New AMG SL 63 v BMW M8 v Audi R8: DRAG RACE

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what we'll win in a drag race between my Audi R8 spider daily driver a BMW M8 competition convertible and the new Mercedes AMG SL63 well we're going to find out by racing them over the standing quarter mile I'm Matt Watson and you're watching carwow right let me tell you about this Audi so just be me is a rather glorious 5.2 L natur aspirated V10 engine that puts out 620 horsepower and 580 NT M of torque and it drives all four wheels via a 7-speed dual clutch automatic gearbox this thing weighs in at 1.7 tons and new £67,000 though this one is a little bit more expensive because I went for a unique exterior color which I think looks awesome and really works well with the brown interor and the brown roof and I drive it pretty much everywhere with the roof down which makes you wonder why have I got the roof up now it's because it's peeing with rain before I explain what we're going to do let's find out about that BMW hello Rory how are you hey Matt lovely day outside perfect day for convertibles what could go wrong yeah I'm here sat in the BMW M8 convertible 4.4 L twin turbo V8 engine 625 horsepower 750 new of torque wheel drive 8-speed automatic gearbox it weighs around 2.1 tons and costs I think when they're new about £140,000 but want to say big thank you to DNA Auto House who've let us drive this one here today go to their website to check out how much it's on sale for okay see how much they've depreciated by yeah there's a link in the description maybe it's a bargain to pick up right now go check it out I see you're wearing a cap now I'm wearing a an appropriate cap for this car what is your cap you're always wearing that cap my Hennessy cap I left on the plane unfortunately but this is now an Oakley uh cap I'm not being paid by Oakley but I happen to have this one on today it's not a BMW cap no um which is a bit of a shame another thing I've noticed is that even though we're in like two seater convertibles as you just got rear seats seats is a strong word I mean there are some little pews yes two of them okay so this is just a strict two seater yours is a 2+ two but I've got to say you are sat so much higher than me yeah I mean it feels like an X5 compared to yours but I guess this is a bit more of a GT car than uh than yours which is I guess an outright super car that is a debate right is the Audi R8 V10 a super car I pin comment I want you to vote whether you think it's a super car Rory thinks it's a super car I think it's a super car but Yanni doesn't think it's a super car let me know right in the pin comment get them vote speaking about ride height um Sam over in the Mercedes are you about the same height as Rory in the M I think I'm a little bit lower I think yeah maybe a couple of inches lower jiujitsu inch so you've got a couple of inches less than Rory okay it's good to know tell me about your car I am sad in the AMG SL63 4 L twin turbo V8 585 horsepower 800 NM of torque all-wheel drive 9speed Auto this weighs just under 2.1 tons starts at $171,900 generation car ride that's that's different you Rory I know the people from DNA Auto House are standing behind me so I'm going to say the BMW um in terms of looks I think the Mercedes I think is the best looking but I mean the best engine is the R8 there's no question about that you think that Mercedes looks better than this R8 are you crazy yeah I quite like the new SL I mean it's more I don't dislike the R8 to be fair especially the GRE I can't listen to him anymore I just can't listen to him anymore I can't that's just like unbelievable maybe stop talking now yeah yeah okay cool right do you know what we should do though rather than disgust looks let's discuss sound so I'm going to rev up my V10 okay I'm going to rev it up so this car actually red lines at 8 and A2 but my my red line extends all the way to 3,000 RPM when I'm revving it stationary however I'm going to do the old tricker rooni of rev it with launch controls I'll put into drive now listen then I can get all the way up to five right then Rory let's have a listen to your [Music] car 5,000 RPM soft limiter it sounds all right bizarrely I think your car sounded better than mine when you're just ring it stationary but not so good when I do my launch controll Le gone Sam let's have a listen to the Mercedes this is about to win this test soft limiter at 4,000 but I still think it wins even with that I think this wins when you do the launch control so put yours into launch control let's have a listen to your launch control [Music] rip is that launch control engaging is that race start yeah that's race start launch control nah this sounds better let's yours Rory you do [Music] yours no okay listen revin stationary L launch control sound Mercedes if you're using the launch control this Audi is the best in terms of noise I think we should probably get on with this race before we do if you like these kind of drag races make sure you subscribe to this Channel and hit the Bell icon to turn your notifications on that way you won't miss a single upload and I've got an amazing video coming very soon you don't want to miss so make sure you subscribe now subscribe you done it if you want to compare these cars stats side by side before we race you can just pause the video right now okay cuz we got the stats showing side by side on the screen ah ah ah listen wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait before we race let's do a convertible race as well because how quick you can put these cars roofs down does actually matter as well as their performance you know if you're at the lights or something like I so you want to put the roof down that does matter so here's the rules when the starter starts the race we have to then put our roofs down and they have to go all the way down and the windows have to go all the way back up again cuz remember we're going to be going at high speed so we don't want much wind buffeting once the windows have gone all the way up you then launch so what you want to figure out is when your windows are going up you're engaging your launch controls so you're good to go as soon as they have gone up Nick who's starting the RO hello Nick hello they're in the stripy top Nick will be acting as umpire and if he sees someone leave before their Windows have gone up he will disqualify them and I've Got a Feeling one of those could be me getting disqualified cuz I'm a little bit um excitable and I know you two are Sam as well aren't you only when Ian cheats and decides I lost for no reason I'm still hurting over the last one I'm so unhappy Ian don't even look at me don't even speak to me if you want to see what Sam's talking about you can follow the link in the description below for that video don't do it now just remember all right and then go watch that after cuz it's quite funny gets very bitter one last thing guys you have to have launch control engaged on your car screen or you'll be disqualified for that and we will be checking the Dal cams after the race to be sure three two oh [Music] stop I can't believe it right I actually jumped the start for the roof race that's so embarrassing that is so embarrassing three two two one go go go go go oh yes come on hello come on that Mercedes is going quick oh my God it's looking good for the Mercedes no come on [Music] Audi oh I've got [Music] away there was no [Music] traction okay so uh let's go to the BMW that came second I want that my windows took an age to come up and then it did push through its brakes a little bit but yeah it came second by quite away in the end Sam did your windows go down at all when your roof was doing its thing they come down like an inch um just to break the seal of the roof and then it all happens but launch control stops the process happening and and then by the time it itself out I ran out of launch control and then when I put it back in launch control it seemed to think it needed to go back up again so yeah that wasn't my finest Hour the best thing is right this car I can launch it while doing the roof it's Madness well then now I like that actually should we have a proper race three 2 [Music] 1 come on [Applause] woo [Applause] no well I'm not happy now am I mine was a lot more controlled that time off the line but um I was seriously expecting to be ahead of the Mercedes off the line but he was there in front of me the whole time annoyingly I mean my car just didn't launch at all spread up its Wheels the power just got killed and that was the end of it and I can't seem to launch it with ESC off Sam I'm not entirely sure you're going to like this but I'm going to launch from where you were this is just a perfect example of this are you getting all this Adam good just keep changing the drag strip until you win it's the old classic see the gamble is now if I beat you again you're going to look like just W the PR's that an Audi with a cap on mainly I just want to see what happens all right is okay three 2 [Music] 1 come on BMW where's Sam oh he Miles [Applause] Ahead come [Applause] [Music] on Sam um can I have my old place back cuz that was even slower no yes 3 2 [Music] 1 come on terrible [Music] launch come [Music] on come on come on use those ribs come [Applause] on W I won that I was sideways for a good sort of 50 m so yeah not good for me I had a really bad start that's the only reason you won was my bad start so I lost more than you won I think that's the way we can phrase that this is the final race whatever happens happens okay cuz this is just getting crazy yeah let's do it then final race 3 2 1 come on cour TR come on V yes it's Hur it's hooked it's Hur it's hooked [Applause] oh what [Music] happened you got a consistent like performer usually Rory awesome what happened it crabbed so hard off the line you got good launch though you took off good yeah and then it got all four wheeel spinning sideways and it just cut all all power but we did say that was a decider yeah yeah I won I don't know how now before we do the rolling race let's have a putting the roof back up race cuz that really really does matter especially when the weather's like this we won't be actually racing down the runway in this we'll just put the roofs up and then honky horn as soon as your roof is up okay keep your eye for cheating Nick 3 two 1 come on come on come on come on yeah look at all this it's going to be steamy in here [Music] later you want that Samuel Bravo Now there may be a discrepancy in the legality of my Ruth opness but in my defense this has got a touchcreen where you have to slide your finger across and hold it there and when it was wet it was a nightmare so I was trying to preempt it so we'll let it go to the judges but I may have jumped the start I believe I saw some flaps of flapping behind your side windows before my hand started moving in that case I'm sorry going have to disqualify you from this oh poor Sam he's disqualified a totally worth it so what you're saying it's a bit of an ass putting that roof up in that car it's a bit confusing yeah so you have to push this button that says brings up roof onto the screen and then you have to slide this thing across and hold it there for a second but when it was wet and stuff I don't know is it um capacitive touch or haptic I don't know but it doesn't work very well in these conditions wait so you're telling me there's a physical button that doesn't operate the roof it just brings up a menu on the screen which you then have to go to and then swipe no there is a physical button that does operate the roof but but not every time um so if you're getting ped on in the wet do you want to just go to the slider that doesn't work or does work or the button that you hope will work cuz it's one button for roof up and roof down you can't toggle it left or right so does that make sense it makes no sense at all but shall we just get on with the rolling race do you know what Sam I want to be fair on you because I did switch sides yeah so and you have one two races and I've won two in total so let's just do a decider let's do it have you got an alternative Strate G Sam I have turned all traction and TC off I am going to take it out of race mode cuz I can't hold any Brak and power to start with race mode ons that activates launch control and I'm just going to let it wheel spin through the puddles and I think that might do a little bit better and Ray what is your strategy my strategy is the same as it's always been launch control and then hope it hooks cuz when it does it's pretty good when it doesn't it's very sideways okay well let's see what happens three two [Music] good that hooked really [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well well guys you can't say I don't play fair I gave everyone enough chances Audi won Quattro for the win and first of all Rory did you come second or third I believe I came second that standing water is not pleasant at high speed Sam was it better it looked better it was better but in all that time we were waiting uh there was more standing order I actually nearly went on the green bit of the runway there that time which is quite good fun and that is a risk of turning your TC and see completely off I guess yeah but it's fun isn't it well there you go L's do the thing so then what exactly happened well the Audi won the final race it completed the standing quarter mile in 11.7 seconds the BMW took 12.3 seconds while the Mercedes crossed the line in 12.4 seconds right now we have a rolling race from 50 mph with the cars just in the the normal automatic chilled out settings 3 2 1 go okay I'm good come on oh he's [Applause] down everyone's gone oh no I'm beating the [Music] Mercedes I reckon I got this oh my God I can pass that BMW oh it's going to be close okay Rory so that was close between us you got off much better than me your kick down was brilliant but I was reeling you in and I'm not sure whether I had you on the line or not yeah this gearbox wow banged down a gear off it went um yeah I'm not sure who won because I was having to concentrate so hard this car's moving around quite a lot on the water but yeah I have no idea Samuel well I had a very Mercedes executive kick down I reckon that was the softest most efficient kickdown I've ever felt in a car there was actually no Jerk it just progressively got quicker which I guess is what you want in these cars not when you're racing them it's not hence you losing so let's do it in manual mode in third take the gearbox out of it and see which ones pull hardest I think it might not be this one cuz I'm way down on talking B to you guys I'm going to win and I really need a Wii so let's get this done I'll be 30 seconds okay I'll be really quick can someone film Sam having a Wii he's gone to the bathroom I reckon it's not just a wi how is it going to be 30 seconds if you've gone to the bathroom the stewards rule that removal of ballast from any vehicle or driver is cheating and is subject to immediate disqualification a few moments later okay then let's do this rolling 30 Third Gear 3 2 one go oh come on let's go come [Applause] on yeah B me oh my God look at where he go now I'm starting to pick him back up you guys are shot off with your turbo torque and I can just see if by Rory making the celebration gesture in his car you had a little win there didn't you Rory yeah I've been a good boy all day and watched you guys uh drive off into the not the sunset into the clouds but I won that one very happy a well done Rory everyone come on well done Rory Sam even though you cheated by reducing the amount of ballast in your car by emptying your bladder didn't didn't win no I I thought this was going to have it um and I even got very brave trying to cross the line and break later but yeah fair play Rory in a much more powerful car beat me well done Rory there's always a little like hint of just bitterness isn't there just just always a little bit it's needed look at him look at that smug little happy face you wouldn't believe he's 55 it's unbeliev he's so useful well you know your problem Sam you didn't wear a cap I have a massive head and it just gets really accentuated with a cap so I look so stupid in a cap it's unbelievable now we're get a break test from 100 mph when we reach the line full emergency stop whichever car stops in the shortest distance wins let's see what happens let's put this down put that down there there it is I'm just skating oh my life come on baby not going to lie I was aquaplaning my car was so big busy there was lots of flashing lights I won so unpredictable isn't it though when you got bits of standing water and stuff you hit a little bit of standing water when you're breaking and it can have this much difference can't it Sam as a professional racer it absolutely can you're in God's hands at that stage until the tire can regain control the contact patch so yeah you are just waiting for any time of grip I did soften all the way down to comfort mode in this car to make it as soft as possible I don't know if you guys are in anything sporty I hear that you always soften surprised you've got a child really anyway no I can't adjust the suspension on this car so it makes no odds you can't adjust the suspension on your really expensive inverted commer super car that's confusing no you can't it's pure it's pure I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like click on those windows there for some more videos and on that box there to go to car to compare these cars quar times compared to everything else we've ever drag raced don't worry we put a little W next to their times to notify that they were done in the bloody wet thanks for watching
Channel: carwow
Views: 2,599,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2023, new car 2023, mercedes, amg, mercedes-amg, mercedes-amg sl, mercedes-amg sl 63, amg sl, amg sl 63, new amg sl 63, 2024 mercedes-amg sl 63, 2024 amg sl 63, bmw, bmw m8, bmw m8 competition, audi, audi r8, audi r8 v10, audi r8 v10 spyder, audi r8 spyder, amg sl 63 drag race, bmw m8 drag race, audi r8 spyder drag race, quickest convertible, fastest convertible, audi r8 quattro
Id: JD_kYkG55TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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