Godmode Igris Hack! [Solo Leveling: Arise] EASY IGRIS KILL GUIDE!

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let's go ahead and do a full guide on how you can easily beat igis and I'll tell you all about his combat so you can get a victory like this where igis never manages to touch us once beating the poor SAP with full HP so I'm sure all of you are stuck right here on chapter 8 the final battle protector of the throne this is where you battle igis and I'm sure you know just how hard he is in the beginning he's going to be the hardest boss battle you'll have so starting things off you want to look at their passives we know for a fact break will do a great great job on Ingress as his brake counter will recharge so we want to bring in a ton of break he does have a bleed but that isn't important what is important is noting his recommended element He is weak to light so any incoming light damage will deal 150% so you want to go with some light weapons at least one and I'll tell you exactly which ones to go for now for your weapons I'm sure many of you will have this weapon already the lustrous Dragon Sword and the reason why I know you'll have it is because if we go to the challenges here and we go to I believe it's chapter 5 yeah if we go right here we'll see you get the lustrous Dragon Sword for free so you'll have a copy no matter what and that is essentially all you'll need you'll also need our favorite Hunter here jinho is a fantastic unit for this run that is because he provides us a lot of break he is perfect for this run since has a break gch that keeps charging meaning we can keep breaking them over and over again so if you have units like jiu they will be perfect as they provide break as well the same goes for they provide break so we need units that have break you and who is another unit you can bring but if you don't have those units that's fine you can also bring Joe he for the heals that is if you're having trouble surviving and we have kimch as well they provide a medium break again another fantastic unit to bring in providing a shield as well so if you are having troubles with survivability they are a great option so you should have at least two of these Hunters but if you don't you can bring dong suck as well so this Center here this one as well this one here and this one are all good options but you want to go for breaks only bring joy if you're for some reason having trouble surviving but I'll give you combat tips so don't worry you do not need your heals just go with as much break as possible that is all we'll need and in terms of weapons well it does depend on what you have again I mentioned you'll have one copy of the luster Dragon Sword so you should bring this if you have a Westwind you can bring that as well it is one of the most OP weapons so that's a good choice there is also the long whe with this great damage that's another option but if you have SSRS you can bring Plum that is if it's your only SSR as many of you would have rolled for Plum that is an option but do pair it with a light weapon if you have the Huntsman well you better bring it with you it is perfect Fus it'll absolutely decimate them so that is your number one option so bring at least one light weapon or just go of two and then one other solid weapon so like Plum grimoire you can bring those but if you're free to play West will be enough with the luster dragon sword or the long ball I show earlier any of these combos would work and when you go ahead and clear igis you also get one of these Relic type items I never know what they're for this right here the Rune Stone it is called the Commander's touch but it doesn't give you anything it'll just give you some gold in codex so don't get too excited about that sorry to burst your bubble so let's go ahead and do an agress run I'm going to go ahead and do it in the hard mode since it does make more sense as you see I have the Huntsman and I have Plum equipped as well don't forget with Plum if you are using it that you should always Dash after use its main skill because it provides the full bloom effect that is something you should always try getting so you should Dash and use a skill that way you get all the effects of Plum kicking in and the good thing about the Huntsman is a pridee break and for your skills it's very easy just go one that is a lot of break so death Sense is a great option we also have crushing blow and if you unlocked it early armor break is the best option to fight against igis so just go with any of these breaking skills multistrike as well is one of the best skills we can use so out of these four you want to go forer break if you have it and Def sense or multi strike any combo of armor break in these two or just these two if you are missing armor break will be the ideal combo but crushing blow isn't bad as well if you aren't the best at using extreme evasion it is a good option it has a Counterattack and heavy break and it does St igress that is up to you if you're having troubles facing him it is one of the better skills you can use so let's just go ahead and do our run so I can do a play-by-play giving you the best tips you need okay so we first start off hold the W key and use one evasion or your joystick going forward whatever it is this will ensure you don't waste any time and when the battle does start you want to run towards zigis this puts distance between you and the back wall not because of vigorous it's just because as you battle him he'll start hugging the wall making the battle a bit more difficult so this is a prime tip to use now you want to get your first extreme evasion off it is the easiest one to land igis always does the first initial move so if you don't land the first extreme evasion I recommend just restarting battle until you do so now we get Shadow step in and this is what when you want to charge in your skills so if you have Plum you want to use the full bloom effect that way you get some sex towards your damage so you see here we're going to do exactly that we're going to get the full bloom get the one stack and then start to break igas and we're going to do just that and make sure to put your Hunters on manual mode it makes the battle so much easier the reason why you want your Hunters on manual mode is because you don't want to use their brake effects when angas doesn't have the counter on if his brake Dodge is already empty and then you use one of your Hunters that is a complete waste that is a tip I don't see people making so always make sure this manual mode is on so you can dictate when you're going to use your Breakers always when the godge is full that way you get the most use out of your Hunters so as you see here I'm going to use our skill to finish off that break godge and there you go this is where you start dealing damage so put out your light weapon or whatever weapon you're using and start stacking on the damage now once igis has finished his break State he's going to use the same attack you'll see over and over again this three step attack you'll see it here so he does one move there and you want to dodge it while you see it coming don't preemptively Dodge it that's one attack there here's one more you want to dodge it when the sword starts coming in and boom there we go extreme evasion and then one more you don't need to evade that last one it is a bit hard to do but as you see here we haven't taken a single dot of damage and I did an advanced move there if we go back just one second you'll see that igis has this gray icon here this represents the bra godge it means it's curling down but as it starts flashing you'll see in just a moment when it starts flashing that means his Brak gge is going to come back and this is where I charge our skill the almighty Brak skill I'm charging it up basically predicting when the gall is coming back up and it came back up and boom we already have his break G should halfway point this is vital to ensure he doesn't do any damage on you and you get a ton of dam in so spam your Hunters now and there we go he's broken yet again so start dealing damage with your skills start plowing them onto igis this battle is not hard to do he'll do that same move over and over again he does use this move in the beginning as well if you don't break him the first time so do watch out for it it is a very slowc coming move if we go back just a moment here it's very easy noticing when that skill is going to come he turns to the side as you'll see in a second his eyes Flash and when he makes this stance you know it's coming so get ready to dodge and boom very easy extreme evasion in and start using your Shadow steps Pile in all that damage again you want to use Your Shadow step because it does drop their defense by a very wide margin so this battle is just going to keep repeating the same thing over and over again you're evading that three step attack you're breaking your over and over again and then you're piling on all the damage when you reach around the 50% Mark that is where ig's skills are going to change you'll see that in just a moment here again we're dodging the skills not a single damage has n to us so far and when it comes to your ultimate you want to make sure you use it when n is either in a break state or when you use Shadow step that way their defense is down or they're in The Brak state to deal more damage again make sure to take note of that you don't want to waste your ulti you want to make sure there the most damage possible since our ulti is one of the highest damage dealing abilities we do have now once our ulti resolves igis is going to get a little bit mad he's going to do that rage move and what I just do is Dodge it and run as far as possible and then he'll go underground if you do that so you just want to keep doing that making sure you follow him underground and then once he does that little leap in the air he'll have this multi-layered attack going through I believe it's three steps as well you can just go ahead and Dodge one of them or just do what I do and run away as far as possible that way you avoid his AOE so we're just going to wait for's next move he's going to use his Dash or he'll use that very long range ability either way you'll get a ton of hits in and one thing you want to note is that when starts to face you and he puts his sword to the side and puts his hand out in front of you you want to dodge to aside as fast as possible basically spam your evasions or else you get sucked in and you won't have a very good time this is where you want to apply your brakes it's a very easy thing to do and we have yet to take one hit in igis is a very very simple boss to defeat and always remember when igis says go underground he'll do that one longrange ability it is very easy to dodge but he does have a little bit of bad Aim so sometimes he won't even be near you but yeah overall igis is very easy to defeat he'll do the same three or four moves over and over again once you memorize them and start using the building skills I mentioned you'll have a very easy time again we didn't take one bit of damage to this run a very very easy feat anyone can do it extreme evasion is your friend just keep using it over and over again use your timings right with the bre gge cause multiple breaks you kick in and then spam your Skillets when you have the shadow evasion or the break is up rigorous and then you'll deal and then you'll deal enough damage to beat him it is a very very easy task I'm using a build I wouldn't normally use this is just for the video showing you you can break your over and over again and beat them very very easily so yeah I do hope this helped you this was the ideal build and the ideal method to beat him you can do a lot of running away and timing your Dodges that way you can easily beat Aris it isn't a hard battle at all you'll have a great time don't worry and then in the next chapter you'll knock his shadow where you'll start dealing a lot more damage since s's Shadow is very very strong so if this helped you 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Channel: Zaff
Views: 36,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, leveling, solo leveling, arise, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling arise update, netmarble, solo leveling game, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise end game, solo leveling arise power of destruction, guide, code, tier list, reroll, shadow, stats, jinwoo stat
Id: A8vSyG9Ub7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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