Never buy puff pastry again: The easiest puff pastry recipe ever (ready in one hour)

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wow today is a day that i think would never ever  come because i've got something to tell you and i   think i was waiting for the day am i ever gonna  say that you know you know what i'm gonna say   i have finally found a version of a puff  pastry that is easy to make that use only   three ingredients and that can be ready to go  in one hour unbelievable i'm sure you don't   believe me right it actually works and this  is exactly what we're gonna see in this video so i'm sure you must be thinking what on earth  is that puff pastry what is the catch is there   a catch well there is some sort of catch  let's be realistic puff pastry in one hour   very easy to make you're not gonna get obviously  the same as what you see in the baking world and   so when we talk about the puff pastry the classic  one in the baking world to make king cakes   vanilla slice that sort of things you got  all these thousands of leaves it raised   really really high this is the type of perfect  it is used predominantly in the baking world for   sweet things what we're going to do here is to  use the puff pastry to use in the savory world   and that is in the charcuterie world the  small goods the guys that are making pates   therein ptv pictures on the screen these are the  sort of things you're going to be able to make   with that puff pastry so what's the difference  super easy to make not complex at all but it does   not puff as much as the baking world one okay so  you're not going to have these kind of fires and   leaves it's going to be just a little puff or just  a few layers but just enough to warrant its name   as puff pastry and i've tried it it does not taste  at all like a short crust because i'm sure you   must be oh that must be some kind of shortcuts no  no no it is actually the texture of a puff pastry   tastes great and it is super versatile so now  let's see how to make it and here we are so i did   told you this is easy to make ingredient wise it's  crazy how simple that is 75 milliliters of water   250 grams of all-purpose flour  200 grams of plain unsalted butter   and a pinch of salt i'll put all the equivalent in  the video description for the cookware you can use   any kind of large bowl and we're  going to need a rolling pin   a bit of extra flour to put on the bench  top and that's it to make the puff pastry   is going to be extremely simple we're going  to use a large bowl okay i'm going to take all   the flour and i'm going to pass it for a sieve  it is a good practice to do okay so everything   okay the flour is in there i'm gonna add my  pinch of salt and dried product and make sure   you wash your hands because we're gonna  be working by hands now the butter   has to be cold and it has to be cut in small cubes  or what we're going to do here is to sprinkle   the cubes of butter over the flour  so until here as you can see nothing   complicated i'm gonna be using my clean hands and  all what i'm gonna do here is to actually take   pieces of butter and just incorporate it with  flour a little bit and you're gonna see why after   and i'll show you my results so you take  a piece of butter like this a bit of flour   and you do something like this you see  so it kind of incorporate with the flour   but not totally we're not going to be sending  anything okay all right i am done and it is   extremely important that you see this this  is my result you see i've got like flakes and   little balls of butter in my flour and it is not  sanded there's plenty of residual butter in here   and this is what is gonna replace that big sheet  of butter that you usually use for the puff pastry   so you don't want to go any further than this when  you're there you're gonna start to add some water   and same thing here using your hands we're  gonna start to form basically the bowl of dough   okay so as you can see it starts together  like this i'm going to take more water up everything in there and i'm going to continue  depending on the flour you use you may need a   little bit of more water but i'll see how i go  here i haven't added any water when i'm working   my dough bit by bit like this with the butter it  starts to absorb everything and i've actually have   my bowl of dough and this is done we're going  to form a bowl and i'm going to put this on   my bench so i've taken my dough out of the  bowl i've added a little bit of flour on here   and as you can see all what i've done i've  flattened my my bowl here put it in a rectangle   like this and if you want thinner you can it  doesn't matter because this is the shape we're   going to need afterwards i'm going to turn it  around there's a little bit of flour on my bench   to make sure it doesn't stick nice and rectangular  i'm going to take a clean wrap like a film and   all what we're going to do here is the resting  time so that only need to rest for 30 minutes   in the fridge so i'm going to wrap this up  and 30 minutes in the fridge and there we   are so it's been 30 minutes if you want you can  leave it longer the only thing we're after is   that the dough is a bit firm so we have time to  work with it because there's a lot of kind of   folding to do or what you're going to need rolling  pin i've got my dough a little bit of flour   and i'm using here tape measure you'll see why in  a sec of course you're going to need some space   and this is like a stone bench it's better because  it's going to keep keep the cold so this is gonna   be my working area so what you do you always put  some flowers the tiniest amounts but we're gonna   repeat that process you want to have some flour  on your bench to make sure it doesn't stick when   you're gonna be rolling so why exactly do i have  this thing here a tape measure because there is a   guideline a reference when it comes to the length  and the width of the the dough because we're going   to have to fold it so it has to be maximum 15  centimeters wide which is here about 6 inches   and on a length of about 45 centimeters which is  about 17 inches and three quarter kind of thing   okay so you need to keep this in mind you can have  a tape measure to make sure so all what you're   going to do here you start with a rectangle and  we're going to want to keep that rectangle shape   and it's going to be a long stretch like  this so we're going to take our rolling pin   and we're going to start to  work the dough in one way only   so you see we're just going to be expanding how  do i like this very slowly don't need to go fast turn it around you can use if you  want one of this brush pastry brush   and all what we're going to do here is  to basically roll that until we reach   that length so you see now it's much larger  so just to show you now i've got what 33   centimeters 13 inches already and this is now  already here at 15 centimeters or six inches   so this is how white has to be maximum you  don't want to go any further than that and   i'm gonna just keep on rolling i'm gonna turn it  around a bit of flour and i'm gonna roll again   to extend this to the 45 centimeter that's all it  is okay so this is what it looks like when you've   got about 15 centimeters wide by 45 long you got  a very very long rectangle i'm gonna use here a   brush to remove the excess of flour and i want to  bring your attention here to this kind of patterns   you see on the dough it's like it's marbled  and this is the butter these flakes of butter   these balls of butter that starts to spread  throughout the dough and this is how it works   this is how the secret of that technique  is you have the butter already in the dough   and now all what you need to do basically is the  famous turning the turning is quite simple you   need to fold your dough so i'm going to take  i'm standing in front of my dough so i'm here   that way i'm gonna pull this toward me about  one third of the salt i'm using a brush okay about one third something like this and  then you're gonna take the other bit and you're   gonna fold it over and you need to make sure  it kind of just make a little parcel like that and you flatten it okay so you see the process you  first take the bit here fold it there and then the   one is towards you you flap it over once you're  here basically you just take the dough take a bit   of flour and you turn it so it was like this you  turn it like this one quarter of a turn and what   we're going to do here is exactly the same as  we did before i'm going to take my rolling pin   i'm going to flatten this and i'm gently gonna  start my rolling again if it gets too white   what i'm doing is this i'm using my hand like this  and i spray it back in line but for the beginning   slowly but surely you're gonna keep on   rolling okay and if it sticks very  important a little bit of flour always and you continue so i'm gonna go on and  make my my length again so 45 by 15.   okay so here i am same thing again i've got the  length 15 by 45 and what i'm gonna do exactly   the same thing as i did before i'm gonna take  that piece here i'm gonna put it towards me okay   make sure it's nice and rectangular and i'm gonna  check if that just goes over like this i think   it's not exactly so i'm gonna put a little bit  more take this and again i've got my parcel and   i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna turn it one  quarter of the way so i'm rotating it clockwise   and then from here i'm gonna do again another  way now the amount of turn you do usually after   the third one you're done you don't have to go any  further but if you want you can take it to extreme   and just keep on going to have more layers but  it's not really necessary once again i'm done and   this is basically the last turn that i've got here  so i'm just going to brush off the excess of flour and one final time i'm going to do exactly the  same as before i'm going to pull that bit here   remove the excess of flour measure to make sure  it's going to go nicely on here and that's it   my puff pastry is now ready we can reserve it in  the fridge for about 15 minutes just to let it   firm a little bit and we are ready this is how  straightforward that pastry is it's just plain   amazing if you want you can even use it straight  away so when you use it what you're going to be   doing basically you're going to roll it not  in a rectangle with whatever shape you want   okay it's just like a normal dough and that's  it you're done would you look at this we are   done i am not believing this but this is a puff  pastry that you can use to make all kinds of tarts   towards quiche-like things sausage rolls there's  so many recipes you're going to be able to do with   that particular one it's easy to make less than  an hour you can keep it in the fridge until the   next day you can freeze it if you want it is super  versatile the key point to remember the size 15   by 45 make sure there's enough flour on your bench  and on your dough brush the excess with the little   paint brush here and always fold and turn the same  way when you turn if you start clockwise you keep   on going clockwise clockwise if you go the other  way you keep on going the other way you don't   do like clockwise anticlockwise otherwise that's  going to stuff up that kind of layering last word   this is not the same as the baking puff pastry  you're going to have a slight puff not an   amazing amount of layers but it is still a puff  pastry it is not a short crust and i'm waiting   for your pictures of what you're going to  be trying with this because this is for me   a revelation i've been waiting for this for ages  now i'm not going to show you anything right now   with that particular puff pastry because next  week we're going to make a delicious tuart and   which is called jean bonfromage homage with a  cheesy bechamel cheese all encased in two discs   of puff pastry it's gonna be luscious creamy  delicious it's gonna be like wow but i'll see   you all next week for that recipe and until then  have fun with the tube of pastry take care all you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 344,442
Rating: 4.9138865 out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, french cooking academy, easy, incredible, one hour, fast, puff pastry, easiest, pastry dough, one puff pastry, fast puff pastry recipe, easy puff pastry recipes savoury, easiest puff pastry, ready in one hour, baking, charcuterie, never buy puff pastry again
Id: CqJA8KbmqB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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