new farm cleanup, scrap runs, dumpster pickup and free metal

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we're doing a little farm cleanup job here this guy just pulled all this stuff up out of the woods not a whole lot of stuff but it's nice and heavy farm equipment it's pretty far walk up to the truck yeah we got a fan in the court all right there's a bush hog couple sets of chisel plows riding mowers and I guess that's a no-no what this is what's this Vince well either way how you feel about this Vince let's get the Badgers opinion [Music] we also about four foot tall they come up to my chest cool old stuff this is real antique yeah that's like you antique hey watch watch your mom first piece here comes [Music] up next we got the bush hog try and see if we can get this big wheeled thing here let's hold hey Rick I guess it is did we get that jammed up in this little plow setup we're gonna have to do some finessing on this thing type starting to get some stacking action going on here hopefully we can get all this in one trip fantastic you'd have to go in a little more product and let it fall back we just have to end up sticking that last piece on the back come on act right that's all right let it down I'm pretty good oh that's good I'll get it a little tiller action coming up Oh there's a pretty gnarly piece here it's like it's got two rows of disks on it hopefully it's it's okay back up a little bit Vance badger come on in I think it'll sit right there it'll sit right there set it set it down come in here come in here are you gonna set it down looks pretty good we ran up to the barn and got a nice little law settle loader arms up there go ahead down all right ease out start bad news talking about the crap here about how perfect he's gonna dump this in his hole that jerk ran into the rollback of the good stuff yeah I'll give it to him that wasn't bad oh yeah now he's messing it up that's good don't get greedy all right we're all loaded up strapped down hope for the best on the trip to the scrapyard badger did a good job loading up okay give it to him except for the very end there he started trying to get greedy with them last couple pieces he dumped on I made it to the scrapyard there there other excavator the thumb on it is broke down so they're using this one and then that attachment on that excavator is a shear so this will take a little while and probably [Music] [Music] so much for being careful with the new bed and again [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow that rake almost put a hole in the sire still might all right that load weight in just over 5,000 pounds they considered it unprepared steel and they've got three hundred and fifty-six dollars for it there should be at least one more load like that maybe two so it's a pretty good start all right so we're a different spot on this farm you got a couple pieces of number one left over there and a lawnmower and a bathtub this is a pretty interesting piece it looks like a don't come along two gears on it it gets you flip flip one of those off and ratchet it and then flip it back down and use it as a comb along but that aw that piece there seems to be solid this alone probably weighs two or three hundred pounds I guess stop it sidenote here for you that we got a casualty two holes in the bed one two so it's not new anymore stop the load count of not screwing up the bed there's only three so there's only three pieces of number one left we're just going to load them come up on the rollback now take that back to the house and we're gonna bring a snake body back got three or four lawn mowers again and a couple other items look at the badger scurrying down from the scene to hook up that last piece of steel I just want to give you guys a little heads up there this is called a j-hook and it just broke off of the same but normally they're shaped into a sharp J so you can hook in a metal or whatever you're pulling cars and I'll hook the the chain up to the cars and then hook them to a tree and pull them apart with the backhoe and a backhoe strong enough to unbend the J and that's just they thought that was pretty cool it's always good to have side news now the Badgers scurried back on the machine something in semihot yeah [Applause] yeah remember why a little update this morning on the last scrap load consists of a bathtub 3 or 4 lawnmowers with tires so to be interesting to see if they charge me for those or not there's a good-sized like a I think it's a lime spreader that red thing there a water old water tank and we even gave them a Gatorade bottle o to Gatorade bottles in case two of the guys are thirsty at the yard but it isn't very heavy might be a ton and a half we're gonna head out and see what we get being a badger have this little honey hole here we like to call and it's a 500 gallon oil drum that you know we just throw little bits of metal in that we accumulate and then we'll empty it when we take a run to the scrapyard so you can sit here and listen to the banter of me and Vince there's the Bobcats it seems the I'm the best and dude energy tires yeah they got they got a deep fryer and a buff man to go with their toaster and it roofing shingle bucket if they want pretty good heavy stuff up in there a little roll [Music] scrapyards running low on plywood to [Music] hold on oh yeah you seen me throw the ball you might find all the spray-paint they can do [Music] yes to the steel nothing but the [Music] satisfied with your fee hi did you know yeah I said your harsh up yeah hate up so mash the tailgate up alright oh honey holes pretty much empty roll it back Vincey ready to go yes I mean bat badger are you ready time to belts okay we're out of here the waterproof case here got you mounted to the top of the truck so feel free to fast forward a couple minutes and then we'll probably be dumping [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that load weighed right at 3,500 pounds they considered a light steel and for the tires right okie-dokie so me and the Badger dropped this dumpster off a week or ten days ago guy I think he said he had a bathroom remodel to do some household trash in there too nice but the best part about it is we've got a nice pile of metal here he saved for us big piece of copper pipe it'll be a pretty good payday Godwin sit up Vince badger badger sorry is that the fastest way to deliver dumpsters it does pretty good now keep on coming because this would be way over the back that's for me to know and you to find out branch from destroying the GoPro I almost lost the week's pay there but the plan is to we're going to fill the camper top that's nice and aluminum will fill that with all the steel vents that I heard you found some treasures over here nice to treat that boom them fight okay how about uh how about this piece of copper pipe but the aluminum fins saw two pieces one long one and a short one over here looks like there's a starter in the box right there a couple rotors what's the trick oh yeah solid eight or ten foot piece of copper there look at that completely ruined it if it had any other value all right we're gonna start loading this up hang that time to mess around and we're all loaded up strapped down got a nice water tank and they really heavy I guess that's a washing machine because it's so heavy but nice load badges on the phone I can do is bad your wife badger is that your wife
Channel: Jimmy #1HMS
Views: 100,171
Rating: 4.8127661 out of 5
Keywords: junk yard, scrap yard, scrapping, scrap run, like a boss, case 580, backhoe, scrapper, dumpster, scrap metal, scrap metal recycling
Id: T7zLJpzQ2hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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