NEW Building Products, Tools, & More From the JLC LIVE Show in RI

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what's up guys i'm matt risinger and i'm wade paquin and we are here at the jlc live show it's been a minute since we've been to a trade show and it feels good to be back already seeing some familiar faces yes it does good energy so jlc live we're in providence rhode island it's been like two years since the show's gone on almost yeah let's go walk the floors away to see what we can find that's new and interesting and cool building products tools whatever it happens to be the bill show from jlc live let's get going [Music] all right guys check this out hid fast glenn is the inventor and the owner of the company i always love glenn when i can meet an inventor of a cool product so talk to me about this this is not a new product but this is not super well known glenn talking about this correct hid fast is the fastest way to put down decking pvc wood composite we have a positioning pin on the side here we push that down that will center you on the joist slide up step on the foot plate you've got perfect angle never on my hands and knees i don't handle one piece at a time oh yeah you're standing straight up basically we are the fastest way to put down decking okay now what's interesting about this guys check it out here's here's the collated nail that he just nailed in there and this part right here is running on an angle like a flooring yellow wood into the joist but you're gonna notice that there's a piece sticking out what's going on with that glenn that there is going to pick up the back edge of your next piece okay so we've got a composite board like a track sir this is wolf uh pvc decking okay this board could be 16 feet long or 20 feet long you start on one end i hit here i walk down and i keep hitting as i go once it hits the spacer bar you've got an eighth inch gap how about that that's awesome it is quick and these are collated we are the only collated hidden deck fastener on the market so it's pretty darn quick for a production deck guy to bang these out huge and put these on and then we're totally hidden right we are totally hidden it's a beautiful look it's rock solid because we have what we call a positive connection we go through the board into the joist just like you would with a face screw or nail that's pretty awesome and compared to a carpenter grabbing a handful of screws or nails out of his pocket fuzzing with them getting down there and nailing them in super fast but you have a brand new gun this year right glenn i do we came up with another tool because if we were working on decks that have uh complex design maybe uh angles to it and transition boards and diamond inlays we can't get in there with that that's right this is going to do the field but you've got these transitions that this isn't going to work right so if we cut and drop in a diamond shape pattern we're going to have to do that with an edge fastener so we have this tool we call edge fast edge fast will drop down in between the board and shoot at an angle and pivot and slide to the next one and go again that's cool glenn now that's not when i first saw that i thought oh that's just a you know 16 or 15 gauge finished trim nailer that you that you finished nailer you might put bass on in the house that you modified but no this is your nail which is really cool let's rip one off so you can see sure it's got a uh kind of a pyramid shape and then it also looks to have some barbs in here talk to me about that correct we uh put some barbs to the side for holding power but really our hold is due to shooting at an angle we're shooting at a 35 degree angle into your joist a lot of failures people think nails pop and screws pop the joist is shrinking and as you step on the deck board it goes down your fasteners when they're straight in they don't pull with the with grain of the wood right but angles do and on pressure treated we're always banging it up tight because it's going to come at a higher moisture content it's going to dry and shrink on us absolutely so this is a gun that you're going to use on in a tight gap on pressure treated but this guy over here creates the space let me let me show you this sample real quick he did a cool cutaway here so that first nail that we showed there's that nail going in and this is the first board this is that second board that got banged in and check it out it creates that spacer in that gap glenn can i get these in stainless yes those for the hid fast tool are only 304 stainless steel only stainless yes with edge fast because we're working with a lower cost pressure treated board we offer our edge coat uh coated fastener 50 less than a stainless and you can get stainless steel we do get stainless as well man glenn's so cool i love it brother i appreciate your stealth invent something hid to learn more all right guys coming to you from the duration booth now wade you've done a lot of cedar on your houses have you ever done this product this is boril no this caught my eye we as you know you've seen a lot of my projects where you do a lot of cedar shakes eastern white cedar whether it's stain two coats semi-transparent uh but this essentially is the borel product right yeah and if you're not familiar with borel it's a pretty interesting story this is like 70 fly ash no moisture intake no reason to gap it because it doesn't absorb it doesn't move on you and takes paint beautifully i know several builders that swear by this stuff but when i think of duration in the past i think of these products they've got a lot of these beautiful what do we call these again this is a flat board clapboard thank you and this looks like a super traditional four inch clapboard but they've also got these really deep reveal clapboards over there but this really caught my eye at the duration booth this is brand new for these guys this year talk to me about this well it looks like they come in about four foot length sections yep and on the smaller piece here what i like is when you get these things butting up they did a nice job on each end of kind of rabbiting that out so when the pieces butt together and they move this piece it creates that that little uh gap line that shadow gap yeah you'd never be able to tell or wonder you never tell and what's nice about this too is you know typically we'll set four to five inches maybe but you can go up to a six inch spacing here with the same panel four five six whatever you need which is pretty cool so you have those options now my understanding is these are going to come raw and then you can paint these with whatever paint you want but what's cool about this is because there's no moisture absorption we don't need to prime the back on these we don't need to do anything special so there's just the raw material on the back that can be right up against your zip sheathing let's say or your air gap whatever you're doing yeah cool products and this would be very efficient it makes quick work of putting up the siding you know cladding yeah i like this i'll link i'll link for the duration website below but these guys are selling all over the nation cool booth so we're at the stavilla booth and this is one boot that i like here at the show because you can actually buy product if you're a builder you can get a discount i'm always buying levels or i buy an entire level kit one thing that's kind of my go-to i have this in my truck i use it all the time for measuring jobs this little digital tape measure and i've got mike here uh a rep with stabila tell us a little bit about some of the awesome functions or features of this little uh laser distance measure very simple to use i'm going to just show you quickly i'm going to just uh wherever the red dot is that's where i'm measuring to i'm going to hit the button it's 13 feet 10 and 5 8 inches from here to the curtain it measures from the back of the unit accuracy is at 130 second over the range of the product which in this case is 100 feet so it's extremely accurate very easy to use hit the button hit the button again wherever the green again wherever the red dot is that's what you're measuring to yep quick to reset and get your next measurement reset and do the next measurement it's got memory it'll save your last 10 measurements it also has a bluetooth function so you can actually take your measurements and with the bluetooth function send them to your phone send them to your computer you don't have to write anything down and i believe you can get like that you can measure a room and get like the square footage on that square yeah just an awesome little product the key is the trick is you you gotta play with it until the point where you trust it and then you're gonna use it all right and that's where i'm at so accuracy is extremely extremely good it's very small very light it takes uh aaa batteries you got 40 hours of runtime on a set of batteries yeah mine's beautiful not expensive 100 a little over 100 bucks [Music] once you understand what you can do with this thing you're going to use it all the time did i mention one application sure go ahead uh crown moldings two guys two ladders and a saggy tape one guy one ladder no saggy tape okay and there's 500 other things yeah well thanks mike guys uh check this product out probably get it online somewhere on the website i presume right yes cool thanks all right guys we're at the modern mill booth and they have a product that i think is really interesting called acre now brian tell me about this this looks like a standard deck board but this is not a standard deck board is it it's not a standard deck board actually matt it's a it is a pvc material but it's made by using rice hulls which kind of is nature's wasted kevlar it protects the rice as it grows and by doing this we actually allow for an installation and a use of product for a contractor that's identifying like the the warmth and the benefits of wood but with the features and benefits you expect from a pvc wild so like half rice hull half pvc but here's what really caught my attention check this out they've got some stain samples back here and they even have some stains that they were using you don't see pvc that takes a stain bry no not not often and the in the face of this really looks like a wood grain is that from the is that happening from the rice hall it's it's happening in the manufacturing and the the it's almost hydrophobic enough so that the stain in the paint is not going to absorb all the way in the coverage rate on this is great it's going to take a just a light amount a dark paint like you know it's black approved by some some paint manufacturers yeah there's a dark stain right there right that's wild and you know being that it is you know not a wood although you get the benefits it doesn't have a lot of dust it's easy on your tools it also has benefits just from kind of woodworking point of view you can kind of heat form this and mold this you know this shows just with some some adhesive a real interesting install that this is actually going to be used in a job this is a profile that's being used right now as well as some woodworking capabilities too i mean it really looks like wood seeing that this this version that's a little less shiny super i mean a really good fake it looks like real wood to me talk to me about expansion and contraction some of the other downsides that i think of from pvc trims it'll exist we're not going to make a perfectly unmovable product but there there is some expansion contraction but luckily you know we're foresight enough to think that our install instructions are going to take care of that ship-lapping this product allows for that movement like you would normally expect gotcha how do people get this brian or how can you learn more about it you know i would just say call your high-end lumber yard because we're blanketing the you know the the new england market right now through distribution through lumber yards very interesting product thanks brian thanks matt very cool great all right guys coming to you from the rockwool booth you know i love their displays if you've ever seen them at a trade show because they give you a really visual demonstration on several things they they don't have the sound tunnel here like i've seen at the ibs show but look at the bunsen burner going on the back of that insulation and over on the other side here they've got this dripping faucet going on this insulation for the entire trade show and you can see that it's hydrophobic it's running that water right off and speaking of running off the outside of exterior insulation check this out here's what's new from these guys they have a five inch thick r21 comfort board for the outside insulation on the house that is crazy thick r21 too always fun to see my friends at rockwool all right guys if you saw the video i made at my house under construction i got this brand new tool that i got to use at my house that i was really my carpenters for super impressed by it's called the door stud it's a roller system that slides on your doors they make them in several different sizes this looks like an inch and three quarter door but you can also use this on an inch and three eighths or even bigger doors these guys actually custom made one for my house where i was doing a big old hidden door that was three inches thick but basically what you're doing is you're gonna drop your door onto these rollers you're gonna put your level in there and get it all leveled up and you can use these adjusters to get it all leveled and then the carpenter is not wrenching and muscling this door think about how easy that's going to make for a pocket door install let's say where you're you're trying to get all those hardware from cavity slider all perfectly adjusted and that door hung or if you were fitting an old door like this or maybe a new door into an old jam really cool tool you can learn more on their website you got going on in south carolina it sounds like your homeowner has watched some of my videos is that right yeah he has you gotta film an outro matt oh okay gotcha hey mark sorry dude can i finish this real quick all right sounds good all right guys jlc it has been super fun builders like mark builders from all over the country that have been watching my videos so fun to hear from them that they've been helpful but really some interesting products and tools we've seen her i wasn't able to cover everything i also want to say a big thanks to wade for helping me co-host this he actually got a call about the baby and had to head home a little early but go follow wade on instagram and if you're not familiar with his videos he's also shooting over on and publishing new content over there i also want to say a big thanks to my friends here at the huber booth they had their private tour here they had a bunch of builders come out for the javier great to hang out with those guys and earlier in the day i had a really fun live demo at the pollywall booth talking about their fluid applied flashings gave away a bunch of hats and shirts it was really fun to meet some like-minded builders guys if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button below we've got new content here every tuesday and every friday follow me on twitter instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 77,038
Rating: 4.9299555 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: B_OLkbAFRoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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