NEW Free Gold/Essence Hidden Event! [Solo Leveling: Arise] (MUST KNOW) BEAT THE DEVS!

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welcome back everyone zap here in this video I'm going to show you how to beat the devs that way you'll get up to 100K gold and also 3,000 Essence stones and let me just tell you ahead of time this Dev event is not easy if you don't know what you're doing so this Essence Stones reward will be up for grabs not everyone's going to beat the dev so you should watch the full video I'll go into depth on how you can beat it it is very easy to do so don't worry anyone can do it so with this event they basically took one of their devel ERS and had them show off their skills and with that they're basically putting out a challenge seeing if we can beat them so as we go down here we can see the event period it lasts about a week so try to do this as soon as possible of course all right I'm going to go ahead and play the video on the post we have to beat the devs and I guess this is the dev we have to beat their nickname is National level developer and they're part of net marble of course they're part of the neop planning team and also they balance lead okay their experience seems very interesting they were a first place player in the King of Fighters Allstars casual time attack so they are a gamer by heart let's see them show off their skills I want to see what they do so they have a team set up here for the battlefield of time it's a very interesting team we know the boss is weak to wind element so they ended up putting a rare sword on that's A5 okay and also putting the SSR weapon that's a wind element as well this weapon is okay but there's really better options they could have went with Westwind that would have made things much much easier and I'll show you why and their Hunter choice is definitely interesting they put here they want to prioritize win attributes okay I guess they could do that it's certainly not terrible but it's pretty bad I'm I'm I'm curious what time they're going to get and actually from here we can see they get 115 that's actually a good time of the setup I'm thoroughly impressed but let's see if that happens and they also only have one blessing Stone okay well they are Level 50 so they can only equip one but it is a Dev count of course so they probably can up to four but everything here seems standard except for this here they went half strength half agility but they did mention earlier that this was a pre-recorded video this was recorded before the global release so they have a bit of a different setup that's perfectly fine their skills are are very solid their stats not so much you want to get all strength and precision so with their skills they went with death stance of course that's perfect they went with the win element and this skill you can use three times with this Rune that's actually one of the best choices for this event and I'll show you why and and for the next skill they went with Commander touch this is ideal you do need it to be at all the mobs for this event again I'll show you in a moment so they're going to run the event in the second year and oh very nice setup those are solid monitors I can tell it says here to disclaimer this content was filmed while the game was development and play May differ slightly from the actual live server so that's perfectly fine everything does seem normal so they're going to rush in and they're going to dash twice you probably don't want to do that I'll show you why you'll have an enemy over here and they all won't be sucked in this stage should take you under 7 Seconds to do so right now they're being a little inefficient this boss will pop up okay they're dealing damage to it they did rush it and I don't recommend that and I'll show you in a bit why so they're going to Counterattack and pretty honestly pretty good time so far 22 seconds isn't bad they did solid work there okay and we're going to fight the shaman what are they going to do they're going to rush in and Dodge that attack okay they did Shadow step that's fine and yeah they're just dishing out damage making sure to get the most set of that defense debuff they're using their Hunters a lot of break being applied so I guess their goal is to break it but but they should be doing as much damage as possible before the Shan has a chance to dish out it shield and that totem thing that is so annoying but obviously with my guide you won't get to that point I'll show you but yeah they're actually doing pretty good work so far I'm really surprised they probably should have changed their shout order putting ingis ahead but again it's pre-development so it's not the global release and yeah they're doing a lot of damage I I don't know if things got buffed pre-release or they got nerfed post-release because his damage does seem really high honestly a very impressive Run 1 minute and 17 seconds with the build he had it's obviously not the best we can always do better but that's not a bad time I'm 100% certain a lot of people are going to have troubles with this time they're not going to manage getting this that means the 3,000 Essence Stone award will really be up for grabs so let's go over how you can basically beat the event and beat the dev because te time is easy for us to beat that's why you watch these videos to know how you can maximize on your damage so you do have to unlock the battlefield time to do this of course we're doing the first event that's the almighty Shaman and as you can see my time isn't L is here cuz I just said the event for the first time today I basically did my first run a few minutes ago just to see what the event is like and obviously we beat the dev it wasn't too hard to do we would be ranked third in my server the only reason why this time isn't here is because I just did it these are yesterday's ranks s so tomorrow my ranking will be here but anyways I'll show you what my build is it's a very simple build and don't worry about my Hunters you can use a variety of hunters out there so with my weapon I did to go with scythe and I went with Westwind and I'll explain why so Scythe is actually a very strong skill it basically nukes when you hold down the skill which is exactly what we need for this event and it does have a bit of AOE if you need it in the beginning but you shouldn't and I'll show you why West Wind is absolutely cranked for this event not only on the shaman boss but it'll clear the entire mob in the beginning it'll take you about 7 Seconds to deal with all the mobs and that is because of our skill choices let me just quickly go here so with our skills just like the devs we went with Commander touch and we went with the black hole Rune it does stack up damage as you suck in more enemies so there's plenty of them in this round meaning we'll get the maximum damage boost I'll show you how this all works and we also want death stance we went with the win attribute just because going to be used three times and it is useful but don't worry if you don't have the Rune you can use any of the other ones as well you do need a skill though because of the dash it is useful you can use your regular evasion but that wouldn't be efficient you need it for the Boss run but anyways let's just jump right into it and for your blessing stones of course maximize your blessing Stones I want of these ones they'll do the most damage for me you obviously won't have all of these but just look around and put on the best ones you have so let's go to the battlefield of time and I'm just going to show you how the first round works and I'll show you the full battle so as you jump in you'll be greeted with a bunch of mobs and actually before I forget the reason why I went with these Hunters is because they all provide Buffs leeora is perfect her charm does suck in the shaman and we also have Min as well they provide a buff let me actually just show you here so it all makes sense if we go to their sport skill it increases their damage taken by 15% same with cha they increase your crit damage and crit rate by 12% it is very needed and lior also does the same thing as men her support skill provides a 15% damage boost and also removing any debuffs and Charming the enemies so it is very useful for the shaman but if you don't have these units and if you don't have any buffers at all you might want to go for break units so yunho Emma jiu even going for jinho would be fine and also CH if you need them basically any Breakers you can put on your team you can also go for debuff units as well Choy does provide a debuff so you basically want to Stack Up Your Hunters so that way when you fight the shaman you can burst them down very quickly otherwise you'll have a very long battle and with the shaman those long battles are going to suck because well he keeps putting disruptions on the field making it almost impossible to beat him if you don't do it an initial burst so anyways this is what I'm going to go for your levels don't really matter for this event so don't worry this is our team and obviously want to go figuris he'll provide us bonus crit with his shadow Authority which is listed here 4% so let's just jump in I'll show you exactly what you need to do step by step anyone can do this so try to explain the best I can so when you first load in you want to basically start running forward make sure it's in a straight line and once you do that you do your first Dash and once you dash you want to use your skill so use it to dash forward one more time and once you do that you want to use your Commander's touch make sure it's in the middle here if it goes to the side it won't work so make sure when you use it it goes straight down the middle so there we go it's sucking in all the mobs that's exactly what we want to see now just wait a little bit as you see the next mobs being sucked in the background they will walk towards you you want to start charging up your Westwind that is because Westwind will basically do AOE damage and it'll also provide us the Boos and damage that comes from the passive so watch as everyone gets sucked in Westwind goes off and we got a perfect clear this will take you around 6 to 7 Seconds depending on how perfectly you can do it now with this next enemy here basically the moment it spawns in you want to start running towards it don't Dash there's no rush just wait for it and it'll start charging up its leap its leap is very easy to dodge so as he jumps up in the air basically be ready to dodge once he's in the air you should be ready to just Dash forward and it's an easy extreme evasion next you want to use your Shadow step bring down the defense this is where you going to use your skills do not use your Scythe the reason why you don't want to use your Scythe here is because the ability pulls off let me just show you so I'm using my skills getting in a little bit of damage and I back off the reason why I Dodge is because of this ability here it causes disruption and it will knock us back meaning we won't get the full Scythe off and with your Scythe don't forget you want to hold down the skill otherwise you won't get the full damage so hold down your Scythe skill and you'll see here we absolutely melt the boss and one thing I do want to remind you is to turn off the auto camera make sure it is manual otherwise your Scythe can miss since you're hugging the enemy so you see here we're going to get the full ability off and boom completely melted this should take you under 20 seconds so we're going to jump into the shaman the shaman is where things get very very tough you're going to have to be able to spam a bunch of skills and Hunters all the same time so when you first start out you just want to dash towards the shaman you want to activate one of your Hunters so Libra in my case and you also want to activate your shadows do this all at once it's very hard so you saw there we activated liora we activated our shadow and now we're hugging the shaman we are ready to dodge you want to look under your feet do you see the ring it's very hard to see so as as the inner ring is slowly approaching let me just rewind it for you so you can see so as the inner ring is slowly approaching you want to be ready you want to dodge at around this point so always look down at your feet so get ready to dodge and while you're getting ready you should also be using your Hunters this is probably a very hard thing to do since you're trying to manage your Dodge here while also using your attacks so it's okay if you miss one of your Hunters it happens to me as well so get ready to dodge and boom a very easy extreme evasion so once you get that extreme evasion off you want want to get ready for shadow step and also get your Westwind ready and as you do that make sure you use your Hunters that way your damage is buffed so we're going to do exactly that our shadow step just came up we're going to use it and the defense debuff is now kicking in so we can go ahead and use one of our Hunters this will give us a damage boost and we're going to charge up Westwind here this will do a large chunk and you saw there we got at least 30% of their HP that's because we have all these damage bonuses applied again very very easy to do you just have to make sure all your Buffs apply your damage debuffs and your Hunter bonuses so don't miss that and as this notice comes up here the shaman is about to use another skill you can see the ring slowly edging out so as it approaches this ring here you want to use your extreme evasion it'll be easy to do and boom you saw there we use extreme evasion so now you can just start plowing on damage onto the shaman very simple to do now it is very easy for the shaman to hit you here don't worry if that happens the run is not over that's because the shaman is about to spam a bunch of skills so watch here as his aura or his conqueror's hockey is about to come out we're going to get ready to dodge be very ready for this practice will make perfect this comes by very fast it's one of the harder rings to see and boom you saw fast that came by so get your extreme evasion ready as fast as you can again there is a chance he's going to hit you don't worry if that happens you can always continue or reset the run so we're going to dodge that and there's another skill you can actually Dodge as well coming up but that's fine so after you dodge the initial burst we're going to get our shadow step ready as it does come up here you're going to use your Shadow step and depending on what weapon you want for what you want with the Scythe so we're going to completely nuke the shaman you'll see here as we use it the Shaman's HP is going down so so fast but then we got hit so that is one thing you need to watch out for if you're using the Scythe you have a very easy chance of getting hit that is one of the harder skills and know Shaman does put out so don't worry the run is not over we're going to use our Westwind here and you should use your Hunters don't forget get that damage in obviously I don't think I do it here completely forgot so my run would have been way quicker that's why you always want to make sure you're using your Hunters but that's perfectly fine if you don't we still get a good run off and we got 59 seconds so yeah not too bad there that's essentially how you can be the shaman we get third place but we would have gotten a higher ranking I'm pretty sure we managed to beat dirty but I am very thankful for that so yeah very easy run this person is super pay to win on our server they didn't even need Westwind to beat it but yeah overall for all the shaman is pretty simple to beat you do need a bit of practice you're not going to get it right away the first stage takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get down but the shaman stage is a bit harder you do have to spam all your Hunters spam Your Shadow get your Dodgers off extreme evasion Shadow step everything all at once it is not easy to do so don't sweat it you'll get the hang of it thankfully with my build you don't really need that much damage to really get it off my West wi is only level 60 or under so it's super easy to do and yeah my West when is level 65 so hopefully this helped go if these stats don't copy the dev these stats are ideal for this event and all other events basically all content this is what your stats should be I have a St video if you want to check it out it goes into more depth on why that is and just jumping back to the event page you do have to follow the events you have to take a video or image of the gameplay share the video or image on social media and also submit the link to the SNS post register through the form survey so the survey is here just you all that and you're guaranteed 100K gold and if you follow our guide you have a very good shot at the 3,000 Essence Stones the Shan is nothing you should be afraid of you'll definitely be able to be the boss and you don't need any hacks to do it again they had a huge ban wave earlier they banned around 26,000 individuals yet 26,000 so don't cheat just for this event if you follow my guide you'll be more than able to beat it so yeah that was everything for today's video if you have yet to support us on their Marvel's page if you have yet to support us on them marol page please please do so we have 1,271 supporters so far we are number two in the supporter ranking and I'm sure as we get more supporters the devs will realize we have a solid Channel going on so the more supporters that come in the greater deons the devs will give us some free rewards so that is what I'm hoping for and our creator ranking is number six I did become a creator for night marble very very late so that's why we're only six we'll just climb up the rankings don't worry and we will for sure take that top three spot and if you're on the sport streak your name will be listed here as long as you do change your nickname so do that I will give out these supporters a shout out so thank you ski and thank you Kur bro for the continued support and everyone else as well so if you enjoyed drop a like be subscribed to the channel and drop a comment if you enjoyed and if you have any questions or input this is zap signing out
Channel: Zaff
Views: 30,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise end game, solo leveling arise power of destruction, guide, code, tier list, reroll, shadow, stats, jinwoo stat
Id: U3KOkPgVDbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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