NEW army Debut! Nurgle vs Sylvaneth: Befouling Host vs Gnarlroot: Age of Sigmar Battle Report!!

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what's up War Gamers welcome back to the channel we've got a very high powered match up for you today and Michael is going to tell us about it we have a new Army debut for you it's the nurgle fresh off the paint bench they are here and we are excited for them it's just one more faction that we have painted for you guys ready to go we only have like two factions to go I'm so excited that's right we almost have every Army in the game baby so uh the members they got to vote and they voted that their first matchup is going to be against my powerful sventh Army which is it's just so mean out the gate cuz we know this list and it's it's fine it's great I'm going to I'm going to just take the L and if I get a dub I'm going to be stoked so we'll see how it goes I've got the glocken and the magoth Lord list it's going to be really really fun if you're new to the Channel please take time to like share and subscribe we really appreciate it we are trying to get to 10,000 subscribers by the end of the year so hit that button cost you nothing and we want to give a big shout out to gry matter games for sponsoring this video stick around until after the first battle round and we're going to tell you about some of his amazing deals that he has going all right guys with all that being said let's get into the [Music] action thank you to all of our members for supporting this channel especially the Lords and commanders if you're interested in extra battle reports and helping to support this channel hit the link in the description box below go check out our Channel Partners Baron of dice and grey matter games they have some amazing products there will be promo codes and links in the description box below nurgle are finally on the battlefield and I am so excited about this we're going to be running the glocken and all the magoth Lords today they're in buffing host so I can take beasts of nurgle as battle line so this is a low model count and not very many War Scrolls so I can try to learn this Army today the glot kin is going to be a warm he's also a two cter and he is going to know gift of disease which helps me disease things on the battlefield he also has blight C which allows me to charge in the enemy turn and he has a great ability where he can make a unit Retreat away from him he has tons of wounds and a five up Ward great model my general is going to be morbid X twice born he has 12 wounds on a three- up save also has that Ward obviously and he's going to heal half of the wounds that he takes in every turn uh which is just going to help him stay on the battlefield for a very long time then we have orot demon spew he is also a warm so we basically have three generals on the battlefield he's the fighty one he also gets to use a command for free and issue it to any mortal unit once per turn then I have blow uh blow BR spawn he is going to be a one Caster he has a good War scroll spell he also is going to know magnificent Boos which is a spell that makes a hero minus one to hit and also makes it minus one to cast a spell in bind we've got four single out Beast of nural run around the battlefield absolutely love these models Michael did a fantastic job painting them they can run and retreat and still charge they do damage when they charge in and they just spread disease that's what they're there for we have a unit of nurglings the nurglings can be a screen they also can get healed by morbid deex twice born which is kind of fun you also can put them in reserve and put them in enemy territory for some sweet summon points and that's it buing host let's see how they do today against the sventh good old silth back on the table today we're taking subaction Naru which is the spellcasting subaction and then the season of the war is going to be the windling which is going to give me some rolls to my spell casting I'm taking a battle rge and an acolytes Battalion as well the general today is going to be the war song Revenant command trait is going to be Spell slinger so we're going to be casting through trees and then he's going to know the spell uh Tree song which is going to increase the Rend of weapons around trees super helpful next up is deru he has the artifact of power uh the Greenwood Gladius this gives him an extra D3 attacks with his big Guardian Sword which really turns him in to a hammer the tree Lord ancient is hanging out he's a wizard so he's going to be knowing the spell regrowth and then his special ability is the ability to drop a tree anywhere on the battlefield so this will be a turn one like opening Salvo drop a tree explode Mortals deru come and flying at your face we have the spite swarm Hive this is an endless spell that gives out plus three to move and charge very very helpful we have a reinforced unit of keroth hunters with the great swords uh these guys hit super hard cuz they do double Mortals on sixes uh when they hit we have one unit of tree revs uh they have a built-in teleport ability so they're going to be zipping around the battlefield grabbing objectives doing Battle Tactics and just generally being annoying and then everybody's got to have screens we have two units of dryads these guys are minus one to hit and wound as long as they're near a tree or an overgrown terrain feature and that is it for the sventh let's take a look at the mission we're playing today the battle plan we are playing today is called every step is forward this is a four objective battle with an L-shaped deploy the special rule for this one is that if you charge with a unit you get to add one to the number of models that it counts as on objectives and if you Retreat you cannot contest objectives in that turn we're going to be scoring Battle Tactics and Grand strategies as well my grand strategy is one straight out the book it's called blessed desecration uh I pick a Terrain feature that's toly within enemy territory and if I control it at the end of the game I complete my grand strategy Michael what's your grand uh my grand strategy is going to be spellcasting Savant so I need to keep my War singer alive all right I think that's going to be doable let's get into this and see who has initiative all right here we are for the top of about round one we're about to kick it off Michael had choice and he's decided to take the turn yeah I can I can Max points I get a battle tactic and I can do a lot of damage and still stay really far away from him because nurgle's so slow he's going to have a hard time taking that double on turn two um so I think I can just keep pushing damage through for a little bit longer absolutely so we did some pre- battle stuff uh on the cycle of corruption we started that you can't do heroic actions and you can't uh issue Rally or ins spying presence for this battle round cool we each have two Primal dice you failed with your Battalion I have three command Points Plus a conditional on my general plus another one on orot demon spew because he gets a free Command per turn let's just try to get another command point on the glocken we'll just go command Point crazy yeah all right battle tactic for me this turn is going to be uh get a spell off without being Unbound that's another reason why I wanted to take one is I deployed very deep MH um which is how we like it so let's go ahead and get the spite swarm Hive off okay sounds good uh does go off on a 7 we're going to have my tree Lord drop a tree in your face beautiful we'll grab a tree and we'll be right back to show you where all right so now I would normally explor explode Mortals but I really want to kill one thing at a time instead of trying to split my damage across things so I'm going to cast Tree song okay and uh put it on that tree right over there um let's 3d6 cast this one because cool goes off beautiful so that tree extra rent more Randy tree uh final cast is going to be from this Branch witch down here and she's just going to bring out an extra tree okay aggressively goes off excellent all right we threw out another tree the only reason we did that is cuz setting up for later mhm all right casting is complete uh let's do our swarm on a two up let's see if it does its thing plus three to charge it doesn't that's it you're not even going to have to face a charge anymore let's move so you'll see we didn't do a movement recap because after failing the spite horn spite swarm Hive um there was no reason to lose deru by accident so he's safely hanging out back uh my dryads have just scooched forward tagging two different objectives we're setting up over there for a surrounding destroy later that is it we rolled Primal I'm up to four David's at three I'm at three command points to David's four and then he's got a bunch out there yep uh I'm going to go ahead and get summon points right now okay I get three plus one because you're not in my territory true I get one for having the feculent Nara and that's it so I'm going to get five okay so I'm going to try to do magical dominance Michael does have a 3v6 unbind uh and more Primal dice than me but that's my only option right now because my Army is pretty darn slow uh I can't intimidate the Invaders or any of that other good stuff I need to save that for later so we'll try to cast and then for my heroic action I got a command Point uh I still have my conditional on morbid decks and then on orot I get one per turn so we're up to seven command points right now let's start with Mystic shield on the gootkin and this is going to come from blobe because blobe is a plus one to cast uh okay throw a primal Dice and call it a day for your battle throw Primal at it okay we got our battle tactic I was sitting here with all my primals and my rolls and my triple distes I'm like I'm going to get only way I could get that battle tactic so that's great let's go ahead and get into movement and we'll be right back Michael I finished my movement phase the nurglings that were uh hidden infestation came out on this objective this I'm sorry on this terrain feature and on the objective but this is the terrain feature that I need to hold at the end of the game it is on the far flank outside of Michael's Castle so that gives me the greatest option at completing it I ran this Beast of nurgle 5 in he went 10 in and is standing on the objective I auto ran this unit using the command point that I generated from the Glock kin and he went uh right right there Michael threw a redeploy so I have a 9-in charge right now and then the glocken ran and uh just went into the center he's got Mystic shield and he's going to tank some damage if Michael gets the double or I'm sorry if he gets turn the other Beast went over here I'm trying to shut off some of these trees and stuff too but uh Michael reminded me that the tree Lords can still teleport if I have units within three of a tree or of or of an overgrown it's just the kerno hunters and other units that cannot the magoth Lords are hanging out in the center just scheming about what they're going to do next and I moved this Beast seven inches so that is my whole movement I've got one charge to do we're not in range of any shooting yet so let's get looking at this Beast of nurgle all right Michel 9 in charge all day long let's go okay that's a 10 easy you're going to go in the Beast of nurgle is so happy to see you he is going to on a two up dude D3 mortal wins nope and then uh we're just going to activate him okay so I believe he's holy with an 18 to take a command so we'll give him an all out attack uh what's his what's his profile look like Beast of nurgle four attacks fours threes minus1 two D6 attacks fours threes no round one okay uh so we will all out defense and then David knows for sure that he's minus one to hit and wound yep absolutely so this is going to be fours and fours with the four filthy claw attacks okay two hits no wounds cool and then D6 attacks with the slabber ma for two and then fours and fours okay no Ren uh kill it okay single damage the dryads are pissed they're going to fight back with their little claws fours and fours all day take two Mighty saves no rent okay uh fives and then fives no and he takes the damage cool okay all right so end of battle battle shock you give me a disease yep I'll give you a disease and then we're going to roll a dice and on a four up we're going to see if you take a mortal nope no Mortals cool cool jio uh pretty straightforward start and uh we can go ahead and go score me up nural have completed their turn David how did you score I scored Four Points could not get the big five uh I needed to charge this unit and do more damage yeah but my charge damage didn't go off and minus one to hit wound is always tough I only took a damage though so just kind of pinning them um yeah that's it man so the score is four to five and we're going to get into a rolloff both of us are fine with the whatever way this goes honestly yeah totally fine up a might need2 uh I roll the six I don't like double turns but I can get some summoning going and I have a battle tactic and I can get three so I'm going to go ahead and go we'll be back for the top of battle round two nurgle what's up War Gamers we really hope that you're enjoying the debut of our new nurgle Army before we carry on with the battle I want to give a big shout out to grey matter gaming for sponsoring this video grey matter gaming has been hooking us up with beautiful battle mats and objective markers for a while now and he also has some really cool accessories you can use to upgrade your tabletop experience today we want to give you a closer look at some of the items that can be found at gy matter gaming all right guys so the first thing you're going to notice on this battlefield are these beautiful double-sided objective markers we've been using these for a while now and what we like about them is there's a mark in the center and at 3 in so you can be super accurate when you're moving your models then we've got terrain templates you can put terrain on top of these and it's very useful because you can just move the terrain out of the way when your models move on and make sure that you're keeping your place then we've got spell and enhancement effects right here we've got Mystic Shield Arcane bolt flaming weapon and finest hour and you can Prime and paint these and put them next to your models and they look a whole hell of a lot better than a cardboard token on the tabletop finally I want to show you these thin magnetic movement trays now you can use these to really stretch out your screens maximize your movement and make sure your coherent you also can use them to make sure you're getting an ability like shining company with your luminoth real Wards guys when you put all this stuff on the battlefield it looks absolutely amazing and you're going to be super excited to play so there you have it some amazing accessories that you can use to add immersion to your fantasy wargaming experience use promo code double-sided with the purchase of a battl mat and get yourself 20% off double-sided objective markers and also double-side terrain templates don't forget that you can use promo code battleshock to get yourself 5% off anything sitewide once again thank you so much to gy matter gaming for sponsoring this video and thank you to all of you for supporting this Channel with that being said let's go ahead and get back to the action okay we are here for the top of battle round two magin of nurgle are going to get into it I have two command points two Primal Dice and I have 13 summon points now I got another eight just now and then you have three command points three Primal Dice and then I'm doing in I'm doing focus and I'm giving my uh War singer an extra cast so we're up to three casts him we both rolled to get a command point and we both got one I have one on the glocken and you have one on the ancient and then I have an extra one on orot demon spew because it's on his War scroll uh battle tactic is going to be intimidate the Invaders cool so I'm going to have uh more units outside my territory than in now before you get into casting I do want to unbind my spites swarm because next turn he's definitely going to come around this corner and be able to see it with the Glock in so I want this off the table uh plus one plus one still doesn't do it so I have to throw a primal no I can I can I can reroll this so I'm electing to reroll and not use a primal dice so we're just going to use our roll okay it's out of here cool it's gone good job let's cast gift of disease with the Glock H oh yeah what's okay this cast he's going to take two mortal wounds so five UPS he's good easy uh and then we're going to try to cast a Mystic shield with the blow Brad spawn okay casual throw a primal at it okay can't be so we're going to give Mystic Shield to the glocken and we both get a primal dice we both get a primal dice so you're up to two I'm at a mighty four I'm feeling a blizzard feeling a blizzard uh okay I don't have any other hero face stuff to do so let's go ahead and move nurgle has finished their turn this Beast ran and he's just chilling next to this terrain on this objective the nurglings auto ran using the glottkin command point that he had so they're on the objective and then we've got the Beast of nurgle he retreated so he can't count on objective this turn uh but he will get to charge in again and fight which is kind of fun the glocken ran and he is going to go stand on that objective as well we've got a beast of nurgle right here that ran just getting closer to some stuff the general morbid X is right there and then on the far side of the battlefield we've got orot demon spew who ran the Beast of nurgle who ran and then we summoned another Beast of nurgle which is going to be this fly right here that has no Rider and then we've got blobe who is going to plug up the hole because we need to plug up holes I also really struggled to get intimidate the Invaders so luckily blobe rolled the six so I was able to get him over the line and summon in another unit so I've got six units out five units in so really really tricky but we were able to knock it out so let's go ahead and look at some charges all right the fly it's actually Abes of nurgle is going to try to charge into those dry ads uh that's an eight he doesn't have any pluses that's not enough uh I'll use my once per turn from orot demon spew to let him reroll uh that's a 10 so he'll go in 9 in charge Dave just dude shouldn't be happening loving it still making 9 in charges let's do some Beast of nurgle impact hits on a two up yes uh one mortal W the other Beast of nurgle is going to charge into the dryads charge is good impact hits yes for three all right let's fire up this poor Beast of nurgle who's not going to do any damage but we'll try he has four attacks fives and fours everything misses but you do take a disease you take that up to two and then four to wound nothing D6 attacks with his other attack two fives and fours okay one hit one wound no rent saved it beautiful all right he's done mighty four attacks here take a save okay five and then a five okay he takes a wound all right take a healing point we're going to go ahead and fight with him this is four attacks fives and fours that's one disease go and two wounds at minus one fill those okay that'll be four damage D6 attacks for six with his slobbering maw fives two hits fours two wounds F them both uh those are one damage each here we go three attacks one hit nothing all right great pillow fight pillow fight okay I take a whip I didn't I didn't I didn't wound you oh you didn't wound me no I was like what are you rolling dice for okay uh all right so we're going to roll up some disease points cuz it's the end of the combat so they have three and the other unit has two okay so at the start of the battle shock phase I'm going to roll for all this disease here so three on that dryad Squad uh they take two mortal wounds and then two on the other dryad Squad no mortal wounds okay inspiring presence time okay so we're going to inspire over here for one command Point uh these guys lost five they fail okay uh that was a turn mhm let's get on the hero Cam we'll score him yet we're back for my turn I got five points I hold one two more and completed my battle tactic of intimidate the Invaders so the score is nine to5 we're getting into Michael's turn I have three command points plus one on orot uh I have three and I have a mighty five Primal dice mhm and then I have three Primal dice uh for Heroic actions I forgot to do one I'm just going to get him point with the tree Lord he's good to go okay great I think I will do I think I'm feeling a finest hour on this guy right here so we're just going to give him finest hour so uh battle tactic is surround and Destroy oh yeah you can't stop that one I have a dryad squad there I have uh these tree revs will teleport to that back Edge and then I have my War song right here mhm let's bring out the bit swarm Hive okay it's an eight and then let's throw a primal dice on it okay let's throw so that is 9 + 4 because you're plus one to cast so you're on a 13 so far and throw another one and then let's stop it there okay uh I am going to attempt to unbind that with uh that's an e that's a 12 that's a 16 cool it's kind of what I thought was going to happen with that one uh let's go ahead and let's do a blizzard right here merciless blizz eight ah crap you this guy this guy right here he did it again he rolled me a one yeah yeah I don't care about this idiot okay so what are we at 13 13 go ahead try to unbind your my 13 blizzard I'm going to let you blizzard my Beast okay blizzarding the Beast and I rolled exceptionally poorly uh so five six seven Mortals okay and then I take 2d3 and I'm dead Okay fives I'll take five damage was it worth it you little lady it um let's go ahead and cast again let's cast from this guy right here we're going to explode this tree okay sounds good uh let's do two let's use our roll on this one okay so a 91 okay I'll try to unbind that one with uh the glocken uh nope goes off so let's start with the Beast takes a mighty one okay he's good uh Beast number two takes two okay he takes them and then uh the Purple People Eater okay blobe takes three okay uh he takes two cool uh tree Lord is going to cast Mystic shield on himself Mystic Shield goes off uh let's Tree song the blue tree there okay and I'm not going to Primal it so that's uh six seven okay uh glock's last unbind I'm done okay very bad magic phase for me but I kind of thought that was going to happen so let's go ahead and move into movement and we will show you what we did we'll be right back silth have completed their turn these dryads have moved Mo to this side of the table the keros having not gotten any spikes SW Hive off have just moved forward uh my Wizard's hanging out in the back deru moved out of the trees uh these dryads are holding this Beast of nurgle by the nose David threw a massive sixin redeploy over on that side of the table and then being a brave lad this tree Lord ancient is teleported over here now David did remind me that I am not even a 9in charge we're looking at 10in charge cuz I'm minus one to charges this turn so let's get into some shooting let's do it all right two attacks with the Doom staff tendril into your Beast of chaos Beast of nerve ready they two hits did you want to All Out defense no okay they're two wounds they're minus one okay they're three damage piece okay I see what you did there uh he takes six big six all right let's uh go with Spirit of deru He's Got The Verdant blast he's got six attacks with The Verdant blast fours and threes should have all out defense but I'm realizing uh I sometimes I just roll it fast okay three at minus one is this into the Beast of nurgle it sure is into the Beast of nurgle that one he fails them all uh two damage piece okay uh he takes two damage should never give you five upward States it's not it's too much now here's the plan everybody let's make huge charges okay big charges deru looking looking charge he rolled a four he's going to stand you right there KERO Hunters needed an 11 they roll a mighty 12 very good they're going in let's look for a 10 oh yeah want to do some monstrous actions I I really do um I'm feeling AAR is probably the best but I I really want to fight make you fight last okay yeah fight last here it comes yeah here fight last okay I'll uh I'll just roar you yeah you're Roar three swords swinging into my Beast of nurgle all out attack I'm going to All Out defense with orot demon spew with his free one and you got War Masters for days so many War Masters all right hitting on twos four Mortals okay three six seven and minus one sixes okay those are two two damage a piece yeah okay FES takes five damage he's dead I have strik and fade uh I didn't go back to my castle because I still have deru who can teleport out from the castle I threw these guys onto this point to try and fortify that point I am sitting on double so can planning on just walking and fighting mhm let's go look at the tree Lord yeah all right so we have five attacks with the sweeping blows these are these threes run one two damage and they're going into the Beast okay I already did an all out defense so go for it y so two and minus one s sweeping blows are minus one mhm okay I failed them and they're two damage piece okay all right he dies yeah he dies to the wound he dies okay okay and go ahead and put the rest of your attacks into my boy massive impaling Talons these are twos and twos okay so two at minus two save a b okay all right I'm going to All Out attack and let's fight with orot demon spew he's got seven attacks with the rod axes this is going to be twos and twos uh because we're finest Tower okay one to these points and five saves at minus one force uh three excuse me we did get a Mystic Shield off that's right uh failed two failed three okay that's six damage and then five attacks with the Monstrous claws twos and twos again uh make three saves at minus two these are fours build one okay that's three more damage end of the combat we'll roll him up one disease to two and then he'll take one moral loot then you can roll it back down to one all right that's it let's score it up let's do it all right guys silth have completed their turn and it was a it was a rough one I don't think I've had that rough of a turn in a minute uh but we did scrape together four whole points um because we made long bomb charges yep so we hold one over there cuz he's he counts as one extra so he's six to David's five we hold two over here and we completed our battle tactic of surround and Destroy I'm really glad I chose that battle tactic because I definitely would have failed all of the other ones that I thought were super easy yes so that is it we're getting into battle round three and boy howdy do I want a double turn right now yep scores nine to nine good luck to you good sir okay so Michael is needing to take the turn right now so we will be back for battle round three sventh all right guys top of battle round three it is 9 to9 we're all tied up at the top of the third uh and we are about to get into it I have two command points to your three we have zero Primal dice yep Duru is got getting a command point and then we're going to get right into casting oh you did finest Hour for the glocken the glocken has Mystic shield and finest hour so just making sure that derues doesn't go anywhere near that glocken at all yeah so let's start casting it's going to be an honest turn David just normal cast I have a 3d6 though okay let's let's bring out the spite swarm Hive that's a healthy 11 okay I'll try to unbind that one with uh with blobe on a plus one no it goes let's cast a tree okay him H up so it's a mighty eight the Glock k uh Unbound hey Unbound and then my tree Lord ancient over there is going to try and do regrowth and heal himself okay uh we'll roll that one okay a six just a casual six okay uh let's do Glock can again all right let's go ahead and try to unbind that one unb here uh on a two up let's see if this The Hive couldn't happen to me twice in the game happens twice in a game why did you say that out loud I felt it I felt it in my soul that it was it was coming all right guys we're going to see if we can do this all natural no ma no magic no Shenanigans we're just going to walk forward and punch something in the face real hard all right we'll be back silth have completed their movement phase the tree Lord agent has stayed in combat CU if he Retreats he counts as nothing um my kerno Hunters are going to try and do all of the work for my entire Army deru teleported looking at a casual 9-in charge but he teleports at the top of the phase so when these guys move David redeployed over there making that charge uh impossible so deru is going to continue to sit on his hands these guys have ran onto this point and we've kind of abandoned my home and we've just kind of shifted over to this side so we're going to do a couple shooting attacks one shooting attack and then we're going to charge uh two attacks with the doom doom tendrils two hits two wounds minus one uh save one fail one three damage okay and then he's got fives he shrugs two so he'll take a damage and then before you move on he's within seven of blobe blobe on a four up is going to do a mortal wound to the tree Lord and make him minus one to hit it's successful so he takes a mortal wound and he's minus one to hit deru right here is going to shoot in to blobe because he's within 15 in he's going to use his his command Point okay and I'll use the gkin command point to do an allout d one M's one okay four up we're good cool let's charge let's roll cool made it 11's good going in let's Roar the uh albino guy he's roar or not Ro fight last fight last okay sounds good uh I will do let's Roar the keroth hunters with blobe uh they're Roar and then let's Titanic duel with orot into the tree Lord cool so now blobe is going to do his thing again on a four up Mortal wound into the tree Lord yes and then he is minus one to to hit and then on a four up into the KERO yes they take a mortal wound and they are also minus one to hit cool kofs uh activating we have a massive uh three guys that are in range three guys into the albino okay I'll all out defense him uh six Mortals okay uh four BS okay this is going to be threes fails two so I take 10 damage total and then Ward saves five up Ward and then two Mortals to the tree Lord two Mortals to the tree Lord and I take four damage cool uh we will strike and fade okay that is it let's score it up let's do it all right we are back for Michael's turn Michael how many points uh a mighty three uh we did get our battle tactic of strike from the Woodland depths so I made a charge and did set up a unit with the Woodland depths ability failed to get that point that redeploy hurt me so badly cuz I couldn't surround that guy have really put damage on him I got minus one to hit my tree Lord died uh deru got out like there were so many like things that fell apart on that redeploy so kind of a big deal it's always a bummer when you take the double and then do absolutely nothing with it David is at 100% full strength Army the only thing that I've killed so far is a summoned unit so and one other Beast of nurgle and it's not all bad that's it that's it uh it's not all bad is what he's telling me so we're going to get into nurgle bottom of battle round three yes let's do it so I have three command points and orot has one because he gets one every turn I got seven summon points three for being in each territory and one for having my fcul ARA you shut down my bonus so I don't have that and then I healed everything with locus of facundity so this guy has suffered six and uh orot has suffered one and then blobe is full health again and we each have one Primal dice we do let's have the gokin put a Mystic shield on himself uh that goes off with a nine I'm going to keep the nine 10 bound with the 10 okay sounds good and then he is going to cast let's have him cast gift of disease uh that's an and what does this do I'm so glad you asked I pick a unit with within 21 Ines of the Caster that's a strange distance and I give one disease point to that unit and every other unit within seven inches of it yeah yeah so we'll pick deru so he's going to get a disease point and then every other unit within seven is going to get a disease Point as well yep I have given you some nurgle blessings so all of those units are dis diseased okay now we are going to cast magnificent booos yep y make it happen throw those dice at wherever magnificent booos let's see if it goes off uh I'm going to throw a primal at it no okay not the booos so I don't care about the casting part I care about making diru minus one to hit so I'm put it on deru and make it minus one to hit well I didn't want it that is all my casting and other stuff so let's go ahead and move nurgle have completed their movement I moved orot back over here so he's just going to stand next to this tree I summoned a beast of nurgle right there 9 in away from deru 10 in away from the dryads blobe moved up N9 in away from the dryads uh the glocken Ran So he moved six with a 2-in run we Auto ran this guy he still has a 10in charge and then over here we've got morex and some nurglings that ran and then way around the corner here here we've got this Beast who has a 9in charge so my battle tactic here is to kill more units than I lose by the end of the turn so we're going to see what happens all right OU of reserve the Beast that I summon let's see if he can get a 10 uh that's an eight so that's not enough let's move over to the other Beast that I will roll if I fail it this Beast needs a nine uh that fails I'm going to roll this one okay so he fails and let's go look at the last two charges let's see if blobe can do it he needs a nine that's an eight and then let's see if the the Beast of nurgle on the other side of him is 10 in away let's give it a try okay he gets at 11 so he's going to go in der is going to unleash H okay sounds good uh hitting on fives one hit one wound minus one okay take it and then two two damage fives okay take one and then the tree is going to explode at you I have a wizard next to it um so this GNA be on a two up or four up it does D3 Mortals so three Mortals to you okay take one uh impact hits in those dryads no might one or might nothing all right I'm going to go ahead and activate let's do all out attack all out defense okay fours and fours nice one to hit and wound yes and I did that and you take one disease up to two and one wound at minus one failed it okay that's two damage uh let's see if that dude dies to disease it's on threes in this battle round uh one disease you got him okie dokie let's get on the hero Cam and score me up we're back for my turn it was good uh hold one two more completed my battle tactic by the skin of my teeth with that 11in charge with the last guy that was eligible to charge and I did did exactly three damage to kill the unit thank goodness that that was the thing on the wheel of corruption cuz I rolled a two and a three would not have got my battle tactic so the score right now is 12 to 14 and we're going to go ahead and get into the rolloff for battle round four might E5 okay looks like silven are going to go again yeah all right we'll be back for battle round four here we are for the top of battle round four this has turning into a real scrum Michael uh I have three command points one conditional on blobe and one on orgos because he gets one every turn and we each have one Primal dice I have two I did a heroic action to heal deru um I did lift all of the disease points off of my units we're going to rewind a little bit uh I am going to actually do finest Hour on Blow because he's in the front of my Army and he hasn't done it yet I want that plus one to save yeah that makes way more sense let's go ahead and unleash the swarm of spites swarm of spites right here seven I'm going to unbind that one with the glocken on eight cool t on uh 16 okay I'll allow it it's my last cash you might as well throw at it oh okay uh plus one unless you want to hold on to your Primal for something good like next turn I don't have anything good would you roll uh 16 16 no it goes off okay so we're plus one to Rend around this tree right here boy that's the end of my casting we're going to move ever so slightly and then we'll show you what we did beautiful Sil have completed their movement phase these DS are hanging out the point kernos are walking forward slightly deru also walking forward slightly David Chuck a redeploy but the war song is like I think I can kill a beast in nle sure um and then on the other side of the field these guys teleported and snagged an objective so where we are still playing this game and then David is has some abilities here to try and make some stuff minus one to hit uh okay the kerth hunters will not be minest one to hit because it's just for the phase but I am going to try to do a mortal to them and it goes off on a five so one mortal wound into the kernos and then into deru yes takes Immortal and he'll be uh minus two to hit for the shooting phase cool so you can't all out attack through that so let's shoot with duu okay six attacks here on fives now okay I'm going to All Out defense with uh with orgo's command point one wound m one okay uh we're good on a six cute the war song fearing nothing is charging into a beast may it he goes diru also fearing nothing charges forward he gets seven uh I will unleash hell with my vile bile this is D3 attacks for three this is going to be fours then minus one to hit and then twos uh three hits and then and then twos uh three wounds at minus two saved one okay that's going to be 2d3 damage four five that's a really good unleash H it was nice it was strong charging with current offs Kel's go in so we're going to try and fight last blow AB okay NOP okay uh blab is going to roll a dice for the Kos they're good and then for diru uh you're good no Mortals there Monstra actions for him uh he's going to Roar into deru Roar is not good okay all right let's go with deru see how many attacks extra attacks he gets with the Guardian Sword gets two okay so let's go ahead and hit on let's all out attack here and then let's go ahead I'll all out defense and then let's go ahead and hit on threes so three at minus three okay I'm plus one to my save so that puts me on a three up you plus two to your save oh yes plus two to my save so that puts me on a two up save so we're looking for fives right here uh failed them all that's 18 no I'm bracketed okay so it's 17 17 five UPS he has 13 wounds so let's see what happens here get out David so he takes he takes eight stop it he takes eight massive impaling Talons two at Min two okay fours I failed them both they're three damage piece okay okay he takes three more damage so he suffered 11 okay blow AB is going to put everything into the kerth hunters his monsterous claws are bracketed so he has uh he has three of those let's start with that we're going to all it depends that's our last command Point okay sounds good so this is going to be threes and twos okay that's one disease point on your boys and then twos one wound minus two two dice save okay and then he is going to fight with his harvestman Scythe this is three attacks threes and twos good talk five attacks with the spearing Vines here we go uh that's four at minus two uh they go through what's the damage two damage each okay so we we take four damage he's got two wounds left all right let's see if the palan can do it four hits or three hits no wounds battle tactic failed all right let's go fight into the kerth hunters with the Beast four attacks fours and threes one hit one wound minus one three saved it okay and then D6 attacks with the slobbering ma for six fours and threes uh two more disease points and two saves no rent save those all right so we have three kths into the Beast and two into this guy so let's do it with those two okay two Mortals okay and three and minus two uh fours okay he fails two so he's taking six damage and Fs uh he takes three and that's just enough to get him hop it just enough to get him 50% bro all right let's go into the Beast no more Mortals uh takes five nice two okay goes through so we're going to roll 10 Ward saves uh he takes seven so he's alive on one wound um now we do Mortals to him uh six dice Mortals on four one more okay uh he saves it with a five so he's alive uh Beast into the Rev this is four attacks fours and threes uh that's three disease cool and three sves at minus one okay two Damie okay take two damage okay and then D6 attacks for two and then fours and threes nothing okay so disease for the war song will go up to four at the end of the combat and disease for the kernos will go up to four at the end of the combat okay so let's roll on the keroth three mortal wound and let's roll on the war song uh two mortal ons we'll round out the Turn You Can't Fail bravery yeah that's it let's go ahead and score you up so silth have completed their turn it was yeah bad uh we failed our battle tactic of eradicate the trespassers cuz beast and nurgle are much tougher than you might think they are deru kind of bounced the keros had to stay in combat to clean up his mess they bounced um so we were able to kill a thing but we're horribly out of out of position our general is heavily wounded deru is heavily wounded it's all it's all it's all good so we're getting into uh bottom of four for nurgle yep and what's your battle tactic uh my battle tactic is led into the melstrom I'm just going to have a battle line or a hero in combat at the end of the turn I have two command points plus one for orot I got eight summon points and we have a primal dice mhm uh I have one command point and I have finest houred my general uh she about to get punched in the face I'm going to try to cast Mystic shield on myself okay it goes off with a six and uh I'm going to throw a primal with this cuz I don't care about the other spell so that's a 12 okay you can have that okay and then I'm going to do gift of disease that's on an eighth uh that's on a one Primal okay Unbound okay cool no gift of disease that is all my casting let's go ahead and get into Movement we are done with my movement phase I ran this Beast of nurgle he's going to try to charge into some tree revs I moved my magoth Lord over for the same purpose and to maybe do a little bit of shooting over here the nurglings are holding my home uh I'm sorry holding this objective and we retreated out with this Beast of nurgle and ran this one up so they're going to try to charge into the general I summoned a sloppity bile Piper so he can do a cool ability at the beginning of the turn the glot is getting ready to finally get into combat and we retreated out with this Beast so he can do some charge damage as well and then right here we have the magoth Lord who is going to do some shooting and then charge in so let's go ahead and get into shooting morbid X twice born is going to shoot into the tree revenants he has three attacks with his slabas tongues this is threes to hit and twos to wound uh two hits no WIS or gots is going to shoot his one grasping tongue attack into the kdo hunters this is three to hit two to wound minus one D6 uh hits wounds minus One sav it okay that's it let's charge so we're looking at orot let's charge him first he gets a seven Seven's good the Beast of nurgle is going to charge Char in five's good on a two up nope the glocken is going to charge in 11's good the Beast of chaos is going to charge in some tree revs Nine's good on a two up nope the Lord Nine's good uh the the Beast of nurgle that isn't wounded is going to charge first 11's good on a two up D3 Mortals for two filled them I need to see if he's dead that is all the charges let's go ahead and look at sloppity biop Piper at start of the combat phase I can say the unit will play a revolting tune if I do so pick one of the following Tunes I am going to pick my love is like a ripe ripe fart enemy models within 3 in of a friendly nurgle demon unit that is wholly within 14 of a friendly slopp cannot finish Pile in moves close closer to a model in that unit than they were at the start of the move backtracking just a little bit we are going to do some monstrous actions I'm going to do mountain of loathsome flesh with the glocken this is going to be five mortal wounds on a two up okay five mortal wounds orot is going to do a roar roar is good morbid X twice born is going to do a stomp stomp's good one mortal wound glocken is going to do an allout attack we'll do that from orot with his free one that he got this turn let's start with gir's tentacle this is four attacks twos twos minus two three uh two disease and four wounds at minus two I failed them all okay uh 12 damage gir's lamp Rema we're going to do twos and twos because of all out Attack One more [Music] disease and two wounds at minus two save one failable okay that is three damage and then we are going to do auto Scythe four attacks twos and threes one more disease two at minus one failed them tell me failed them yep uh six more damage you got the squad okay let's go look at some tree revs these guys are going to issue all out attack for free this is their once per battle um so the protector glaive two hits two wounds minus one I failed those two damage each okay and that was into the the tall guy the tall guy yep the magoth Lord okay he takes three and then the little little swords uh four minus one still in a himem right yep okay uh this is fours okay fails one single damage okay he takes it and then the Beast takes one minus one six saves it cool right on uh let's just fight with the magoth Lord first morbid X twice born has five attacks with his flesh Reaper Scythe this is going to be threes and threes okay that's going to be four at minus one I save two okay that'll be four damage monsters claws threes and twos one disease and three saves at minus two oh they go right through okay that's nine damage okay well I failed my battle tactic but did a lot of damage so let's go score me up guys we are here for the wrap up after that final turn in battle round four we decided to call it a game so we chocked me up for five on battle round five getting my grand strategy of holding this objective or I'm sorry this terrain feature back here uh bringing me to a grand total of 25 25 uh we gave me one more point for holding that other objective in the back yep um but there was nothing else that I could ever achieve as far as Battle Tactics wise or getting more points I was just really down to not a lot left uh so excellent debut showing for the nurl yes um it's usually new Armies come out and just kind of flounder around for a little bit uh these guys did not uh comment down below what your best moments of the game were tell us what we did right tell us what we did wrong we need all of that good input so we really appreciate that Dave let's start with you highlights low lights MVPs and lvps uh I absolutely love debuting the nurgle Army you did a fantastic job painting these guys uh they are super chunky the three magoth Lords all have different overlapping abilities shooting saving healing commands ones of warm amazing they're really really fun really hard to deal with uh the Beast of nurgle being battle line with eight wounds on a five up with a five up Ward is a lot harder to deal with than you think it is you kind of have to overcommit damage to them to lift them off the board which keeps the other pieces safe uh and then the summoning to Boots and the Mortal wound output and all that stuff it's just a very wonderful Army very to play with uh it was great I really really enjoyed it I'm going to give MVP to blobe because blobe popping offs the minus one to hits to slow some of the damage down and also getting a big redeploy in turn three to slow down the damage into orot demon spew meant that it took a whole another turn to lift a magoth lord off of the board and that probably cinched the the dub for me because that stopped a couple different ways that you would have generated points yes so he's going to get MVP I I am going to give lvp to I'm going to give lvp to the glin the gkin finally did connect I I would disagree because he kept healing your army so much he he handed out so much health over the course of the game I guess he killed five kerth Hunters with one activation too which is very strong uh so okay I won't give him L give it to the tree let's give no the tree is fine it did its thing I'm going to give lvp to morbid X twice he didn't really do anything he didn't do anything and he made me fail my battle tactic I should have kept him out of combat instead of going in because I would have gotten a couple extra points so yeah let's give him lvp but I mean this this list is very strong so MVPs lvps for me uh lvps is going to the branch witch who uh came up had a very easy target uh to get us just clear out some space kill some stuff and couldn't kill it cast incredibly low didn't do enough Mortals to kill the uh Beast of nurgle yeah I took five mortal W same Beast nurgle that eventually went on to kill my general y uh and she blew up for the process so yeah uh yeah she's got to be L lvp she blew herself up with a blizzard that's the first time we've ever seen that happen and Michael has cast it on me like a bazillion times 16 times now MVP is the tree revs cuz they were the only ones getting me points for the game uh they teleported and got me a battle tactic they teleported again and got me an objective rough game rough from casting rough from my my spells weren't working I couldn't get my uh charge bonus off so I just got stuck so the whole point was to let him go first start hitting things I needed to be REM removing one magoth Lord almost every single turn so that I could keep up pace with him and I failed to remove a magoth Le Lord until like turn four um so it was just really I just kept staying off pace and had a really really hard time getting back into it uh and then I started dropping Battle Tactics yeah uh then I couldn't get on point so it was just kind of this snowball of it was it was a rough one for me uh but it is nice to see the new Army come out and kind of be this new big bad thing that we're going to smash stuff into for the next couple weeks absolutely uh I'm really excited for nurgle because nurgle has staying power regardless of whether or not it wins the game it plays the game and that's what's great when you have an army that you get to play the game regardless of your matchup that's fantastic and it's got lots of tools and tricks for the toolbox I have the most massive collection that Michael's been working on painting so we've got different bualan host lists we got a bunch of Mortals for later on down the line so yes absolutely fantastic we really hope that you enjoyed that matchup big love to all of the members for voting silth versus nurgle it was the Battle For Life today and that was fantastic Big Love also to great way matter games for sponsoring this video we appreciate you so much we're really enjoying using a bunch of your different battle mats and accessories thank you so much guys that is it for us thank you so much for joining us we'll see you next [Music] week thank you to all of our members for supporting this channel especially the Lords and commanders if you're interested in extra battle reports and helping to support this channel hit the link in the description box below go check out our Channel Partners Baron of dice and grey matter games they have some amazing 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Channel: Battleshock Wargaming
Views: 12,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zsMFvNJwIS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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