NEW! FV4201 Chieftain Proto, FIRST Impressions! | World of Tanks

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good day fellas I have extremely exciting video for you today we have a brand new tank probably everyone will go loot boxes loot boxes excuse me not boxes keys keys loot Keys loot keys well let's see what you are gambling for right so looking in total of this we have a Chieftain tier 9 uh um you have a tank I think it is as close to the chieftain as you can get via the name at least I want to believe that the tank has only name you know uh yeah that's what I think okay this is my prediction let's look into the things a bit here so if you would pay attention uh let's see the armor of this vehicle frontally on the flat ground our time will be able to penetrate this tank like there is no tomorrow even the tier 5 will penetrate the lover plate and lower plate is humongous okay how about the turatar morwell 40 millimeters thickness over there what that means when you are meeting the um tanks which has the caliber bigger than uh um than 120 millimeters so one to two plus well they can penetrate you into the roof right and if they are above you it's no bueno okay how about side scrapping uh how about a peeking frontal this this tank has no armor whatsoever okay before this I really want to highlight this situation the tank has no armor this is very very important thing too uh mention and to highlight now when we have this out of the way let's go for a game and let's see how this vehicle behaves I hope gun handling is at least good right let's go okay guys the first game which we have is end scan counter game I don't really think we have many hold down positions but uh let's try to figure out how this tank is behaving wow to the Traverse is also quite slow okay let's see uh 400 Alpha damage close to 120 millimeters gun uh 262 millimeters of penetration with the standards that is good apcr is a standard that is actually pretty damn fine um I like how it looks like now how the gold is looking like 310 millimeters of penetration 1 350. yeah that is actually pretty strong that is pretty strong boys and girls ladies and gentlemen I'm not going to get too involved here I am just chilling and I am just relaxing at this point meanwhile me uh he had a blast for us he had the blast he enjoyed himself and he was calling Campbell's himself a formula ELC [Music] and unlucky okay I can tell you one thing I don't really like how this uh how fast the turret is on this vehicle but maybe I am just making the up maybe it's not that slow I am thinking about the situation when someone is speaking from the side you know whenever you need to peek um that that was my main concern in a way I do not want to get too involved here the main reason why I do not want to get too involved here because we know object standard B e75 skoda and many many others are playing here I truly think it is not worth it to be aggressive and in fact I think it's not worth it to that level I'm going to effort from here I might take one from the T30 while crossing but it's must do it is very very important let's try to spank him if we will react properly okay he's not sitting over there speed wise it's not looking that bad speed wise you are going up to 40 kilometers per hour relatively quickly so this is a good stuff meanwhile shkoda is thinking about going for us is he nah he's he's like a tourist he's traveling a bit okay look at this point all we can do we need to be aggressive why so because enemies do not have too many forces here and we can simply spank them like there is no tomorrow what we are going to do with this beautiful gentleman we are going to try to face Hakim if if we can do so right he is trying to figure out how to penetrate us luckily for us he failed he have a lovely one and he is on fire beautiful skoda are you on the reloader you still are holding one reload or holding one reload or holding one reloader reload or holding one nice try a nice try I've seen this before oh come on don't do that to me did I deserve to get armor act like this not nice okay so the first game ends unfortunately we did not manage to figure out too much about this tank If I Could Turn Back the time what I would do I would try to play probably in this area instead of going into the city I noticed we have not many um people into the City and we witnessed the 257 getting gang banger that's all we have done in this game right um all and all our team was stronger and that's what we have so far um so far not many good things I could say about this vehicle but once again this is the first impressions the things can definitely uh change quite a bit the things can change quite a bit fellas let's take our time to aim aim time is also looking quite long like how it looks like it looks like the tank has uh quite a bit bloom uh and yeah I'm not impressed boys and girls ladies and gentlemen I am not too impressed you know what is the best thing of all this you know what is the best thing of all of this I would say uh this tank is a premium tank right I would say this is the best situation of this vehicle so far uh yeah first game wasn't the finest okay let's see how many credits we are going to make with this tank this is the question how much of the credits we can make in the game ah and I know for a fact this tank is making bonds right so each week you can get 100 bonds but you know I am thinking about the price of this tank and I don't see how I would um ever um pay that much for this vehicle anyways 3.2 000 damage 500 assisting damage not that bad first by experience forced by the damage and we have made um we have made fellas 75 000 profits right but we need to keep in mind we did not pay it for expiration so we did not pay it for uh um for um either supplying anything right because I have them in stock so in reality if we are counting everything down like extiration and both of those uh this would be instead of 75 000 it would be 45 000 if you are buying them on the discount right okay okay okay that is the first game let's go for a second one okay fellas round number two River standard battle uh tier 8 matchmaking good um okay how we can do this I would say the first things first I want to go somewhere here I I want to play hold down the worst part of all this is Arta this is definitely annoying but we will try to make it work nevertheless he really hates ELC you can you can see that in his eyes he was trying to check out how accurate his gun handling is if you know what I mean you missed buddy you missed you need to aim more okay now what is happening in my head if I need to compare this vehicle against the Starbucks Key which tank is better right which tank is better this one honor estera Kia and I think the gun on this tank is going to be better um accurate fellas very very accurate and the DPM is not looking horrible obviously it's not great DPM don't get me wrong it's not uh the super conqueror level or something but the gun is not looking like it is a pile of Kaku is it Kim I hit though Simi and I did not penetrate at him don't get me wrong but still that is a diary hit which is which is quite impressive the shell velocity is nice of this vehicle fellas the shell the shell velocity is quite nice I like it once again keep this in mind I'm shooting only standard ammunition Not Gold um I think for for the sports interest we could try to go with a full gold as well what do you think about that what do you think about that skilled donkey deer skill don't you so stop me if you can golden okay let's see how this vehicle is going to behave with a gold ammunition this guy is doomed he cannot do absolutely anything about this art and coming doesn't really change absolutely anything this guy is doomed he can go straight to the garage and now we are going to make this guy to enjoy himself to the maximum he is having literally a blast how are you doing right into your weak shoulder and he's ah yeah yeah yeah yeah I can't lift anything go nobody you cannot lift anything you cannot lift anything fireworks nice um now there is one thing which I am a bit afraid of the sarta I am afraid the sarta is going to be the living crap out of me do I think you need turbo in this vehicle I don't really think you need that uh well maybe it's only me anti-turbo boy night but I don't think the turbo is necessity of this vehicle I just don't feel like yep without turbo this tank is Kaku I don't feel like it okay let's see what we can do for this gentleman hi beautiful the gun doesn't look bad at least for from the first couple of games don't get me wrong it's not ideal the DPM is not defined as the tank is not the best tank in the World of Tanks right but it doesn't look like it is horrible and playable pile of cocoa right you get the point what I'm saying would a guy be able to deal with this double penetrator question mark question mark question mark no good I will thank you very much okay Mr kunza Panzer how are you doing today okay we can make pressure yeah I can imagine some people will uh will play with this vehicle with the turbo Ramer and hardering I can I can imagine some people doing that although without stabilizer I'm not entirely sure how the gun would behave you know because even now the bloom is looking quite big and I'm using stabilizer so how it would look like without one that is the question three two one boom now one more thing which I forgot to mention this time he has huge high explosive penetration skill can you please tell me what the high explosive penetration means well that means you can bully tanks like kunza Panzer like su-130 and so on you don't know what I mean by saying this look at this it's okay that was no aim shot I was trying to do my best but hashtag never lucky come here you beautiful mother trucker I have a gift for you it's called 120 hash round 400 only how low can you roll 515 Alpha damage and I roll at him for uh and I rolled him for 400 something projector I see you are trying to secure your damage don't do that to me my father is working in over gaming watch out buddy okay second game was pretty good although once again I did not fully checked out how the vehicle is looking like overall there's still quite some things to check I would say by me can't complain um and there is still quite some things to check for example how the tank is performing cool down um in let's say best field or something right only one thing what I do not really like about this vehicle is how is how it is turning I I feel like the the turret turning speed feels just too slow for me uh maybe because I played recently on my exam four a lot maybe that's why but it feels kind of sluggish okay now predictions I would say speaking about the raw profit this is going to be like 120 000 with a 5 000 damage game although we fired quite a bit of the gold round so maybe it's not going to be the case no it is pretty much overall income right so 125 000 overall income with a game of five thousand damage and 300 assisting damage we are taught by experience we are taught by the damage we hit most of our shots which is quite nice and we made 82 000 profits not including um most of the extradations right once again tier nines are not credit makers yeah they can make a bit of the credits yes they can have a bit of their um a bit of them Bond income but it is nothing special it is just nothing special I wonder I want to be honest with you fellas it's just it's just for this game to get some to get 82 000 credits with a tier 9. it's just it's just not great anyways um I think we can go for one more for um good measure and you know what let's replace the stabilizer for shits and giggles let's replace stabilizer for improved aiming unit and let's see will we spot any difference whatsoever of this right a simple test to see is it going to work um better or it's not going to work better by the way I am playing with a standard equipment or although I have unlimited crew right this is this is pretty much the difference now Bloom should be as big as uh um as I shouldn't say that anyways let's go okay we are back so look now the question is how this vehicle will behave with a setup like this and can we Spot the Difference speaking about the bloom can we Spot the Difference in with a bloom right um we played a bit with a stabilizer and it was looking quite a big speaking about the blooming experience now let's see what this can what this setup can do and how much of the shots we can hit because I want to believe oh you where is the sun almost as big as the sun is fellas okay let's see how long is it going to take for us to aim and can we snapshot whatsoever with this this is the question now okay I know I could play a bit more aggressively here I am very very well avered of that okay cupola shot on me [Laughter] almost almost hit him almost I think in the other map he might have a friend I think we damaged his friend okay let's beat the living crap out of the Viper I guess although we can penetrate Viper only in the lower plate I assume it's fine fellas we have all time in the world of tanks I was just checking can I get some use from the previous position and as you can see there is not too much use if any we can get from this yeah I can tell you the setup doesn't look good on this tank uh the bloom is way way way too big and it will take forever Endeavor until you will uh um aim properly if that makes sense it will take forever and ever until you will aim okay mister how are you doing oh project don't you dare to do this to me project that's mean okay good bye param I will wipe your butt tonight I told you I told him fellas do not tell me I did not burn at this guy for what will happen for him yes I'm shooting Gold by the way I'm very very well aware of that oh this project is so annoying this project is so annoying fellas foreign how are you doing hi there don't be mean to me thank you okay what is damn plan for us you see both of the projectos are sitting here on the corner that's fine now the question is whenever they are going to get a um inpatient whenever they will get impatient we are going to say hello for them that's what we are going to do okay both of those sweet sweet mother truckers sitting in the open field you still can hit you still can hit with this I am surprised how good gun handling is looking like on this vehicle maybe someone will play with this tank like a sniper schnitzel you never know you will find the Casual Chieftain sniping from the back which we cannot say about the original one if you know what I mean I I don't really think I care about um too many things in this situation fellas we are just chilling we are just relaxing and we are waiting until enemies will mess up and mess up they will I don't want to get involved like this I don't want to get involved like this uh I just want to wait until this project will try to check out who is living on the corner here because he might do that since he have quite a bit of the support over there if he's overpeaking we are schneid him like there is no tomorrow um this is what I am thinking at this point yes 4 30 sniping um for for the gentleman's sitting here I am very very well aware of that but what do you want me to do what do you want me to do boys and girls ladies and gentlemen [Music] to go uh to this area there but I think it is going to be completely unnecessary you son of the banana I will find you and I will send you to the lumbridge yes this is a reference from um from RuneScape time step by step little by little is he going to be angry on me is he going to be angry on me this is the question I see the situation fellas I'm very very well aware of uh that we are getting slaughtered like there is no tomorrow I know what do you want me to do I am very very well aware of that okay now let's speak the situation um oh that was fun okay look um I don't know how I could play in this game differently uh honestly speaking enemies he had a great team they secured the corners they secured the city what can you do about that and that project was annoying yourself from the corner but what can I say he did a good job and he was a pain in the ass for our team that 4028 I mean I saw the anger in his eyes I saw he wanted to spank us like there is no tomorrow and he finished the game while being tricked anyways looking into this game 3.3 000 damage uh that's completely that's completely fine considering what kind of team we had I I will take that with a big smile on my face we are taught by the damage we are taught by experience we did quite a bit of good thing things and looks like this project did damage only to me not nice thank you reported for focusing their content creator disgusting um and we made 14 000 profits 14 000 profits oh yeah it's not a credit maker okay it is not a credit maker look at me look at me however you want there is no way I will make credits with this vehicle than any trade give me ball breaker I will make more credits than with this vehicle so yeah okay all and all speaking about this tank First Impressions um the armor if you are playing hold down doesn't look that bad whatsoever it is looking okay uh the armor on the flat um ground it is paper everyone will penetrate you in the face um I did not hit by the I did not get hit by the art that much so hard to say how art how the stank is reacting into the art but I guess art is heavily punishing this vehicle right um I believe the tongue highlight itself is the gun I think gun is the highlight of this tank and um you can you can play a bit safer maybe because of the lack of armor you can you can play with the stank as a medium as well right mother tracker whoo I I almost my pants thank you very much for 16 months buddy I'm not I'm not streaming by the way it happens sometimes when I'm doing recording so chieftain in action it is uh after three games we did the 3.9 000 damage and 300 assisting damage but I think I was a bit lucky with a matchmaking and with the situation I think um I think but this tank is not as good as I presented it or I meant to say buy this tank now obviously I'm joking and I believe you get the point what I am saying so thank you very much for watching fellas thank you very much for your time for your support for being together with us for literally everything for visiting the index page for buying bananas there for being patrons or buying the um web starters in them in the YouTube thank you I appreciate you and I hope I am worth it thank you fellas uh that was your daily dose of skill and that was the very first impression of the chieftainp see you very very soon skill us out for today peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: skill4ltu
Views: 32,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WG, wg, wargaming, worldoftanks, World of Tanks, Wot, wot, super unicum, skill4ltu, twitch, streamer, 3rd marker, friendly, tanks, tank game
Id: xsWDk0XVq5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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