New ‘Return of the Jedi’ footage CHANGES Darth Vader

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is Luke Skywalker more powerful than Darth Vader that's impossible even though Anakin was the chosen one he never actually got to reach his full potential because he was limited by the Vader suit but the emperor was fully aware that the son of Skywalker had that same potential that his father once had and this is exactly why he wanted Luke to replace Vader and become his new Apprentice take your father's place at my sh Luke could have grew to become even more powerful than the chosen one ever did but but potential alone is meaningless unless it is realized unfortunately with Disney's sequels he did not come close to reaching it but I personally believe he should have become the most powerful Jedi to ever exist even George Lucas confirmed that at the time of Return of the Jedi Luc and Vader are equals this is actually one of the reasons why his lightsaber was made green there's a ton of posters and even trailers that originally showed Luke wielding a blue lightsaber in this movie A lot of people still believe this myth that the color was changed in post- production because it didn't look good up against the blue sky on Tatooine I don't know why so many Star Wars fans still continue to propagate this baseless rumor I've yet to find a single interview or any reputable Source actually making this claim not even the making of book has this supposed explanation but it does confirm that that definitely wasn't the only reason why the lightsaber color was switched there's this very intriguing transcript from a story conference in 1981 with George Lucas and the other writers it was actually Lawrence casden who first suggested making the saber a color other than blue in order to distinguish it from the weapon that Luke had lost in the last film but George's response is particularly interesting he says and I quote yes it could be totally different looking we can work that out but the idea running throughout the whole trilogy is first Luke is given his father's sword because his father lost it in the fight with Ben Kenobi Ben cut off his hand and Vader fell into the volcano so Ben then Pride the laser sword out of of his hand and kept it for the son so then what the father did was cut his son's hand and the laser sword off and that was a way of severing the relationship between Father and Son not only did Luke lose his weapon and was castrated but at the same time his father split that relationship Luke was carrying his sword for his father now he's not doing that anymore in this one he's built his own he is his own man he's not just a son anymore he is an equal and this deleted footage from Return of the Jedi proves it in the original version of their climactic duel we see Vader getting absolutely whooped by his son Luke gets quite a few hits in on him which is insanely impressive considering how much experience Vader has fighting Jedi all of these are towards the end when Luke is tapping into the dark side a bit but there's also a deleted shot from the very start of the duel where Luke strikes him right in the head maybe I'm making excuses for Vader but I think we can cut him some slack he was pretty conflicted here if any of you have ever had a lightsaber door with a family member I'd hope you would take it easy on him too especially if you're using my SWA Sabers I am still doing a buy 1 get one free deal so check them out on SW and May the force be with you always
Channel: Star Wars Analyst
Views: 366,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: return of the jedi deleted scene, star wars deleted scene, return of the jedi, star wars original trilogy, star wars, star wars episode 6, star wars episode vi, darth vader deleted scene, moff jerjerrod, death star deleted scene, battle of endor, battle of endor deleted scene, star wars behind the scenes, darth vader vs luke, vader vs luke, luke vs vader deleted scene, lightsaber fight deleted scene, darth vader deleted fight, return of the jedi deleted fight scene
Id: awADHi1bnMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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