New 300wm Bergara B14 HMR Rifle + 7mm Magnum And Upcoming Bunny Hunt

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g'day everyone welcome back to ahp thank you for joining me i really appreciate you want to thumbs up the video you want to subscribe of course i'd appreciate all that i just firstly i just want to thank everybody that watched my two-part rabbit hunting mayhem series i got a lot of really really kind messages from people and i just want to say thank you for that because that was something that really whilst a million people haven't watched it and not even close to the process of putting that together was super super fun in a previous life about probably 16 17 years ago i started off filming some weddings word went around i started filming for friends and family then all of a sudden i was getting people that i didn't even know ringing me up wanting me to film weddings obviously once i started the podcast and i got you know promoted at my job i really couldn't do anything like that anymore we didn't have enough time but i do love the video making process and it seems you guys left me some man some fantastic comments to be brutally honest and to be honest it was kind of touching that you guys really enjoyed that you know australian outback documentary style hunting narration music and me really putting the effort in i knew i had it in me to do that but i just knew i got a bit lazy and didn't want to edit to that degree because as you guys know it does take a lot of time it took me about 16 to 17 hours per video to do that and you know you don't want to do that all the time sometimes and by the time i finished and upload it i was probably sick of seeing it to be brutally honest but i did watch them just yesterday after about three months of not touching it and you know what watching it back i thought you know what that's fun that was really super fun some of you have asked me well when are you gonna make some more absolutely we are we were supposed to go away about three weeks ago but judah covered some really really bad rain we got washed out but we didn't go we postponed it and we're going to be going on august 21st to the 25th we might do some fox calling we're definitely going to do some long range bunny busting we're going to do some trajectory validation to make sure the guns are shooting well and it's going to be a freaking killer weekend so stay tuned for the first part probably late august if not around earlier september maybe the fifth um just give me a week or two to get back and start that editing because it does take a lot of time guys to edit like that but again i just want to thank all your comments you made without you guys i wouldn't be doing it and i'd do it to look back on some of my hunting trips and say wow man i just i had a smile on my face the whole time just hanging out with friends enjoying it and it was really really good i want to thank my mate mark who invited me down there to do that he's going to be coming again some of you guys did ask about his 2-2-3 so yeah we're going to do a lot more of that as well because it was the first trip because i guess he wanted to give me a good experience so we're going to i'm going to film him we're going to get him shooting some rabbits as well we're going to have man it's going to be awesome some fox calling i did see a bunch of foxes there last time but didn't click on that i should probably film it so we're going to do that as well so again thank you for everyone that watched it sent me kind messages the less kind comments you guys are the best and thank you very much for that so firstly before we start talking about my new rifle the bagara b14 hmr i wanted to just discuss a few things about how i came to getting this rifle so firstly i bought a ticker about three months ago a ticker t3x 300 winchester magnum i took it to the awesome jeff borg out here near penrith far western sydney he's a gunsmith to get it threaded i sort of realized that the ticker was not a true long action but i thought there was an easy way to get around it i wanted to shoot the 208 grain eldm now because the 208 gram is a fairly big bullet you need to seed them out a lot further to get them closer to the lens now on the ticker the magazine length is only 3.340 so they were going to have to be seated extremely deeply for the ticker which is weird because when i measured the lens i think it was about 35.85 so if i wanted to use the magazine i had to seat them in really deeply otherwise it was going to become a single shot rifle the other issue i ran into was even if i do want to make a single shot rifle and seat the bullets out further when i actually eject the cartridge the tip was hitting the side of the receiver because there's not really a big opening and i couldn't eject the bullet without removing the bolt from the receiver so that was also another problem pretty much if i wanted it to be a single shot i had to seat them at about 25 or 35 30 and to me i guess that really wasn't where i wanted to be i wanted to be able to load from the magazine and if i even if i couldn't load from the magazine i was hoping if i didn't need to use the magazine that i would at least get close enough to the lands but again the further you seat them out the more chance they've got of hitting the receiver and they won't eject at all so that was the two main issues that i had so i thought to myself i wish i'd have known this before i bought it even though i sort of did i just thought there was an easy way around it without spending lots of money unfortunately that's not the case people have said to me too why are you running the 208 grain just run a 180 but the thing is there's other calibers out there like the seven mil mag which i'll show you in a minute as well that shoot flatter and ballistically have a better bc than the 300 wim mag than the 180 grain bullet sure they're a little bit lighter but if you're gonna shoot 300 win mag in my opinion the benefit you're going to get about 300 wim mag is running a 200 plus grain bullet 180 grain i just just doesn't to me maybe i'm concentrating too much on bc but the bc for 180 grain bullets to me just wasn't there i wanted to run the 208 grain eldm so for long range shooting some targets and also some hunting if i so choose so that's why i wanted to run the 208 grain anyway getting back to the point i ended up going oh it so i just sold it i lost 500 i lost 500 on that thing i sold it someone that knew me wanted it so through the show so i ended up selling it to him he was happy to take it but i did lose 500 on it which was a little bit disappointing but i should have done my research anyway that brought me on to some instagram posts from a few people that i know one was um graham bishop from taranaki long range shooting he was shooting the bagara b14 hmr with the 6'5 creedmoor and also jack who i interviewed on the show jack muir from verified long range and uh these guys seem to be having really really good results with their 6'5 and jax 300 win mag so i thought you know what i'll ring up get a price this was before the prices went up i got it for about 1 950 and let me just say this rifle is absolutely fantastic the good part about it let me just go run through a few parts with you firstly it runs on a 26 inch barrel the b14 hmr stands for hunting match rifle so it's a 26 inch barrel also on the gun it's based on the remington 700 action so that means if i ever need a rail which i do have a 20 moa night force rail on top if i ever need a new stock a new rail something happens to it i can readily and easily available adapt other parts from the remington 700 series over to this rifle another good part about it was the magazine now this runs on the magpul long action magazines again really good part about this you can seat bullets in this magazine to 3600 which is absolutely fantastic now if i recall correctly it's very similar actually to the ticker 300 winchester magnum basically it's about 35.90 to the lens 3595 and i'm seating these at about 35.85 so absolutely fantastic that was a really really good selling feature to me because then i can grab the 208 grain bullet and that sits in there absolutely perfectly so they were just a few of the features that really made me gravitate towards the bagara b14 hmr now a couple of other features i love about the rival secondly is the stock mate the stock is one of the best parts of this rifle at the back we have a fantastic spacer length of pull which is fully adjustable and we also have the raised adjustable cheek piece which is also fantastic in a standard factory rifle so that's a couple of the main reasons why i decided to opt for the bagara b14 hmr again running the 20moa nightforce rail also on top of this one i'm running the delta striker four and a half to 30 by 56 first focal plane i did have this scope on my 260 remington which is now running the bushnell dmr2 and the 243 is running the cytron s3 first focal plane 6 to 24 by 50. so i'm actually psyched to get this out do some load testing and basically see how it shoots i haven't been disappointed so far obviously just looking at it again haven't shot it but that's something i'm going to do over the next couple of weeks and if i get the opportunity i might even go and shoot some bunnies with this 300 winchester magnum just because i want to test it out and see how it goes and see how it goes ballistically good part about the hornady e or dm 208 grader they have a bc of 697 which is absolutely fantastic and i do know if i do decide want to hunt game with it there's a couple of people in new zealand such as nathan foster who's been using a lot of eldm match bullets for hunting with really really good results check out his youtube channel he even tapes the animal out to show you the devastation from eldm match bullets and also one of my favorites too roggy productions who i interviewed as well thane young he's running the 208 grain out of his 300 wsm so that's just something to think about for you guys as well so if you're in in the market for a rifle a long range hunting rig this is not something you're going to hunt with per se as you're going to walk around with it's just way too heavy 26 inch barrel and i've also got one of the uh cheaper i think it's gun bloke muzzle brakes which i got off his website they're only about 115 dollars i thought i would just give them a go over the apa little bastards and see basically whether they're going to shoot well it's going to reduce recoil enough that's going to be suitable for this particular rifle so i'll test it out and i'll let you guys know how they go so really really impressed super slick bolt as well probably not as slick as probably the ticker rifles probably just a little bit not as slick but still pretty workable i'm sure over a couple of months two of working that out that that'll loosen up a bit as well and become more smoother once it just beds in so i'm really really happy with this guys and hopefully on the rabbit hunting trip coming up you guys are going to see the 300 winchester magnum in progress and i might even head down when i'm down there to do a bit of load testing i bought this hornady scale to go with it as well i've also got my um trigger gauge as well for trigger weight and also two here i also got the lee which is so when i go down i can take like a little hand loading kit and i can actually load a good reload for it and then i can actually do some more loads while i'm down there and that way i don't have to do like two or three trips or two or three trips to the range to find out what it's going to shoot and then once i find out what shoots well just start reloading those and we'll start shooting so that's the bagara b14 hmr so next up i'm going to talk about the ticker seven mil remington magnum all right guys this is my next rifle this is my hunting rifle i did sell my 308 super light to invest in this ticker t3x light stainless in seven mil remington magnum now in this one i am going to be running the 106 grain eldx which works really well in that magazine system of the 3.340 now if i did want to step up to the i think it's 175 or the 178 that's when i am going to have to seat them a bit deeper because that seating issue comes into it again if i do run these 162 grain eldx they seem to be right on the border line for what works i wanted a rifle that had a bit of punch i wanted a magnum cartridge i want something that was just going to do the job 308 did the job on so many deer i'm so thankful for that rifle but you know i couldn't afford to buy another one without having to sell one so that's what i decided to do so on this rifle um we are running the zeiss v4 it's the 4 to 16 by 44. i'm also running the tally low rings and then just in your standard sporter plastic style stock now i had a chance on a fox with this on my last trip but unfortunately i missed because i hadn't really done any load testing i had some factory ammo and it just you know i missed it about 140 150 meters so once i get a good load for the 162 grain eldx i think this is going to shoot absolutely fantastically and it also comes with the elevation turret and capped windage which is pretty good great for hunting 4 to 16 by 44 is not too big it's it's good it's a good objective lens and the glass on the v4 super stoked with nothing wrong with it whatsoever absolutely fantastic so so i'm really keen to get this out and give it a go because i think you know it's going to be a death slayer i think it's going to be an absolute shooter if i do my part also one thing i wanted to talk about was the weighted of the trigger now this one i've left a little bit heavier but in the other varmint rifles which are the ones i put on the ground i decided to change all the trigger springs from about two and a half pound i think or roughly two two and a half pound if you take the screw out or all the way out to one and a half pound trigger pulls i'll tell you what it just makes these rifles so much better to shoot oh so much better to shoot when i first started shooting this with the fox i forgot to change the trigger way down so i think it was about three and a half pounds and it was so heavy i think that's why i missed it was just so difficult so if i had one tip for you guys as well and i think i got this one this tip when i was chatting to steve from bold action productions is go get some one and a half pound trigger springs and easily install them there's plenty of videos on youtube on how to do it so that's pretty much it guys um they're my two new rifles that i've got the first one is the bagara b14 hmo 300 winchester magnum and the ticker t3x light stainless in seven mil remington bagnum which is my sporter weight rifle uh for all my deer hunting and walking around activities basically my next video probably you're going to see from me is going to be the next part of the rabbit hunting series so i guess i'll see you then i hope you enjoy that coming up i hope you enjoyed the previous videos that i made and um i hope you guys have been out there shooting having great time with your friends and family enjoying the outdoors and hunting i know if you're in victoria i've got a bunch of mates in victoria you guys are doing it tough right now with all the covered um and you know the absolute poor way it's been dealt with down in victoria so anyway i'm not going to go much on about that i just hope to you to tune it again on my next rabbiting hunting adventures so until then i'm jason thanks for checking out hp outdoors and i'll see you next time
Channel: AHP Outdoors
Views: 2,510
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: tikka, bergara b14 hmr, 300wm, australian hunting, hunting australia, hunting, shooting, fishing, hornady, guns, 2a, rabbit hunting, pest control, australia, bunny hunting, hunting rabbits, shotguns, rifles, 22lr, fox hunting, hunting foxes, fox hunting australia, pew pew, gun laws, hunter, 260 rremington, 223, bunny busting, pig hunting, deer hunting, deer hunter, long range shooting, long range hunting, varminting, varmints, centrefire rifle, rimfire rifle, scope, bushnell
Id: hn6YTI7u43A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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