Never Lose Data AGAIN! Level Up with the Power of Proxmox Backups

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hey there thank you so much for stopping by to check out this video uh in this video we're going to cover a topic that I see a lot of people skipping out on when they create or start creating their home lab um and that's a backup strategy it's very simple it's a backup strategy now of course this being the I think third or fourth video in this series uh where we're talking about prox MOX we're going to be setting up a prox MOX backup server and there are a number of ways we could do this but we're going to briefly take a look at a couple of different ways to do it and maybe talk about some of the other ways but like I said in this video we're going to set up a prox MOX backup server so that we've got this set up and ready to go early on before we actually start deploying a lot of different containers and virtual machines and that sort of thing on our proxmox server okay so as I mentioned there are a few different ways that we could go about setting up a proxmox backup server uh if you've got I don't know maybe you know an old Mini PC laying around uh you could throw a couple a terab of hard drive space and that and have a dedicated piece of hardware for your backups which is absolutely a great option sorry cat's leaving there um or like we're going to do in this video you could set up a virtual machine in one of your hypervisors or your Nas or whatever the case is uh in this video we're we're going to foro the dedicated Hardware Route um I know that Hardware can be expensive so we're going to use Hardware we already have laying around uh in this case we're actually going to take a look at setting up a virtual machine in both proxmox as well as a sonology device so that we can kind of see how similar the process really is on both of those different setups so I think with that out of the way kind of that that that little intro I think what we're going to do first is actually take a look um at our sonology setup we're going to do this on the sonology nas um setting up a VM on on a Nas is actually usually fairly straightforward um but we're going to take a look at a sonology uh you you could do this on a terramaster or a qap or whatever the case is you may just have to modify things a little bit so that it lines up with what you're doing on your setup so let's jump over to my desktop and take a look at our sonology virtual machine proxmox server backup solution okay so the first thing we need to do is actually download our proxmox backup server uh ISO basically what we're going to use as the installation media for our virtual machines so what we're going to do is come over here to proxmox dcom and then right here in the middle of the page um you can get more information about prox MOX backup server version 3.2 which is the new version it looks like um or we can just come over here to downloads um and look for the backup server uh 3.2 ISO installer it's 1.14 gigs so we're just going to click download and we'll give this uh we'll give this just a minute to do its thing and then once it's done downloading uh we'll come back and actually get our VMS created so for me just a couple of moments later I've got my ISO downloaded of course that will all be dependent on your download load speed connection so what we want to do now is actually decide where we want to start as I mentioned we're going to start with my sonology setup so let's jump over to my sonology Nas right here uh this is Jarvis this is this is a device I've had for years uh what we want to do is actually come over here to the top left um and come down to where it says virtual machine manager if you don't have that uh figure out how to get it um that's outside the scope of this video but what we're going to do is just click virtual machine manager and we're dropped into the overview tab right here but what we want to do is actually click on virtual machine and what we'll see here is actually my proxr BK server that is the actual proxmox production server or the proxmox backup server that I use for all of my proxmox backup needs this is actually the strategy that I use for my own setup now if we if we open this up uh we can see we've got two CPU cores 2 gigs of RAM uh I've given it um 128 gigs for the operating system which is way over a kill and I've also given it a terabyte of hard drive space which is also way over a kill for my needs your needs may be different but this is what I've got set up for my current Uh current configuration it's probably what I'm going to run with for this tutorial but just know that this is kind of what I currently got in production for my own proxmox backup needs so I'm going to cancel out of that uh what I want to do is come over here to images actually I want to add uh my image uh the ISO file that I just downloaded uh just so we can kind of come back to that we were here on virtual machine we're going to come down here actually I lied I've got my stuff set up differently what I want to do is actually come over to file station go to isos and right here I've got all kinds of isos for different operating systems and that sort of thing want to upload um upload upload upload uh sure why not skip override whatever I don't have this uploaded yet so I know that this won't be an issue uh but right here uh hopefully there we go uh it's uploading that relatively quickly because the connection between my two devices is a 10 gig connection there we go uploaded proxmox backup server successfully so what I want to do is take a look make sure it's there it's the right size all of that looks good um and then I'm going to minimize this and come back over to uh to my uh virtual machine uh creation area and I'm going to click create I'm going to select Linux cuz that's what prox MOX is if we were doing a Windows server or a Windows 10 or 11 or whatever VM we would select windows but for the sake of this we're going to select Linux and to click next I'm going to put it on this storage that is perfectly fine and click next so I'm going to call this uh zma uh proc BK just so I know exactly what it is when I come here to look at it again I'm going to give it two cores and I'm going to give Give It 2 gigs of RAM um because that is way more than I will need for this setup you will want to choose something that is adequate for your backup needs um all of this other stuff here is fine for what I'm doing um so my first disc again I'm going to set it at 128 and I'm going to add another disc here and I'm going to call this 1024 also so that I've got a terabyte of storage for my backups and 128 gigs for my prox MOX a backup server installation media um again 128 gigs is way Overkill but it's just where I do things here so I'm going to click next my network uh I'm just going to say the default VM Network um you could do if youve got other VMS that make more sense for you that's fine but I just want a direct network attached setup here so I'm just going to do default VM Network and click next the iso here um if I had put it over here in images they would show up here because I keep my isos in a different folder I'm going to click browse and I'll go to isos and then I'm going to find prox MOX backup server it's this one I can tell you by the size um but it is a version three instead of version two so that's what we're going to use here and I'm going to click select additional uh is going to be I I don't need an additional ISO Here auto start yes uh basically if you're uh you want to set this TS so that if your Nas shuts down reboots whatever when it comes back up uh this virtual machine will automatically come online and won't interrupt your backup schedule so that's what we're going to do here uh everything else here is is fine uh based on my experience so I'm going to click next now you want to give it uh credentials for uh or you want to decide which users will have credentials not necessarily credentials but access permissions whatever to to deal with this I'm just going to use my user account because that's that's what I do um you could use a different user you could have a back up user which is probably more secure if I'm completely honest um but because I'm the only one that's ever on my network I'm not too worried about this for me um but you may want to consider creating a backup user specifically for this setup I'm going to click next all of this again you can kind of get an idea of what's going on here this all looks fine I'm going to save power on the virtual machine after creation and click done so we're going to give this a second it's creating so I'm just going to highlight it um and then once it's created uh once this connect here uh is available I'm going to click that want I just connect Why didn't it do that there we go that was weird okay uh so here we are uh we're just going to go ahead and hit enter because we're going to do a graphical install just so we've got the graphical user interface for this setup now at this point everything between whether we do this on on on our sonology device or if we do it on a um on on bare metal or another VM or or whatever the case is this part moving forward is going to be the same for everyone so at this point what we're going to do is we're actually going to pause here then we're going to come we're going to talk about setting this up on say another proxmox server for a VM and then we're going to come back and actually run through this installation process because again this part is going to be the same across the board no matter whether you're doing this on bare metal or a VM so uh let's jump over take a look at setting up a VM in a prox MOX configuration just for the giggles of it uh and then we'll come back and actually set up not only our backup server but we'll set set up our zema blade to back up to this server okay so this is my new hl5 you can actually see it right there with my face on it whatnot uh I'm still doing some testing with this um so this is definitely not going to stay in production for my needs um but I just wanted to show kind of the process of setting up a VM here again with the proxmox backup server software on it now the other thing that I need to mention here because I actually had somebody comment on this or leave this comment recently don't set up your backup server on your production Hardware um if you do that and your production Hardware goes down you're also going to lose your backups your backup solution should be separate from your production stuff it should be a separate a separate thing entirely from your from your home lab thing from your main home lab configuration so um that's why I I actually do all of my backup Solutions on my Nas uh which you can see right there that is the sonology nas um that we uh that we just set up a moment ago as far as that VM is concerned so I'm only showing this for the sake of demonstration I don't necessarily recommend again setting up a backup VM on your production Hardware uh it should be a completely separate instance so there's a little caveat there so what I want to do is I want to go over to my storage uh wherever I store my isos this is where I want to go first so I'm going to do that I'm going to click my local right here and I can come here to ISO images now um um um um um yeah so I think yeah that's what we want to do so we're just going to upload our ISO again uh proxo backup server all of this is fine I'm going to click upload again I love having that 10 gig connection between the devices um obviously I'm not saturating that but it it's going pretty quick so I'm happy with that cool so our task is okay that means the file has uploaded everything there is good so we're going to close this and then we're going to come up to the top right and click on create VM so I'm going to call this um zma proc bkl 15 just because I need it to be named something different so my OS over here I'm going to select uh my local storage because that's where I uploaded my ISO for proxmox and then I'm going to do proxmox backup server 321 cuz that's the version number it happens to be I'm going to select that um all of this other stuff is fine uh don't need to mess with any of this I do need to however um change some of this 32 gigs is probably fine there I'm going to do again 128 and my storage is just going to be on my my main storage volume there of course you can manipulate that for your needs um you can switch this from Ice scuzzi to IDE or SATA or whatever for the sake of Simplicity I'm just going to leave all of this the same because it's all hard drives and I don't want it to anyway it's fine what I'm going to do next is Click add I'm going to select the second option here and this is where I'm also going to give it a terabyte of hard drive space but again I'm going to put that on my storage one storage pool because that's what I named it storage one so once I'm happy with all of this um I'm going to click CPU again I'm going to give it two cores for my memory uh I'm going to give it 2 gigs that's what it defaulted to so that's cool my network uh this is fine just make sure that you've got connectivity to this device from your other devices uh and then once you're happy with that you can click confirm I'll click finish and give this a second to do its thing and then I'll manually start it up you could have also clicked uh boot after creation or whatever that checkbox was but I didn't so here we are so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click right here uh I'm going to go to console and I'm going to click Start we're going to give this a second to do its thing and there we go so here we are now we're back to our proxmox backup server installation again I'm going to select graphical and then we're going to jump into the actual installation process here okay so at this point we've downloaded our uh backup ISO from proxmox website and we've actually configured two different virtual machines um and and the reason I wanted to break those up and start here is because as I mentioned earlier um whether you're doing this on bare metal or virtual machine or whatever this process will be almost exactly the same across the board it's just that initial setup process is a little bit different so what we're going to do now is actually go through the installation process of of setting up uh proxmox backup server and then once we're done with that we're going to come back over to our zema blade proxmox server and actually get it set up to backup to one of our new backup servers so let's jump back over to my desktop and take a look at configuring our backup solution here okay so we're back on my sonology virtual machine again this is the one I am more likely to keep in place because I've got a lot of other content to with this hl5 before I commit anything so um this is uh our our our sonology our Nas this is the one that we set up originally I guess is what I'm trying to say here so we've got our our our Ula our enduser license agreement uh make sure to read it and if you agree click agree and if not I guess find a different backup solution uh so we're going to click I agree uh here we're going to select our our hard disk for our proxmox backup server operating system drive now if we take a look we've got 128 gigs and 1 tbyte as I mentioned earlier the 128 gig is meant for the operating system so that's the one we're going to select and click next uh country United States time zone uh is close but I'm going to go to Denver cuz that's even closer and I'm going to uh of course adjust all of this to your needs so I'm going to click next and me give it a password and then I'm going to also give it an email address and then I'm going to click next cool uh it actually filled all of that in correctly yay I've had issues with prox MOX 8 giving me bogus information here so I'm actually really glad to see this um I don't mind that actually I'm going to do this uh I'm going to call it zema pbs. Lan it it doesn't it doesn't matter uh but we want to make sure that we keep that IP address in mind uh cuz that's how we're going to access it later so I'm going to go ahead and click next um after I'm I'm I'm happy with all this this is kind of a a review actually I li I want to change one other thing here my DNS server um I just I want this to be outside my network um it's fine so I'm gonna go and click next and then um again automatically reboot after successful installation cool let's do that and click install so we're going to give this a few minutes to do its thing um and then once it has gone through all of this we'll come back and take a look at configuring the rest of our storage in the proxmox backup server and then we'll actually get our our zma blade proxmox server backed up to this backup solution okay so now it's saying that it's done I didn't hit the record button in time there it said it it's done it said that it's done if I could get my words out and now that it's going to go go ahead and reboot cool so now it's saying hey let's let's boot into that and of course these first time or the these first boots after installing an operating system whether it's Linux Windows whatever usually take a few minutes or a few a few moments I guess is better way to put that they take a few extra moments to boot up for the very first time so once this has booted up then we can get logged in Via uh via the browser I mean we're there already but we're going to get uh over to the actual browser window versus the the the the virtual terminal here and then we'll go ahead and get everything configured okay so here we are just again a couple of moments later and I've gone to our IP address https that part's very important our IP address and then I tacked on Port 807 right there that's why we've got colon 807 after our server's IP address that is the port the proxmox backup server uses uh here it says your connection isn't private that's fine we'll click Advanced we'll click proceed and then we'll type in the username of rout and the password that we gave it when we set up our server so it says you don't have a valid subscription that's fine we're just going to go ahead and click okay here the next thing that I want to do is actually set up our storage so what I want to do is come over here to storage and discs and here we can see that we've got SDA that's our 128 it's actually more than that but uh it it over provisioned to give me the actual number that I asked for rather than me giving it the number and under provisioning it's it's weird but this is how it did it and I actually don't hate it so what I want to do is uh is find our one tbyte drive right here so what we're going to do uh I want to wipe the disc you shouldn't have to because it's a VM but old habits die hard so I'm going to go and click on ZFS I'm going to create a ZFS and I'm going to select my one terabyte drive that's right here um again if you were doing this like say on a on a on a bare metal solution or something you might have multiple drives here that you might do a raid Solution on or whatever but again we're keeping this as a very basic VM installation here so um so I'm just going to call this um um I'm going to call it backup everything else in here is fine um because I'm not doing raid I don't need to change this compression is on as shift is on all of this is fine so I'm going to go ahead and click on create we're going to give this just a second to do its thing cool so now we have our backup storage configured and set up it was really just that easy so what we want to do next is come back up to the dashboard in our proxmox backup server and what we're going to need to do here in a moment is actually grab or put click this button right here that says show fingerprint we're actually going to need that in order to uh configure this to to work with our zema blade proxmox server okay so the next thing we're going to do is actually head back over to our our actual proxmox server uh this is what I set up on the zma blade in that first video so we're going to come over to here we're going to go to our data center up here on the top left and then we're going to click St we're going to click backup and we're going to nope I lied we're going to click storage I I always get those two backx mixed up going click add and I'm going to add a proxmox backup server that's what we're looking for so right here we're going to give it an ID basically what are just an identifier so that we know what we're dealing with I'm going to call this um I'm going call it Soo BK um just because it's on the sonology and that's what I do so the server IP the server right here is going to be the IP address of the server now again this was uh right up there so I'm going to copy that and put that in right there now you're not going to put in the port or any of that sort of stuff just the IP address of that server now for our usern password that will be root and whatever our root password is again you should probably set up um a backup server or backup yeah a backup user for all of this but again for the Simplicity of this we're just going to use the root User it's not advised you should probably set up a backup user but again for the sake of Simplicity and and everybody does things a little bit different we're just going to use the root user so now that we've got our username and password in there um what we need to do next is actually get the fingerprint of that proxmox backup server so we're going to come over here to our zema PBS the one that we set up just a moment ago and remember this button right here that says show fingerprint we're going to click that and copy and it's just a a long sequence of characters there um that lets them know that they're allowed to communicate with each other for our data store um I just called it backup cuz you know originality and whatnot back up oh I lied this is rout at Pam I apologize and then we should be good to go I I always forget there's little things little things that I forget that I have to come back and be like oh yeah no that's wrong so we're going to click add and then we're going to take a look at our Soo BK right here is showing up there looks like we're here we're going to do this a second to connect hopefully this little question mark will go away soon like it did that's good so there we go our Sino BK zma proc right there our usage is is zero zero across over here all of this looks good so the next thing we want to do is actually configure our backups from our our proxmox server over to our backup server so now let's go ahead and get our our backups actually configured so what we're going to do is come back to data center in the top left then we're going to go to backup right here in this kind of middle column right there and then we're going to click add and then uh we're going to say um we'll just we'll just say all nodes or specific nodes storage is we're actually going to select our Soo BK again that's what I named that setup for this purpose our schedule we can we can really we can choose any of these predefined things or we can put in our own crw stuff um I'm just going to say uh every day at 900 p.m. or 2100 hours uh include selected VMS or just do all that is completely up to you if you want to back up all of your VMS all of your containers all of everything or if you don't want to you can just say include the selected VMS and then manually check those boxes or you can say exclude the selected VMS and then in this case this tet net test zaro 1 2 3 4 would never get backed up I like to do all I just I want to make sure all of my stuff is backed up every day now you may not want to back up your stuff every day that's fine you may not want to do that at 9:00 at night or 2100 hours that's fine you can adjust each of these settings to your specific needs um ju just to make sure that you got the best solution to fit you um I'm happy with all of this um snapshot suspend stop I like to do snapshots that's just how I've always done it um otherwise it will shut down your containers and shut down your VMS and do that sort of thing and do a full backup every time I just like to do snapshots but again again this is a thing that you can configure for your needs whatever they happen to be um and once I'm happy with this we can come over to the retention Tab and you can say you know keep keep the last uh 14 that that'll give you two weeks of backups if you follow the same schem that I have here uh we've got we can give notes uh we can set advanced stuff for um bandwidth limit and IO workers and fleecing and all of that kind of stuff I've never actually messed with anything in the advanced Tab and all of my backups work really well every time I've ever needed them so once I'm happy with all this I can click create and there we go now we have our proxmox backup or our proxmox backups configured to run every day at 900 p.m. 2100 hours or or if we want to we can manually um select one of these and click back up and make sure that we select the Right storage and then we can click backup now and once we're happy with all of this stuff we can we can change these if we want to we can say hey this is our first backup make it protected so that it can't be accidentally deleted or overwritten um but I'm just going to go ahead and click on back up and right now it's going through the process of backing up this virtual machine I believe or this container I guess this is a container I lied um but once it's done then we'll jump back over to our proxmox backup server to make sure that our files are actually there in fact while that's running if we jump over here to our proxmox backup server we can actually see things being transferred um obviously not in real time there's a bit of a delay but we can actually see that activity is happening here uh let's come back over to here hey it says task okay that's good that means if we come back over to our proxmox server and go to content we're on data store backup and click on content right there is that container that we just backed up from our proxmox server now there's one other thing that I want to take a look at on this before before we wrap up this video right if we come back over to our proxmox server not our backup server but our actual proxmox server and select our proxmox backup server storage uh we can click on backups and right there is also our storage or sorry that's actually also a way to access that backup that we just performed so if let's say somehow right uh let's say something went terribly wrong and I lost that container right it's gone well now all I've got to do to get it back is come over here to Signal BK come over my backups tab select that backup and click restore we'll give this a second to do its thing okay and here we are again just a couple of moments later it says task okay and if we come back uh right there is our template it's got a different container ID I could have fixed that when I restored it but our container is back we didn't actually lose anything and that's how quickly and easily we can set up a backup server configure our proxx server to communicate with that backup server actually configure our backups perform a backup and even do a restoration uh fairly easily if I'm being completely honest at least I think it's fairly easy I of course I would love to know what your thoughts are in the video or the comments down below this video again my words are dumb sometimes um so yeah definitely let me know in the comment section below uh what your thoughts are on this solution uh I'd love to to hear from you down there and of course I try to answer a lot of the comments that I get um but yeah that's that's backup server how to set it up how to configure it and how to uh not only backup but restore your backups as necessary so uh hopefully you found the video helpful if you did do me a favor give the video a thumbs up uh also comments please comment that'd be cool uh you can subscribe if you want to do that and uh if you want to support the channel in ways that that aren't what I just mentioned you can become a channel member or a patron uh Patron or patreon is actually cheaper and gets you the same uh access so there's something to consider um so there you go uh hopefully you enjoyed the video and I will talk to you guys in the next one
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 5,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DB Tech, DBTech, Setting up Proxmox backup server, Home lab backup strategy, Virtual machine backup solution, Proxmox backup server setup, Synology NAS virtual machine, Backup server installation process, Proxmox backup ISO download, Setting up VM on Synology, Proxmox VM creation, Proxmox backup server configuration, Synology NAS VM setup, Proxmox backup server installation guide
Id: wyTuuMVA0Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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