Electrical Rough-In Inspection (New Construction)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right we are back again with another video let's just get into it um today we're going to talk about uh what i look for when i am doing an electrical rough the areas that i look for are the violations i look for when i'm doing an electrical rough um so let me just get this camera turned around we'll get started um we're in a brand new home just it's built it's a small one it's probably about 1200 square feet it's a single single family one level and i'm kind of giving you uh give you a look um so let's just go through um try to make this quick i want to try to keep them short and sweet um i seem to get more views when they're when they're short so i'm gonna try to keep them short uh electrical rough um so let's get into it this is a bedroom here uh pretty much go through and check all the at least one outlet on every wall every wall and it is secured to a stud and the romex is going straight up through the top plate and if it's closer than an inch inch and a half to that edge into that top plate then we need a nail guard or some some type of metal plate i'm also wanting to seal the penetrations but typically i'll check that on on framing or or insulation but i go through each bedroom make sure there is a smoke alarm box in every bedroom as well i also look for if they're coming off that receptacle box that within a foot within 12 inches that it's secured you want to make sure that that every box is you know every row mix every wire is at least secure within 12 inches you got your switches going through switches right here that's a switch box right here and within that 12 inch area you want a staple down here in georgia we are under the nec 17 where we just transitioned to the nec 20 but when this house was permanent which was late last year um the electrical we were on the nac 17 so a lot of the codes that he is is governed by is is under you know last year's code we just transitioned to a new electrical code this year nec20 but the number of wire or nec or romex going through every hole the max is is for four of these i typically cap them at three i don't i don't want any more than three going through so i go through and check every penetration make sure no more than three are going through every every penetration like i said i go through this is the family room area here goes through and check every wall make sure there's at least one outlet okay now we're in the uh the kitchen area this is a smaller house i'll say again maybe about 11 1200 feet this is the kitchen area it's really really small um and this this is the kitchen sink here you see the drainage line hot and cold water and there's another the red is the hot water blue is a cold got hot and cold water for this thing and we got another hot water for the dishwasher that outlet here receptacle boxes for the dishwasher as well or it could be for the garbage disposal but this will this would be pretty much where the kitchen sink will sit we want a outlet within two feet each side of the kitchen sink so we got one here outlet we got one on the other side as well check for that come over here to the laundry make sure we have an outlet for the washing machine and for the dryer so i i go through every room basically check make sure that you know we got outlets on every wall we got smoke alarm box in every bedroom smoke alarm box outside the bedroom smoke alarm um on every level um make sure you have receptacle boxes for those those units also in the attic this particular house it does have an attic in it i don't know if you can see it that's the attic opening right here and there is a unit up in that attic i'll try to get you up there to see there doesn't mean it hold on for a second get you up there and there is a unit as you can see there's a unit up in the attic right there so also make sure that there is a service outlet up in the attic wherever that unit is and there's a light fixture a box or a light fixture up in that attic as well if if there were no mechanical units if they didn't have a furnace up in that in that area then that would not be needed maybe just a light fixture but that's not even required if there's no mechanical unit up in that area in that attic area then there's no light fixture there's no surface outlet required up in that area but this particular home has a a air handler up and at it like a lot of homes in georgia like a lot of home down here in georgia they do we require them to have a light fixture a box for fixture light fixture and a service outlet now also check the panel as well this is the panel it's a 200 amp panel as you can see make sure that the neutrals neutral neutral line is a neutral line right here that the neutrals and the grounds the grounds over here they're separate they're they're on their separate separate bar so the nutribar here the ground on this side electrician did a nice job of setting separating everything um [Music] make sure these lines are really tight and secure with torque down correctly um that's the line that's coming in from down in the crawl spaces this house does have a crawl space it goes that that service line runs down below the bottom plate through the crawl space out to the meter base i also check to make sure there's a bulker plate that's the metal plate i'm kicking it with my shoe um he drilled a nice little hole so they have to go back and seal all those those penetrations up but i want to make sure there's a there's a plate there in case you know when those guys come through with that nail gun and that drywall that they don't they don't hit that that service line right there um and and the uh the romance going up through the top plate all right you see the holes that are drilled they still have to come back like i said let me flip this around still come back and seal all these penetrations up you got your bokeh plate that's that big metal plate that keeps uh you know keep the guys from from hitting that wire away installing the drywall and that still had to be sealed um but those are kind of things i checked um like i said i'm trying to keep it short um check the penetrations through the top bottom plate make sure the house it does have boxes for alarms smoke alarms carbon monoxide detectors um check the location of the panel make sure all the penetrations are sealed and not real close to the edge if they are we need some kind of guard some kind of protection and that's basically it um i'm trying to think of uh also on the exterior um i go outside to make sure that there's a service outlet for the condenser make sure there's exterior outlets front and back um the romex going out for light fixtures at the doors front and back um and outlets front and back uh any other light fixtures maybe on the corners of the house they could have some like this is one right here and show you one one real fast he threw one up right there that's for the corner for like a spotlight foot floodlight that's basically it basically this is a small house here like i said it's about about 11 1200 square feet that's what i kind of look for when i'm doing an electrical rough hope you guys enjoyed this um [Music] got any questions like i said hit me up down below i will get back with you as soon as humanly possible and i hope you guys stand safe man keep the mask on and and uh we'll see you soon man we'll see on the next one you
Channel: PPG
Views: 345,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrical rough, residential electrical, electrical inspection, new construction home inspection, electrical inspection checklist, electrical inspection home buying, residential electrical rough in, electrical rough in kitchen, electrical rough in new construction, electrical rough in tips, electrical rough in inspection, electrical rough in residential, residential electrical wiring rough in
Id: wDLa_A7wGrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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