Electric Boat | Fully Charged

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hello and welcome to another episode of fully charged this week it's all about boats we're going to be messing about in boats but not boats that go do we do a dog no boats like this really quiet electric boats I know I've got to press this button but I don't know what it does aah aah check out the action oh it does look fun good that is very cool it's an electric boat it is so far I think I was expecting a sort of rowing boat with an electric outboard right this is a little bit dark isn't it wow it's beautiful fast yes Wow ah very classic on that is that there's a cabin in there there is a 23-foot see four cabins there is enough for a double bed yeah two seats where you can swing the time around and sit there and have your meal yes a cutis is it it's extraordinary beautifully made though it really is you can see the sort of the cabinetry that are still really beautiful yeah yeah oh wait a minute you're not going to tell me it's on now it is on it's been on all the time days has it been on because I was thinking engines been running as it were or oh yeah yes the alleged motors that is ridiculous in it because I mean I should be used to the whole notion of electrical propulsion but I didn't expect you to sort of go switch rich rich and do ya cannot hear anything no it's extraordinary isn't it no it's so lovely then to be able to move like that because I have been on lots of different boats and we know with engines and they smoke comes and that thing the exhaust that bubbles out under the butt that under the water yeah the cooling yeah see because it has to be water-cooled on earth diesel petrol but also now we didn't hear the water move along but that is literally the beauty of is that yeah you can hear the water never though you hear nature yes I'm just about aware now of a motor running underneath it yeah just but it's barely barely audible is it beautiful so tell me about that then this is because I think I was assuming a kind of conversion you know like a motor boat that had been converted to be electric but this one was built yes it is designed that might result in Ross Lavinia as a yeah as an ad now electric electric boat it is available with with diesel petrol but this particular one is just battery operated in terms of the range and the distance you can travel in it is there is there much of a difference I mean what far can you go in this one it's a day boat and you can do depending on the speed and the amount of people onboard eight eight to ten hours motoring and it will go maximum ten miles an hour on on the River Thames the speed limit is it is kilometers per hour for some on the Rosen at 8 kilometres an hour right it equates to about I think about five or six miles either yeah yeah so it goes faster than admitting they will go faster than a speed limit is should you wish but yeah you know we presently will be doing about probably four knots yeah and this is you know it is a serene boat yeah you don't need to be go much faster so yes and and eight eight hours is a long time to be driving and eat yeah but you know so basically most relevant isn't it is it relevant is a day boat isn't the other thing I noticed cuz that's the thing that you you know you very aware of an electric vehicle electric road vehicles is where you charge them but although mooring points have or not autumn but most them seem to have an electrical outlet anyway yeah so they're already fitted with that yeah so every every major marina on the tens or south coast or whatever has these these electricity 16 amp pods that are similar to campsite fog right well you can just run a lead out of your garage and so yeah there's no there's no fancy means of charging right I believe you can get some fast charge charges that will go with this but typically this will just take overnight to charge up yeah from whether you've used 10 percent or 90 percent of the battery power so typically is take six to eight hours or whatever but now we're so we're on the tech this is this is that now we're on the main terms yep it's just yeah it's a treat just I mean it's a treat just to go out on the river anyway regardless but there's actually doubly so in this it's just yes yes cuz it I mean it's beautifully made as well that's the thing because I think I'll I guess I was expecting a sort of old fibreglass slightly broken down guard with an electric motor strapped on the bar I don't know you know yeah I had no idea it would yes yeah the quality of the hills well that's very good isn't it yes yes no fibreglass fiberglass hull so right bar suppose you've been made since the sort of late fifties early sixties and then yes you know rosewood cabinetry here this is a small cabin down below go take up to eight people right on board I'll learn you sleep too yeah um but yes though it's very very well done yeah yeah and so you win at the Henley Regatta did you take this down to that if they work well yes we did we were displaying it because it's only just hit the tent right as a new boat from Slovenia so we displayed it firstly only regatta and yeah I think it was received very well was it always around it's this sort of type of boating on this part of the river yeah the more title you get you get a different type of boat and Port of London we do again but this this type of editing has been going on for hundreds of years yeah on the river sort of a day launch yes yeah boat yeah and we're presumably going we're going against them okay thank you sorry I'm just missing out the LA of this I think we'll miss each other but yeah so the flow is that the flow is going against us the way we're going it is it is very against us so it's flowing from legislature up above us down to London behind us so yes we're we're going against the float which will only be running in a couple of knots yes yeah yeah this is the holliford stretch of river hollywood marina that we just left right we have Hurley Locke just above us all right temple lock just below us which are actually two of the closest locks together on the Thames they're possibly under a mile in between the two of them so it's not actually massively long stretch and grind to lots but it's a beautiful stretch oh is that a restaurant pissed about it is yeah it's a vegetable that's been converted into a restaurant yeah for the estate yeah it's so relaxing I just really know it I'm not even thinking about anything it's just nice to be I didn't sleep a lot I don't know we sell boats as you probably see up here right anything from 45 46 foot motor cruisers right turn screw Diesel's you know debt down to down to rowing boats right all right but if this boat I'm particularly passionate about because it's different and I just I have a few analogies which I probably wouldn't tell the buyer other over 20 degree words yes that will do 50 knots and consume an awful lot of D yeah and whatnot but but there are many here that come down too and I liken it to like the if you have a Ferrari there's a hundred thousand pounds but you drive it down the m4 between Junction 10 and 11 every Sunday the same stretch at 4 miles an hour yes in effect what they're doing with right with with the leaders usually right they're not allowed to go that far they can't go that fast anyway it takes you two days to get out to the Port of London right really so that I don't think they're suitable you know for the purpose of cruising things hoping like this is yes yeah and the fact that we can hear the water over the help yeah we can hear nature see nature you haven't got that burbling the age the bite you you haven't got any vibration no you get in any any diesel because I think that was thing when you first started moving it that's what you you know even in my limited experience of votes you kind of aware that because the whole boat interdental yeah because the engines running you're not moving yeah and we just started going backwards there was nothing there was no indication it was actually in terms of purchase cost is it is it much more than the petrol version of this boat or is it it is a bit more it is about depending on the battery size and it's about eight seven to eight thousand pounds more than a poor for an electric all right off the boat yeah yeah anyway do you think now I'm trying to work out whether that is just down to the batteries which I wouldn't think it is I wouldn't think it is but maybe that is them what we know I mean batteries are for new for new batteries it's got for silicon AGM type batteries and they will cost approximately three thousand euros to replace right and they will take apparently between five and ten years depending on the use of the boat before they need replacing so so that's three thousand you know if you have a diesel engine that would be more than three thousand euros for a days later so if you had to buy a new diesel engine how about a tune but but I think where the where the pointers are for ongoing maintenance etc I mean in very simple terms you don't have to maintain the electric motor on this it's under water with hanging off the bottom where the propeller is it's water-cooled anyway so the actual motor is outside the hull of yeah but yeah it sticks down through the bottom and it forms a looks like a torpedo hanging off the bottom or on boat with is that what steers the boat as well so when I turn the wheel it's that's what your toe you have got a rudder then behind not a set of no screw right so just need any other cooling bases it doesn't eat it so one good thing is you you don't need to winterize it in our winds as you rise the boat throughout the the winter and then service costs within every five to ten years when you replace the batteries you perhaps to look at seals and bearings on the right which are negligible but if you were to service a diesel engine of a size that would go into here it would be approximately four hundred pounds every year so I Scott right and in ten years in a vet when a battery runs out on this boat just for money you've got four thousand pounds replacing your batteries in ten years at the cost of three thousand euros and it's quite possible in five or ten years they'll actually be cheap I mean the one thing that is I know is their cost of batteries is falling oh yeah very much yeah Yeah right I mean in the last five years lithium-ion this is specifically an alcohol dropping right because they're making more of them and there's a much bigger demand so they're ramping up production and all that sort of course yeah I know the other one is what about actual fuel use so if you if you drove your know if you pilot a boat for eight hours with a diesel engine I don't know how much fuel that use I mean I would imagine about this speed inside not gonna be that much of a deterrent there is a cost I mean we have been a but told that to charge this overnight for example will cost from from a virtually flat state would be approximately two pound fifty right but you would be using more than two fifties worth of diesel to do the same distance yet would you do right and I think the key thing is is that after your particular let's say 10 years when the you replace the batteries in this if you have had a diesel engine service dip 10 years 400 pounds you know that's four thousand pounds you ultimately still have now a 10 year old engine we've worn out parts or worn parts or even are worn out in a diesel engine now you have a 10 year old engine yeah with this you in ten years you put new batteries in and you now have a virtually new virtually new boat you've made yes perhaps do the bearings and the seals on the motor which won't be very expensive and you've got a new boat yeah and the next thing is the same handles as you say if the battery cost decreases yeah and then then-soviet against even cheaper so the geese got out the way there but they don't even knew we were coming sorry I see Egyptian geese Egyptian geese would you like to have a go driving oh wow yeah would do yeah okay hello I don't think I should drive into the mooring I think that would be a bit dangerous yeah oh how cool is that Oh so just gently push the throttle lever forwards I sent it certainly I'm not I'm suddenly not relaxed oh I can feel now add a bit of turn so you need a bit of power to be able to its failure to give you these do you do well now going a bit too far you can see the gauge in front of you is showing a power other things you you've got the first half of it is green and as you increase the railways it goes yellow yellow then goes into red and it shows you the amperage the of power that you're right you're using and it's not the battery level the other one on the right hand side yeah so it's probably showing under places like just left let the boring but yes you could if you push it through if you just go straight okay go straight down that most of that is the motor right right but you've just picked up the vibration on the way through right but this is your 10 miles an hour that's really sweet limit yeah there'll be people writing letters listen to that much I turn it round that way yeah yeah those alright that way we'll be fine now you were all should Susan know if anyone's coming behind mines no you're not right hand down oh yeah there we go oh my god that battery gauge is very interesting because you know rod we've not been going that work 25 30 minutes we were doing but it hasn't it hasn't gone down a notch no so I think you you're we could be hours and hours really are you saw us see ya it gives you great confidence actually who when you're when you see it bring skippering it that you are but also you can tell because I mean if you think of if we driven this far in a in a relatively - even a suburban area in a car if we would have accelerated decelerate accelerations have you know 40 times rows in this once we're doing this it's staying at a regular yeah yeah yeah you know revolutions and it's not I think that that is absolutely true i me and and if you did so excluding the flow of the river the the amount of water you've got against you but yes if you go so far up stream and don't use more than 50 percent you won't get home because actually you will not be deviating very much no your speed how can appreciate on a car you have little control over your traffic jam your skill whatever wind yeah other other motorists yeah yeah yeah we should just would be great I want to turn the m4 into a canal be great lovely through if we're everyone travel by boat it would be it would be yeah a great way wouldn't it I'm going to let you dock take care and don't take her into the morning that's okay that would be very embarrassing here such a crunch of expensive fiberglass against concrete I don't want to be natural popular so we already saw it already that's okay drivel electric boat
Channel: Fully Charged Show
Views: 307,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric boat, ALFASTREET ENERGY 23C, river, thames, boats, geese, nature, quiet, water, battery, electric motor, summer, Fully Charged, Robert Llewellyn, Red Dwarf, river Thames, Marlow, marina, dock, charging
Id: Sx6uk8bLXas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016
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