New DMV Questions️‍ 🔥 Top 20 Must Memorize Questions 🔥 Drivers License Knowledge Test 🔥 DMV Permit

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welcome fellow wanting to drive people it's me once again permit quiz Liz here to expand your mind with more essential driving knowledge to help you pass the written test at the DMV we're calling today's video the 20 hardest questions you must memorize now while many of the questions on your permit test are just plain common sense or can be figured out by using go to Logic the ones covered here today have answers that aren't so obvious and need to be committed to memory but don't worry I will give you some tips and tricks to help you master these crafty questions alrighty who's ready to flex that brain all right y'all get those thinking caps on we're going to start with the 20th hardest question and then work our way down to question number one so hardest question number 20 you should dim your lights for oncoming vehicles or when you are within 300 feet of a vehicle a approaching you from behind B you are approaching from behind or C you have already passed correct answer for this one is B you are approaching from behind as with most questions involving numbers and distances this one is kind of tricky so dim your high beams to low beams within when you're within 300 feet of a vehicle that you are approaching from behind that you are approaching from behind Okay so to give you an idea of what 300 feet is it's basically the length of a football field or an entire city block now if you leave your high beam lights on within 300 feet of a vehicle that you're approaching from behind the lights will reflect in the rear view mirrors of the driver ahead of you and that's just not cool so just remember how Mother Goose used to say it approaching another vehicle from behind dimming lights at 300 feet is so kind yay question number 19 you can be fined up to a thousand dollars and jailed for six months if you are cited for a dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway B making a U-turn from a center left turn lane chain or C parking in a bicycle lane correct answer for this one is a dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway do not dump or abandon animals on a highway this crime is punishable by monetary fine six months in jail or even both now if you accidentally kill or injure an animal on the road just call the nearest Humane Society or the police or CHP don't try to move an injured animal or leave an injured animal to die to me this one is pretty easy to remember because the two wrong answers don't seem like they could possibly involve jail time I mean like no one's going to lock you up for making a bad U-turn or parking in a bike lane however if you dump or leave an animal to die on the road you could lose a thousand dollars and end up in the slammer which just makes sense to me question number 18 if your driving record shows that you fail to appear in court after receiving a traffic ticket the DMV May a suspend the registration of the vehicle you are driving B suspend your driving privilege until you appear in court or C restrict your driving privilege correct answer is B suspend your driving privilege until you appear in court if you get a traffic ticket and do not appear in court the DMV will suspend your driving privilege until you appear in court this is a tough one because a lot of people choose the answer C restrict your driving privilege which sounds pretty good not gonna lie but the key is to focus on the Symmetry between the question and the correct answer fail to appearing Court isn't the question and likewise until you appear in court exists in the correct answer easy peasy question number 17. it is illegal to leave a child six years of age or younger unattended in a motor vehicle a If the child is supervised by a person 12 years or older B when weather conditions present health or safety risk to child or C when keys left in the ignition could result in injuries the correct answer is a If the child is supervised by a person 12 years or older it is illegal to leave a child six years of age or younger unattended in a car when weather conditions present a significant risk to the child's health or safety or if the keys are in the ignition think of it like this if a six-year-old is left in the car then they meet a person of at least twice their age with them so six times two equals 12. usually math just confuses things but in this case I think it helps question number 16 smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is a legal if it is your child be illegal at all times or C not restricted by law correct answer is be illegal at all times to be honest I'm very surprised that this question even made it to the list why would anybody smoke inside of a car when there are children in there too obviously it's a health issue but also very illegal it doesn't matter if it's your own kid or somebody else's bottom line Never Smoke in a vehicle when there's a child in there question number 15 it is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration or BAC that is blank or higher a 0.08 percent B 0.10 percent or C 0.05 percent correct answer for this one is a 0.08 percent it is illegal for anybody over 21 to drive with a BAC of 0.08 percent the rules are even more strict for commercial drivers and those under 21 but this question only focuses on those 21 and older so this this one is um one of those numbers that you'll just have to memorize uh maybe kind of cheesy right to help you remember is 21 years old can't drive straight with a BAC of 0.08 yeah I don't know I like these rhymes next question number 14 unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a business district is a 25 miles per hour B 20 miles per hour or C 30 miles per hour correct answer is a 25 miles per hour this question sneaks up on you because everyone knows that the speed limit in residential neighborhoods is 25 miles per hour so they just assume that the default speed limit in a business district would be faster not true unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a business district is also 25 miles per hour just like in a residential area question number 13 it is illegal to leave a child six years of age or younger unattended in a motor vehicle a when the keys are in the ignition B If the child is with a 12 year old brother or sister or C on a cold rainy day and all the windows are closed correct answer is a when the keys are in the ignition yes this question is very similar to question number 17 but it is worded a little differently reading the question carefully will give you a clue as to what the answer is notice that you need to choose the answer that is illegal we already know from that previous question that it's okay to leave a six-year-old alone in the car with a 12 year old however what's not legal is leaving a six-year-old child alone in the car with the key in the ignition it's obvious that the child wouldn't be able to safely operate a car and leaving the key in the ignition is just inviting trouble question number 12 you are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in One Direction the speed limit is a 15 mph B 20 mph or c25 mph correct answer is a 15 mph this is another one of those speed limits that you're just going to need to memorize if you think about it it makes sense that the answer is the slowest choice of 15 mph the question says a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks that sounds pretty dangerous and I'd want to drive slow too and make sure I'm not going to get demolished by a train keep in mind that the 15 mph does not apply when you can see clearly for more than 400 feet or the railroad crossing is controlled by Gates or a warning signal but for this question where there are no safety controls in place and you can't see clearly 15 mph is the number you need to memorize question number 11 you were in a collision which caused more than a thousand dollars worth of damage you must report the Collision within 10 days to a the DMV B the CHP or C your insurance company correct answer is a the DMV every driver involved in a collision must file a report of traffic accident occurring in California or sr1 with the DMV within 10 days if there is more than a thousand dollars in property damage or an injury no matter how minor or even a death resulting from the Collision you can have your license suspended if you fail to do so now there's a lot of information in this question that can show up on your test often worded in slightly different ways the key things to remember that will help you Ace these Collision related questions are one you report collisions to the DMV when there's a thousand dollars or more of estimated damage and two while you might also report the Collision to your insurance company and law enforcement the 10-day rule applies to how long you have to report the Collision to the DMV so try to think of it like this 10 days to tell the DMV when a thousand dollars of damage okay everybody we are halfway there how's everybody doing so far if you're getting tired pause the video take a little break get some water stretch out maybe take a nap I don't know if that's what you want to do if you're hanging in there then let's go ahead and continue with the top 10 hardest must memorize questions let's go question number 10 an orange and red sign of this shape on a vehicle always means a slow-moving vehicle B the vehicle has a right-of-way or C Shoulder work ahead correct answer is a slow-moving vehicle many people are confused by this sign they think it has something to do with construction or emergencies well no it actually is a sign that is usually found on the back of slow moving Vehicles such as farm equipment animal drunk carts and road maintenance Vehicles like street sweepers So when you say this sign it means hey heads up fellow driver I'm a slow-moving vehicle please don't Ram into me or something like that I don't know question number nine if you are convicted of driving with an extensive an excessive blood alcohol concentration or BAC you may be sentenced to serve a up to 12 months in jail B up to six months in jail or C no jail time but you must pay a fine of 500 dollars correct answer is B up to six months in jail convicted of driving Under the Influence will then get ready to serve up to six months in jail yet another answer that you just simply have to memorize now I know you're probably getting sick of my driver's ed nursery rhymes but here's the best I can offer you for this question drinking and driving just don't mix unless you want a gelcation for six that's that's my favorite one that's good you gotta admit okay all right anyways question number eight which of these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks A Motorhomes or Pickup Trucks towing a trailer b sport utility vehicles carrying four or more passengers or see tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards correct answer is c tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards this is another question that I thought was pretty straightforward myself but one out of every four people get this one wrong with most people choosing the wrong answer motorhomes or Pickup Trucks towing a trailer now while I can see why that answer is tempting the correct answer is like we mentioned c tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards um that makes much more sense because if you think about it we're talking about a tank truck carrying hazardous materials such as explosives and gases and flammable liquids I mean if a train were to hit that well then let's just say it would be the opposite of good thankfully all tank trucks with hazardous loads have to stop before crossing railroad tracks all right question number seven you must notify the DMV within five days of you a are cited for a traffic violation B seller transfer your vehicle or C paying to your vehicle a different color correct answer is B sell or transfer your vehicle once again another question and answer you just need to pound into your brain when you sell or transfer a vehicle report it to the DMV within five days you can complete the notice of transfer and release liability online try remember try to remember it this way if you sell you have five days to tell the DMV that is all right question number six this yellow sign means a the road ahead may be slippery B the road ahead has many curves or C there is a sharp curve in the road ahead correct answer is a the road ahead may be slippery contrary to 25 percent of students who incorrectly think that this warning sign means the road will be curvy this sign actually means Slippery When Wet and warns you that the road surface ahead is a lot more slippery than others when it's wet or it's icy signs that warn you of Curves will always have curved arrows the Slippery When Wet sign has a car followed by two squiggle lines that look like two letter s's so just remember the s's are for slippery and now question number five which child requires a child passenger restraint system a a six-year-old who is four foot ten B an eight-year-old who is four foot nine or c a seven-year-old who is four foot seven correct answer is c a seven-year-old who is four foot seven any child under the age of eight years and less than four feet nine inches tall must be secured in a federally approved child passenger restraint system and ride in the back seat of the vehicle thirty percent of students get this wrong to get it right you have to memorize these two important numbers when it comes to kids who need car seats one the child must be under eight years old and this makes B wrong because the child is already eight in this example and then two the child must be less than four feet nine inches tall and this makes answer a wrong because the child is taller than four nine that leaves us with c as the only possible answer a child who is both younger than eight and less than four feet nine inches now that's a kid you can put in a car seat all right question number four which way should your front wheels be turned when parked uphill next to a curb a away from the curb B parallel to the curb or C toward the curb correct answer is a away from the curb when curbside parking headed uphill turn your front wheels away from the curb and let your vehicle roll back a few inches the vehicle should then gently catch on the curb with any curbside parking questions just remember this and you'll do great one uphill with a curb turn Wheels away from the curb to all other situations turn Wheels towards the curb you can also use this little rhyme to help it sink into your head with a curb up it's up up and away or else turn your wheels the opposite way all right question number three it is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to drive with a BAC that is blank or more a 0.01 percent B 0.08 percent or C 0.05 percent the correct answer for this one is a 0.01 percent while 0.08 is correct for those 21 years of age or older there's a zero tolerance for alcohol use if you are under 21 if your BAC measures point zero sorry Point yeah no yeah point zero one percent or higher the officer may take your license issue you a temporary license for 30 days give you an order of suspension for one year and then determine whether to release you or turn you over to the juvenile authorities or even contact your parents this one trips up test takers because they miss the person under 21 years of age and the question remember the legal drinking age is 21. so if you're under 21 then you should have no alcohol in your system with that said it makes sense that the correct answer is the smallest possible Choice which is a .01 percent question number two for the first 12 months after you are licensed you must be accompanied accompanied by your parent or Guardian if you a transport miners between the hours of 11 pm and 5 a.m B Drive between the hours of 5 a.m and 11 pm or see transport adults between the hours of 5 a.m and midnight correct answer is a transport miners between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am this question is one that will show up only for those who are getting their first provisional license not renewing their license so with that said it's shocking that 26 of students incorrectly choose B Drive between the hours of 5 a.m and 11 pm which would only mean that you can't drive alone during the day with your new license well that makes no sense of course you can drive alone during the day with your license my guess is that students don't answer or don't read that answer very correctly and they get the time frame mixed up the answer a is correct of course because you need to be accompanied by your parents during the first 12 months of having your license anytime that you transport other minors and you drive at night time between 11 pm and 5 am okay folks here we are we finally made it to the hardest must memorize question that you need to learn by heart for your permit test it's a question so mind-boggling that one out of every three students get it wrong it's actually not that mind-boggling once you know the answer so let's just cut to the Chase and reveal this deep secret of the driving Universe to you the question number one a white painted curb means a loading zone for passengers or Freight B loading zone for passengers or mail only or C loading zone for Freight only correct answer is B loading zone for passengers or mail only all painted colored curbs have special parking rules why painted curbs allow vehicles to stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail now while you could just memorize that white curbs are for quick drop off or pickup of passengers or male here's how I remembered this one when I took the test 100 years ago USPS mail trucks are white so I use that to remember that white curves are for male because B is the only answer that references male then it's easy to remember maybe it's not the most ingenious way to retain the information but it worked for me and I just hope it works for you too and that is it you made it go ahead and give yourself a nice pat on the back a little round of applause you made it through another one of these videos with me the fact that you are here watching these videos just shows me how serious you are about passing your test and if you're truly serious about passing your test then I also urge you to read that DMV handbook I'm even giving you a link right here reading the handbook is truly the best way to guarantee that you will see all possible topics that may be covered on your upcoming test so please please please read that darn thing it's so important and then also take a quick millisecond to like And subscribe and if you have a full second then leave a comment too we appreciate everyone who watches and interacts with us it really does make a difference and it keeps me driven to make more videos for all of you guys until then my driving fam please stay safe out there and I will see you in the next video bye everybody [Music]
Channel: Drivers Ed Direct Driving School
Views: 469,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mbl9kpUXnGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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