New DRAGON At Monster HIGH SCHOOL In Minecraft!

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this is our minecraft monster school and today a new monster student has arrived on our minecraft server me and my friends are tasked with teaching the new kid how to scare like a real minecraft mob but when the teacher goes away these minecraft monsters go out to play we may even destroy the entire school using our powers can we make the new kid have a great first day or will we get thrown into monster detention watch and find out oh and do you want an a plus from me then don't forget to subscribe and like thanks okay so kauai chan what color do you think i should dye my new sheep because i was thinking a bit of a greenish you know difficult themes that's boring how about i don't know um maybe pink pink ah why should not everything could be p oh all right all right class settle down for a second we've got ourselves a brand new student coming in here today oh and you say you should be around here somewhere uh oh there he is oh hey what's up nerds so yes this is our new student you can be nice you can be mean you're monsters i really don't care i'm going to the break room i'll be back later bye teach and uh you know what um you know what uh sorry sorry about the window i was totally allowed to do that kind of thing uh at my old school seeing as i'm an entertainer the best monster of all time and the teacher's gone oh yeah no he is absolutely gone uh i guess you know that's zayn he's an enderman he teleports here teleport's there but you're an ender dragon yeah everyone knows dragons are the best creatures ever and you know my my dragon school is pretty great so um yeah you at this new nerd school have a lot to live up to he's from the end only the coolest monsters get to go there whoa it's okay though you're gonna have lots of fun here but why did you have to leave your old school exactly [Music] okay it burned down but it was not my fault at all absolutely not right now right anyway uh what were you nerds doing in this class oh okay well you see we were working on our monster pranks for the monster mash they're so much fun we're gonna have a great time showing them off to our super scary monster skills and all that you know yes and everyone's doing the coolest things and since i'm a zombie i can let people up because i'm super strong yeah okay okay i can get behind pranks oh i guess i'll be the judge of that they're cool and that's why i know i am no longer allowed at the burger ranch unfortunately sorry you went to the right [Music] this is ian he is from the end he is really really new and uh yeah he didn't explode a school on fire or anything like that what he told us no no no no no no no you better not because i'm scared i'm scared of fire i am a zombie he's all right he's not that cool i mean what could he even do huh mr purple blue man i am a dragon that means i've got wings for flying and can breathe fire and i can do other cats sorry sorry early morning what sorry oh i was so bored the girls are born yeah [Music] get in uh oh all right everyone sit down it's time to talk about something important okay we're sitting down we're sitting down we're sitting down all right i'm gonna sit down i'm sitting down why are you just now coming i'm just asking questions all right pierce where did you go off to uh a bathroom okay all right makes sense all right yeah so but having a bit of an explosive problem be quiet i am talking yes sir now listen we're going to talk about your new projects yes your main projects where you are trying to make your own monster pranks so we are going to be having you show us how well you can scare your fellow monster monster pranks huh are you gonna tell us how we do are you gonna tell us how we do no i'm not going to talk at all actually i'm going to be observing from the background and i am going to be seeing how well you all can scare each other especially the new kid and you better do well because this is going on your final final final report cards understand all right follow me students pierce you get to go first hey yeah i got this figured out goodbye hi over here come on come on feast your eyes on pierce's house of creepy horrors you get it because i'm a because i'm a creeper anyway i've created an explosion room any of these buttons may provide you with a little prize or instant death go ahead hit a button see what happens i think it's a good start thank you go ahead hit a button see what happens uh i think it's broken i don't see anything happening no no no no no no no that's impossible it's impossible let me know and you called me boring huh yeah let me let me try let me try it [Music] new guy try it okay let me give it a try let's see uh physics wow it's um it's boring green dynamite night nice one dude all right you know what i don't know you know what everyone's going through this let me see if i can give it to work okay all right all right yeah maybe maybe i'll pull up the teachers snow balls come on continue with your projects continue with your projects it's okay pierce maybe you just you know had like the wrong i don't know like uh maybe you made it wrong or something no no no no no you guys are obviously the ones doing it wrong i was broken [Music] buttons is what you are all you gotta do is hit a button and then bam see everything's great [Music] guys this is like a dirt creeper this is like a deer good job you broke almost all your buttons all right all right children let's collect ourselves it's time that we see what noi has in store for us uh i got a special one for this semester come on guys right this way with all due respect mr teacher man i'm being slandered here for no reason other than you know i blew up a few times but that's what i do it's my thing all right i don't want your excuses i want results so let's see what we've got over here all right well hold on to your butts guys cause mine is the hottest senties greatest thing to come out of the nether now who's up for a round of leaves all right wow i'm so impressed ah that's so nice you to say that yeah actually that's pretty nice to you new kid what you're gonna do is whoa right on down here just come through the scary archway don't worry what are these ashes made out of you know what i am a dragon and uh i i just don't have time to deal with this so as dragon i'm gonna fly away slater losers [Music] wait what it's a competition the first person who can dig all the way down gets a special prize i am a dragon i ain't no chicken we're digging down i'll dig down oh dude fine got his attention there's no treasure here see ya that's how you place beef that's it that's it that's it that's it dory we got this we got this we got uh oh oh oh oh oh even if i fall i can just fly back up [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] creeper hey i think we survived i think we could just do this together we just get out of here right follows [Music] all right guys so i totally have the coolest and scariest prank okay follow me all right this way i'm sure i thought you tell me you've actually got something my girl has the best yeah it's super cool special she's the coolest scarer trust me scare us you hung up a skeleton next to you aren't you a skeleton yeah this is my best friend oh yeah you can have more than one best friend man they're dedicated to the gig i get it yeah all right i'm impressed super best friend okay all right that's enough of that we can't go that route anyways i'm gonna go to my spot and you guys get to go through the spooky house of booms okay all right tell us when tell us when it sounds spray spooky trust me she is really good at this geez i wasn't doing anything shh all right you guys can go through okay guys guys nothing nothing all right let's go whoa praise boy yay that's scary i can't believe it says bod blah blah blah no it doesn't say it [Music] no no i'm pretty sure oh yeah yeah yeah i don't like it i don't like it i want to escape i want to escape i want to escape [Music] i'm scared of wasting oh yeah but valuable valuable resources but what about the gold though i don't care about them look they showed up again other best friends delicious what what's in here that's no big deal for you guys i'm a zombie i don't know wait a minute this whole burning thing right now [Laughter] a good one look scared of lagg okay all right let's continue and in the next room you'll see something dolly spooky oh really is it lava cake is that the joke i guess huh wait wait wait what's happening oh no no what no this is out no no someone someone just it's just one cake just one cake you don't understand this was a valuable cake no it's okay i promise we can get you another cake there is no other cake you save every cake every tank is important where is she i am going to find her i will teleport into the room wherever she is show yourself colliding with you your teacher demands you get out here look at this dude you came out of a different colored wall like it was it was that was that it was pretty obvious what my girl's the best scarer ever all right i must support her she's the best she's the coolest and she is going to get an f because she destroyed a cake we said innocent pranks not vile ones and that's why she is going to get an app for this i am getting out of here [Applause] weird noises okay so i have the coolest prank okay and some of you might like it i think it went swimmingly well so so you hope so that was the worst haunted house i've ever been in anything huh all right so in here you'll see see that thing over there that that is an scp all right scare i can't protect okay because you cannot protect yourself from that thing that thing will not allow you to scare it all right okay understood avoid this this is miss my old school this one's boring wow wow wow no it's not fine fine you know what if you're so boring that is boring how about how about you try to go scare that thing huh yeah that sounds fun don't do it go in there go in there try to scare it try to scare them hold on it's clear you need to be shown how to properly scare something so stand back and let me take care of this i mean it's not the first time i've had a teacher yell at me fine you you do the thing i don't want to oh and they said the school budget couldn't fit a swimming pool in here you can't be doing this you know how much i hate the water as an enderman what let me up oh i need a dragon i can't be in the water i did not think that you guys were gonna go in okay i thought like you know like noi or pierce were gonna go in that's it you guys have been testing my temper first we have noy with his ash game and then we have pierce with this explodey thing you guys see for that mess because you're a creeper and that's all you get and then kauai chan i can't even begin to fathom how you expect to get out of this school because all you get for destroying that cake is a big fat f and aphmau this water joke is that's it detection all of you hang on i'm the new guy i don't even know what the rules are at this dumb school i shouldn't get detention i don't think you really understand what cool is just get out of your emo phase and then we'll all be able to have a better life detention for all of you now but i i still got to see right my parents would be so proud if i get that scene just get into the tension now okay okay fine come on guys go to detection oh i can't believe that throughout your attention quiet pipe down all of you can't believe you do this to your teacher all right no one here's what's gonna happen you're going to stay here nobody move a muscle ah noy i'm watching you no don't don't move don't you do it in your face you sit here no one moves or you're in trouble i'll be right back all right five misters this is so not cool i do not deserve to be here well if you had been such a jerk when you got here none of this would have happened good sir i'm not a jerk it's you're the jerk i'm the new kid coming to school shirts outnumber me i missed my old school oh my gosh you would be end tight you can't do nothing about it because you know what welcome to art attention world all right i'm going to show you just how what i can do about this world and detention can't hold me i do don't you worry about that i'm so impressed you made a tiny little hole in the wall you know the creepers at my old school they can make much bigger explosions than that oh enough about your old school already yeah if your old school was so good that's so huh well what do you see about this explosion [Laughter] look i'm a zombie all right you're lucky i'm driving at all geez yeah you know what else to drive i don't know somebody with arms yeah i know you're about to lose your arm when you come back made it out guys what do we do now uh anybody up for barkers i don't know i okay let's go let's i think we lost him you trees he's probably gone he's probably got i think we're gonna get i think we're good come on come on yeah yeah where are we going this is not a bad place to chill for a bit you know spend the rest of our detention here at least yeah i think we're good here guys it's okay get him get him get him get him get him get him all right my little friend yeah zombies i'm gonna prove that my school was the best i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] y'all can't hit me now oh yeah is that so oh actually works that's fine cool all right nice job all done focusing what are we gonna do now look i have creepers in these arrows see whoa look at that that's pretty good that really really cool wait jeff jeff from math really what are you doing here long time no see oh hey uh this is jeff here i have not a parent chef doesn't like yeah he's fine he's got a hot temper come on guys let's go walk into the village and you know he's trying a little bit you know let's do it yeah i got some stuff let's do it awesome come on skeleton you gotta get some muscle in it
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,850,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: _6rH9adjkB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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