into their own PC launcher and I think that is sort of their end game at this time there's just too many variables sort of left up in the air just to rely on Steam as we saw at one point Microsoft even considering buying valve outright and steam so who knows what the future holds for that platform and that's one of the reasons I think Sony is working in this direction but very interesting stuff here especially if you're someone who maybe wants to earn trophies on the PC side of things for these games running at higher uh res or higher resolutions higher frame rates taking advantage of ultra wide screens but there's a lot of stuff you can do a lot of cool stuff you can do visually speaking with with these different games on PC but technically you're still earning trophies for maybe a PlayStation profile you've had for a decade plus so uh definitely interesting stuff there and something to keep an eye on from Sony as we go forward with this new overlay that will be added I think to the older games but also might build into something a bit bigger and before we go to the comment of the day where're take a look at the poll that I posted up yesterday where I ask give the Indie World Showcase a grade all right yeah see right in the middle 45% then we have F at 21% look I guess if you go into this and come out the other side and you think okay nothing there was was interesting to me yeah you probably give it an f i i get it then basically C or D and B were tied and then a at the top with 4% I'm I'm like between C and B because I feel like there was at least some decent stuff at that showcase and it was genu genuinely interesting different UniQue Ideas being presented there and that's something I do look for in these different showcases if you find some weird and out there ideas that let's face it a larger publisher in company will eventually rip off and try to build on there was definitely some out there ideas that were showcased here but seeing things like the the Ninja Turtles game come off of Apple arcade exclusivity which is a big deal and even steam World Heist 2 at the end to cap things off I know Hollow night silk song was absent but as I mentioned I think that's at this point been upgraded will'll say to being a more impactful reveal at uh Nintendo Direct or an Xbox show or uh or at summer game Fest or knows with Sony I just think that will be something that will be at one of the larger presentations here probably about a month and a half or or so but really looking at this I I do think it was okay and I'd be somewhere between a b or a c if I really had to pick I'd probably give it a a solid B and we'll finish up with the comment of the day as you're seeing here this is from a brand new says you mentioned the ps6 but Gamers over here playing on a ps7 so you know I did think about this a little bit because the PlayStation 6 We Believe coming in 2028 so that means we would be an 8-year cycle now tells me that if if we consider that same like lifespan for the ps6 okay 2036 where do we think we'll be with game consoles with technology will it still just be about Graphics or will we discover or something will be there'll be a breakthrough or something we created that we lean towards more because visuals will eventually Plateau if they haven't already kind of started to do that now so I think diminishing return setting in these companies will pivot to something a bit different might be convenience as the hybrid model with Nintendo has clearly worked but who knows that's the hard part is I don't really know what things will look like in 2036 so it's hard to say if just Brute Force Power when it comes to playing these games is what will even be the target uh I mean at this point what 14 years from now maybe so we we'll see keep that in mind though because I do think things might come a bit more clear when we do get to 2028 and see what the PlayStation 6 could offer or maybe a bit earlier than that what Microsoft could offer with their nextg device and ladies and gentlemen that's going to do it here for news wve if you enjoyed this video guys hit that like button if not hit the dislike leave comments down below but everything we talked about here today where there's Nintendo's Indie World Showcase what you think about the different games that were shown off there and then also what about Apple seemingly being fine now approving these different emulators and you can play all these different Pokemon games Nintendo 64 title Super Nintendo games right there on your iPhone and your iPad thanks guys for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Spawn Wave
Views: 80,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3SclZ_fCGfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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