Neville Goddard | The Secret Power (Very Powerful)

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i am speaking of the power of god which is called in scripture jesus christ paul defines christ as the power of god and the wisdom of god here we find wisdom and power exalted and personalized as god's companion in the creation of the world that power is your own wonderful human imagination that's the power of god that is christ as far as i am concerned that is jesus christ of the scriptures [Music] now tonight we're talking just about this power the earliest gospel is mark and the first words you find on the lips of this power the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of god is at hand repent and believe in the gospel [Music] now the word repent as we use it in the world is not what scripture means when they use it here we mean to feel remorse regret that has nothing to do with the word repent it's the greek metanoia a radical but radical change of attitude a radical change of mind can i see an objective and then everything tells me that i can't realize it well do i have the power to realize the objective i tell you we have we have the power for what is the deeper meaning of power but effectiveness in achieving one's purpose in life also i have a purpose do i have the power [Music] i tell everyone yes you can imagine the aim can't you can you imagine what it would be like if it were true can you feel what it would be like if it were true well then that's the power now can you be persistent in it [Music] can you remain faithful to that end as though it were true now i don't care what the objective is you have the power to achieve it if you know this power is the power of christ for all things are possible to him he's personified in scripture let us go back and see how they first personify them you'll read it in the eighth chapter of the book of proverbs the 22nd verse through to the end the 36th verse and these are the words god possessed me in the beginning of his way the very first of his acts of old one translation has it he created me but that's not a good translation i can't say i create my capacity to think i can develop it but it was with me in the beginning i can say that i created my capacity to imagine it was with me i may not imagine correctly but it was with me so god possessed me in the beginning of his way the very first of his acts of all before he brought forth the universe before he laid out the foundations of the earth i was beside him like a little child i was daily his delight rejoicing before him always delighting in his inhabited world now my sons listen to me he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the lord but he who misses me injures himself all who hate me love death you'll read these words in the eighth of proverbs here he's personalized as a little child god's companion in the creation of the world when you read it it doesn't make sense but i tell you from my own personal experience having practiced the art of repentance and having experienced the birth from above with the little child i know exactly what the prophet meant when he was inspired to write those words one day you will encounter this creative power in you personified as a little child the whole vast world is completely misunderstood and think it's a little child wrapped in swaddled in clothes that was found by the shepherds two thousand years ago that's a sign of the birth in man of the creative power of god so god is actually bringing forth his creative power in man and when it's brought to birth in man pardon me so that man actually becomes part of the creative power of the universe the sign of his birth the sign of his awareness of it is that of a little child so here i was like him i was beside him like a little child when he brought forth the universe so in everyone in bringing me forth as part of the creative power of the universe then the sign of my arriving at that point is symbolized in that of a little child when i find the child i have found life now i have life in myself i am no longer an animated body i am a life-giving spirit if i miss it i injure myself all who hate me love death now this world is the world of death so you tell the story to the world and the majority would rather have the build across the street or this building something to them that is secure than to know about me of a power take the building away destroy the building but leave me the power to recreate it don't take from me the creative power but take all the things i create but the world would rather have the things created and the power to create and so those who hate me their love death they're in love with the whole vast world that decays for everything that is built today gradually fades it comes into the world it waxes it wanes and it vanishes but leave me the power to bring anything into this world and take from me if you will anything that i bring into the world but don't take from me the creative power that i may actually create anything in this world now what does he mean by repentance it means this it tests the individual's ability to enter into and partake of the nature of the opposite i see someone and they are well they're behind the eight ball financially they have to pay rate they have to buy clothes feed themselves and maybe they have obligations to society others defeat others to close they may be a father mother and i meet them and they are not employed now it tests my ability to put them into the state where they are gainfully employed i bring them before my mind's eye and i represent them to myself as gainfully employed and to the degree that i am self-persuaded of the reality of what i'm seeing and hearing and doing to that degree they become exactly what i am doing all in my imagination well if tomorrow or in the immediate present they actually conform outwardly to what i am doing anyway i have found the creative power [Music] i try it again with another one i try it with another one and i keep on trying it and it works well then i tell it and ask everyone who will listen to me and believe it to try it see if you can't exercise that same power in you it's not a different power there's only one christ they aren't a numbness little christ running around the earth only one christ and that christ is your own wonderful human imagination so if i exercise my imagination and it proves itself in performance and then you exercise your imagination and it proves itself in performance it's the same imagination individualized as neville individualized individualizes you regardless of your name then you share it with another and you tell it to others but if i can tell it to the point where they are persuaded to try it and in trying it it proves itself in the testing will be offend him so when the you read in scripture i have found him from whom i have found the one of whom moses and the law and the prophets wrote jesus of nazareth while the word jesus simply means what jehovah means it means salvation it means to save if i save someone from poverty by putting him into a state of affluence well then that's jesus i'm exercising the same power if someone is unwell and i represent him to myself as being the embodiment of health and he conforms to it then that's jesus he saved him from what from being unwell well if i try it and try it and try it and it proves itself what does it matter what others think what does it matter what anyone thinks about what i am talking about i only know that it proves itself it works but if it works well then try so this is the power of which i speak not some peculiar thing on the outside you don't buy it it's innate you exercise it so you're told to repaint you're the beginning of the exercise of the power and when you reach a certain degree of intensity that power is born and it's born in you and then personified as a little child and you actually feed yourself coming out of your own skull and here is a little child wrapped in swaddling clothes and it is your child now you didn't form some little child in your head the child is a sign of your birth from above it's a sign of your arrival into the creative stream of god once now you're now one with the creative power of god and there's only god nothing but god man is all imagination and god is man and exists in us and we in him the creative power of god is man's imagination that is actually jesus christ himself there is to other jesus christ so all of a sudden you find that this is what the world is talking about but they put him on the outside i made some little god of him when he is housed in everyone now let me show you from my own experience what i know about this law i can raise power in the world of caesar we're doing it by the billions every year with our little war and all the nonsense we have in the world this power you can't waste you can misuse it but you can't waste it i can misuse it every moment of time by imagining unlovely things about people [Music] unlovely things about myself and i can use it hatefully well i can't waste it i'll show you why you can't waste it one night many many years ago i suddenly became aware of two beings i am the one perceiving them so the three but i am the perceiver here above me stands the most beautiful woman imaginable an angel an angel of beauty and of everything that was lovely and below me the most monstrous thing that men could ever conceive covered in hair like an ape but it could speak it's forgotten i looked at it and then it looked at me and then it pointed to this beautiful angelic being and it called this woman mother well i was so annoyed with this monstrous thing that i pummeled it it bloated it loved violence it fell on violence every time i was violent it became stronger and this beautiful thing glowing but this one is calling it mother and suddenly as i am beating this thing i realize but this is the embodiment of all of my mispaint energy as this one is the embodiment and personification of every noble thought i've ever entertained i looked at this thing i had no one with whom i could swear i felt a compassion i have never known before i looked at this monstrous thing and realize it is but the result of my own misused energy it never should have been given birth and i say to myself i will redeem you if it takes me eternity i placed myself to redeem it do you know what happened at that very moment before my eyes the whole thing with it that monstrous thing the embodiment of power horrible looking thing it all got smaller and smaller and smaller and left no trace of ever having been present but as it got smaller and smaller and disappeared the energy returned to me i felt infinite power i felt like without anything the power returned to me it wasn't wasted it was misused but not lost nothing is lost in all my holy mountain so you can't lose the power you can misuse the power but you can't lose it but you're confronted one day in a monstrous thing like that and you know exactly what i did you won't wait to redeem him at the very moment that you played yourself and you mean it i'll redeem you if it takes me eternity at that moment that monstrous thing with us gets smaller and smaller and this one glows it becomes radiant like a star she is the environment and the permanent personification getting ever greater of your own noble wonderful thoughts every lovely act of yours feeds her every ignoble act of yours feeds him [Music] and they walk with you this one whispers the lovely things encouraging you to be noble and this one whispers the violent things if you are the crossroads as to what you should do this one wants to be fed he can only feed on violence and this one can only feed on the noble lovely thoughts of men and man creates them you see your own creation and it's all the same power of your own wonderful human imagination from then on you know where you are you are a creative power and you go out to change everything in your world to make it conform to something lovely and you don't do it on the outside you do it on the inside you do it all in your imagination imagination is god and there is no other god his name is i am forever and forever and forever that's god and yet when you do meet the personification of your own imagination you see a man and that man is infinite love you'll also meet him in another garment and his infinite power he is infinite wisdom and you realize that the being that you really are is a protein being he plays all the parts when you meet him his fundamental being is love but he also is power and you see him as power and he also is wisdom and you see him as wisdom and you don't have to ask any question as to who are you it's so obvious that you stand in the presence of infinite power or infinite wisdom or infinite love and you know the truth of these statements of scripture when they said god is love you stand in the presence of god infinite love and it's a man our scientists tell us about impersonal force this is not impersonal this is very personal god is a man you are a man god is no more your own humanity learned to adore for everything here is god and god being man his every attribute is personified so when you meet god as power it's man medium is wisdom it's man medium as love is man [Music] so i tell you this power which i speak is right here in your own wonderful human imagination don't turn to another don't turn to anything on the outside it's all within the kingdom of heaven is within you and god is in his heaven as i turn within where i turn i turn to my own wonderful human imagination and then i imagine what i want as real in my world and persuade myself that it's true to the degree that i am self-persuaded it becomes true it actually closed itself in what the world calls reality but the reality is not the visible thing they see the reality is the unseen state which i've imagined you take the yoke cut it down it renews itself by the invisible state the little lamb you slay with the knife but the reality of that land that form that is forever is unseen by man so here in this wonderful world of ours you have the power you don't need financial power that won't do it you can't buy help you can buy respect or you could buy it for a little while but they don't really respect you let the money go and they don't respect you you don't need anything in the world of caesar to buy what you want come your toll buy it without price without money when you say buy it without price well then you see it's not caesar's coin that you use your own wonderful human imagination i'll give you this story a friend of mine down south he went to this barber shop there were four barbers he went to the boss barber first and after about three visits the barber couldn't take him this day and he took the fourth one the last year he rather liked the way this man cut his hair he got talking to him and he realized the man loved barbary he loved it that's all my friend needed you really love it he said i just love it i wouldn't do anything else but cut hair i just love it and this is what my friend did he imagined that man the head of the shop didn't consult him didn't consult the boss barber didn't consult anyone just this one he liked him he imagined that he was the head of not bishop but asia six weeks later the barber decided the owner to unload the shop how he raised the money my friend never told me but he bought the shop and moved from the fourth man the low men of the totem pole to the boss barber in the last year this one so loves it he came here to the city about two months ago there was some meeting here contest among barbers he brought two of his barbers with him one was committed he couldn't come that day he brought two they took back out of five prizes they took back four he won two a first to the second and two of his barbers won two seconds he just entered another contest of the entire region that is the seven western states and he won it plus a thousand dollars the big plaque is now on his wall all because of my friend's use of imagination this man has a terrific control of this power he's an advertising agent about i would say the early part of this year his boss said to him this is our best account and i don't want to lose it but you know the industry today is on the skids and we must do something to pull it up while he sat down he said now if imagining creates reality my only problem would be to face these men who believe themselves so wise and persuade them to let me go all out with my campaign from the premise that is already an accomplished fact i can advertise that this thing is possible i've got to say it has been tried and proven in my ads he worked out the entire thing when these 20 main all multimillionaires for this is one of the huge industries of the world this is international industry when he worked the entire thing out and presented at least 20 men on the board they thought themselves above all this they were ethically above all things their moral code would not allow it but my frame persuaded then that this is how a law operates that imagining creates reality so if you want something created leave it to me i will take your desire i'll make it something that is already a fact you voice it the first quarter of this year that industry not only arrested the motion down turned it around and their profits not their gross their profits the first quarter of this year was 75 million dollars more than the first quarter of last year 75 million more i'm speaking of a net profit now these wise men with a wonderful ethical codes they allow it they saw the money in the bank they saw all these things and their so-called ethical moral codes went through the window because they saw another principle which they did not know he is comparative and i saw the letter his competitor in the advertising field wrote the boss my friend's boss he said you know i take my hat off to you you use the principle that we've always used in our work which was a darn lie he never did it at all he said i know exactly what you did he's trying to fish him out to find out what he's doing and in this data he makes the claim that he actually knew and they've always used it and no one can work for our concern unless he's aware of this principle and lives by it we aren't concerned about his religious background he could be a catholic protestant jew or an atheist but he has to live by this principle when i saw that letter the bank was fishing just fishing to get the one who really conceived it to come forward and tell him what he did well here is the same one in the barbershop he goes there every saturday morning by appointment and the boss barber waits for it right on the dot every saturday he is right there for this chap he loves him and he took him from the low man on the totem pole and pushed him right up he realized the man likes cutting hair that's what he likes he just loves it all right then be the best if you like it be the very best in the trade tell me what you want maybe you want to be a wife oh some uh giving a home what's wrong with that my mother never went to work she just had 10 children and lived at home with her full comfortable servants my sister has never worked so she lives at home with her servants my wife worked until i could afford a keeper then when i could afford to keep her then i said no you stop so she stopped that's well almost two years after we got married two years afterwards i couldn't i could afford to keep her but now from now on you don't work and so she hasn't gone back to work so tell me what you want and then let me persuade myself that what you really want you have to degree that i am self-persuaded that you have it you'll get it if i can't persuade myself well then i have failed but i have haven't spent the energy because i tried it lovingly so anytime you use your imagination lovingly on behalf of another you use it wisely even if you didn't succeed in producing the results that are seeking you used it wisely you will not then encounter the monster that i did but the chances are everyone in his unknowingness built that monster for everyone who started to misuse their uh the energy and it forms itself into that horrible horrible thing did you ever sit down and you wonder where on earth did that thought come from it wasn't a lovely thought it came from the thing that you build that miss paint energy a monstrous being that one day will meet you on the threshold and confront you and you have to redeem it because christ must be redeemed and although he is the redeemer he also is one to be redeemed because he's only energy he's power infinite creative power is christ the power of god so the power of which i speak is your own wonderful human imagination that's god so when i tell you that man is all imagination and god is man and exists in us and we in him the eternal body of man is the imagination and that is god himself the divine body jesus and we are his members for everyone could imagine therefore all are members of the one body [Music] so this is that once spoken of in the eighth chapter proverbs i was beside him like a little child find me and you find life miss me and you injure yourself hate me and you love death so the one who finds him is born from above and unless you be born from above you cannot enter the kingdom of god and the birth of above is simply symbolized in that of a little child wrapped in swaddling clothes so it's not some little event that took place two thousand years ago once and for all it is taking place so you started with repentance repent and believe the story of the gospel and to repaint is simply to challenge you to test you can you take a man from the lowest point in the barbershop i'm making the boss can you represent him to yourself as one who really is in charge who loves it and you love him well then try it so he loved him brought him into his mind's eye as one that really was important in his life and the men suddenly rose suddenly to the highest place in his shop and now in the entire western area he has won all the prizes and this one in his advertising agency he can write his own ticket today the boss said to him you just what do you want the boss gives him well i would say three four times a year a huge big unsolicited bonus check he wants to keep him my brain has no desire to quit but the boss is so eager to hold him there's one bonus after the other and my friend or he'll take it why shouldn't he so i ask everyone here to try it don't just listen to it and not try it you are the operant power it doesn't operate itself and so when i know what i should do whether do it go to sleep tonight all right how am i sleeping in what state of consciousness am i sleeping as someone that is unwanted well then that's i rise tomorrow as someone that is unwanted fallenness i rise tomorrow to find myself unwanted ignore the facts of life and assume that you are wanted ignore the facts of life and assume that you are affluent and see how things work in your world it all come your way you are creating out of a power that is infinite and you don't need any contacts in the world you don't need to know the right people or anything else in the world all you need to know is christ and christ is your own wonderful human imagination what else do you need to know about christ so let no one tell you he's out there and he looks like this there is no personal representation in scripture concerning jesus christ not one little thought is mentioned concerning what he looks like yet our churches have hundreds and hundreds of paintings no to a light each tell you that is what jesus looks like he looks just like you as you're told in scripture it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know this much when he does appear we shall know him why we shall be like him just like you when he appears so let no one tell you that he looks other than you because that's not christ and yet in spite of the second commandment make no braver image unto me we have all these little indulgences people buy and they bow before it and call that christ something made with the human hand and then they forget the maker and worship the thing made don't forget the creator the creator is your own wonderful human imagination whatever you create is less than you the creator so you can create a fortune or either take it from you you can create another one so whatever you can make you can keep on making if they take it from you so this is the power of which i speak i am not speaking of any earthly power many a man this night last year i was in barbados for a few months and my brother who has made quite a fortune and he was talking about these men and he didn't realize what he was saying you mentioned five men all multi-millionaires and when he got through telling me of this how they worked so hard and they did all this they have all this money i said vic you admire them my certainly they're powerful and what's powerful you just painted five biographies for me world pictures of five men the last one you painted is only 63 years old he has you tell me about 25 millions and you have to tell him when to eat he doesn't know doesn't know his name doesn't know anything and all of a sudden put the food in his mouth and they say chew and then he chews and he keeps on chewing forever and they'll say swallow and he swallows and you call that a man so he has 25 million so what and the others so they gave all their time for making money just making things and everyone you have mentioned and is fine for me well i wouldn't i wouldn't put anyone my worst enemy if i had one in his place so he has money and he's totally unaware of the fact that he has one nickel so he has 25 million and that's what you call a man but that's not my concept of a man i am telling you something entirely different big you have lots of money may never happen to you so you have millions too you want to be like that all these fellows are demented together entire life to the making and amassing of things and they started to worship things don't you start worshiping things you start worshiping god and only god and god is your own wonderful human imagination and don't you forget it so this building is yours suppose it burns tonight so what you know what you did to build it build another one you tomorrow we had the whole thing burn flat and so don't be concerned about what you have accumulated as things in the world find god and worship only god and god is not on the outside you'll never see him on the outside you see him within because can you see i am you can see i am a man and see the man reflected you can say i'm a poor man and see the man reflected in the eyes of those who know he's poor and you can see every concept you hold himself but the conceiving being you don't see that's god my concept of myself could be this that or the other the concepts will be reflected in society and men will tell me who i have conceiving myself to be but no man knows who i really am either conceived they don't know but they know what i've conceived myself to be my bank balance will tell the banker but i've conceived myself to be in the potential world and all these concepts they will see concepts but they can't see me the conceiver well don't forget the conceiver that's god and that being is your own wonderful i am this that's god and there never was another i never will be another so god is bringing forth his own being because he's buried in us and he's bringing it up to enter the stream of creativity so that the same one being god is infinite in potential but god is not infinite in actual fact because then he'll be dead he couldn't expand he couldn't go beyond what he is so god is ever expanding there's no limit to expansion there was only a limit to contraction he took upon himself that limit when he became neville that was the limit of contraction the limit of opacity now he breaks the shell by my exercise within me of the law of repentance and so i exercise my imagination and then he breaks the shell now there's no limit now to expansion no limit to translucence there was only a limit he placed by himself which was the limit of death which is opacity and contraction so god is infinite in potential and everyone here is going to join that wonderful stream of creativity and be one with god now when you hear it don't just hear it and forget it try it put it to the extreme test and then tell another and have the other tell someone else and spread the good news this is called the gospel or the word gospel simply means good news it's the good news about god how god became man that man may become god well if god's name is i am and i know i say i am it's the core of my being i can say i'm sick but i get over sickness but i can't get out of being i am i can get over being rich and become extremely poor but i can't get over being i am so he actually became the core of my being that's the center well no that's my being well if that is god and that's my being well he became me god actually being me that i may become as he is he took upon himself this limitation that i may become what he is which is infinite and expand forever so you try it tonight try it with anything in this world the unmarried if you desire to be married what symbol in the world would it imply that you are married a little band in this western world a little band around this finger not around any other finger around this finger it doesn't have to be the biggest ass pedestrian the world just a plain little gold ring if you wore it there it would imply you're married sleep tonight as though you were one don't put your physical thumb on it put your imaginary thumb on it and feel it in your imagination you can do it feel a ball can you feel it then feel a piece of silk feel this one after the other can you discriminate between all these different sensations if you can discriminate between this and a tennis ball and a baseball a piece of silk then you can't discriminate between nothings there must exist though unseen by your eyes they still must exist so if i can discriminate between these unseen objects these objects though unseen must be real well now take that and put it there but feel when you wear it that you are proud of the one who put it there you don't have to see what he looks like when it's put there you'll be proud of his name to bear it and you'll be proud of him just put it there you know why i know that my wife did it she did it actually she did it one day she was in the presence of a a so-called sensitive and this one said to her why did you take off your wedding ring she said i am not married obviously don't fool me you took off your wedding ring he said but i did i'm not married so i'll even tell you his name and she started off with nib never never she didn't quite get it but she was coming very very close to it she was actually sensing what my wife in consciousness was feeling when i first met her i wanted her the very first day i knew him i wanted to marry him but i was entangled was i entangled but by this law i disentangle myself without hurting anyone i disengage myself from all these complexities so that i could actually legitimately say will you marry me but in the meanwhile she was wearing the ring i hadn't yet put it there but she allowed me to put it there and slept as though i had put it there so i tell you unmarried ladies if you desire to be married maybe you don't if you do that's the way to do it and he'll come out of nowhere you don't have to go and buy anyone or try to meet the right people usually when you try to meet the right one he's always the wrong one so don't go searching those who go searching for love only make manifest their own lovelessness and the loveless never find love only the loving fine love and they never have to seek for it so you fall in love you don't have to seek for it you draw them they come to you so here this is the power of which i speak the power of the universe the power that created and sustains the universe is resonant in you as your own wonderful human imagination that's god don't forget it i know it's difficult when man has been trained to believe in an external god and he goes to church gets on his knees and he prays for an external god and he goes home at night maybe he does say his prayers and he gets done on his knees and he prays to an external god all right maybe that's a nice thing for someone to do but i tell you he isn't out there at all you won't be criticized for it but he's within you very personal may i tell you he is very very personal and within you when you're told in scripture of the rock that begot us we are unmindful and that seems to be all a figure of speech on how true that thing is one night sitting in the silence rather than afternoon i was thinking of nothing in particular and suddenly before my eyes came this quartz an enormous quartz as i looked at it it fragmented itself broke into numbness little pieces and then it reassembled itself as it reassembled itself it was not into a quartz but into a man seated in the lotus posture i'm looking at this man all seated now perfect man as i looked at him i'm looking at myself here i am the perceiver observing myself seated in the lotus posture this deep deep meditation and as i became aware that i'm looking at myself it began to glow and it glowed and glowed and glowed when it reached the intensity of luminosity it exploded and then i returned to this level where i see him within me that being is meditating this this is by the projection of itself in the world and when he wakes within me completely wakes i am he god actually became me that i may become god and he's put me through all the places allowing me to make all the mistakes to make a monster like the thing that i talked about earlier i made that i made a lovely one and he allows it in his meditation he is the dreamer in me and he's dreaming this and dreaming everything that i dream in this world and when he awakes this will cease to be and i am he and he is god so i tell you go out and try it begin tonight i make you this promise if you try it faithfully you will not fail any questions please make it a full evening [Music] i i have taken two nations unto my bosom well scripture tells us in fact our present law in the world of caesar is based upon it the testimony of one is not acceptable in court there must be two witnesses we have an external witness in the form of scripture the written word man is the living word and he has to duplicate it all the stories of scripture he must experience so when he actually experiences scripture there are two witnesses his inner testimony of the father and the outer test be the written word so we speak of the two in the 11th chapter of revelations my two witnesses if two different persons agree in testimony it's conclusive if one comes and swears even though it's true it's not acceptable in court he may be telling the truth but there must be a second to confirm it now god's witness is the bible that's the witness is it literally true i tell you from experience it's literally true but it's not secular history it's supernatural history so when you experience it you will experience this in a remote region of the soul it will duplicate the written history which is supernatural history salvation history [Music] why certainly my dear you would you wouldn't be here you wouldn't be here were you not hungry to experience god the world isn't hungry enough for it you're told i will send a famine upon the world it will not be a hunger for bread or a thirst for water but for the hearing of the word of god and when you have that kind of a hunger only an experience of god can satisfy the hunger all the money the world couldn't satisfy it when that thirst is upon you not a thing in the world can actually quench that thirst but an experience of god and his whole story is told in the bible and man experiences scripture scripture must be fulfilled in me so the two witnesses the living witness which you have experienced and the external witness of the written word [Music] any other questions please [Music] come on make it a nice full evening we still have 10 minutes [Music] imaginable acts are sewing but we do not recognize our own harvest when we see the imaginal act projected on the screen of space because i have never imagined a thing like that but we must have or we could not encounter it so the act of imagining is sowing and in its own good time it crops out from that unseen journey and appears on the screen of space and you see it but you don't always recognize your harvest but i'll tell you one thing do not concern yourself with the means always go to the end dwell in the end and you'll hurt no one but if you try to devise the means you're well messing the whole thing up i've had people say to me you know i want that man and no other man i said no you don't you want to be happily married you don't want that man or no man oh yes that man or no man then of course this always shocks them i said if he dropped dead right now would you want to be married well he isn't going to drop i didn't ask you that if he dropped dead right now or he's right at this very moment accused of being the world's greatest thief or murderer you still want him well now why ask those questions neville i want that man but you see that isn't that man they want to be happily married but i have gone to so many weddings where it was either that man or none and it wasn't that man and they're embarrassed when they see me sitting standing in the aisle because it had to be that man or no man and hit it isn't that man at all and they walk them they're happy with their new mate but a little sheepish as they pass by because they know i know he was not the man you want to be happily married all right go to the end you're happily married then let him come close in all that it takes to be happy in your world he doesn't have to be some matinee idol watch their so-called world they divorce one after the other anyway so what did that do to the girl or sheet of him so that's not what you really want you want something that's a man when he comes home the house is full when he comes home and you want the house is empty i know that's what i would like and i have that if i come home and bill is not home i feel even i have friends at home i may have a party going on a cocktail party 10 people 12 where's bill well she isn't here you know the whole thing is empty until she comes and then she goes out and she's i'll be back at five and she isn't five he comes back at six well between five and six i am not myself where is she everyone should have that sort of relationship that the house is empty when the mate isn't there male or female if i could come home and it didn't matter whether she was there or not what on earth am i doing being married if she isn't there and it makes no difference to me whether she's or not but then that's not marriage the house must be empty when she isn't there or you are there if i knew in her heart that i could go and come when i wanted and she wasn't concerned that's not my wife [Music] i know i've got to depart someday leave her behind me or she goes and leaves me behind that i know is inevitable but while we are together i want it to be so that the house is empty if the other one isn't there and i'm selfish enough to want her to feel the same way [Music] any other questions please something happens or is created when you think you just it's crossing your mind without having to go into the actual act of imagining is this as concrete um knowing that it already has been created by myself is this as concrete as going through the ritual [Music] just as concrete man creates unwittingly just as well as he does wickingly but in this world of ours we should learn to create consciously but i can't deny that the so-called unconscious creation is just as effective we walk the earth and we see a headline we don't know the people involved and we react that reaction felt intensely was a creative act on our part and we don't know the people at all and so if you do it writtenly or unwittingly is still creative therefore become aware of what you're doing all i can say to everyone become more and more aware so that all times you are selective you and i will not go into a store and say give me a tie be selected i said don't you bring me three ties let me see some ties 50 times 100 eyes and i pick up one maybe i pick up two i don't go in and say give me a suit let me see some soup links and from maybe here a dozen or more i select one texture color what i think i need in my wardrobe to augment the wardrobe so i pick it out then he makes it for me so i don't let him tell me what i should want no just effective all day long people are reaping the most horrible thing in the world and it all is what they planted unwittingly they said them in new york city this by the little paper the news from beginning to end is the biggest paper in our country has a daily circulation of over two and a half million i think the sunday circulation is about five million it's a little tabloid and not one word in it is anything but negative who murdered whom who was raping whom who's living with whose wife and all this is all and they love it and of course the little lies that grab anyway so it's sort of vicarious and they fatten themselves with all this nonsense as they go to their job one solid hour they're reading it well when things happen in their world and continue to happen of an unnatural and i mean uh abnormal matter they don't realize they're doing it the whole thing is done by them they're fattening on it no discrimination at all there are people who go into a it's like going to the restroom and saying what does the chef want to get rid of today same thing and he said oh we have too much of a stew we had it for four days can't sell it and that's what we want to unload call it by a different name today and unload it but i don't go for that give me the menu a friend of mine taught me this lesson once we went into a restaurant and the waiter was uh very very curious and he spilled a little pursuit and my friend called him over he said tell me uh is this charity or the waiter was flabbergasted he said i'm asking a very simple question is this charity [Music] and he said what do you mean sir he said do i pay for it he said i certainly sir then take it back and bring me a nice clean plate and unspill soup the man took it back and brought him a nice clean plate and unspilled soups if it's charity leave it here i can't complain but if i'm paying for it you take it back well that is a lesson we should all learn too many careless things go on and no one jacks them up [Music] myself from god he only has one name and i have the name so i can't point elsewhere to say his will and when i say his will i'm divorced from god so i ask myself what do you want neville now because the whole vast world is yourself pushed out you aren't going to injure anyone but you can't deny that you still desire you want something so you want it well you assume that you have it and then let things happen if it takes a thousand or ten thousand to aid the birth of that assumption then they'll be used and they'll be used either knowingly or unknowingly but if i have to wait to say is it god's will i'll wait forever i'll wait forever is it god's will that i should pay rent or be dispossessed well then if i'm gonna wait and say without let him tell me first because maybe some friend will say you know you need that experience you need humility you need all this thing to be fired out i have had it i don't need to learn the same lesson twice oh i've had that when i thought god's will and allow him to do it and i sat down and did nothing then came the end of the month and you can't pay rent the landlady said you know i can't carry you any longer out you go i have had that experience by waiting for god to tell me what to do he never told me i had to do it and so when i got married i knew i had an obligation to life i had another one then came a child i have another one it's my obligation to have some external being tell me now no i know what i have to do but through school all right can you make college you want to all right then it's my obligation to put it through college which i did but if i waited for some external being to talk to me to say well maybe she shouldn't go it'd be easier on you i'm passing the buck the whole vast world passes above no my dear make your decision even if you're wrong make a decision or you learn by it but to be undecided so that you will not make a mistake well you know that's a story in it's in a revelation would that you were hot or cold but because you're neither hot nor cold and that you are lukewarm i spew you out you can make coffee or tea with lukewarm water let it be hot or cold that might be intense you know the people who oppose me and say never i think you're a nut i think you're as insane as they come oh i've been told that time and again those who really oppose me become my best students but those who come and say oh i think you're wonderful first time they hear you i think you're wonderful never come back but those who say i think that man is insane i have had them i in 49th street in new york city i came on two ladies one lady was showing the other tongue friend all about new york city and a big picture of mine was in the window with my books and one said you know who he is and she said no but he is the mad mystic of 48th street oh you've got to go and hear him you've got to go and hear him he's as mad as a header we all go to hear him because he's so mad it's fun she said it's fun going sit down cost you nothing in those days it was all a voluntary effort on their part and so a thousand people will come three times a week to hear the mad mystic of 48th street but those who heard and thought no he really is insane and they would challenge me from the platform in front of the audience they became good students those like the ones on the street who just said they're made of mystic go and have fun they never became students they love their little icons and they pray to the little icon he never answered them but nevertheless they prayed anyway in hope [Music] my dear i believe in being as specific as one can be i just knew what i wanted so often on certain things and wanted it in detail and got it if men cannot be that specific or whether to go take an end an overall end [Music] but if you really are specific god is very definite outline is you
Channel: Neville GodART
Views: 71,225
Rating: 4.8872743 out of 5
Keywords: neville goddard, neville goddard power, neville goddard secret power, neville goddard within you, neville goddard i am, neville goddard god within you, neville goddart your secret power, power, the secret power, human power, neville goddard teachings, neville goddard 2021, neville goddard how to ask, neville goddard ask before sleep, neville goddard how to ask before sleep, neville goddard ask to manifest, listen before you sleep, neville goddard listen before you sleep
Id: 7TU1XtUTeaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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