FIVE GUYS MUKBANG (Hubby is back!!)

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hey guys it's your girl Melissa with heavy [Applause] and today we're having Five Guys we're trying something new not on their menu just we've never had it before yeah we see it a lot online you know Tick Tock Instagram reels I've never heard of it apparently hubby has people are getting grilled cheeseburgers so Five Guys has grilled cheese where they just flip their buns and then you know just make you a grilled cheese with whatever you want in there but people have been ordered ordering grilled cheeseburgers it looks amazing didn't know it was a thing yeah same it looks amazing and kitchen fries and I brought my own sauces we brought our own drinks because hubby's here someone said that drinks on mukbangs are annoying we're only here to watch you eat we don't want to see you quenching your thirst sure or maybe like just like the sound especially when it's soda and stuff fine we'll do it off camera and I'm like super annoying because I always like Hiccup and stuff um I brought my little sausage I got you Ranch what oh did you really I take back that head nod okay ready I am so excited we are so hungry very very hungry we did a little bit of wow so we had like we're still not done Christmas shopping you guys and we went out with uh we took Scarlett out shopping she's at home with um Melissa's sister um yeah oh yeah we we just and then we went to like three four stores literally only got gifts for like each other and stuff yeah like we got stuff for scarlet and I got Melissa a couple things that she said she wanted and I don't know yeah and we need to just pick because like time is running out and it's not getting any easier and we always like end up having to pay for Rush shipping and stuff that is like such a big piece of mine because we end up getting stuff that like we've been pondering on am I hanging let's just get it and now let's pay extra money for it struggling but yeah what's up guys I'm excited to be back I'm usually the one watching Scarlett at home so it's nice to be here oh this is being difficult um so hungry so I got mine playing with mayo you guys already know let's give him a little toast oh yeah no no I'm good yes please order it like that really hot but yours is they must have just made yours but I always found five guys really expensive uh-huh but if you have the extra Doja it's really good really worth it for me it's a prize yeah let's hook you up with fries yeah I just got a medium and they're gonna overflow it so it ends up feeling like a large anyway someone actually did a video on that like how much volume of fries extra that they give you for each like size that you order [Music] um definitely large is the best option they give you obviously they'll give you the most fries oh in the bag yeah Polynesian and Chick-fil-A sauce I like the texture of the grilled cheese is it extra so buttery so toast uh toasty on the outside so nice yesterday we did our annual family Christmas pictures I will have posted it already on Instagram by the time you guys see this video Scarlett did really well Scarlet's used to the camera now with me being her mom so she knows like to look at the lens it's weird like she had it more together than some of them I think I wish the season the patties better today yeah how's your I agree it's a little it's not Bland but yeah have a napkin please it's nice and cold today we love this weather super gloomy love it I don't know if I talked about this in the last video maybe I did that I had a bad toothache um oh yeah it's still kind of hurt well not as much anymore but I can't completely chew on my right side I'm sure to go away also random but I can't remember which video it was that we talked about it some of you guys know our videos better than we do some of you guys would watch certain videos so if you know which video this was where hubby and I were talking about this is before Charlotte even came here where we're like we are not bringing our child to Disneyland not until they were like yeah they can remember it or they're like walking and we're going to Disneyland as we land after we're so excited we did all of our shopping for it and we were expecting it to be nice and cold out there so we'll see we'll see I would prefer for it to be cold because like tubby and I don't really do well in the heat like it's quite miserable yeah for sure don't I love being cold Sweater Weather the weather yeah even today just like wearing this knitted sweater it's 40 degrees out I was getting so so hot shopping my soda now guys seven up zero shoot or zero right or seven of them that's a no-brainer right Alex right yeah I think most people would but do you feel like Sprite versus seven Up is similar to like peptine Coke no not even I guess but I don't know yeah I'm not gonna lie like I'd prefer Coke over Pepsi but Pepsi is still really good pretty good I actually want to try that pilk one stop oh there's like a Pepsi commercial with Lindsay Lohan and where she drinks Pepsi with milk people online have also been trying that and said it was really good oh yeah you did tell me this and I was like maybe it tastes like a root beer float but like a Pepsi float you know like maybe it's kind of sweet should be good I mean I don't see why it wouldn't be speaking of Lindsay Lohan have you guys seen her Christmas movie uh falling for Christmas I don't remember names but on Netflix right it was so cute really really really good unexpectedly good yeah I thought it was going to be super like ah whatever Lindsay Lohan Christmas Netflix you know you've seen them all but it was actually really good I mean you know no one's not gonna win any awards for acting or anything but the story yeah the acting's pretty decent but it was a cute story excuse me and I thought she looked really good in it yeah we've been watching a lot of movies lately a lot of Christmasy Netflix didn't we watch something on um Amazon recently what was it we watched so much I can't keep up with it we're in the middle of Noel the Noel story or something diary yeah I don't even know oh yes yes we just started and then wait what did we watch I don't know Christmas movies the cold hot chocolate we watched it that movie with Freddie Prince Jr oh yeah I don't remember also on Netflix that one was just okay yeah it's cool don't hold back there's more fries oh and I'm not I've been digging in actually I think I'm digging in because I'm I don't really want to touch this one right now hubby honestly from like friends and family I'd rather them just get Scarlet [ __ ] mm-hmm shame you know I want her to have a great an amazing first Christmas [Music] obviously she can't open the stuff herself yet or like even get the concept but it'd be nice what are your guys's thoughts about stuff like that I actually wanted to um not a poll but I wanted to put a question out on Instagram stories asking you guys what to get a four month old for Christmas but I thought that might be stupid like I feel like he would be like um she won't know the difference so whatever like a toy you know but just like hubby said I want her to have a good [Music] first Christmas sometime we're getting her things like books toys lovely love love love reading her books and little toys so they keep her you know her mind going right now oh my she's messing with things and wanting to put everything in her mouth now and today she's she just learned to grab her feet it's so cute so many Milestones so so many things to like I don't know this is very blessed I'm not I'm not ready for her to like start putting her toes in her mouth and stuff like that like that's not that her feet are dirty but still oh what's new guys what's going what's new what's going on in your lives oh it was really cool doing that um Premiere that was fun so thank you guys for joining it hubby and I actually want to figure out how to do a live but if we did do a live since we eat in the car it's not like we can do a connection [Music] through our camera we would have to just do it like on our phone I think you know um because we'd be have to be able to read like what's going on right in that moment because some of you guys thought that the premiere was just a lot was alive which it wasn't I was just like watching it and chatting with you guys as we were watching the video together that'd be cool let us know if you'd tune in if you'd be able to we can do a live directly on Instagram that's true well then some people don't have Instagram it's like everyone has Netflix everyone has YouTube tell them how work's been amazing I know uh Melissa told you guys a little bit about our situation I guess to go in a little deeper um going into paternity leave I had every intention of quitting my job I had a very toxic manager um I was experiencing like anxiety for the first time and just the stress level high stress from a very low stress job and um so I had every intention of quitting my job I after I got out of fraternity leave my three months leave so um it was coming down to the wire uh there every night at midnight I would like be sprucing up my my resume I would be applying to places not hearing back and um anyways so uh one of my my best friends um birthdays is the day before mine so Melissa was like oh they're having something that she's gonna be drinking hanging out in the backyard you should go didn't really I'm not a big fan of leaving Melissa and Scarlett but she told me to go and I was like sure you know we'll see what's up shoot yourself you've been like on Daddy Mode you know yeah and I really appreciated that and so I went ran into an old friend or not an old friend it was still another one of my best friends from like high school and stuff don't really see him that often though so he just asked me how things were going I was like you know we're just a little stressed out trying to find a job and it's like the weekend that I'm supposed to be putting in my two weeks uh so it's like two weeks before the end of my my paternity leave and um so I was just telling them you know Melissa and I we don't even know how we're gonna you know have a nanny you care for babies and then um yeah so I don't know uh he you know and I was like dude in the perfect world just get a remote job work from home so I could watch Scarlett and he was just like oh stop looking and I was like what do you mean he's like well I got you man I'm actually looking to hire somebody for a remote position where you can work at home and I don't know like God is so good God is good um everything yeah everything lined up perfectly like I could not ask for like better timing it was too weak it was like literally a day or two before I had to yeah you know put in my two weeks and I don't know then I just so happened to get the remote job get a great paying job then you know with really good benefits and I don't know yep such a blessing and then you know like too many factors had to play go into play because if Melissa didn't want me to go to the party or if he didn't show up to the party or if you know what I mean like what are the right absolute odds of each needed someone each thing happened to cover a location that's nearby yeah remote like and it's yeah it's insane that's great so you know don't you know I don't know I'm not I'm not trying to force religion or like belief or whatever whatever you believe in the universe uh if you have a different religion just it's someone's got Joe back all the time yeah so yeah it's that's a great to watch to watch baby girl and go to work and um life's going really well a valid sorry yes sorry that was so good this was good something was missing I don't know what it is maybe the seasoning but I'm typical I typically like to get like toppings even if I just got like I don't know mushrooms or yeah you should have I don't know what you did lettuce tomato I don't know something something was missing for me fries are always really good but try it like next time you go to Five Guys don't go to Five Guys just for this yeah because like I said it's really expensive but yeah if you're already going to Five Guys and you get their burgers anyway just try it grilled grilled cheeseburger oh it didn't feel like we ordered that much but I'm quite full I need something sweet oh um I'm so happy have you got to film today thank you to my sister for watching [Applause] um but for the next video I really really want to do the Korean corn dogs with these Mochi Donuts at this place oh so freaking good but yeah I guess until next time I know it's amazing hanging out with you guys again if we could we hand but we're not going to if we could we would totally film like our food at Disneyland but it's just not possible we're going to be with other people we don't want to be like a burden and stuff like that so we're probably just gonna like post little stuff if anything I'll just post stuff on shorts like little stuff that I would normally post on like Instagram as a real or as an IG story or whatever but yeah you guys Merry Christmas Merry Christmas happy holidays yeah yeah this is gonna be posted the week of so yeah love you guys very very uh thankful for you guys yeah appreciate you all right let's sign out don't forget to like comment and subscribe if you want to see this face again keep it yummy
Channel: Melissa Eats It All
Views: 7,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vTjZWM43gsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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