New AUDIO DEEPFAKES Give You any Celebrity Voice

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today we're here to find out whether AI voice is truly at the level where it can start to fool people it's uh this is Patrick Stewart so everyone's going to get a turn putting on a new voice and seeing what kind of character is hiding inside of them just waiting to come out thanks to AI oh no no there are a lot of fake trucks out there today they may look tough on the outside but they can barely handle a few bumps in the road a real truck can take a beating a real truck can stand up to the worst that mother nature can throw your way if your truck ain't dripping wet with mud and scum well then it ain't a truck you piece of so last time you saw me messing around with AI voices I was breaking terms of service left and right was this so sketchy if I don't get your consent we can't release this video because I might get banned from this service and who knows what else yes I did get banned from using their service today we have even more powerful software if you thought there were ethical issues in that last video pull your socks up you're about to get into the defend here okay the folks from reached out to us they make a deepaker for your voice rather than putting somebody else's face on your face you're putting somebody else's voice on your voice but still your performance that drives it unlike the stuff we did with Jake the idea of being able to take your voice AI mask on top of it it's pretty crazy because right now I can sound like a wizard rather than sounding like just some dude in SoCal everyone's very concerned with the ethics of using AI to replicate someone's likeness AI technology generally isn't even at the point where you can really truly fool someone however altereds AI voice algorithm might change that is pretty good today we're here to find out whether AI voice is truly at the level of work and start to fool people so before we even get any further here we're using altered software right now they have packaged it with I think like two dozen voices two dozen voice actors which they've hired to give them a two to three hour voice data set so today we're working with a library of pre-trained voices made from hired voice actors so they have some really good cast of voice actors here with a bunch of different dialects and accents so I have a great idea as a sit down and buckle up we're gonna take our voices and transform them into famous characters and we'll pretend to give everybody cameos and their favorite celebrities and iconic movie stars you know it's kind of Morgan freemany kinda well can we start vlogging who's who yeah okay we need a list of characters so first and foremost my name is [Music] that's pretty good A bear with honey is oh so funny yeah Jason say them let's go let's go give me a Jason Statham reading Oh Me Oh my I dropped my fishing chips in the loo again turn the fish out my fish and chips from the loo oh here they are a little wet Jason Statham but it's still really funny all right who talks like that can you go a little bit lower you can get Michael Kane oh yeah you're just lowered the piss and they do Michael okay can you give me like okay in the morning oh little Batman here come here snuggle into my bosom let me wipe your tears with your money you give me your wallet here of there we go this soaps up all the tears real nice how about cookie his Cadence hello Sam my name is Alan Rickman and I play Professor Snape and your friend Nico told me that you can't wait to go to Hogwarts so sounds like you should stop being into the little wizard books sang them I think this guy for sure was Jeremy Irons Jeremy Irons I don't even know Jeremy Irons is long live the king the bald guys are still my favorite British one because he sounds so legit all right give me give me a pen next door give me Patrick Stewart Professor X Professor X here's we want to take a look at my wheelchair my name is Professor X played by Patrick Stewart this wheelchair of mine has all sorts of things as a snack drawer or I put my Snickers bar between cuts and uh this is where I put my gun it's pretty good um we need to find some more variety here because right now it's only English actors here we go what does veto sound like so he's going to be um hey a long time ago I starred in this movie called Batman I played a penguin and they rebooted it which sucks the movie sucks are you think about Danny DeVito I'm thinking about Danny DeVito I don't know [Laughter] nothing tiny guys there's tiny Italian men it's just Judy Dench from Mission Earth permission impossible Judy Dench from the movie Mission Impossible and um happy Monday and I'm gonna go drink some tea and crumpets teen crumpets tea and trumpets bye yeah hi welcome back to the Brandy O'Daniel segment here on Corridor crew now courtesy of today's sponsor Squarespace we're going to be taking calls from people all over the place who can tell us about the wonders of Squarespace okay for our first caller we have John from East London let's see what John has to say about Squarespace yeah right so uh Squarespace it's pretty great um first and foremost as everybody knows they have beautiful award-winning templates wow that's really interesting John thanks for calling in yeah sure uh happy to do it all right our next caller is Frank from the Southern United States how's it going down there Frank well it's pretty good and I gotta say that one of my favorite things about Squarespace is the members area now I like to paint and sell shoes wow really that I have a members area where each month I'm able to offer a select type of shoe to my members just through the members area only on my Squarespace website gee Frank that's wonderful to hear it you sound like a smart guy okay next up we have Miss Wendy from Southern California let's see what she has to say yeah I really like Squarespace because they now have a video Studio which allows creators to create Pro level videos effortlessly from within their Squarespace video Studio they even have a Squarespace video studio app that helps you make and share engaging videos to tell your story grow your audience and drive sales I mean you can do this directly from your phone wow gee Wendy that's really great to hear I'm so glad that you're able to use the service that way and wow what a phenomenal new tool for all the small businesses out there okay and for our last caller today we have Vincenzo from New York City Vincenzo how are you my friend hey Jacob doing real good thanks for uh let me on the air here but I'll use Squarespace for is their top of the game analytics you see I already have a pretty robust website myself and one of the things that I like to do is figure out where my customers are coming from what they like to buy on my site and generally how they like to navigate through my site Vincenzo thank you for sharing that that's a great anecdote alright well uh you you heard it here first you know don't take it from me take it from all the people who called in to tell you about Squarespace today if you guys are interested in getting 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain head on over to Corner crew and that's exactly what you'll get or just hey click that link in the description below to get 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain now let's get back to Sam and Nico who have figured out how to change their voices to sound a lot like these wonderful guests all right so now that we have our list of sound alike voices it's time to record some messages to hopefully brighten Everybody's Day in the studio hey you got a second uh yeah I think so we got a gift for some of the people in the office so many pranks some so many mind games has happened in this office in the past like month I really don't know what to expect expect the gift okay just to get your email okay spam oh there it is it's high straight to spam I don't know dude this message seems dangerous holy what have you done uh so open that funnel yeah all right cool Matthew this is the one and only Jeremy Irons your pals Simon Nico uh hit me up on Cameo and I was delighted to hear from them because apparently you are a very uh handsome young man with many talents future ahead oh I also heard you've loved Lion King which of course I have starred in it um fun for news here I we are actually making another Lion King movie I'm excited to see you in the audience hopefully oh anyways uh have a great day and uh long live the king foreign [Music] well we'll see now I'm I'm questioning if this is like actually the guy we got we got cameos you think everybody you think you're the only one with a gift today yeah oh there oh wow you're spreading the cameos around aren't you spreading the cheer the cheer Jordan Allen we have a present for you this is I'm so suspicious of y'all what is it so I'm smiling look at the smile he's got going on have you ever given someone a gift if if it's that feeling you know it makes you a spam folder oh right into the spam this message seems dangerous you want me to do that oh Jim Cummings do you know wait what oh who's this I don't know who it is hello Jordan it's your friend Winnie the poohoo are your friends and Nico got a cameo for me actually this is voice actor Jim Cummings voices of some of your favorite childhood characters and you know I just want to say happy birthday at least I hope it's your birthday I lost the list they gave me so I'm just going with what I know and uh yeah tell your friends the Bible came yes for me Jim Cummings all right what yeah we got you a cameo from Jim Cummings devil thank you so much so you know about Winnie the Pooh he played Winnie the Pooh and uh all the Winnie the Pooh movies are you like a big Winnie the Pooh thing uh no that's why I'm surprised we're really we're really striking out we got you a gift spam folder it's in your spam folder okay not dangerous it says it's it's not dangerous just open it oh wow Brenna it's a big day you've made it all the way down from Canada to the USA this is your call Morgan Freeman and uh your buddy Sam and Nico decided to welcome you to their new studio with a cameo from me now there's a few things you're gonna have to learn about the USA that are a little different than what we do in Canada first off everyone drives trucks all right now you're gonna watch out for those trucks they're gonna zoom in Every Which Way second of all you're going to want to look into some stalls and some Stripes once you get them you'll know what to do with them anyways we hope you have a real good time here working on your visual effects I'm in some movies myself and I might need a little VFX help so if it's cool [Laughter] I guess that's where it ends did he just start laughing is that How It Ends he just laughs and stuff he's like squealing that is amazing thank you Mr Freeman would this be a good time to have you guys open your presents sure oh uh if you want to check in your spam folder and Gmail is going to say it's dangerous [Laughter] unfortunately it is it it is marked as dangerous by Gmail but don't worry yo this is Joe Pesci and uh honestly I never thought I'd be doing cameos like this but honestly Christian I gotta say I heard your cooking's great you know my mamma mia she's got a great noodle dish too that I always been trying to make my life never perfected it you know that's the thing you know with family it's always about them family dishes am I right anyways uh so yeah you Pals Nico Sam uh they uh hit me up told me to talk to you about you know things you like um are you in Vegas yeah we shot a movie there a few times uh you've seen Casino uh that's a real place actually you can actually really gamble there anyway uh the point is um you know we're wishing you all the best you know we're all we're all rooting for you back here man uh you know all your ideas put one foot in front of the other the yeah you know keep your chin on all right ladies sent me a message he's doing cameos and the dude like 100 is that that's not AI and if it is a holy crap if that if that is an AI generated voice that's incredible I mean it's Joe Pesci it's crazy that's an actor would just go his way to record that Cameo for you check out yours oh oh I received a present too you received a present too yep we got you a candy house left to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking the the repo of course the reaper it's uh this is Patrick Stewart you might know me from such famous franchise as a stall track and X-Men are you a Pals Sam and Nico have hit me up on Cameo which is a website for celebrities like myself to deliver you messages ah of their choosing and the message they choose for me to deliver is that apparently uh you love space physics uh the unknown the cosmos uh but do not watch Star Trek and uh you know I'm deeply saddened up at many years of my life into that wonderful show uh well you can catch me on season three of Picard 2023 that's right I'm still acting after all these years anyways I'll have a wonderful day uh live long impossible bye-bye yes I am still acting I'm flabbergasted Sir Patrick Stewart knows that I'm into space physics okay this is uh basically voice deep faking so you this isn't like the descript thing where you had to type it all out train to model what a defect does is it replicates the face and creates a mask but this is like an audio mask it's basically the audio version of you guys want to try it let's go play with the voice some more all right it's time for make your own voices we gave away their cameos and we totally fooled everybody so everyone's gonna get a turn putting on a new voice and seeing what kind of characters hiding inside of them just waiting to come out thanks to AI what's montagu is it what's Montego it is no handle food nor are no face nor any other part belonging to a man oh be some other name what's in her name that which we call a rose by any other word would smell a sweet wait did you turn the acting bar up [Music] Master Wayne ever since you are a little boy but sought to protect you but I'll fight you that's it that is actually really good hey what's up welcome back to another episode of visual effects honest react we got a spicy episode for you today we got some good effects we got some bad effects we're gonna find out right now let's get into it spicy wow I've never heard him with such energy that's exciting [Music] did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise I thought no it's not a story the Jedi would tell you it's a Seth Legend Darth Plagueis was a dark Road of the Sith so powerful and so wise he could use the force to influence the media florians to create life really incredible I know what you're thinking did he fire six shots or only five well to tell you the truth in this excitement I kind of lost track myself but being this is a 44 magnum the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow me ahead clean off you've got to ask yourself one question do I feel lucky well do you punk [Laughter] we have a non-native English speaker Rodrigo from Brazil I'm wondering if you said something if we could make you sound like a full-fledged American right yeah oh how big is your track brother I have a big truck in my house I like my truck it's big a lot of real wheel slopes and yeah [Laughter] [Applause] what are you doing huh Hey listen you think I download Hoagies I know Hoagies I eat Hoagies by the barrel look we killed Vinnie we cut his throat because he knew too much about the hoggies what are you doing man what are you doing [Music] I said Hoagies okay [Music] oh wiggle this weird voice that's going on with me I had such a normal regular voice and now I saw my Chase and sniper in the transporter what's going on I'm gonna stop smoking stop smoking now oh no three haven't fun and games with Cutting Edge technology thanks to altered dot AI for hooking us up with a software so we can play with it a little bit here we have a lot of crazy experiments we're going to try with this if you guys have any kooky ideas feel free to leave some comments down below and subscribe so you don't miss where we're gonna take this Tech maybe this time ultra is actually another accidents I don't know but it can be done after the fact so we'll see uh hopefully I sound cool later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,518,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepfake, deep fake, experiment, voice ai, ai, artificial intelligence, machine learning, celebrity, new, funny, react, reaction, vfx,, respeacher
Id: AALf9w37COM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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