NEW COZY GAME | I opened my own medieval tavern

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in this game I'll open and run my own Tavern I'll be serving ale buying furniture keeping customers happy and the place clean like And subscribe for more indie games and games that you've never heard of and let me know in a comment what game you'd love to see me play next let's begin finally I have arrived new Quest open the tavern doors let's have a look at where we are shall we I can see the wind gusting through well um property can't cost much around here can it open the door locked I need to look from the other side hello I'm the new Tavern owner oh it looks like he's had an accident in his pants all right well we're not open yet so you can't come in here to sort that out need to remove the boards very well we're in look around figure out how to open the main door blim me Tav cleaning keep the tavern clean and tidy up dirt on time some customers might become dissatisfied remove debris click on it stains on the floor mop open tool tab hold down right to mop the floor how's this looking clean as a whistle that's what we like to see guessing I am I a dwarf I so short trying to reach the old latch there looks like there was once a kitchen here everything is broken L what have I done I'll put every gold Co I had into this place and I'll look at it we're open clear the tavern 50% there's dirt here you think hey hey we already know how to clean [Music] shush we got a we can scrub I like how it's kind of almost looks like a sort of cell shaded cartoon or something can we you don't need it now you don't need to clear the cobweb no rush this Dirt away I get it game will you let me clean thank you what do you think this is the first game I've cleaned in can we mop this we can mop that that was quick wasn't it yes you need to mop stop grabbing the camera like that it's annoying the game it's like the game is grabbing your head and going look at it lick it up sorry um new Quest look around the hall again these big piles of old trash Can't Be Moved maybe the tabern will have something to cover them with some tarp [Music] old tablecloths okay cover oh I need to find them all before we do that okay I mean it's a big space Ye Old Tavern I'm surprised I mean hang on maybe this is what like that medieval restaurant is what's it called medieval times why aren't there more themed taverns like a place you go to right and maybe not even just a Medieval theme like a Tavern I mean that works but there's like the Star Wars Cantina but that's in like one place in the world and there's so many boring pubs and bars and there are so many Nerds these days it's like how are you not attempting this more you know like mixing tabletop RPG lot nerd stuff with uh yeah come and hang out here and drink I know there's like um there's a Batman themed one in London somewhere it's like the Penguins bar but I just feel like there should be more maybe there is and I just don't hear about them I don't know have you ever been to one it's like when I see videos of the renaissance fair and I always think oh my God that looks so fun and I'm probably way too inhibited to have a go to one but I I every time I see them I'm like that looks amazing like I seems like it's such a Vibe uh looks like where this Old owner conducted his business purchasing resources this is your Tavern management desk you need to manage the tavern order the resources add them in the cart sure delivery is it resources all right on on need to mail but we call it early how much money do we have 50 I'll get five of these then wait for the cart with the goods after placing an order wait for the cart receive the resources plac in a sack take them to the warehouse [Music] okay I shall wait then a lovely grandfather clock they left that behind oh these old slippers I'm not put my feet in [Music] there but yeah something like that would be dope but I guess if people want that they go to a renaissance fair I don't know how many there are in the UK and they're probably nowhere near as good as the American ones let's be real [Music] yeah they look fun just a bunch of nerds hanging out and playing dress up you know got to love it okay from a barrel into a sack it's like an Amazon delivery where you're just like why is this in five cardboard boxes and you've ordered you know the smallest thing oh I got to put it in the warehouse there you go times let people know about the tavern come up with a name and make a beautiful sign yes please change ooh oh I thought I was like going to get to like customize it fully I'm just repairing it the wellfed pony no a cute black cat I love black cats what is this a Tavern for vampires now that's a theme oh my God and all the cocktails are red that would be amazing blood red drinks you drink there you know you'd drink the would call it Fang bangers um a big old ale a big old piggy the wellfed dragon The wellfed Gnome cute little flower another kind of cute little flower a different kind of bear oh that bunny rabbit's so cute okay okay the Unicorn do we have a bear that's the no bears how dare you okay then what do we do what would you call your medieval Tavern let me know in a comment below and let me know if you do any LARPing and stuff and been to any themed things I mean I got to go with a black cat this is my boy Cosmo here my My Cat in real life and we'll call it the um Cosmos Cosmos Cosmos cave Cav Cosmos Cosmos Cavern sounds more Cosmos Cavern is the name of the tavern there we go my black cat that you can probably find a picture of on my Instagram somewhere um Mo opening and closing of the tavern open your Tavern so customers can enter turn the column with the sign opening and closing sure thanks I mean personally I would not have opened this until it was SP and span and you could see your face reflected off of every surface but Beggars can't be choosers and needs must and here we go guess we can pour a in there can we making a drink release when it's in the yellow or green area if you spill it don't forget to clean up retrieve the order from the stand serve the order to the customer okay I was so close I was perfect why is this sound so much louder than the rest of the game ale pouring ASMR oh I could have left at any time I didn't need to do that many take one fill the tray clear everything got it serve your first customer hello sir goodbye sir come one come all Cosmo's cabern has opened pay no mind to the cobwebs now the spiders eat for free but not off of you sir come on in uh could I interest you in an ale per chance got to get your bathroom uh there's a bathroom out back actually now we're open you can use it all right let me come in oh bloody hell oh dear oh dear right don't worry so why do they all walk like this there a bug going around the town is there sir what can I get for you man my man my sir my person one ale right you are he he here here is the one ale enjoy cheers to you looks like a blim and Harry Potter drink what's what's that called the butterbeer which I've heard is just the most foul thing so full of sugar when people go to that hello Miss do you have a seat very close to the sir there dirt on on the table dirt damages cleanliness click on the table and clean it well well well we are a mcky pup aren't we let me just deal with that serve guests earn money prepare theorder different place oh I have to do it manually hello what can I get you one ale of course coming right up coming right up coming right up there you go what do I do with the empties what I what I do tough day slay goblins was it what that I don't pay any attention to that voice I definitely don't have a goblin in the [Music] back he works for peanuts conversations a real killer around here got lock JW you're Bor of my patter quick scrub don't mind me Madam hello pretty what can I get you an ale sure sure I feel like I could probably the bartender still do that do this do we still are we do we still use little cute names when people come in and be overly familiar I don't I don't know it's been so long since I was in a pub or a bar or anything never really was one much for pubs and bars I'll tell you my Deary but um you know ended up opening one so that's interesting isn't it that's going to go well for me with very little knowledge of how they work in today's world I was thinking we could do a wild west Saloon and everyone could come all right well have a good day sorry right maybe there's a uh uh ah right maybe I have to is this right clean up one nail coming right up hello um person of non descript non clam clure right let's clean these cups that's a true story not a bit I haven't been in a pub or a bar for a very long [Music] time so what do we got no clean water [Music] all right time oh it's going to teach me now but first let me pour an [Applause] [Music] NA but you know what maybe I would go if they were themed and more [Music] fun draw water from the well aha ah water is needed for washing dirty dishes the dirtier the better click on the well handle with a left Mouse [Music] button put the tray down oh we got a well well what is this a VR game [Music] woohoo am I supposed to oh right hang on drop it feels like it should be a VR game right I've got water pop that in there anyone for a drink hello I could hear you calling from the back ah I'm all out of Ale I'm sorry you have to come back another time I do apologize sorry or perhaps cups I don't know wash dirty dishes there we go I take the cup dunk it in [Music] clean well now that's quite satisfying to do oh a what's that mean I lose a cup I need to go through my mugs and cups at some point I have simply too many the cupboard overfloweth right where did my cups go serve customers game reputation need reputation develop the Tav more customers you serve more famous your Tav will become reputation strive to create orders of right ah I could probably order some more couldn't I be right with you I'm pretty sure they do a fast delivery I have 100 don't we order that many well we can keep each other company whilst we wait for the ale to arrive now your eyes are quite dark is that a sort of a sign of magic or something hello hello hello all waving all very friendly isn't it oh thank [Music] God it's the biggest bag ever [Music] don't leave be right with you these perfect Paws I'm not talking about my hands as a bear that they are pretty decent thank you for your patience all good you can upgrade the tavern if you've got money and met the conditions pretty fun so far sorry I'm so croaky today I don't know why oops ah wait is that good does that mean it's good am I meant to capow am I trying to capow wait making a drink in the in the yellow or green area what why did it do a kapow I feel like I'm getting it right on the line and it's not kapo anymore blind me you downed those quickly didn't you [Music] darling drink like a [Music] fish okay we're all ready to go I'm uh do I go to the computer do I serve you I'll serve you first let me guess ale so we can level up the tabern to two we get an expansion new clients new furniture new decoration make it happen what do you think's more tiring being a barb common barkeep bar lady whatever you want to call it bar person or um Barista what's hardest because both of those jobs I think oh my gosh on your feet the whole time talking to people greeting it's that masking like that smile hi what can I get you you know you could probably get away with being more of yourself in a bar right depending on the pub or whatever you can have a little bit more of your personality but if you're working in a coffee shop it is it's that corporate unless it's an independent corporate thing of this is how we greet people and you say this this and this and you're just a smiley robot Furniture serve more customers place your furniture sure we'll work out there's your drink um but I feel like jobs like that are so hard especially in a busy place because it's the foot traffic is so constant you know in a busy Pub or a packed coffee shop it's just endless I feel like you'd probably wouldn't you prefer to work in a shop a quiet shop where it's quieter I mean I worked in a quiet shop where we would have like maybe two or three customers a day and whilst it was mind numbing sitting there I would just sit there and you know I would like put a film on or sit on the computer and play something thing and just kind of try and pass the time and it was mind- numbing but I kind of prefer that to the idea of dealing with people all day long so like is the reason that people work in there if you have worked in one it's where it's just you it's just all you could get or or was there a thing of like oh that could be fun you know like fun with co-workers and like meeting people what's someone's reason for um taking that job over like trying to get a job in like a quiet place or maybe people just aren't as introverted as I am and it doesn't really matter as long as you just get a job right I don't know but for me I feel like I would come home after one shift and be like what am I doing I can't be this today drained me which sometimes people think if you're a sort of a content creator and making stuff you're probably extroverted but um you know I get to make stuff all on my own and just very Sol it's a very solitary and isolated um job to be honest with you it's you know suits me just perfect I'm I tell you your hair is gorgeous just want to say that without any kind of thing attached to it to make you uncomfortable just want to let you know that your hair is looking Mah today Miss thank you for your patronage a harmless compliment imagine that in today's world everybody wants something don't they sir what is that hat sorry do you know what that was rude of me it looks great on you there you go oh I need to order some furniture off to I Ye Old Ikea hey right delivery Furniture table for two ordered I like this this is cute so far I would actually love this in VR I have a VR that I bought cuz I was going to do like a series of VR games and I still haven't set it up because I just infinitely so busy with everything else but I had have like a little VR back there um let me get rid of this got it age so in like a a sale and then just didn't have the time but it's I would like to at some point let me know in a comment if that's something you want to see cuz comments will encourage me cuz I like a bit of the old VR it's fun [Applause] and we sort of you know not being on cam sometimes there's that element of feeling a bit more connected cuz you're seeing my hands you know so maybe I'll do that soon um where's the furniture we can oh we can rotate okay we'll have a nice little window date area right there order and receive a [Music] decoration a cactus one Cactus oh date night here they are hello hello what can I get you an ale each an ale each very well very well I will return with your order you're our first date in [Applause] here I hear the horse the horse is here whose horse is that one four oh my God putting the tray down first so annoying [Applause] one for you what's this gu oh they oh they're waiting for the table not to rush you at [Music] all oh my one Cactus has arrived there we go oh look at that really but I okay that was do you know what it looked really big when I first pulled it out and then the closer we got the smaller it was # no context just going to go and pop that there as a lovely little date thing you can enjoy the talk over the cactus there we go you can come oh the couple's gone well oh excuse me what will it be an nail an nail you say oh splattered oh oh dear sorry about that and no space on the tray I look like a right Mucky pup don't I ma'am one second and I need need more a as I see us uh coming in and some furniture if I can ale and a table on the way be with you in just a moment how's it been oh you know it's been all right killing Orcs and goblins we just heading from that one town to the other town to kill some more stuff do some more fetch quests kill 10 rats yeah wonderful definitely don't hear that 50 times a day ah this damn tree walking around like I'm captain bloody America in come on [Applause] I am just splatting all over the shop getting a bit excited clean that up ah more [Music] furniture pop them here there we go that's an annoying spot that's the jeap seats doing well for our first day I don't suppose this place ever closes does it still Day Zero I mean it's up to me when I close but why would I close we're seem to be doing fine don't we no clean Crockery I suppose if you want to break for any reason and you want to get on top of things then perhaps s you might close for a short spell if I went to a lb I feel like I would want to dress up as something kind of villainous you know maybe masked maybe a masked villain would would be the [Music] move to feel com comfortable definitely something masked and just not a hero not a Bard or one of these characters what are we doing leveling up oh we get to pick either a workplace Improvement or a warehouse expansion let improve the bar don't notice any difference what would you go as if you went to a LP or if you've gone to a lop what did you go as would you be a warrior princess a nobleman a [Music] goblin a Brash wizard [Applause] I guess it leads into how I like don't want to be on cam or anything right and how my face reveal is not really a face reveal it's just there on Instagram like mask slightly still because it's like I don't want to people to see me and that's not just an online thing it's like even in life I'm like no so when I see stuff like I've always had this urge to be like a mascot like the idea of being inside a mascot suit and I mean like for like Disney or something or um you see these ones on Tik Tok of like a cute like big pink bear and I posted one on my story and like their suits that you can go inside and legitimately when I see them I'm like I should get one I should just jump in there and not in a way that is like a furry there's no no aspect of that about me at all but it's like that would be so fun to go to a con and just wander around in that and have like that it's almost like freeing I guess in some way bu oh so that's all my tray there like I bet again I I bet that is a tireless and hard hard job the Disney stuff but I bet it's so fun sometimes and so rewarding when it's when you're not just you know struggling oh wait I forgot that I'm supposed to pick up stuff here oh this is just like so in the way just walk around as Winnie the Poo and uh make people's day it's an it's it's the non an anim anony Anon the an the anonymity as well as the making people happy when they kind of what I do here so I guess that makes sense that there's something in me that speaks to that that that speaks to I mean anyway uh how are we doing two perfect for the date in before all the furry comments and it's like no I just want to hide it's like why um I love if it's raining that's why I love to walk and to like go see the Ducks when it's raining because you know less people are going to be out because everyone else doesn't want to get wet and it doesn't bother me I enjoy it it feels Moody it's romanticizing your life and you get the streets and the park and the pond and everything all to yourself it's perfect people are missing out Love A Rainy walk be right with you Gents just rambling in my head about costumes does makeup feel like that like when you put makeup on do you feel slightly more Anonymous I'm talking like some heavy makeup you know like the the kind of Witchcraft makeup the sorcery stuff where it's like literally putting a face on right like they say I'm going to put my face on but sometimes it's quite literally putting a face on I guess it helps with confidence and I totally like agree that you know makeup sometimes there is uh people think it's for them or like you're wearing that for men or you know whatever you're attracted to um but I totally get that it's like for the person and I wonder if that's part of that is where it's almost like a mask for confidence does it feel like that do we acknowledge this oh my God stop splatting we go right I need four of these bum bu bum [Music] that was a capow no clean oh my God can't go without a drink a cup I mean I think I think kapow is not as good as a hit that's what I'm thinking cuz there's a little stinky no foam one so we got to get in the green okay who's going to draw the Short Straw you apparently [Music] there you go bad I'm sorry sir tried my best I didn't really I was completely distracted wasn't even paying attention but he'll never know what's he going to do leave me a bad review they don't exist in this time period I can get away with anything oh now I need more water we it up we it up oh he's going backwards oh he's going Cy coordination [Music] please cuz like makeup I feel like if I put makeup on I can only imagine it would feel like a real life filter I would feel like I had a filter on in real life cuz listen you put me in front of a ring light you or you stick a filter filter on me like my bathroom light is like a ring light and I catch myself in that sometimes I'm like all right I'm like okay I see me this isn't terrible we feel some confidence going out and then um you know catch yourself under an overhead light at the wrong time of day or just the sun down the top of your head and creating all the shadows and the eye bag then I would quite like to never leave the house again so it's just it's one of those things where I feel like it must be kind of like that all the time I need to order some more Crockery just know what we should have we should have disposals cuz this is this is a Time long before climate change and we could probably just have disposables that we just dump out back bury in a hole and um no one will have to worry about it for hundreds of years okay for for the people the good peoples of the world how is oh my gosh [Applause] gosh bum bum bum [Music] here we go but I bet even subtle makeup can make you feel better a little better eyeliner or something is [Music] it anyway that's my uneducated opinion on that I love how it's just step into my Tavern whil we talk about LP and makeup but that's what happens here we play a game and I play the game but I talk about anything and everything and ramble to you most of the time and if you like that then make sure you hit subscribe and if you like me rambling I want to fall asleep to it you can do that here as well since I don't shout or scream in any of my videos unless it's horror and even then it's a little Chet gasps and Yelps and check out my podcast down to sleep where I read books softly to you to help you sleep we're about to finish Lord of the Rings we're reading eclipse in the Twilight Saga Pride and Prejudice and so many more it's got its own YouTube channel and it's on Spotify and every we get podcasts right we get tab expansion new clients new furniture new decoration unique guests new events toilets wait we didn't have toilets before what about that first guy that came in where did he go is that what I Ste in earlier Ye Old [Music] tolton hello can I interest you in a toilet we've just opened them looking for the the first person to step on in this may sound like an odd proposition but I can assure you it is absolutely innocent no space on the tray well the ale is on the way sausages I've got sausages um right let me oh dear I'm getting a little confused sorry let me Focus for two seconds clear that wipe this I mean what's in this ale for the color really we'll never know it is the evening this has all been one day it's day Zero and we're just to 6 p.m. now we've done this much no Splats all three perfect it's happening got him uno dos Tru another gentleman coming [Music] in mmm right all four done inspect the toilet let's have a butches really far away in the future it's better don't to leave it dirty for a long time right we go tab has a toilet sometimes people use it make get clogged Grace I'd rather be a barista got to order some sausage ah what lovely clean guests not a dirty table in sight what was that thing that he was feeling negative about something you're becoming more popular and attracting attention sometimes unusual customers may come to you someone may ask for help some may be Roundy Rowdy talk to a client be polite to everyone and list listen to them that's what you want I remember like that game Tavern talk that I played which was kind of less of a Sim game more of a um story really good if you want another kind of this but with RPG story and characters beggar at entrance would you have a coin for me um right there you go thank you I'll tell everyone that even those who cannot pay are well treated here well don't tell your friends just tell people with money thank [Music] you uh yeah Tab and talk if you want to check out another good video more of a visual novel but you do make some drinks in it I'm looking forward to that one coming out there you go now clean up this mess off to order some sausage 10 sausages five alss sounds like a good time why can't I put this oh you want a sausage right okay I've only come in for a sausage right would you like an ale in the meantime no the only thing I want right now in me go is a sausage all right be right back with your [Music] sa sausages in a basket this place does need a good scrub customers can order not only drinks but snacks arrange snacks on shelves prepare the sausage prepare the [Music] sausage here's your sausage sir do you hear sweeping am I hearing things do leave I've gone quite mad some say I was mad all along and others say that the best people are quite Bonkers don't you know come on in sir what can we do for you bad bad bad what's bad this mess well excuse me for being a small business owner in this the year of Our Lord huh how dare I a be right there's one on the tray have that D ding ding D [Music] ding now there you go you're welcome rushed off my feet here well well well well who made a meal you know a big deal of the mess when they came in and then proceeded to make it even worse and leave a mess on the table that guy thank you for being a clean Drinker let's see if we can have a quick scrub a dub dub whilst we wait for the next customers I made a coffee before starting this recording um thinking I would get to play and drink and it's been it's not been enough space feel like I'm actually working in a pub here or by myself and running around there's no multiplayer for this and there's not going to be um but it feels like it would really suit it right like being able to say oh get some more mugs and someone running out back and doing it we need some water from the well I'm in the office I'm doing the upgrades feels like it would um make perfect sense bubbles oh I did them all great be right with [Applause] you I tell you got these sausages in I sold one that was not a Splat that was in the green well we're getting timed now am I the task is serve the sausage serve the sausage right make your own joke there oh I've got a dirty toilet as well didn't even pull your chair out for you unbelievable two whales coming up oh got them right here don't ask where I was keeping that I gave him the skanky beer for not pulling out her chair the bar is quite literally in Hell sir doesn't take much to leap over it like one was a cow jumping over the moon oh dear oh no I've made a mess of that one okay this is proper toilet cleaning technique sparkling I'm wondering if we're going to like grow something in that field right that's not there for no reason [Music] all right can I interest anyone in my sausage I mean a sausage the sausage are you right you're a group do I need group tables there's a group of people out there staring at me menacingly table for four very well not quite sure ah this is all cleared now eyes shows how much attention I'm paying I'm so busy well they got bored and walked off but we'll be ready for tomorrow w't we [Music] [Music] she's out of our hair there we go table for four and uh we'll put that right there one sausage one ale [Applause] girl dinner the sausages coming P [Applause] these what did you have for dinner last night a sausage a [Music] sausage oh two alss in a sausage no space on the [Music] train just the sausage for me [Music] please prepare the [Music] sausage sausage prepared so we need workplace Improvement ah oh okay let's do that get some more ale and some more Sagi coming in maybe a little clean we have a dirty table squeaky [Music] clean and a delivery the deliveries is are very quick around here here it's 9:30 you just want a [Music] sausage okay put these in here that's a lot for one day isn't it one more sausage to be served that's a I mean that's a I don't know how much we're charging for that but that is a big sausage like a little mouse with that thing she look so shocked when I said that do apologize KY where have you two come from two whes perfect [Music] amount ale ale ale any more decorations we do have more [Music] decorations oh I'm so poor different sets yes Spruce the place up a little bit imagine them wiping the table before you've even left sausage boost your reputation buy a new Tavern level I just spent all my money on furniture pop this in toilet be dirty don't even see anyone sneak out here I feel like the local Village is just using it not even and customers I like that it feels kind of low pressure in terms of no one's getting super mad if we take a minute I'm sure they will if we take longer than we are but it's not punishing you know so far we've done okay and I'm not really super paying attention I've just been rambling to you most of this time but it seems to be going okay oh she's back right I hope this is with a reward not with money you look like Snow White and here comes the witch to offer you an [Applause] [Music] apple you can tell my love language is just words of affirmation compliments I give that was a compliment as well I hope you know to look like Snow White don't you give me a coin get out of here just wanted to see what the difference was a rush order for two ale nailed it they're like Stray Cats you show them a kindness they'll show up but cats are better i' rather have stray cats than old women Tavern level I probably need more money [Music] un fitty FY sausage in an [Music] nail Supermarket simulator that was another good time that was a bit more chill than this one so I got to be a bit more rambly had to focus a little bit here and there on this one there's the ale there's the [Music] sausage no space on the tree pop those in there bu I wonder what like actual old Ye Old Ale tasted like all right taking up a table for four with two of you that seems a little much alth I'm not I'm to be fair if I you know if I go somewhere you know we're taking a whole Booth if there's only two of us it's not a why should we sit on the the two seater why shouldn't we enjoy the comfy chairs too exactly right I'll take that thank you do not be funny is if in this they had like uh dine and dash like dine ditches that try and run they're like someone's running without paying and you have to like chase them down with a bow and arrow that could be a good time spice things up a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we are have a wonderful dat you two you look lovely together she's my sister right sorry misjudged that oh 10 gold off the new Tavern level what will they want ale or sausages ale okay the final level tab expansion new clients new furniture new decoration unique guests new events New workplace wood chopping oh oh we're going to cook stuff now cook your customers you've unlocked cannibalism look at new workplace let me give oh out fail anyway all right I'll have a look ah we put ingredients in we need firewood chop wood take the axe hold down carry the firewood place them in the log hole older how's this work then chopping firewood has got to be fun isn't it okay ah I just sort of have to do it like this oh wait someone is in the bathroom I just click three times and then put fire in and we order vegetables and stuff bring water from the well vegetables for soup I oh my gosh I've left myself a little bit broke [Applause] here oh dear uh sausages yes just have sausages because I'm in a bit of trouble I don't have another ale I have to make sure I sell this sausage before anything else no why do you want ale ah good there's some money on the table bit of Ale bit of sausage bit of veg there we go perfect I haven't even put the furniture out that I bought I this is what's wrong with me you understand oh dear I bet some of you have been uh saying that for a while haven't you what why can't I Wrong Place ah it's like a pre-ordained location what I got three things no okay it's past midnight I shouldn't even be working you're all Lucky that I'm still serving no clean Crockery that you know what get out I've had enough it's been too long a day I'm sick of it I'm sick of it I tell [Music] you i' be ex I think it back I'd be exhausted if this was VR be working up a sweat oh my gosh does anyone want a sausage going once going twice no oh we're kapow oh I'm splatting [Applause] the worst Pillow Talk you've ever heard there you go there's an ale there's your ale there an ale for you and we need uh this one you want another one do you two sausages over here and one ale still I only ordered a little bit of Ale didn't [Music] I you go one your one ale is on its way what's this mean broken table all right can I you want another one I I need more money to give you more [Music] a [Music] goodness I getting rowdy in the late hours one l oh my right here you go I'm going to give it to you because you should give me a big amount of money here [Music] okay let's have a little [Music] clean oh dear you've you've absolutely done it haven't you [Music] goodness what what do I ow the pleasure how much do I get 35 come on just order the sausages goodness me going till two then we're closing oh I don't want to do the veg don't I I think the veg came actually I need 10 I need to buy 10 [Music] vegetables I like that we can watch the actually pulling in honestly exhausted after one [Music] day more vegetables I want to see how we serve food in [Music] there right als's coming up getting in the [Music] Rhythm these sausages aren very [Music] popular what do I do with a broken table though says to use I don't oh it's just a knocked over stool there apparently a broken table who's left a bone on the floor What's Happening Here there'll be none of that in here it's a family tavn for family people thank you very much goodness feel like I'm back in that ASMR cooking Sim scrubbing the floor you like that right littering can't stand it four alss I have three three alss in the thing right they're on a timer so let's do them first no clean Crockery do my not in here no water this is becoming a joke that lovely waterfall over there you still got to take a time a moment to enjoy life smell the roses even as an overworked Tavern keeper nice and clean they're going to leave before we get this [Applause] done wait oh he saved the day there's your one sausage three more als's coming up never give up I can't believe he's done it he's bloody done it a Dale for all now vegetables get these in we'll see how the veg is and then we'll take it from there and I know that the toilet's been full for an age in a day I've just been swept off my feet I like being busy but not this busy haven't been able to talk to you about all sorts of things have I this is where eventually I will just start doing Rambles on my podcast where it's just fall asleep to me talking about anything as well as the stories because I need a place to just I need someone to talk to without being distracted by a game um here we go here comes your ale everybody right soup now you can cook soup ignite Dr vegetables to pot Ladle ladel a fun word [Applause] Ladle one for you one for you and a sausage is this my Crockery no cro again scrubing the cops scrubing scrubing scrubing the cups I mean you are the messiest peasants I have ever had a good fortune to serve see now I just want to go to a l and be a barkeep and just play this [Music] character think i' be pretty good at [Applause] [Music] it maybe minus the pet names another one for you well someone's going to have too many two for you clean money and clean she wants another one all that she wants is's another [Music] ale we go making the M M M M mooler who's left a fish here taking the mick some sort of practical joke because the tavern's named after a cat is that it oh my God who thought this was [Music] appropriate absolute mess it's 3:00 a.m. it's time to CL she's had way too many there we go it's time for a break everyone out it's good the last customers stop in so we can just give you the last sausage of the night # no context actually have a little catch up here in a clean because I want to serve some soup where do we go to here the fire went out oh um need more wood then Wood please pick up the axe and chop hit hit hit I don't know if you can actually miss all right fire fire oh missed luggage three logs veggies in and uh ladling wait it says to work but I guess it's cooking oh wait I have to click sorry ah we have to right okay okay okay okay okay we spin to the speed where we want it Ah that's actually pretty satisfying as a mechanic for stirring soup so I'm rotating left and right slowly and kind of keeping it in that Center Point to make a good soup huh cool ah we made it to the end of the demo with the sup perfect timing cuz that was about where I would have call it anyway after doing the first full day in shutting Tavern manager simulator I enjoyed that I enjoyed rambling to you I think if I played it again I would like close the store more and clean up and do things but I was just rambling away and playing and I hope you enjoyed it there are some videos on the screen if you want to go on another adventure right now I'll put up ones that are similar to this kind of vibe and I'll see you in the next one check out the podcast follow me on Instagram find all of the links below this video but thank you for watching I appreciate you and I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day or your evening good night [Music]
Channel: MadMorph
Views: 35,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madmorph, morph, videogames, gaming, indie games, new games, cozy gamer, cozy games, comfort gamer, comfort games, playthrough, walkthrough, game playthrough, full game playthrough, full game walkthrough
Id: D51mbGxkuRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 29sec (4349 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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