NEW DEADLY Modded Vehicle! - GTA 5 Online DLC

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Hey caws all right guys how about we do a cessation challenge yes you're gonna turn whoa arena vehicles let's do it all right so we're pulling the Impaler into the garish now let's see well sort of beastie upgrades we can do so this looks kind of like it's got a minimal right now the the basic upgrade here we go adds a small bumper and some color wood but it's still pretty similar so let's see what happens to this so we're doing the basics the brakes are stuff what about the front bumper oh that was kind of cool all right battle bumper I like that what about the rear one shaped what is the difference oh that was just a bit further in okay bodywork so now we're on to an interesting part spikes okay all right I think we have to go for the spikes it gives it that vibe you know all right so let's check the armor plating style so first of all we got a light armor so that adds a little bit alright just a couple pounds on the side reinforce adds a lot more panels and then heavy armor oh I'm surprised the the front is so empty but the sides were absolutely pimped all right so there we go let's go with that heavy armor gonna upgrade our engine so we can actually add some speed the hood so we're the light armored hood the medium are murdered and the heavy armored earth that's like the same as the okay livery whoa okay so this livery affects like the whole car interesting so wonder what we're gonna do with that okay I think we're gonna go for River this and see if we can make a look good we won't know until we hit the colors chucking a black plate on there I think we're gonna go for a black design for this one actually you know what let's get all of the let's get everything done before we hit the colors so a heavily armored roof okay this decal is all over this thing heavily armored trunk okay this decal is like everywhere what's the heck okay add a suspension in transmission turbo so this come beast gonna get our jump obviously ok wheels Benny's bespoke honestly I think we're gonna go for dollar wheels on this one I think we can make this look like a bowl of dollars Oh actually triple smoke that looks really cool let's go for that one that all is cool we'll color oh I think we'll have to come back to this one depends how the rest of it looks windows limo weapons around weapon okay large scoop is primary weapons okay we got so whoa look at the size of these plasma turrets a huge okay and that's it so this is how it's gonna look wait I didn't even the win three is pimped out I didn't even know it's that let's work on some colors now oh look at that primary color over here interesting so I think we're gonna go black now I know is that the decals kind of hard to see with this so let's have a look at how everything else looks we're gonna go over whoa oh wow that is really cool let's go of red out of red look with this alright wow that looks that looks interesting okay let's try that for now and what is the accent color do also the cold car is still I still got a white thingy at the front I'll sure I like that I think we're gonna gonna go for a white on it I I think we have to I think that looks really cool and Plus that means that the the bumper thingy the scoop is also white and then I'm gonna throw in a little bit of a red accent I think and I think that looks good now let's just slightly adjust the wheels so they also look good all right I think we'll go with that big bar and then tire design yeah there you go I like that so we've got a bit of a red rim on the tire alright I think we're done let's see what the other guys have that made done made yeah hey guys those wheels yeah I don't know I just found them and I know they look pretty cool and they don't see it there anyway let's focus on the main thing so yes as you can see it's so cool I've gone for the heavily armoured version or the heavily armoured version for the red completely tell no I just want to mix it up I want to show different designs now I can see their delivery a little bit see ya Jory pointed out but you can see I felt like a minimal livery I thought it looked very cool yeah as a little to it so we got a bunch of spikes we we showed yeah they do something they hurt yeah oh yeah look at the size of these plasma guns look at old you're right don't like oh yeah it's a pretty decent oh yeah yeah that's the stuff oh great all I can see oh ow there's actually a really big window on the side yeah I can only drive into people from the front but I can't see anything I literally can't see anything other than the wheels you guys have pointed it out right here oh yeah what's the scoop I've got the scoop was only white some reason so I work today I was gonna go for a more reticent white they look easy jelly jelly get away from that oh I like red bullets Josh genius you are straight yeah that's again to it I keep cooking pasta yeah all right here we go Joule lasers three blowing up no this one well at some point yeah sorry about that oh oh and let me show you this group pretty low down to the ground it's hard to move around yeah the cars go good acceleration say sorry sorry good sir I got too excited well Josh I gotta say a pretty nice vehicle right now yeah they want to show us yours yeah I'll go get mine guys okay oh sorry guys ladies and gentlemen I guess on the wheels okay show the rug don't worry I don't want to break here this is this is interesting jelly on the back here first do you have a boy oh you've got wheely thing no no case I happen to be in a wheelie this is preventing me from dying help you have some pipes by dads in the car as you can see now yeah Jimmy you're such a sellout this is actually the stock exhaust but I thought it looks good yeah actually vibrating in the car you can I get to my face again sorry bye Lily what are these spikes yes this is some decorative spikes you ever watch it now whatever movies where do you know you got two men driving a take at each other with horses each other cow stick we have two beautiful those are some powerful guns either chunky tell camels history gods is cool but this thing is uh it's not that cool I still wanna know boys yeah but they're not they're not really are they that would have killed that woman in those 50 Cal pointing out the fact there's a spike sticking out exactly where you get into the car how oh this is a health hazard you chilly I think your car looks very very precise Abreu is jorday sees something really pretty I mean I don't know what is just gonna be nicer than mine I think mine is better than yours Josh I'm gonna be honest what know what I think mine looks cooler whoa we got a new Knight Rider over here oh my I changed a few things that I didn't see on your vehicle so first of all I went with no scoop I mean that's not changing that's just not doing it that's being lazy bumper Jory you need some money I gotta agree though Jordy the front bumper is Brody do you need some money I did not go with the best armor I went with some weak or Armour because it adds more orange accents that he couldn't afford myself a few million we have the plasma guns over here you have the orange headlights and then we've got these beautiful looking wheels I thought they looked really cool with you they're just circles I think it ruins it it's just a big silver thing now we I don't want to paint surreal so I kind of went with a low-key with a really cool-looking car kill me so you guys made me want to test out the vehicle what do you guys think I think these are quite unique guys are unique hey I got a scoop to do Josh's vehicle up by the way wait why me ah the most armored Josh yeah I think we could all agree the Alma doesn't do anything my two amazing guys let's go oh okay let's go polygons play and we can test different things to see how ride over here nice great parking spot this is where we should showcase our vehicles yeah well this is a little nicer yeah okay Park it Oh Josh knows you're in caught me guys let's test out some stuff all right out of your car jelly just spider like sorry I'm just trying to turn around what you tried to kill me no I'm just trying to like turn around yes Jenny this guy is a mouse Jimmy Scott guys I'm just trying to turn your my wait separate look this is a party okay no you know what Sparkie gonna start like right it's jelly three okay well there goes me oh let me try this wait wait Josh's vehicle as what well dowan quick yomaira grant to put heavy armor on it what about mine guys gone what about mine what about jelly
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,884,867
Rating: 4.9009624 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, grand theft auto 5, gta 5, kwebbelkop, jelly, gta 5 dlc, arena wars
Id: o8r4NS8CKLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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