New Electric Cruiser | Fully Charged

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[Music] hello and welcome to fully charged coming to you this time from the canals of Amsterdam now we're in a beautiful speedboat but as you might be able to tell it's not going in the river room I mean I can do that sound to make it more realistic if you like a little bit of a river it's silent because it's electric [Music] so Johnny I thought it's worthless coming down to thee the East End of Amsterdam Eastside Eastside aside we're gonna meet the Eastside master because I've wanted to come here for literally years because of what they're doing here is amazing and this gentleman here is Annie I'm looking for welcome and welcome to new electric thank you thank you that's taking us a long time to get here but I'm so pleased we got here now but everywhere I'm looking there's just nice old couple I can tell cuz that's just that's a gold Jeep that's an old Volvo these these are already converted to everything's electric here we were able to we've started off on boats and we'll be talking about that but around 2014 our systems went to school and got certified right and then we were able to you know submit cars that we converted to the National Authority there today get them road-legal my very first car we did was in 1969 jeep but I've sitting there that's that yellow box right it's going close after we've done Volvo's and since then we've moved on Jaguars and Citroen ds3 it's great it's just it's just a Volvo 240 family absolutely you know I made a lot of people come to us and say yeah I could get a Tesla but it's a tablet on wheels I'd love to have a car i lo I like I want to keep yeah but you know the engine can't take it in town I can't sign so we make it electric so this is a customer's car that's absolutely just was given to us to convert we put our you know our first Siemens system into it that's been the basis of all we do and actually right under the bonnet you'll see we need all the space every centimeter every one you know we can get in there it's packed with batteries and electric motor so this car what lives in the city here absolutely yes she still has kids and dogs and one group Muhammad to drive and this one you're not going to be worried too much about the paint yeah chipped already and it will be again and they got a city car and you know during a days driving you can't really empty her other day on the city I mean you'd want to go past that you can't really yeah she does well in the highway this is one of our first cars and it was a we call it a hundred fifty kilometer car right let's call it a hundred mile car yeah which is still you know it's moving driving fine then you type to charging and in the end if you really want you add your pass charge system and now we have pass Ned yeah in our early days it wasn't there it's there yeah and you can do 50 kilowatt charging 50 frog your way through 10 yeah yeah it's the ultimate up cyclist one is amazing because you say 1969 gee sure you know the I think of this is like the Daisy Daisy Duke up one of these shorts today but this green k5 the willies it has ridiculous tires it's not built for efficient snow we keep the original gearbox and the transfer case you want to do two-wheel drive four-wheel drive Amelia okay he's really really set up for off-roading yeah actually you take this one to your four before meet she goes up the hills like a billy goat well to your modern cars with the v12 looking at it like and I'm not even touching high low gearing I'm in second gear chatting to people and it's just crawling up going up the steepest incline yeah and it's towing it can tow yes so if the fun thing is Tesla now came out with the Model X now you can get the towing you can get your talking pack and I'll be honest with you I mean it it does crap for your rain yeah these wheels do crap for your anyway yeah if it originally had a towing hook and it's on that certification right it keeps it when right right and there's no lack of power yeah and then for us because we were into the electric boats we just had this I just wanted to have a show a car that could actually put the boats right this is again this is a classic boat that you've put 21st century tech into look at an XJS with one with no v12 in it no this is totally up mice Joss yeah I absolutely love it it looks like it's it's right yeah it's very original until you lift the bonnet right for us we got away with doing this one it's a dual motor system so all these cars and boats you see have single system on yeah yeah and we knew we were kind of graduating to larger Diesel's that we were replacing we had to do a dual system but we're not gonna run a tugboat for ourselves so we said why not get a Jaguar with a v12 there's enough space yeah there's enough axle weight allowances we'll put a dual motor in have a beautiful car to show and I was able to come show it at the silvers live and that was fantastic to bring our silver jag over stone it was the first time because it was good really nice it was a great show by the way you ran a great show and and this way we have software-wise it's the same as the tugboat you'll see later all right so we can you know if we have a problem with that we can load the program here see what's going on Wow [Laughter] Road car yeah that's running yes so the boat you're developing yeah has the same brain and the same setup yeah the reason being is that we're moving on into a power performance level that for car becomes high-performance sports play yeah yeah but actually you know in town it becomes diesel with a job you know a pusher a puller a tugger it's gonna be in your 200 to 500 horsepower range right and for us to validate we can't take a boat that has a job and say well we'll be working for a year and if it doesn't work yeah so we needed to bonus you need to validate but for us you know we wanted to have a show car something that puts a smile on your face and you know you saw this is good this one will do a Burnout right on any day of the week what what I love the only do so here there's two engines inline that go into an automatic gearbox it's just not how yeah it's not your most efficient that's fun and it's geared for both burnouts and top-end you still got the Jag oil turbos yeah we actually upgraded to the next one that they use the the GM box that they used in the big pickup trucks yeah and they have one that has a gross vehicle rate of eighteen thousand pounds but it can take the 650 Newton meters yeah but it's a beautiful car yeah yeah so we haven't even gone into the garage we've already seen three cars two boats there you go no we of course trotted out all the toys and but this is where the magic happen well this is where we've been here since late 2014 any car thing that we have here is generally something where we're trying to push the envelope so they'll have a new battery a new mode or a type of car we haven't seen yet if there's things we have them before we try and find partners that either know the type of vehicle yeah have a setup have the passion Autosport because in the end we're about the batteries and the motors from your drivetrain it's a drivetrain and an electric drivetrain a battery and a motor it's a solution looking for a problem you basically make everything better yeah check out the engine and make it better so we don't try and you know do things often even though you know in the end we should start doing that because it's maybe we'd make some money but but like try and push the envelope we have a nice setup that works for commercial applications now we're gonna try and have the thing that we need three years from now but start building it now so anybody that's here they know you're basically tying into a development not onto the full problem right yeah and then if you find us and something we've done before we have a different location outside of town that's where we'll try and start making some numbers so we go some very cold boxes on the floor and this is actually a system it's going for EMC so electric magnetic conformity testing at the laboratories yeah here on the mainland we're not quite as easygoing as they are in the UK for the you know MOT of a car yeah basically they will bombard this system with all megahertz radiations known to man and see if you get any effects on your rpm it's fairly soon then they'll take an antenna and do it the other way around see your grandma's pacemaker to go yeah a wire yeah once you get a certification that means you're allowed to put it in a car and this one is made to do classic Fiat 500s wow that's a bolting kit this goes into the rear frame the bolts are ready there you don't need to cut into the car you can just bolt it right in this one goes in the front and you got you got 500 on a pallet ready done it is a phone yeah why do I sell my 500 a company oh yeah pick up one again as to the Fiat 500 the autobianchi there's a few that are made on all one to six yeah so and it'll just bolt right in and so we'll have the certification then the second part being that when we convert a car we have to do what's called the our hundred it's the electrical safety basically we put it in a car and we submit it to the authorities and they'll start poking with they call it the electric finger they'll see can we get high voltage anywhere the frame of the car did you do your you know your P's and Q's and if the systems on but you can't hear it but you're opening the door you need a buzzer if somebody plugs in the thing but the car is on you're not allowed to drive so there's some logic oh yes yes tests we've done probably 45 of these motors in all different boats cars dual motor systems haven't had a single one come back Wow okay we've had battery issues we've had all kinds of 12-volt gremlins we've had ok these motors emerge slowly yeah it's done very simple isn't it it gets hot you let it cool just behind this door so if you step out here steps you in the dream welcome to the harbor now this is not something we do regularly on Tommy charity I know I'm get on tugs look at the towing oil on this yeah this vote is certified for a hundred ton combination weight come to yes so the boat itself is 12 tonnes as she said Wow but you can take a barge that's up to 80 85 tons full of stuff that's the job of this boat it's a great home building materials into town Ryan but do it electric autonomously within town of town speeds yeah and then once the building materials have been brought off setting a lot of truck movements one single tug can actually in a single building yard they've done a study nine hundred truck movements can be done by single tug bringing barges to and fro they oh my goodness Wow and the roads are overtaxed and the water is at this moment underutilized right this motor goes through a 2.7 reduction down to the diesel shaft and into a clutch and then it goes through a marine reverse system that has another three times reduction unlike us at 300 Newton meters times 2.7 times 3 we're well over 2,000 Newton meters to the problem well I should prove what they call the tug you know it's a tugboat they do look a bit of - I'm not in this just to say buy this I've got a partner we did I do new electric we do new electric marine together right he's been a boat builder for 40 years right everybody to talk to me will know and understand I know and I like to promote our NOAA battery but we had this one in our little yard at the other end of the shop I was standing next to I feel like look when when iron gets this thick yes and she asked it like that project we're very proud and happy to do this for us this is like the pinnacle of what we're doing right it's saying we've gone through toys yeah we've made old cars that would let you down into daily drivers yeah we've made an XJS that's a dual motor system and it'll burn out all day long but now we're graduating to Diesel's that have a job you're an offsetting actual you know CEO to a particular matter in town we kind of wanted an award doing this and we're kind of getting a little social push because you know now there's some relevance right yeah yeah I can just see beautiful shiny yeah I mean linting varnish it's not stunning we kind of thought we can't have you in Amsterdam and not take you in town and I wanted to you know bring my esteemed guests in the nice new electric style that's a working boat this is yeah luxury old-school she's a thing of beauty but at the same time she holds down a job she she pays her way this is our launching customer originally I'd done a speedboat I was one of the first on YouTube to go electric water skiing it was posted and we did it and the guy that sat in that boat one of the guys said I want this great because I need to sell it so I literally took the stuff out of that boat it survived my first project and I found this boat for him he said I want a limousine boat is that I can pick up customers like from the gran and bring them to the harbor club find me about this is just the prettiest isn't it it's just it's pure class so can we go out in it absolutely oh my god family yeah this may be ever so actually the boat was built in 2006 but along the lines of a hacker craft the 1920s Palm Bay runabout you feel as soon as you sit down on it you feel I feel slightly over privileged right yeah this is great it's it's it's the lap of luxury and but at the same time the big difference being it was built as a diesel so it was a diesel engine it was a diesel engine it was made they wanted to start a new brand called net crap and then the 2008 recession came along and there was just no market for it and it's sat in a in a warehouse and we found it and we were able to convert it to electric the big difference being while we sat here I've turned it on running oh you kidding out it's a man it doesn't need warming up it's all ready to go we need to just don't stop do you drive a boat absolutely you drivable I think you can drive skipper I think one of these [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is the call this boat this is the minutes just that bonnet it's pretty sure you don't call it a bonnet on a boat but you know wood teak upon it yes just beautiful so where is the actual that is the motor in front of us the electric motors very that's running up driving as a drive driving there's a reimburse so we can go forward reverse carries DC motor likes to turn one way otherwise you're running into the brush yes yes and and then just proper shafts down to the back so yeah there's a slight reduction so the motor because electric motors would like to run a little faster yeah otherwise they have to make their power the kilowatts have to come either from answer Holt's the faster you're running the more you can get your power from the volts yes right the lower speed you have to get it all from the end sound yes and the efficiency so we want to generally for water application wants some kind of reduction yeah now we already had reductions with the motors that we're replacing so often we just work on to the marine rehearse that's there I see we've done you know custom belt systems like in the tugboat yeah saying hey we want to bring things down to a specific gearing I'm just watching your little your little readouts I live with the empathy for rapid war amps at 288 volts so we're under a kilowatt I mean a little overkill I'm sorry I'm draw right now and we're going this is walking this is fast walk this is a fast walk yeah I'm an AK and so this boat has a little bit over 30 kilowatt hours using around about a kilowatt little over one now so we could run for 20 24 hours at this speed on a river way you have restrictions exactly I mean at least you know I mean at 12 at 16 hour days already more that you're gonna do so that leaves a little bit of time for that you know for the power meter if you want it I have to say I feel pretty special on it dude oh yeah because it's a beautiful classic looking hearing anyway yeah here's the thing you go under it please you're in the boat on the canal then you go under a bridge yeah and then you suddenly hear the engine oh yeah you would hear the diesel but you suddenly be nothing the engine that was originally in this it would be reverberating back yeah because the thing is stationary our pens it's ready going a little bit faster than you wanted to yeah and it's intercept setting or your balance mode does it does it's not leaning on a washing machine a little bit about you getting very much stuff very much and look we're getting some of it because here instead of a belt we're using a marine reverse so there's a bit of a fly which is going but it doesn't feel like that when you do something it feels like something's happening I don't know there's actually ordering it's just so nice just wow it's just amazing so whose tubs in whose crockett interest all right and it's not Miami its Amsterdam very slightly illegal speed yes that is amazing there any that is just incredible to feel that [Music] and look I want this boat to last forever but probably that motor will outlast a boat yeah I mean we can replace a brush with the bearings in this basic system it's it's copper and and the kinetic energy being you know yeah induced into its core so there's nothing gonna happen there and then you're gonna build another one for yourself very much so because now I've found out like I'm building great stuff for other people but my kids are finally old enough to go what are something I didn't have a boat anymore because I'd sold it off put the boat daddy's going to make some money so yeah so now you know and and now we're coming into the second phase of electrics where we can start not only reusing boats and cars by making them electric but we can take electric boats and cars that have crashed or run their first thing or gone out of lease yeah and so we television boat with we use electro used electric exactly so that's the other side of cradle-to-cradle that we can now get into so we're using Tesla batteries we're using this and batteries yeah where there's a lot of that guy we're repurposing the motors there's there's racing happening with Tesla Motors the first generation is Sun leaf they're they're the most built evie most sold ee yeah norway's a slippery country you know I didn't want anybody to get hurt sorry in my world there's a future winter in Norway it means bands of parts doesn't end the car that's out there mostly is this yeah so you know together with all the nerds and stuff there's aftermarket you know vehicle control units yeah yeah we can get those stuff we can start putting the seams and for us there's always gonna be the side where we're trying to learn from the OEMs and repurpose their stuff retro engineer their stuff yeah and then there'll be a commercial side look for the tugboat for the towing cars we're doing we're doing some trucks now a full 10 ton trucks I need to do stuff this factory new so we're importing our batteries from China a seaman solution partner so we're getting siemens motors yeah and and those things I can give warranties on and and even you know transcribe my serial number warranty yeah I'm a small company and they've got a big trucking how many they want to know that you know me and my big mouth goes south yeah they still have you know something to claim against so therefore the commercial side will always use you know factory new stuff and then repurpose their vehicles but you know we're we're builders at heart so we want to be part of you know sticking this and Leafs and speedboats I love this notion yes wonder if you can fit it in a coracle a coracle is a in the ground a cylindrical boat with no rudder no rubber it would be quite a challenge is it for just like basic fishing going out fishing it was you couldn't really control it now you're paddling you go around in a circle can I please have a very suddenly 30 kilowatt got a coracle no-one's done an Atlantic crossing Airport no because it would be it wouldn't be the most awkward room [Music] very busy on the phone that's why my voice [Music] and that's the other nice thing about electric you have so much power at low torque because I thought you're pleased with you yes of course yeah the good skipper but it makes you makes you look good it's true I don't know what to tie off to it I got a new regular thing fully charge floaters fully floaters yeah thank you very much just move the captain's chair for you who doesn't like a captain's chair could I just say look you know business is the front party at the rear yeah it's basically the chair form of mullets it's the bollocks [Music] okay anyway well I think this fair to say that's that's all we've got time for aha it's pungent that is the pungent smell of burning rubber we've had an amazing time here and he had to go and make tea for his kids he's late we've kept him much too long we want to thank all the guys at new electric here in Amsterdam we've had an amazing day amazing cars amazing boats hugs yeah oh it's just incredible what they're doing here is incredible so it's been really good so anyway please do subscribe to pretty charged please press the dinging Bell dinging baby yes if you liked it press like once again if you have thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Fully Charged Show
Views: 425,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amsterdam, Netherlands, canals, windmills, water, boats, electric boats, power boats, tug boats, Tesla, batteries, Nissan Leaf, electric motors, speed, power, electric car, electric vehicles, solar energy, wind energy, wind turbines, renewable energy, sustainable development, battery technology, energy disruption, Jaguar, Volvo, Jeep, kittens, puppies
Id: 7zz3H0pSQ4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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