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uh-oh let me let me check hold on oh hey who said I was late hold on hold on oh wait [Music] ah yo okay so I'm right on town see you like that cuz you're like super y'all somebody y'all be lying let me take a swig of water okay how's everybody doing [Music] what's a hack I got two seconds late I'll take that I mean you know it's better than being like 60 seconds late I'm trying okay [ __ ] all right I look good [Music] bust it down - you gotta let me go better stop alright um make sure everything runs smooth before I get started now today we're playing one two three passively five games worst-case scenario three good scenario form best-case scenario fine but we're gonna see we're gonna see what happens um let's yeah let me wait just a little bit let me wait just a little bit before we get started what's on the list you may ask we have these are games that I haven't played in over a year all right so let me make sure that everything's good before I continue with my spill when do I ever use that okay [Music] look good you look good I look good all right so um okay I already see donations memberships as always we're gonna go through them um you know you don't at the end of the screen but let me see this one take over reactions fifty bucks I see you that's crazy [Music] I remember I said a freestyle set is like years of gold I I wrote that I actually got notes today I'm very organized yeah yeah like I forgot my freestyle nightmare okay okay I think I got it oh hello nightmares is never-ending I know you're scared to stop pretending oh hey look it was fired I gotta pull it up and play for y'all because this freestyle was so fired to me in the beat stopped somebody said play Momo look I'm not I'm staying away from that game there's a lot of controversy going on with it I heard some things I don't know what's going on I'm staying away from that game I don't know more like no no okay we're staying away from that now let's go through this list really quick I'm I'm I start playing in a second but I just wanted to tell y'all huh so nightmare neverending nightmares which is the name of this game right here I haven't played this for five years it's been five years since I played this game so I kind of want to see if I still liked it if it still held up um so you know what I'm gonna start it I'm gonna start it right now it was all conscious get thrown just jump right into it let me show you this good okay everything looks good telling me to continue I want to start from the beginning let me select the nightmare the nightmare begins a coming storm lost child let's start from the beginning alright oh okay she don't got step okay damn this bring back memories anybody who's been with me for a minute John remember this distance I used to I love that the stylet is everything okay can you interact with stuff or like do you just I forgot how to how to how to do shits they can touch it with your mouth I all god I can't eat push maybe you maybe you don't do anything cuz I already forgot how to play this oh my let me let me let me let me see something hold on cuz I'm [ __ ] up key what the hell's our key bindings what is that what does that mean okay um Interactive space all right here we go resume okay you got to interact with space here we go get him grunts okay yeah he can walk faster and you take the mouse out of the squeeze so it looks better for y'all there we go okay [Music] is there anything you can turn up with here can he go peepee or anything all right he's not gonna go peepee so we got to manage our time right here because I want to play a few games let me see I'm trying to see I'm trying to see what you guys are talking about other cats I just remember a big-ass baby following you that's all I remember okay no-nobody smile realism we're just gonna keep walking with it I'm trying trying to I'm trying to multitask looking at NIH at this game look hella stupid ah in my look hella stupid you know what should we just skip to the good stuff is that because I don't remember if anything juicy happens okay he needs to calm the [ __ ] down I look good let me just check a couple more doors in that city I want to get chased or something hey I saw something it startled your boy Lupe I saw something right there I think I remember something happening here oh hi hi hi they got your boy a little bit oh wait I see you Christie all up hold on Christie give me a second Chris why is he so out of breath okay some meat grinder [Music] got a butcher's knife is there a big-ass butcher about to start chasing here I don't remember oh we outside now alright let me not let them run too much cuz this [ __ ] I see what okay after sec hold up wait a sec what what is what okay he really need to calm the [ __ ] down alright go examine this I think you have to examine that you're still sleeping you promised we need for breakfast oh oh are you okay she hungry hey I'm sorry I'm fine Oh besides you always promised you take care of your little sister oh she's out to the homeless Dennis all right let me see what's going on now hold on I just wish he didn't want out of grab so fast here young man he should not be okay I'm gonna give it a little bit more 200cc I see a figure right there right on my arm getting cut off right right there you see it oh no that's not a figure that's just oh oh oh we got side views I don't know about y'all but I think this graph is is kind of cool like specially for a horror game there's some really eerie about this [ __ ] [Music] okay come on come on maybe I wasn't supposed to go that way when does a giant baby start chasing you okay I don't see anything here we gotta keep it moving if nothing start popping off we bout the next day hold up don't oh it's real dark right here okay this is boarded up okay let's try to go up we're gonna be dogs about it let me see okay go up here there's a door I'm not quite sure what the square footage of this home is by ah [ __ ] is a little dark hole up I feel like some butter they got me with that one alright they got me they got me a little bit they got me a little bit oh go in this room so again if you're just joining I am playing horror games that I used to play back in the day this one I haven't played for five years five years my boys go this way okay I think okay we got to grab that so does this mean now we can go in that dark a spaceman whoa hold up okay that's my twin brother Bobby dead right there on the ground my God why have you forsaken me okay oh wait okay that's are we supposed to interact with this I get the [ __ ] out of here that [ __ ] top of that all right we good where she still coming all right we already been here I think we have to go back and we have to go to that basement let's see what's in the basement and I heard something Oh [ __ ] stop this should have a stamina bar so that you know look y-you gotta stop all right so again with the same jump-scare that Gandhi we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna keep off for a little bit then we're gonna next but we got to give it a little bit of a chance I've only been playing for like ten minutes okay is this the basement I don't remember no it's not and I think I had to go that way maybe not okay stop running here we go go in here okay this is not the basement either let me go up that hallway right here okay that's where the board is so here's the basement right here here we go oh I'm hearing some [ __ ] already matter of fact let's turn around at Sears my mom kidding I'm kidding are you know what okay come on he about to see swoosh it oh that's okay grab that [ __ ] oh-oh-oh-oh further for the wood we got to cut the wood with this I gotta walk back into pure darkness [Music] do I still have the ax oh it's right there I was about to ask y'all max y'all I'm sorry I'm real I do apologize for that one I'm sorry okay okay wrong way wrong way let's go let's go cut that that would I just want to get chased by something that's what I want to do the lights behind me is getting I'm hearing y'all hearing the chains alright I'll let him breathe let him breathe go [ __ ] I hear them thick-ass footsteps and them changed okay here we go handle that handle that can have a sip of water with my water at I have to keep pushing it that [ __ ] about to get me if I don't hurry go okay now we're going with up on a Friday sorry okay um here we go okay we in the Attic I guess that's what's up I because we're up do I cut her down what do I do with her well she been smoking haha cuz her eyes was all right is this when I get chased I'm hearing music getting a little freaky little strange I see some flowers oh [ __ ] about to get real it's about to get real that's why they let me in here I might be rambha I only brought one snack with me and that's Lucky Charms I'm gonna eat them host DRI DRI a cereal because I was in a rush and it was the first thing I seeked so I grabbed that are we going down back to the scary-ass basement um I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it like another 5 maybe 10 minutes and then we're gonna switch games because we just gonna keep switching on but I just want to at least see something wait where am I okay that's a little [ __ ] with the flowers again let me see what's in here okay that doll just blinked I see a nun I want none of her huh huh it's getting darker and doctor oh my god he's really nervous now come on give me some juicy can you say am i going backwards Wow mr. giant baby I'm [ __ ] he already so he's stupid baby yeah your baby I'm right here for you can't see me baby that little baby was on slow y'all wanted that creatine wait everybody was thinking oh he coming back [ __ ] hold up hold up okay okay he's still sniffing oh I gotta wait I gotta wait for him to go back that way and then I gotta come out and go the other way here we go all right come on baby come on bring your low-fat when you love fat ass over your baby come on let's go here we go okay he gonna snip he gonna snip this down go here we call my boys he hurt me is he coming where I can't use up all my stamina okay go up here okay here's no fat-ass fit through this I don't know that's Eddie somebody said that's piggy piggy do baby it's legit does look like him all right here we go aye that creep creep would you [ __ ] what the baby's not down here right there's no way his little dick guys can make it down here go through this door see what's over here okay the little flower shits maybe they okay this is a dead end room stop with that maybe he got asthma maybe I shouldn't I'll leave him alone maybe he got some kind of asthmatic issue I never used that before but asthmatic issue just sounded sounded right to me so no dark up in here pacing like an episode of goosebumps they think think think nope okay here we go I don't know when we got oh he gonna be here he's gonna be here let me just go in here cuz I already know they giving me a closet let's go there's a little fat ass sitting down here but don't use all your stamina just in case oh he might be here though go in there right go in here let me see what's in here do they want me to look at these for some reason I don't know there's nothing else in here keep it moving there's a picture of him on the wall in his foot in his frame it's a framed picture of ham so I know that's the baby room cuz that boy's thick [Music] and we're looking real suspicious just there let me see what's in this room Ola Ola wait I'm almost done I know some people don't like this game can't please everybody I just want to see what's the deal with big baby baby oh my boys were already about to run out of stamina It's A Wrap he gave him a deadly ass hug hello how far am i from that area is that's where it happens right there okay this is what we gonna do we're gonna walk normally okay hold on when you see him go run for your life he's too fast he comes in here okay go go in here that beads gonna bust through like nemesis mr. X it's gonna fall I knew it I knew it and then that [ __ ] don't fell and woke up okay all right here we go baby huh okay keep going this way I feel like that's not the last of baby we're gonna see look they got a closet right here for you to hide in okay run I hear him I hear him bad he saw me and my fault oh he's stupid that is it okay he's here stupid [ __ ] I mean babies ain't supposed to be that smart but he look like he on some kind of supplement you don't know how to open it alright get the [ __ ] out go oh you didn't see me right womper not but don't use up all your stamina should I hide there too okay relax don't use your stamina huh keep it going what hiccup hey I was right there just say okay yeah I'll see you super he got some thick-ass milk oh okay okay he goes shaking the [ __ ] again all right hold on I'm literally giving it five more minutes then I'm switching how am I supposed to get over there though he's got to walk past me he's got to walk this way so let's wait for him a little bit and then and then we gonna switch the next game I hear them but this [ __ ] okay here we go he stops I think I know what I have to do I think I have to get him to come all the way to the other closet oh no I there's another one right here right there going there okay now he's gonna go this way I go here we go okay we've gone with up on a doctored Empire ICU he's the one that makes a little cute animation ICU the low part to eat alone drawings ICU okay go all right okay I feel like you're gonna wake up right here oh my boy why why would you okay now he woke he woke up in a padded room now because that way he did was crazy can I get out [ __ ] is going down outside are they gonna lock my [ __ ] oh they did unlock my [ __ ] okay here we go okay now we in an insane asylum oh you can see wait there's a jump-scare in one of these be a thug about it watch I'm gonna watch watch me close yeah I know alright maybe there isn't I don't know I think it's this one okay so there wasn't a jump-scare okay I took a hell on that but we're gonna keep it moving though you gotta get a key for that okay relax with your breathing situation bro go up here we got two more minutes then I'm switching if there really isn't a jump-scare is a missed opportunity my boys okay are there something there okay here we go maybe maybe here see see they tricked your boy I'm gonna tell you why because they put the text on the wall right they put the text on the wall and then and then they want you to read the [ __ ] so I saw that hole up they want you to read this as far as your focus on that [ __ ] some [ __ ] from here says go and [ __ ] your [ __ ] up they got me props I give him props on that and I still ain't read what it said here we go okay can I get like a giant a giant baby doctor something to come chase your boy okay there's nothing here let's keep it moving let's make this one minute be something good I see blood okay Nick this kind of give me outlast fives a little bit wait some does kill you here I think there are like these little mosses and [ __ ] that come out here okay this is open now hold on hold on oh the blind guys come out okay there's how many steps I just wanna see what's down here and then we switching it then we switching they're my boys they're already out i'ma let one of them kill me hold on let me see something they might be out already Ola give me resident evil - vibes you know cuz like they blind like the liquors you feel me so that's why it's giving me the Resident Evil 2 vibes I'm not going in there and look stupid let's keep it moving over here too many doors too many options I don't like that can somebody kill me please they better not get me with another jump scare while I'm looking inside these shits okay okay there you go [Applause] hi I don't know I don't know if you got her like not make noise or what it is with that part but hi it is what it is um let's go to the next game come on hopefully I have a smooth transition into the next game give me a second ah let me quit this okay you guys doing good though everybody you know got you a little snacks let me know I mean you know go straight for the marshmallow you owe me alright um let's do let me check that one off the list I'm very organized today it's one of these pants that you like switch to low I got this one in Japan actually this one's from their Gundam Gundam gun damn good damn cafe um you you got the switches the little colors no okay I think I don't use the Father blue okay so we did that one or this one should be back some memories for y'all let me see I know when I opening is gonna be full screen so let me switch that up oh it didn't it was it was it was windowed okay good here we go my boys swap that over there trying to do a smooth transition recognizes the music already who recognizes the music hah let me go to the chat who recognizes the music [Music] maybe she was gonna get it I saw that hundred dollar donation it's a game I haven't played in a while somebody said it Kyla color Kyla saw Karen Carla Williams all right here we go I'm gonna show you out right now what it is okay hold on BAM [Music] [Music] bring it back that memory now as far as Wilke all right Rick I have not played in four years it's been four years since I played Wilk y'all like it y'all can so that I stop that okay I'm just kidding all right now um make sure everything smooth everything running smooth okay hey hey you know what let's continue where I left off cuz it'll make it juicier it'll be juicier it'll be tougher we don't have to go through the beginning stages where it's boring y'all continue imma be a thought about it we're just gonna continue it here we go damn you're the memories I mean like sure I knew so what we haven't hung out since junior high when he joined some website and stopped caring about real life oh I got a I got a hit space oh I dropped ah I dropped the cereal hold up no I gotta find that I got a [ __ ] mmm okay let me hit space it's 3:00 a.m. okay I really don't know I see it it's wait how the hell did it get let me get my fit guys throw to get it okay I got it I got it I gotta warm up though here we go eat throw back memories from bought throw back memories does his stamina run out like the oh I fell okay let me go let me go back up cuz I wanted that candle okay we're gonna go back up the bridge already okay do-do we just eat and switch it out what the [ __ ] if i push e no no no how do you I forgot how to is it L how do you light the [ __ ] there's a way to like roll ah ah no see wait a second hold on control now since it master Bob where the [ __ ] is the [ __ ] menu no resume we're gonna be talks about it e see it's already it's already wearing out let me click on it ql4 lights elf itself okay it's elf remember that cuz I'm not gonna remember it okay do I have a map I don't have a map I don't I'm am I just wandering around aimlessly alright song it's a little homey don't scare me then we're gonna be alright oh wait I see I see our sparkles I see sprinkles and sparkles I see them okay let me go that way does he have stamina cuz I don't remember Oh Oh black fox I see you [Music] little brown gotta stop you bout to whup my ass I don't know what I pushed I push something that made him stop and like do something with the candle okay we're gonna continue home home gonna suck him I were getting warmed up I haven't played this in four years boom here we go we're going back in he over here on the trees like he in the root or something just chillin running like this let's go say yeah pick that up here we go okay if you are just joining how you guys doing I have no milk I'm eating this dry ass cereal right now um if you're just joining you missed neverending nightmares I just played that now we switched over to Wilk okay I'm looking for sprinkles and sparkles and so far I'm not seeing sprinkles and sparkles okay so your stamina does run out candle wearing now okay that dollar store candle it ain't even waxes facts it's like it's like fate wax I'm sorry there I see sprinkles and sparkles go towards it Wow he need to stop doing that I lost the sprinkles and sparkles which direction wants it that [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me can I get a candle you're legit where oh I see them I see sprinkles of sparkles but now oh I have I have lighters I have lighters I mean matches I'm [ __ ] up [Music] that's barely any damn life I dropped another one all right we won't have another at it now go at it I see some people saying a play this play this I'm not gonna say the names but I I know what y'all want don't worry sure I knew so what we haven't hung out since junior high when you [ __ ] I got y'all Oh y'all gonna get what y'all want it's coming all right here we go all right come on let's let me stop here go for the sprinkle in the sparkle just go straight to it all right don't use your stamina yet cuz when little homie get to come in you better get the running oh we got another candle can I just take it elf II I mean it's got more shits than the one I just had so I might as well I just heard something where I lost the sprinkles and sparkles I lost it I feel like it was in this direction I see new members are senior members hold up there's a sign here camp what the [ __ ] was that what was that is there anything on these seats what is that okay I just got an item I saw a sprinkle in the sparkle it's a memory okay it might have been the thick ass baby from the previous game we just played stop I can't eat oh yes I need you else hold up I hear somebody what the [ __ ] am I here stampede ah okay hold on I see a sprinkle we're gonna go towards it I'm a little focused right now my boys hole up I heard I heard something he's coming he's about to fall from the tree where is he [Music] usually when you hear that that means that bears coming I think you just have to survive a certain amount of time and that's it go towards the sprinkle oh [ __ ] is he coming right now is he fall is he chasing me right now I think he's on my ass I couldn't hear that [ __ ] footsteps I'm done I'm stuck oh he went away oh my god I would have but it would have been a wrap if he didn't give up see if he gave up guess what happened oh I'm losing my shits I hear footsteps whose footsteps is that [ __ ] pull out a match okay I see you sprinkle go towards it I feel like it should have been at least four yeah okay where is he I'm under the bridge oh hey pull out another one can you forget whoa I know y'all ain't seen him but he was right there to the right I'm stuck no I'm not I'm good I'm good I got this he got me he got me I'm going too slow I'm out of stamina okay I'm good how many more matches I got three I was walking towards something oh [ __ ] it's a rap it's the rat this [ __ ] is doing [ __ ] so he was doing some Naruto [ __ ] what is all of this oh yes grab that [ __ ] II barely made that match [ __ ] oh stop don't use your don't use your arm your shits stamina that's what I meant I assume like y'all know what it is when I say shit's cuz [ __ ] could be anything I think that was a checkpoint I think that was where I want to run but I don't want to use my stamina I'm [ __ ] go on the bus [ __ ] is this the same bus I was before what is it coming in here watch them hit me from the back don't do it don't do it okay okay so I have my escape route on the UM from the back right my shits wearing out oh my [ __ ] that [ __ ] don't dropped out the tree hold up oh my god I don't have any life I can't run and turn that [ __ ] on there's a sparkle right here right here I don't know what it is there it is it's a candle am I supposed to do something with this I know y'all see that right the the the the the little girl from the ring don't put her on now she's tired of being bored in that [ __ ] she like throw me a switch okay like seriously what time is it right now because I feel like I feel like I should have beaten the game already I don't understand how long you have to somebody's coming hold on hold on get ready nope that's a day [ __ ] I bet y'all he's running like Naruto right now oh this was stupid why did I go this way now it's okay I was able to JUCO let's go on the bridge [Music] when I do that he whupped my ass what did I do to him 3 am still nah this game broke um there's no way in hell you gonna tell me that it was only 3 a.m. right though hi miss Alma last year what what is this last year's [ __ ] is that like a that might have been like a a update we're gonna check it out then we bout to switch in my plane last you play how y'all doing some Isaac is our disappearance of local teen Travis Burton the controversial internet personality known online as t Bubber host an urban legend video series that recently exploded in popularity Duncan can you bring me some Dunkin Donuts [ __ ] I'm hungry tell my please Duncan that's the way you gotta make it up to me you better get some food over here coming at you with my latest episode you guys sure are loving the scary stuff 500,000 views on that last one what this time we are investigating a story about a broken family tragic [ __ ] no you're trying to get them YouTube views man if I've done my research and you know I have then this should be the actual property Dunkin Donuts you don't want to miss this seriously tonight is the night all right here we go if the legend is true there should be an old unmarked grave site around here remember if you know of any spooky places that I should go make sure to drop a comment down but if I drop a light no let's go see here bad youtuber oh oh oh that's him moving I'm like oh this is me now I get to play at this black ass youtuber he always drop a drop of comment what about drop of light what about ring that notification bell hey but if y'all want to bring that notification bro I saw that Carmen Tara I'm not even gonna say tonight today you're wrong oh you you're wrong you're wrong I'm not even gonna say men I see you I see what y'all typing I see y'all know bad already go I'm not gonna go there I'm not gonna go there I hate here we go oh my god y'all y'all y'all yo hold up hey at least he got a flashlight at least he got a flashlight here we go okay Slenderman Bob's okay Oh for real don't play what if I don't check that out oh [ __ ] can I go in here stop [ __ ] around is this round supposed to go whoo [ __ ] oh my boy okay do I go in this little creepy ass house why would you go in here well there's a key well I saw it finders keepers it's a damn key hot dogs okay I'm getting Friday 13th vibes it's a lot of vibes dark really flashlight really can I go in the water knock you're not through the fly guys okay full moon - I'm getting werewolf vibes Alice can we go in the bus no we can't I don't know what this key is for I just heard I just heard a door in the middle of the voice to go to a camp like this well that's creepy but yeah okay the key might be to one of these cabins what the [ __ ] are these sounds you don't get a map with nothing I swear I put new batteries in this thing Oh Dollar Store batteries that's why your [ __ ] [ __ ] up okay we're gonna walk this way alright taught by Aerosmith okay mmm that didn't scare me they tried though alright I'm gonna give this how many minutes seven minutes seven minutes and I want to do I'm nesting give me some give me a jump-scare give me something are we walking towards something come on come on don't fail me now okay maybe this better not be the one that I came in at I think I think my ass is winning a circle okay I did go in a circle that's all right we're gonna go the opposite way now I'll take the L for that doctor give me else but they don't give you a map em nope maybe you have to collect the map and I don't have it we're gonna walk across a little fence line yeah come on that's right cuz I'm getting bored yeah yeah at least that's entertaining me a little bit wait I think I see a nothing I'm seeing nothing we don't know what this youtubers gonna do here this better not be can I can I open that no I can't okay I'll let Jay have gone in a full circle now let me try it one of these cabins don't make them like they used to my ass up about to get next to it real quick this is the same one that I've already been into how are you supposed to know which way to go my voice I see y'all with the necks and trust me it will get nexted real quick but I wanted to give it a chance with the dam I got the key I heard something I want something to happen look I'm walking towards the fence again I'm done I'm done I'm done yes I'm done next all right let's keep it moving let's keep it moving let me see I hope we have a smooth transition give me a second I'm gonna need you out of here the name of the game to see if y'all could figure it out let me see cuz it might start fullscreen hold on a second boo Oh y'all could see it jakka see it already all right would that ruin the surprise but here we go [Music] I've dropped it where did it which I won't be able to sleep the knife I don't know where that [ __ ] is all right remind me to look for it later because I did just drop one and it's bothering the [ __ ] out of me all right here we go this game right here my boys this this bring back memories brings back some em okay let me oh it's not letting me out of the screen so what if I want to turn the [ __ ] volume down how do i all right whatever we're just gonna roll with it J has got E I see you my boy let's just [ __ ] this is going this is going I appreciate that Emily all right I never beat this game ever where I probably never will but you know we go oh god woman not try to beat it but we're gonna lose our plate here we go just a flashlight okay so it's f to grab [ __ ] not E it's gonna [ __ ] me up okay make sure the volumes alright I feel like it's a little low it's not letting me out of this damn window though it's [ __ ] me up we just kind of roll with it for now they're not fixed it fixed it fix it I'm [ __ ] up okay all right so we don't run into homie real quick well maybe when the music pop off it might uh okay I see that the volume does go up when I start walking around I don't like that it's F why is it F to open [ __ ] I'm used to I'm used to eat and it's [ __ ] with me okay I don't I don't know if I'm ready for this damn I monster down here gives me anxiety yeah I can't I can't have that [ __ ] what's gonna hit me okay let's see what's in here I don't like this I don't like this F [ __ ] [Music] somebody said what is he playing this game is called monstrum and oh I've been giving you all the the I haven't played this in September of 2017 so did not play it at all last year but I did play the year before that 2017 with the homie shadow cuz I wanted to scare the [ __ ] out of them who I just heard some [ __ ] isn't that is it that our oil monster Oh hold up we got something I keep pushing easy that's gonna [ __ ] me up how do you go through your shits what no I hear big buddy I don't know where he's at it's hard to tell if he's above or below your boy let's go let's go up okay I already came from there so let me go this way does your stamina run out okay Oh see I was gonna say I already been here but I haven't because this [ __ ] is not the activator yet I think the monster walks around and on does these so he can [ __ ] you up where you running Oh watch out okay my flashlights are no uh okay I'll do this [ __ ] let me see what's down here did I don't do that one okay I've been here all right let's go up slowly cuz I feel like he's up here power drill massacre okay oh yeah I need that I think must on his lunch break y'all he is not coming out that [ __ ] heard what I said has he come is he really gonna follow me oh [ __ ] okay I think I could test why come what did I complete be scared is he coming oh my god the wait then is he running he got me I can't I bit my lip all right I thought I thought I could outrun him right there but I went the wrong direction and that little the look he's sabotage me with my own with the strength what is that oil [ __ ] out here I lost all the items I caught I got my boys I'm not happy about that oh not this [ __ ] oh come on oh [ __ ] is he coming I know y'all saw that [ __ ] okay I can go this way it's this way it's not the way I can't go so let me in case I'm running again it just switches it from one to the other oh that's that [ __ ] okay well here's the helicopter okay does it do the same thing yeah that's alright let's go for some items my boys we gotta go back in should I go light Lolo no no let's go this way elf Oh what is this oh that's a glow stick okay nothing else let's keep it moving wait there's another door right here [ __ ] oh that's out I'll take a hell for that that was that was the same door I just opened I thought it was a new door [ __ ] open that one come on give me some juice some pop no damn pop on let's say I'll give it to the monster baby I thank you okay I don't have any fuses I refuse to do sorry okay up or down let's go down I heard footsteps we're gonna give it a look okay I don't know why I'm gonna grab that but I'll grab it go on give it a little bit more time then we're going next but for now let's keep it moving I don't like this F [ __ ] give me e APIs for flashlights okay don't next it okay I mean I'm I'm saying I'm I'm not on the next date yet but you know I'm gonna I'm gonna play it for a little bit and keep it moving because I have two more games I want to play I think okay we're gonna go down there's usually an item I think that Moss is in here made too much noise my boys okay they ain't [ __ ] okay go up can I go up did my [ __ ] give up Capelli see [ __ ] darkest [ __ ] what my blow stick at g4 blow stick okay here we go Oh got another one where is it [ __ ] it let's go mosses is chilling right now they probably play Monopoly or some [ __ ] keep going f this is to the outside I'll take that okay we're gonna go up where we at till five okay we've been here so let's go to dil 660 it's gotta be something here what is that what is this what is that [ __ ] what do you do what do you do with this do you distract the master with it okay opening getting a lot of [ __ ] glow sticks all right keep it moving I'm getting carpal tunnel keep going up on that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is coming okay we got the gas more gas all right we're gonna arm okay you could push this too what you could do something right here that's for the boat right okay you need you probably need power for that my boys I'm out the next is what does it say child of the 90s what does that mean oh it's an achievement y'all can see it here well I'm about to guys [ __ ] go with the locker hit the lock her up he got me one more time that's it I'm just gonna going one more time and that's it then we got a switch that's why I never beat this game so y'all have a lot of patience you run it around there's like a million rooms hold on look you run around you don't you don't find net another thing all right come on all right don't use or a fuse okay bring that I'm gonna take it one floor at a time that's my problem I'm scattered all over the place okay you I'm in Duke six right now six five so we're gonna take it there you go you got the gas we're gonna play it smart this time around all right let me see what's over here move that it's be safe okay here on that magical [ __ ] okay no don't don't leave till 6:00 yet look around somewhere that's where you came in from okay we're gonna play smart no don't go yet you gonna fall through that going here okay so is that the exact same room I was do that okay you know I don't think they have anything in the locker what the [ __ ] I couldn't do that earlier okay where is that one area that that you could fall through let me go that way and fall through it I don't think you died Oh what okay you can get back up all right go through him okay we got another fuse I refuse to leave that behind it's the door right here okay was it the kitchen okay we got a lighter okay okay you got some possum family what this is Hell's Kitchen we're going Ramsay yeah big buddy's here I can hear that [ __ ] Pig gasps footsteps get ready to bounce I don't know what floor he's at though I see the lightweight oh no that's that's the light from this I didn't go this way okay can I open okay okay that's a new object that means that you need to find like a key of some [ __ ] alright now we can go down now that I went through everything here you cuz I heard I heard his thick ass footsteps alright now we're gonna go up to seven I hope this is not where he went this lease the outside leave that [ __ ] open nothing here let's go security broom put a [ __ ] there he saw me I'm [ __ ] or not that [ __ ] - he's still coming I know he's not still following me where am i okay I think I lost him but he's [ __ ] at my group cause your boy was you know I was organized with my [ __ ] alright so we're gonna go back in I hear him right you don't fall through that okay what am i do why oh there's a camera right there just leave all your doors open I meant till 5:00 that I started on six okay so let's explore deal five is there a fuse box here not reading that [ __ ] all right let's keep it moving nothing okay keep it going do I have to go that way yes I do I gotta go towards camera oh [ __ ] oh man ooh where the [ __ ] is he he saw me he saw me is it coming we took a strike he got me he got me he got me he's right behind me y'all hold up oh my god that [ __ ] running it's a running lesson oh my god go in go in go in pop back hit them corners [ __ ] no no don't go through there I'm crying y'all my boys took running lessons um I didn't even know that was a thing but yeah he uh he got a ain't runnin class y'all cuz huh then when my boy will stomp it oh [ __ ] yeah we next in it um yeah okay whoo let me close that oh alright let's move everything whoo okay running lessons yeah okay what's the next game I have on the list here let me put a checkmark next to this bout oh that was rude I'm sorry you know sometimes you drink a lot of water and like you know just like have to you know you know if I was around like you know like my parents they would probably like smack the [ __ ] out of me cuz that's rude you know you don't just like but you know it's normal nowadays like you know I'm saying but but still it's like you know it's it's just it's kind of rude you know to just like you know okay y'all can hear but can't see it yet so I'm gonna move it ah oh I'm stuck in it now oh [ __ ] am i stuck in it hold on I think I'm stuck in it I have to wait till it okay there's let me move now bear with me I gotta make it so y'all could see it man live streaming you know you never know what's gonna happen you know I mean uh boom which one is it do this one okay here we go um all right this game right here the beast inside I played this about one year ago um I remember it gave me one of my biggest jump scares except for the one that I just had a couple days ago with uh what's that game I just played stay out of the house that Judge if y'all haven't seen that game play yet oh [ __ ] it's uh it messed your boy up okay I was gonna reach for a doubt sheep lucky but he's kind of like a little far away and I don't want to get up because then y'all gonna see you know like my dire situation and I don't I don't feel like you know we should y'all should I should be live-streaming dire situation that's like too much it's like a lot of time so I don't want that to be a thing but yeah I think I could just start from chapter two will that door ready yeah cuz chapter 1 I think it's just you're doing a lot of stupid [ __ ] we'll start it from chapter 1 cuz I could just go through it really quick okay um I'm gonna start I just want to read all y'all chat a little bit I really wanted a sheep lucky but hold on let me let me do it carefully I don't want the thighs to be on the stream okay here we go egg dadsy blood sheet how you doing bro hey hey how come your headphones is not connected hey maybe they wireless but when the last time you charged them shits he only ever charged him shits I like a chance out of him that's my super mario maker buddy and stuff so like by the way I'm gonna see y'all tomorrow at the Super Mario maker premiere so I'm gonna see y'all tomorrow here we go go go to chapter 1 and let's go it's been a whole year so I still never found that one that I dropped earlier don't let me forget before the end of the stream cuz if I don't find that on my screen ah nothing honey yeah sure I can I'll take the boxes and sauce for you on a baby girl let's go okay here we go okay here we go back there you go she just said put a massage she ain't say nothing about put him like neatly oh Jesus thing is heavy we go yeah what to take them to so now you want me to take them to the Attic okay okay on the attic situation okay right there hold on I think I need okay this is all locked oh okay yeah I remember now you need this [ __ ] cue to take okay that's a different it's they they keep switching the buttons cute how do you go to inventory oh you just you don't you just grab it like that okay there we go bring that down bring that okay bring there you go bring the [ __ ] down bring the bring the steps down come on don't get just [ __ ] hit like you ever got hit right here there's a little bone about that [ __ ] hurts a lot sweetie do you have the key for this okay okay the dining room I'm gonna check the dining room what is she doing now you know what sweetie sorry okay check the drawers okay uh-uh-uh-uh-uh sweetie not here sweetheart I don't see you in the dining it ain't out here not here oh okay she needs to get her [ __ ] together okay okay so it's now us in the car it was all a can I just say these references kind of clean did this game come out did this game never come out I don't remember because this is like a demo to the game all these all this for some there okay we got the attic key let's go got cute really here we go um this is the gateway this game I think I remember what game it is it's called the beast inside paws up no but uh here we go open that up okay what I just saw you could take something what is that why do they let you grab that okay you got to bring some boxes up here so let's take let's take some boxes buy some boxes I mean one box that's it all right it's really necessary to hold onto all of these shoes it does say photos on the box unless they are mixes mislabeled him oh my god [ __ ] if you don't okay let's put this box next to the others see what we have here all right you have to get the crowbar see my memory meets is working a little bit just a little bit please let it be money hey this could be money take it the Pawn Stars dude you never know okay grab this okay take that okay take that does anybody remember what the baddy a Halle Berry the the password is faith damn hey you quit with Joseph Rosa hold up hey Rosa I got some faith in you wait a second I see you I see you okay open that [ __ ] up got another key Nicola Nicola ski okay grab the [ __ ] I'm pretty you Nicholas somebody said me since the password was thought to Yahoo hey don't drop any the password just think with two Z's I think you could spell that out Oh 27 September 18 600 1864 this place looks exactly like on the day I left it so many years had passed away only the overwhelming silence helps me distinguish past residence why would you do that maybe the best would be not to think about it thanks I better check if everything is in its own place it is getting late I should find some candles to light up while there's still some light they told me that it would be a good idea to start writing down everything okay so be it you can go outside hold on look creepy out there uninvited guests I do have a skit called that okay is my objective just to light up what am i doing just a light of candles I saw something glistening crouched what the [ __ ] was that move this [ __ ] okay it's adding [ __ ] to my inventory but I don't know what it is okay on crouch f no [ __ ] put that [ __ ] down its darkest X oh it was X to light the match okay little IBB I'm wrong for that this is glistening e to inspect okay it's an old last picture okay alright put it down what lift heavy hold over them and pull them ok but why they telling me that X there's a candle right there e to inspect okay that's a check is that a check hey how much doubt check hills $400 a back dando 1864 $400 was like a good 445 honey I just made that up but it sounds legit lasted music Yolo what was the music rolling like that for a second don't like that the [ __ ] is that put that [ __ ] away okay see my match keep going this is them 1864 matches why is the music they got a lot of junk drawers in this [ __ ] all right one more one more drawers in there okay let's keep it hold on it's a little dark it closed that [ __ ] I don't like this oh that [ __ ] amor now there's a mess right there let it take one match to light a camp I just used two of them oh my I'm wasting matches I just used two matches for being stupid because I hit this [ __ ] twice that is a cheap what is that oh my god now it's dark as [ __ ] what am i holding what put that [ __ ] down okay now I'm a little nervous cuz this [ __ ] what is that X where I can't see nothing there's something glistening and I can't grab it X oh [ __ ] okay should we go outside Can I grab the kid no okay I grab more matches okay can I go this way now can I move this all right we're gonna go upstairs hell not oh we got a lamp take that [ __ ] how do I use that [ __ ] else all right now we got that good camera see it'll like the damn conjuring house like from the movie what's this what the [ __ ] just do Oh all right I don't give a [ __ ] about that let's go alright let's go downstairs what is my objective oh you could you could turn that on okay I like that all right we're gonna go outside can we turn that that my boy turning it a little slow can I help them this is called the beast inside for people asking what game is this no this is not the last game I'm playing another game is anything happening what the [ __ ] can I like this ha see why am I going deep in the woods ok good I'm glad they don't let you go back there let's go behind the house there's a [ __ ] he's going to [ __ ] that's what okay I missed something in the house we need to go back in the house can I go through here yes I can no I know I can't there's something blocking the damn door alright let's go back in the house we missed something y'all I'm gonna give this game another 15 minutes tops light these shits oh [ __ ] whoo okay they got your boy oh something's on my neck happened when that [ __ ] okay well he said it came from upstairs so uh here we go how do I get an L for bean jump scare that [ __ ] don't make no sense cobwebs oh hey who's there okay loss now they want me to go downstairs to that area [ __ ] I don't know wait where's my [ __ ] [ __ ] up okay they go [ __ ] alright we're gonna go see who that is even though I don't recommend it do I need to turn the volume up on the game I got y'all it's not my volume right let's talk about the game volume okay love anybody hope you didn't fall down that well better check the area check the area [ __ ] there you know damn rope I'm over here turning this for nothing maybe this is open oh this is open okay easily cut any chain take that well was there a chain around here that anytime cut boy can I just hold this the whole time I put the [ __ ] down I should let you take that in the inventory that's all I needed what's a bolt cutter what's that why don't we just go back okay we're gonna go inside now suspected creeps [ __ ] there you go right there hold up before I approach them let me show I don't have any cereal in my throat you know you [Music] this [ __ ] I'm turn off the candle you know how much these little more camera see that little music [ __ ] hey hold on just that good silverware hold up before it backbones try to take my shape put more kerosene in your shake that put more kerosene is a little dark oh [ __ ] to refill the lamb go to the inventory and find a bottle of kerosene kerosene burns quickly so shit's your [ __ ] and shits how do you go to your inventory like that how did you put the kerosene in to use it okay I just he sound like he just drank the [ __ ] okay close I don't like that little music because it's a little creepy I forgot about that one make them a sandwich nobody gonna get mad at you if you make them a sandwich that's facts what is that okay move this [ __ ] it is least the outside this is the door I was trying to open earlier do I have any more matches I do not that was right about that care of see because that [ __ ] is burning quick matches okay there's a gang of blood move this rattle from the top any moving lessons while I put this big-ass piece of furniture I can't even grab this [ __ ] drag it to the other room hey come here you know how did they move this piece of furniture into this house Oh Mitchell okay leave it there no grab it put it okay we're at the end I need help I need somebody to comment let me just go round does that door is on lock now what the [ __ ] am i doing oh my [ __ ] is empty I wasted too much kerosene not can't camera see anything no kerosene can't receive I'm sorry I know [ __ ] don't drink it tap out [Music] I mean is this a good idea or we're going in we being talked about can you move this [ __ ] on the way how y'all doing dog good got a purify my hands and my thoughts all right um we going back in we going back in here we go Oh [ __ ] I know this works something my palm stars do that throwback iron oh I really need some character the [ __ ] was that I need some kerosene for real right here because this [ __ ] run out down here okay we got matches that's the next best thing but kerosene would be great where is that kerosene yes it is okay anything else glistening for me [ __ ] take them it's like he doesn't want to take them take you go [ __ ] oh oh hell no we gotta crawl I just remember that I don't know when it is but at one point you're crawling Nicholas thank you for the donation I see you you've been watching me this 2014 thank you I just happened to catch down I remember at one point you're crawling I'm over here wasting my damn kerosene while I'm talking now its pitch dark okay um you're crawling and that that same homey little eye Beetlejuice cousin come true and it's rule just flies through you all right here we go I'm using all my carrots in juice I'm not going it's about to be out mm-hmm let me wait for it to run out okay yeah cuz I don't want to move forward if my [ __ ] is out okay here we go like that hmm yeah open this [ __ ] up that like I appreciate that they they let you move around and do [ __ ] what is that better be kerosene what is that oh it's a pic lock I'm not to [ __ ] that up okay should I use it for this okay we're gonna we're gonna try it okay exactly what I need for picking locks okay but how do you how do you how do you use it hint get out of the basement oh it tells you what to do okay so you're supposed to get I got some of my you posed to be getting the [ __ ] out of here I'm over here chilling okay so it doesn't let you use the pick lock on any door let's get the [ __ ] out here I hope this is not that part mmm embrace yourself all right oh [ __ ] hold on I said pick lock oh my god man [ __ ] it's not just how creepy home he looks crawling like that and how good the graph is look but is the little sound that it makes that shift [ __ ] me up did I say pick lock okay let's keep it moving yo I can't [ __ ] can't [ __ ] alright get up get up [ __ ] we're wasting time all right we need to pick lock the lock eight - get the [ __ ] out the basement so he's just gonna use it whenever he wants to use it I was going up high he's gonna use it here I think here we go oh [ __ ] wait no I'm not good at [ __ ] place the lockpick not the pig lock below one of the cylinders using the mouse move up and down to raise the cylinder when this when the cylinder is above the share line block it with the mouse click this [ __ ] gave up we might be here all day my oil the oil kept going while I was doing this oh hell no do you have to start with this one oh my [ __ ] oh okay that's lower you do it that easier [ __ ] my life oh [ __ ] which I feel like I'm diffusing a bomb one more [ __ ] but now my my lamp is out wait [ __ ] hold on don't use all your kerosene you better use them matches up [ __ ] I'm stingy do I go upstairs [Music] locked in now okay you know what maybe I should use the kerosene this is my last candle oh the music kerosene why is the music rollin okay I can't [ __ ] go that way this [ __ ] this big-ass piece of furniture is blocking me move it's locked anyway my boys where do they want me to go that's locked is the music roll in matches to bitchin pays the search go up the stairs to the left I was just there though that's why I open a window put that [ __ ] down that's locked jump out the window without doing you're legit I don't know what do I have to go in the Attic what do I have to go the Attic update you can't you can't get up there look that [ __ ] is sealed off this door is sealed okay let's go back downstairs to that I'm gonna use more kerosene we were wait okay I can ask for a hint follow the blood trail I'm stupid but how you posed to follow is there a blood trail upstairs that I need to see that [ __ ] do I go back in here wait am I really going back down uh I need kerosene if I'm going down here hold up [ __ ] I could have sworn I grabbed him okay I was gonna say yeah why am I going back down here that's where I came from I know they don't want me to go back in here you're supposed to get out of the basement and I already did that all right we got to go back upstairs follow the blood trail this way wait all right move this don't like the blood trust behind this [ __ ] when I'm look at the chat in a second suitcase by the first door on I must've run out of damn kerosene see that's the blood trail right there while I was lagging for a second am I still lagging let me check I'm getting lag messages hold up no lag okay just refresh it if you see me lagging just refresh all right let's let's go back this way [Music] I'm just looking at all my options before I move forward go upstairs look at the suitcase okay got it your normal little slow but we've before we got this okay apparently there's a suitcase upstairs where the suitcase is I don't know yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] next did this game ever come out Wallace said 2019 damn this gaming and development for our hot minute it's just still in development Oh No okay let me close that all right let's switch the games hold up uh what's the next game my hand here we go okay let me see it fit all if it'll be window or if it's gonna okay cool it gives you the option boom move this move this all right this game I played now I don't remember I think it was terrible but we get to witness that together which I like I played this joint also has been a year since I played this one some of y'all might remember this one let me see here we go the darkness this one's called the darkness I see I see some good suggestions but hey you know how I live stream once a week so we gonna get another screen next week and I'm seeing y'all suggestions rest evil - I mean I did beat that Resident Evil 2 with Leon so I mean I feel like you know if I played it with Claire's not like you playing the same thing over again those like different little things but generally overall it's like the same thing and I mean that's why I'm like let me just see something hold on because I'm trying to remember now this is wack we all switch it right up okay we're gonna switch it right up but let me at least go into it and see because I do remember it I think being horrible let's find out let's find out together I mean the developer spent a lot of time detailing this neighborhood so I mean that you know how bad could it be all right oh you got a little pee okay okay I'll see you this I look like a nice neighborhood notice how it might be good what's wrong all right nobody's there I don't know what it is about that for it's like watching bad horror movies I like doing that cuz it's so bad that you just kind of laugh at it okay you got a giant ass fax machine in your house it's like a nice day you got hard to even put cars in the game I mean you know you gotta give it up to them for that I couldn't do this if I tried my voice okay you could turn the lamp on want to give it a chance man whoo it's not they're not helping you boy okay you can close the door that's nice you gotta turn all the lamps on that's what it is okay is that a Swingline stapler cook y'all ever seen office space it's a comedy really smart copy but if you're I've seen it I you know I recommend it you know just saying hey when I leave see what happens I'm please can we get to the point does anybody remember what you have to do okay let's look at the bonus levels how all that um the office that could be good right maybe there is no maybe this isn't a horror game maybe this is just a game where it looks like a walking around simulator [Music] I'm pretty sure that was Satan I know you're gonna hate me for this but let me try one more level house I and I I just saw somebody said the objective was on the top find the key to the door it's a flashlight there is a wait is this I feel like I played something recently where they owe me to the flash' like this I feel like I feel like these games are like kind of like what's the word I'm looking for like it's a bunch of preset things it's like maybe a software that you used to make games we're like you know the house has already built for you and you could pick a random you know like pasta or something if something pop out again okay [Music] what if there is no key it's not like you can interact [ __ ] they knew they using nothing but sounds to scare me that's that's just say brakes okay Briggs I I'll give him that one this is just sounds now they ain't gonna get me with them sounds no more until I see somebody get my ass let me see what else I got on my list [ __ ] always clapping some [ __ ] next to that one piece of cereal see what else we have [Music] hey Jess I'm like how she would sound like hmm yeah we should try this a little bit of this again okay let me close that try a little bit of this just though just a little bit of it uh uh hold on it's loading up hopefully don't crash my [ __ ] okay okay try a little bit of pacify chest out to the homie Cory cuz he did like a little edit on one of his joints and that's that edit is everywhere right now so here we go simple play let's go in okay this is the place find a way in and check the entire ride - I see y'all on that white three possibilities for next but now it's not it's not going down this Thanks it's not go straight upstairs something thugs about it grab this [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] hi i legit already forgot what i happened oh you gotta find the keys okay all right okay I'm gonna be backed into a corner here all right listen come right here and chew she took the doll she snatched that [ __ ] from my hands I need to hurry up and find another one quick okay seriously okay there we go and there's a key - no that's matches but the keys in here all right this is the key to the hallway back upstairs I think she's still up here No that's the bedroom this is the attic so we don't have to go that way she's gonna start losing my damn mind soon oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay where is the arm oh no no I can't hold on is this okay I'll lock that go up here where the [ __ ] are the doors at yo easy I see you my boy hole up i'ma do my shoutouts in a minute I'm not trying to get killed right now V play games I see you oh wait no that's a damn fork let her bitch-ass come up here because I let her come up here and then I'll let her and then I'll give her the dog or maybe I could do her without giving her a doll okay let's do this I'm stuck there you go that's how you play that [ __ ] dem little hoses running already [Music] okay was that hurt okay now going in a circle oh no I'm I'm not doing this right yes somewhere is somewhere on this floor main key hold up I got it that's matches here it is bedroom key okay that should give me the chills I can't rap I can't um I need to go oh she's coming up okay no I've been there okay I think she's done floating okay I opened that okay I already have a doll so I need that [ __ ] I think this is here there is a Dickey let's go to the Attic that [ __ ] is there floating mister coming downstairs she spotted me oh she's coming all right I need to go to the attic hole up here we go this is when you let the low hose loose the [ __ ] is that door I can't help but think of that video oh it's right here but I don't have a dump oh okay where them little run the whole set of this [ __ ] I want to know what happens [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me read some shoutouts before I hand it though I've been on for about two and a half hours this cereal ain't doing it for me um no I have not played Momo that's a no-no it's a lot of controversy going on with that game right now so I'm now I'll touch it let me give a shout out to wow the new members that joined maybe the next room I'll do it'll be our members only for only the members in chat oh my boys this is our for my members the new ones that just join here [Music] I'm the one Rachel Karthik aunty welcome Jaheim Rudolf welcome Liberty Adams welcome Ferro golf Darley --xa Brown it was good to our leisure it kind of sound like that's like if I was like Deshawn welcome Alison Nicole you got to like a first name and a last name that sound like a first is like two first names so as I can I call you Nicole Alison which one is it welcome Lazarus kay okay Lazarus I never knew anybody named Lazarus so I was kinda it's a cool name let's call you last cuz I'll be too lazy to call you Lazarus site three syllables that's all s pushing it you know maybe two but three syllables the two parts welcome angel goddess welcome Golden State Warriors Wow the whole team y'all just follow okay that's what's up I appreciate that welcome Tori I'll dream welcome Tori angel Feliciano angel how you doing Gianni brand miss ball or mania black fox mp5 DRC gamer it's a game of game world how did you can you make your name as long as you want because that's welcome DRC gamer it's a game of game world merica Gagnon Isiah Hughes desmond olds what about Desmond Young's mr. Brown's wig skunk tronics what kind of light anything okay well obsolete mark one more lie Oh Harper Pokemon we got some donations in the house today that I'd like to recognize take over reactions they don't take overreactions you name it right now you just donated appreciate okay we got YB Callister I don't I don't know why B don't good thank you the key sauce toxic thank you thick ease Thank You Krista cream who donated $60 - we hope you're doing amazing today stay healthy I appreciate that I mean you know with a name like Christy cream you know Callie goes together but Christy you know it is what it is I get is maybe because you're sweet like dangerous honey gin you always look good - thank you for always putting a smile on my face blessed by the way this is Swedish currency don't know how to change it to dollars but it's around 55 bucks thank you honey we also got Jada Simone okay again sounds like you know like wow you should be favoring something like Jada Simone good name thank you I said something hey - you look good just want to say that I've been a fan since day one from na Sun to HT SD wait what's HT s Dead Island I'm trying to really think what HG SD is I'm trippin till now have nothing but love for you and yes I'm over 18 I'll stop okay Alison Nicole you are oh you became a member and you donate actually Alison ago I could not say your name but you said you have made me smile more times than I can count thank you for so many laughs and I hope you will continue to bring joy for many years to come by the way you look good positivity around here y'all killing me i trovato coming through with the hundo he says first of the month height by the weight want to know some other dope snacks Oh question mark you should try hummus with flat broke man like I don't know about hummus and flat bread what toast with cinnamon and honey ooh hey that's a new one right there Ola honey cinnamon toast crunch get some Danish damn trovato you know all the good snacks she sound delicious but hey I know about that hummus I don't play around my hummus well what I don't like the hummus that come with a lot of extra stuff on it just a regular hummus nothing too crazy cuz sometimes they put the toppings on the out of one all that just give me just playing on this get some of that like Peter Braille a flatbread just how many calories is in that but I tater Michelle see acha my boy I love you my boy my bus my boyfriend Kirill okay first of all you say you love me but then you say you got a boyfriend named grill I mean I know it's a different type of love show me your videos a few years back and I'm so happy he did PS looking real good hola bro I'm she don't want saying it I'm just saying crib I don't want any kind of turmoil is that I use that right everything is the first one in turmoil it just it felt right Thank You Michelle [Music] okay let's keep it moving Marcus 23 Tina and Lori also Bobby told me to send this okay so I got the fact that Bobby owed me and then I mean they owe me more than that but Tina thank you read a couple more then we're done black fox mp5 again I see you I love what you're doing my boy would like to see some power drill massacre Oh blood blood thirsty already left but for those of you all sticking around I'm almost I just thought you know I just want to give credit where credit is due no don't eat it it's done Tara McAdams 5-meter I see you terrible okay Jas Gotti who always comes through with the love sup player my foot broke so imma need you to take this to the dry cleaners and pick up my stuff oh so he gave me $50 so I could do some chores for him okay hey Jas got it alright trying to like doing chores every now and then so now like around the house but read all of them it's a lot about DL Baird wish I could give you more dashing but I'm buying a house soon oh I mean first of all you gave me fifty bucks that's a lot um your videos always make my day better keep beating you and this for being you my boy first of all DL Baird if I said that right congratulations are on the house situation that's what's up great investment I like what you're doing and keep doing your thing and don't worry about that you doing I mean you an email to get me dead just to support you watching me that's enough thank you congratulations again get homeless homeless insurance I think you have to be the way you gotta get that you know homeless insurance cuz you never know you know some things you know like down the lock you know two three years out like oh [ __ ] alright okay without okay this is uh from easy three one six two hundred bucks that's that's crazy they actually taking else here's some motivation my boy so he saw me taking Elle's in the arm donate it so that I can you know get a little motivation I appreciate that on easy don't take it easy okay like like three like four three more and that's it I know this ain't fun I'm sorry but they deserve credit mr. Brown's wig which I remember you from membership as well hey yo - my boy no you do are you the best homey look catching you live I appreciate mr. Bromberg thank you so much kind of remind me of a bowling alley because I think it was a bowling alley called bronze wig you know your boy but it's not go bowling my wrist I don't know if it's like I said that you holding the ball and you're kind of like with [ __ ] and then you get home and your [ __ ] is like all kind of okay here we go um DHG gaming kings finally got to see you live from you keep up the good work - thank you so much let me go back to the chat because I'm thinking that some people have probably donated since okay Jamila Webb let me smash and shoot my shot and she gave me $50 wanna shoot your shot okay ah that was wrong I'm sorry that was that was a little Rufe um which one's this okay this is from easy okay listen I'm gonna go I thank you guys let's see what we're gonna stream next week I have some suggestions here some good ones unless a new game comes out that streamed am i doing oh I have another poll in a while so I might do that we'll see but again thank y'all for tuning in I'm going to look for the serial that I dropped down here in case you're missing there's some dope gameplays that I posted I post over Monday - that was it Thursday yesterday watch that Super Mario maker premieres tomorrow tune into that other than that I love you and I'm gonna see y'all tomorrow and then again on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday hopefully you know I've done it I want to keep that streak I want to go every day stop Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday video last room on Friday are your maker on Saturday and then on Sunday I don't know with you or maybe I'll find something to put on there maybe we'll get some on Sunday we'll figure it out if I could do seven days a week let's go again I love you guys thank y'all for coming through to the live stream so much much appreciated how much your boy which one it is that you hit first I think it's this one or the
Channel: DashieGames
Views: 2,535,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror games, dashiegames, dashiexp, funny moments, live, stream
Id: IBq9tvKTii8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 5sec (9785 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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