Neville Goddard Trust Imagination

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I'm very glad that you can't drive or have a story to tell you the one who gave it to me he's here tonight but I'll prepare you for it first so I've been teaching it for years and years and years Rican heritage are never applied and why we see night after night we have the accent and he doesn't act [Music] [Music] [Music] and then is right here the strength of five existed that night I could not believe the time I sent with the tears of the phenomena of my mind I said she didn't say it the way we discussed earlier and that defective zebra seen something so that others have occurred and we're looking at the cells is the lettering and it's madness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and the vision of that is using his very best we can but we may be and the eternal man is the imagination and death is death insert to the very devil now as you see to hear that tell about you your own wonderful human imagination is the dot of the universe just is the one certain as the Lord Jesus I really should have read it and I'm not going to I should really just as you will but I'll tell you the content select this German hasn't been here in years that's a nice boy but of the ebed but you know we've been coming since the evil hello Revathy these rumors spread with the story they may not make sense but I'm a silly for it's the first time that I have ever used my training of course the things that I've heard you say I am a psychologist and I refuse trying to test people everywhere making weapons when I could easily have imagined them whole and happy now here did a friend of mine this big claim that she was in many ways abnormal she and her husband adopted a little baby girl and something very strange when playing with the child the child was four years old and still could not speak and the few words of mother regardless oh that is simply not intelligible but in the four years talking to them they were perfect then one day she said to me I do not see that any longer that I am a man so now I say to myself I am not abnormal if I do the same to her the bets not quite the approach and they need to get the thought and he told me this story for instance in my own case I find a home that I want I begin to imagine that I am living in that home and then delta T this result that that doubt materializes into a person and that person has more money than I have and he buys the home leaving me out in the cold I know from that experience that every person in my world only reflects a mood in me everyone that I meet well I know them or a stranger who buys the home that I wanted when the devil shedding the doubt materialized into a person I didn't know him but he only reflects that mood of doubt in me so he has one body and he buys a home and I am out in the cold try reconstructed a sentence for this lady and I said no longer must you say I am NOT abnormal you must now begin to say I am perfectly normal did I do not feel that because I do not care whether you feel it or not you must begin to persuade yourself that you are perfectly normal by repeating but in yourself I am perfectly normal today chibi Janice the child went into a coma so profound was the sleep that it was difficult to rouse them she could not be awakened she asked me to examine the child I said no take her to a medical clinic and have them examine the child but as she began from his suggestion to assume I am perfectly normal within 24 hours the child awoke they made the test in the Medical Center and Thunder alert and bright she was only the out pictures statement of that mother who adopted her the mother began to feel I am abnormal so she adopt a little child the girl and the girl for four years couldn't talk I went you begin it was all garbled it made no sense she only bore witness to that strange peculiar claim of the mother who adopted her and when he changed the pattern of speech within us and said I am perfectly normal the child by the medical clinic Thunder not only alert but perfectly healthy and returning to a normal state in this world the whole that work is yourself pushed out all that you behold though it appears without it is within in your own wonderful human imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow why I found him I found him of whom the prophets though they spoke of Jesus and the world taught to believe is a man who lived 2,000 years ago and who was crucified 2,000 years ago but I am Telling You he is crucified on humanity and the one crucified on humanity is mains own wonderful human imagination that Jesus and there is no other Jesus that is Jesus he is buried in man he is the dreamer in man and he is dreaming this dream of life what are we feeding him well I'll tell you what meeting him because he is capable of anything in this world and listen to these words from Deuteronomy the 32nd chapter the 39th fifth of you tirana me and these are the words of the Lord Speaker I kill and I make alive I wound on I heal and there is none that can deliver out of my hand there's only one creative power in the world the one who kills is the one who makes a lie the one who rules is the one who heals and there is no other power than this one's Allah and that one power is your own wonderful human imagination that is done there is no other God he is buried in and the day will come he will awaken Buddhism when I first it is now where I could turn from this world of seeming reality on the outside to a world of imagination so you actually live in your own wonderful human imagination if you do and you really turn into a being who believes in the reality of its own imagined elect you are staying on the 1st of rebirth it does not say when he tells you no one knows not even the Sun only the father so after you've been taking but I'll tell you the signs of it when you actually begin to trust your own wonderful human imagination when you can sit quietly all alone asking how of no one and really believe that your imaginal act is a creative fact and that in the interval of time necessary it's going to externalize itself and become a reality in your world you're on the verge of rebirth as you're told unless you are born again you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven even though the kingdom of heaven is within you the kingdom of God is within you and God is in his kingdom although he is in his kingdom and that kingdom is in you you can entering unless you turn from this world of materiality believing it is the call believing it is the reality to live in your own wonderful human imagination when you do you'll find yourself on the very verge of being reborn so you're warned do not ask me when I will tell you not even the son marry only the thought but I'll give you the symptoms of it when you can trust your own wonderful human imagination that will be the symptom can I stand here tonight and take any requests nothing cost me anything and it's a joy if it was seen what I call the Golden Rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you ask nothing of me that you would not ask for yourself do not ask me to hear any news in this world that you would not really want done to you because first of all I could not do it I use the Golden Rule then if it comes within the framework of the golden rule it's so easy what would the feeling be like if it were true that you are what you want to be that they are what they want to be that they have what they want to be don't ask me how it's going to happen I do not know the depth of your own being has ways and means that you the conscious surface being known as out he knows exactly how to do it so don't ask how it's good to be darling so when doubt testing as he said in his letter to me when the doubt said in that doubt materialized in the form of a person who also wanted at home and had more money and ball and left me out in the cold I can tell from the uprising of foods with indeed under a meet certain people and I do the moon you can suppress the moon as Churchill says the mood determine the portions of people rather than the fortunes determine the mood don't ignore that great man he said that the mood actually determines the fortunes so I will catch a move but then catch the mood of your wish fulfilled what would the feeling be like if it were true imagine the wish fulfilled what would it be like how I feel if it were true in spite of all things roundabout to that denial you walk as though it were true and in a way that you do not know you need not know it will externalize itself within your will and you will actually receiving listen to these words with God all things are possible that you will read in the nineteenth chapter of the book of Matthew now we'll go to the ninth chapter of the book of mark all things are possible to him who believes he he waits God with the believer in man all things are possible to him who believes that Mark Matthew with God all things are possible so he creates the believer in man with God was the believer in me is my own wonderful human imagination what other thing in man but is reality which is imagination than belief is the dreamer in man I go to bed at night and I think the dreamer and awaking I are one of the same thing can I believe or am I going to allow certain doubt now he is a psychologist trained to talk people out of their mental problems put them on the couch put another chair and top the mother is insane year when he could easier he confessed have imagined them whole and perfect and happy but he said I believe that I was through my training compelled to spend these awkward years as anyone who works at a job spends his time in an awkward manner if you not enjoy what you're doing then is simply a job and you're doing something that is too awful if you like it like my brother victim who has made a fortune they're very smell of the ship the very smell of the boat the smell of his store he loves it he goes there in the morning and the odor of his store I can't stand it he goes into the grocery store and everything about it he just loves the odor all the combinations of the odours of the grocery store he goes into his department store all the things of the department store that's the odor it affects them he loves it goes to hotel and the restaurant actually is all in service that it's effective and he loved it he so loves it he's in the mood of success so for him love was something that really excites you and feel that you are already what you want to be and I tell you from my own experience and from this man's experience that it will work now here is a man who heard me years ago he came home one day I thought now here is a man teaching people how to live correctly and I had two books they're completely out of print you can't buy them but I thought if I could give them to someone doing this kind of work who is serious he is a trained psychologist I'll give them to him so I gave him these books I don't think he's read them first of all they're named after the mountains of Switzerland in zermatt and so long but it's all imagination the man who wrote it I presume he's gone now he was 94 when I last heard from him but I gave him these books they were new and completely out of print you can't get the books you might find her in some secondhand but they were never popular books because they're very voluminous books but you wrote them in the form of a dialogue like a Plato she introduced five characters and each one was a scientist one was a philosopher one was a mystic one with something else and they all discussed and he had the central one who was the mystic explaining the phenomena and the cause of the phenomena of life and so he wrote these volumes and I gave them to him I asked him the other night because he's here for the second time in years and he's mentioned was the way he tell me about them I don't really think he really read them with understanding or really read them because it's so like Plato would tell a story introducing characters so the one person is speaking as the scientist as the mystic as the philosopher as the atheist he has of all present only five characters but this books are completely on imagination and it's called the zermatt dialogue and the overland dialogue and I went down to the bookstore in Long Beach called acres of books looking for them and all mr. Smith is gone now he was then in his 80s and I was looking all over the philosophical department and other departments Oh Ethan you wouldn't find him there you'll find them under Switzerland the mountain he did know the content of the book go over to the place and look under Switzerland and there they were why from my two books and I parted with him I gave him to him in the hope that because he is a psychologist a trained one that these were showing that causation is all imagination that imagining creates reality what am i imagining so they came to him the dim Bollywood imagination under - what you haven't and they were concerned because you've been left alone and he had not listened and he said I have food you know not of and the food is what are you feeding your imagination morning noon and night you read the morning paper and you react and you don't know one character there any of them and you react even before you get to the end of the page based upon some bias reporter but you react that's what you face the Lord for the Lord is your own wonderful human imagination that's God and there is no other God that is the Jesus of Scripture that's the Jehovah of the Old Testament and he is housed in you that's why you are immortal so you can drop right now now I tell you you make no difference to your immortality chop off your head burn you and turn it into dust you are in a mortal being you cannot cease to be because God became as you are that you may be as he is and so you're going through these with these strange peculiar diets and we simply produce what we think what we feed about you can learn a lesson from the animal world for me were children we had ducks chickens all kinds of things did you have an AFOL we were a large family there was ten children nine boys and one girl and we had a father mother and grandmother all living in our home and mother would say to us take their two or three ducks and put them away because I want them in two weeks I'm gonna have a duck dinner so you take the three ducks and you put them away what she meant that you will change their diet because when I was a boy fish was plentiful and cheap you can bring in all kinds of fish we had no refrigeration so if it wasn't sold in the evening early evening it rocket so you simply other use it for strange bait the next day or you fed the animals that is the duck so we would take this fish while we kept them alive and they fed on ducks are not fish and they got fat and they were altogether healthy but you couldn't eat that bird until you took it and isolated it and put it in a cage by itself and stuffed it with meal corn sour milk anything of that nature and at the end of ten days that bird haven't been fed odeon save milk or corn or anything you had of that nature the whole system changed and so when you cooked it it was like a milk-fed bird yes you didn't do it you couldn't eat it it's all fish and I would know I can see it now in my mind's eye my mother say never get a few ducks and put them away and I've playing cricket in playing soccer I forgot it when I remember it was only about five days before so I took the duck to put him away but five days was not enough to purge it completely of the fish Roger could smell that they fall over the neighborhood on Sunday afternoon we're going to have duck we knew we couldn't have done because you couldn't eat it if you look at a duck and you're eating fish to repulse everyone of course we call a good spanking for it because we didn't do what mother commanded us to do the time when she told us to do it well that is just like everything else in this world you see as he said I have food you know not how you feed for a few days a couple of weeks on a change mental diet in this case in 24 hours when she took the diet that he gave her I am perfectly normal the child went into a deep deep sleep so which you could not be awakened without a struggle an inch the clinic say but she's not only bright but she's healthy he's completely right she was simply the out fiction statement that that girl lived with which he said I am abnormal in many ways you take a new diet tonight and just like the duck and it may take you a day it may take you weeks it may take you two weeks but if you actually persist in the change diet you will out picture that diet that change of diet and your whole vast world will change we are the only business of who we gave speech we act you became an and this inner street is a marvelous gift and you can't stop it you're doing it morning noon and night you go to bed talking to yourself you make in the morning talking to yourself now whether it's someone present not you're still talking to yourself you walk the streets some are obvious when they do it but most of us are not that obvious what we're doing it anyway you are carrying on little mental conversations with ourselves but what are we carrying on arguments or are we boldly affirming and asserting that I am and then name what I want to be in her case he gave her what she should say and she argued with him that she couldn't say because I do not feel that yet don't wait to seal it said to her do it now I am perfectly normal because if you say I am not abnormal yet that's not a creative thing toward your goal in fact it may be destructive do you want something positive not something negative I am NOT abnormal I am perfectly normal then the child we are pictured self so everyone in your world is your self pushed out blame no one don't even blame yourself just change the diet they only reflect what you have been doing and maybe still doing and when you see it you change the diet and the diet is something worse all within you so you assume that you are now the man there woman that you want to be well in that assumption as though it were true live in it just as though it is true and then who knows that diet may not take more than 24 hours and fire it will not take more than a few weeks to project itself in a way that you do not know how do you know this little duck not as big as an experience I'm not telling a story that someone told me I was the one spanked for not catching those ducks the very day the order was given and mother was a kind of a disciplinarian that she always kept her word if you promised you a bycicle if she gave you a bike because you would do something she kept it if she promised you a beating if you didn't do something she kept that too she was a great disciplinarian I came back during the first world war I went down on a schooner to the bird what is now called the Virgin Islands then they were owned by Denmark Santa Cruz are what is now st. Thomas and and then cynjohn we brought them during the war the first world war that is we in America bought them but then I was a British subject and I went down on a schooner to get cattle because we didn't raise cattle in barbatus that we needed to meet and they had the dairy all Denmark Denmark on them so there are dairy people swap the cattle put him aboard the ship and started back to Barbados and we will become of Martinique Martinique has a huge lumpiness volcano we're out of sight of the island so they couldn't rescue us and there's no radio on those days the possibility of contacting the mainland and there we are simply drifting not moving and each in the course of a day and the cattle are dying they're all dying we were eight days late coming into Barbados and all the cattle are gone from the bilge and the lack of food the lack of water and I thought well now when I came home they'll be so happy to see me because I thought I was gone because it's submarines the German submarines were shooting at everything in the area even a little schooner so I came in and I came home they all we didn't even open on by that very day mother said to me I don't want you to go through the Sun you've had enough Sun on that schooner for these many days at sea I must have been two weeks at sea and no possibility of any shade burnt to a crisp don't go out well I had guinea pigs and I had rabbits I had to go and see how my guinea pigs and rabbits were coming on but she told me not to go I think it's my first day home certainly mother will not hold it against me so I went out disobeying her order when I came back in did I tell you not to go out yes mama I thought well now after all my first day at home she thought I was dead Here I am resurrected that didn't pacify her occultic all that shoe and she rifles and she let me help she was the most Maoist disciplinarian she promised you as watch you've got it if she promised you anything you've got including the gripping from telling him a change of diet and in our case we are the Lord and the Lord feast upon words he is the word and so what are you saying to yourself in the course of 24 hours I am in one I am this I am that change it completely changing I'm say within yourself I am happily bliss Li marriage if that's my objective in life reason denied your senses denied I am blissfully happy I'm steep as though it were true I can tell you that story from my own person experience it works that way and when I told the details of how it happened people saw the means employed which I certainly didn't manufacture them not consciously and judge me harshly for telling the means but as you're told in scripture I have ways and means you know not of my ways of past finding out all you do is simply lower than you diet for what I have found the girl to whom are now married and blissfully happy with her since the day I met her back in 1936 I was completely involved I wasn't divorced and in those days in New York City our divorce without it only became legal after their very very very wealthy Rockefeller God is outside and then brought pressure to bear on the state to pass a decent modest normal modern law allowing people who cannot live together to separate and then she can normal divorce prior to that all divorces were simply collusion all divorces you've paid someone to find someone and then the Chinese little thing she went before the judge and they all knew it was collusion anyway well he has completely involved being marriage and I want to marry this girl I met at the very first second I saw and so she doesn't know it was she's gonna be my wife she doesn't know it yet and simply I accept as though we were blissfully happy she on that bed in Ireland my babe it wasn't a sex act it was simply she was there in the room you know a lovely home and I was in my bed she was on her base like this make it an emotional thing of that nature and the girl who was my former wife who refused she even left the state there was not to be given a son and one day I got a call from the court telling me to come on down there needed my advice I went down to the court I mean what am i doing go to the court of the moment when they're brought arena and I plead her case before these three judges and she said to me after I got her all that was a very decent thing for you to do never and I know you want a divorce give me the papers I didn't have the papers on me and she and I got into a taxi and go to my hotel and I gave her the papers and now that's supposed to be illegal so until now you can't throw up your own papers I didn't know that give her the papers and I got my divorce in the city of New York so I know it works it took me one week to do it that's all that it different one week I simply went some de sleep in the assumption that my wife was there and it's a girl who will not now married and who brought us the glorious daughter and it's been since 1936 so here this heavenly state was denied me because I wasn't feeding myself the right food I have food you know not out under food our words and you'll repeat them within yourself what am I saying as Blake's a fool what have I said what have I done for all powerful human words not have I say what have I done for all human words if then only realize what he is doing when he is talking seemingly idling to a thought who cares who knows who knows the only one that cares knows and he is your own wonderful human imagination that is God that's at your hova of the Old Testament and the Jesus of the new and there is no other God and he's buried in you and he is dreaming in you and sure you want to awake but you will awake the day that you actually move in to the light form a janay ssin for you trust your imagination and living it you're not far from the threshold of Reaper but I can't tell you the day or the hour no one knows that the father and the father is your own wonderful human imagination I saw it so clearly this is a stone that the builders rejected but thought the builders rejected has become the chief Cornerstone it was the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight so I rejected the fact that I was the cause of the phenomena of my life I couldn't believe it I thought everyone outside of myself cause it then I realized when I saw the vision fear it's a stolen a port and it fragmented in the numberless far as he said the one who bought the home that's a fragmented part of my own beam my dad brought me the beam he even materialized my doubt a man a person and he bought the home I wanted because he had more money i materialized that came out of me so the whole thing fragmented and there when it came together and formed itself into a man seated in the lotus posture and I look at it I'm looking at myself that I realize I am the cause he is the dreamer in me one day he is going to awake from the stream a rainy awakes I am he and he and I are one this is the story I am trying to tell the whole vast world because I know it's true and the day will come you will know it's true there is no other God then your own wonderful human imagination I still would invite you although I'll tell you to do it yourself I still invite you if you feel uneasy about it to ask of me for in the end may I judge you real one now let us go into the Saturn [Music] [Music] good [Music] so on Friday I'm going to show you the parallel between date of the Old Testament and Christ of the new I know trained as we are it is the most difficult thing to separate our preconceived opinions from what we're actually looking at I'll give you the passages and croak them for you and show you that you may go home take the same book that I am going to close and read it but you're still going to find it difficult based upon your training to separate your preconceived opinions from what you're actually looking at I'm going to show you is the same deep not only from Scripture I have experiences so I know it is true based upon my own experience but one would like confirmation from the written word so on Friday I'm going to make that my task to show you now bother any questions please no question well if they aren't until the next time good night [Applause]
Channel: 100kwatt
Views: 59,420
Rating: 4.888 out of 5
Keywords: Neville, Goddard, Trust, Imagination
Id: U4VbxLjf9So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2012
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