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before ever thank you today that so share your word be that goeth forth out of your mouth and it shall not return until you void but it shall accomplish that which you please and prosper into that thing that you said it into for you sent your word and you heal them your word is medicine to our flesh and it is health to our bones and Father we will trust and believe in you today with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding but we will acknowledge you in all our ways and you said that you shall direct thy path now unto him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything that we could ask or think according to the power that is working in us oh come on Saints the power of the Living God is working in us individually and collectively it's not us but it's him it's him all mighty high and lifted up and his train feels the temple there are no weapons that have been formed against us that shall prosper and every tongue that has resident judgment we condemn it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all come out saints tears breakthrough in the house today we are not waiting for the praise team we are the praise team individually collectively and corporately oh come on give him praise today give him praise give him honor for the victory today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now father let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight O Lord our strength and our Redeemer oh come on saints of the Most High God give God praise give him honor giving glory there is great expectation in the house today of an outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh father we thank you for doing what we have never seen done before for our has not seen ear has not heard that which has entered into the heart of man so we thank you today and we bless you and we give you praise oh come on Saints giving praise give him honor give him glory he's worthy I believe you can do better than that you are not doing it for me you're doing it for him the King of Kings the Lord of lords the Alpha the Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last al al yon Jehovah Jireh I will provider hallelujah oh come on give him praise hallelujah hallelujah come on don't stop come on continue to give them praise he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy hallelujah Lord God we thank you Lord God come on partner up with three people come on let's continue to pray hallelujah let's come on let's continue to pray together Oh God come on what God we come today come with an expectancy come on pray amen asking for expectancy expecting God to move today come on pray for our pastor today for the work that he shall speak today that will come from on high that the work that shall bring forth transformation today hallelujah come on pray today come on Saints come on pray pray pray hallelujah pray father Lew you know what God that the souls today as soon as they hit this property that they will receive fill a conviction of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit convicting them letting them know that today is the day for them to get it right with Christ Jesus pray that today hallelujah Lord God that there will be no distractions in the service hallelujah God that the service will flow today hallelujah with no interruptions everything will be done in order today pray today hallelujah Lord God that healing healing shall take place Healing the Word of God says that he was wounded for our transgression that he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and it's by His stripes that we are healed pray today hallelujah Lord God that there is any sickness and infirmity hallelujah in the people's bodies hallelujah I got that they will receive the healing from on high that every organ that every tissue in their body it will function in the perfection in which God created it to function in the name of Jesus the pray hallelujah Lord God that they will know that this is the Lord their God holiday that he is the healing balm of Gilead hallelujah in the name of Jesus pray today pray today that whatever the people that they stand in need of today that they will receive it deliverance shall take place today the Word of God says that miracles signs and wonders shall follow them who believe in the name of Jesus today because that we have an expectancy for God to move in this place hallelujah it shall take place today it shall manifest today that the people when they leave this building they will not leave that they will not leave the same way that they came in they may have came been depressed but they will leave knowing that the Lord their God hallelujah is the joy of the Lord is their strength they may have come in pound sick depressed but they work they will leave today knowing that that Jesus is the healer hallelujah or God they may have come in lack but hallelujah Lord God that they will leave knowing halle-loo that my God shall supply all our needs according to his riches in glory hallelujah in the name of Jesus pray today search pray today pray today pray today hallelujah Lord God we thank you Lord God we just blessed your Lord God we just honor you know God for you alone a worthy we thank you Lord God for our prayers today it shall not return unto you void it shall compass the very thing that you sent it forth to accomplish in the name of Jesus father we thank you Lord God that you are Jehovah Jireh our provider we thinking what God that you are Jehovah Nissi hallelujah Lord God our banner we think you Lord God that you are our healer you are our defender we thank you Lord God in the name of Jesus my god pray today Saints don't get tired don't get tired pray today pray today pray today because our Father he sitteth at the right hand of God making intersection for you hallelujah Lord God hallelujah pray Lord God that the words that we pray how to leave that arise up to him and be a sweet aroma to his nostrils today Lord God in the name of Jesus hallelujah we bless your name Jesus not become weary in well-doing but let us continue to trust and believe in him with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding Oh God we focus on you today we lift our eyes to the hills from whence cometh our help knowing that all of our help come from you for you our help you are our strength you are like you are our salvation whom shall we feel you are the strength of our lives whom shall we be afraid even when our enemies came up against the state stumble and fair father we thank you for your strength we thank you for the strength of endurance the power of endurance the power prezerv arrance God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ there is a breakthrough in the House today Saints oh come on yes I look tight in here this morning but we give God praise we give the king of King reigns we give the Lord of lords praise he is the Alpha he is the Omega he is the beginning he is the end oh come on press in press through today press in and press through today hallelujah we renounced the Spirit of any and all depression and in all concerns we cashed all I cares on you Father because you care for us oh come on cast all your cares on him because he care for us oh come on site press in press through today this is the day the Lord has made and we will be glad and we will rejoice in it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh come on press in press through there's a breakthrough oh come out let us not become weary in well-doing let us lift our eyes to the heels to the heels oh come on save the heels with me come out the hills from whence cometh my help all of my help all of my joy all of my peace all of our love comes from him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the devil is a lie there is a breakthrough in the house today oh come on Saints give God praise there it is that's the breakthrough oh come on give him praise you can do better than that giving praise give in my honor giving glory he's worthy he's worthy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you we praise You God we honor you we acknowledge your sovereignty we acknowledge your presence for in his presence is the fullness of joy all come on come on let's press that joy to him let's press that joy to him he touched us this morning with a thing of love with the thing of of conviction deliverance healing wholeness and restoration let the weak say I am strong oh come on we say you say I'm strong today let the poor say I am rich hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless his name father we bless you today we thank you right now for our pastor pastor Jamal Bryant we thank you for strengthening him God we thank you for lining him with your word with your will and with your way this day God and we thank you for lying in us talking and tweaking and calibrating us and Oh God getting us into the rhythm of you oh come on line up with the rhythm of God with the rhythm of God hallelujah with the rhythm of the Holy Spirit thank you Father oh we bless you today we honor you God we give you praise today you are worthy you are worthy father and we thank you hallelujah oh come on give him praise give him praise the joy of the Lord is our strength and our weakness his strength is made what perfect his strength not our strength but his strength hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah your name God hallelujah we thank you Lord God today Lord God we honor you today Lord God we magnify you Lord God o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same his name is to be praised his name is to be praised hurts his name is to be praised hallelujah we shall enter his gates with Thanksgiving enter his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise father we thank you Lord God that you are God we thank you Lord God that you are Savior we thank you Lord God that you are Redeemer we take you Lord God that you are our sustainer Thank You Lord God that you are healer we take you Lord God that you are our battle axe or God you fight for us or what God you defend us Lord God we've taken Lord God hallelujah we enter in your courts were praise like God we praise You Lord God today we praise You Lord God today we have an expectancy today you are God we have an expectancy today Lord God we expect you to show up Lord God we expect you to short God we expect you to show up God show up God do it only you can do God car in the name of Jesus Lord God healing let's find that one destroyed God take place today in the name of Jesus Lord God in the name of Jesus Lord God hallelujah Lord God we decree and declare we will not leave the same for God because we want you God we want you God we want you call we want you God I love you Lord God none of us were God we've got two outs if Lord God we got you our flesh Lord God we talk to our genders Lord God we lay it all at your feet Lord God we only want you gone we only want you Lord God come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus or God hallelujah hallelujah your car in the name of Jesus Lord God we thank you for the word today we thank you for the word today we thank you for the word today the word shall change us the word shall transform us woke up hallelujah your car we will walk walk are fulfilling your kingdom mandate Lord car your kingdom mandate your car your kingdom mandate Lord God let your kingdom come let your kingdom come let your kingdom come let your kingdom come Lord God and your define and perfect will be John Lord car in the name of Jesus or a car we take a look out for the souls today Lord God that they shall be saved they shall be saved they shall be saved they will leave knowing that Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord over the service Jesus is Lord over the servant jeez slow it over the servant Jesus is Lord over the service worker whatever you wanted to however you choose to move today Holy Spirit show up show up show up show up show up Lord God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus or God have your wings have your wake up have your wake up have your wake up have your wake up have your wake up it's in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah for thine is the king for thine is the kingdom for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever amen somebody let us out in the room somebody lived up a shot in the room somebody nipped up was shot in this room come on [Music] we I'm hip reserves an amazing prayer everybody coupla heads all new people and shouting to God with the voice of triumph yes Lord bless him we came to Russia just tap somebody on the shoulder and say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we praise father God that you are over this this congregation today we thank you Lord God that you got us up this morning with the sound mind in a sound body walking father God in power and in love we thank you Lord God that you came and you know every need more God you knew who would be in these seats Lord God and you will quit every thirst weep Thank You Lord God for pastor Jamal Bryant we thank you Lord God that he is laying in the throne room and you have given him a word more God let the words flow with your fire let your word burn out anything that's not like you let the Living Waters flow from his belly let it flow and touch the dry places Lord God we thank you that you love us because you are Almighty we thank you Lord God that you're in no danger of walking away from your throne you're in no risk of falling off of your throne you're at no threat of being usurped from the throne you are the Lord strong and mighty we thank you Lord God that you're our Father you know every need you even know the hairs on our head we thank you Lord God that you're faithful and you never forsake us you never forsake us you never forsake us you are mindful of every need you're mindful of every person Lord God Lord God thank you for being in the midst of us where your word says when two or more together you are here with us we thank you Lord God as you're not a man that you should lie or the son of man that you should repent have you said and will you not do it have you spoken it and will you not make it good you are giving a command to bless and it cannot be reversed in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] praise the Lord for a slog praise the Lord good morning new birth good morning new birth we like to welcome our online family we like to welcome everyone here the new Rover today we want to thank our Lord our God and Savior that each and every one of you have chosen to come to this house to the Allison Newberry with the best pastor the best congregation on this side of heaven amen amen amen we like to know if there are any first-time visitors any first-time visitors in the house today any returning visitors praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord amen amen amen we're honored to know that you came to join us today and hear a new birth we're a house that loves to share the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and today we want to share that love and peace with each and every one of you today so today you may not know what your neighbors been through this week you may not know who haven't had a hug this week but what you do know is that you may be the answer to their prayer so today let's take a moment and give out five good golly hug it for the grace of our Lord I know y'all do more than fire going overdose on loved one Lord thank you [Music] [Music] Oh confection to the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] is that too much is that too much this awakened me to million dollars of dr. certainly had nothing else to do appraiser [Applause] [Music] that's why we worship him that's what my hands go up and no one has to tell me to do it that's why I worship Him and no one has to instruct me because I know for myself I know how great he is so with that same energy I worship you I worship you from my heart I'm not just coming into the church because it's Sunday but I'm entering into your gates with Thanksgiving and I'm entering into your courts with praise all of the worshippers that know God is worth it make yourselves nothing right here come on as worshipers we teach those that don't understand how the worship we teach them to worship we worship You God we bow with your presence thank you for being away me you are you're already moving in army so in response I worship you that's my response I worship and you are here he's already turning now so this is my response hi worse I worship come on there shake it you are here in our mix come on come on you are here and these turning lives around come on let's sing it together all over the house don't be cheeky Rico word flag in the darkness come on you're not asking [Music] [Music] [Music] my responses for worship [Music] response worshippers [Music] keep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait hey come on no music you lifted up Church say waymaker come on testify come on testify somebody nieces testimony somebody doesn't know him the way that you know him testify hey come on lift it up lift it up real big from your spirit sings waymaker come on miracle worker talked about on promise keeper lying in the darkness now forget your neighbor and testify to your neighbor say why major tell somebody miracle worker just in case you didn't know I know him he's a Promise Keepers [Music] take that is cool you are my hero my protein shake hot fiction my regulator my father [Music] come on lift up that hand everybody that is who you are [Music] yeah come on better hand this lift it open up your mouth that is who you with that hand lift and open up your mouth that just bless him with the fruit of your lips will you give him glory would you give him Thanksgiving would you give him adulation would you give him praise which honor his name would you just bless him I only want you to do it if you believe that is worthy if you don't believe he's done anything for you don't say anything but if he's been better to you think you've been to yourself when you open up your mouth and give him glory [Music] clap your hands if you're thankful for what God has done you don't sound like God did anything in February I say clap your hands if you're grateful everything that is done you may be seated the Bible is clear that if you suffer with him that is the only prerequisite for you to be able to reign with him so many people want resurrection but don't want to deal with crucifixion says no man takes in my life I'll lay it down and if I lay it down I have the authority to pick it back up again we're getting ready to walk into a season of Lent which is self-denial where is that I am voluntarily giving up something in order to get closer to God how many of you know that sacrifice is required for you to get to your next level come on lift up that hand sacrifice is required as a consequence friends we're getting ready to go through a financial fast together I want to ask that our Usher's will partner with us I want to give out to all of you our template of this 40 days of no spending and how it is that we are going to govern ourselves as a community and as a church for 40 days a 40 day financial fast how many of you believe that God still answers prayer you still believe that God answers prayer our media ministry is gonna provide on your closest screen just our outlook as to what these 40 days are going to look like is that Dale that you're going to be praying for a financial breakthrough to happen that before Resurrection Sunday comes something profound something significant and something meaningful is going to happen in the area of your finance how many of you believe God can do it in under 40 days ask that you will sit down with your family or those and whom you trust to help keep you accountable or to set financial goals or where do you want to be by the end of the year a success for you is not going to happen by accident it is only going to happen by intention how we want you to please govern yourselves in a shrewd and a frugal way out realizing that you have goals in mind and so over these 40 days we want to push you that you will I'll cut down how much you spend the eating out and stop bringing your lunch to work start cooking at home I know some of y'all got a migraine but as that you would begin to avoid using credit cards over these forty days I'm speaking death to every payday loan our office in DeKalb County believing that all of us are going to up move forward are in that rightful way if we are in this financial fast you have no business in the mall amen just elbow your neighbor don't look at him just elbow on a man just mutter under your breath he talking about you Amen you you got no business in the mall over the next 40 days we're asking you hear me very carefully for those of you who think you slick that still includes no online spin deck y'all see how nobody is saying Amen right through here I'm just out here by myself we're asking that you will love begin sitting down with a financial planner a financial adviser for you to begin strategizing the finances for your children's future every Asian family has a 100 year financial plan average black person in this room average person watching online does not have $5,000 in their disposal I want that to shift about the time we get to Resurrection Sunday III I am believing I'm believing that we're getting ready to see miracles happen in the area of Finance but I gotta give you an alert that money is not just gonna come the sky amen we got to go back to sweat equity and delay gratification in realizing that to whom much is given much is required I want to ask all of our black business owners all of our business owners would you stand please all of our entrepreneurs I need you to stand are y'all gonna give God glory for all of our entrepreneurs entrepreneurs ested you will remain standing a new birth and those of you who are watching as a part of our cyber family for 40 days can you imagine the impact of the economy of this city of this community of this country for 40 days you were doing absolutely no spending here's where y'all shout unless is with a black business come on come out I ask that you were please support and undergird our community businesses so that they'll be able to thrive and be able to move forward our black enterprise gives us the intelligence to know that 76 percent of black businesses failed the first year 76 percent of black businesses failed the first year not because we have inferior products but because we have inferior support if Newburg we are a church of 10,000 people we shouldn't be looking for clients or customers are they sitting right around you right now come on somebody I need you to do me a favor please would you give a cheer for every business owner who's around us you maybe see that on the back of on the back of your handout that you should have just received momentarily you receive a prayer for every a scripture rather for every day to get you through this process every day to get you through this process we have books that we are rescinding selling out in the lobby a Linton Journal of Prayer and it is in fact a journal for you to be able to write down and be able to evaluate what it is that you're hearing God's say in the direction in which he is taking you now Lent begins on Wednesday it is known all over the Christian calendar as the Ash Wednesday as a consequence there's no Bible study on this Tuesday no Bible study on Tuesday because Wednesday we will be in the sanctuary at 12:00 noon for our Ash Wednesday service you'll be able to receive ashes on Wednesday at our twelve o'clock service and then at 7:30 at 7:30 you will be anointed with oil because I am believing you need a fresh oil on your life I in order for you to go where it is that you're going I need you because we're believing God for miracles and signs and wonders in the area of Finance why would you go to wherever it is that you keep your currency how would you get your wallet your purse your checkbook old school players your rubber band I want you to get it please write in your possession soon as you get it I want you to lift it above your head dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays former president Morehouse College say that there's a crown above your head you got to grow tall enough to where you are not the size of your destiny yet you're not the size of your Collier you're not the size of your assignment yet come on lift it up right where it is that you are I speak over every lifted hand that over the next 40 days checks are gonna start coming in the mail of the next 40 days you're gonna be offered business opportunities over the next 40 days you're going to get equity back into your house of the next 40 days your mortgage is gonna be reduced over the next 40 days your student loans are gonna be paid off over the next 40 days old hospital bills are gonna be erased over the next 40 days your credit score is gonna go up over the next 40 days strangers are gonna start blessing you over the next 40 days your children are gonna walk into the inheritance over the next 40 days God is going to exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can think dream hope for even imagine if you believe it give God a shout right now I want you real quick give somebody a high five and tell them I'm excited about your future I'm excited about your future I am all y'all don't sound excited would you find somebody that's not stuck up and tell him I'm excited about your future there's still the wrong person [Applause] you may be seen it don't say nothing if you expect to stay broke I said don't say nothing if you expect to stay broke but if you serve Jehovah Jireh [Applause] so who much is given to whom much is given much is required on this communion sunday do you ever think about the sacrifice that Christ made for us is that he didn't give follicles of hair he didn't just cut off his pinky toe but he said I'm giving all of myself for you I'm holding nothing back I want you to have the best that I have to offer which is my only begotten Son when we come into God's house you ought to be crying out in your spirit what must i render unto god for all of these blessings he's been better to me then I've been to myself anybody know God been so good to you I know this is old school but let's do a quick testimony service would you turn to your neighbor tell them one thing God did for you in February 1 if you can't get high on your own supply come on one thing that God did for you [Applause] I said I won't go tell no about it but I just can't keep it to myself our oceans are moving amongst you of your absent of an offering envelope I want you to get it in your hand it feel something special is in here today if you're absent of an offering envelope I want you to get it in your hand get it in your possession I don't want you robbed of the incredible privilege and opportunity to be able to serve and to be able to share and to be able to give so thankful that every day in February God put food on the table come on I can't hear nobody in here said every day in February you had a roof over your head every day he kept you from danger seen and unseen every day held back the hand of the enemy I want you to get that seat in your hand I want you to have it in your possession but I just want to say thank you I want to express my gratitude by my gift and through my sacrifice new birth you're keenly aware that we are tithing Church and because we're tithing church we give 10% back on the garden the truth of the matter is he looks beyond all of our faults and he meets us right at our needs come on get that seed in your hand you are to be giving under God not grudgingly not sparingly not even out of necessity but Malachi informs us that God loves what kind to give her what kind to give her I'm glad to give just cuz I got something to give hallelujah how many y'all remember when you had nothing yeah hallelujah and even when you had nothing you can still boast I've never seen the righteous forsaken or Issy begging for bread as that you get that seat in your hand are we welcome our virtual worshippers those of you who are online literally from around the world from the UK from the Caribbean from the West Indies from California Canada Texas and those of you right down the street we're so thankful for all of you get that seed in your hand we charge and challenge every person to give there's a legal principle called the law of first mention and the law of person mentioned suggests that whatever happens first sets the stage the standard and the precedent of everything that's going to come after it on this the first Sunday in March you are setting the stage for what the rest of your month is going to look like how Allu you how many of you all believe March has got to be better than February it's got to be better than February we're mindful that we're moving towards a cashless society and so those of you who are giving electronically we invite you to use any of our platforms whether that's cash app love a live lead or whether you using text to give whether you're using give Allah fire I ask that you please do that both of your old school Saints you're writing a check write it out to new birth amen no or MB the church no the bank knows who we are ask that you'll do that I talked this week to the president of a citizens Trust Bank which is a black owned bank here in the state of Georgia and I hope you'll be as excited as I am at their own Resurrection Sunday we're going to open up 500 accounts in one day come on somebody give God a Handclap appraised 500 accounts not one day ask that you will love prayerfully consider opening up savings accounts our with citizens trusts or our college funds for your children are using citizens trust back if you've got that seed in your hand lifted above your head please repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this month is over amen bless the Lord our men are going to move amongst you to be able to receive your gifts of those of you that want to sew on your own independently are you able to do so at the altar a music ministry is going to lead us in giving even in this moment [Music] I've been set free he'll delivered may complete now I'm walking in victory fine ahem lovey Almighty I've been set free Quixote livers made complete now I'm walking in victory yes Lord by the hand I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I'm walking every victory [Music] I'm I'm blown away today we've got special guests where are my students from Hillcrest High School where you from Hillcrest High School are you here or stand up Hillcrest High School now these students in the back from the Hillcrest High School told their teacher they wanted to come here and so they've come all the way from Memphis Tennessee just to be with us come on would you give God some praise for our students [Applause] thank you sister sure Rhonda Whitaker for bringing new students we're over the moon elated to have you those of you that have a birthday in the month of March would you stand you've got a birthday in the month of March [Applause] remain standing you got a wedding anniversary in the month of March would you stand a wedding anniversary in the month of March would you stand we believe for all of you that the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life it is it is not your fault it's not your fault that you weren't born in the month of May it's okay but we believe God is gonna bless you anyway do me a favor please if there's somebody standing near you would you just embrace some for me embrace them for me and tell them good things are coming in your life good things how they know you since the Tiffany bond is going to introduce our special guests I and when she would have concluded I and after our guests would have shared we're going to the Word of God while she's coming would you take a moment and electronically invite somebody to come into worship with us we're streaming live right now from around the world I ask that you will please take your five faiths for people and tell them go to new birth of doubt or ask our Millennials that you would know please please please I'll put it on your Instagram we now new birth we bald and hard we now got our own new birth filter on snapchat amen we got our own filter on snapchat also ask that you would please please govern yourselves accordingly there's somebody in your life that needs this word from God and I don't want them to miss it y'all feelin all right ain't that a man it's great to be in the house of the Lord listen I have a friend I just officially met him this morning but we act like we've been knowing each other forever y'all got friends like that yeah yeah you meet and get that chemistry is just there but we have a wonderful guest ministry this morning in the person of Isaiah Templeton he has a single yes yes let's celebrate him let's celebrate oh he is an awesome gift he has a single that is in my hand right now and as we are ministering with him and as we are preparing the word of the Lord with him we definitely want to worship with him but we also look at the neighbor say we also we also want to bombard his product table which will be out in the front I have two CDs here in my hand one is for our wonderful pastor yes yes pastor gets his for free and the other is for a wonderful individual out there and now has got to be the first person that runs up here to get it that's what I'm talking about doc you can't wait you've just got to come and get it and then but the single is entitled everything will be all right he is going to minister it this morning so let's celebrate him as we're also celebrating Jesus as he's coming to our front praise the Lord everybody just touch your neighbor real quick and let them know everything will be all right I come all the way from Charlotte just to share this simple message I want you to know everything will be all right you [Music] I'm in trouble and with you on my side I know everything will be all right Oh everything will be all right if not for you can I get a witness this morning I can say I never would have made it just Lord in all my trials you how's he gonna for you I've been down I'm never forsaken [Music] [Music] [Applause] so we declared today shake Br [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] singing church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything's will be it's gonna be alright every little thing every big thing every simple thing every sick body it's coming in order he's near to the brokenhearted he binds up their wounds [Music] but Joey's gotta come in the morning [Music] one more time I just want to speak to you [Music] somebody give God glory if you believe it today [Music] come on does anybody believe it's gonna be alright the salon would you stand to your feet your sin to your feet secure your Bibles you'll make your way to the book of Judges judges chapter 6 next Sunday is going to be a special Sunday for us in the history of our church next Sunday is installation Sunday so I mean every person in place we're grateful that next Sunday morning bishop Neil Ellis will be here all the way from Nassau Bahamas and make sure that you're present and then in the evening we've got clergy coming from all over the country my father Bishop John Richard Bryan will be preaching Sunday night as a hope that you'll be a part of it our judges at chapter 6 judges Old Testament book of Judges you'll turn the mic up just one notch for me Thank You judges chapter 6 this afternoon that 3 o'clock will be at Jackson Memorial Baptist Church with Pastor Gregory Sutton celebrating their pastors the anniversary ask that as many of you that can and will that you'll join me at 3 o'clock at Jackson Memorial don't y'all send me over there by myself I don't know them people thank you help me I said you'll please go with us judges chapter 6 verse 36 through 38 once you've found her won't you say I have it if you can't find it say lord help me oh it help us Thank You judges 6 verse 36 through 38 I'll be reading from the New International Version I invite you to read and whatever translation of the Bible that you have with you Gideon said to God if you'll save Israel by my hand as you have promised look our place a wolf eat fleece on the threshing floor if there's dew on to the fleece and all the ground is dry and I'll know that you'll save Israel by my hand as you have said it and that's what happened Gideon rose early the next day he squeezed the police and wrung out the duel and a bowl full of water came out of it you may be seated of the month of March I'm gonna be preaching a series entitled miracles still happen dealing with the signs of wonders and miracles of God how many of you still believe in miracles Gideon said to God if you save Israel by my hand as you promised I need you to give me a sign I will put will wool fleece on the threshing floor there's dew on the fleece and all the ground is dry then I'll take that as my sign that Israel is gonna be saved and the next morning what Gideon asked for came to pass I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject it spicy season for the old Saints throw me out give me a few minutes it spicy season would you look at the person beside you and tell them that's what it is look at me now telling me it spicy season in the history of traffic port it's interesting to note that stop signs have just been around since 1915 the first one popped up in Motown Detroit Michigan on the cusp of the car craze because that Detroit was bursting at the seams serving as the headquarters of Ford Motor Company interestingly enough initially stop signs were yellow in order to maximize both night and day disability it wasn't until 1954 the sign makers were able to cultivate the technology for durable fade-resistant red coatings so that the signs would be in uniform with traffic lights because the traffic lights signify and indicate stop then the sign should be synonymous for one moment of your life have you not found it curious then all over the world you can find stop signs but no where can you find a goal sign for Samuel 30 David and his men have just returned back to the camp only to discover that the enemy has come in and destroyed the cities and stolen their wives and verse number 8 David pray unto the Lord shall I go after hear his voice shall I go after what has been taken from me and the Lord responded go after it because if you go after it you shall get everything back a mindful I'm not preaching to everybody who's in the room everybody who's viewing but there's a small remnant who need to know the only reason why you are in church this morning is because God knew you needed a sign today God says I'm giving you the sign in blaring neon lights that this is the month you are to go for it everything that you've been hesitant and ambivalent about after today God said take the foot off the brake you have got to go after everything that I have put in your heart in your spirit in your mind and in your dreams I need you as allowed as you can would you just declare this month I'm gonna go for it now Isaiah chapter 7 verse number 11 Isaiah 7 verse number 11 the Prophet says you can ask for yourself for a sign from the Lord your God you've given scriptural permission as for yourself for the Lord to give you a sign those of you who are needing of a sign from God that's what I want your prayer to be even in this hour would you throw your hip back and just cry out to the Lord Lord show me a sign the greatest sea merchants missionary by the name of Noah was in the biggest storm in the history of the earth because it just kept running and it wouldn't stop it kept raining until he lost everything and when the entire earth was subdued and entrenched in precipitation and warden the flooding was overwhelming at the end of those 40 days the Lord sent two signs and the two signs that he sent Noah I bear witness that he's serving to you today the first sign that he gave Noah after that tumultuous storm he sent a dove with an olive branch in its mouth and the Dove with the olive branch in his mouth was to alert Noah hear this that the rain has dried up and it is now clear for you to rebuild summer you don't need that word others of you need it more desperately in other words he was saying to the person who's sitting two rows over from you the storm you are in is officially over and everything that is necessary for you to rebuild your life is now available some of you have been through in his storm so you don't understand it I want to make that announcement again for 500 of you the storm in your life is over and you have now been cleared to rebuild every area of your life that you have lost in the flood that was the first sign second sign is no one opens up the hatch looks out the window and when he looks out the window he sees a rainbow and God says I'm giving you a rainbow as a sign and the sign here there's 300 of y'all I don't know how you gonna be able to contain yourself here's what the Lord says to knowing there's a consequence what he's saying to you the storm that you just came out of if you were not covered by me it would have killed you but you will never go through a storm that bad again in your life I'm not telling you what to do but don't wait till the battle is over shout right now like you have survived says you have survived that storm you survived it you survived it it was rough it was hard it was difficult he was touching gold things got tight but you survived it folk gave up on you they walked away from you they counted you out but you survived it you went through a season of depression and rejection and isolation but you survived it there were days you didn't want to get out of the bed and nights where you couldn't sleep but you survived every once in a while every once in a while when you aren't hearing from God you go through seasons where God isn't talking you just need God to show you a sign a sign of affirmation that I'm not crazy I need you to give me a sign that you still with me I need a sign that the promise is still good I need a sign that my family was wrong I need a sign that my haters are gonna regret what they did to me and in the book of Judges we find in the book of Judges we find an otherwise unremarkable young man by the name of Gideon who has been accosted by an angel who announced you are anointed to free your people the anointing is not on your life just for you but you are anointed to set other people free and Gideon is feeling insecure about his ability and he feels that he is absent of qualifications so he begins to barter with the Lord and in judges chapter 6 he says to the Lord put a wool blanket right here in the middle of a plot of grass I'm going to bed if you are with me Lord let the blanket be wet but let the grass be dry he woke up the next morning new birth and you're not gonna believe it when he woke up the next morning the blanket is so wet that when he wrings out the blanket it can fulfill an entire bowl in other words I need you to hear this God's sign to Gideon is that the fleece was not like what was around him all right I've lost you sometimes the evidence that God is with you is that you don't match your environment and folk don't understand who it is that you are because they want you to be as miserable as they are but they don't understand what God has on me it's not like the stuff that's around [Applause] the sign you are going to be victorious is that you are different from everything connected to you and you keep frustrating yourself trying to assimilate with that in which God has separated you from you don't understand why many of your friendships are not genuine or deep you don't understand why you got nothing in common with family members you don't understand why you keep putting yourself out there to people and they reject you and misunderstand you God said you are in the world but you are not of the world and something different about your life [Applause] so much so much of the contemporary church is liberal in his lifestyle but conservative in its thought process and I give it to you again since so much of a contemporary church is liberal in its lifestyle but conservative in its thought process we have confused tradition with being Christian had a meeting yesterday with the Millennials of our church and I said to him we sitting on two hundred and almost fifty acres of land two hundred fifty acres of land in the next 30 days the Georgia legislative session is going to vote on whether they're gonna make cannabis legal in the state of Georgia said to the Millennials how many of our black men are swollen up in the Prison Pipeline for nonviolent offenses I asked the Millennials we got 250 acres and most of our young black men who are in jail are in jail for either possession or intent to distribute I want to know why we wouldn't I asked him rhetorically what would happen if the church had a cannabis farm if it's legal [Applause] if it's legal that's what I asked the Millennials ask the Millennials that rhetorically by 8 o'clock last night some of the old st. started getting on the phone y'all heard with this new young preacher trying to do he's selling drugs at the church we got a call somebody just don't match up with the Apostolic vision of what we supposed to represent how we gonna sell drugs at the church because we have confused that which is traditional with that which is spiritual I'm trying to wrestle through a full seminary education a third-generation preacher trying to figure out how we live in an age if you go on Facebook and look at people's profile that you have people in the same profile use hash tag team Jesus and right next to that hash tag team Capricorn it's a new age some new season it's it's nonsensical how theologically we claim to look to the hills from whence cometh my help but then we look into the Stars in order to get directions you know how many sights were in church right now who never read the book of Hebrews but read their horoscope every day it got real quiet right through here and I was of that same mind frame that same passive-aggressive theological resistance until I read a book I read a book called the witness of the Stars the witness of the Stars written by a theologian BW ball winger and theologian B W Bullwinkle in this book the witness of the Stars says that biblically we have edited out for our own convenience with scripture states all of us who are in the room at some point or another if you were raised in the church you are part of the Christmas play you may have no lines you was a shepherd in a bathrobe in the fellowship hall with a empty box they used to have your mother's shoes in it saying it's a gift for Jesus and they asked the wise men how did you know where Jesus was and the wise man you did you said in that Christmas play we followed the star that the wise men were not philosophers the wise men were astrologists they were studying the stars to get some sign or understanding of who God is you can't jump over Genesis chapter one go to Genesis chapter one cuz I look at you I feel tomato Thorin spirit coming at me right now [Applause] look at Genesis chapter 1 and in Genesis chapter 1 verse number 14 Genesis 1 verse number 14 look at what it says it's the first book of the Bible is the first chapter in the first book of the Bible Genesis 1 verse number 14 God says let there be lights in the expanse of the seasons of heaven to separate the day from the night and what's this the Stars will be signs for the season man 50 church people just got mad I'm right here in the Bible so secularists in search of compatibility have often asked upon meeting somebody new what's your sign ask him on know you you're a Libra I can't date a Libra I know nothing about your story not about your testimony nothing about your income nothing about your habits nothing about how far back you are in child support but because you're a Libra can't date you and that's because the Bible is clear that many of our people died from a lack of knowledge what we don't know and because in fact we have been ill equipped and unprepped improperly taught is that we don't even understand that the signs usually historically were theological indicators they give a reflection of the life of Christ it is not until the Greeks invaded at the Jerusalem Temple and stole our books that they bastardized the concept and made it an expression of an ode to fake gods for example Virgo I never seen y'all just uncomfortable you muttered under your bed is this right example Virgo is a derivative of the Latin word virgin it's a woman what's this with a branch in her hand in the e of corn in her other Haven so she has a harvest even though she's a virgin y'all not gonna like it Jesus was born of a virgin you do understand that historically and theologically Jesus was not born in December but historically he was born in April yalla give me get lost you gonna be firecracker hot so now if Jesus was born in April then Mary had to be conceived the end August [Applause] sir Virgo or virgin season is August 23rd through September 22nd y'all stay with me that that's the season where a miracle can happen without human assistance so even though Jesus was born in April stay with me he was conceived in August's the latter part of August or at the middle part of September I don't know how many of you all can handle it but I'm believing by faith that God is gonna produce for some of you a miracle watch this without people assistant you you've been waiting for other people to do it but God said when you get this next blessing you will be untouched by other people and folk NACO understand how you got it here's your shout how you got it without sleeping with nobody they not understand how it was able to happen for you without you compromising your integrity your virtue your morrow or your confession this is a season where you gonna get blessed without help did you hear what I just said I need you to help all your neighbor tell them this is your season where you gonna be blessed without giving any help thank God for the that watch you struggle because if they watch you struggle they're gonna have to watch you skyrocket that this is the day when you gonna be able to say can nobody light [Applause] you gonna get it done with no assistance you won't get the job without a letter of recommendation you gonna get the house with jacked-up credit you gonna get the interview with no background experience you just gotta tell yourself if God be for me in a while be seated please look at the person beside you tell them this season you don't get it with no help hallelujah there were some people that watched you struggle and they knew what you needed but they still wouldn't do nothing to help you God said because when this happens all the glory belongs to me that God could snap your fingers do your dance you're gonna do it all by yourself I can't kill nobody in here look look at the person beside you and tell them you gonna do it all by your SAP [Applause] Hanano be seated please hallelujah I feel God in here you look crazy waiting to get married before you buy house go buy your house now let God so bless you that whoever comes to you gotta have something to have you gotta be able to do it neither leaving my sister neither my sister or my mother ascribe two signs neither one of them but if they did because they were both born between October 23rd and November 22nd they will both be considered Scorpios Scorpio is the figure of a huge scorpion with his tail lifted up in anger in Hebrews translated to mean wounding or conflicting Satan is the scorpion who stung us through the temptation of the forbidden fruit it is the sign of struggle the evidence that you are anointed and destined is that you come with struggle that great abolitionist Frederick Douglass said that without a struggle there can be no progress if you are struggling through something it means you get ready to walk into something god never releases anything without a struggle attached to it I'm talking to 50 of you who are going through the greatest conflict of your life and you don't even understand where it came from or why it is attached to you you get angry because you hear folk complaining about small petty stuff and they got no idea you got the weight of the world on your shoulder trying to keep everything together you ain't got time for petty people because you're trying to keep yourself dealing with conflict so you've adjusted to conflict your whole life always having to deflect defend yourself having to explain yourself having to be misunderstood you know what conflict is you try to be nice to nasty people you know where conflict is y'all waste time to take the high road when Negros drag you down you know where conflict is they don't like you so they try to kill your idea you know what conflict is they don't understand your favor so they make up lies about you you know what conflict is Genesis chapter 3 verse number 15 the Serpent's head will be crushed by the seed of the woman in case you don't know we are the seed and it is the intention of God for us to single-handedly crush the head of oppression racism and classism look at the person beside you tell them that's why your life has been a conflict because the enemy is afraid that you will realize what you were born to do the enemy is having a nervous breakdown because he hopes you don't get the Epiphany that you are not regular average or run-of-the-mill but God is gonna use you to break every generational curse I don't know how you able to sit there and contain yourself knowing that Seder it's about to be defeated we like victory but we hate warfare y'all didn't hear what I just said I said we like victory but we hate warfare some of the conflict that you are in is because that your grandparents didn't destroy the serpent in the history of military military science America can never claim victory over the war in Vietnam why because they never declared war and I came to tell somebody today that you came to kill whatever serpent runs in your family hallelujah did I'm tired of seeing my family dealing with the same stuff be seated we see them this is my last time asking you to do that have to do some no longer responsible how you're supposed to cut off the head of whatever serpent has been in your house hallelujah it ain't gonna live another day I sucked it up in January I didn't say nothin in February but I'm playing with it in March I'm cutting the head off there is not gonna be disrespect in my house there's not gonna be dishonor in hallelujah not long before we hit these megachurches like new birth yeah hallelujah our grandmother's was in little wooden churches y'all ain't sayin nothin to meet her that had a sign in the front on how many people showed up for Sunday school and how much was paid in class dues y'all don't remember that hallelujah there was your grandmother who never had stilettos y'all ain't sayin nothin never had a Chanel bag but she will come down the center house and say Satan we don't tell your kingdom and I need somebody in new birth today will you just cut off the hair hallelujah hallelujah according to the calendar watch this account to the calendar from February 20th to March 20th is um is Pisces season February 20th March 20 and I know you don't believe in all there is all right stay with me you use it as a metaphor as a parable symbolism whatever it is that makes you comfortable February 20th to March twenty of years um is Pisces season Pisces watch this is a constellation representing two fish two fish that are tired by their tails one fish is headed to the north and the other one is parallel to the Sun Jesus told us to be fishers of men how y'all ain't saying nothin to me he says I am getting ready to pull people out of the abyss of sin and bring them into the kingdom of salvation this is ready to be fishing season that that swore they would never step foot in church again they said they will never be a part of ministry are getting ready to come back to God then left for new science religion for meditation and Islam are getting ready to come back to Christ I'm done by your son there's a 5% of your daughter that's a Buddhist your husband that's an atheist God said in the next 30 days I'm bringing them back to me yes Bastien sees hallelujah Jesus is the Fisher of men and because he is the Fisher of men I think you forgot that one of the most profound and pronounced miracles that Jesus ever curated was to fish and five loaves of bread hallelujah in case you forgot it was five thousand people in the park that day and the disciples ran to Jesus and said send them away but Jesus said no I'm not gonna send them away what do you have I don't know whether I told you but it spicy season and all they had was to fish the sign of Pisces y'all ain't liking this is to fish he said watch this if you give it to me hallelujah I'm gonna bless it hmm bless it here it is I'm gonna break it and after I break it imma give it away I came to tell somebody you know you're an order yes after you got bless you win broke my bus and notice how blessed you before I brought you something when you got broke you wouldn't lose your mind there's some folk that are looking at you and they think you got everything together but they got no idea I woke up this morning stay Lord Jesus I woke up this morning [Applause] since all I had was to fish five loaves of bread and with two fish sign of Pisces two fish with two fish what's this I was able to feed 5,000 I'm gonna say this to you because it spicy season this is a season where God works with two fish up until March the 20th everybody's not going to get it those of you who have the elasticity of thinking to be able to embrace it can I give it to you between now and March 20th no resources will run out god I can't hear no matter every time you gotta put money out it's gonna come right back here if every time you pay a bill God is gonna restore it [Applause] this is a season where watch this resources are stretched but here's the greatest shout of the day if this is the season that every need is met hallelujah if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but if your testimony is I had some good days and I had some bad days but when I think things over my good days they outweigh my bad days y'all let's get out of here would you grab somebody by the head and pull ahead and save this season everything is gonna stretch your money is gonna stretch your paycheck it's gonna stretch your jaw it's gonna stretch your peace it's gonna stretch your anointing it's gonna stretch your ideas are gonna stretch your business it's gonna stretch if you believe it you are the shot right now your praise y'all ain't sayin nothin I said pull on that napalm stretch yes not gonna run out of stretch you can pay a pitbull [Applause] you better find somebody would you just go that neighbor [Applause] [Applause] father I stretch my hands to thee no other help I know if thou with JA my hand from me whither shall I go he's gonna stretch your resources he's gonna stretch your finances you ain't gonna have to ask nobody for nothin he will supply all of your needs I'm gonna do this quickly if I can highest God to show signs wonders miracles ice in this room Mosley at this altar I want you to take two steps back from me please if you had this altar I want you to take two steps back from me please how many of you ever been in a place where you just needed God to show you a side he's with you I want to pray an emergency intervention prayer this morning for those of you who are facing eviction this week I'll know who you I don't know where you are but God dropped you in my spirit and I knew God to do something for you [Music] supposed to be evicted between now and next Sunday I need you to meet me at this altar please just ain't the time for you to be shy just ain't the time [Applause] don't worry about these people looking at you I need you to get to this altar [Applause] cuz you standing out there don't mean that you any better than them come on y'all ain't saying nothin to me I'm I'm sick of sites that are saved and stuck up you got to remember God had to stretch some stuff for me I know where it is that you aren't alone what is it you goin through you got a notice on your door I'll know whether it's pink or yellow I need you to come you supposed to go to court you scared they're gonna set yourself outside you've been tryin to figure out which friend the call to see if you sleep on their couch till you figure it out having anxiety cuz you don't want to have to separate from your children I need you to meet me at this altar please I came to tear satan's kingdom down [Applause] thank you you don't believe that God is able you ain't gotta say nothing good I how did I just need to hear the sound of anybody that ever ran short anybody I want those of you who are in the sanctuary wherever it is that you are would you just stretch your right hand to faith towards them hallelujah thank you I want you to open up your mouth and just begin to pray on their behalf that God would do something for him hallelujah thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you come in yes come here please [Music] all right real quick I need real quick I need three men to bring me a hundred dollars three men if you'll bring me $100 real quick from this side this section I need you to come three men if you'll come real quick please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you two three stay right there all of you stay right here stay right here thank you how many kids you got two when you supposed to get it yes thank you she and her two children are supposed to be evicted they cut off her food stamps Arizona is gonna be able to feed her and her children and we paying off her rent come on somebody give God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] stay right there [Applause] I need y'all to shelf I am son [Music] [Applause] how many of you believe God has shown you a sign [Applause] thank you come on please yeah [Music] yes all right I need 15 men over here to bring me a hundred please 15 min if you'll bring me a hundred thank you Thank You elder thank you Thank You elder thank you [Applause] six eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen [Music] for three fifteen 16:17 anything [Music] 19 20 21 22 listen listen y'all don't know what God is up to this single mother of six children was supposed to be put out on Tuesday and had no idea why God was making her come to new birth today I need y'all to shout out loud like God to give you a sign [Music] thank you who gives somebody else out here who's supposed to be evicted Tuesday in this center section only 20 men will I need 17 men to bring me 100 in this center section I need you to come thank you I'm grateful for you sir come on in this center section I need our men to step up a new birth I'm men leave fifteen yes okay so wait we should go listen help help her get out for me please yes thank you would you go up there with her for me Waymon leave her please we are taking her wait a minute yeah no stay right there I got something else for what we just paid was what was passed to this woman come and gone pay next month Bren [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen I want to say this thank you all about men lift up your hands all of our men lift up your hands all men lift up your hands so many of our men implode internally because we think it takes away from my masculinity to ask for help that we got to know everything this brother came down in need of emergency intervention his family supposed to be evicted on Tuesday and didn't even know how to tell his family but came down to the altar in response to the Word of God my parents taught me a principle men that I want to give you the principle my parents taught me is that it's not charity when it's family y'all didn't hear what I just said when his family is not charity that's what we supposed to do is look out for each other I need all the men not the women y'all ain't got to do nothing all the men in the room would you just shout for this brother that just saved his family's house come on I can't thank you [Music] listen to me thank you all right let me get in this section right here in this section right here I need 24 women to bring me 100 in this section right here I need 24 women to bring me 100 I'll tell you what for the sake of time the first 24 women that got it would you bring it to me please she's supposed to be evicted on Tuesday Thank You doc amen thank you hallelujah thank you so much come on sisters come on let's stand in the gap for our sister Thank You sister-in-law thank you thank you that's 19 yes 18 17 16 hey Baltimore in the house 14 13 thank you twelve eleven ten nine eight seven six four three two one stop right there please witches stop right where it is that you want I need you please would you stop right where it is that you are because when I'm dealing with finances I always want to deal with integrity and accountability of where it is that we are this sister's supposed to be evicted on Tuesday supposed to be evicted on Tuesday would you lift up that hand for me I want every single mother every mother who is a single mother would you stretch your right hand towards this sister every woman in the room who's had to carry the weight of your family financially stretch your hand towards this woman every woman who's had to suffer in silence and people didn't know what you were dealing with what you were up against I want you to begin praying for them even right now I gotta meet the need got to exceed the expectation that God would make a way out of no way believing that God will I'm believing that God can and those of you who know you serve and on time God that he may not come when you want him to come but he's always right on time for this dear sister whose house just got saved y'all ain't sayin nothin to me the court case just got thrown out no couch will be on the sidewalk would you give God glory for even right now come on y'all they sayin nothin [Music] Thank You Dulce who at the altar lift up that hand for me please hallelujah those of you who come in as support thank you so much those of you who are here at this altar I want you to lift up that hand all I ask God to do was show a sign I want to be clear so nobody leaves with a attitude Amen then we leave with the same spirit of Christ we ain't promised nobody nothing we just ask God to flow come on somebody in here we ask God to move the way that he knows to move I pulled these individuals out because they are in the greatest sense of heightened alarm by Tuesday or Wednesday they were facing imminent crisis for God to do it but I still need God to cover the hearts and the spirits and the minds of those who were at this altar that they will not feel forgotten or rejected or overlooked but that God will enlarge their faith just by seeing what he did for those who were stood in the gap y'all I ain't saying nothing to me praying for God to show a sign for God to do what no other power can do would you do me a favor please I'm gonna flood this sanctuary with the sound of prayer would you open up your mouth and just begin praying for them come on I can't hear nobody begin praying for begin praying for them y'all ain't saying nothin God do it for me when my account was in overdraft do it for me like you did when you made stuff work on the card when I knew what nothing on the car do it for me when you did when I was driving on empty do it for me God I believe that you can do it I know that you can and those of you your faith is connected to my faith would you give God the shelter Thanksgiving for it even now [Applause] now here's what I need you to do please because this is where the enemy tries to creep in and plant seeds of discord and distraction I need you to do me a favour as those who are at this altar begin going back to their seats I want you to begin cheering for them and give them the sound of affirmation goodness yelling shouting good I said open up your Mountain listen listen as they go back to their seats very quickly those of you both of you who already had a seat in your hand and you want to release it to the altar do it as quickly as you can we still got to do communion come on please nobody move nobody get hurt hallelu come on just plant that seed as quickly as you can I want you to know that you're connected to a church that has a community and heart that you're connected to a ministry that's not selfish but is selfless [Applause] Jesus admonished us to remember the poor remember the widows remember those who are incarcerated he said even as you treat the least of these that's how you treat me yes you just pull it yes he's got to fight you thank you but you didn't see fit to let none of these things be here say bounce pound every day with your power keep blessing me [Music] [Music] everybody is standing please his fishing season god bless you everybody is standing god just keeps exceeding our expectation every week we just going higher and higher and him believing God for Supernatural and unusual for the ridiculous the extraordinary I'm telling you every time we convene God exposes another side of his grace I got to tell y'all something soft look why you're softly Mitchell for real I don't know how you live in Atlanta and don't go to Newberg for real you trippin hard Oh seriously you playing yourself I don't know how you ain't rocking with us and ain't no church nowhere is lit as a new birth I'm telling you listen real quick there's some of you are blown away some of you your head is spinning you saying pastor I never seen this happening Church a day in my life I've never bear borne witness to this level of christ-like compassion I really got a a renewed sense of hope and faith that the church can be genuine real and authentic I'm I'm really believing that God is still moving in these end times I'm really having a front-row seat to know that miracles still happen and God always shows up in the middle of a crisis wherever you are in this room listen to me we got service at three o'clock I can't be in here all day I need you to come on please those of you who are in this room and you know new birth supposed to be your church this supposed to be your home I'm supposed to be your pastor I need you to just come meet me at this altar please just turn yourself in real quick please [Applause] new birth app in which all all this time y'all still don't know what to do come on you supposed to shout when you see somebody call [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are y'all gon shout yeah by y'all go crazy now [Music] where y'all shall for these whole families customers [Music] y'all still they gon say [Music] all right that's the first wave here comes the second one Mic Check come on real quick listen in this next wave I'm telling you ten people get ready come at the same time you got screwed over something make it make it past you in order to get down that altar get down to the altar I need the 10 of you you know I'm talking to you I need you to come please I need you to come as quick as you can excuse yourself [Applause] [Music] are y'all gonna shout to these father's coming are y'all good [Music] come out here to go they still coming in y'all still ain't saying nothing I wish I was shout about these black father's getting saved John in the church giving their life over to God all right real quick we got some undercover agents and the honeycomb hideout they trying to blend in and act like they Witter stay not really with us I need you please would you do a road check for me real quick check with your roll ask him hey you sure you say sure you got a church home sure you give me your life over to God you're part of a ministry rockin like this come on where are you which I'll shop for this brother coming down to somehow [Music] come on y'all a shout good [Music] they shout [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] listen real quick real quick the three of y'all playing hard to get I got security all over the building you can't leave till you get saved I'm telling you can't leave till you join the church the three of y'all will you please don't act like that please I need you to come as quickly as you can the three y'all who know I'm talking to you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on despot [Music] that's too y'all tear top three banks up towers [Music] area [Music] [Music] [Applause] listen alright no music no nothing because there's one last person holding up our whole service and now I'm mad come out come out wherever you are for real can you just hurry y'all we gotta take communion so whoever this last person is that's holding the whole service hostage and you tell me you gonna wait a couple more weeks come on stop I need you to just come right now wherever it is that you are come on come on wherever you are are y'all gonna shout good for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here comes somebody else y'all shout for [Music] pick up somebody else somebody else [Music] here comes [Music] such a right-hander faith search it right into faith find new family members I'm trying to stop here comes somebody else [Applause] [Music] all right let's try one more again shut your right hand to faith y'all a shouting good all right [Applause] is that it y'all finish all right let's try it stretch it right hand to face you sure would be tough to meet you in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving on the gone and I don't know that's right if you're not right say show you're right come on Big Ups to the Savior would you give God some praise for me as all of you who are here if you'll turn this way we want to give you some information welcome to the family new birth show your love come out [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you may be seated we're never gonna get out of here thank you hallelujah let's slow that down so we go into communion oh how I love Jesus yes thank you come on deacon [Music] [Music] because oh I'm singing oh ho gee [Music] come on amazing huh means how sweet the sound yes Amy [Music] we're splash come on lift up your eyes Oh [Music] [Music] I'm singing all [Music] to me years so to me here's [Music] come on [Applause] gee [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] to see it sounds like music [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] I love today because he first loved me at the cross and the cross where I first saw hand [Music] I see my hand now I'm happy come on is throwback Sunday everybody at the cross at the cross where saw Oh [Music] it was [Music] I [Music] and now ah happy if a person in the room would mindful that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us the Bible is clear that if you confess your sins it is only then that he's faithful and he's just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness a true apology is not language it's a change of behavior so if you're really repentant about how it is that we've fallen short you want to be living better in March than you did in February your lifestyle your actions your behavior your interactions ought to be reflective of the glory of God that rests on your life ask that you will please remove the wafer from the first level of your receptacle you'll lift it above your head Jesus commandeered the disciples into a cloistered room and he pulled out a loaf of bread and in front of all of them he broke it and when he broke up he said to them this isn't just bread this is my body it's broken for you with that wafer in your hand would you please just break it right in your hand I want you to break it right in your hand why pastor cuz that's what the enemy wanted to do to you in February he wanted to break you but it was the grace of God that kept you together it's the love of God that kept you from falling apart for the bread for his body that was broken for you and for me will you please take a knee Jesus then pulled out a flask of wine he said to the disciples this is my blood it shared for you I got to ask you a critical question and I hope you know the answer what can wipe away my sin I got a follow-up what can make you whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus when you go on through a rough day when you've hit a brick wall when you got to sit in the car just to collect yourself when you're sitting on the air to your bed trying to figure out your strategy for next I'm telling you you don't go to have to go to happy hour the only drink you gonna need in the month of March is already in your hand I'm telling you it still gives life David said if I make my bed in hell you still right there if I ascend to the lofty heights of heaven you are still right there I'm telling you Chirac can't give you this Courvoisier can't give you this Hennessy brown or white can't give you this right where you are for his blood that was shed for you and for me will you please take and drink the disciples asked of the master how hot we pray coz every day's not gonna feel like this day and in that moment Jesus taught them the Lord's Prayer let us collectively pray that together everybody our Father amen would you do me a favor never quickly give me would you embrace would you embrace three people around you and tell them this is the month your resources will stretch [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the Lord never quickly six minutes Dougie fresh you're on and we get rain walk out of the building in just one minute just by way of reminder I hope you are a how many of you love your church how many of you love your church I hope you are excited to know that new birth donates more blood to the Red Cross than any Church in America come on y'all and excited about that we do not want to lose our title and so as soon as the church is over we did it yesterday and today we need 100 of you to please please go to the multi-purpose room 100 of you we will meet our goal and exceed it we only need 80 points but if eight if a hundred of you come will far and Beyond be able to run away and get the trophy you have no idea whose life you gonna help save and impact amen amen so Institute please go to the fellowship hall immediately after at this service here you hear you there is no Bible study on Tuesday I want to say it again because invariably five of y'all are gonna pull up and start banging on the door there is no Bible study on Tuesday because Ash Wednesday we're having to services Ash Wednesday at 12 noon we want to pray over every person that comes in the room apply ashes to you we want you to be a part of it that is the first day of our journey of sacrifice and then at 7:30 I need the entire church to come I need your family to come because I'm believing God is gonna anoint you to stretch God is gonna anoint you with a sign and God is gonna perform a miracle in your life I need every person to please make sure that you are present and accounted for some of us need special prayers so that we don't spend in March amen so as that you'll please make sure your present accounted for as that you will get secure your Lynton journal we've given you a handout but as that you'll get your pray Lynton journal they are bill for you in the lobby we only have a few of them but as that you will please secure it so that you can in fact hallmark your journey of the prayers that God gave to you and that you'll be able to write down the signs the miracles and the wonders of that God performed so please go to our bookstore to do that how many of you were blessed by our guest isaiah Templeton give God praise he's got product in available available and that you'll please do that I need you we are a church of readers and we believe steadfastly that readers are leaders our book of the month is by a genius I'm telling you absolute brilliant you gotta get it the big idea by dr. Jamaal Harrison Bryan you you've got to get this book it's gonna be the best book you gonna read all year and I need you to please please please go and get in at three o'clock this afternoon three o'clock this afternoon will be at Jackson Memorial Baptist Church 5:30 for Fairburn Road Northwest pastor Gregory Sutton for his pastor old anniversary that you'll please adjourn us at three o'clock we appreciative for all of you our Millennials met on yesterday and they gave us a challenge because they haven't been able to sleep since the last since the last conflict with the civil rights community versus black lives matter so they say pastor we can't just leave it at that and so wow they came up with an ingenious idea that I think is absolutely novel and amazing that while we're going through sacrifice over these 40 days of Lent and leading us to Resurrection Sunday the Saturday before the Saturday before Resurrection Sunday should be April the 20th our trucks are coming here from goodwill trucks are coming here from goodwill and we're challenging everybody to clean out your closet come on y'all I ain't saying nothing we go ahead we're gonna have two different stations two different stations for those who are under 45 Lord here we go again and those over 45 and we've we thought we had a good plan we were on our way out the door from the Millennial meeting and when a millennial said this ain't fair they've been here longer they got more stuff to give away but we want all of us on April 20th I want you to unload it some dresses you ain't ever gonna fit in again I'm telling you you not I need you to please just bring it some shoes that make your ankles hurt I need you to just bring them a suit that you can't button the top button I need you to please bring all of that ask that you will please bring stuff that is wearable usable and clean is that too much to ask for yeah wearable usable and clean and so don't bring none of the stuff from Saturday Night Fever I need you to bring stuff from the 21st century please I ask that you will please do that and participate with our young people as we move forward I want to highlight if I can I've got two guests that are guests of mine and I'm so honored humble to have them and I hope that you'll indulge me our brother Willard Jackson once you stand please come on brother Willard will the Jackson will stand right there I know he's gonna be mad at me y'all not clapping right it don't sound like the right kind of clap [Applause] Willa Jackson is the new owner of Ebony magazine I want you to please come on but y'all give a big shout come out so honored to have him thank you this is my new best friend thank you thank you Connie Orlando will you County thank you sister Connie Orlando y'all ain't clapping good that ain't a real right clap would you help me thank our Connie Orlando is the executive vice president for BT Black Entertainment Television come on we are helping to guide culture and are in fact one of the last bastions of black information in our community and we're honored of all of the churches that they could have visited in Atlanta they had enough sense to come to the best one in Atlanta and and for that we are amazingly grateful would you stand to your feet please amen your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I can't wait to see y'all on Wednesday at 12 noon sto police come out and hang with us and then at 7:30 at 3 o'clock this afternoon three o'clock thank you so you all know next Sunday is installation so I need you all here I need you all here strong I need you all here strong on next Sunday for the visitors that don't know no better new perfect out a new pastor amen yeah yeah got a new pastor and this installation is next Sunday I want you to be a part of it next Saturday we were supposed to be commemorating our new highway exit that leads straight to our church from the highway the Department of Transportation for the state of Georgia is not complete what it is that they are our Commission to do and so on goodwill Saturday which is the day before Resurrection Sunday we're gonna dedicate we're gonna dedicate that exit at least our church on the same day that everybody is bringing out their donations for the goodwill let me remind you again that we're donating blood today as that you'll please do it in the fellowship hall lift at hand we've been here a long time thank you geez I gotta go take a nap thank you lift that hand as high as you see your self going Lord I love new birth thank you lift that hand now I wonder him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless till you help yourself may God irritate you till you got enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God said amen do me a favor please if there's a visitor near you would you tell them we don't usually get out this late thank you [Music] we can explain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 17,108
Rating: 4.8076925 out of 5
Id: YbBkHkpes-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 3sec (10203 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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