NEW Cheetos MAC N CHEESE Review I Bold & Cheesy , Flamin Hot, & Cheesy Jalapeno

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dangerously cheesy [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here join the fam there's plenty of room this video is long overdue as many of you guys may know cheetos came out with their own brand of mac and cheese like a month ago i've had these boxes in my pantry for weeks now and so i know i've been slacking if you guys are like me and grew up on kraft blue box mac and cheese then y'all are pretty excited about this so they came out with three flavors their regular cheesy flavor their hot cheetos and the cheesy jalapeno so i cooked all three of them obviously they are so pretty look how vibrant the color is super orange look at this red this is why i had to wear my red lipstick today and then um you know this one's okay i'm gonna rate each one two different times one just on flavor like if i like it or not and then two how it closely compares to the chips they are modeled after the chips flavors after all so it wouldn't be a true taste test review if i didn't compare them without further ado let's get into it before i take this first big bite this is the cheesy one this is just the original so i don't know about you guys but i always smell my food i know some people think that's really rude but i'm just trying to gauge you know like if it's safe or not cheers hmm sorry i'm just trying to think of the words so it's not bad you know what i really like about what cheetos did here i actually really like that they use the rigatoni spiral noodles because then it like locks in a lot of that flavor it's good but i think i like craft better hmm i just had a really good bite i think i just needed to mix it up a bit because a lot of the sauce i guess is at the bottom that was a really good bite the bite i had was like nice and cheesy which is what i was looking for actually that's really good i don't know how you guys like your mac and cheese but i like mine to be super super cheesy thick and creamy i don't think you're gonna really get that here out of five stars i'm gonna give this a three and a half let's try the cheetos to see how it compares i don't remember it being this salty i love how they tried to get the colors to match like perfectly look at this could you even tell like if one was right there so either i'm gonna say no it doesn't yes it does or kinda sorta and i'm gonna say kinda sorta on to the next one so i think this is the one that's highly sought after the hot cheetos one obviously when these first came out they were kind of a hot commodity so you may or may not have been able to find it at your local walmart right away i heard that people were going to stores purchasing hell of these and then like selling them on ebay for a ton of money which you know do you and people were buying them now that the hype's kind of died down it's easy to find i actually seen that you can purchase it online for a dollar if i didn't mention already they have boxes and they also have individual cups that you can like microwave which is perfect because these boxes actually make a huge portion like look at this you're probably not going to finish one whole box you're probably going to end up sharing it the other thing i want to say is thank you cheetos for not making these super expensive like they could have easily charged three four dollars maybe even a box and i know for sure people would have bought them i know i would so thank you for only making them a dollar and making them super affordable enough jibber jabber let's try this one let's mix it up let's make sure we get the bottom with all them juices i'm gonna take a big bite of this one maybe i'll get a good thumbnail mmm this one smells like it oh i licked it you guys i get the heat this one smells like hot cheetos yeah that one's spicy i'm not gonna lie i didn't think that they'd be able to get the heat but they did my expectations were kind of low for this one but i'm pleasantly surprised it's not like fiery hot maybe i spoke too soon that's actually making my nose run if you have a low tolerance for heat you probably wouldn't be able to handle this i'm telling you that right now so if i'm gonna rate how much i like it on a one to five i'm gonna give it a four and a half four i'm gonna give it four and a half i actually really like it now for you cheetos fans out there you know that this is actually a 2x cheetos and not just the regular one i had to have it match you know it tastes like barbecue hmm i love hot cheetos hot cheetos with cheese hot cheetos with cream cheese so good so does it taste like the hot cheetos can i say it's in the middle of kind of sort of and yes like more on the side of yes though i love it next so i actually save this one for last because this is the one i think i'm gonna enjoy the most when i was cooking it the aroma was just so good and it literally reminded me exactly of the jalapeno cheetos it smells so good oh my god i i just i wish you guys can smell it like take a big old whiff so this is not a mukbang you guys know i also do mukbangs i'm not planning on finishing all of this okay i'm planning on sharing with my family afterwards do you guys like the cheesy jalapeno actually you know what scratch out what is your favorite cheetos flavor hmm that one's really good i don't know what it is about it but i feel like it's creamier for some reason i feel like it's thicker but maybe it's because it's been sitting now for a while i like that one it tastes exactly how it smells i feel like it tastes just like the chips without even trying it but you know i'm still gonna try the chips i think it even smells like it oh yum these are so i haven't had this in so long oh [ __ ] if you guys have watched my last couple of videos then you know i'm a huge klutz okay i've been filming a lot of mukbangs in my husband's truck i really need to get his car detailed because i've made so much mess in there anyways back to this there's one with a ton of cheese i need to try it i'm gonna give this a 4.5 based on taste and how much i like it and then how does it compare to its chip relative i'm gonna say it really tastes like it so these two are the clear winners here nice job cheetos i hope you enjoyed this food review if you have tried these cheetos mac and cheese let me know in the comment section which one is your favorite flavor if you want to join the family don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss any new videos all right you guys keep it yummy
Channel: Melissa Eats It All
Views: 9,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trying cheetos mac n cheese, cheetos mac n cheese taste test, cheetos mac n cheese review, cheetos mac and cheese, cheetos mac n cheese, cheetos mac 'n cheese, new cheetos mac n cheese, new cheetos mac and cheese, bold and cheesy, flamin hot, cheesy jalepeno, cheetos cheddar, cheetos cheddar jalapeno, trying the new cheetos mac n cheese so you don't have to, trying the new cheetos mac and cheese so you don't have to, bold & cheesy, melissaexplainsitall, melissa explains it all
Id: m3ApP7R3AcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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