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[Music] hello everyone it's Trad John's furniture repair and I'm in the shop today with this ginormous cortison Oak beautiful mission style table and it's got six sleeves it's ginormous it has some cool mechanisms but you can see it's looking a little bit mismatched these guys obviously lived a different life than the halves at the table and we need to make it all work together bring it back into a beautiful functional table for our customers so let's get to work I'll show you some details close up there's some cool stuff about this one that I'll show you oh I'm supposed to stop slapping the furniture after growing up in my dad's restoration shop and learning everything he knows I'm continuing on with the business in my own shop and after 25 years I can truly say I love this job and I just have to share it with you whether it's a Priceless 300-year-old handcarved piece of history or just an ordinary table or dresser I pour my heart into each and every piece a customer brings me I'm trena and this is John's furniture repair [Music] all right so closeup on the halves of the table I'm not sure if this is just completely Sun bleached or if someone had stripped it before there is still finish you can see in the grain that white stuff here that's been all Sun bleached out so lots of times I mean the sun can do some pretty crazy stuff so don't really know if that's what happened there but the difference between the leaves color and the table is pretty Stark so I wonder if someone did you know sand off the finish at some point we've got a couple of big old gouges um some general surface stuff it's actually in pretty great condition in terms of laminations we don't have any splits in the tabletop it's straight true like it could be so much worse so the skirt is very simple it doesn't carry through the leaves but it does have just a little bead profile and the edge is very straight so it's a simple type of design the base I should stop rolling around that's pretty annoying um the other leaves some of them are a little bit cued but they're all in pretty good condition um a lot of paint and splatters and stuff over them here's all right so as I was saying compressor there are a couple of burn marks here from something that was hot or wet one of the two either a oxyc acid kind of situation or a burn not sure this is some interesting splatters a couple of big holes very cool how this is going to clean up okay so the base as I was saying is pretty simple it's got a foot with a little cuff on the base there are some issues with water damage uh there have been some repairs before if you can see these Dows that kind of go through the legs for repair purposes I won't take that apart that repair is fine I mean I always say stuff and then do something else later so I I won't say what I'm going to do yet until I get into it and same thing here a bit of a split and a lamination and someone has in the p past um made a whole new section on this side here so thanks for whoever did that work for me and the track system is pretty huge and I want to show you when I get this all taken apart and flipped on the workbench how that uh mechanism Works underneath there so give me a second to get this apart and I'll show you some more details okay so you can see with the leaves out it's got a pretty hefty track system still working actually not too bad I am going to take it apart and give it a wax with my slip it this here um is a system for putting the two halves of these bases together when it's not being fully extended so this is kind of like a really cool old ratchet system just kind of pops up and locks into place and you press it down here to release it that turns this lever down here which catches this hook and pulls the two pieces together tightly now you can only open the table about about three leaves wide before you need to actually release this lever to open it the full length and split this in half again all right so looking at the bottom of this I've just found something I've never seen before you haven't seen either before hey D no I have not this size these are glass casters and by the rustiness of them they do look original especially because the design of the um the foot would be to hold that whole glass Caster in I am pretty sure I will not be able to find these and I missing I guess one two three of them look at how bad shaped that foots in too that's pretty nasty huh glass casters why would they do that waterproof waterproof other than the rusty parts very interesting just thought I'd show you guys when I find something and I go what then I have to film it anyways we will probably have to improvise maybe keep these and then make a wooden one let's we'll see what we can do okay so I've got the table upside down on the workbench here and I'm going to be taking out these posts because they're loose for one and they're Rusty for the other so I want to pop them in some vinegar solution and then just fill the hole um tighten the hole with some wood and some glue so when I put them back in they'll be able to hang onto the top cuz this is the only attachment part to the base and so it's got to be tight okay so the other thing I check while I'm down here now that I've got all these holes filled that were loose is the corner blocks are they missing are they loose so I'm just going to look sometimes they after the years of flexing back and forth on the table they're no longer connected to this part anymore it kind of Pops the glue after so many years I'm just going to kind of see if yeah if they're easily popping like that I can see the glue has let go a long time ago so I'm just going to pop these and I'm going to scrape off the glue and reglue them on this one's missing over here broken off so I'll just replace that with a new one and that'll just add extra sturdiness the other thing I'm going to do is check all these screws give them a tighten as well with the skirt after the ears they just loosen up so so everything that we can tighten and get glued back down will add more strength to this very large table so um I'll do all that and then the only thing that else that I'm going to do down here is when we open it up uh lubricate these slides so that they're working a little more smoothly all right so I've stripped this top half and the skirt while it was upside down and there's not really any finish on this thing there is like a white filler I think I think it's a grain filler um I don't know if someone tried to white wash this or something maybe it's finish or filler that's not coming out very easily so basically that's the side I haven't finished or stripped and this is the side that I stripped looks like we've got these marks still showing did get some of like the grayish yellowish white stuff off which I think is just dirt this pretty huge gouch is right across the grain so I think I'm going to do a steam app before we sand and then probably an oxyc acid to try to get these out so I'll strip the other side it's not one of those wonderful strip jobs where everything comes off nicely um it's just kind of taking off a layer of whitish yellow stuff and dirt so I'll show you how that goes all right so I've got this uh steamed and it's dried overnight so I'm going to hit it with some pretty heavy standing cuz the top is so much different than the leaves so we really do need to get that white out of the grain there's a lot of dents and stuff that came up that I want want to cut off the top we're kind of looking for a more sophisticated look on this piece so the customer would like it to be kind of back to um a nice original condition so we're going to use the Rotex with a 120 to start if I think I need to go more I'll drop down to 100 um and we're just going to take a layer of wood off of this thing um there are a lot of marks left and we probably will end up still having to use the oxyc acid on some of them but I'm going to do this first before we do that so stand [Music] away all right so that's a pretty heavy stand but it came up really nice look at all that flecking that came through you can see all the character now I got a couple putty spots SPS so that side's ready for I'm going to step up to 180 sanding and then perhaps 220 we'll see and then this guy here we're going to sand now hopefully these come out you can see all that white grain in here we totally got that out with the Sanders so I'm really happy about that so mostly I'm looking for this Mark to come up with the sanding a lot of this stuff I steamed up hopefully that comes out and then this really big cross graen gouge so let's see how it goes with Mr Fest tool okay so I was pretty successful other than these marks but they did lighten up quite a bit we got rid of all of the scratches and dents that were here that really big cross grain scratch gouge I guess is pretty much gone except for the very deepest part which we can putty and it's not a big old line across the green but it's looking really good the Green in this piece is super beautiful and it's really popping now that you can see past all that stuff that we got off of it so couple of putty spots first I'm going to oxyc acid the whole table just because I don't you can't do one spot you got to do the whole thing or else you got a big old weird blotch of lightened table and Oak does lighten quite a bit it's one of those woods that reacts well to bleach so we'll do that whole half and then give it another sand putty and then um this section of the table is pretty much finished so we'll get on to Dripping six leaves quite a few leaves um and then the repairs to the base I did end up talking to my customer about those glass casters um I found some online but it was going to be about $200 to buy three more of these uh casters and so she opted just to replace all of them with something else that works so we're going to figure out a different method for that and I'll just put these in my Arsenal for if I ever run into it again so they're nice but that's a lot of money to replace some for something that you really can't see very much underneath the uh the base there so anyways I will get to the acid I'm going to just film it because sometimes these marks go away right away and it's always nice to see that so let's just get the acid going and I'll show you [Music] anyways this table I washed down last night tonight it it's dried we did the oxyc acid treatment so that there is what's left of the spots so I'm pleased with that cuz we're going a darker stain so those will just pretty much disappear so I'm going to putty a couple spots you know these holes that are in the table and stuff like that let it dry and then we'll sand it down with 180 and that piece will be ready to go all right so I've got the other pedestal apart here and as I saw before there was some Dow pegs or covers I don't know what they are holding these laminations together but it's not actually doing that great of a job so you can see everything's kind of splitting so I need to get those apart so I need to get these off so I'm just going to see I'm going to pop a chisel into it into one of them and see what it is the middle of it feels pretty plug is so I'm going to drill one out and see if there's a screw in there if not they're just dowels then that's not a terrible repair but it's definitely not doing its job so I just got a/ in Forester bit here I'm just going to pop it in the center I don't see anything yet but I am tapping out yes there's a screw in there okay get the rest of this wood out okay so a very big slotted screw is in there so let's get that guy out of there are enormous there we go quite a large slotted screw no glue which makes it regluing this thing a little easier um I don't think I'm going to put these back in um they did a nice job of drilling it out and putting a plug in but if this is glued together properly it shouldn't be doing this so we're just going to Rel laminate this whole leg together I'll get the rest of these out and then we'll just be putting new plugs back and blending them into the the repair uh this foot here is the worst it's missing a big chunk and the lamination has let go in a bunch of places so I'm going to get this apart and reglue it and then uh glue in a piece of wood here as well just has a couple Nails holding it on and probably some glue if any anyways we'll have to get that off too to get this all apart so I might start there actually rusty rusty nails it looks like this thing has seen some water damaged at some point either just sitting in a damp basement or actual moisture I'm not 100% [Applause] sure okay so now that I've got the screws out of this thing I'm going to see if I can split it up I'm going to start from the bottom since it's already doing it for me so those holes went right through all the laminations there you can see them so I'm just going to scrape this whole area clean so I can get a really good glue up on this there's a lot of old glue and stuff in here it's going to need quite a bit of pressure because these pieces have kind of warped a little bit especially on the bottom and these old rusted sleeves I'm going to be taking these all out because they're super Rusty so that'll be fun to get those out of the legs that aren't coming apart I might use the screws to actually uh align the pieces together cuz that might help me just depends how slippery they are and then I'll take them out after all right there it is needed to put a lot of pressure on this thing so I'm going to leave it in the clamps for a couple days uh in the meantime I'll fix the foot and then we got one more leg that needs just a miner glue up but it has those screws in it again so I'm going to get those out but I'm well I might take it all apart we'll see might be just as bad as the other one minus the foot one side was way worse than the other so obviously two different lives but should be able to get it all back together it's going well okay so here's that foot that had that big chunk of wood missing I've got it all glued together and sanded and I'm ready to cut and to put a new piece in here not going to worry about this too much missing cuz this is all glued to that bottom of the foot so that'll support it I might put some Putty in there after just to smooth it out but it's not a big deal cuz you never see that so I'm just going to basically be cutting straight into this piece and then inserting a piece of wood and then we'll just have to carve it back out to this round so I'll probably cut pretty much to the center of this hole just so I can get as much wood back as possible so probably taking all that off I think I'm just going to cut that on the band saw and then find a piece of Oak that is the right width okie dokie so I've got a block here just with some plastic tape on and I'm going to just tape this piece actually onto here cuz I'm going to use some epoxy um that'll just you know fill there's quite a few areas I'm just going to blob epoxy everywhere and fill these areas because that'll allow me to shape it later so I'm just going to tape this piece on here after I get some epoxy on the bottom I'm just going to feed it into these cracks and the pieces that are missing the old nail holes and that'll just give it a little bit of Str strength I could have made a new one but it's debatable which would take longer to make that Cove and you know me if I have the original I always repair okay so that's got all those voids filled on the bottom I'm just going to pop that onto here and I'll just tape it in place here we go I'll just squish it down try to line up that chamfer as much as possible so I've just been working on all the legs where they're in clamps and obviously that little uh cuff for the bottom is in clamps so hopefully these are all going to be nice and strong laminations will be good and this thing was a little more complicated than than I first thought so I've got a clamp coming in this way and down and then the little middle wanted to pop up so I had to get this down this way then this side wanted to pop up so you know it's just a tiny little piece of wood but we've got about six clamps on it so it's good though so I'm happy with that I'm just going to let it freeze for the day because epoxy it is dry in a couple hours but I find it's always better and stronger the next day so we'll leave leave that alone and get on to stripping and prepping these bases they need a lot of help so get everything out of clamps and strip it down reveal all that beautiful Quon flecked Oak see if we can't make it look a little [Music] better [Music] [Music] all righty so we've got the table stained and it's been drying for a whole day so it's ready for some lacquer same with the bases they're all ready for some clear coats looking good we also um lubricated the slides they're working really beautifully it's a nice table Built Well ready to look good again the 1 million leaves we've got in the in the works here I'm just sanding through 120 then then some Putty then 180 and then the final sand will be 220 just cuz I don't want too much stain to soak into these very dry leaves but we are almost there so let's throw some lacquer on and see this Oak pop and uh get this table looking schnazzy [Music] m [Music] all right so there it is all finished up looking absolutely stunning with a solid base and beautiful Oak shining brightly and on display this was not a super tricky restoration but lots of sanding gluing a lot of repairs on this base mostly and everything is looking good I've got the hardware all clean and inside working well the slides are working well as as well too because they are an old wood Glide sometimes they're a little rough but this one's working very nicely just look at that Oak pretty crazy and then we had six leaves here they're all looking really good they each have their own character very interesting I think this is the ugliest piece of wood in the whole bunch right here everything else looks pretty good I don't like that one piece though but when you got six leaves I guess you get one ugly piece of wood that's all right so thanks for joining me on this restoration guys and I hope to see you again on the next one I hope you're enjoying the videos here from Saskatchewan and that you continue to comment and enjoy these videos if you want to support this Channel and help me to continue to make these vide videos you can buy me a coffee the link is in the description below and as always just thank you for being here have a great day [Music] cheers [Music]
Channel: John's Furniture Repair
Views: 45,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trena, john's furniture repair, thomas johnson, antique restoration, furniture, shop, workshop, tools, stripping, spraying, sanding, woodworking, mohawk, walnut stain, table, festool, tiktok, at restoration, dewalt, bleach, this old house, beard meets food, kardashians
Id: lh8LJ8N-7e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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