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flip the sign oh boy why they leave that for last i should have did that first somebody happened it's that [ __ ] and welcome to the closing shifter terrific grifter my boys this is a horror game by chillas art he's made a lot of other games i played him on the channel i just can't think of any is it the one where you deliver in the packages and then the babies start running y'all remember that one i i believe he made that one too so he'll be making some creepy games so this is like you working like a at a coffee shop or something something like a starbucks all right making like caramel macchiatos and all of that and then and then somebody tried to kill you i don't know but that's it so we're going to be running from somebody who's trying to kill you while you're working at something like a starbucks like this no stop wait what caramel okay did you tip no that's it croissants that let's hold this [ __ ] oh oh no what i'll i'll be late for work don't get fired out hit my bus do not get fired out here okay we got inventory ship i can't remember all of i should be on my car by now oh okay oh this is the spot why what's up there what you got like a little like a little study or something can we go up there i like okay i like this hold on let me see that that's a closet and then but and then the bathroom oh we in japan out here because they re they're real minimalistic i can't well i could probably smell it but i'm not going to should we leave is this okay leave apartment i'm on hype now but we don't know what's about to go down but oh uh oh see look it's already from the jump it's creepy i like this apartment though this is really nice i don't know how much rent is or not like that but it's nice so far do we go i'm i think we have to go down the stairs where am i why am i getting scared i'm lost guys oh all right boys i brought the brightness up what the hell was that i brought the brightness uh what that what did it say my is it whose cell phone is this which way do i go is that the will is that the uh there's a dude right here there's a random dude [Music] yo guy is looking for something this might be his phone excuse me excuse me sorry excu i said excuse me hey uh is that him on me are you looking for something well i found this give me it [ __ ] i'm about to give you an ass whooping you he just snatched the [ __ ] hold up he ain't even say thank you that'd be a little like michael myers first of all bruh you ain't even gonna say nothing i should let me can we we gonna drive because if they let me drive this go to work if they let me drive this i'm about to run homie over that they no i'm here okay we're at the job okay this is giving me okay oh boy we're gonna have to oh boy we we we really gotta have to go to work out here let me just take a look around my my workplace they got the drive-through popping off holy [ __ ] that scared me okay oh man okay this is about to get creepy let me pee out the menu okay okay look at the logo it it's like starbucks for real okay i'm hyped do we get discounts what this is the bathroom they got some ass bathrooms in japan but they do got them booty spray toilets though you know what i'm saying they got they'd be keeping them booties clean my boys that booty be clean out there right all right so i mean i work here right so i should be able to just go back it feels weird put my stuff i didn't read what to say you got to put my stuff away and talk to senpai we really bout to be out here making caramel why i think that the only drink starbucks made is caramel macchiatos they make oh [ __ ] hi what's how you doing do i put my stuff where do i put my stuff brooms no do i put my stuff in here okay what what i got in here my phone my car key i could have kept my car keys nah see i would have kept my car keys in my pocket it's just a car key sorry i'm late player um oh okay be careful next time i'm gonna tell the manager oh so he's not even he's the assistant manager or maybe that's just he supposed to be off work and i supposed to come relieve him i am very sorry i'll be careful being careful is not enough [ __ ] okay look all right i already apologize to you tell me you won't be late what the [ __ ] who is he he better be assistant manager or something uh do you understand okay see now now he crossing the line yes sir i will not be late again you also mess up some orders don't you [ __ ] i'm putting in my two weeks [ __ ] that i'm not even putting two weeks notice [ __ ] i quit if you have any trouble with the order there are some tutorial videos for you so look through it okay i'll take a look oh and one more thing he better not say something slick make sure to leave your phone in the locker i did that he trying to say i'll be on instagram and [ __ ] while i'm up i probably i probably would be like you know looking at videos and stuff you better not be texting anyone doing work damn player this [ __ ] yes sir i i wanna see he bouncing [Music] this [ __ ] is dead he a ghost and then okay do you die if you mess the orders up because i feel like all these okay syrup you put like syrup what it what earth oh my god what does it say oh okay wait they they got the recipes cold i'm not gonna [ __ ] i'm about to take a picture of this trust that all right here we go i already got a custom oh what's hello how are you hello uh your your jacket a little listen i mean maybe you threw a little bounce sheet because it's a little wrinkled but if you throw a little bounce sheet in the dryer then your joint wouldn't be like you're not saying just saying how do i oh did you say chillers coffee i've never been to one of these fancy places before i feel uneasy there's something strange about this place there ain't nothing strange but your jacket is a little strange a little wrinkle too you might want to handle that shank and some bounce sheets put the [ __ ] at the dry next time and you'll be straight would you want a latte and a coffee oh that'll be just fine it's really uncomfortable in here i mean is the ac too high like what's hot what's wrong can you be more specific what is that they want me to take something the order sticker wait is it tab coffee okay it just say coffee oh [ __ ] wait um hot cups coke cups okay let's put where's it which one's a coffee dispenser put it right all right hey he hasn't said nothing about like how many pumps of sugar none of that [ __ ] what do we got here lips okay put a hot put a lid on that bloom wait what did i put the lid on it but she getting double the shits okay no i grab maybe i grab it put it here then put the lid on it okay ready to serve cook here you go player is that it ready to ser do i give it to him player is this you do you what is that oh god guys i'm messing up oh wait there's another there's another order sticker okay coffee and then a latte oh [ __ ] i have the [ __ ] is the latte okay it's coffee and steamed milk okay first let's start with this put that right there where the milk at i seen him in the video soy milk he didn't say he didn't say what kind of milk how do you steam the milk you gotta what is this grab the milk we did it okay steamed milk did i did i put it in there did i put the stick okay let me see something i think i have to put the sticker on it um y'all i'm fired as [ __ ] where's it okay right here okay maybe that was it he took this [ __ ] okay that's what it was hey sorry this was your first experience hold on i'm not done talking to him i can't leave sir sorry about that yo you gonna leave a tip we got it now i think we good we got the hang of it i have to put the sticker in the [ __ ] that was my first order i they didn't even train me properly that's that's on them that's it she just showed up like that okay how you doing how you doing ma'am hi good evening up um welcome to um africa uh this place okay can i take your order did you hear the on the news i hear a stalker cases are rising see that they go this is when it start popping off it's scary a woman like me you see i have to be careful a dark mocha chip chilla pushy oh my god okay oh oh [ __ ] i'm glad i took these pictures chocolate chip chili puccino chocolate chip chili okay that is a that is a tall order get some coffee in that bill okay we got some coffee in there oh i already messed up you got to put blended ice in that [ __ ] first okay um ma'am get sorry oh [ __ ] milk boom chocolate sauce where the chocolate chocolate sauce blah how many mems how many pumps well she ain't saying so i'm to give her her as one pump and caramel no that's the wrong old i'm reading the wrong [ __ ] coco powder [ __ ] where is that cocoa powder there you go blonde is that it i think i think we did it put a lid on this [ __ ] and give it to her oh oh the sea i almost forgot the order sticker what the [ __ ] is going on did i mess up i messed it up i messed up the order let me see blended ice i didn't blend the damn ice on fire put the sticker on it bloom okay what am i pressing you just ma'am she sat down oh okay she just wanted to chill out and and just these cars just be pulling up one two three what y'all just got out from a meeting what's happening how y'all doing okay y'all carpooling so i appreciate y'all trying to help the planet out a matcha cake please okay there you go something i don't have to make stop pushing me i'll salted caramel mocha bet then i have a matcha copper charlton you always can't finish your drink so let's share man hold up share better do that no we ain't sharing that okay never mind they sharing one pumpkin cake i think i have something to eat too you can order first i'll have um a hot cocoa how covered you seriously just how the [ __ ] outside i don't have any money right now oh boy see they they go that one friend like yo you you could spot me i got you later nah [ __ ] ain't never gonna pay you back did you hear that white noise but it's not my white noise noise what noise i don't hear it either uh uh it's possibly nothing see okay this place haunted now there you go grab the order ticket how many [ __ ] tickets here we go your boy your boy getting pro at this now put the sticker on that ho okay can y'all leave now please that was only one guy i was about to say i just did all them orders all right y'all have a yo there's a tip jar oh no all right it's for y'all i figured like maybe if y'all put in a dollar no that's fine thank you y'all y'all let me see how y'all getting the wheel what the [ __ ] [ __ ] that was late for work that's my boy's balance like that all right sir have a good day thank you so much remember the tip but that [ __ ] headset what the [ __ ] hey okay what's good how are you doing i'm a private invest hey hold up man yo i didn't sell them on mixed cds that was not me i'm a private investigator what you're talking about i did not sell that copy of strike three you spot anything suspicious around the area is sure not me no [Music] there have been numerous reports of people getting harassed i was wondering if you seen anything in the store nah sir honestly first of all i'm not no snitch second no i haven't seen nothing call me if something ever happens okay you got like a business card try closing the store early if you don't if you don't want to get in trouble hold up you're cool with them with my manager that means they close the store early you ain't got that kind of authority player i mean unless you call my manager and tell them i can't i can't just go you want me to get fired wait i'm supposed to call you you said card you ain't give me no business card nothing leave it up to me to make a damn beat out of that that i'm sorry [Music] that's what i get for making beats i can't uh guys guys okay guys where hold up where is the breaker where's the pen is that what you need to do this place haunted guys is that it what is this what is that hey i guess you can't cry you know because there's like a saying don't cry for spilled milk put back milk okay i just did that didn't i oh there's more milk okay i gotta put all the milk in here [ __ ] what is that what the [ __ ] okay i'm back at my apartment what what just happened weird weird things just popped off i mean the light away i'm going the wrong way the lights just went out by themselves we're about to roll we're about to roll back to work where'd i do with the cell phone at that's what i want to know what i hear something i hear why am i i got the chills get in your car where does this do that what is that that's like what is that okay dude just get in your whip that [ __ ] ben not be go to work i'm waiting for nothing [ __ ] and then let me talk to the homie where he is he out here working okay here you ain't doing a damn thing out here what what how you doing okay hey seriously seriously what i did a good job i mean i messed up a lot of orders you're late again did you oversleep i'm so sorry okay see at first i was thinking oh wait we got we're gonna talk about this later okay no not i'm so sorry hey bro there's a customer that can we talk about this in the back office or something please this is very rude i want you to not be late and then he yelling in front of the customer sir i will be right with you this is the second time i'm sorry [ __ ] can we please talk about this at a lower volume like we're in the library a little more enthusiasm would help don't you think why don't you ask your mama to wake you up see see see now bro you see i will whoop your ass [Music] yeah get yo yeah what okay he lucky they locked they locked me up sir i'm sorry he is so rude i'm so sorry about how you doing how can i help you can i take your order please here's my order okay thank you thank you so much sir do something about that something wrong with your ah what's wrong yo i bet you need some bossy what's up hey girl thank you very much you welcome hmm haha what the [ __ ] wrong with you you look impressed no need to knee-haul gone just me what the [ __ ] does that mean i've been living here for more than 15 years hey girl something's not right about this place you about the second person that said that what is going on i didn't think that this uh because i'm not around from around town something about this store okay maybe because of that guy over there uh [ __ ] what what guy what is he talking about huh i guess it was just my imagination are you are you haunted by any chance the [ __ ] kind of questions is this either way i'm running late so i'm gonna have to go so long [Music] okay he was mad weird let me see him get in the way let me see how lady is [Music] oh that [ __ ] was late how you doing sir all right good evening what's good my man's looking like a pop group what's popping oh i gotta talk to him you're cute can i have your number just like that really [Music] my man's was mad did he just do something over there can i have your number how you doing look you know i'm saying i'm at work like you know you're being a little disrespectful um would you like to order anything please cause you're being really rude right now hmm your heart come on man them shits don't come on what year this is this [ __ ] don't work like that i think i'll go with your recommendation what's your name tell me your name the [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't got a name tag on he don't see the name on the name tag our recommendation would be a limited time only double chocolate chili cherno i see what's your phone number he being really really persistent with this i'm that good looking aren't i i lose words myself i'm quite popular around here okay bruh see that cockiness that already like knocked you down you see what i'm saying um now is your chance the [ __ ] give him fake number order should i give him no just just or just do the order player i look i'm all about business right now i'm trying to get my rent due what's with the attitude there's not attitude player you came in here acting like you'll regret this i'm going home five five five wait [Music] four six seven not wait [ __ ] now i'm scared i but if i would have given my fake number he would have tried to call that [ __ ] look how quick he that [ __ ] went home real fast they really want me to take the trash out and the bus tables right now right now now right like right now when this dude just threatened me but what's up with this picture though it's a picture of me oh boy y'all know about this picture [ __ ] who put that that was homie with the hoodie on he was the one that went back there it's a problem my boys this a real problem okay we get to go home now we going home guys okay my neighbor's being real loud and extra right now i don't know why i like to open the closet i guess just in case you know somebody in my closet let's leave i guess we got to go back to work now damn [ __ ] [ __ ] no i'm saying that's like an extra you know like 20 a week or something oh god [Music] that's where you're going [Music] jesus young ones these days man you scared the [ __ ] out of me i'm gonna be honest with you or you have a baby i'm i just said [ __ ] in front of y'all twice i just said it two times i'm sorry about that man all right you're gonna have let me coochie coochie cool let me look at the baby all right y'all gonna have a good day all right ma'am all right just get in your car and leave that my man's about to be in my whip go to work what somebody watching me my mans is watching me hold up did i lock my apartment cause he might have been watching me longer than i thought he might know where i stay at hmm here we go he better not sit he went by the lockers too and put my [ __ ] down oh they got that photo okay i put my stuff away hey yo man somebody took a really creepy photo of me um today is your first closing shift every time i haven't been closing this whole time i have a question [ __ ] who is out there walking like that do you get strange customers at around night well sometimes we do just brush it off if they come focus on your work there's plenty to do actually i'm afraid i might be being stalked oh yeah i said that to him ha you want me to believe someone is interested on the likes of you okay see i'm saying he crossed the line like three to four times that's ass whooping right there i guess i'll come flying to help if anything ever happens ha ha [Music] you ain't even in your whip that you ain't even in the whip [ __ ] i was inside your car this is you i guess you could say he goes right at the wheel he goes right in the whip cause he when he wanted that [ __ ] oh a triplets oh what's going on oh y'all just came from school all right sakura was good sorry i'm going to the bathroom can you order my mochaccino for me macchiato okay i'll have a cinnamon roll two rolls a cup of coffee please damn vegetarian good today [ __ ] you're gonna eat that much oh baby girl trying to check her like don't worry about what i mean man just handle your [ __ ] no wonder you got so fat damn have to do it like that that's messed up huh oh they're about to fight pain separately they're like together it's fine and i have a matcha gotcha lacho what i chop cilantro you can't be serious do you know how cold it is right now i'll be fine oh and what did mary want again she said she wanted that one [ __ ] you mean achalachi she's gonna catch cold no she won't you know i would be fine but mary won't they talk too damn much can i just make can i just get y'all ordered all right y'all annoying how many tickets did i just grab we go strawberry churro damn strawberry churros sound kind of right my boys [ __ ] let me get a strawberry chew roll real quick here you go baby girls y'all going to enjoy all day you're not going okay y'all gonna eat it my man's got out the whip before he oh thanks i'll pay you back now she's lying what it oh that's that's that dude y'all that's that dude keep an eye on him who is somebody else outside that he twitching he about to rob the store [Music] was it what's good man are they over there talking to themselves [Music] latte please a latte they'll be 307 against damn [ __ ] three hours overdue yeah let's see four five six seven and a hundred yen one two huh wait two 100 yens for 270 yen can't afford what oh well i guess better luck next time oh there he go i'll pay the rest come on now man but be a good samaritan that's what my father always says it's cold today so drink something warm yeah look at him he's trying to get some some cool points with me for someone like me don't mention it oh thank the lord okay i mean that was nice but still i think you're doing it just to impress me oh by the way have you seen any ghosts lately the [ __ ] no i see you'll be fine then what the [ __ ] all right what was that about i don't know uh must be the stress of poverty what poor guy he got jokes haha get it i'm sorry yeah you make that joke was so bad baby girls bounced okay i have a vanilla latte what about his okay i guess you so it's two orders now oh boy here we go all right man have a good one play wait don't leave yet because i don't trust this dude oh he sat down okay good i'm glad he stayed in here okay here you go player i just guess because that wasn't on the thing all right thank you thank you that was that dude right that was trying to get my number right that was him just making sure because the [ __ ] just happened oh all right let me bust these tables some about to happen when i bust this last table watch i feel it the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that sound look closely who is that should i go outside he's about to drive through hell sir hello sir what um guys okay close should i go out there that's kind of dumb we're about to do it if i die i'm done um what the day we first met yes at chillers she uh smiled at me like a flower just thinking about her makes me smile my heart pound i have never felt this way before i wonder if she putting on smile to everyone's face like she does mine and that what and now what we we go home and just add like that didn't happen the [ __ ] is this she having dreams of milk and pictures what lattes and [ __ ] that's a stalker you've seen it through the stalkers eyes guys sorry oh boy ding dong at my house [ __ ] hold up [ __ ] okay wait yeah wait can i look what is that what i know her best maybe after your mother and father i'll really be number one in time hold up hold up what do i say about to kill mom and pops she talked to me she picked up uh she picked up my phone and went out of her way to give it to me that was the dude at the beginning of the [ __ ] i knew she felt the same way i did we are in love today's our anniversary um [Music] do i want to leave let me make sure hold up let me show my apartment clean like nobody in here you're about to be in my why is it so dark right there all right let's go i guess we're about to go outside it's snowing [ __ ] how much time passed oh boy you know they scared you last time here we go it was down here dash don't get [Music] just go straight to your car they're gonna scare me oh my god oh boy [Music] just go straight to your car just don't don't look nowhere just go straight to your car just go straight to your car get in your car go go to work check the review make sure this [ __ ] not in the backseat what the car won't start oh boy [Music] i have to take the bus where the bus stop at oh right okay there's a sign don't don't even look [Music] do i keep going [Music] this is the bus stop right here [Music] wait for bus are we on the bus okay who in the bus ain't nobody in the bus it's just me because i'm about to bust they ass dash stop with these somebody getting in why oh okay i don't think that's that dude what the [ __ ] just happened how are you doing all right sir i feel safer because at least he's in the in the bus with me so it's like i feel a little safer about that by my heart what's good how are you doing [Music] you doing good all right maybe he got like one air potty we can't see it so he's like you know just kind of bumping a little bit like are we here [ __ ] is happening okay do i go do i go the way the bus is going where is my job oh here it is right here okay why am i hearing this [ __ ] here we go gotta talk to this dude again senpai dude put my stuff he not here today he might maybe all right well i'm just gonna put my [ __ ] away okay where is this [ __ ] that he did he you taking the trash out check the bathroom [Music] [ __ ] out of me best screams and surround sound you scared the [ __ ] out of me oh you're in the toilet i get it i get it he got jokes leave me alone when i'm in the restroom god get to work my mans be leaving real quick who is there a whole bunch of people out here drive-thru how you doing where to order where the order is she that is it right here how do i oh oh my bad it's right here how many shits hold up imma close this window because that [ __ ] is still loud as [ __ ] all right here we go thank you so much my man's bounced that quick all right oh no it was a hold up how did he okay oh boy here we go who is this [Music] working at this job for a hot minute they could at least make me assistant manager something out here team leader give me any kind of a position give me something good how you doing hey man you you're dripping today how are you today you look very sweet yoko how you doing yoko uh [Music] i like a green tea latte and one of those waffles too you are you alone i'll give you this if you like what this rosary bracelet is said to ward off evil you should keep it okay thank you for that there you go ma'am thank you have a great day say hello to your son and you know let him know um on wednesdays kids eat 50 off okay what what is that oh that's the that's the thing oh thank you do i put this on what do i do with this okay thank you ma'am oh she bounced real quick everybody late for work okay hello how can i help you uh sister aren't you a cute one are you by any chance a model of song or she trying to highlight me too damn no nothing particular what a waste i'm sorry but you uh should definitely make use of your style the style you got i mean do you oh that's me talking to her oh my bad give me your number what do do you want to introduce to my office what sorry no she's talking to me i'm not sure about that kind of thing i see i don't care if you if okay here you go baby girl thank you for the compliment too that was real sweet i appreciate that i mean maybe someday you know i'll give you the number or something so you can you know you know like maybe like if i'm done with this job they fire me or something you know say it could be something i might consider you know because because i got benefits here you know like dental plan and stuff like that i don't okay the [ __ ] okay is my man shirtless he's shirtless okay all right uh okay you kind of killing it hold up did somebody hire a stripper what's going on my man my man's killing okay i'm not even mad at him hey okay break it down what okay all right that's that's enough can i take your order hey it's so hot today i have a caramel chichala channel what okay he bounced what the [ __ ] just happened [Music] he did a one little deal before he left we just have to get one little dip in [Music] oh boy okay see this is when it start getting creepy clean toilet take out trash let me do the trash first okay now what hold that scare the [ __ ] out of me why is there a timer what the [ __ ] okay do i have to make the a latte do i have to make the order before [ __ ] i don't remember how to make a latte oh my god where's latte is it is it hot or cold okay coffee and steamed milk i'm about to die i'm dead wait no put it in the coffee [ __ ] i can't work on the pressure like this coffee i'm dead i'm dying steam milk how much time i don't even look at the time just get the [ __ ] done [ __ ] what are you doing where's the cup oh my god i'm dead give it to this dude what there's more how much time is on that 40 seconds latte latte i already forgot how to make it they know my attention span slow as [ __ ] can i put two cups in there i can okay steamer i'm dead guys this is a wrap for me this is this is it this is really it okay grab another another um milk and then what the [ __ ] did i grab oh boy guys um no i'm see i'm trying to multitask and it's um 10 seconds it well um oh god this is a dream i'm dreaming where do i go guys do i do i go outside i'm gonna get a big ass jump scare i know it okay that's locked where am i guys i can't see i'm okay it only made me it only made me like a little startle they didn't really like what okay it's december 17th they're watching me again coz is watching me what is it what is he doing okay check my closet again i don't know if they let me open this for a reason see it's not as dark this time check my bathroom hmm okay let's go is my car still busted have i gotten that fixed since let me check in my car works [Music] okay my car fixed i i think [Music] i'm at work just go straight to you already know what you gotta do put your [ __ ] away i said put okay [Music] he out there again he's what [Music] is that detective dude yo i need your help so my suspicions were through the what my suspicious was my suspicions was true i'm glad you connected uh me all right calling the police won't help all they'll do is brush things off and lessen their workload which is why you have people like me i'll take a look around and see if i can find anything he's dead sir you're about to die i'm just letting you know what you're about to hear a scream okay let me at least take care of this lady okay multiple customers what okay he's still gonna how you doing man okay i'll see you businesswoman i say what's going on with you oh is today the day of the photo shoot photo shoot what photo shoots i'm about no i don't think so why what but i saw something outside to oh he she saw someone outside taking pictures was taking pictures of the store um yeah the store and and you most likely oh boy should have done my makeup what all right there y'all ladies go y'all gonna have a good day all right i feel like i'm really out here working as many orders as i made out here are you repairing the store antenna at this hour somebody on the damn roof no ma'am why i saw someone on the roof oh boy what [ __ ] maybe what if the detective is the dude that i need to be worried about there shouldn't be anyone on the roof it could be an investigator oh the investigator maybe i should check it out it could have been my imagination nah ma'am you saw that anyway the drink please what i gave you the drink what you talking about all right so should i go out there like what's good oh there's a what is there gonna be more customers i'm trying to go to people's going on the roof [Music] what use the ladder check the roof where the hell is the ladder at where am i putting this damn ladder at what oh place the ladder okay climb yes okay we're about to go on the roof oh boy i don't like this already what what is that no hold on i might do i really i guess i have to oh boy [Music] where the [ __ ] am i [ __ ] the stalker been living here this dude's been staying here the whole time the investigator's dead now they're gonna have to investigate the investigator's delf um i have i have to close the store close the store okay what fast okay okay how do i what the [ __ ] wait what what what is that unlock the door yes where was the door at [ __ ] i can't see [ __ ] oh my god no don't go hold on okay now i'm scared what do i have to do what is this i gotta like count the money and what the [ __ ] [Laughter] yo i was not trained to do this flip the sign oh boy why they leave that for last i should have did that first somebody happened oh am i supposed to move oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me oh my god what am i doing he's still looking what the [ __ ] am i supposed to where's my stuff where's my stuff that's what i said i never put it in there though i'm dead oh no um why would i do that that's dumb why would i go back here this is dumb too what is that okay i just grabbed the screwdriver is that like for self defense or am i gonna hijack my uncle did he just do that i'm dead is this for self-defense why did i grab that okay i think i'm gonna go outside with this i think okay let me check the bathroom man i don't make sure he ain't in there what oh [ __ ] i'm glad i came in here watch him be in this [ __ ] this is taking too long [Music] i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead he got me that [ __ ] is almost in it it'll not take that long to watch something about to happen what the [ __ ] is happening is this a cutscene or is this me this is me where the [ __ ] do i go what what is that my car key [ __ ] my car way around the corner this ain't my [ __ ] that's his [ __ ] this is my [ __ ] over here whose car is that okay [Music] oh boy we're dead we're dead we're dead [Music] drive off he in my car do i get okay that's a cut scene here i'm dead though oh why did she hit the thing [Music] what the [ __ ] is happening is that is that a head pause okay the mouse was right there for some reason retry what the [ __ ] they talking about retry [ __ ] i died i did something different ah it's gonna take it from here hold on i got i don't know stop wait stop okay they go to detective um flip the clothes sign i have a let what did i do with the ladder okay i have it in case i could just whoop his ass with it place the ladder okay so you wait hold on hold on let me climb it yes wait so i placed a ladder there this is like another way out right i still gotta flip the clothes sign okay so let me hold up hold up hold up hold up go down the ladder okay cause obviously if you go to the front you go to your car you die what is that that's the ladder okay so my boys because we got to figure out another way out that's the thing okay he about to let me this is a creepy that [ __ ] is creepy y'all all right now let me let me go up the ladder right wait where the [ __ ] was it okay go up [ __ ] that [ __ ] about to come in here go yes go up okay but how could maybe like i could jump off the rooftops right okay i'll break [Music] okay you throw it to distract him they go to dead dude right there can i jump this way no no no you can't okay detective dude i'm sorry bro you try to help but you couldn't help me okay [Music] for real i'm about to home alone to him we bout to home alone to him [Music] he might still be alive he might still be alive i can't move [Music] what if he's still alive guys i can't i killed the man as i picked up the brick that men looked right at me if i didn't drop it i thought he would somehow get inside and kill me that may look terrifying i don't even know him why did he i had no choice i didn't mean to kill him i was scared [ __ ] i ran to the police i told the police everything that had happened then the police took me back to the scene and that man was no longer there there was no one there the police took me back home and told me to rest blah blah blah and went back to the investigation of the scene it's all over i'm tired after all that happened and now i want to rest peacefully at home and quit that damn job i read that kind of good i messed up a little bit but i was really trying to keep up with it but the man is still alive am i about to get killed i waiting for something to happen because the cable's acting weird again oh [ __ ] i should call the owner we bout to die what stop looking like that where's my phone oh come on man you know i'm done no i'm done with this stop that that's it no that's no wait wait here we go we're dead here we go get ready guys we're dead again i'm sure there's multiple endings and we're about to die we're dead again okay let's just let's go outside we're dead again we're gonna die again the [ __ ] is this ringing coming we're dead just get ready for the jump scare [Music] oh boy you popping up [Music] this is where we met where that just pop up play i already know you out here they want me to go back to my apartment now [Music] come on man i'ma tell you right now we about to get jump scare but i'm done that's it [Music] i'm done here we go he's in my place [Music] just there we go here we go [Music] let's get it over with [Music] what the [ __ ] just happened [Music] all right [Music] or common ass music i only want to hear it the closing shelf that was a journey y'all first of all i felt like i was really working at this coffee shop making all these damn coffees and [ __ ] i hope y'all enjoyed it please thumbs up i've been recording for like two hours and change i love you i'ma see y'all soon i hope y'all enjoyed it i don't know if there might be more endings but we've seen two of them so i'm happy with that i'm done how's your boy [ __ ] i'm i'm about to go get some starbucks stop late how much more y'all
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 1,480,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dashiegames, dashiexp, dashie, the closing shift, horror, spooky, scary, gameplay, full game, best, ending, worst, all endings, playthrough, lmao, lol, funny moments, hilarious, commentary, starbucks, chilla's art
Id: KrEpcuGedTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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