New Co-pilot Arrives for Fenix A320 | First Look at FSFO for MSFS 2020

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hello friends followers and channel members welcome to another video here in microsoft flight simulator where today we're going to be taking a look at a new piece of software flight simulator first officer now i don't mind admitting that this is a piece of software that i had not come across before until they recently released their edition of this software for the phoenix a320 as the name would suggest flight simulator first officer is exactly that it provides you with a fully customizable first officer to help you through your flights now available for the phoenix a320 in microsoft flight simulator now of course many of you may be wondering now about fs2 crew which essentially does the same thing however as of yet they don't have a version available at the time this video was being filmed for the phoenix a320 so this is a somewhat of a unique piece of software at the moment flight simulator first officer is also rather cheap compared to fs2 crew but that's not to say that it isn't just as good now fsfo actually has variants available for quite a number of different aircraft within microsoft flight simulator essentially there are versions available for the pmdg-737 the phoenix a320 the flybywire a32nx the headwind a330 the crj from aerosoft and the default boeing 747 787s and the bredock 737 in this video we are just going to be focusing on their latest release the phoenix a320 edition which at the time of the video being made is currently on sale for 14.99 now in this video i'm going to show off some of its features and show you just how customizable this piece of software is but i do have to stress right at the start that i didn't find setting this program up particularly easy it actually took me quite a while and that's all to do with the evis ui pc integration that it runs so you do have to have a copy of fsuipc doesn't have to be the registered copy the free version is absolutely fine and setting this up is quite important if you do go ahead and get this i highly recommend reading through the full details of the star trek guide because i can guarantee you it will save you a lot of time my co-pilot was announcing that he was doing things and in actual fact none of the switches that he was saying he was moving were actually moving and this was due to the fact that i'd not got everything set up quite correctly the good news is however that as part of the installation package it does ask if you want to download fsu ipc so that is all integrated i just didn't select everything to be downloaded and this program does need everything including the wasm package which i didn't install the first time around so once the program is installed correctly and everything else that goes with it and up and running all you need to do is turn it on now there is also an option to turn this on automatically at the moment the flight sim starts but i like to keep things uh sort of manual in that sense so i know what is running what isn't running depending on how you have everything set up you can see as i've turned that on the uh the co-pilot has already gone ahead and requested the ground services so the the jet way and the luggage vehicles etc are all coming into place now of course this is do all dependent upon how you've got things set up and it is really customizable let's go and have a look at some of the options so under the configuration menu you can select your standard operating procedures obviously every airline is different you can literally go through and tweak these as you wish i'd already gone ahead and done this so these are not the default settings but you will obviously be able to go in and select these as you want things like the acceleration altitude which is quite a nice touch so many lines use 1500 feet whereas here on this channel we use a thousand feet for example and of course you don't need to have voice activation all of this can be done by selecting at what altitude you want your first officer to do specific things obviously if you are using voice you can just turn this off set it to zero because you can use your voice to ask your first officer to do these specific commands i also really like the fact that you can go and configure the lights and set those up uh in one way or the other and of course you can also pre-define which engine you're starting first engine one or engine two the program also links to sim brief if you are a sim brief user and so it has extra information to really help your flight moves smoothly you can then go ahead and select things like your planned cruising altitude your initial stop altitude whether you're going to be using a sid what flap setting you want for the departure all the things like that that you can see on screen you can even then go ahead and enter what's going to be the flex v1 vr v2 etc and then the coparts obviously all this information which you can then use during your takeoff now you're probably wondering well do i really want to do all this have to enter all these details into another box because i'm going to set up the fmgc anyway well the answer is no if you want your first officer to set up the box for you and enter all this information into the book do then yes you do need to fill these out otherwise the first officer will just like a real world pilot read everything from the box that you've set up so let's hop into the aircraft then and put it to the test so here we are on the ground at manchester and you can see that my phoenix aircraft is set up uh fully cold and dark so i'm going to put the software to the test and let it do the full setup one of the things i am going to do prior to launching the uh the application is i'm going to just put some of the thrust levers and flaps levers etc um in the wrong position intentionally and the hope that when we actually launch it our first officer is going to come uh do a little bit of the pre-flight flows and checks and make sure that everything is where it should be so if we turn on the the wipers as well for example into into places they shouldn't be one of the things that you must have running prior to setting this up is you must have fsu ipc 7 installed and running it doesn't have to be a full registered copy of the freeware version is absolutely fine so you can see that i've got that running already and you also don't want to run the flight simulator first officer program until you are sat in the flight deck if you run it beforehand then it can mess things up so wait until you are completely in the flight deck and ready to go before launching the application so i'm just going to go ahead and launch this now let me just go ahead and bring this in so you can see it on screen the first thing it will do is download the simply flight plan once you've gone in and set all that up there is a tutorial video by the developer showing how you can go through and set all of this up so i'm not going to look too much at the setting up side of things but more just the application itself how we can interact with it and how it all works so download the assembly flight plan and then that's done in the background once we're ready we're going to turn it on uh by uh selecting this button here you can of course also in the options go through and set this up so it works from the moment you launch the application but i like to have full control over things so i want to tell it when i want to launch etc so let's go ahead and turn this on good afternoon captain so you should now go through perform the safety check there we go the windscreen wipers have been put in the right place he's making sure the thrust levers are in the correct place the flap lever has also moved and you can see now the list of everything our first officer is going to do in the order which is going to do it you don't have to have this on it of course you can turn that off and he'll just continue to do it in the background but certainly whilst you're getting used to the program i found it's useful just to have this flow and checklist column enabled so you can see exactly what what he's going to do so obviously you can see the aircraft is powering up and we're just waiting for the apu there's a long time there so you can actually go ahead and skip these just by pressing the control and alt what's really nice is the control out combination unless you've gone in and set this up yourself manually in microsoft flight simulator doesn't interfere with any other keybind so i can just go ahead and do that and that should skip the 200 seconds or so that it's going to wait there we go apu power has been established and now it will continue to set the aircraft up so everything that the first officer is doing at the moment is part of what's called the pre-flight checklist which is a silent checklist so he's not going to go ahead and announce everything that that he's doing what i have found though is that some of the tests that uh the applications does is in the wrong order for example you can see now that he's doing the apu fire test um this isn't fully integrated into the phoenix none of the push buttons are actually working for the fire test where everything else that has been set up of course is now you would know if you watch the live streams and the real world procedures tutorial that we've got here on the channel that of course you need to do the fire test before starting the apu so it seems there's a little bit uh a little bit of things done out of order but nevertheless everything is done just perhaps not in in the right order what you can see now as well is that we've got information that we as the pilot flying need to do so we need to go ahead set the altimeter program the the mcdo uh do the walk around etc and then we can go ahead and set the the fcu up get the weather and our ifr clearance for air traffic control so this application will not talk to the default air traffic control for you that it's still uh that's still all on you as the pilot flying if you're using default air traffic control of course that is so the preflight flow has completed i'm gonna go ahead and perform my duties now once that's done we'll come back and have a quick look we can also use the application to get different information that we need so for instance i can request the weather report for our departure and our destination so quick way of getting the the meta we can also get a load sheet as well so here we go let's just fill in the init a page so 44.0 so empty aircraft essentially just go ahead and fill that out but it's nice to be able to use this as well if you want to get quick access to things now the box is all set up it'll run through the pre-flight checklist and of course if you wish you can use your voice for that pre-flight checklist pre-flight checklist cockpit preparation completed passenger sign on ad is set fuel two niner niner six kilogram check fmgs set altimeters set checklist complete before start checklist doors closed beacon light on parking brake set checklist complete ground from cockpit go ahead ready for pushback set parking brakes steering inserted release parking brake starting push clear to start engines start engines nose left nose left no straight now straight stop push back stopping push back said parking brakes tow bar disconnected see you on the left side with the pin have a great flight we'll look for you on the left side thank you taxi checklist taxi checklist flight controls checked check trim checked briefing completed flaps set fma takeoff data checked transponder set checklist complete before takeoff checklist before takeoff checklist engine mode selector set packs set ecam memo no blue checklist complete fly flight attendant prepare for takeoff thrust set speed alive 80 knots v1 rotate v2 positive rate gear up landing gear up autopilot on acceleration altitude gear down landing gear down um speed brake flaps three flaps full landing checklist landing checklist cabin notified go around altitude set ecam memo no blue checklist complete flight attendants prepare for landing so hopefully this video has given you a little bit of an idea as to what flight simulator first officer is all about and as i say it's not just available here for the phoenix that's just their latest release but it is of course also available for those aircraft that i mentioned a little bit earlier on each one is an individual different package so you would have to purchase the program and unlock the license key for each aircraft i actually quite liked this once i got the hang of it and one of the things that really impressed me was how good the speech recognition was i didn't have to set anything up i didn't even set up anything or train my voice in windows for the speech recognition to work it literally just worked for me right out of the box would i recommend flight sim first officer as a purchase for you flying with the phoenix well yes and no but it all depends on how you fly your aircraft for me personally with all the hardware and things i like to be able to have full control over all the flows and things like that so i wouldn't want to use this program for its flows plus some of the call responses are different to what pilots use in the real world so if you're familiar with those then this could put you off a little bit that said for standard airbus sops it is quite realistic so if you are happy using those then by all means for me personally i as i said a moment ago like full control over my hardware my flows i don't really want my first officer touching anything because i might miss something but what i really do like is the ability to just use the voice to uh activate the the flaps get the landing gear up the callouts for v1 vr and the thrust direction acceleration value those are really nice touches and those are the things that i could perhaps see myself using in the future because the program is fully customizable you do not have to utilize all of the flows and things like that you simply just don't activate them you just allow the program to sit there in the background so your first officer can do things that you've instructed him to you can download different sound packs as well so you have female officers you have british american european different voice packs from all around the globe ultimately i think this could be a great product for those of you that do want help flying the phoenix a320 do as i say at the start of the video make sure you read all the documentation and make sure things are set up correctly otherwise you could find yourself being disappointed and spending lots of hours trying to troubleshoot when really everything's there right in the manual thank you so much for watching i hope you found this video useful and i would love to hear what you guys think on this product if you have the product let us know in the comments down below how you're getting on with it and if you have things like fs2 crew as well which one do you think you prefer looking at both products together if you have found this video useful please do hit that like button and don't forget if you are new to the channel hit that subscribe button and turn on the notifications bell so you don't miss any future content and live streams thanks so much for watching i'll see you all again soon bye for now
Channel: Easyjetsimpilot
Views: 30,958
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Id: bLQ35X0CDzA
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Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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