This Is A Must Watch Game | World of Tanks

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hey guys how you doing welcome back hope you're having an absolutely fantastic day yesterday we watched a video about two light tanks doing their job spotting for their team a little elc biss and another one that i can't remember what was it it was a it was a it was another good i can't even remember the video that i made yesterday but it was about light tanks spotting okay well let's adjust the mini-map here what happens when you're in a tank that's supposed to be camping at the back you're platooned with someone else two tds and you are the camper and you need light tanks to spot for you but the game doesn't really go the way you thought it would go well in a pinch you could change your role watch what happens in this game this is a incredible in my opinion the strv which happens to be this sdrv103 tier ix swedish tank destroyer happens to be uh have concealment from god all right it is it is a super stealthy tank so sitting in a bush it can do some detecting itself now look there's an lhmtv i like my mtv that little british one there it is i'm gonna point at the mini-map now look over here guys he's in that little bush that can counter this position over here if any of the enemies come down the one line and now he's decided to move because he hasn't spotted anyone they have a buddha which is also a good spotting tank all right there goes his uh there goes his little buddy let's uh let's get it out of his there it is the little t4 bbs his name is t4 bbs is the only light tank on his team the enemy team has a cenlak and t4 bibis has just spotted a burasqu his buddha's just exploded t4 bbs is saying please please shoot the buddhas shoot and he missed i caramba t4 bbs has some spotting assists so far now so everything is going according to plan right uh the boras is saying love it but he's dead and now uh t4 bb's has maybe waited a little bit too long and it's going to get the is he going to get detected by the t123 t4 bb's that t123 is just what are you doing t for run t4 bbs run t4 is t4 running t4 where t4 has escaped yes oh he spotted so far it's just a normal game guys t4 bb's is running for his life there he goes the light tank is running for his life the enemies are just moving in and t4bb says screw it i'm out of here i know i'm a light tank but that was whoo that was close there he is t4 bb's he's he's still at full hp he's doing a fantastic job okay their light tank is doing a fantastic job what got a shot here oh oh oh oh what's going on t4 bb's has moved into the hole and now the swedish tank destroyer is somehow just sitting here accidentally spotting the enemy team t4 bibis is running for his life the k91 is chasing t4 bbs the enemy team is saying ha ha we got that we got the light tank on the run and they're moving up thinking well the light look look at the mini map guys i can point at the mini map look at this look at look down here t4 bb's is here uh the enemy k91 is there spotting the enemies are saying woohoo our teammate is spotting everyone their light tank has run away and the strv is stuck in a bush this guy's saying no i'm just going to relocate he's running away these guys are moving up and the strv is accidentally spawning [Laughter] it's beautiful and he has the the sense enough he's not gonna touch the fire but now he's he's uh uh spotted a projecto another 500 spottinger says there's t4 bbs here comes the mouse here come the mouse and these enemies now are perplexed and fooled right they've been switch-a-root they saw their teammate go down there they saw the light tank run away you look at the matchmaker there's only one light tank per team they know that the light tank is gone so they're moving up thinking the coast is clear and little do they know there's an invisible swedish tank destroyer here who is a hundred and sixteen hundred fourteen hundred thirteen hundred and eleven hundred and ten meters from this mouse he's in siege mode with a camo net and binox and in siege mode he can turn and it does not break the camo net look where he is he's in that tree that he knocked over he's just he can't do anything he's stuck all right he's just stuck there and the best thing he can do for his team right now is to just do nothing look at where the the tv he's almost proxy spotted they they came just on the edge of his circle they were just on the edge of the proxy spotting circle look at this these guys are permanently lit now and they don't know they don't know they're permanently lit they're going how am i getting shot i wasn't detected it's nuts the worst thing he could do is fire his gun and he has the sense not to do it now where's t4 bbs t4 bb's is still alive look at the mini map t4 bbs has said ah the strv has the one line spotted he's headed up the other way so shout out to t4 bb's [Laughter] this is nuts now now the enemies think we control the one two three line and the this team controls the hill that's what the enemies are thinking but meanwhile this strv is trapped behind enemy lines in this tree and the enemies have no reason to check where he is because they don't their sixth sense is not going off because they're permanently spotted so they're just driving around going how are we getting shot look this guy's driving and he doesn't know what's going on they don't know that they should go check this because this from the enemy's point of view they look up here and they just see a tree someone blind shot him and he's dead someone finally had the sense to blind shoot that tree and now he lets his gun go now he's firing and he's detected why did you do that i guess he's thinking ah might as well you didn't have to shoot you were not lit you were hit by a blind shot so he made a mistake but he's firing at the mouse there's a an fv4 fv4005 coming at him take out the mouse and he died he got the 858 spotting assist on the fv before he died reasonable he types in chat dude you had the mouse dead i ended him he says says nighthawk from the general clan shout out to you guys i forgot to introduce you nighthawk you you were blind shot there you weren't spotted until you fired your gun because he was in this little conglomeration of bush and fallen tree and if you had just done nothing if you had just done nothing you would have got the full spotting assist on the mouse the full spotting assist on the fv and now you'd still be alive and now you could have driven down the one line and you could have been the guy to drive down this way over here uh through these bushes and spot the rest of them you could have ended up with 15 000 spotting assist my friend but still just an absolutely fantastic display of staying in control of the situation and reading what's going on and right now you'll notice that uh before tds what's his name is also did but uh have you guys ever seen anything like that let's uh uh let's clap for uh uh not for said for night let's clap for nighthawk clap fall the nighthawk he gonna make it till the spotting's done let's hear the nighthawk saying really good show we pulled the victory out of that one oh yeah shall we go to the post game stats let's just finish it up and then we'll go to the post game stats they're going to take out this artillery right now now let's see how they did he ends up with scout and patrol duty look at that guys he ends up with 11 363 spotting assist now where is that little guy let's sort this on xp where is he t4 bbs he did 2000 spawning at the beginning shout out to you buddy you were very entertaining let me know if you guys would have been patient enough to not shoot even at the end there when you were when he was blind shot would you have been patient enough to hold your fire even after being blind shot and i i think that if he held his fire after being blind shot um you know he might have ended up with 15 000 spotting assist or am i wrong guys did i miss something on the replay did he get spotted and he did the right thing correct me in the comment section let me know leave your comments if you enjoyed the video please subscribe to the channel help the channel grow and i will catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Claus Kellerman
Views: 17,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wot, claus, kellerman, war, wargaming, replay, review, tank, online, strategy, video, game, play, gameplay, world, of, tanks
Id: C3IdFOVez14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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