NEW BIG GAMES we want to see at Summer Game Fest 2024 | THE WITCHER 4, RE 9, GTA 6, MAFIA 4

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[Music] Crystal Dynamics is proud to be a part of the launch of Unreal Engine 5 this new engine translates into next level storytelling and gameplay experiences and that's why we are thrilled to announce today that we have just started development of our next Tomb Raider game powered by Unreal Engine 5 [Music] our goal is to push the envelope of fidelity and to deliver the high quality cinematic action adventure experience that fans deserve from both Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider [Music] franchise we can't wait to take this journey together thank you and congratulations again to the epic games team [Music] CD project red are experts in open world game design with The Witcher 3 and cyberpunk 2077 combining freedom of Exploration with compelling storytelling in unparalleled fashion through a new partnership with epic CD project magic breed is building a brand new Witcher Saga with ue5 our cooperation with epic has just started it was uh the shift towards uh open world support that brought un Engine 5 to our attention so there was one demo uh that happened last year that was the Medieval environment demo where at one point uh there's a notice board that looks strangely familiar to things we've done in the past that has even a sign that says monster Slayer wanted and I'm like hm are they they trying to tell us you know come come over to Unreal Engine look how great your games can look on there is was that was that whole demo made with that nefarious purpose I don't know but it definitely definitely caught my eye this opens a new chapter for us where we really want to see how our experience on Building open World Games get combined with all engineering power of Epic one of the things that is really important to keep in mind when when talking about open World Games versus let's say linear games is the possibility ities of the things that can go wrong or the the the the scenarios that you have to consider are exponentially higher than linear games players can go in whatever direction that they want they can handle content in in in any order that they want theoretically and to really encapsulate that means that you need a really stable environment where you can be able to make changes with a high level of confidence that it's not going to break in 1,600 other places down the line on real engine is like a toolbox which has a lot of features a lot of solutions already there that allow teams to just try new stuff the fact that unreal is used by a lot of teams already in the world a lot of perspectives are projected into the design of the tools and that helps the tool to be way more agile so all in all it's a really really cool technology to like prototype and make environments really quickly really beautiful and very realistic epic and CD project red are the two companies that that really want to achieve something great we won't stop just you know by uh developing some features we won't stop there yeah we will continue to to work together to achieve something extraordinary in the end the era of unending peace has passed it is now time for we Wolves of War to awaken fix your eyes forward lest you overlook the traces keep your ear to the ground lest you lose the trail We Are The Shield the sh not we are the sword that shall not our god of steal and fury give us flesh to hunt 4 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn it not again you want to know what the Mind's Eye really is it's activating I know what I have to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Samuels I work for the [Music] company it's about your mother [Music] we think we may have found her [Music] [Music] Amanda we get to shut the book quipple well Dr Taylor it's time we debuted our creation they turn fast and without being bitten I'm Rebecca what do you want me to tell them someone accessed the dod's server they managed to steal data on Leon Jill Chris and Claire you think this might have something to do with the Opera on now most likely I'm going to use my virus to clean the Slate Dylan suckers you're nothing more than pawns that can't be good noad glad you haven't got and sof since Olivia let's go we need to talk so what brings a mighty Sam Fisher to a roll I'm after someone called the strategist he's been kidnapping military Specialists all over the world if I can get them in front of Congress they should be able to authorize an invasion of AOA he'll finally send in the calvary right but for now it's just us Wonderland requires fish may I present project claw they're combing the [Music] streets searching house to house if they arrest you to they will take you to their headquarters and you will not [Music] return I'm more concerned with a 6-foot cat man Who's Got Claws that can cut through vibration Alloy on my count that makes two super soldiers loose in Paris three counting you and that's two too many I'll be there before the sunrises before the Germans before that American the eye of force has been found please just stick to the rooftops be careful stand wasami when am I [Music] not it's better if I tackle this one alone you may encounter some obstacles that won't be a problem okay B friend is definitely here too and by the look of things he's not very far ahead the American Boy Is Right on your heels who the hell are you if you wanted us dead we'd be dead so what do you want aners that's far enough stay out of my way stand aside I do not take orders from anyone I don't have time for this neither do I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I always dreamt of leaving this [Music] place becoming more than a peasant you know the trouble with an adventurous life it can end before it gets [Music] started congratulations tonight you finally become a man wake up pull yourself together [Applause] [Music] [Music] Henry nobody will hand anything on a platter to men like you and me you still have a long way to go till your work is done oh merciful god be kind and protect us so we don't blow our Ares off [Music] amen dear friend take heed the blood is foul and when night Falls the Hunter's r [Music] get and so the nightly hunt begins [Music] chill come on Chris this way make for that Mansion The Show Must Go On it's not like we're out of this yet I think you'd better take a look at this what is it [Music] no crap yes [Music] [Music] I did some other interview where someone asked me about the last of us and would there be any more stories or something and and I mentioned like you know we have written a story that takes place after last of us too um that stars Tommy and I hope one day we get to make it and the headlines across the industry were like um n dog has outlined Last of Us Part three and that's actually wrong it was always it was always a small story it was never like a full title at the time we had higher priorities than n dog was like to fix our pipeline to fix work life balance issues just based on where we were I didn't want to prioritize this story so that story was shelv and I still believe one day it will see the light of day I don't know if it's it'll be a game or a show TBD first game had such a clean concept of like the unconditional love a parent feels for their child the second one once we landed on this idea of the pursuit of Justice at any cost Justice for the ones you love it felt like oh there's a clean concept here and there's a through line from the first game about love if we never get to do it again this is a fine ending point and right last bite of the Apple the story's done the great thing about working at naughty dog is that we don't have to um it's always like we would love another last of us but if you guys feel like are passionate about something else we'll support this other thing very privileged position to be in I I never take that for granted I've been just thinking about okay is there a concept there and for now years I haven't been able to find that concept uh but recently that's changed and um I don't have a story but I do have that concept that to me is as exciting as one as exciting as two um is its own thing and yet has this through line for all three uh so it it does feel like there's probably one more chapter to the [Music] story it all started 20 years ago from the beginning we wanted Far Cry to go beyond the typical shooter that is crazy dropping you into the most isolated places with the bare minimum to survive you don't know we we made it our goal to bring you into the strangest places somewhere between reality and fiction we gave you the tools to craft your own story and find your own path Far Cry pulled you down the rabbit hole more than once you embraced it at every turn diving into the madness again and again where you met helpful friends terrifying foes and sure right into the camera there we are well something in between from the heat of a tropical island to the peaks of the Himalayas you survived an apocalypse and took down vicious leaders 20 years ago you stepped into new worlds and turned them into something incredible to the 90 million players who embrace our Insanity thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh he [Music] spe muster [Music] [Applause] fore fore [Music] pleas a fore fore for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] peace is a lie that is what the Sith believe they promised power now they wield it we Face the greatest Sith in Generations they must be stopped [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] w [Applause] get [Music] you [Applause] wles we our h [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's [Music] go do design the socks to I got the swag cre it's a high cool I'm something like you might drink and drive to work N5 when I was in high school these shoes here don't come out till June this my P I'll crop you to the game set my got a window seat like er [Music] w w [Music] w if you ain't got it then you can't BL it pull up Lamborghini ass on it pull up Lamborghini [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] everything I've done I've done for my family for the last 10 years all I done was kill I killed from my family I killed anybody that got in my way you people speak of family like you know what that word means [Music] [Applause] [Music] family and who you're born with is who you die for [Music] you there is no way to hide Kings Barons Queens we give them different names but they're all the same killing machines falling from the sky this is our home our Bastion of resistance this is where the brave meets the bold we will not die in the shadows we will face our fears head on [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the hungry purple dinosaur ate the kind zingy Fox the jabbering crab and the Mad whale and started vending and quacking the hungry purple dinosaur dinosaur the kind zingy Fox the jabbering crab and the Mad whale and started vending and cracking the hungry purple dinosaurs at the kind singing Fox the jabbering crap and the M whale and started wending and quacking [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] sh a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we fight for everyone and we always will the crows rule an Diva glory to the Risen gods they come to deliver this world Reay wardens don't hide in our Castle I won't ask good soldiers to turn tail and [Music] run all the world will soon share the peace and comfort foot of my rain attention the sun is currently setting all citizens are required to shelter this turn that [ __ ] up [Music] [Applause] show me show me show me show [Applause] me relax man I don't bite [Music] lock up tight now night's just getting started [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone wears a mask you too this is a real face he let you live what secret did you sell him only a dead person can kill the secet go where this damned place you're [Music] suicidal one last toast and we're all done patience is the key [Music] master time is not on his side all we have to do is wait yes let's kill him with time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] f [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] arus is a test few survive it oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] arus is a test few survive it but the humans that do awaken my dad tells stories of a terrible war that happened across the sky Heroes fought and died to give us a chance to start [Applause] over all that I know from their Earth are the creatures they sent along with us and here on our every day is a fight to survive but if anyone can tame this new world we can [Music] [Music] hi Mom hi Dad say hi back of course they know what if I told you that every word you say is being recorded I'm just every thought you've ever had your love like your fear going to have some fun nobody your hate we're just planted in your brain like weeds in a garden what would you do to Free Yourself we both know the answer to that question nothing you are the frog in a pot boiling so slowly you don't even know what's happening but I'm here set you free whether you like it or not [Music] let me tell you what you are missing Dr Jones while you were playing your pointless game [Music] I was playing you you're wondering if maybe you should have built yourself a life of meaning instead of ending up here dead and forgotten in the sense of Africa [Music] myths history just different ways to interpret the past thousands of years of Humanity's thoughts and beliefs scattered and buried just waiting to be found you can't just run away from your problems Indiana watch me throughout history mankind has built sides of great spiritual significance if you were to draw align through these ancient sites around the globe you get a perfectly aligned [Music] Circle I've had run-ins with these guys before trust me it ain't a walk in in the park okay then let's see if you can keep up what do you mean if I can keep [Music] up patron of the Fallen Angels protector of the chly m the great [Music] circle you have any idea how old that was [Music] [Music] who are you who do [Music] you all I have ever known in my life our land our customs my family Burns in the name of [Music] [Music] [Music] unification you are still a frog in a well who knows nothing of the sea the oceans fill with new ships but they all come from the same river [Applause] [Music] greed power vengeance [Applause] [Music] and you will you continue down that River or choose another path beyond what we see and we must look for it together [Applause] [Music] we must learn to trust rebuild and follow the blade [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Co [Music] [Applause] [Music] I said who do you st we are the Shadows that sered the light is [Music] [Music] what's up Cobra fans welcome to Cobra's corner is this for real yes black stabbath three huge game developers have gotten together to create the ultimate gaming experience the top video game players in the world are they any good in real life battle Y type situation not this but actually this it's not playing around on a screen we do have X Navy Seals coming down we need the best of the best [Music] anybody can play you just got to be brave enough to take a bullet kilo kitty wants to know if it hurts man of course it hurts we donate 100 Grand worth of cyber lims but there's a chance for fame there's a chance for Fortune I need you to take her down to Midtown Harbor do not up you can also oh God hey look at me welcome to me fans click me like me I don't care watch me don't watch me I'm over this whole thing don't forget to to smash that like And subscribe button uh at the bottom of the screen [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] you are one of our most treasured instruments long have you led your Fleet with honor and distinction but your inability to safeguard Halo was a colossal failure soon the great journey shall begin but when it does you shall be left [Music] behind gentlemen we're lucky to have you back the Navy has lost one of its best flip space ruptures directly off our battle cluster Master Chief defend this station Cortana what exactly am I looking at that is another Halo so this is what my father found the prophet of regret is planning to activate Halo are you sure get tactical Marines all right sh your prophets have promised you freedom but you will find no salvation on this ring the prophets have betrayed us comp passible no if he leads the Covenant Fleet to Earth they won't stand a chance you have to stop him I need a weapon we're going in [Music] [Music] all remaining platforms are now ready for remov from here ma'am without a destination solution we are not losing that ship on h [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she fore for [Music] me for spee speech foreign foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] spee foreign foree spee oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] throne and Liber te for [Music] [Music] my daughter a new threat comes to our Shores and I must call you home restore what has been broken unite old enemies Forge New BS you are a hero but you can be more you can be a leader you are Wonder [Music] Woman the rules have changed there's a fine line between right and wrong and somewhere in the sh us they send us in to find them watch the six actual Target is in the main house you have execute Authority Bravo 6 going dog St clear Victor 64 green light chical weapons are now in the wild for copies up here guys htic civilian get to safety go we get dirty and the world stays clean that's the mission go go [Music] [Music] [Music] n
Views: 232,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, new game trailers, new games 2024, gta 6, witcher 4, mass effect 4, tomb raider 4, witcher remake, gears of war 6, mass effect 5, ps5, new games 2025, single player games 2024, silent hill 2, kotor remake, unreal engine 5.4, the witcher 1, the witcher remake, summer game fest 2024, e3 2024, witcher polaris, resident evil 9, splinter cell remake, ps5 pro, assassins creed shadows, black flag remake, black ops gulf war, mafia 4, dragon age the veilguard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 20sec (5120 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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