How To Hide A Homelab IN Your Homelab with a Proxmox SDN

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hey guys thank you so much for stopping by to check out today's video and hang out with me for just a couple of minutes uh in a previous video we took a look at how to set up a proxmox softwar defined Network or sdn and in that video I said I didn't really see much of a use case for it outside a couple of ideas that were a little maybe a little obscure um but in this video I want to show you a couple of those ideas that I had so I think uh with that I should talk about some of the prerequisites to uh to getting the most out of this video and that should be at least a foundational understanding of uh proxmox proxmox containers and VMS um you should probably have watched my uh sdn video that that we're kind of basing this video on um and for part of this I'm also going to be using Cloud flare for one of the different or one of the two different ideas that I've got here so I think I think as long as you got a A foundational understanding of those things uh you should be good to go I'll try to put links to everything kind of some of those prerequisite videos in the description down below below um but I think with that said let's go ahead and jump over to my proxmox instance so we can take a look at a couple of different ways to use uh an sdn in your proxmox home lab okay so here we are we're on my desktop this is my proxmox uh testing /dev environment however you want to classify that and uh basically for this video we're going to be focusing on uh containers 106 which is a glance dashboard we took a look at glance in a previous video as well um and that look this will work across the board with basically whatever um I've also got an auntu VM down here that's going to be for later for the other option uh on how to possibly use this but uh with that said if we come over to our our sdn area here I've got a CF tunnel uh uh private or software defined Network my brain is dumb today it really is um and of course we've got our zones uh you know I've got our our CF tunnel Zone I've also got a v-net for tunnel and then a subnet um that that is predefined we're all good to go with all of that uh and in fact if we come down to the ipam tab we can see that there are already some things on here but um that was for some other testing I was doing so basically what we're going to do is we're going to add glance dashboard to our uh sdn and we're going to do some troubleshooting along the way that I think some people may have struggled with cuz I know I did and I I think I've got it figured out and hopefully I'll be able to help you get past some of the little issues that you may have encountered here so I guess with that little that little segue there uh let's jump over and actually get some of these moved over uh to our sdn and then configured to work on cloud flare tunnels so basically my the reason I want to make this video is because once you've moved a container or a VM or whatever over to um to a software defined Network at sdn uh it kind of becomes um inaccessible from the rest of your network which is good that's kind of what we're going for here but at the same time it kind of makes it useless so what we're going to do the reason for this video uh at least this first part where we're going to use cloud FL tunnels is so that we can um basically let's say we're in a position where we don't have access to manage our Network whether we live at home on campus in an apartment someplace where somebody else has control of the network um this is a good use case for that because this will give us the opportunity to set up our own little private Network and put all of our containers and VMS and that sort of thing on it but and also being able to use cloud flare tunnels to access it on a domain name now if you're not familiar with how to do that again I made a video on how to set up Cloud flare tunnels and that sort of thing and and attach that to a container or a VM or whatever here in proxmox um and then there's a there's another video I made that allows you to then restrict access to uh to to the things on your cloudflare setup via usernames or via like email addresses uh like Google accounts um um um GitHub accounts things like that again that will also be linked down there um but for the first part of this we're just going to attach Cloud flare tunnels to our containers once we get them put on the sdn so that we can kind of keep this stuff separate or or isolated from the rest of the network so that maybe again you don't have access to control the network or things like that or maybe you just don't want to take up IP addresses on your network uh this is also a great use case for that so uh yeah let's get a couple of things moved over to our sdn and then give ourselves remote access to it via Cloud flare tunnels okay so here we go we're back on my proxmox instance here and what I want to do is come over here first to glance dashboard and come over here to network we're going to click on ADD and then we're just going to give it a name we're just going to call it tunnel just cuz I I like to be original like that I'm going to set this to DHCP because this is actually going to pull an IP address from our sdn because we're going to set the bridge to Tunnel right here uh just like it is by default once you've created an sdn uh and once we've done that we can click add it's really just that simple the next thing we want to do is come over here to where we've got our original uh Net Zero or eth0 vmbr0 uh that network is what connects it to our actual uh home network and I'm going to go ahead and just click on remove then I'm going to click yes and then what I want to do is just reboot so that uh it has the chance to uh to take itself off of one network and put itself on the other so I'm going to do a reboot now like so we're going to give this just a second to reboot uh and then we should have an IP address just that quickly and easily from our sdn cool so now it's giving us the opportunity to log back in so I'm going to go ahead and do that okay and if we take a look we've got an IP address for tunnel which is 101010 24 and if we come back up to our data center up here on the top left and then come over here to ipam we can see that IP address is right there for uh for container 106 which is glance dashboard so that tells us that that part is working we've only got the one IP address which is from our sdn um but what's cool about this if you watch that previous video is I can still ping uh with no issues so that tells us that we do have um internet access with this device so I'm going to go ahead and stop that ping and then what I'm going to do I'm going to clear my my screen here now this is where things at least for me got a little weird a little tricky um because if I did like um Docker PS no nothing happens uh it just it seems to lock up right there I don't know why uh maybe one of you guys in the uh in the comment section down below can tell me why it might do this I genuinely don't have any idea but I'm going to go ahead and cancel that and I'm going to do an apt update cool and then I'm going to do apt install Docker Das compose Das plugin like so and it's like hey uh you need to install some stuff you good with that I'm going to say yes I am just like so and it for me anyway it gets stuck at like 90% for a couple of minutes uh so maybe go go grab yourself a drink maybe go take a break whatever just give this a second and then once it's done we can come back and move on to to the next steps a few moments later okay so here we are a few minutes later and it finally finished we can see that everything has done what we asked it to do so now our next step here I'm going to clear my screen I'm going to do Docker PS again and hey look now everything is working um so let's do an IPA again just to make sure so we're still on 101010 24 right there so that means that we are good to go at this point now because we've moved it over to our sdn we can't access it on our local network so what we're going to do is actually add a cloud flare tunnel to this so that we can access it remotely so what I'm going to do is come over here to Cloud flare tunnels I'm going to um again if if you want to do this part you will need to know how to set up a tunnel and that sort of thing uh I talked about that in another video so definitely go check out that video basically it's from the point at which you go through the process of buying a domain name to pointing your DNS to Cloud flare actually creating the cloud flare account then pointing your DNS then creating like the video goes through the entire setup process if you're not familiar with how to do this so right here I'm in the spot where I'm going to create a tunnel so I'm going to go ahead and do that I'm going to use the cloud flared version of this if you want to add more security of course you can use the warp but we're not going to do that for this I'm going to click next I'm going to give this a name I'm going to call this sdn oops sdn T and then I'm going to click save and at this point there are several different ways you can go about installing your your cloudflare tunnel agent um some people like to do it in Docker some people like to use the Debian installation it just depends on what operating system you're using and what your preferred method of installing this is for the sake of Simplicity uh I'm going to just use the Debian option here and I'm going to copy this and then I'm going to come back over to here and I'm going to rightclick and click paste and hit enter sorry they're dumping trash at the facility behind me here um so now our agent has been installed and if I come back over here right there is our connector ID our status is connected uh and our version is current so what I'm going to do is Click next and then uh this was for glance so I'm going to call this a glance sdn Tut uh for my domain name uh my type will be HTTP because this particular application does not have a built-in SSL so that's what we're going to do here is just use http and again our IP address is going to be 101010 24 or whatever you set your sdn to use for your subnet I'm going to click copy and I'm going to come back over here I'm going to paste this in for the URL just like that and then the other thing I need to do uh just to make sure uh is the IP or the sorry the port for glance glance app is right up here at the top and the ports that we're using uh on the outside is Port 80 now that said we don't necessarily need to put Port 80 on here but for the sake of consistency I'm going to I'm going to go ahead and click that like so I'm going to click save it's this one right here is the one we're going to use so I'm going to come into edit go to post name I hate how many clicks it is just to make my life a little easier and just like that now we've got access to a Docker container on an sdn in proxmox okay so there is a quick demonstration on how you can move a proxmox container over to an sdn a proxmox sdn software to find that work and still be able to access it remotely by using Cloud flare tunnels um you may occasionally run into a little glitch here and there that you may have to troubleshoot but again that is the general gist on how to do that so I think with that said let's take a look at another option on how you might use an sdn if we come back over here to my proxmox instant instance here you can see that I've got an auntu sdn over here this is a virtual machine instead of a container so if I open this up and go to console get logged in so what we're going to do is we're going to open our Firefox browser and we're going to put in the IP address of our glance dashboard again this is 106 is our container ID and if we come up to our data center 106 is 101010 24 so we're going to come back to auntu um we're going to type in uh 10.10.10 24 and right there is our uh our glance dashboard that we put on that sdn earlier and this is a really cool kind of way to hide your home lab uh within itself effectively uh none of the containers or VMS or anything that you put on an sdn and then of course have to remove that original uh Network that we removed earlier as long as it's only on the sdn you'll never see it on your home network and of course then you can access it like I did here um by by installing say a desktop operating system like a Buu you could do windows if you wanted and then just make sure to also put that on the sdn and then you've got kind of your own little hidden uh home lab with all of your different containers and applications and all that kind of stuff again just running in um running on the sdn so you're not taking up IP addresses or other network resources from your home's router so there's just one other thing that I wanted to bring up because I ran into an issue with it as I was doing this um there's a good chance that if you use auntu that Firefox by default for security reasons will automatically try to forward uh all your uh your browser requests over to https which isn't super ideal for for containers that don't have a built-in SSL so what you're going to want to do uh is actually follow the instructions on uh this bug that was opened four years ago uh and if you scroll down uh basically there are three settings here there may be more but these three settings worked for me uh by browser URL uh bar autofill strict transparency security protocol or preload list and then fall back to https basically you want to set all of those to fals what we're going to do is open a new tab we'll do about config hit enter say yes I accept the risk we're just going to copy one of those paste that in there and just make sure that you set it to false you may run into other flags you have to set as false at least for the sake of what we're doing here um but again this is all going to be happening locally so it shouldn't be too much of a big deal okay so one last thing I promise the last thing here is that even though our sdn has a subnet of 10.10.10 do whatever uh as its primary Network to access all of the different containers and VMS on that Network something I found and you probably already knew this cuz most of my viewers are smarter than me is this if we come over to our browser and we put in a local IP address for something else on our actual main network uh we can access it just fine and I think that's kind of cool so just don't worry about not being able to access other parts of your network by putting containers and VMS on this sdn uh you may need to do some tweaking if you don't want this as an option but just know that this is something that you can do while you're on the sdn you can actually go a layer up and start hitting all of your local IP addresses from your main Network so I hope this video gives you guys an idea or some ideas of other things that you can do with your proxmox setup and more specifically of course with an sdn again a softwar defined Network inside proxmox these were just a couple of ideas that I came up with um you know just kind of removing some of the traffic necessity and and processing from your home router and just accessing things uh from a domain name um and but then also maybe just having your whole your whole home lab being virtual inside of pro Mox and having even a remote desktop kind of situation to access all of your other containers there in so hopefully again you found this helpful informational um maybe gave you some ideas if you've got other ideas I'd love to hear about those in the comment section down below but I think with all that said I'm going to go ahead and wrap this up I do want to thank you guys for spending a few minutes of your day with me today and I'll talk to you in the next video
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 7,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DB Tech, DBTech, Proxmox SDN tutorial, hiding a homelab, Proxmox software-defined network, Cloudflare tunnels in Proxmox, Proxmox VM network isolation, remote access Proxmox SDN, Cloudflare tunnel setup guide, secure Proxmox home lab, Proxmox network configuration, Proxmox Cloudflare integration, Proxmox SDN use cases, Proxmox homelab security, Proxmox SDN tutorial video, Proxmox homelab isolation, Proxmox advanced networking, setting up Cloudflare with Proxmox
Id: FBdohiwNtlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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